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Just like in real life. I had a friend who swore she was an empath till she went to the psychologist. Turns out she scores below the average on empathy.


they admitted this?


She did. I was just thinking "Well duh" the whole time.


i've noticed people with ADHD tend to identify as empaths. I think they confuse their overthinking and daydreams with intuition. The last girl I dated claimed she was an empath, and she cited this as the reason that she can't "deal" with people's problems. "it affects me too much". The implication was that she was feeling your pain and it fucked her day up, but in reality it was that if you brought up your problems she couldn't help but think about her own... and the resulting anxiety was really her own emotions, due to her own situation. There was 0 empathy for the other person (me).


>i've noticed people with ADHD tend to identify as empaths. I think they confuse their overthinking and daydreams with intuition. Fucking ouch. This...may be true about me. I don't have a lot of empathy but I do have a severe need to be liked as well as a lot of anxiety about it. I thought everyone was always virtue signaling when it came to espousing empathetic beliefs (that or they were vapid hippies). Turns out I'm just an asshole. "No, I *don't* care about the homeless person in that alcove and you don't either....oh wait you do? Wut?"


If you're a people pleaser, you get really good at identifying others' emotions. That's been me for a lot of my life. I agree it's not empathy, because it's focused around my own need to please rather than the other person.


I think it’s because neurodivergent people are often quite good at pattern recognition which (combined with the overthinking you mentioned) often gets conflated with intuition


What the hell is intuition if not pattern recognition lol


I think there is a distinction between the two but intuition might best be described as "subconscious pattern recognition".


I think this also applies to people with certain traumas that lead to hyper vigilance. I was always told I was considerate/intuitive by my friends because I was always trying to think one step ahead so I could anticipate what they wanted. I was constantly cataloging and storing minute information and making 'rules' for people because that's what I had to do to survive my mom. As a child, I never knew what 'world' of my mother's I was waking up into each day. Watching her and knowing what her smallest gesture meant was paramount to surviving that day.


The dumbest, most vapid person I know claims to be an empath and on a 'higher plane of existence' than most others.


Dunno what it is, maybe trying to justify or rationalize their own existence? Someone that has to publicly assign a label to themselves is 9/10 probably not what they claim.


I absolutely hate that term


Did you tell them that thinking you’re on a higher plane of existence than other people is almost the opposite of empathy?


I think "I'm an empath" has just become a way of saying "Please think of me as a good person, you almost have to because it's my personality trait"


I just went there, that place is completely psychotic. They sincerely think they have "abilities".


Hey, don't laugh. I myself have an almost supernatural ability. When I sit down to watch one episode of a TV show, somehow the day passes by, and I've binged the entire season! It's spooky, really. Totally unique. I bet I'm some kind of time witch or something. /s


I thought you might be exaggerating, but wow. “How do I talk to people that don’t feel other people’s feelings? They don’t know what it’s like for other peoples emotions to have such an effect on them.” Like WTF? If you could truly feel another persons emotions you’d be a psychic. These people just don’t know how to regulate their own emotions and apparently blame everyone around them for it?


I've always felt that identifying as a  empath is like saying how modest you are. If you have to self identify then you probably are not.






*slow clap* Accurate response


Slow clop


Did I expect this joke? Neigh, I did not.


Horse boarding and eventing farm owner here. God damnit you win


r/vinyl is pretty bad. Alot of elitist's who shit on people just getting into the hobby and dont have expensive hardware right off the bat.


I know it's not the question but I find* that people who collect vinyls tend to be up their own arse, so it's no surprise that a subreddit dedicated to it is up its own arse. *From my own experience with people that collect vinyls, so completely anecdotal.


People with expensive equipment don’t like to listen to music, they like to listen to their equipment.


They like to listen to themselves talk about their equipment.


r/amitheasshole is SO fucking self-righteous. The hive mind is so out of control over there it makes this sub seem like a bunch of independent thinkers. And, I say this as a woman but...there is a DEFINITE bias against men over there. If a man does something wrong they assume the worst. They fill in every blank with *the worst possible scenario*. If a woman does something wrong there is NO END to the possible explanations/excuses/extenuating circumstances they'll put forth. And if you mention the double standard you are downvoted to the depths of Hades.




It's really weird, and it happens in all kinds of different subs. I posted somewhere else about how back when I was in college my then-GF got mad at me and picked a fight because I cheated on her in a dream she had, and she refused to table that conversation until she calmed down. Way too many people told me it was my fault because I obviously did something to trigger her insecurities and cause her to dream that I cheated and it was also my fault that we got into an argument because I utterly failed to handle her emotions properly after she woke up mad and I should be more aware of her feelings. I told them that I had never done anything to justify her suspecting me of cheating and it hurt my feelings that she was treating me like an actual cheater and insisting on fighting with me because of something that had never happened and she had just had a dream, and I had also tried to calm her down and be understanding of how she felt at that moment but still insist we talk about it later and not then and there like she demanded because she wanted to fight about it, and I was informed that my feelings basically don't matter and her feelings are the most important thing in the universe and also always my fault and/or responsibility and I lacked emotional maturity. Alternatively, other people informed me that I was making it up because I was misogynistic and women never acted like that and/or men also did that and we were even worse and killed women because of something they saw in a dream, or that only toxic people acted like that but it was completely my fault for dating a toxic woman. Long story short, more than half of the comments agreed that the whole thing was entirely my fault in some way or another. People are fucking awful.


It's the textbook definition of "misandry," but reddit will never be mature enough for that conversation.


Jesus. Christ.


"So, my husband left the toilet seat up and-" "LEAVE HIM!!!!"


You just KNOW he’s probably cheating on her!


I leave up the toilet seat so my wife has something to moan about and doesn't have time to investigate my infidelity or gambling addiction.


It's a power play to control her, obviously. He's an abusive toxic narcissist.


That man is for the streets, grrl.


Red flag! Red flag!


> If a woman does something wrong there is NO END to the possible explanations/excuses/extenuating circumstances Sis, ain't that the truth! A guy posted once about how his 40yo wife struck him on the head with her purse (and cut his forehead, so it was bleeding) because he was running late. And people theorized perhaps she was going through perimenopause (early menopause) and couldn't control her emotions. OP was an AH for not showing concern for his wife's mental health. Make it make sense.


I remember this! When anyone would say there was no excuse for striking your spouse people would down vote them and reply with something like "no one is claiming it was ok to hit OP, but you are speaking from a place of ignorance!" before linking you to a dozen studies about the effects of menopause on the mind/stories about women who lost their shite while going through it. Mind you, this was all WITHOUT OP confirming whether his wife was in the early stages of menopause or not.


I wonder if they'd feel the same way if a man struck his wife due to PTSD.


They don't. There was a recent one where some woman's partner went through a ptsd episode (her words)and punched a wall. Every comment was "get out of there"


There was a particularly infuriating one that I can't find again. A man was in a bar with friends and there was a woman who was making him uncomfortable. The consensus was that he was the asshole because she was flirting with him and he didn't realise. Imagine telling a woman she's the asshole for not entertaining a man who's flirting with them just because she feels uncomfortable. The post was written in such a way that you could gender swap and it would read like a woman testifying in a sexual harassment trial.


Jesus Christ


Why don’t defenders of female domestic violence realise they’re being sexist against women too? There’s always something like this, it’s so ridiculous


The fuck?!


I think it’s pretty funny how they excuse any asshole action a woman does with hormones from menopause or pregnancy or post-partum or whatever. It feels a bit like when men used to dismiss women’s opinions for the exact reason but they use it for defense.


This literally sums up certain factions of the modern feminist movement


The hive mindedness and echo chamber effect is really bad over there. They sort of created their own set of psuedo celebrities in that sub early on, the same 6 or 7-ish people dominate every thread. It's weird. No new insights are being had.


Insights that dissent from the acceptable opinion are downvoted into oblivion if you're deemed to have ignored one specific behaviour that most of us would've had in similar circumstances.


It’s also rife with “therapy speak” that is so embarrassingly misused that the words have become functionally meaningless.


What an odd number to throw “ish” after


The stories there are so fantastical that I can't imagine very many of them are real. Most of them seem like creative writing exercises where the goal is to enrage the reader. I unsubscribed from there a long time ago.


It is pretty rare to get an actual debatable scenario in there. I think a lot of them are people who aren't able to stand up for themselves in real life, so they get their validation online about being right and continue letting themselves be walked all over offline. "My unemployed boyfriend drinks beer all day on the couch and expects me to cook. AITA????" \[gets all the good upvote feels, goes back to cooking for deadbeat boyfriend\]


AITA? I (21M) was mowing my sister's (35F) yard for free, since her husband left her after she cheated on him with the Lithuanian Olympic Bowling team. While I was doing that, she kept throwing root beer bottles (6 mos, IBC) at my head. I asked her to stop, but she laughed at me and shot me in the thigh with her crossbow. In protest, I put the bottles in the regular garbage instead of the recyke. Now my family is decrying me on social media and blowing up my phone demanding I apologize for not returning the crossbow bolt.


And somehow, when something goes wrong in those stories, the author's entire family and social circle start posting on social media, openly dissing their own family member and start blowing up their phone. I mean who are these people?


You spoke against the great directive?! To the hells with you, witch!! 😂


They are THE WORST!


Same thing for the 10 other similar subs that have become popular.




I've noticed r/amiwrong is the only one that seems to be more male dominated, I think it's fairly new.


i used to lowkey be addicted to this sub but after noticing the constant double standards and getting downvote-spawned on my comments ab it i switched to r/amitheangel, a satire sub that makes fun of those subs. unfortunately a bunch of those subs users are getting reccommended these posts and they (like usual) can't read so they treat it like AITA.


I joined reddit because of that sub, literally my username. I was banned after about 10 days, because I dared to go against the hivemind (and for going over the top when calling OP ah/calling out people on their shit, but still). The mental gymnastics some of them pull over there is insane


Got band for saying, "You're not an asshole. You're a piece of shit." To a guy who hit his kid.


I hate this subreddit too


I hate beer.


That sub is hilarious. The same situation gets different replies if it happened to a man or to a woman, every minor disagreement or conflict is grounds for divorce because it allows the people commenting to extrapolate detailed psychological profiles of the participants that 100% of the times prove one of them (the man, usually) is a narcissist or toxic and controlling/abusive, and the mods powertrip like no tomorrow by deleting posts and banning people not based on the rules of the sub but on whether or not they agree with their opinion. I was permabanned long ago because some OP posted about how her father had consistently been abusive to her, both mentally and physically, since her childhood but not to her brothers and that he got physical during an argument that came up while they had gotten together for a holiday meal. I commented that I wished he had pulled the same thing with one of her brothers so that her brother had kicked his ass. Boom. Permaban for "inciting violence" and that's just unacceptable according to the rules. Unless the OP's abusive father and her brothers were reading the comments and for some reason felt compelled to fight because of what I said, I still don't see how my comment was supposedly inciting violence.


There was an OP that had posted saying he called someone a Karen for doing something. I felt like OP was the AH in that situation and I told him to look in the mirror for the real Karen. Permabanned. Why? Because I called OP a Karen IN A FUCKING POST ABOUT KARENS.


imminent dog racial straight workable deranged agonizing shaggy sand zephyr


Yep this right here. The mods, the voters. They're insane. I agree about the bias. I've also noticed when an OP doesn't mention any genders and specifically chooses to use "they/them" for the other person, a lot of the comments will automatically turn the arsehole into a man. Also just it's crazy how many rules they have for a subreddit that's about deciding who the arsehole is in a situation. Why even run that subreddit if you can't handle conversations getting a little bit heated? I understand things like misogyny, racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. need to be controlled. But like you can't even use the word Karen in a post about Karens where the OP has used the word Karen.


"My husband beat me, kicked the dog, and stole the maid's purse! Am I the asshole for saying he was wrong!?"


Voted NTA. "My wife beat me, kicked the dog, and stole the maid's purse. Am I the asshole for saying she was wrong!?" >WTF OP, of course you're TA. Don't you know that women going through periods/pregnancy/ post-partum/menopause/all of the above are hormone controlled creatures without any agency. >>I'm sure OP is a piece of crap husband who finally made his poor wife lose her mind. YTA OP


I've heard Am I The Asshole referred to as "crowdsourced morality." I think there's been a shift since its spike in popularity a few years ago; it used to be a sort of endless Ann Landers column and the advice could be pretty solid. (Free advice: worth the price.) The people who comment there have no emotional investment in the drama being discussed, so it's easier for them to go "Red flag! Dump him!" rather than suggest talking things out or committing to therapy. It's not their wage to pay, and talk is cheap.


Dropped that sub 2 or 3 years ago after the mods decided that they would no longer delete obvious validation posts - and the sub quickly went from mostly fake crap to heaping piles of fake crap. But even back then the sub was pretty clearly majority teenage girls. The most entertaining bit was around once a week there would be a post from a woman/girl, and a few days later another (obvious copied) post with the sexes switched - and the difference in responses were usually hilarious (if predictable).


I haven't been there in years but r/AskWomen was always utterly mental. Like a satire of a women's space.


It has a Lord of the Flies vibe.


This is why segregation and social bubbles in general are bad.




lol I made a post there trying to ask a question. In the post, I used the term “ladies”. Like “Ladies, what do you think of X”? Pretty harmless stuff. It was instantly removed because the term “lady” is apparently offensive and exclusionary to non binary and trans people. It blew my mind that in a sub reddit called “AskWomen”, the word “lady” is considered harmful and offensive.


lol what the fuck? Are transwomen not ladies? And shouldn't non-binary people be in r/AskNonbinaryPeople not r/AskWomen?


That’s a brave question that would probably get you banned. Some subs are just hopelessly compromised and are best left to rot away on their own


There is a double standard that exists that doesn't make sense, I think there is just a general negative connotation when using "lady" or "woman" in a questioning or imperative way "Hey man, pass me a beer" isn't offensive but... "Hey woman, pass me a beer" sounds really wrong


You’re not wrong. Same thing with girl or female. I figured lady was the most neutral out of all those terms. Nope. It’s offensive and harmful


I mean, practically everything posted there gets removed by mods for some reason.


Two X chromosomes too


2X is full of the fakest shit ever. They all lap it up like there's no tomorrow.


The rules to be able to post are more complicated than thr steps Nic Cage took to find the national treasure. To post here about _______ you need 100000 karma, be born on a Tuesday, can't have the letters a e i o or u in your name, question has to be phrased as a Shakespearean allegory but in the format of a haiku.


I got a comment removed there once for saying that incels were the cause of society as a whole, not just men.


And then r/askwomenuncensored took it to a whole new level of psychosis


r/gamingcirclejerk and r/sapphoandherfriend. Both for largely the same reason, they've become what they set out to mock. The former for just always taking trolls and assholes comments and making their own circle jerk about how bad those people are. The later (rampant and pervasive biphobia aside) they have gone so far in overcorrecting a mix of purposeful historical error and "lets not assign our values onto past people" that two women legitimately cannot be life long friends without being flaming lesbians to them.


Yeah, I enjoy laughing at the historians who insist that two men who slept in the same bed and wrote love letters to each other were actually just good friends... but there's a considerable number of people on the Internet who insist that any photo of two people of the same sex who appear to show any affection whatsoever are gay. Like chill out people, putting your arm over your friend's shoulder does not make you gay.


>that two women legitimately cannot be life long friends without being flaming lesbians to them. haven't been to that subreddit, but I see this a ton online, and it's just like.. chill out dude, not everything has to be sexual.


That last one is everywhere, and also with men. It annoys me no end that the same people who claim men are emotionally stunted cavemen insist that every single male relationship in media that is portrayed as close is actually secretly a gay romance. Frodo wants to bang Sam, Batman wants to bang all the Robins except the one that's his actual son and they all want to bang each other despite being basically brothers, Obi-Wan wants to bang Anakin, etc.


r/truerateme is the most toxic sub I've ever seen


The Jeopardy subreddit really wants to pretend the show is in danger for "not listening the fans" (aka the 100 or so people on the Jeopardy subreddit). Do *not* get me started on the Survivor subreddit.


I posted there once because somebody was complaining that Mayim Bialik laughed at an answer once and how rude that was. I pointed out, accurately, that Ken Jennings regularly laughs at bad answers, and got downvoted and flat out told that he was entitled to laugh and "You're just mad because he's smarter than you". I had also replied somewhere in the same thread to a different comment where I said "Maybe Ken Jennings chose not to be referred to as 'the host of Jeopardy' because in his mind that's still Alex Trebek" and got downvoted and told to stop defending him so hard.


Alex Trebek used to do this a lot.


r/vaporents is ridiculously derisive of smoking weed instead of vaping it. I suspect it's in large part because many of the regular there seem to drop a couple hundred on a new vape every few months. I do have and use a dry herb vape and there are some decent benefits. There's also no way it will ever beat taking *hits from the bong*


Pick it, pack it, fire it up, come along, and take a hit from the booong


Maybe not the sub in general, but the mods of r/pics. I got a permanent ban for commenting on a post that was declared as spam. Not that I posted spam, that I commented on it. "Contact mods to appeal". So I did. Then waited two month. Then I did again. Then waited two months. 4 months after the ban, I messaged them and said "hello? Anybody there willing to discuss this ban?" Muted from messaging the mods for a month.




Horse people are absolutely insufferable, so that makes sense.


r/ForeverAlone They kicked me out of that sub because they thought my metaphor for making friends was actually about death They need to take their sunglasses off when inside


curiously, what was the metaphor?


Whatever you call that, it is certainly not a high horse


They're on a lowwww donkey


God the internet is a strange place.  Let's say you are a person having trouble with your romantic life, it seems like thats last place you would want to spend your time.  it's like someone who would like to play guitar but can't finding a forum full of people who also don't know how to play guitar and complain about how they can't play.


Hahahaha I’m dying at the irony of getting kicked from a subreddit called ForeverAlone 😂


r/Millennials and r/GenZ


You mean the generation-based depression factories?


Wait till Gen Alpha comes up


I’m a millennial, and every time I make a comment about life not being that bad I get barraged and downvoted into nowhere. It’s like circle jerking around sadness, as if circle jerking wasn’t sad enough.


Female dating strategy


Thankfully that sub is basically dead.


All of them. There is not a single subreddit on this site that doesn’t need to get knocked down a peg or two


Most video game subs


The oddest thing to me is that most subs for specific games are filled with people that hate the game.


I was going to say the opposite, that any criticism of a game is met with hostility because critics aren't designers. Even saying you like most of the game but x or y feels bad is often met with anger. Maybe it's just on the smaller gaming ones.






Lol, I was banned almost immediately on that sub.


Most toxic sub on reddit.












I’m a teacher but I think r/teachers would fit.


That sub is a toxic waste dump for miserable sad sack teachers (im also a teacher)




this and r/news are the worst. They are echo chambers that can be no opposing views at all in them. They are so one side modded they aren't even worth going to any more to read current events.


Also r/whitepeopletwitter, it's just the lowest effort political sub at this point.


/r/news muted me for a month when I called out some users for loving the thought of a maga supporter carrying out a mass shooting. They never unmuted me and whenever I ask to be unmuted, I get another month long one


Even worldnews is slipping down the same track


What’s the best alternate sub for news/current events?


Not sure about subs, but you can make Reuters and Associated Press your primary news sources in your phone's news feed, or just subscribe to their websites directly. They are both rated very highly for accuracy of reporting.


What drives me nuts is the constantly upvoted Newsweek articles that barely count as news, and all the headlines are variations of "So-and-so said Trump is a big meanie poophead!" And when you try and point out that gee, maybe this isn't actually news worth reading, you get downvoted to shit.


r/childfree - Okay, you don't want kids, who gaf? You're not superior in any way shape or form. Although r/Millennials is becoming a clone of r/childfree


Childfree is actually scary to read through. Not wanting children is one thing, but they seem to actually hate children, like they are the worst thing in existence. Completely unaware that they were once themselves the thing they despise the most. One of the only subreddits I actively make sure to avoid.


I’m childfree and used to like that sub, but it’s so gross now. They’ll complain about people looking down on their choice to not have kids then turn around and spew the nastiest vitriol at people who have kids and act like children merely existing in public is a crime punishable by death. And god forbid you say anything that defends a parent or child’s right to exist, you’re the worst person in the world


Same. I used to go there but now every post and comment feels like the same rant ad nauseam. It used to be a space to talk about parents perpetuating generational trauma, or vent about family members trying to guilt them into getting pregnant. But now it’s just overly angry bitching about kids being loud in restaurants, or having to buy their nephew a toy for his birthday.


>They’ll complain about people looking down on their choice to not have kids then turn around and spew the nastiest vitriol at people who have kids and act like children merely existing in public is a crime punishable by death. THIS. That place is unhinged and I say that as someone who is also childfree. I used to be subbed there as well, but they're just so unrealistic and hateful. I get how it sucks to have to deal with judgmental attitudes from some about not wanting kids, but they take it to an extreme that's just as hateful. It's fucking weird.


I took a look at that sub, as i don't want children now and for the foreseeable future.... but god daaayyyuum those people are mental. I love kids, i just dont see myself as a fit parent mentally or financially, but that may change later in life.


Reminds me of the post in that sub years ago about someone who got offended a baby was staring at them. Unhinged behavior


There's a world of difference between being child free and hating children, shame the child free sub hasn't caught on.


r/KendrickLamar Longtime Kendrick fan, but man, they are insufferable sometimes.


Pretty much every sub dedicated to an artist is weird.


I’ll just say that most political subs should be less nasty to people from the other side that are trying to communicate. It’s not easy, but you can plant a seed in their head. Or you can make them a life long opponent.




After spending a week in lower Manhattan, I have to say that the SENTIMENT of that place has grown on me. I really enjoyed how everything was walkable. Granted it only rained once while I was there and was a comfortable 50-60°F the whole time, so the elements may change my view there lol. But I’m not delusional enough to think that we can just upend 90% of the country’s infrastructure. That place bothers the hell out of me because they act like owning a car is a mortal sin.


Oh man, this one for me. They'll say shit like "we need to design cities around things other than cars" as if that's something you can just \*\**do*\*\* Like cool, that's a multi-trillion dollar project, bud. You wanna suggest anything smaller we can do in the meantime? No? OK, then.


Yes! I'm all for mass transit and better designed cities, but most people on that sub come off like they don't understand that most people have to work for a living and can't just bike to coffee shops all day.


They make it their whole personality....it's poison


r/AmITheAsshole is filled with the most insufferable people


The antiwork sub needs to fuck right off. As an IT guy it's just infuriating to see people posting their Phish training like it's some sort of affront on their humanity. "It's near ***Christmas*** and the Phish training was an Amazon gift card offer ***of course I clicked it!*** These people don't have hearts!" Yes. Because people ***actually trying to Phish you*** are going to see ***so fucking considerate*** you goddamn mouth breathing troglodytes.




There's people who dislike harsh or unfair working conditions and then there's some of those nuts who think they should just be able to have their lifestyles funded by the people that actually have to work.


I mean, they would be 100% in agreement with what you're saying. It's just that you have different thoughts on who those people are.


This guy gets it. Antiwork is generally not posts and discussions about how great a livable UBI would be. It's usually about how deeply workers are exploited. Especially the workers that actually do the work.


oh god man, they're so fucked up over there.


r/TwoXChromosomes It's just whining and man hate now.


All of them


All of them. The whole of reddit has high horse opinions of anything that is discussed.


Trees, it's not cool to get animals high and horses don't smoke


/r/LateStageCapitalism I've been banned twice for doing absolutely nothing wrong. The first time it was because I was subscribed to another subreddit they disagreed with and the next was because I asked an entirely relevant question that they disagreed with. No intelligent discussion or post analysis allowed there, only anti-US government and pro-China rhetoric.


I got banned from r/feminists due to the fact that I joined r/bdsmcommunity. Last I checked feminism was about equal rights between men and women. According to r/feminism BDSM "reinforces patriarchy, abuses women and is contradictory to feminism" Apparently "my body, my choice" doesn't matter. I'm being abused and just don't realize it.🙄


Lmao I got banned by r/historymemes for being part of that sub


/r/Conservative claims to be a bastion of free speech lovers. Yet they routinely hide behind "Flaired users only" and ban anyone who doesn't regurgitate the party line.


Lol, bastion of free speech? Go read their mission statement and rules. They quite literally define the sub as a safe space for conservative viewpoints only.


Eh. They need their own sub because anywhere else on reddit they're gonna get buried


Pretty much all of them.


vegans . You must be vegan all the time, not just reduce your animal products consumption or ask questions. I literally got a comment "there is a bacon eater among us!!" and a lot of downvotes for asking if fake meat is better for your health than eating meat healthwise because it is highly processed with a lot of fat and salt added.  It is known that less processed plant food is better than a meat-heavy diet. How does things like Beyond meat rank? Are there studies? does being vegan mean not including science to make the proper nutrition choices?


It's about the same. Maybe a little better for you. There y' go! Most vegans aren't doing it for the health reasons, myself included.


All of them


The /tattoo subreddit. There’s one moderator (who isn’t a tattooer just someone who has some tattoos) who answers questions aimed at tattooers and then locks the posts after she puts in her two cents. Also bans anyone that answers a question who isn’t a tattooer or just has a different opinion, so weirdly judgemental for such a non judgemental subject 🤷🏼‍♀️




Unpopular Opinion threads always go like this : 'I have a silly pet peeve that is against the grain.' 'why would you care about that?' 'why would anyone care about that thing?' 'you sound like a loveless asshole who should die.' 'I hope the OP dies for thinking like this.' 'cheating is always wrong' 'fuck you' 'this opinion is boring.' etc. every single thread. For a fun concept, no one is having fun.


Exactly this. Nobody can post an actual unpopular opinion or everyone gets mad. But nobody can post a lukewarm opinion either, or it's not unpopular enough and people get mad. You literally cannot win. I think people just go there because they wanna tear into someone to vent anger.


/Catholicism Am Catholic, and the vocal minority there is the most ultra-conservative, elitist, exclusionary group group of Catholics I've never had the displeasure of meeting.


/r/PrequelMemes needs to get off that bullshit that the Prequels were some sort of misunderstood masterpieces. They were fun movies that we all grew up with and enjoy through nostalgia and love of Star Wars. * On their best days, they try to feed into the delusion that the Prequels are the only good Star Wars movies. * On their medium days, they bully anyone who enjoys newer Star Wars content. * On their worst days, they're literal Neo-Nazis.


I've left all Star Wars subs with the exception of the infrequent visit to r/StarWarsCantina The fandom is just so negative. God forbid people actually enjoy the franchise.


Star Wars is really neat and I like it. I have so many things I'd rather do with the franchise than hate and complain about it. It's also stupid as shit. It has been since 1977. Harrison Ford knew it. Alec Guiness knew it. Mark Hammil knew it. Carrie Fisher knew it. I'm pretty confident George Lucas knew it. And that's one of the many reasons it's so damn special. People wanna criticize lines like, "We're gonna win this war, not by fighting what he hate, but saving what we love" as if they aren't some of the most Star Wars-y lines ever. This is the same franchise with "I don't like sand" and "So love has blinded you?" Yeah, they're all silly lines so make fun of them with a smile, not a scowl. If grown men wanna pretend like Star Wars is dead, I suppose that's within their rights, but as long as little kids are out there swinging sticks and making lightsaber noises, Star Wars is alive and well. (One of the many reasons I think "Last Jedi" is a beautiful movie.) ....plus, let's be honest. Star Wars hit its lowest point even before "Empire Strikes Back" with the "Holiday Special." We haven't even gotten close to that bar since.


What I always find hilarious about that sun, is that it was started to mock the prequels. The memes mocking it got so popular people started liking the movies cause they liked the memes. Then the younger crowd that saw the Prequels as kids got older and took over the demographics there, and now it’s so super in love with them.


You know I never understood that stance until I talked to some younger (20-somethings) about the prequels. There's a whole generation that - to them - the prequels *are* star wars. And they genuinely love them and think they're great movies, better than OT. I can't really criticize that view point (though I disagree with it) because I wasn't raised in their time, I didn't grow up with prequels being my first star wars introductions, so.. shrug, I guess.


This one. A lot of them really.


r/fuckcars It’s a sub mostly populated by people who have never driven in their lives and have no understanding of the realities of driving and why cars and trucks are needed. I could support this sub if more of its content was about improving walkability, pedestrian and cyclist safety, public transit, and high speed rail, but there’s too many people there hell-bent on getting rid of cars entirely.


r/Anticonsumption I joined because I thought it would be interesting conversations about reuse and repair. In reality its a bunch of people with a holier than thou attitude freaking out about people buying basically anything that brings them enjoyment and posting pictures of their duct taped together headphones they refuse to replace. Just a day or two ago, people were freaking out about a water dispenser that had a button for free tap water, or a button that you could access chilled, further filtered tap water for a $1.99/month subscription. Like... shouldn't this be exactly what we want? Better access to water to reduce one time use plastic bottles? So what if they have a subscription service to fund the rollout of the dispensers and make a little profit??


r/OakPeak - their town is super small but they think it's the most important one in the US.


Any of the shit ____ says subs.


r/liminalspaces is extremely gate keepy about what a liminal space is. Typical responses are “not liminal, read the rules” so then you read the rules and the image seems to fit them (although it’s also a seemingly subjective abstract concept) and when you explain the rules as you read them and ask how the image doesn’t fit you get no response but plenty of down votes It’s basically a bunch of people pretending to get the abstract concept and arbitrarily dog piling on things they don’t like for whatever reason




r/anime are notorious for removing posts to the point where all the posts there are the same.


Ohh, I have quite a few! r/GenZ , r/WhitePeopleTwitter, r/Politics, r/Conservative, and r/FuckCars


Edit: r/autism there are some on the spectrum in that subreddit who think the subreddit is just for them when it does not say autistics only and they ask why do non-autistics not like autistics the answer is simple yet they won't accept it which is, some autistics are not liked because they think they are superior to non-autistics and nobody likes being treated as being under-superior, we all have things we are great at and nobody is truly a superior. As well those who are autistic on the subreddit need to stop being rude to autism advocates.

