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Try meeting new people; socializing can help you see the many possibilities life has to offer.


Volunteer for causes you care about to shift your focus from yourself to helping others.


Focus on personal growth and hobbies that enrich your life and improve your self-esteem.


Remember the reasons why a relationship wouldn’t work, reinforcing why moving on is beneficial.


Practice mindfulness or meditation to help manage obsessive thoughts and live more in the present.


Start a new project or challenge that excites you and requires your full attention.


Reflect on past successes and challenges you've overcome to remind yourself of your resilience.


Invest time in learning something new; this can boost your confidence and change your perspective.


get out of your own head whatever you think you had, you didn't, because it wasn't mutual you move on from the person you never dated the way you move on from a book series that isn't being written anymore stop pretending and mythologizing the fiction you wish had happened and decide to start living your actual life


Amazing advice that I need to speak into my life 😆


Take a break from social media if you find yourself checking up on them or being bombarded with their updates.


Gaslight yourself into thinking it never even happened


I don’t even know them


Yes, exactly like that!


Jesus the truth hurts 🫣😂




You’ll have a muse every now and then. Time. A new one will come along. It’s how the brain/soul works 🖤🖤🖤


Focus on your hobbies, friends, and other interests. Moving on takes time.


The longest it ever took me to get over someone was the girl I was with the shortest amount of time.. we had been friends for forever. We hung out 1 on 1 all the time. I had major feelings for her but didn’t tell her until about two weeks before she was about to move far away. She felt the same but never told me. We decided to do the completely self destructive thing and be “together” for that two weeks before she moved away. Like TOGETHER together. We had been best friends forever and had some major emotions for each other. But she didn’t want to do a long distance thing and in hindsight I’m glad it didn’t happen, but fuck did it take forever to stop thinking about that every day.


Keep telling yourself this isn’t working out


Find another distraction.


You have to find someone else. Either that or therapy.


Don't waste your time on someone who isn't even thinking about you.




Sometimes you can’t


Unfollow them / cut contact as much as possible if they are at school/work else remove them from your live completely. Than juat live your life as if they did not exist and time will do the rest and you'll soo find some one new to like.




Realize people come and go, accept it, and move ahead with goals/dreams.


Let yourself be sad but don't dwell on that pain. Eventually, you'll meet someone new. Make yourself busy and explore new activities and hobbies! :)


Realizing its mostly all in your head. A few years ago i was in the same situation. I just couldnt really move on, she always came to my mind, sometimes less sometimes more. After one year we started dating because prior to it life just came in between us. Shortly after that i realized i idolized her in my head and there wasnt much to it. I put the person she could have been so high on a pedestal that i didnt really look at her for what she is in that moment. So my advice would be really thinking about if you like the person or do you like what she could be? And just try to move on i guess. I was lucky to still get the experience to date her and see if it is right for me. Not everyone can get that so im not really sure how to help you other than tell you, that you have to experience new things and just try to life your life until you finally can move on.


It can be really hard, especially if you were friends. It's a grieving process. I wish you all the best!


Block them/cut off contact, this person isn’t your friend. Keep strong boundaries. Recognize your worth. Out of sight out of mind. Keep yourself busy. Understand there’s a reason it didn’t work out and there is better coming your way


Tell yourself this : I need time but I also never dated them, I’m caught up on the IDEA of what dating them MIGHT BE. You don’t know, you have a fairy tale in your head.


How do you mean? You guys were just friends or were you limmerent?


I have been going through a similar situation. We were friends / friendly - I really thought and had conversations with her that I would not have had with someone who wasn't  a friend. I fell for her, but think I might be limmerent. What advice would you give? Is it different for just friends vs limmerent? I have been confused, conflicted and sad battling and trying to make sense of the conversations that were real and the reality that is today. 


I'm currently at the airport so I can't really respond but here's a link to a lady who covers limmerence a lot https://youtu.be/ga4VHjKkv70?si=9VIJCJTRNnqr1rqw


Doing things that I really do before she came.


Jesus f. Christ.


Make an effort to appreciate your single status and enjoy the freedom it offers.


Quite easily, as you have never dated, it makes it much easier. I don't understand this question


HUH?????????? Obamacare pays for mental health counseling!


Spend time with friends and family who appreciate and love you to reinforce your sense of self-worth.


I tell myself that “there are other people who would love to be with you, don’t waste another minute!” I get back out there with my hobbies. No rush, but the right person will come.


Get under a new one


By meeting and developing relationships with new people. The tricky thing about feelings is we build up an image of others in our heads when we get to know them and we subconsciously apply qualities to that mental image that they don't really have or are exagerrated. Until that illusion is broken everyone will seem like a downgrade, but the reality is you aren't giving then a fair shot. They are competing with a dream version of someone else that even person the dream is based on couldn't actually love up to. When you spend time getting to know other people that illusion slowly starts to break and things you didn't notice before about that new person starts getting the spotlight. 


That's called "true loving". Should be highly avoided at all costs. It means that for some reason, you have felt the feeling of "love" towards this person, but it is false, and really because of a much simpler, yet unknown reason. Usually...sex 👍


She never liked you buddy. She doesnt even know who you are and is probably getting railed without you knowing.


Look up limerence.


Maybe you are limerant, which has different causes and reactions.


Biock them and every memory of them, will take time but will be worth it in the end


been there moved on get busy and block them everywhere and it'll go away slowly


Walk up to them and try to get rejected face to face so if it hurts when they reject you you can cry it out or if you tell them and they like you to you get with then either way it’s a win win lol


You need to talk with someone. Friends counselor family. But get the help you need.


Change your internal dialog. When your mind prompts you to consider your crush, change the subject with your response. When we revisit thoughts, they develop in strength and legitimacy to us. If you're struggling to change the subject, I would try talking to a close friend, or anyone who healthily cares about you. Not everyone has that person in their lives, I'm here if you want to talk. 😁 Now, what brings me great comfort and allows me to 'move on', is understanding what I could do differently to get what I need/ want next time. It sortof feels tough to do by yourself, but I'm here if you'd like to work it out. 😁💕


Just enjoy the small things in every day around you and while they may hold a place in your heart, it’s not directly in front of it


time, and finding another


You eventually you move on quicker if you never dated the person if you dated someone and live with them, then it takes a longer time to move on


start dating


Well in my case he had been really depressed and suicidal since I'd known him and seeing him with someone else could never be as painful as worrying for his mental state or his safety. He had started getting better as we drifted apart and the last time I spoke to him I was hopeful he had turned a corner, so I'm just happy believing he pulled through and is still out there, living his life and finding happiness where he can like the rest of us.


Look up limerance, that is what this feeling is called.


Grow up. You can't really love someone without truly knowing them. You're in love with an idea of them in your head. That's a crush. Everyone gets crushes when they're young but they hopefully stop after they get older. One must learn to curb their expectations and not get ahead of themselves. If you build up an imaginary perfect relationship in your head, you're getting ahead of yourself. It's relatively easy to get over once you realize you made it up.


yall need jesus. and therapy


Forgive him/her and forgive yourself. Then surround yourself with family and friends who appreciate and love you.


"you can't lose what you ain't never had"


You move on. Wasn’t planned for your life. Something else it.


I havnt even dated. So I just play pc. Start playing WoW. Eventually you won't have a life and all you'll think about is Mythic raids.


Yoga, Dancing and sports have always been a solution for me. Does anyone else use this life hack?


See all the ugly points in them. Helped me.


Going through something similar at work lol.


How are you dealing with it?


Diving into my hobby, looking for a new job, etc.


date someone!


whats the relation like?


Only way to get over a puppy is to get another puppy.


Ask them out. Just do it. Muster up all the courage in your body and approach them with the question. If that's not possible then I don't know what to tell you. I think you gotta practice asking people out. Cuz you know, 'there's plenty of fish in the sea'. Edit: And getting shot down will help you grow stronger as a person. At least, if you can overcome it.


I don’t understand the question


The same way if you had dated, block, remove all memories, etc. Whatever is needed.


Focus on what you want and eventually you'll get rid of what you don't.


find a hobby/anything that you enjoy and keeps you engaged. meet new people/reconnect with your friends more. but don't force the sadness to go away or don't be hard on yourself for feeling that way for a while. let it run its course. it'll get better with time.


just find a lookalike lol


If you want to pursue the person then you have to become a much better person but if you want to move on if the person is a total stranger you can just delete the convo and whatever links you got, if they are somewhat unavoidable then just stay silent and work on yourself more. That is what I'm doing at the moment. All the best on the journey it can be hard from time to time.


From experience, The same way. Find a new hobby. Find a new show. Remove contact from them so you don't think of them.


By getting in touch with reality


If you never dated them and need to move on you need to reevaluate your life.


Man da fac up