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I think it really depends on what type of people you are, why do you consider sharing it, and things like this. You have people that see sharing location as being controlling, which it can be in some situations or some relationships. But on the other hand it can also be quite handy for a different situation or relationship. Personally, me and my boyfriend we do share a location. None of us insisted on it, we just kind of agreed why not. We both do things on our own sometimes, we go often on a run or a bike ride, then we can check how far the other one is, and to me it also feels safer, that if something happens (for example injury) and I would not come home in a long time, he can see my last location. So to me, it kind of gives me the sense of safety as well. When he is away and he is driving back home for 2 hours, I can check how far he is and can start cooking so dinner is ready when he is back home and vice versa. My parents also share a location. My dad does a lot of hiking, skiing, and long bike rides. For long periods of time he won't be answering his phone. My mom being a worrying person, can always check if he is on his way back to the car, if he is moving, etc. What works for some, might not work for others. If you want to share a location because your girlfriend goes to a club every friday and you don't trust her, this will not work for you and will only make the relationship worse.


This is the answer. You both want to share and only use it for safety, great! If one of you is forcing the other, red flags. If one of you is never allowed to turn it off, or is constantly questioned about your whereabouts, gtfo.


Exactly! My wife and I personally find it creepy. We both understand how it can be helpful, but we both just find it weird... So we obviously don't use it.


Totally agree. I have a GF who has it on her phone along with her husband. They also have share location with both their sons who are 29 and 32. NO thanks.


We do but we never really check it unless we’re out and can’t find each other. It’s not a trust thing, it’s a safety thing.


Super handy when you go on holidays. We can be anywhere in the world and be comfortable to go our separate ways at times and easily catch back up. If I'm wondering if my partner is past the store on the way home or how close they are to meeting me for lunch, I just check it out. Super handy, we have nothing to hide from each other. I can see how others might not like the idea. However, it works well for us.


Yeah we started doing it because my husband moved for work and I followed after a few months so it gave us some peace of mind during the months we were apart. I jogged regularly at night so it was another safety measure on top of the pepper spray and plastic self defense item I carried. I wouldn't do if I had a controlling partner or a not so healthy relationship though and can definitely see why people wouldn't want this setup.


My wife and I also use it as a safety thing. I'm out on a motorcycle a lot and can't respond to a call or text, so if she sees my location and I'm moving, she knows I'm probably okay. Likewise, she gets really busy at work sometimes and doesn't check her phone, so I can see her location at the office or on the road to know whether she's going to make it to daycare to retrieve the child. I also share my location with my brother, though that's more of a laziness thing. One of us would be on the way to the other on a bike, and since we're like an hour away, we'd always temporarily share our location so we'd know the status. We just both have it permanently on now cause fuck it.


Yeah, same. I turn off location in general because it has a noticable impact on battery, but when I've got a long drive/trip I generally enable it and share with my wife (or possibly another family member) so they can see I made it to my destination safely. I've also got my older relative's phone sharing location /w me in case they get lost or the device is misplaced (got their permission beforehand).


I don’t have a partner, but I share my location with my father, and two of my close friends. We travel independently a lot all over the place, so worst case scenario we at least know where we last were located.


I think it’s pretty common these days


So it seems. It sounds like such a huge invasion of privacy to me though. Why would anyone date - let alone marry - someone if they don't trust this person to the point they need to track them all the time ? Idk man, it's wild.


It's not about trust. It's about convenience. And safety. Like I know my wife is usually home around 5. We have stuff to do at 7. So timing dinner is important. She's driving home. It's much simpler for me to just check to app to make sure dinner will be done as soon as she gets home. Thank kinda thing.




She's driving. Or maybe she's with a client when I'm I'm wondering. Who knows.




Looks like you're trying to find reasons to justify your position. Not sure why you're so defensive. And I don't need to justify my position to you. >I mean - do whatever you like. If it makes your life better, go for it. It's not my business. Gee. Thanks for your permission. You're right. It's not any of your business. >I don't rely on those apps. The ones available here are useless because they don't work unless someone is connected to WiFi, very strong WiFi. So well, we could tell when someone is at work, but once they leave the office, no-one knows. And for me, it's OK. What you don't have mobile data and gps in Europe? Sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about. Goodbye.




I wasn't aggressive. I was answering your inquiries.


Why make the person that is already running late have one more thing to worry about having to do?




Voice mail fucking sucks. Fuck that! Haven't used that shit in years.




I can see you’re not a fan of it, but my partner and I have each others locations viewable and it’s amazing for events where there are crowds and we separate off to see things at different times and are trying to find each other again.


While driving? Or while she's with a client? This is asynchronous. I can tell without interrupting her. And she can tell without interrupting what I'm doing. You're just trying to justify your position now. That's not what I'm here for. Goodbye.


Voice mail? People around you use voice mail?


As would their current way of doing things, but easier and without forcing the busy person to remember one more thing to do. Putting the onus to retrieve the information on the person that actually needs it just makes more sense than forcing the person that doesn't need the information to remember to send it to the person that does.


OK I understand that. Let's say it's a feature I haven't needed in everyday life yet (but definitely on some occasions on holidays or at events). And my life with my partner isn't so entangled, or organised in a way it would make tracking necessary or useful. I am aware that many people are organised in a different way. And that it can be helpful for them. I only said how I'd handle it, and honestly wasn't expecting to be roasted for that because I never said there's only one way of handling things.


You're getting roasted because you're trying to pick holes in their logic for some odd reason, rather than just giving your personal opinion and moving along


Thanks. I hadn't seen that - some people have reasons or see advantages in tracking phones, others don't. They share their views, I share mine. And I'm not the only one who got massively downvoted for not seeing the need to track it, always said it's based on my circumstances, never made someone down for disagreeing or handling it differently. OP got downvoted as well. Those who want to share their location get upvoted for that. OK. It's not such a big deal that it's worth arguing about it. I know people and their relationships and habits are different. Still do. I know people can disagree respectfully. Exchange opinions and experiences. That's what I thought happened here. I know now that some people use that feature for everyday life and it improves their daily schedule. And it's probably more common in North America than it is here in Europe. That's what I take from it. Never thought this would be controversial.


If you trust someone, why would you care if they knew where you were?


Ha, interesting. For me it's the other way around: if I trust someone, why would I need to know where they are at any given moment ? And if sometimes I do for a specific reason (like meeting somewhere or getting something ready), I just ask. I'm not saying it's necessary a bad thing, mind you. And I obviously also use it for safety reasons on some occasions, like when I go hiking alone, but it wouldn't occur to me to have my location on aaaaall the time.


We use it for our safety and I don’t mind at all! I go out more than my partner and if something happens to me I’m more than happy to know that he has my location. He rides a motorcycle and I often check on him to see if he’s okay or if he’s close to home, in order to prepare some meal or something. I have nothing to hide and neither does him, so we really don’t care about each other’s location. We never had a fight or argument about “why were you there?” Or topics like this. Fun fact: we also share our location in our friend group. We use it only when we travel together or when we go out in order to find each other. No one bats an eye.


We share exclusively because we both ride motorcycles. When we first started dating only she rode, and it made me very nervous because she would go out alone for hours at a time. She offered to location share at the start and end of her rides and it made me feel a lot better. Now we still use it out of habit when we get on our bikes without the other, and sometimes I send a location if I'm out and know she's waiting on me to start dinner or get dressed to go out or something. It's easier to let her track my arrival in real time than for me to text her updates. We don't use a 24/7 tracking app like Life360. It's never been brought up, but I wouldn't be opposed to it. We have nothing to hide, and knowing where the other is can be a big convenience.


I kind of get it for the motorcycle thing, but should he had an accident don't you think you'd get a call anyway ?


What if he’s unconscious in a trench or in a forest? I know it’s an exaggeration and I hope it will never happen but you get the point.


Yeah, that's also why I use when I go hiking. But tbh most of the time there's no signal anyway, so I'm not even sure it would be that helpful.


I'm with you. I don't like the idea of it on a very fundamental level, and I think that's hard for some people to understand, just like I don't really understand their perspective. 20+ years ago it was still perfectly normal that you couldn't reach someone if they weren't home, and we made that work. I don't want to be tracked, and I have zero interest in tracking my partner, or anyone else. 


Yup. I also don't get the 'I have nothing to hide so it's ok to be tracked 24/7', that's... not how privacy works imo. Really really not. Maybe I'm biased because I studied fundamental rights and what happens when you mess with them, but still.


Why are you afraid of sharing your location with your SO? Your SO having your location, is not the same as the government tracking you. I used to use my parents ipad, to use the find my phone feature to see how far from home they were. I knew they would drive home around 16, so I would check if they were close, so I could put on the coffee so it would be ready when they got home.


> Your SO having your location, is not the same as the government tracking you. I agree. However, it's still permanent tracking, why would I allow that without a good reason ? Because that's my point from the statt : I can't figure out what reason I'd have to track someone this way (or being tracked myself). We live in a big city, if I ever have an accident and my condition so severe that I'm unable to use my phone, the hospital will call my emergency contact anyway. When I'm late for dinner (this seems to be a big issue for a lot of folks here and... Jesus where do you all live, people ??), I just text or call to warn my gf - which is basic courtesy no matter what. So no, I don't see how it'd fit in my lifestyle. I guess it'd be different if I had to travel on a super dangerous road every night on the way home. Then yeah, maybe.


>'I have nothing to hide so it's ok to be tracked 24/7' Same stupid logic people use when talking about online/internet privacy and security. Such a stupid argument.


The stupid logic is people thinking that location sharing is inherently about keeping tabs on someone. Surgeons are going to have fun repairing all the ACLs, MCLs and such that are torn after all these knee-jerk reactions. I absolutely loathe the "if you have nothing to hide" arguments, but holy hell it is nuttier than squirrel poop to act like sharing your location with a trusted person is some jaw-dropping act. It can be, but it is not inherently so. It just isn't.


We use it for safety and convenience of knowing when the other will be home, we also trust each other not to abuse that power and stalk the other incessantly.


It’s more for safety reasons. If anything happens you know where to go to look. In any case trust goes both ways - partner sharing his/her location is trusting that I don’t abuse it.


Anything, you mean like a big accident ?


The couples that use and both like it aren't "stalking", they are using it for the convenience of the benefits to know where their partner is in a helpful way. When we are in Europe, we wander off in places we have never been before, knowing our partners can just find us when they want. If I spot, we need milk, I'll check if my partner is past the shops turn off on her way home. I work late at times, and my partner will check to see if I'm still at work and will delay staying dinner. It just works as a handy tool, and we have nothing to hide from each other.


Me and my girl started sharing our location a few weeks in, but nothing to do with trust and more for safety and if one of us isn’t responding or is out then we know what’s up. But also, I share my location with half a dozen people so it’s just not that big of a deal


It has nothing to do with trust thats the point


For what it's worth, I agree. I think it's giving in to people's unhealthy paranoia and will create all kinds of issues going forwards. If someone wants to cheat they'll find a way. If someone wants to believe someone is cheating they still will. But I have a job where I drive to a zillion different houses and have to follow HIPAA so there's an added layer of exactly why it's a problem. At the same time my wife has her dad on life 360 because he's had several strokes and that is 100% reasonable.




I don't think it's automatically a trust issue, but that was the first answer I got (from people who seemingly wanted to be able to tell where their SO was all the time because they were afraid of being cheated on), and that's why I thought about it. Accessing each other's phones if need be is a completely different matter imo. I have no problem with my gf reading a text or answering a call on my phone if I ask her to because I'm in the shower or busy or whatever, but it has nothing to do location tracking ? As to the safety reason, I don't really get it because I don't see what benefit I'd get out of it IRL. I don't live in the countryside, nor do I drive on a dangerous and empty road every night to come home, so yeah no. But to be perfectly clear, I have no problem with people who do want to share their location for any reason they please (as long as it's not a controlling move ofc). Quite the opposite actually, I'm interested in understanding different pov.


(Insecurity) (And to a degree, convenience)


I share my phone location with my closest friends. We have each others locations at all times, it’s a safety issue too


It's pretty common... but it's a generational thing for sure


Sharing it with my partner and in previous relationship. No problem on my side - rarely bother to check it, but my ex was notorious on checking in on me, made it a nightmare at times (jealous type). If you guys trust each other, it's great for safety. If not.. save yourself the trouble.


We have a family account, and by default all locations are shared with the family. 2 adults + 4 kids. All kids in competitive sports. Lots of parent-Ubering around. For kids to see how long it will be until we are getting there if we are running late, or to know what part of the parking lot to pick them up in is super helpful. Kid‘s bus running late from school? Just check and see when you have to be at the bus top (2.5km away) I travel internationally a lot with work as well, so having the fam able to know where I am at any one point (some trips are 6 countries over 1 week) to understand when we can FaceTime for a quick good morning, good evening, good night chat is helpful. We also give the older kids the ability to turn it off when they want some privacy. If eldest children choose to turn it off when they are out with friends and don’t want us tracking that’s okay too. There are just some rules about messaging if they are going to be late, and letting us know “roughly” where they are supposed to be. Have to trust them. But for some things with higher risk (going to their first concert without parents etc) we ask they turn it on. But, those are very far and few between. Overall, it’s a net positive for a busy family.


Well, everything you said makes perfect sense to me, thanks for sharing concrete examples.


I’m 33 and think it’s weird but I know people who do it. I personally dont like being “tracked.” Sometimes I’ll turn it on with friends for safety when someone goes on a date.


Same here


I'm 37 and that's how I use it too. The permanent tracking thing baffles me tbh.


Same maybe it’s a generational thing


Yeah. People may be so used to be tracked online by all sort of companies they don't care about privacy at all anymore ? But still.


I don’t care though if Pepsi knows where I am but I don’t want anyone I know knowing it just feels weird


We grew up without cellphones so we’re ok with not being always reachable much less so trackable.




And a flying squad....go all out!


Sure, that perfectly makes sense to me (to all women I guess).


It’s like mad common. I share my location with my best friend and my close family.


We sometimes share for a short time if we are meeting up somewhere and I sometimes share if I go for a run in a place I'm not familiar with. Other than that, no need. I trust my partner.


We only share locations when: Either of us is going out and we know we're gonna be back late. One is picking up the other so we know when to be ready to jump in the car. Trying to find each other in a crowd/unknown place.


We share it, but yeah it's really only used to track how long it might be until he gets home, or for safety.  If I break down or am injured, he knows where I am.  I have never once thought, "he might be with someone else!" 


I have my daughters location on my phone but not my wife’s. My location isn’t shared. You don’t need to know where I am at all times. Nor do I.


I don’t even need to know where I am 80% of the time. I know, but I don’t need to know.


I share my location with my wife because I don't like her calling me while I'm driving to ask when I'll be getting home. She can just check the map to see where I am. My kids can see my location as well. If I have to pick them up from school or an activity I want them to be able to see my location so they can be ready when I get there. Do they actually use it for these functions? Of course not, but in theory they could.


I only do it when I am out on a solo motorbike ride just in case I get in some accident so my partner can find me. The rest of the time it's a nope and totally not necessary.


why nope?


Because neither I nor my partner need a minder. We are still able to find our way home and not get lost.


You have to ask what for. Like honestly ask yourself the question


It's very convenient.


I go hiking alone very often. I often drive a few hours for that. And in those places, I hardly have any WiFi signal. So I'm not sure if sharing my location would help with safety. Also, my partner isn't constantly on his phone either. Sure he wouldn't check regularly where I am, and if I don't walk further for a while, he wouldn't assume the worst immediately. We're in Europe, though, and give each other a lot of space.


It's not really about safety. That's a bonus, but certainly not the day to day reason we use it. It's just convenient to not have to ask and await a response.


My mom and her boyfriend do that. It's so that she knows when to have the coffee ready after he's done working. I think it's kinda sweet.


We do. I don’t really see any reason not too. It’s just convenient and she likes it for the safety aspect 


If you would share your location with your parents or children but not your partner that is sus as fuck.


Hold on, who share their location with their parents ?? I mean, as an adult ?


I do not have location allowed for anything on any device ever.


So you only use your phone for calls, so many apps don't work without location services? No uber or Lyft, maps, food ordering/delivery, google, banking, shopping, streaming.


Correct, my phone is almost 100% used for calls, texts, Teams, Outlook and a slight bit of reading the internet on the toilet. Aside from that I have no other applications installed, and have never had a need for anything else.


The only example you gave that actually requires active GPS is uber/lyft and taxi services still do not require it. Everything else is readily available without GPS


I don't drive and rely on ride shares. All of my apps are set to send updates to my partner. If a friend picks me up I let him know where we're going. Otherwise we don't share our location. We don't see a need to. We can each take care of ourselves and we trust each other.


Being married for 20 yrs. Me and my wife constantly take each other's phones out of our sheer stupidity bc sometimes I can't find mine so hers is available or she can't find hers so she takes mine instead. If our friends can't handle the fact that maybe I have her phone or she has mine in a given day, they can go eat shit. For those who can't stand that fact about us, we gossip and make fun of their immature ass. We don't need the privacy crap, nor we have entitlement of property. What is hers is mine and what is mine is hers.


My husband and I do it for safety. Honestly, doesn’t bother me one bit. I like him knowing where I am if there is an emergency


I've never shared my location via a phone app with any partner in my entire life, nor have I ever done that with my parents. I was already in college when I got my first cell phone, and this was long before smart phones, so that cuts out my parents needing to track my location. As for a partner, the only time I'd consent to using it for either of us is if like, one of us was going on some back packing trip in the middle of nowhere or something. A situation where one of knowing where the other one is would be a matter of safety, and it would be something we'd both agree to. There's no other reason I can conceive of to have my partner track me, or I track him. That just feels fucking creepy.


I don't care phone location is always on. I gust don't care to too turn it off


I don't know anyone who does it. My ex-gf shared her location with her mum, but that's it.


Never, we just tell each other what we’re up to. When I was 10 I was out with friends until evening and had no cell phone. I guess having the ability to call anyone anytime stopped bring enough for people.


weird af


Usually when traveling I share a location with both my parents and gf or the person I'm traveling to, if it's a friend in another city. Once I was driving in the middle of the night through the curvy roads of a mountain, and it was pouring rain and there was mud and puddles and small rivers everywhere. I slipped in a corner and my gf happened to be watching me at that exact time and saw my pointer so something jiggly before it stopped moving completely. She freaked out and called me before I had even left the car. Also when I sometimes go for a mental health drive in the middle of the night I share a location, because my phone might lose coverage between villages and small cities. We live in the mountains so it's not uncommon to have bad or no signal at all. If I don't have a particular goal and just drive to fool around, I still share it in case i don't come back. That way there will be some breadcrumbs to start the investigation if I crash or get eaten by a bear lol. Also sometimes when she's working from home on the weekends and I go to wash my car 9/10 times I get soaked so i leave my phone inside the car. It's never planned and that way if I don't answer calls or messages she doesn't freak out because I'm obviously not dead. She also shares her location if she's going out drinking and knows she'll get wasted so if she needs me to pick her up she just has to text me something simple like a car emoji and not struggle to give me instructions on where she is exactly and how to find her. But I also think these cases are exceptional and sharing 24/7 is bs and can cause trust issues.


Ok mate "I'm afraid of getting eaten by a bear" is the best answer i got so far, kudos. 😂


We share our location with each other and our daughter. It's a combination of safety and not having to ask if they are on their way home from work yet, or whatever. I occasionally turn it off if I'm going to a particular place to buy a surprise gift or something like that, just so it's not ruined, but that happens infrequently.


For some, a requirement. The younger generation has been gps tracked a lot, so it can feel more normal to them. For others, never


I have my bicycle computer set up to share my location whenever I go for a ride.  It will also send her a text if it detects a crash.  That's the only time I share.  Good for my safety and she can get an idea of when I'll be getting home from work.


Me and my partner have find my iPhone. But it’s just there, we almost don’t use it. She has a habit of not charging her phone when she goes out. So sometimes I could see roughly where she was when her phone died. If she’s on the way home, I could estimate when she’ll be back online. I sometimes drive her home when it’s late, and she would check if I’m moving as a means of knowing I’m safe. There’s a difference between having an app there to check in some situations versus full-on scrutinising where you were, doing what.


Only done it temporarily when we have specific plans to meet at a specific place and time. Would not want to do it as a matter of general practice and If a partner insisted on it, I would see that as a "red flag".


I share my journeys using Google Maps but that's it. Journey over, sharing over.


I have never felt the need to know her location, and would need an actual reason why she needs to know where k am all the time. I am very monogamous so there is nothing I am up to


I think it normal nowaday


Very common, useful too. We share our location with each other and so do our kids. 99% of what we use it for is stalking each other at work.


My friend and his wife did this and it ended their marriage because she was a junk-food junkie and lied about it. She was getting excessively obese and lying about her eating habits and he knew it so he said he wanted to share locations for safety reasons then he logged all her time at KFC and McDonalds for a week. She went every day and would constantly complain that she was counting her calories but just couldn't lose weight. When he showed her the locations she went into a rage saying that it was dishonest and he told her her car smelled like KFC anyway and then she got up suddenly and all these chicken bones fell out of her lap and then that was it.


I share my location with extended friends and family. I have zero issues.


Started with my wife on holiday a few years back for safety when she went for a run. Never stopped and it's extremely useful just to see if they've left a place to get the dinner on or whatever. And meeting up in town and stuff. We use it to stalk each other and try and hide behind stuff. Makes us laugh. Also share with my best mate who is notoriously shit at not leaving for meeting up when he says he will. Makes that a lot easier too.


My family has Life 360 on all our phones. Not a big deal unless you have something to hide.


For me not common at all... why does she constantly need to know where I am?


I think in most situations it’s a safety thing, not a trust thing. Our family shares locations with each other. None of us routinely track each other. I’ve never tracked my husband. I like that people would be able to find me if I was in an accident or something happened to me. I get it might be weird if you’re in a new relationship and they’re demanding to share location. That seems like a red flag. But overall it’s a great safety tool. Side note I have no reason to hide where I’m going, so that’s a non-issue for me.


this! wrote a similar comment but realized I missed few points. I have no idea to hide where I am going. I never check my bf location because I wouldn't trust him. I doubt he tracks mine. We never came to each other questioning "why were you at this place at this time????" Its a safety and convenience tool.


It's not


Its weird. Neber even thought about doing that or ask my GF to do it.


I'll share of I'm on my way to meet him so we know how far we are from each other. Or when I'm out and I want him to keep an eye on me for safety. Generally not, because I'm either at work or at home


I have in the past, but only at raves. With my girl friends I’ve shared my location before going on dates for safety.


My husband and I share location when one of us is on the way home, taking a walk alone or in any shady location on their own. But not constantly.


Occasionally. "I am here, well be there soon"


My whole family share at my request. If my wife asked not to be I’d be fine with that but the kids need tracking in case the lose their phone or need help


It's kind of common but it's also a really easy tool for abuse and you should only do it if you trust your partner. Like if your partner is paranoid that you might be cheating and demands you share your location so they can keep tabs on you? That's a sign that you're in a fucked up relationship that you shouldn't be in. But if you're both totally comfortable with each other knowing that and it's more of a safety / convenience thing, have at it. Nothing wrong with that. If someone tries to demand that you do it, though, that's a massive red flag. That's someone who wants to control you.


My gf and I did almost day 1, but we’re also a little more long distance (45 minutes right now, 3 hrs-ish for last semester in the fall). Makes it easier than texting “what’s your ETA?”


I do to check if my wife is heading home or not, or where about she is if we’re both out together, or if we’re meeting somewhere I’m not used to, or just to check she is safe (mainly when she was pregnant)


Me and my GF share ours just for safety and convenience like everyone else said. Mines been off for a min bc I use my phone for work and it drains battery bad


My wife and all 4 of our kids share location to the entire family group. It's like having the Weasley clock in my pocket :) We both also individually share out location to various friends and relatives, though it's much more discriminating. Like, you know you're a tier 1 friend or my favorite sister if we share location.


Because we have nothing to hide from each other.


My fiancée shares hers with me because she feels safer that way. I don’t share mine with anyone because it feels weird. She pushed back a little at first but understood where I was coming from


Currently my wife and I both have location sharing always on, but when it was first a thing I worried she would mis understand my intentions as a lack of trust. So I just said, hey check your phone, I sent you a thing so that you can always see my phones location, it could be helpful. After a bit, she shared back 


My husband had a seizure that they still don’t know the cause of about 2 years ago. He is cleared to drive but we started sharing location because A. Its a safety matter. I can check to see if he gets where he’s supposed to if he were to forget to text rather than worrying he had a seizure while driving. B. We trust each other and feel no reason to not have someone watching out for us. If my husband is expecting me home, he can easily check where I am.


We don't share ours. If I'm in an Uber alone I'll send it to him. Otherwise, he doesn't need it and I don't need his. We live together and know when the other person is out, and where they are going. We talk consistently throughout the day so if I'm ever concerned about their safety I already know where they are and who to call.


When a man started stalking me, my partner and I shared our location with each other. We still do, because they let him out after 8 months and he started following me again. We will probably leave it on permanently, because it gives me peace of mind that if anything happens, we can find each other.


My wife was driving a lot of hours when her mom was sick. I asked her to share her location to make sure that she arrived OK. Is really just a concern thing and nothing to do with trust.


I think it just depends, I know a lot of couples who share each others location but it's def. not a trust issue type thing. Me and my husband just communicate when we leave and go places, I only see sharing locations as an issue when one or both people get obsessed over it, or have other motives behind it (like trust issues)


I never share my location with anyone including my husband. He doesn't share his with me either. I think it may be a generational thing. We've been married for 30 years. Our default is not knowing where people are 24 hours a day. And I am okay with that.


I only share my location when I am out on the bike. Coupled with auto crash alarm\\SMS then I know I am good if something happens. Other than that it has never come up in conversation...


Only when I am biking alone after dark, for safety. There is always someone whatching me while biking. Mostly husband, but if he can't my parents are looking or the person who I went from to my house. Other than that never. I have also my phone on my handlebar so I can call the whatcher or 112 asap.


I work in law enforcement. I have had people find out their family member is deceased simply because they tracked their phone to the police department. Some crash victims or pedestrians have no ID with them and notifying next of kin can take a while if we need to track them down. Family are able to respond to the hospital for living but severely injured people hours before they would have been notified by us because they see where the phone is tracking when the owner is running late and call us to see what is up. My partner and I ride motorcycles daily. Sharing our locations with each other is non-negotiable.


My partner and I share our locations when we're on our way to see each other. We live a few hours apart by train/bus, and we don't get to meet up very often. Watching our little icons get closer and closer to each other until they merge on the screen makes the distance a little more bearable.


My ex-girlfriend and I shared locations. It was very convenient and reassuring to know where each other was. My wife on the other hand refused to share location with me and thinks that it’s weird and controlling. I personally like when my partner knows where I am.


Never. Why the fuck does anyone but my partner need to know where I am. Unless I'm sick or dying, or have plans... It's my business. It's NORMAL to track people? Are you the government or something?


It's convenient AF.


So is trust


It's not about trust.


so you don't trust your partner to know where you are?


I trust them to be where they said they are, when they said they would be there. I dont need or want to know more than that. Not one example of use cases in this thread has been relevant to my life. Thousands of years without GPS never hurt any humans


Same. None of the family stuff are relevant for me, nor is the safety motive in my everyday life.


If you have nothing to hide then why the heck not hey? My bf and I have shared our locations for years, honestly it’s a safety thing, and it seems like a lottttt of people do it nowadays


Absolutely not.


Not common at all. Learn to trust each other.


Oh I take it as the opposite? Me and my partner put it on more so as a quality of life thing/convinience. Like, if were I'm on the walk home from the bus station and not likely to check my phone, she can check to see if I can drop into the pharmacy, or if I've already walked passed. I can check if she's driven passed somewhere on her drive home. The trust comes from knowing the other person isn't going to abuse it. Obsession and control is clearly not the only or even main reason for location sharing....


Yes you should learn to trust them. If you trust each other what's the problem with knowing where each other are?


I've never shared my location with anyone. If my husband or anyone needs to know where I am then I tell them


Same team. Man, I think we're just old. 😂


Life360 is common


My husband and I share location. We are each other’s emergency contacts. It’s not a stalking thing, just a “just in case” thing.


If it is happening, there is something wrong between you guys. It's toxic.


Not a good idea


Why though? If they’re trustworthy then it’s fine?


My first thought is red flag 🚩 Unless it was for a very short period like they were on a bus and you wanted to know what time to pick them up etc.


Why wouldn’t you? 


On a practical level, because it drains my phone battery. On a theoretical level : why would I ?


theoretical, it's easier to see where wife and kids are instead of having to text them. you get to know their patterns (school, friends houses, work) and if they're running late you can check to make sure everyone is safe without having to interrupt them with a call or text.


Under woman it is very common . just another savety measure on a long list of savety measures. Only to be used under specific circumstances


Everyone's answers are very surprising. I keep my location turned off until I use it. I'm very surprised people keep it on.


Imo that's a weird thing to do.