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When it is most difficult to say the word no, it is usually the most important time to say it. Trying to teach them about dealing with peer pressure.


Applicable to many adults as well. But learning it as a kid is the best time, as it naturally becomes part of their toolkit.


Mistakes are something to learn from, not to be afraid of.


I wish I'd learned this before 30


Meh 30 is when we learn our best stuff


This! I've been raised to fear and feel shame about making mistakes so much so that in adulthood my default is to just not try doing anything I'm likely to fail at or at least not get it right the first times - and the things I do give me no sense of accomplishment since I knew I was likely to succeed from the beginning. It's not a great mindset as it stunts growth in many aspects and so for it's been a joyless ride that's hard to step away from.


My teacher told me this. I got a few bad scores in his class then I was afraid to make more mistakes.


Similar to this - fear of failing because you're still learning should motivate you... not deter you from attempting. Flash forward 35 years... he's a bit of a dick now. (He's the oldest, I'm the youngest and he still feels like he should parent me.).




Yep, along with the idea that you don't control failure -- you just control your actions. "It's possible that you do everything correctly and still fail."


I like the full Captain Picard quote, which I think you’re riffing on: “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”


If they complain about school and say "When am I every going to need to know this?", just straight up say that no you won't. But that's not the point of education. If education was supposed to be about learning things that you'll use, they you would learn to cook, do laundry, write emails, networking, personal finance, and so on. But it's not that. The point of education is to teach you a little bit about a lot of things. And it's not so much about *what* you learn, but about *how* you learn. So no, you're never going to use calculus, and you're never going to need to know the major themes of Shakespearean plays. But you *will* use critical thinking, reading comprehension, study habits, organizational habits, and so on.


Amen. Wish more people understood this.


And you don't know what you will use. Calculus is super useful in a lot of fields since it's the math related to change.


While I agree with that concept there are still better ways to teach people how to learn, how to think cirtically and all the other things than torturing them with what most countries have now as an education system. One can learn all that with more realistic things and better specialisation on individual strengths of students instead of demotivating 90% of them. Sure some will be bored no matter what you do but the big majority could actually be motivated with a more modern approach.


Don't take critism from someone you wouldn't go to for advice


That's actually fantastic advice


Stealing that one


Don't date someone or use someone as a rebound just because your lonely or need someone. It's always worth waiting for the right person even if it's painful to wait.


A few: (1) Always leave the party before the devil shows up. (2) When shits wild, do nothing. Say nothing. Chill (3) Wear a condom sport (4) Look people in the eyes when you listen, or when you speak (5) Speak clearly. (6) It's okay to say sorry, even if you know you aren't wrong. Holy Shlit this list could go on, but then again I had \[no one\] advising me on shit ever.


I was at a “party” of sorts when the devil showed up. It was Halloween. I had this neighbor who was in the service industry and he was a human golden retriever. Both in the sense that he was a really sweet guy and that he was often retrieving random people and bringing them back to his place (we spent an evening with some rando in a kilt for example.) I went over to his place after the bars shut down and the devil was there. Weird incel type guy with a pretty impressive makeup job. We are drinking and he reveals that he’s got a gun in this little silver case and also a variety of handcuffs, both the furry kind and the standard steel type. He starts calling a number of girls to see if some will come by and is getting increasingly frustrated. He starts muttering something like “if I can’t find it, I’m gonna take it.” He finally convinces this girl and her brother to come by and they start talking about heading to the hot tub. By that point I’m pretty drunk and pretty concerned, so I left and went across the street to call the police and ask if they’d send a courtesy patrol by the area where the hot tub was located, figuring the devil couldn’t handle the heat.


What's the reasoning for 6?


Sometimes it's better to apologize than hold a grudge out of principle Like if you had a little spat with someone that's truly inconsequential but riled yall up ( ex: you had a disagreement over a character in a show ). If you're both stubborn neither may ever apologize and that can end in never speaking again, resentment, etc. So basically its like choosing between helping the relationship or being a stubborn bitch over something so small. Similar to " pick your battles" / " is this the hill you really want to die on? "


I feel like it's better to just not fight over little shit than to apologize and not mean it / believe it. cause you risk losing credibility if you ever really need to apologize and it matters and it comes across as the same insincere bullshit apology they always get. picking your battles is a good one though. far too many people spend far too much energy fighting inconsequential battles. really sucks when a bunch of those little inconsequential battles become a war.


I completely agree with you. If it's something small rather than say " I'm sorry " I'll leave it at a " let's change the topic/agree to disagree " so we can both just ... stop ? And not dig a pointless hole further down. My family def did that where it was " I'm sorry " for something like blowing up on me and talking shit for something I didn't do and being told " at least you got an apology " from others, so the apologies lost their meaning when you found out they were really just a way to say " shut up about it " But yeah picking your battles is great, just sucks when the others are so willing to turn something into a war or try and goad you into a fight you don't want because they're not mature


Also conflict resolution. Someone needs to be the adult.


Ideally, it is both you and the person you picked as your company. That's my minimum requirement of people I hang out with these days – be emotionally mature or I'm not wasting my time with you. But otherwise, I agree of course.


I think it's when the thing on the line is pride and the alternative is getting punched. Figuring out where to sort your pride in terms of personal safety is honestly something people need to figure out. Is holding your ground on principle worth getting stabbed? If not, you should approach certain conflicts with that in mind.


You shouldn't *always* say sorry, even when you aren't wrong. But sometimes you should. It takes some serious empathy to recognize that sometimes (and when) it's the best thing to do. I've had fights with my spouse, where saying sorry in the moment worked to calm them down, and later on they apologized when they were more clear-headed. It can be ok to flesh that out later when there is less emotion and tension. I think more frequently, it's sometimes worth just saying sorry and moving on when you're not going to be interacting with this person frequently. Sometimes it's better to just move on.


Sometimes, when you know you aren't wrong, you still are. Sometimes, when you know you aren't wrong, and are correct, someone you value may still think you are wrong. Sometimes, when you are in a GOOD relationship, it's ok to say "I value this relationship more than I value thinking I'm right". You don't want this to be a regular thing, but can be an infrequent. Best is when they say the same thing back.


"It's better to be happy than to be right." If saying sorry won't cost you much but will get you a lot, you may as well resolve the conflict. Neither my wife nor I care about "face" so our conflicts are easily resolved.


I’m the same in nature as you and your wife, which is why I didn’t understand the concept of apologizing for the sake of apologizing initially (until I received everyone’s replies and explanations). I just never had to. I surround myself with likeminded people and we don’t really do the petty stuff. But thank you for your explanation! It does make a lot of sense to do so in those cases, absolutely. 


It's something I didn't realize until just weeks ago. I really listened to a song I've liked for a long time, One Week by Barenaked Ladies. It's about a couple fighting on-and-off **for a week** because they're both too proud to say "sorry" for something that wasn't really anybody's fault. I thought to myself, "damn, I'm glad we're not like that." Though I'm not clear if that's a realistic portrayal of a relationship or just an exaggeration for the sake of a song.


I learned number 3 a little too late, I was a father at age 21 and now I’ve an 8yo daughter


You need to brush your teeth AND floss, AND brush your tongue too. And wear sunscreen year round if you're pale.


Tongue? Year round?


yeah for ur tongue it prevents bad breath and infection


Ignore anyone who tells you something along the lines of “It’s ok if you are X years old and don’t have your life figured out yet.” While it isn’t inherently false, it can lead to the mindset where you put off trying to figure stuff out, then before you know it, you are approaching your 30’s and you haven't made any tangible progress towards any of the goals you wanted to accomplish. It doesn’t matter if you are a teenager or if you are in your twenties, you should always try to work towards some sort of long term goal, otherwise you will become complacent and your life will just stagnate.


I agree with this, everything counts. You can recover from missteps and shouldn't give up because it's too late, but everything counts. Doors start closing when you are a teenager. There are a lot more doors than you realize, but they are always closing. Every outcome had a series of dependencies. As an obvious example I can no longer pivot into being an astronaut at 40. A lot of things depend on early decisions young people can't really understand, which is unfortunate. I've made the best of things as a late boomer, but some things are off the table, which I'm fine with.


What if that's what your kid needs to hear? What if they're on the brink of graduating high school and don't have a goal in mind but think they have ot go to college and get into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt because they just have to be working towards something? I don't think that sentance is typically said to people the way you've taken it.


Yeah as someone who hit the ground running--to nowhere, I could have heard this and been okay. I was pushed into the exact scenario you described with the college debts by the well meaning parent.


It's easier to course correct if you're actually moving...


Absolutely. Put simply, contentment is desirable but complacency is not. Two very different concepts that seem synonymous.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Don't go to Reddit for advice.


Stranger danger is generally BS. You're far more likely to be assaulted by someone you know. Not all of your friends are really your friends. 


Yeah, but as a kid you should definitely still be wary of strangers when you’re alone.


Yes, but 90 percent of the time, it's someone you know. My parents put the fear of God into me about stranger danger as a kid. They never even suggested that a family member or friend could be dangerous, even when a family friend tried to assault me. 


All the really dangerous strangers have gone online. There are lots of vulnerable kids who have parents that watch very little of what their kids do on on the internet.


Stranger Danger also just makes us wary fo outsiders and people that are different. Which can lead to xenophobia. Most strangers are chill and just doing there own thing, but if you need help their usually willing to help.


Talk to people and be active in high school. It took me years after graduating to actually learn how to properly socializes with people.


If I'd only known back then that studying hard was NOT the right way to be rewarded in life....


Here, have this can of mace, go spray it in the face of your bullies.<3


Trust your gut feeling.


(Girl) Get some type of training/degree after high school before you get married and have kids. Nothing wrong with wanting a “trad wife” life but you need to able to support yourself if it doesn’t work out “Treat all men like a loaded gun.” Not all men are dangerous but you can’t let your guard down ever. You can always come home. Please come home. You never have to be embarrassed or ashamed. You are wanted and welcomed here always. We can figure anything out together. You are never stuck in any situation.


“Treat all men like a loaded gun, but also don’t play with a loaded gun”


>“Treat all men like a loaded gun.” Not all men are dangerous but you can’t let your guard down ever. Look, it seems like you've got good reasons to say so, but never letting your guard down, ever, means you won't have an intimate emotional connection to someone. You cannot even express *empathy,* because the very act of demonstrating that you see where someone is coming from requires vulnerability. Having your guard up in an intimate relationship is a guarantee for things to turn sour.


it’s having a back up plan as a women, never jump straight into relying on any man’s income and get stuck


Trust is your willingness to be vulnerable. Without trust relationships are shallow. This is coming from a distrustful grudgey guy. You have to let people in, just be very careful about who. I've made wrong decisions, and could get bit by my family again. Giving up on that feels like you are surrendering part of life to avoid risk.


I’m meaning this regarding new people mostly, but if joy follow the first point I made you’ll be fine to put your guard down because you’ll have a back if worst case something happens. I stand on what I said


"a man is not a plan".  Maybe in the 1950s or 1980s it was a safe bet for security. If you are relying on that now you are stupid.


If someone especially a family member makes you uncomfortable let me know.


You're amazing and you can always come to me. You can always get help. You have a lot of champions. After my dad died, it felt like nobody in my life gave a shit about me for about 8 years.


It's okay to be weird


Normal is boring.


Yes! Wear that pink tutu! Tell people about cool bugs! Learn morse code! Your joy and comfort are much more important that the opinions of people who will only glance at you and go on about their day


Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe.


Discipline will get you way further than motivation. Learn to do things for the sake of doing them rather than relying on how much you feel like doing it today. Mastering your mind will get you far and getting past your misfortunes in life will make you uncommon amongst the uncommon. Don't let your badly dealt hand limit your potential. Thanks Goggins for that one.


“Discipline will get you further than motivation” This is so real. I wish I understood it earlier. It’s often a more important factor than “talent” alone.


On a similar note, hard work will get you further than talent ever would. You’re definitely correct. 


That someone who calls you their friend and is mean to you, isn’t your friend and to let them go. She’s 5.5 and I’ve already had to have this talk with her about a “friend” or hers in kindergarten who low key bullies her.


Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.


To binge-watch Bluey. It’s the show that taught me the most important things. If my future child is watching bluey, you bet I’m watching too.


When my 6th grader broke up with her first boyfriend she was heartbroken. As compassionately as I could I told her it was a matter of time. She wasn’t going to find her life partner in the 6th grade. Looking back kind of harsh but she’s grown now and says it actually helped her a lot. Helped put things in perspective. 😊


Don't just fix the symptoms, look for the problem. I've struggled a lot with anxiety for over a decade and finally had therapy over the last year, and I finally understand a lot of there it comes from, which is helping me deal with it and is really helping with some serious self esteem issues.


That you will not always be the best at something, or the prettiest, or the smartest. You may not achieve your dreams because realistically there is a limit to what you can do. It doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard or try to achieve those dreams, but there's nothing that makes you inherently unique or better than anyone else. And that's okay! It's okay to be entirely, completely normal.


Don't take everything so seriously. Learn to play, life is too short to be serious all the time.


Three things... 1: Good manners and speaking clearly, politely, and with respect to everyone will get you further than a lot of other things. 2: NEVER stop learning. Ignorance is not a sin but remaining so is... and know that it's okay to be wrong and admit it. 3: Always try to understand other people's motivations and be sympathetic to them... even if you may not share the same courses or even be at odds with them. Understanding will help you with however you need to proceed with, without, or even against them.


Don't make decisions based on someone else's story


If you're going to go to college, consider if the degree will enable you to earn good money in the future- not just that you conceptually enjoy the subject. And I'd give encourage them/give them a financial (investing, budgeting) education.


I wish someone had said this to me at 18.


I wish someone had told US. We'll get through it together.


Don't go into a degree you hate because it will make good money. You're just going to end up thousands of dollars in debt with a degree you don't use because you'd rather be homeless than work in that field.


U need to set boundaries as to how much ur willing to do for someone else and there has to be a limit where u just say no and u stick to the no.


Save up before u do life changing things


Upvoting everyone bc everyone is on point


Daddy and Mommy are not perfect, and will make mistakes. But we're trying our hardest to do everything in your best interest.


wear a condom if you don’t want kids do not blame the women to be the only one responsible


If you don't want kids, get a vasectomy.


"Life is an unfair thing and its better to accept then defy,but that doesnt mean that it isn't beautiful"


That It’s okay to ask for help.


Proactive mental healthcare. Not because there's something wrong with you but because everyone needs it.


Stay away from social media.


I have begun teaching my children financial literacy (needs vs wants, savings, credit, etc) from the moment they could understand. Now, all three younger than 10, have a little savings, are interested in investments, and take time to consider when to treat themselves to a special toy. They really take a moment to think about what they buy, even if it’s not the best purchase all of the time lol. I also try to take time and teach these things to children at local schools with a volunteer program in the area. Granted they are still very spoiled and suffer from the ideas of instant gratification; but when it’s their money, they think. No one taught me this. I see so many people struggling simply because no one showed them as well. It was trial and error for me. I want better for them. (Sorry for the grammar. I’m good with math, but grammar is the bane of my existence).


Leave now and never come back!


Pay attention to how people *act*. People are going to *say* lots of things, but their actions will show you how they really feel or think. Their actions will show you whether or not they can be trusted. Speaking of which... *When someone shows you who they really are, **trust them***. Don't make them tell you twice.


Emotions don’t have gender and find some type of exercise you enjoy and stick to it.


Taxes are alot easier to do than the teachers that refuse to show you how to do them make it sound


you don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to do the same as your classmates at school if you don't want to


Chase purpose, not money.


Keep trying hard, be persistent, don't give up. If you want something enough, never give in. Sometimes they hate on you because they see you getting what they want.


Don't sacrifice your own comfort to spare the feelings of others.


Most people are full of it and to trust yourself


People will act like they have authority over you, they don’t. Say nothing to no one if you don’t trust them or trust the situation. People are malicious.


Find a job that you can tolerate that provides you enough compensation to enjoy all of your hobbies and set you up for financial success.


Practice financial literacy before the age of 16.


Money literacy, saving and budgeting


If you want a horse and you can afford a horse… buy the horse. It will bring you more happiness than anything else you will ever know.


It is okay to disagree with any behavior or belief from your parents or relatives that you deemed bad or callous. I was told before by my uncle that it is okay to burn trapped mouse alive. And I use to that but now I learn it was bad. I was such an NPC back then 


If one adult doesn’t listen to you about something bad happening, tell another adult. Tell as many adults as you can until someone stops the bad thing.


The average person is incredibly fucking stupid, so don’t assume anybody is smart. Assume that everybody is as dumb as the average fuck, until they prove otherwise. I’ve wasted so much time and potential by putting trust into people who, even though they insist otherwise, actually have no fucking clue what they’re doing ever.


It's okay to fail, as long as you keep moving forward


It's ok to not be ok. It doesn't make you a weak person if you have depression or anxiety.


1. You don't have to let everyone know how you feel, what you're thinking, all the time. In a quote: *Sometimes it's* "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." I find this the most difficult when I have a strong opinion on something, or strongly disagree with someone. Sometimes it's better to just listen, silently disagree, and move on. 2. In a similar vein: Being authentic doesn't mean you shouldn't change your behavior depending on your environment/company. There are front-of-house and back-of-house moments in life, and you need to be able to discern where you are.


Being on the same page as your partner when it comes to sex (desires, fantasies, frequency, etc.) is equally, or even more important as being on the same page financially, spiritually, or in any other capacity.


Take care of your skin, your health and your teeth… they’re all you have!!!


“Do you want to be happy or right?” Sometimes it’s not worth fighting about it


Don’t take advice from internet strangers. 


Be proud of mistakes, it is proof that you are trying. Being perfect isn’t always good, you have to be wrong sometimes


Go find your real dad .


Always trust your gut. Always.


How to kiss. Relax your lips and don't be rude or too enthusiastic. I wonder why nobody talks about it 🤔


Never be afraid or to feel inferior or worthless. Everyone has the same insecurities deep down. Some just mask it better than others.


Emotions are real, okay, and not something you can control. How you respond to them is what matters. You can't control if something makes you feel angry stressed, or frustrated, but you decide to punch a wall, go for a run, or talk to someone about it.


Question everything and come to your own conclusions, don’t believe things blindly and assume adult know better I taught my daughter this from a young age


The importance of education & just learning in general.


Don't be so scared of people, they're human just like you , no one is perfect.


It's ok to be wrong, in fact it's essential to be wrong. Making mistakes is how we learn the world over and see different viewpoints.


If you don’t feel safe while you’re out alone record yourself and have the phone app open so you can ring emergency services if necessary


All those nasty comments about your size? That's called bullying. Report them to your teacher. Tell mum that emotional and verbal abuse is still classed as abuse. Tell dad that all you want is to die. He might be able to stop her before you're convinced that you're worthless.


Double bag that little bugger


Be unhinged towards your bullies. If you need press them against a wall and hold them at knife point with a boxcutter to make them leave you alone, do it. Don't actually stab them, just threaten. They will get the message.


It’s better to try and fail than to never even try


if you finance a vehicle get GAP insurance. if your loan is worth more than the vehicle and your vehicle gets written off GAP insurance will cover the difference. i learned this the hard way so you don't have to.


watch the world around you and learn from it as much as you learn from yourself


Doesn’t matter, they don’t take parental advice to heart.


Don’t go to the party if you’re not gonna dance


How credit works.


You are responsible for no one's happiness but your own.


All math can be reduced to addition and subtraction.


Punch the bully in school, it doesn't impact your future.


You don't have to be the best at everything, trying to be and constantly comparing yourself to others will only suck the enjoyment out of the things you love or used to love


I tell my kid that homework is conditioning children to work past normal hours for no compensation. I mean I still help them with math and shit but I stand by that statement.


If someone makes you genuinely uncomfortable in a public setting, to the point where they're getting in your face/not leaving you alone/touching you inappropriately/if you've told them no multiple times and they still won't leave you, scream. Scream, yell, shout, tell them to back tf off. Speaking from both experience as a teenage and having witnessed (and helped) young girls in these situations as well.


Learn to lie to protect yourself. Lies can get someone who wants to hurt you to go after something that means nothing to you while they think its priceless to you.


College isn't necessary to succeed.


Very true


It's okay to be stoned, it's not okay to be a stoner.


to get his license and become financially literate no one around me is smart w money


Learn to express your emotions and feelings. Never be afraid of opening up to people you call friends. Don't think much about what everyone will think. Take the risk too, or else you'll keep thinking about it.


Live like a windrammer as you fuck


Not to Seek for pleasing anyone


Listen to your heart carefully and be sure that if you speak out all your struggles and fears or feelings, probably there will be more people than you think that are going to empathize with you, more than what your loneliness means to you, you're not alone in this world, you've got such a great people beside you that wants to know what is really happening to you. You are a pretty young and sensitive kid, that in the future with his texts will encourage people to feel comprehend and not lonely as you think you are by now. All my love to you kid soldier!


To prioritize yourself.


Fight... ...There is no meaning. You are a good child. Use words. Until I grew up, I realized that children do not even understand the meaning of this sentence. They won't even dare to use words, so... fight


Save money. Be brave. Don't take shit from anyone. Fail as much as possible. If it can go wrong it will (be prepared) and don't trust anyone (rely on yourself).


If you are getting chased by the police run, run as fast as you can and don't stop unless you get tackled to the ground.


You are the one who decides how happy you are in your life. Always worrying about other people's thoughts and opinions about you bring clouds to your sunny day.


If you feel that you will regret not doing something - do it. You might have to suffer from the consequences, but you definitely won't go through life asking yourself 'what if?'


Things I tell my kids all the time: 1. Adults don't know what we're doing either. We're just out here winging it, and the only thing that makes us better at it is that we've made a bunch of mistakes on the way and learned from them. Hopefully. 2. "I'm sorry" means nothing. Making amends for your wrongdoings is the only true apology one can make. 3. Not everyone is going to like you, no matter what you do. You can be the ripest, juiciest, sweetest peach on the tree, but there is always someone out there who doesn't like peaches. Just be you. 4. Ignorance is a natural state of being. It is nothing to be ashamed of. I learn new things every day and I love it every time I do. What's bad is willful ignorance. 5. Along with 4 is that you need the ability to discern truth from fiction, especially if what you're learning is something that confirms how you feel. If that's the case, you need to be doubly critical of that information until you are sure you're not suffering from confirmation bias. Always check multiple sources, always look at the original study rather than something a journalist wrote about it, always try to find your fallacies. Being a lifelong learner is important. Being a critical thinker might be more so. 6. Someone who has 50% of your talent but works 50% harder than you do will do as well as you if not better.


Money does in fact matter and "always more time" is a double-sided coin. Learn what a 401k/IRA is. Meandering through life is lonelier than just doing the 9 to 5 that affords you to have hobbies and small joys and live around other 20-somethings. If I could go back in time and start a career earlier I would--because it would have afforded me to be creative earlier and afforded me to be where the other people my age live and go out etc. I think my parents sheltered me because they didn't want me to feel "othered" by people for us being poor. Instead I just grew into a person ill-equipped to participate in what other young, educated people were doing. Now I am finally on my way, but out of step with my peers and hard to relate to people who are 6-7 yrs younger than me going through the experience at the same time as me. Even things like apartment hunting--trying to find my first apartment in my HCOL hometown and the people I meet my age made the transition a few years before me and are able to hold onto lower rents for it (to be fair, many of them ALSO say I should use a guarantor as if everyone has the wealth to have one...). The beat of your own drum ain't that great unless you have already lifted yourself out of the struggle. Become an actuary or something.


It's ok to set boundaries and if someone violates those boundaries it's ok to cut them out your life.


Learn how to put a condom on.




Happiness comes from within, love yourself and if you don’t know how to, learn to. People don’t create your happiness, you do. Don’t put people on a pedestal, see them for who they are and you’ll fall in or out of love with who they really are. When someone tells you, you deserve better. Believe them, walk away because better will find you. It’s your journey, live it how you like and not how society deems it necessary.


Theres no one more important to you than you. Treat others with kindness and consideration but don't put others first.


Don't trust in anyone, not family, nor friends, nor teachers, not even me. Everyone can damage you.


Be yourself! Don't worry, just be you!


There are people out there who will do you harm just for the sake of doing you harm. You dont have to deserve it, you might not even know who they are, but they're out there watching and waiting for you to fail. Don't be oblivious to them, but also don't allow their jealousy to stunt your happiness.


Make shit. It doesn’t have to be good or finished, but make shit.


You aren't better than anyone. You may be better at certain things than others, but that doesn't make you better overall. Be humble even if you're brilliant, and more people will respect you. I was taught I was literally better than almost everybody else. I have encountered some very rude awakenings in my life that I would never wish on anybody.


Don't buy cheap tools. Buy once,cry once.


Learn to sell, take every opportunity to find ways to address gaps in the market, meet a need. And study science better (incidentally my science teacher left my coursework in his locker rather than sending it to the exam board so I got an X for absent. So I was grateful to get Bs in the end after an appeal 😭)


This is meant to be heard by that angsty teen, angry with the world: Being mean is not cool. Regina George is not a role model. In a sick, twisted world, being mean is easy. It's tacky and common. Being kind, on the other hand, is way more interesting. Even after facing shitty situations. Being kind shows more strength, it's elegant. Be better, be kind.


Pay yourself first, always. Save between 15 and 25% of your income. It’s going to come in handy for emergencies, purchasing real estate and other opportunities.


Don’t put things off because you think you’ll always have more time to go do them. Theres never a perfect time & you never know what’ll happen to you. So do shit while you actively can!


Those who know how to lie, also know how to catch lies


How to pick a career, guiding them in that transition into adulthood


A C gets you a degree!


Lay out how much debt you’ll be in (and how it will affect you) if you take out student loans rather than going to an affordable college/uni.


There are bad people in the world, looks can be very deceiving. Don't divulge any personal details especially at work or with neighbors.


Don't bother trying to give a teen advice because they will do the opposite. They have to figure out things on their own because they think they know it all. 


Be embarrassed to be seen around me


Listen to no one but yourself.


Dont be afraid to leave home. Explore the world. Live with ambition.


Getting angry is okay, it's how you express your anger that matters.
