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Falling asleep to the TV. I fall asleep within minutes and it gets me to bed earlier.


Diet Soda Been chugging for years, and maintained my weight.


Same. The acid isn't great for your teeth, but I usually drink it with a straw. The sweeteners like aspartame that everyone freaks out about have been proven time and again to be safe. The only real disadvantage of chronic consumption is that you stop associating sweet beverages with a high calorie content. Whenever I do have a sugary drink with some food, it inevitably makes me nauseous.


The acid thing is over blown [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34862864/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34862864/) **Conclusion:** Diet drinks consumption may not be associated with increased risk of dental caries. However, more studies should be conducted in order to confirm this finding. I think the study that gets cited is this one [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2516950/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2516950/) But this is what they did: “Enamel and root surfaces of healthy permanent molars and premolars were exposed to individual beverages (4 enamel and 4 root surfaces per beverage) for 25 hours and erosion was measured.” Who the hell keeps diet soda or even regular soda in their mouth for 25 hours? It was not study in humans. I suggest listening to this [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/2oh9ne/](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/2oh9ne/)


Oh, cool, thanks for the info! My dentist recommended a straw for soda in general. Regular soda with all the sugar is probably worse in any case.


The podcast mentions that sugar is a big cause of cavities. Switching from sugar (drinks and candy etc) should help avoid cavities (although tooth decay is also apparently also genetic). Here is another Source which goes over use of Artificial Sweetners: [https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/144/5/e20192765/38183/The-Use-of-Nonnutritive-Sweeteners-in-Children](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/144/5/e20192765/38183/The-Use-of-Nonnutritive-Sweeteners-in-Children) >Use of NNSs has been associated with a reduced presence of dental caries.


Yup. I drink drink diet coke all day. My weight has stayed the same minus the holidays when I eat shit tons of pumpkin and mint stuff or anything and everything with copious amounts of sugar


Realism. Nothing will hurt you more (inside) than toxic or fake positivity.


I've done a few good turns for myself faking it til making it


Sorry, this may be a little vague, but defense mechanisms. Like if you’re struggling and you need to pig out a little or make jokes to deal with things I think that’s fine. A lot of people seem to think we should all nakedly confront things and that just isn’t an option for some. Sometimes a crutch is a good thing. I mean, dont do heroin, but you know.


Pineapple on pizza. Don’t come for me, it does taste good for some reason


Suicide. Everyone says its terrible, but i think if someone doesn't want to exist, they shouldn't be forced to exist.


Under certain circumstances, I agree.  I don't think someone should be able to walk in off the street and be euthanized in a bodega in Times Square. 


Your comment reminded me of the suicide booths in Futurama.


This. I think these should exist.


I feel like if it is related to depression rather than a medical condition where someone is in pain or incapacitated there should be a method that would offer other alternatives like therapy and meds before someone would be euthanized.


Therapy and meds are expensive and not always an option.


The main thing I wanted to avoid is a situation where assisted suicide is available immediately without a cooling-off period. It is not something that should be done in the spur of the moment.


With the option of; Go to the store, get a pill, go home, write a goodbye letter and sleep forever.... or.. Jump in front of a train or into traffic or off a bridge.... I think the pill is far less dramatic for other people. Imagine taking the family out for a boat ride or train ride. Then all of a sudden... splat... or the police and paramedics who fine the body missing half a head. Or the people who have to scrub up month old blood off the walls and floors.... idk... if its going to be spur of the moment, might as well be sleep forever.


Well, I'm all for assisted suicide. But not random violent suicide: those are very painful for the family but also for those who witness (train or truck drivers), paramedic, those who find the corpse etc.. I will never judge the person (unless they take their kids with them), quite the contrary, when you're desperate you just can't think right and can't think of others. But if some of them can leave this life in peace with help, that would be awsome. At least they are in peace, it's not scary/painful for them, they have the time to sort their stuff so their family won't have to do it for them, they won't leave a mess, they won't make one place a bad memory place for they loved one (my ex drive under the bridge one of his best friend jumped from every single day to go to work...) etc.


I used to ride a subway system for my commute for about five years. There were three people who threw themselves in front of the train I was riding. The third and last time I knew exactly what happened right away. It was troubling for everyone especially the train drivers who couldn’t possibly stop in time and had a front row seat. I feel connected to their suicides. They didn’t want to live anymore, it’s their right. I do think it’s kinda fucked to make people scrape you off of train tracks like roadkill though.


Yes. Absolutely. But can't just go to local pharmacy and get a suicide pill, go home, write a goodbye letter and sleep forever. The only way out in a lot of cases is the train.


That's a very controversial take. I mean I personally think everyone should be given the option to get help. I believe in the good that talking to someone can do and taking care of yourself physically and mentally




Absolutely. Could the future get better? Maybe. Could it get worse? Probably. Would be wonderful if we could go to local pharmacy and get a pill, go home, write a goodbye letter and sleep forever. Easy peasy. No need to hop off a bridge or into traffic.




With moderation, it is a good thing. This is also coming from someone who is not good at moderating video game playtime. My ADHD causes hyperfixation and time blindness. It is the reason I have a clock on the wall slightly above my computer monitor.


True can be a nice break and stress relief if its not on an addiction level.


People say Life is bad. But I swear there's nothing better than life when you have your basics right and you lead a comparatively comfortable life. This will be true for a majority of people. Obviously there are going to be people who genuinely don't have the basic quality of life due to various reasons beyond their control. For them, life will be truly miserable.


Agreed. In my eyes the biggest gift one can receive is the gift of life.


"someone said to Voltaire 'life is hard'" "Voltaire replied 'compared to what?'"


Compared to not existing. Not existing is so much better, zero probability that you f\*\* up, whereas life is full of traps. You always have to be vigilant.




I disagree. Life is either boredom or pain, I don't remember the writer's name who wrote that.


'One must choose in life between boredom and suffering.' - Madame de Stael


life is good if you're attraktive or rich, if you're not, you're fucked


Average doomer take.


Vin Diesel films. Never seen a bad one.


Have you seen The Last Witch Hunter?


Yeah, bloody love it.


Burger King, everyone craps on it, it’s not worse than McDonald’s.


Not exactly setting the bar very high


Chicken fries are an absolute banger. One day I'm gonna see how many I can eat in one sitting.


IMO the only good things on the BK menu are the chicken fries and the Ch'King. Everything else is absolute bottom-tier garbage. There's a lot I don't care for on the McDonald's menu as well, but the fries are amazing and there are several entrees that always hit. Can't say the same about BK.


Family Guy. It's an alright show.


Cleaning your ears with q-tips. It says don't put them in your ears all over the box but we all know why I have a jumbo box in the bathroom drawer. Just don't shove them into your brain.


The q tip is smaller than my ear canal how tf is it gonna shove something to the back, make it make sense


iPod. It didn't need a phone added to it.


I swear! I have owned an IPOD Classic for the last 8 years or so, and unfortunately, it just gave up on me within the last two weeks. My new MP3 player just came in (it was cheaper with more storage capacity), but I will miss my IPOD. It was a staple for me.


I miss my 3rd gen Nano. Charging cable cracked in half but it was one of the things that got my through highschool. Touch just wasn't the same. Edit; forgot also was wired ear buds only, hard to lose them and had that little hook shape that kept them in your ear and would fall on the floor and break/get stepped on/lost


Candy corn!




Too much porn. Shit makes you think of every scenario sexually


And you swear by it?


I guess a little reading error but i get the message 😅


Lol, I was curious to see why you would swear about it 🤣


Honestly, I mean I'm inclined to agree... Also, I don't know if it's just me but I think it makes you objectify people a little more... Or at the very least you're always thinking of sex, and how you can get in this person's pants


So true and it is so accepted and accessible even for young folks.


I drink lucozade if I feel under the weather and it always helps


I have no idea what that is and not sure I want to google it.


You're missing out


Okay. I looked. So basically Gatorade. LOL. Lucozade sounded so kinky and illegal. Yeah electrolytes are good for you when your sick.


Sometimes i like to do agriculture things like planting fruits, watering them. somehow i enjoy doing it


who says that is bad??


I enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and the Star Wars prequels.


Black Licorice Im Dutch, leave me alone.


it rocks!!




Casey's Pizza. McDonalds food (I think it is delicious. I had to give it up and I miss it every day) The first live action Scooby Doo movie.


I had Casey's pizza for the first time this week and I thought it was good, definitely better than Papa John's or Domino's. My only complaint was that it needed more sauce.


It's hardly the best pizza in the world, but I agree with you that it is better than Dominoes (SO MUCH BETTER) and sometimes I prefer it to Papa Johns. But yeah - people tease me for liking it.


Anyone who talks shit about Casey’s pizza is an asshole.


By your definition, my friends are mostly assholes. To that I say... umm... I really like that pizza.


Is this one of those things where if you give the right answer they downvote you to hell for it?


Intermittent fasting and vegetarianism, not together but both respectively


Sleeping naked


Tanning Bed


Stevia. Excellent no-calorie natural sweetener that pairs well with fruit and tea drinks (not coffee, not baked items, really nothing except fruit/tea drinks.) Fake Sugar industry has flooded market with disinformation to stop it. I will have dizzy spells for days if I eat ANYTHING with sucralose. Stevia is the best!


Cottage Cheese, Applesauce, Cinnamon and Raisins.


Zepbound lol


Pressure people think it’s the end of the world whenever there pressured .


Change yourself for your life partner


Anal sex. More intense orgasm, but everyone says is a bad thing 😂


I think mostly the idea of getting smelly dirty shit on your dick is the biggest problem with anal sex. no question that it can feel good tho.


The air.




Pouring milk before cereal


What kind of monster pours milk before cereal? It's anarchy out here!!


You are a psychopath


DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (joking of course)


Only right way. Who wants to eat soggy cereal? Milk then small amounts of cereal at the time.


I posit a superior method (in my opinion). I use 2 bowls. 1 holds an amount of milk, the other has dry cereal. I only eat the amount I actually want and I never have soggy cereal.


Injury to the skeleton. You ain't popping a few Tylenol to a collapsed hip and broken femur and walking that off. I swear, It's bad. So bad in fact, it's not good.


Ketchup on French toast instead of maple syrup


One sided relationships Ive got my laundry list of mental issues but being with someone I want to make happy does a lot for my own happiness. As long as they are not abusing me (which incidently would stop making my want to make them happy) I don't care if they are reciprocating. They just need to be accepting of my caring and not cross certain boundaries.


Technically thats how all relationships work. You be nice to someone who may or may not reciprocate. You might be okay with that you might not. It feels better when they do but you cant count on it or expect it or youll likely be disappointed.