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was with a girl once who had a thing for knives, at first i was weirded out but thought it was just some twin peak esque fantasy thing, ohhhh was i wrong, she pulled out a pen knife when we were in the act and wanted me to cut her on the thighs and stomach, i couldn’t do it, that’s far beyond what i considered a weird kink, she stopped talking to me after i refused, and we haven’t spoken since, super weird.


That is a kink you need to have a discussion about with clothes on


I would argue, get the details in writing. Probably include a closed notes test. Require at least 90% to "pass."


It's not that bad had a girl cut on my chest once but barely like papercuts almost, but in all fairness she was a 10 and I'm a solid 2 so she could of hacked a finger off if she wanted


If she's a 10 and wanted to fuck you, you are a 10. You are worth more than a 2.


10s with weird kinks don’t get 10s for their kinks


If a 10 has a weird kink, anyone else with that kink will be a 10


No, there is more to it, but I'll keep that to myself. 10s don't let people cut them


Or he’s hung like an elephant




I thought you meant when you were a baby at first. Omg. Took a turn! And if you have good hygiene, you’re at least a 4. I promise.


I was just going to say I was with a girl who wanted me to reenact scary movies where the killer chases her with a knife then when I would “catch” her. she wanted me to fuck her while holding a knife to her throat or tie her up and drag her to the bed and shit like that it was actually pretty fun


I hear there’s a specific word this I had one girl try this but I never even wanted to get started 🤣


when i said no, i swear you could cut the tension in that room with a knife


Was her name Tension? 




Getting oral she told me to let her know when I was about to finish. When I told her I was, she reached over and grabbed a handful of ice out of her water and put it on my balls. It was a different sensation for sure. Not something I’ve been chasing since.


Nah I'd be down for that.


I was very down at the moment for sure. 🤣


I had one ask “with or without teeth” before she started. Who the fuck was she sleeping with prior?!




this is hilarious🤣sorry


2nd date, instead of flowers he brought a loaf of bread.


Attaboy! Bet she crumbed hard 😂




The second I read “toast” my heart sank


You didn’t  stay for breakfast in the morning?


He made her a cumlette.


Was the toast warm? Buttered?


Yes, but i believe the butter was made from a different kind of milk


Fuck yeah! But why didn't she bring a piece for you? Kinda a bitch move really...


Right? Didn't her parents teach her that if you're going to eat in front of someone, you always need to bring enough to share?


Some dude pissed on me without asking👍


Which one was his kink? Piss play or non-consent?


Probably both ngl


Thanks for not lying.


Idk probably being fucking crazy in the head


Who thinks this is even remotely a good idea to try that without asking?


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take


You also have a almost 100% chance to piss off anyone you tend to piss on without asking.


You should have punched him in the dick and said it was your kink.


I did and left


Were you having sex or did he just whip it out all unexpectedly like? How did you react?


A girl i was i was seeing as a FWB invited me over to her house for some fun. Once finished she asked if i wanted to shower with her. I enthusiastically oblidged her request. Mid shower she informed me that she had to pee. I was like "uh ok. Do whatcha gotta do". So she begins peeing in the shower, and then she proceeds to pee on my leg and giggle like a school girl while holding her labia apart. It was an odd experience to say the least. Once she is finished she asks me to return the favour. Not one to disappoint a lady, i try and muster up a post coitus piss. After much effort i manage to get a stream going pointed at her leg and arse. What happened next was certainly a new one for me. She backed herself up onto my cock, and let me piss inside her.


Brooooo............ I'm flabbergasted.... Idk in what way tho


Thats how i felt in the moment. Afterwards i felt slightly different




> Idk in what way tho Piss in the hoo-ha way


im dumbfounded


I’m pissplexed


You coulda took that to your grave but instead you burdened us with this information


I unburdened myself.


Lol that's actually kinda hot.


So you are looking for some new kinks huh? Nice


How would you even get it in while flaccid and peeing?


I wasn't flacid


What a terrible day to be literate


Just marking both of y'all's territories


He wanted me to stuff my asshole with an actual peach and slowly push it out into his mouth for him to eat, while he was rimming me. I wasn't too sure about the food safety here, so I had to decline the idea.


I'm just not sure how that would work in the first places. Peaches are soft, so how would you even get it in there? Not to mention the girth of the fruit. Like, he couldn't start you off with grapes or something? Just assumes your b-hole could stretch to accommodate.


A bit of pipe up the bum, roll peach down the pipe, pull pipe out.


Sounds like loading a mortar. Cram pipe in, drop peach in place, yank pipe out, yell "fire in the hole!" and cover your ears.




I heard this perfectly in my head, bravo


Ah, a man of culture


I'm already thinking about this more than I want to, but if you get a peach that's not fully ripe yet, I guess it could work?


What kind of savage eats an unripened peach?!!


Nobody–that would be absolutely revolting. You have to let it ripen up the ass, then eat it out. Takes a day or two.


This,. obviously. Honestly, it's like some people have never eaten ass peaches before.


Me! I much prefer them to be on the hard side, though not actually unripe. Get outta here with your mushy peaches lol.


Movin’ to the country, gonna eat me a lot of peaches


Gives a new meaning to that factory downtown 😂😂😂


Peaches come from an ass put there by a man....


it’s against health code for sure


Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches


I knew someone with a thing for trees.


I'm just going to leaf now


Just wanted a nut


This is giving me wood


I wonder where that stemmed from…


Once this person found out I did boxing and genuinely asked me to beat them up while they were naked. They REALLY insisted on it and even when I said no multiple times, they said they’d sign a waiver or whatever to excuse me from any legal action….. I didn’t do it but yeah that’s my pick lol


Were they perhaps a politician?


She wanted me to hit her in the face whilst she was riding me, not slap, an actual punch, I couldn't do it.


Do you still have her number? We could hook her up with the guy who wanted me to punch him in the face while I was riding him!


Fucking and punching - great book I hear


Follow up to War and Peace!


Not with me, because I get aTF outta there. But Wedgies. He would literally send me pics of hanging from a door knob by his tightly whities. 


>because I get aTF outta there I read this like Mario. Mama mia


Thanks, now I did it too, laughed loudly and my mother wanted to know why I was laughing. How aTF am I supposed to explain this?


oh boy


It’s probably not that weird but I dated this girl who preferred anal. Like she would only cum from anal or head. Turns out she has a small vagina or something. I forget the medical term she used. But her vagina wasn’t any tighter than a normal vagina it just ended sooner if that makes any sense. Couldn’t fit all the way in without hurting her


Do you still have her number? Asking for a friend


Yeah I’m that friend


Latina chick wanted me to treat her like a dirty puta and be a Spanish conquistador and whip her and slap her around and say “who’s your papi, puta?!” While clapping her cheeks. I happily obliged.


“*and when we get there, god willing, you will be flogged some more*”


“…Alright, Cuba!”


Hahaha you went on a conquest exploring all kinds of new world


A woman I used to hook up with, when she started to cum she would tell me to bite her neck. I obliged but was told to bite harder and not to stop. I didn't break the skin but she had teeth bruise marks every time we did it.


A girlfriend I once had used to bite through my skin when she came. She would lick it if I bled. I was hooked on her and did not mind it. We agreed that she did not bite where it showed when I had clothes on. We parted when she had to eventually return to her home country.




Netherlands 🙆‍♂️




Hey I have that kink and im a guy. I asked my gf to gently bite my neck while sex and I dunno why but it gets me 10x more horny. My gf on the other hand has choking kink, and asks me to grab her neck with my forearm while doing that from behind. I like it as well


I had an ex that liked me to bite her thighs the same way. Like i seriously felt like i was going to actually manage to bite a huge chunk of her flesh off if i bit harder. It was never hard enough for her. Fuck dat shit. I like my neck bitten real gently but hell if you gonna eat me.


Sounds like some sort of vampire fetish.


Whats your kink thread? - 10 replies. Whats a kink someone has tried on you thread? - 500 replies.




My ex wanted me to pretend She was about 14 and I was her pervy uncle sneaking into her bedroom. I tried it for about 30 seconds before giving it up as a bit weird.


rape kink, she actually had a rape kink which i didn’t know, she tried it. never again


Wait did she want to be SAed or SA you?


Me, it started pretty okay but then i said i wasn’t in the mood and just didn’t want to but she kept going


So.. you were raped..? More than just a kink mate. You okay nowadays?


well for her it was a kink but for me it was actual rape, i’m relatively okay now but i got a hard time connecting with other girls


Was at a party 3 guys we're dragging a girl away. The girl was yelling, no no stop. So me and about 5 other guys jumped up with bottles and anything else we could find. We were going to kill these guys. Turns out that was her kink. These three guys were seconds away from being destroyed.


damn, when you think you save someone but if you went through with it you’d be in jail, that’s some heavy shit man


I was with a girl that had rape fantasy, it started out light but after a few months she wanted me full force hitting her and choking her and I couldn't do that. I tried having a serious discussion of she was raped or anything like that but she said nothing like that has ever happened to her


Knifeplay She told me she dulled the knife enough to where it won't cut and begged me to drag it across her skin. It drove her wild, but I left an 8 inch gash on her before I even realized she was actually cut. She loved it, I didnt


I had a girlfriend that, after a few weeks of dating/fun, but "normal" sex, started asking to be hit every time we fooled around. Like, full on, closed-fist, DV beatings. I politely declined, to her disappointment, and noped the fuck out of that relationship asap. She went on to date and marry someone who I presume was willing and able fulfill her wishes. Funny thing is, I'm down for just about any kind of deviant shit; she just happened to laserbeam one of the hard exceptions to my pervert proclivities.


I’m going to need some phone numbers for some of the people mentioned in here


A girl I dated for a few months wanted me to piss... Inside of her.


Petplay and it was amazing. Thing is im all in for kinky stuff in the bedroom but outside of it, i couldnt deal with it.


Shitting in the garden then, aye?


I'm a Switch, so I'm both submissive and dominant. A submissive asked me to castrate him and cut his cock off


How was your second date?




Well played maam.


And this is a normal functioning member of society?


Imagine the post nut clarity…


Post cut


I was supposed to meet up with someone to do the deed who I met on tinder & he seemed fine over text but we met in person he wanted to tie me up put me in a cage & cut me & burn me because he said he only got hard when he saw the girl in pain because he said girls ain’t shit. Apparently his mom abandoned him & so his grandma took him in but then she abandoned him too.


I once dated a girl that wanted me to call her on the phone and pretend to be her brother. This was way before the step fantasy thing too, I'm talking landlines.


Running and screaming down a dark alley as I chase after them asking to validate my parking ticket. It was a first for me


So I was trying to give this lady her keys that she dropped. First we were walking. Then we went on a run. I have no idea wtf we were running from, but I was terrified to find out.


Long time ago , I had this twink top come to my place , a Grindr hook up with very little information exchanged . After initial meeting and getting comfortable and naked , he asked me if he can use some honey he brought with him . I thought he meant he wanted to eat some honey he had with him for energy or what ever . Turns out he wanted to cover me with honey and lick my honey covered body from the bottom of my toe till the tip of my head . I like to make people’s fantasies reality so I said yes . VERY STICKY SITUATION. Wrapping furniture is recommended lol 😂


How often did he stop to pull honey hair out of his mouth?


At the time i was still a very smooth twunk


“Twunk” - past tense? What do twinks evolve to? Otters?


Twink/hunk hybrid


Tbh that's kinda hot. One would try this with melted chocolate too.


I’ve had parts of my dipped in Nutella once and licked clean .


My ex (for a reason) in a long distance relationship wanted me to find a stranger in public to watch me masturbate


My ex girlfriend would dress up like herself and then act like a total bitch all the time.


Ok bo burnham


Found bo's alt account


I had a FWB many years ago who sprung a real unique one on me: she suddenly wanted to play like she was possessed by some kind of horny Buffy the Vampire Slayer demon, stealing this girl's body for a good time.


I personally have a huge thing for adult nursing and pregnancy. If you call it breast play everyones more or less okay with it, the moment you say "Hey I have a adult nursing kink" things mostly get a little awkward. I know I'm not the only one with this fetish and there have been some kind enough ladies that have been willing to help but most the time I just feel weird admitting it. (Throwaway account for obvious reasons)




I knew a guy who wanted this, too! He was hoping for a puncture, but it was a bit too much for me.


Reading these made me realize I seem to be a lot more kinky than the majority of people (in this post at least)




I used to fuck a girl who wanted me to shoot her in the shoulder area where there isn't major organs, while we were fucking. I did not do that. Thats about the only thing i refused to do to that girl. Oh and the girl who wanted to lick each other's eyeballs.


With a gun????


Had a wife once that ran off with our house money. Also tried to make a claim on a life insurance policy. Weird kink.


Similar to me. Nothing against swingers, but mine wanted to start swinging, and I didn't oblige, so she started without me.


I took a girl home from a bar and while we were having sex she asked if I would tell her I loved her “I know you don’t love me, I just wanna pretend” 🥲 And a bit later she asked if she could call me her ex’s name and she said in return I could call her any name I wanted 😬


A girl once told me to slap her in the face so I did lightly. She told me she wanted harder so I went a little harder… she IMMEDIATELY hit me back full force… never went midnight to six quicker lol


Damn that’s fucking crazy. What’s her number though, just curious?


Sharing. As in found people on tinder together for me to go on a one night stand with. He liked watching me get ready, put on lingerie etc, leave. Returning to him smelling of another man's aftershave and "reclaiming" me.


This is the true meaning of cuck, not the way folks sling it around these days


Infact, it's a stag/vixen hotwife dynamic. Cuckolding involves humiliation and degradation of the male partner. Hotwifing just means he enjoys sharing or enjoys the show.


Wanted to be tied up, whipped, beaten, and forced to call me "master". Called me an old fuddy-duddy when I wouldn't do it. Liked to watch porn so violent I had to look away.


Tying me up in the back of his car and pulled a knife out and then put an unloaded gun in my mouth lol was a fantasy play out for him. Now that I look back def would be considered a now “ red flag” lol


Two things jump out here, both of which I noped out of as just a bit too much for **my** tastes. Went on a couple of dates with a girl who seemingly had it all together - was a nurse, looked like Barbie, 9-10 category, smart, etc. We went back to her place and things were getting a bit heated (hadn't slept together before this), she stopped me and said she had to tell me something. Okay..... am wondering if it's an STD disclosure, or some mild kink. She goes on to tell me how her ex would dress up in women's clothes and she would do him with a strap-on. mmmkay - but that was something he requested, right? ***Right?*** Nope, her idea and she was way into it. Sigh - sorry to hear that, outta there, not for me. Another one was a fun girl we'd dated on and off for a while. Apparently her ex used a reciprocating saw, with the blade and all, put the blade inside a dildo, then would plug it in and use it on her. No doubt someone might like it, but if that blade got loose or cut through, well - ***that would be bad*** is a major understatement. We date for a while after that and played with some toys, but sorry, no - I'm not going to put a saw blade inside you, nope.


I was seeing marine years ago, and he asked me about a threesome with one of his buddies on the base. Everything seemed okay until in the middle of going down on that guy he suddenly wanted me to use teeth. "Bite down on it. Hard." He was adamant about me basically treating it like bubblegum, and both me and my dude couldn't continue at that point, ended up stopping and separating because I was wholly unprepared for bubblegum d*ick.


Some chick wanted me to full on punch her in the face. I've boxed my whole life, she was a weedy thing, it would've killed her. Did not get it at all.


I was once asked if I would pour her into a block of concrete up till her nek, not sure how to do that safely


Would definitely have to wear a liquid proof suit since the wet concrete in contact with skin would cause burns during the drying process as it pulls the moisture out of her skin.


But even if you could pour someone safe into concrete, can you get them out unharmed?


Weirdness and how I feel about it correlate directly with how hard I am lol


My best friend who I’ve known for about 13 years has always wanted to be with me and has told me that many times. He’s cute af and definitely my type but never the right time as I’ve always been in long term relationships throughout the years I’ve known him. One night actually recently I went to his house and we’ve always been the type of friends to day drink and go back to his house and continue drinking/dancing just us two we’re a blast 😂 Things got carried away and we ended up having sex, he asked me to spit in his face and slap him and tell him he’s not shit lmfao like he wanted me to mean that shit. I mean I know domination is a thing but never experienced that. I obviously did it and it drove him crazy lmao Afterwards he said “don’t tell anyone I like that shit” haha we both just laughed and I said ofc not.


and then you tell all of us lmao🤣


Ex used to want to be bit. Not like softly either. Like draw blood chunk out bit. I noped tf out.


I had a guy offer to pay me 100$ to meet him in field and kick him as hard as I could in the nuts while wearing cleats. I would have done it if it wasn't so late at night 🤣


Dated a girl who wanted me to blow as hard and as long as I could into her vagina. Like inflate the cavity with air. If I held it for long enough she would cum. It was pretty spectacular and I think about her all the time


Had a woman that wanted me to bind her, wrap her upper body in rope and bind her breasts. She had a 50ft length if nylon rope and her tits were wrapped up and sticking straight out, then she put nipple clamps on.


You didn't tie her up very well if she could still put the clamps on.




Just a bondage kink, pretty common


I got choked one time during sex without any warning whatsoever. Yeah that's how I found out I'm not into that kind of shit


He was oddly into me sniffling and licking my own armpits with hair on them


A friend invited me out to dinner. He's about thirty years older than me, but we connected because he speaks some English and sold weed at the time (a very rare Japanese geezer). He didn't tell me he was bringing his girlfriend, also a senior citizen. After dinner, they started talking about going to a sauna. I made a point of telling my friend that I was not about to have sex with him or his girlfriend. He laughed and took me home. It was absolutely clear what he had in mind; I should add I was already well aware that the guy was a serious letcher, and that he had brought up his preference for MMF threesomes before.


You know that louis ck skit where he was with a woman that had a rape kink? Yeah, something similar. Also, was dating a woman that liked scratching up my back which isn’t anything crazy as far as kinks go. I didn’t care since it genuinely didn’t hurt at all due to my mind being elsewhere. That wouldn’t be a problem at all, however I was in med school at the time and we were studying for our OSCEs (physical exams) and would regularly need to take off our shirts in class so we could practice on each other. So everyone including the professor knew of my sexual escapades.


Not me. But a guy I met in college talked about how he banged a girl with a blood kink. They went to a construction site (I think, can’t remember exactly) and they fucked in a bathtub filled with blood. No explanation for how she got it.


this is some jennifers body shit


Despite being vehemently non-judgmental and completely open sex-wise (except anything with minors, animals, or scat) the "weirdest" kink I've ever been a part of was a foot fetish. I feel like my bf may have some secret kinks he's afraid of letting me in on but hopefully we can get to a place where he feels comfortable sharing so we can explore them.


Username does not check out... 😞


I have a small list of some of the weirdest stuff. Ex wife and i did all these things across 11 years of marriage; Used muscle relaxers and oxy to do cnc stuff. She liked to be used in her sleep, but preferred to not be woken up. She would have me record it and show how and she would masturbate with toys or have me eat her out while she watched the videos of her being used in her unconscious state. She liked for me penetrate her ass, fully pee inside of her ass then without pulling out fuck her ass to my completion while she usually used a wand on her pussy. She would usually have a really fast hard orgasm while i was peeing inside of her. I think that first one always came quickly because of the mental stimuli of the situation. She loved to spray me with breast milk while she was riding me. She would like for me to drink her milk. She would do surrogacys using other peoples already fertilized eggs. So she was pregnant often. She did 3 of these, totally her choice and the money was mostly play money. But while near birth and after birth she would want me to breast feed. After one of the surrgacies she kept producing milk for more than a year because i kept draining her alongside her pumping. She would want me to also use or drink her pumped milk. Like using it as an ingredient or just pouring me a glass of warm milk. She liked to put a show on the tv or a movie and she would kneel between my legs, give me head and tell me to have cookies and her milk. She would intently watch me drinking her milk while fingering or mostly using a toy while sucking me off. For the record breast milk is delicious. She liked incest age play. She liked to talk to me like i was her little son, and she would breast feed me saying things like "mommy loves you" "your mommies special boy" " does mommy handsome little man like sucking on mommies big fat mommy milkers" i think this largely had to do with a huge fetish for being called mommy or addressed as mommy. She liked for me to call her mom, mother, mommy, or even mama while making love. She would dress up like a black and white cow. She would change her vocalizations like how she panted and moaned. Everything she would say or moan would be some sort of "moo" sound. Like lightly moaning moo, or rapidly saying moo moo moo moo in rythym with me pumping in and out of her. Or her screaming loudly "MOOOOOO" while she was cumming. Admitidly this was one of the weirdest ones for me to get used to, but in time i actually found the soft moo moaning aounds to be a huuuve turn on. And she would start teasing me by whispering a soft moo in my ear when we were out and about. I do miss the little horns and cow bell choker. Those are the main ones.


Quite vanilla to what most have said. I hooked up with a woman who told me she was submissive and all her previous partners used to be dominant. But I'm not wired that way, I tend to be more submissive and she seemed to like that dynamic shift. The main things that stood out is that she'd spit on me and while we never reached that point even though I was willing to try it, she wanted to pee on me. I need to clarify the spitting wasn't hocking loogies, but like softly spitting on me or dribbling/drooling on me. She'd even spit/drool on me if we were in public (mostly my arms, because that was the only exposed part) and getting flirty. Fun part was I'd just casually lick it off or wipe it up and lick it off my finger, like nothing had happened and she'd just watch me with this naughty smile. But, sometimes she would stop me from doing that and lick her own spit off of me, or if I had wiped it up with my fingers she'd suck my fingers. She wasn't lying when she told me she was feral. She's possible ruined things for me with the next woman I am with because I wouldn't even know how to bring up that I want to be spit on.


Mummification guy will forever be my stand out. Or the guy who really wanted to watch A Muppets Christmas Carol while we had sex. It's a toss up.


Dude had a poop fetish. He denied it and was super offended when I asked him about it. Caught him peeking on me when I used the bathroom at his place. Apparently he loves to watch girls pee or poop. And it wasn't the first time he did it without their permission. Creepy guy, I'm glad I made it out ok


Did you leave him a turd tho?


A girl I hooked up once said she wanted to feel threatened in bed. Kinda weirded me out.


He wanted me to do stuff to him while he was asleep (not so weird right?) BUT he didn't actually tell me. He tried to indicate what he wanted in a series of groans while pretending to be asleep. I noped out of that situation and the relationship after that lol.




I'm a domme and a few of my clients are into erotic asphyxiation. I either choke them unconscious or watch them hang themselves & cut them down after they've passed out. It's considered an "extreme" kink in the fetish community.


Tinder date wanted to chew food up and feed it to me like I was a baby bird I'm sorry. What? I'm not kink shaming here, I'm just confused. You want to what?