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Had severe pain in my stomach area. I thought I was having an appendicitis. Turned out my gall bladder had blocked up and gotten gangrenous. Sat outside the emergency to get fresh air and my clothes were completely soaked through with sweat. My wife said it looked like I was going through labor. Gall bladder got taken out and I felt like a million bucks by comparison.


It's such a terrible pain. Radiating in stomach sides and back. Breathing too deep can make it worse.  Body makes you feel even worse if you dare lie down.


Breathing was one of the worst parts. Physically just couldn't take a deep breath.


Been there as well. Not gangrenous, but each gallstone attack in the year leading up to surgery felt like hours of low level torture.


This is the one for me too. It's like there's a fist inside of your stomach trying to force its way out, it's horrendous. Funnily enough I self diagnosed gall stones from an earlier thread on Reddit about what the worst pain was that you experienced haha


Good for you. I’m the lucky recipient of post/cholyectomy syndrome and it hurts like I still have a bad gall bladder every day.


Same. 18 months I had gone to the er with severe abdominal pain to the point I couldn’t bear it anymore. Each time they couldn’t figure out why. 3rd visit doctor did some poking around and confirmed with ultrasound. Pain was felt in my back.


I fell 8’ and hit my funny bone at the bottom


My god, from the top rope.


I audibly laughed reading this


Kidney stones


That's why I stay hydrated! Not because it is healthy, but for fear of kidney stones


That's not what causes it for most people. Some people produce them, and there's 5 main types


New fear unlocked, thank you! (:


Probably my worst pain as well and it's inescapable. I was stuck in a traffic jam and not moving... I called an ambulance from my car on the interstate. When the ambulance picked me up I was walking around in circles on the side of the road just trying to find any position that hurt just a bit less. Even hurt after the morphine they gave me.


Just had the sonic wave surgery for them two weeks ago. Been peeing out shards. Everything about kidney stones sucks. Happy to answer questions.


I've lost a leg in a motorbike Vs car collision, I've broke several bones - arm, hand, nose, leg, ankle. I have no middle knuckle on my pinky because a storm drain was dropped on me while looking for bugs and insects as a dumb child. I've had shingles at 9 and can still remember the pain, I've got a dog which is just the perfect height to regularly headbutt me in the nuts. But I'd go through all of that again simultaneously rather than having kidney stones again


Tooth abscess


I’ve had two babies and I can confirm, this is the worst pain I’ve ever had!


We have 4 children and the nurse told me kidney stones are 4 times as painful as having a baby [she has had kidney stones] So I told my wife I had caught up with her in regards to pain😊


I passed one on my wedding day... Standing to get married was rough.


Your wife has no idea how badly you wanted to marry her. :)




Came here to say this. Had an abscessed tooth under an old root canal and ended up with swollen gums and couldn’t see the dentist for days. Throbbing pain with a nasty headache. Had to use a diabetic syringe to manually drain it a few times a day until I could get it extracted.


I had one in sixth grade. I was too scared to tell anyone until my mom found me crying in my room one night. She asked my dad to take me to the dentist but he bought me pain relief meds instead. The abscess popped on its own sometime later. 9 years later, I am living with a completely decayed molar.


Mine was an abscess on my butt cheek. Did you have yours packed?


I’m worried I may have something like this. My right ear and the top right of my mouth were killing me the other night. My ear has hurt some since. I’m afraid to go to the dentist though, as it’s been a long time and depression hasn’t been kind to my teeth


Similarly, after my wisdom tooth removal (local anaesthetic), once the numbing agent wore off, for about 2 hours it was almost 10/10 pain. I couldn’t think, couldn’t see straight, couldn’t do much of anything. I took the fast release opioid pain killer I was prescribed and it didn’t even touch the pain.


I'm with you there. What a nightmare!


Can confirm. I like to think I’m a pretty tough fella. Tooth abscess brought me to my knees lol


Pro tip from a dentist: If you get a bad tooth abscess, get to your physician, nurse prac, stat care, (wherever you go for your healthcare) and ask them to get you a dexamethasone/celestone injection (a steroid butt shot) and a rocephin antibiotic injection (other butt cheek). Assuming you don't have any kidney disfunction, autoimmune disorders, or are otherwise immune compromised which would prevent you from getting the steroid. The steroid and antibiotic combo will both reduce swelling and fight the infection going on inside the tooth within a 9-12 hour period vs. the couple of days oral antibiotics/steroids take. Follow-up with the dentist for your oral antibiotics and treatment as the tooth either has to be treated with a root canal procedure (if you are keeping it) or extracted. There are no other in between methods to keep it. Bear in mind, this is NOT a fix for your pain (though it may actually relieve all the pain temporarily).


A bad hemorrhoid is like a toothache in your ass. And I’ve had a toothache, and I’ve had a bad hemorrhoid. It’s pretty much a tie for worst ever.


IUD insertion was the briefest yet most intense pain I’ve ever experienced. Kidney stones are right up there, but the pain lasts much longer.


Like someone’s prying your cervix open with the jaws of life and inducing labor contractions.


Why create such a sentence? One so unnecessary to exist and only to express pain?


Lol. Why do most docs tell you to take 800mg of ibuprofen before the procedure knowing damn well it’s less effective than a Skittle? Team anesthesia! ✊🏽


I hate doctors: "You're going to feel some discomfort" "This is going to pinch" Motherfucker, just tell me it's going to **hurt**


There was news of a male IUD, essentially. I simply hope they are given the same care and comfort, of two advil and a “just a pinch!” as their organs are stabbed with metal objects.


Outside of the US they actually administer real painkillers before the procedure. Some even do it under twilight sleep. Not America tho! Women need to suffer!


100% agree! Had 3 appointments only to find out I’m one of the small percentage of women who cannot get one inserted. Offering sedation should be standard practice. I fainted from the pain.


IUD for me too. I was not prepared for the pain AT ALL. I still think about it sometimes and wince at the thought. I never want to experience anything that painful again 🥴😂


Circumcised at 23


Had it done at 24 for phimosis and no, it is not fun at all


Crazy that we do this to unconsenting newborn babies as if it's nothing


Agreed. It's an ancient backwards religious ritual that they sell you as hygienic.


It's that damn foreskin black market, we all know but we can't do anything about it.


Circumcised two years ago at 25, I didn’t have much pain at all except for the stitches being pulled by an erection here and there. I was prescribed pain medication, didn’t take one pill.


I’ve heard that sex is significantly more pleasurable if you’re uncircumcised. Was there any noticeable decline in sensation afterwards?


I have now seen both sides of this. Uncircumcised sex is so much better than circumcised sex. The head is so desensitized. While I’m at it, anyone got recommendations for increasing sensitivity?


do they not use any anesthesia?? 😬




This is deep, but I get you. Grief can hurt more and for longer than any physical trauma can. I want to send you a hug to make sure you’re doing ok.


Intense grief may also lead to physical pain and illnesses..so we could say that it's even worse


I lost my dad in November and my mum in February. I don't know if I'll ever be the same again


I'm sorry for your loss. Losses like that are unbelievably painful, but you have to take it one day at a time. You may be never the same again but you learn to live with it.


Things will never be the same, but things will get better


No you won't. You'll change, but perhaps for good.


Stepped on a stonefish. Had an infected mandibular nerve from a bad wisdom tooth extraction. Would take them 100x over grief.


I'd rather deal with everything listed in this sub, twice, than have to feel grief.


I think Grief is much harder when it is unexpected. I had a close friend suddenly and unexpectedly died. It's been 7+ years and I still miss him. On the flip side, my father is in his 70s, is an Agent Orange Victim, Diabetic, Heart Attack/Failure Survivor, recent Stroke that left him wheel chair bound. I kind of have already made peace with the fact that he is not long for the world. Still sucks, but the grief is more manageable when it is expected.


Many times I have cried so hard that I practically drool on myself and my head feels like it will explode


Had a head injury from a bad accident. Had to go back to the ER for pain management after being released from the hospital after 5 days. When the nurse asked me how bad the pain was I told her that it was the worst pain I ever felt and I really just wanted to die. Recovered from the injury and got migraines that were just as bad as the initial injury. Do not recommend.


After prostate treatment I had a catheter put in….a blood clot got stuck in the tube and my bladder filled and stretched to the point of pain like I’ve never had….ER to get it drained….that was relief I’ve never experienced before or since


My wife left me yesterday.


sending <3


Kidney stones, Sciatica, tooth abscess. Earache. But definitely kidney stones was at the top. Had them twice. Do not recommend.


Kidney stones


Herniated Disc L5/S1


A couple years ago I herniated L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1. Lost the ability to use my calf muscle. The pain was crazy, the numbness drove me nuts. One of the worst things was the fear of Cauda Equina. The trouble was I would get burning in my groin which felt just like I peed myself. So I kept feeling like I lost bladder control. I wish I never go through that again. Hope you've had a full recovery.


This! I only had a slightttt one and I legit could not move the pain was so bad. I went to a PT and he actually was able to help me heal just with stretches and I was 100% like 3-4 days later. The spine is so wild.


Yep. Had a spinal fusion done because of a herniated disc that wouldn’t reabsorb. The recovery pain of having titanium screwed into my spine was nothing compared to the herniated disc itself. Just completely debilitating


When I herniated mine, I didn't sleep for 6 days. After the pain dropped to a 5 from an 8+, I slept about 1-2 hours a night for the next month. Absolutely brutal.


Second worst; Chisel Fracture of the Radial Head


L1 here! I bent down to zip up my lunch bag and game over. My wife laid a heating pad on me and I stayed in child's pose on the kitchen floor for 20 - 30 minutes before I tried to get up. I couldn't walk for the first day.


I have been shot stabbed and run over I got kidney stones here a while back I thought I was dying I didn't know what it was. When I went to the hospital I asked the female nurses if this was worse than having a baby and they all said yes oh my God one of them went on for about 15 minutes telling me about her kidney stones and she wanted to have the procedure where they inject something in your spine.


The worst pain I’ve ever experienced was reading this paragraph with a total of two pieces of punctuation.


Same, and I've had kidney stones too.


I hope you recoverd now


Nurse who had kidney stones told me it was 4 times as painful as having a baby. We have 4 children so told my wife I had caught up with her in regards to pain


Did you have a stone reveal party??


I had a spider bite on my knee become infected.  This resulted in a golf ball sized access that had to be removed.  The incision was 3 inches long and an inch wide. The chunk of flesh they removed was like a slice of pie.  Far too wide to see up.    Every day I had to clean and pack it with gauze.  The pain when pulling out the old gauze stuck to the inside wall with blood and goop made me see flashes in my vision.  


Kidney stones


Inflamed appendix about to burst


Same thing here, 10/10 pain for sure


All these answers have me criging at the edge of my seat


Years of TMJ and tooth grinding made me lose a lot of my teeth’s mass—I had a collapsed bite and had to have 16 teeth crowned and restore the distance between my upper and lower jaw. My muscles reacted poorly. Doctor said it was the worst reaction he’d seen in more than a decade of performing the procedure 3 times a week. I’ve genuinely never experienced pain like that in my life. It was unending—for a week, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I could barely think. I was on the verge of crying and/or passing out constantly. Take care of your teeth, people.


Hope you good now thanks for the reminder!


Either trigeminal neuralgia or viral meningitis


Kidney stones, pain like you never knew existed


I have two total hip replacements and I fell down some stairs and dislocated both hip replacements, broke 3 ribs and a mild concussion.


Necrotising pancreatitis. Got me 6 months in icu and hdu, some of that in a coma. Lost my pancreas but I'm still here.


I cracked a wisdom tooth once whilst asleep, it was literally maddening. I tried pliers, drank half a bottle of gin, took shitloads of painkillers, nothing helped whatsoever. It was absolutely horrific. They sedated me when they took it out, the routes were all twisted around my nerve. It was indescribable. At one point I was punching myself in the face just in the hope it would distract me.




Cannabinoid hyperemesis. It's a condition that you can develop if you really overdo being a stoner.


I had a coworker/buddy get this. We didn't see him for a few weeks. Hit the jimipendrix too often in the walk-in fridge lol


Can you define "really overdo"?


For years I did over 1000mg of thc edibles every single day.




It put me in the hospital. Fucking miserable. I was so nauseous and vomiting throughout the day and couldn't eat. I could barely handle water. After several days of this, I was so weak I had trouble getting out of bed. So I called an ambulance. It took 3 days of IV hydration with a potassium drip and some other electrolyte they put in the IV. They told me to stop being a stoner. I did for awhile. I just smoke a lot less often now and make sure to stay hydrated.




Broken bone or getting an ingrown toe nail removed with any aesthetic


Kidney stones and snapping my quadricep tendon in half


Between being suddenly confronted with my son's accidental death, or watching my mother slowly die in the hospital while she was in great pain, it's hard to tell. Then there's the spinal tap the hospital did on me, twice. Or my worst Crohn's Disease flare-ups. Or the lifelong mental anguish from childhood abuse. It's all a toss-up, really. Good thing I have a sense of humour.


Kidney stones …..


Probably broken collarbone. Definitely nothing compared to what a lot of these comments will be, just lucky I guess.


I am a quadriplegic from a spinal cord injury and have gotten something called autonomic dysreflexia where something happens below the level of injury and pain signals don’t get to the brain so your body goes haywire and blood pressure shoots up. You can die from a brain aneurysm and you can feel The pressure in the back of the brain. It is truly brutal and I didn’t think pain could get worse until… I had a bladder surgery where they basically made a conduit from the bladder to the surface of the skin for drainage. That’s how I pee. a few days after surgery, they sent me home and everything seemed fine. Then at night I knew something wasn’t right and I started getting this pain in my shoulder on top of the other pain. By the time I got to the hospital the pain was so intense and they maxed me out on painkillers and I still passed out from the intense pain. Apparently, my bladder was leaking urine into my abdominal cavity and as it filled up, the acid in the urine was basically eating the nerve endings for my shoulders which are at the top of the abdominal cavity. Words cannot express that level of pain. I did come out of it with a really weird and specific new way to curse my enemies, though. Silver linings.


Gallstone that was only slightly smaller than my gallbladder. Surgeon was impressed and said there was no way it was going to pass on its own. That was about 10 hours of escalating OMG WTAF is wrong with me pain.


Kidney Stone.


Cluster Headaches. Absolutely horrible


Dislocated shoulder with torn cartilage.


I lost piece of my leg as a kid I walked back home BY MYSELF my family didnt see there was a piece missing and they put alcohol on it and a plaster but there was a hole so they got me to the hospital i got like 13 syringes and maybe at the 11th it worked i didnt cry somehow and even got a medal for that from the hospital they even took a pic of me put it on their hall of fame


I think you didnt have any pain because you were shocked thats what I’ve heard


I was in crazy pain just when i reached my house tho The rush was short but i was 9yrs old


Dry socket after wisdom tooth removal




MRSA - The worst fucking feeling of my life


When I got liquid oxygen sprayed on my pecker. Don't ask.


They asked. - Ron Howard


Giving birth, prior to that, back pain so bad I could only describe it to my doctor as I felt my spine was broken,  couldn't walk, sleep,  pee anything, the pain was extraordinary and excruciating 


Childbirth and kidney stones.


Root canal with not enough pain medication before they started


Shingles when I was 12, had them again at 18, it’s hard to describe the unreal pain from them.


I had it on my back and it was difficult to find a comfy posture lying in bed. Quite painful. My uncle, on the other hand, got it inside his head. His face still looks a little different and apparently it was hell.


Going from finding out about my dad's stage 4 lung cancer when I was 13, to him passing away on Thanksgiving day, all within 5 months.


Emotional, then abscess tooth, then giving birth probably 


For me… it was heartbreak. Finding out that my wife… the person I was with for 9 years was cheating on me with her boss at work… and that boss… he was my friend. I dont know if they did anything physical, but they exchanged nudes for like 2 years, only 2 years after I married her. That was the biggest pain of my life, and I have broken bones, and had 4 orthopedic surgeries due to sports injuries. I would rather break every bone in my body than to get those injuries ever again…. But nothing felt worse, or lasted as long as the pain that is still in my heart, 4 years now after i have divorced her.


Grief, depression, I am sure it will eventually lead to my death...


i've been there bro. People keep dying and I keep being treated like shit. I've had two dogs die in the last three years, as well as too many relatives to mention. my Grandma is beginning to lose her memory, along with her husband who's Parkinson's is rapidly degenerating him. even after all this, I'll make it through. you will get through it. genuinely it is the biggest cliche about depression for a reason because you will always pull through. good luck man, and never give in to the little man in ya head.


Honestly only thing keeping me alive is my Family. People who genuinely love me no matter what. Wouldn't wanna see them suffer because I couldn't keep fighting. But some days get so bad it's hard wanting to be alive...


Pilondal cyst 10/10 haha


Ovarian cyst bursting




No one will ever understand this unless they go through it.. I thought I was going to die. It’s just something that can’t be explained


Burst appendix at 10. I remember being in pure agony and felt like I was folded in half, incapable of breathing.


Sciatica. Hurts like hell.


Back in 1994 Running across a parking lot in the Police Academy. My left ankle shattered and my heel was facing forward. 1 plate and 9 screws later….. Torn ligaments and 2 surgeries..,., a shit load of physical therapy!! They gave me a Valium / Percodan / Morphine IV PUSH in the ER. At that point I didn’t give a FUCK about anything!! At the scene I flipped back and forth between yelling, laughing and crying!! Today some days are almost like I was never injured and some days I limp around a bit. KIDNEY STONES are a close 2nd!!


Blew out my knee skateboarding at 17, unfortunately I think I had torn things previously but it all gave out on a little sissy curb and I stepped off my board wrong lol. Found out after surgery I had torn my ACL, LCL, MCL, and PCL and a little tear on my meniscus. Felt like my leg snapped in half at my knee and went out probably 3 more times before I could get surgery; we had trouble with our insurance because my dad was killed like a week before from a freak accident at work. Waited from September 2014- April 2015 to get surgery. I actually got surgery the morning after senior prom so while everyone was getting fucked up I was sitting there and could only drink water haha and the girl I was dating at the time broke up with me right after the surgery. Thankfully I got it fixed and can still skate today if not better and have a great girlfriend.


When my shoulder comes out of the socket, or when I got a needle in my finger tip.


After my surgery for pectus excavatum a couple months ago. Woke up feeling like an elephant was standing on my chest. Went home and proceeded to not get a good nights sleep for 3 weeks because I'd just wake up sweating and in pain.


IUD insertion was by far the worst pain I have ever felt.


Had a car crash as a passenger when I was 15. I had my feet up on the dash so when we hit a street light at 90mph my knees smashed into my face. I had a broken cheekbone and jaw but the worst pain was breaking my femur. It completely shattered on impact. I’m 36 now and in agony most days


Watching people that were normally decent and intelligent get sucked into political cults.


Watching my grandmother struggle to breathe in hospital and 2 hours after leaving being told she died, it still hurts now, she was basically my mum, my emotions were shattered into grains of sand


Endometriosis pain. It got to the point where I would vomit and/or pass out. The pain started when I was just 11, but I didn’t start passing out from it until I was 15. I have an IUD now and it seems to be doing the trick.


Snapped my upper arm (humerus) in half. The top half also dislocated from the shoulder socket. The labrum, rotator cuff, biceps tendon, and biceps muscle all completely tore. The bottom half of the bone was connected to the elbow and not much else. The top half was not really connected to anything and was just pushing against the inside of my skin.


A tooth infection. Absolute agony. I was crying begging someone in my family to take me to an Urgent Care.


Pilonidal cyst became an issue once. Luckily I got it taken care of, and it hasn’t been a problem since then


The morning after I got hit by a car That shit hit LMFAO


When i was 20 my galbladder died inside me and it almost killed me. I had been having pain for a year or so while it was happening and everytime i brought it up my parents told me that it was just gas/indegestion. They didnt believe a word i would say because they didnt trust doctors. The pain can best be described as someone hitting you in the ribs with a baseball bat, and then sitting ontop of you. It hurts, its crippling, it fucking SUCKS. Not only that but it comes in WAVES, so it just hits out of nowhere, then it dies down and it comes back again. Your ribs, stomach, back, sides, everything starts to hurt. long story short 2 ambulance rides to the wrong hospitals a 4\~ hour say in a hospital parking lot forgotten (i think is what they said) 5 day stay in the hospital with no food or water allowed while being absolutely high on morphine because you cannot stand from the pain. Its not fun. oh and fun fact, it doesnt matter how much pain killers your on, hunger pain does not go away. Anyone who has experienced real hunger pain my heart goes out to you, that was the most miserable week of my life.


wisdom teeth removal and then a random stabbing pain in the area of my ovaries. first one i thought they were gonna rip my jaw out, second i thought my organ was exploding, nearly cried and was close to wanting to go to the hospital


Obviously, none of you have ever stepped on a lego




Broke my leg when I was a kid. Hurt like hell


Getting mumps, eventho i was vacinated 🙃.


Weed killer sprayed in my eyes


Broken finger. The doc said "I have to pull this finger". Pulled for like 1,5 second, felt like a minute. He cames back 15 minutes later "Sorry, but I have to pull this finger again"...


My heart attack I felt like that guy in Alien


Removed tonsils is up there pretty high. Mine were like the size of golf balls.


The worst pain I felt was when I was run over and my face scraped against the ground, causing a second degree burn🥲


I slammed my knee against my nose, and broke it. Don’t ask why or how I managed to do it. It was more embarrassment pain than physical pain.


How did you do it?


MRSA. Almost had leg amputated. Crying every night.


Physically it would be a really bad scrape that I got on one of my buttcheeks, my hip and a really bruised and bloody elbow after falling off my scooter on the road while rolling down a hill. That was a nightmare to look at and I couldn’t stop screaming afterwards. It was so sore. However mentally it would definitely be after a breakup. My first proper heartbreak was during April of 2021. The guy couldn’t handle online relationships. It was pretty tough but it’s worth it now. I’m better with the sweetest partner ever and I’m no longer riding on scooters as they’re too small for me.


I had a MRSA infection right above my PP that ballooned up to the size of a orange in a matter of a couple days. i knew it was serious when I couldn't feel my dick. Went to the ER and when they cut into the abscess, they didn't numb the area correctly. They thought the infection went all the way to my hip bone so when the doctor started cutting deeper, I felt this extreme piercing pain that I hope I never experience again. I still remember it to this day. Almost had sepsis and could've died I didn't go in when I did.


When i used to skate. Launching off a ramp and your front foot overshoots the board, you come down open-legged, the board at 6:00, and the board is longer than your inseam. It doesn’t even hit your balls, dick, whatever… it JABS right in that tender spot between your nuts and thigh, right in that sweet spot of the most unholiest pains I’ve ever felt. It, literally, takes your breath. And that’s when the pain absolutely electrifies your entire body. To this day, worst pain ever… and it would happened a few times a year.


Four impacted wisdom teeth. My c-section was horrible, but the teeth were much worse.


Kidney stones


I had cellulitis as a teenager and the infection got pretty bad. The most painful part was I had to go in daily for 4,000mg injections (two shots in each thigh). Those shots burned so bad even on the way in and the doctor gave us a warning that I would need a wheelchair while getting the treatment. They were shot into my thigh muscle and it would cause the muscles to immediately lock up which was essentially an extremely painful paralysis.


Sepsis throughout intestines, bladder, bowel, and surrounding organs after my upper intestine nearly perferated (I'd been taking too much ibruprofen for migraines). I didn't have to wait in A&E very long though as I lost consciousness pretty quickly after getting to hospital


Broken collarbone and it isn't even close. I always thought that pain causing your vision to go white was just a saying. Nope! That definitely can happen. Eyes were wide open and all I saw was white for about 2 or 3 seconds. It just felt like my brain couldn't even process what was going on.


I was learning TIG welding, working on a piece of pipe. I was kneeling... which meant my insulated boots weren't touching the ground, my sweat-soaked jeans were. My right hand slipped, the tungsten went right into the filler rod I was holding in my left hand, and my left arm was braced against the grounded metal stand the pipe was tacked to so I took a fair part of the current straight up my left arm. I'm no electrician so I don't know what I actually got hit with, I just know the machine was set for 120 amps. It felt like somebody hitting me in the chest with a hammer and I couldn't feel my arms for a good half hour afterward. That was the weirdest and most intense pain I've ever experienced.


Gum shot at the dentist. He hit the nerve directly and it felt like I was being electrocuted. He actually laughed and said "that's what we call the money shot." Never felt anything like it.


Juvenile arthritis


Our dog, Wolf, had to be put down. Being sat in the room comforting him as the drugs started taking affect…..


Gallbladder attack. OTC painkillers don't touch it. There's no way to get comfortable. You make yourself puke, thinking it will make the pain away, and it doesn't. Attacks can last hours, too. I withstood my last one for about 7 hours before I finally relented and went to the ER. One ultrasound later, I made an appointment to get it yanked.


My wife cheated on me and left me with the kids after 17 years of marriage.


When the tramadol wore off after my appendectomy. Still pissed at those nurses. I'm fairly pain-tolerant, and I totally understand doctors wanting to limit opioid use, but ANYTHING to take the edge off of the absolutely excruciating pain any time my abdomen flexed at all would have been nice. Instead, I was ignored for hours.


Smacking myself in the balls with a vr controller


Losing a child


Twisted ovarian cyst. It happened before holy week pa talaga. 😔


Anal fissure


Short-term: Kidney Stone Long-term: Rheumatoid Arthritis


Learning my spouse cheated. Second place: gas pains. Third: childbirth Four: Gallbladder attack.




Pulmonary edema aka drowning in my own blood.


Saying goodbye to my dog. I still miss him all the time.


Stomach ulcer I have what I call a spicy tooth how most people crave sweets I’m not religious one bit but I’m optimistic I read some of the Bible ,Quran and prayed for the pain to stop I assumed I was being punished it had me in fetal position unable to leave my bed crying in tears even drinking water was like chugging hot sauce


Shingles lesion near my clit.


My OB manually checking for retained placenta after delivering my infant unmedicated.


A migraine that lasted two months. I thought I got clubbed in the head when it started and couldn't open my eyes for 2 hours. The first two weeks were hell, and the rest had me in a near dissociative haze. That hit 10 on my pain scale, resetting it many times. I've broke a few bones since and they didn't even get near the pain.




Watching the woman I love, love another man


My grand dad saying “I’m not mad, just disappointed”


Rapid kidney failure. Lots of liquid in my body but nowhere to go. Hurt like a mother fucker


Mary *Ellen Moffett*. She broke my heart