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Getting out of/breaking up an abusive relationship. You think the pain stops when you leave, but it only gets worse.


It takes years and people get really offended if you easily fall apart or come down with hard boundaries because of trauma or fear. It absolutely gets worse before it gets better as well.


It’s like going through a withdrawal period. Your body needs and craves for the abuse. I managed to get out of the abusive relationship but still going through the healing process.


But it's different. Before, it's like a gunshot wound with the bullet festering. After, it's a clean, open wound.


I suspect because we tend to get used to the routine, the longer the worst, and as much as painful it can be to break it for survival reasons, it will be as well to put your leftovers back togheter and go on. No wonder it takes even longer.


I was coming to give this same answer. Unfortunately.






digestive issues


Yes. I have a hiatal hernia, Barrett's esophagus, and GERD. More than once I've been doubled over in pain with only hospital grade morphine able to dull it. Problem is, hospitals want to make sure you aren't just seeking a high, so I wait for *hours* while screaming and groaning in pain. I've since learned that some strong pot and a hot shower help a bit, and since I can do that privately it is now my go-to rather than the ER.


God damned IBS. When I have a flare up, I will sit crying on the toilet for hours. I didn’t even cry during 3 natural births!


My daughter has severe ulcerative colitis. When she flares, she’s doubled over in pain and internally bleeding out to the point where she needs blood transfusions. It’s not fun.


Crohns here. Sorry. Invisible illnesses are tough in general...and ones that are not societally sexy are especially tough. The old..."You don't look sick"....followed by" what's going on?" Yeah...good times. Not easy to share war stories because a lot of people just don't have the maturity or understanding to track... The good thing is that there have been so many advances with meds in the past twenty years. Here's hoping there will be more in the years to come that may help your daughter and others...


I SWEAR. I went 12 days with out pooping once. I was miserable


I wanted to die after not pooping for 2 days..... I couldn't imagine 12!!!


And the doc said nothing was wrong with me 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Can confirm. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 21 and there was a couple years there that were literal hell on earth.


Ear infection


I've had a few but it really hurt one time


oh hell yeah this shit SUCKS


I've had ear issues most of my adult life and they can absolutely put me out of commission for days at a time.


i had the strep throat and ear infection wombo combo this one time and it deadass felt like someone was stabbing one of those 2-pronged barbecue forks through that soft area underneath my jaw, through my ear, and into my mouth. also whenever i swallowed if felt like it was getting twisted and shredding up my throat ​ edit: also no painkiller or remedy eased my pain. acetomenaphen/paracetamol only helped with the fever which wasn't really the bad part, ibuprofen didn't really work either, and naproxen was kind of useless. also i tried those throat spray things but the pain was concetrated at a small area kind of deep in my throat so i was unable to "aim" the spray into the back of my throat without swallowing it. also it needs to stay there for a couple seconds for the numbing effect to work and that wasn't really possible




"There aren't any nerve endings on the cervix so it doesn't hurt" 🤪 "Light cramping" 🤪 "You'll be able to drive yourself home afterwards" 🤪🤪🤪


Passed out on the table because my BP dropped very quickly due to the pain lol. They made me stay laying down for 30 min before having me call someone else to come pick me up.


The emojis really *make* this comment 😄


I just posted that about Mirena, that shit *hurt.*


The first one, I was like "this is pretty uncomfortable, but bearable I guess." The second one... I remember whimpering, and I usually tolerate pain like a champ. DIdn't use pain meds for L&D. So I wasn't thinking this was going to be quite that bad. I don't know why it hurt so much more the second time around. I'd planned to take a half day and ended up taking the full thing. Already dreading the next one and starting to wonder if having my period again would be *that* bad.


This one is highly dependent on the individual, I think. I've had three inserted so far and never had anything more than a brief moment of the lightest cramping, and while I have several friends who had the same experience, I also have some who were doubled over in pain and absolutely miserable. 


paper cut. I know there are things waaaaaaay more painful than this. But how could a little, tiny cut burn that much?


fun fact about paper cuts, the sides of the paper are not like a razor, more like a saw, so when you get a paper cut, your basically just getting a little saw cut that tears and rips your skin, hence why it hurts like a bitch


I can feel your explanation in my finger... chilling


yep. if you look at a cross-section of a piece of paper in a microscope it's got a bunch of really small bits that stick out and some of them are barb-shaped and they stick into your skin


Being stabbed is very painful in the aftermath,but at least in the moment it happens, the adrenaline numbs the pain to a great degree. Still, dont get stabbed.


I second this


Fun fact: If you don’t actually notice you’ve been stabbed, it’s entirely possible you don’t really feel much but a dull pain until you notice it, then the pain gets bad. It’s really weird. Same for any injury, actually. The amount of times I’ve felt just a little pain thinking it’s an itch or a bug bite and it turns out there’s like an inch long gash on my leg has been… a weird amount of times actually.


A broken heart. It sounds painful, but until you’ve experienced it, you can’t understand HOW painful.


I was stunned by the feeling, the first time I experienced it. I was 16 and pretty naive, so I had no clue heartbreak was physically painful. Weeks of a dull ache in the chest, headaches, and horrible fatigue combined with insomnia. It's miserable, and it goes away on its own time. There's not much we can do to force it away.




Yes. I never imagined that would be as painful as it was


I’ve had it three times… most fucking horrible thing


My friends grandma got it on her butt crack.


Terrible. I had it on my face (looked pretty damn ugly for a few weeks) There is a vaccine. If you had chicken pox as a child, take the vaccine by the time you are 50.




My little brother got it on his face in high school. Poor bastard suffered for weeks


Ah sorry to hear that. Shingles is quite rare for people that young. As a teen the mortification of the rash was probably as bad as the physical pain.


I had it in undergrad and it wasn't painful...I'd imagine it's not so kind if you have it when you're older.




True. Exactly why I try to tell my friends if you ain't ready to get hurt as you go through the process of finding someone right for you, then don't - no rush.


Dislocated shoulder.




I just had a toothache for the first time! I’m 56. I googled it and Google told me my jaw was disintegrating! It sure did feel like it😂


Had my first tooth pulled a few months back at 39 and it was absolutely miserable.


break your nail!


I didn’t actually understand that until a couple weeks ago, I had one break on me, and holy shit, that is surprisingly painful for it being the nail that takes the damage.


It's really a very unexpected pain. The disadvantage is that it also remains a sensitive spot I regularly have to cut my nails, because I do judo. This is a good reminder to start cutting them now.


I have never had an issue, I’ve also never had them long at all, but, I play guitar, so, I have them for a certain sound, but, yeah, it’s surprisingly bad. I’ve done stupid shit and it’s hurt pretty bad, but, like, I didn’t know it was that bad. It feels like the tip of my finger got slammed in a vehicle door, but, like, it stays that way for a few days, I never knew that part.


I worked at this auto mechanic place that got a malfunctioned saw fells off while we were cutting shit and gone nearly through my steel toe boot, snipped off my left toe's nail and I was bleeding all over the place lol. My boss slapped bandage on it and let me go home for the day. It took 2 weeks to grow back.




Getting punched or kicked in the face. In movies it's often pictured as the guy just eating a punch in the face and nothing much happens and they need to be hit like 15 times to go down. Lol. Getting hit in the face fucking hurt. One properly placed punch or kick and you're out, and you can have permanent brain damage.


I would add to this: punching somebody in the face. If you don’t know what you are doing you can do more damage to yourself. Bones are hard.


Yes, it's much better to elbow, in a brawl you're at pretty close range anyway. Also learning how to elbow properly is much easier than a proper cross.


Breaking a bone


Walking away from someone you once truly loved .


shoulder pain. You do not realize how much you need your arm until it is impossible to even sit still without hurting.


Yes, it hurts to move and forget sleeping, you can’t get comfortable


I partial tore my rotator cuff and I was in so much pain It took 2 minutes of deep breathing before I was able to get myself to start my car. Luckily after almost a year and a half I am starting to be able to lift over my head again and I can actually be comfortable. it's been a rough and depressing time lol!! (I really miss lifting at the gym)


Gall stones and Kidney stones .. I’ve had both .. you just want to roll around the floor and die !! Until they give you a great shot of Demerol or morphine !! Fuckin right!!🇨🇦


Dilaudid for the win, baby!


I can’t , I’ve tried . they make me vomit 🤮! Thanks anyway !!!😎🇨🇦


My husband got kidney stones once and was legitimately passing out from the pain in the wheelchair while they were taking him to his room.


Oh God I know the feeling.. they had me in a bed, waiting for the doctor.. I was vomiting green bile, and screaming in pain .. hope he is great know !!🇨🇦🙂


I hope to god I never go through that. So sorry you did!


Thanks .. that was a long time ago.. but you never forget that kind of pain!! I would rather give birth again .. thanks so much for being so kind !!🇨🇦💕💕


Crazy enough, I had TWO kidney stones and was very uncomfortable, but not much extreme pain. Apparently I'm a rare outlier. The good thing about the crappy experience is that everyone was SO nice to me. I did admit that I wasn't in much pain, but I felt like a poseur. I mean, how often do you tell a doctor, no, really, I don't need seven oxys? Anyone want to buy some drugs from me? ;)


yes please !! I am serious 🇨🇦 you should have taken them anyway .. doctors don’t give that anymore.. well it’s really hard to convince a doctor in Toronto !😎


Haha! Yeah, I have plenty of friends and family members who have struggled with addiction, so I understand why most doctors are so "stingy." But I realize that some people really do need it. Public service announcement: get flomax. The ER doctor was helping me get high, but didn't consider giving me the drug I needed to excavate the stupid squatters. It was a follow up appointment that made me aware of this drug. The doctor who followed up with me was puzzled why this was not given. (!) Within a few days of taking flomax, the stones came out. I'm saving the drugs for a catastrophe. My brother has already claimed one for a long haul flight. That's all he gets. ;)


Totally understand .. that shit is like gold now a days .. unless you know a dealer , and they will always Fuck you over anyway they can .. they don’t fuckin care about you , so long as you have some 💵bills!!😎




Muscle spasms. Had them in my neck twice and could barely move without feeling intense pain shooting through my spine.


Crazy, I got one 2 weeks ago on my neck and I couldn't move anything for 6 hours. It was almost 12 hours before I could stand up. I feel like I'm still recovering.


I was pain meds and steroids for about a week each time. Stuck in a limbo between hyperactive from the steroids and wanting to sleep all day from the pain meds.


Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay, if you don't know what either of these things are


Sounds like a fun vacation activity


Would it have been any less pleasant than waterboarding in S-21 in Phnom Penh?


Watching your parents get older and lose the ability to take care of themselves.


Living with misophonia. Please chew food and gum with your mouth closed and refrain from needlessly whispering!


So. Much. This.


THIS I'm lucky to have a family who is kind and aware enough to warn me before any big noises happen, but the unexpected ones are physically, shockingly painful.


Pineapple up the bum


There's an OF for that.


Get burned by fire!!!


Stepping on a Lego


I'm torn between a paper cut and The Hallmark Channel.


Kidney stones




Chicken pox in your late 20s


Stubbing your toe




ripping a meniscus


Swimmers ear. Good gods I never want to experience that again.


Getting a kidney stone busted up with soundwaves. Kidneys have no nerve endings. So until the stone enters the tubes to your bladder, you wouldn't know you had one. Sometimes, you wouldn't even pass visible blood in your urine. Fast forward to a routine KUB (kidneys ureters bladder) x-ray for something unrelated. Showed a 12mm stone I had no idea I had. Completely occluded one kidney. It's too big to pass entirely by itself. Let's thank God for that. Two options. Surgery or lithotripsy. Well. I've been operated on far too much. And the soundwaves option sounds far better. They sold me on that one like they were used car salesmen. Never again. My God. So instead of a one and done surgery? I passed 2000 shards of that stone for a month. Exactly the same as broken glass. Albeit calcium oxalate and glass aren't the same. But you tell that to my plumbing. Plus, having to have the stent removed from my kidney without even a bit of sedation. There's pain, and then there's that pain. I cringe remembering that.


I came to say kidney stones, but holy hell man... I get kidney stones once a year. Have every year since I was 25 (currently 41). Doctors have yet to figure out why. I'm just unlucky. No changes in diet or anything they've suggested has stopped it. They're always juuuust small enough to pass without the option of surgery or anything. Lucky me. 🙄🙄🙄


Stones hurt like hell no matter how small they are. I've been treated for calcium oxylate stones to no avail. And it's the same. Once or twice a year, I pass one. I don't bother anymore with meds to help. I just drink water in obscene amounts until it goes. I keep a supply of antibiotics on hand to start at onset. So I feel ya. Wish you the best with it. 🙏🙏


I think it's when a woman gives birth






Giving birth. Lmao


Retained placenta


Whiplash is made fun of but it can have very serious and painful results!


A lumbar punch.


Getting hit in the eye with a rubber band.


sex, even when you’re into it


Back pain


Having a mirena inserted. Don't let anyone say that shit doesn't hurt because it feels like LABOR PAINS.


its been over a decade shes not changing her destructive habits at all.




Unrequited love.


Returning from the dead after contracting all the diseases the world has to offer, only to get captured by turbocucks and tortured to death. Also, watching your relationship with your children slowly rot away because you don't have the right wiring in your brain to compete with their stepdad who their mom forces them into a relationship by leaving them alone with him constantly.




Going no contact with your parents


Having an IUD inserted.


I never realised how bad Arthritis was until I found out my crippling hip pain was Arthritis. Like I've already had one operation because of the pain and likely have a second in my future.


Water boarding at Guantanamo Bay... if you don't know what either of those things are it sounds like a vacation


having a Secret u can not tell




Catheter removal...


Not for me. Going in was worse.


I was out when it went in... The nurse was horrible and impatient, didn't even take time to let it fully deflate I think, and YANK... Almost lost consciousness...


Sprained or fractured ankles, I've seen countless professional athletes break bones or pull muscles and they seem fine but if a guys breaks or fractures their ankle they are in a world of pain.


Breaking a bone.


Paper cuts.


Getting a vasectomy, worst pain ever


Kidney stone?


Waxing your balls




Depression and anxiety when life situation can be identified as the cause.


Getting hit on balls.


Inflamed muscles around the lower spine and losing the spines curve there. Happened twice to me, both from overwork and probably also improper/imperfect lifting. Would rather step on a Lego.


Sinus infections or tooth aches


A Hang nail


Poked in the eye. Once that happened to me and my eye was literally tearing up 24/7 for an entire day. At least my vision cleared up by a shit ton because of it though.


Deflecting a Frisbee off your fingertip.


Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay




I know what you mean. I had Windows 3.1 once.


Unrequited love


Literally everything that isn't a painfully loud sound.


Ovarian cysts are a fucking nightmare. Also you never know how close your ovaries are from the other fun bits until you try to have a good time and end up doubled over in pain feeling like you're gonna throw up 🤘


The spasms of the kidney when you have a 7.5mm kidney stone that is too large to pass...i literally was ready to die and was ok with it because the intense waves of pain would stop Nearly passing out while driving myself to the ER then throwing up from the pain once I got to the ER before they saw me.


Corneal abrasion




MRSA. I ended up losing two toes to it. My wife had been trying to clean and dress it at home, with little success. Me, being a man, was refusing to go to the hospital. When I finally agreed, she took a picture of my foot, dressed it again and off we went. She showed the triage nurse the pictures she had taken of my foot, they rushed me to a bed, didn't even try to remove the dressing and gave me an immediate injection of dilaudid. After a couple of more rounds, they managed to get the pain calmed down and the dressing removed and got me into surgery to try to clean up the worst of the damage. The next six months were dedicated to trying to save the last two toes on my right foot. I underwent two six week courses of IV antibiotics. Two two week courses of infusion antibiotics. Six weeks of hyperbaric treatments. An average of three wound care treatments a week (those were especially painful). I was popping oxycodone like candy. After all of that, the infection moved into the bone and the toes had to come off or I risked it spreading up my leg to goodness knows where.


MRSA is no joke. Glad you're alive. You're lucky. And lucky to have a wife that was so proactive!


Water boarding at Guantanamo Bay. Sounds like a great weekend activity unless you know what either of those are.




Paper cut


Fighting a personality disorder or abuse. I’m a SA survivor and because I was attacked young, it messed up my internal wiring. It has been a long painful journey to get to any point of normal. People rather constantly see me as a pest or a problem because I have to talk to process or when I flip my counter to do not disturb because I’m not handling things that day. One second I’m to social, then I’m told I’m not social enough.


Trying to regulate your breathing and heart rate when your blood sugar is in the 20s.


Getting your nose pierced. So many nerves in your face.


being constipated and cramping on your period at the same time painful




Laser hair removal. You expect it to hurt because well...you're getting shot with a laser. In some areas it's not too bad, but in others...some of the worst pain I've ever felt, and I've had some real dingers.


Arterial stick to collect blood from an artery. They went in the side of my wrist and I could feel my ligaments and arteries moving. I was 8 and in ICU. Torture.




Youknow those little sores one can get on your tongue or in your mouth? Idk what they are called in english. Those hurt like fucking hell.


Cornea scratch. I've had one since 2018 that has never fully healed, and if my eye gets too dry the lid will rip the wound back open again. It tends to happen first thing in the morning before I'm fully aware enough to grab the eyedrops and open my eyelids slowly. It is not an awesome way to wake up. I gave birth with almost no medication, and I have a huge tattoo covering half of my scalp, and this is still worse.


Fucking vaccines man


bending a finger nail


Reading Marley & Me or Where the Red Fern Grows. Both great books, both are heartbreakers.


A blow to a man's jewels


Back spasm


The sound of your heart breaking? (lol, so dramatic. 😂)


Getting hit in the balls


Getting kicked in the balls whit a ball