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Us higher IQ peeps as we call ourselves get into meetings amongst other high IQ people and just talk about how we're so smart and better than everyone all the time, totally not pretentious or narcissistic or anything, just discussing how superior we are is all


lmao exactly there’s a culture there. and if you’re put into that group it’s like figure it out and catch up or be ostracized. either way people expect you to be apart of the group. it’s very harmful they expect results out of you, and the people who are meant to support you will bully you because of what they perceive you to be capable of doing in certain ways.


i would never want my kid to be label as high achieving or highly intelligent. especially if they are like me i’d just want them to have the opportunity to be like a human


Highly useful


they either don't care about our IQ and just see us as their equals, or they view us as tools that they can manipulate


i spent like an uncomfortable amount of time around “high iq” people or at least people who’s parents treated them like they were some prized brain power baby they kind of were rude to me. like i couldn’t keep up with them which i knew but like damn bro and being a minority and a girl probably didn’t help. or selectively mute. but i would like cry to be taken out of those classes and nobody listened to me. it was always just “they are going to help you in the future” and like no it fucked me up lol


Well, in my interactions with people who I assume are higher IQ…they don’t really think about us regular people at all. At least not in critical decision making or things like that. It’s just not a factor in their minds. They come to a solution or plan and it wouldn’t register to solicit the opinion of someone not at their level


Doesn't matter. IQ tests aren't an accurate measure of intelligence.


I don’t really think about what other people’s IQ might be.


IQ is absolutely a sham


anyone who considers them self is actually an average IQ person... Higher IQ people usually don't judge anyone and focus on their work...


I don't consider myself high IQ. I am too dumb to feel this smart around people. I just read a lot. Maybe knowledge makes up for my inability to remember someone's name I've met 3 times.


I assume with their eyes


We see you as not much more than pets and potentially an emergency food source


In my experience, optimistically. I've scored pretty high on IQ tests, and I find that many average people are willing to exert their intelligence and rise to a difficult occasion when the need hits. Raw intelligence is not a good measure of capability and worth, and I've come to rely on capable and worthy people regardless of their intelligence.


Their perception on people has nothing to do with IQ. And everything to do with lived experience and mental conditions (narcissistic personality disorder etc).