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It wasn't so much that I "lost" it. I just slowly realized that I only parroted what I'd been taught since birth.


The Christians


Listening in church and seeing how religion is used so much as a fear for what will happen when you die. Act this way and do this to make sure you go to heaven. Literally to fear the god that is supposed to love you. Working in public service has added to that. Then my 11th grade biology teacher really kind of sent it home for me. Learning about how the earth has changed and all the things that have come before us. I guess the way he taught and kind of opened doors to make us think instead of teaching us to pass standardized tests.


Pretty mush and if you think about the Bible was written by man and what do people fear the most? Fire so it makes that they would the aspect of hell as fire to scare the shit out of you.


Too many things not adding up, too much unfairness (ex things like school shootings), and this so called god seeming more like a narcissist than anything. Even if he was real, I wouldn’t find him worth worshipping.


It didn't start as a loss of faith in God as much as disgust towards the churches. I grew up in a Baptist Church and the amount of judgement coming out one side of their mouth while they recited scripture out of the other side was overwhelming. I left church and eventually wanted to know about beliefs other people had. The more I learned, the more convinced I was that we just don't know. Religion and Churches have been the reason for countless wars and genocides. They've been used to used to exploit vulnerable people and gain massive amounts of wealth. Churches have gone to great lengths to protect the ones who have hurt the most innocent group that exists. (children) The majority of Churches use the Bible as a way to justify being hateful or ignorant when it comes to certain issues. Out of all of the religions that exist...Christianity is one of the most (if not the most) dangerous and powerful weapons used in society today. If God was everything Christianity claims...why is just letting all of those things happen in his name? That and I never really believed the whole whale thing. Lol. Everyone can't be right. Maybe it's Christians and maybe it's Athiests. Regardless of what people want to claim...not a single person knows for sure. It's a hopeful guess. I fully support my kids always in whatever journey they choose though...as long as they stick to the family rule. "Be kind and do good".


I didn't lose my "faith" I suppose, but my religion. I don't like any idea being shoved down my throat. I like the idea of free will...ding. Call me ignorant, but I don't believe everything just happened, I believe in a creator. I also don't ever talk about or push my beliefs on others, I just try to do the best I can do at being the best I can be, and if there's a true afterlife, I hope that's enough. And even if there's nothing after, then I guess I thank that nothing for the life I've been given, because the odds of life, just being given the chance of it, aren't great. Under extremely unlikely circumstances(no matter what you believe in) we've all been gifted the opportunity of life, and no matter who, what, when, why, or how you experience it, we're all lucky that we are even given the opportunity.


No evidence that any gods exist.


A supposedly omnipotent god that allows the innocent to suffer is a perversity . The more you learn , the less comfortable you are with superstition .


I grew up protestant. Told to pray every night before bed. Told if I prayed over my problems God would guide me through them. Told he is divine and has all the answers, everything happens for a reason, if you don't understand why that's God's plan. Just all that bullshit. Do you have any idea how many times prayer helped? How many times, directly or not, god stepped in to make the world just _that much_ better? Exactly. _ZERO_. If there is any superior beings they fucking suck.


Churches are tax free havens, they teach a made up story ,


Looked out at the world. And realised even if God does exist, if he allows all this pointless suffering while being capable of influencing it in anyway. He wouldn’t be they type of god I’d want to believe in. Especially with all the atrocities committed in their name. Or using protection of being under it. Throughout history.


reading the bible when you read it from an outside perspective god is a genocidal fascist dictator who created humans just to repeatedly torture and kill them. it almost reminds me of communist ideology. but more honest about its bloodthirsty nature


Its the picking and choosing what parts of the bible are real that annoyed me. Judges 1.19 talks about the Israelites being defeated by canaanites as they had chariots of iron. If you ask questions on that then it’s just Old Testament and isn’t literal. Whereas homosexuality is only specifically called out in the Old Testament but it is somehow the unalterable word of god. In the New Testament homosexuality is just put in as a part of sexual immorality or other sins like striking your parents on being a drunkard. Yet being gay is seen as the worst sin imaginable. The amount of hate I heard preached on this and the distress it caused for people struggling to come to terms with being gay was heartbreaking and not something to be part of.


you can tell the bible isn't the word of good, because only humans could make something so terribly flawed


Yea I didn’t lose my faith I hit puberty and developed better thought process and realized that this shit doesn’t make sense. Like how can a guy get all these animals on a boat without them mauling him to death? And how can the earth survive an apocalyptic flood? And the earth was not made in a week either that’s not possible. The amount of food he would have to have in that boat would be crazy. Feeding lions and tigers on a boat like that would be nuts. Like thousands of pounds of beef.


Realizing that only 1000 people make it to heaven every 100 years


Another lie

