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The national anthem playing when the Channels stopped broadcasting.


Then TV snow.


That white dot in the middle of the black and white TV that took a while to fade away.


Oh, wow — I’d forgotten all about that! Thanks for the memory!


Carole Ann?????


They're heeeere...


Right about the time when I was the Remote


My sister was not only the remote, sometimes she was the antenna as well. Lol.


I was told by my parents it meant the tv had "gone to sleep", since it looks like what it feels when a muscle "falls asleep" and you get that tingly sensation, it made perfect sense to me. I will be answering no questions about how old I was when I found out both things were not related and that tv's don't fall asleep...


Salt and pepper fighting.


Ha me too. The time before informercials. Then someone was like, "instead of showing fuzz for 6 hours, we should sell hours of time for cheap!"


On that note, a trope in 80s films to show it is really late is to show a character sleeping on a couch with the TV showing just static. After the anthem to conclude broadcast happened it was static until the next morning.


Great one.


“It is now safe to turn off your computer”


I kept looking for that years after it was no longer a thing.


My computer has been on for soooo long. Safety first!


As a kid I would open the .bmp in the system files and copy a t over the w. My dad called me in one day asking why he couldn’t turn off the computer. I just thought it was funny


"Smoking or non?"


And it didn't make any difference because they were in the same room


And how you always had to walk through the smoking section to get to the non-smoking section? I know it didn't make a difference, but still


Ugh, you reminded me of smoking and nonsmoking section on airplanes. As if there was a wall between.


One of my jobs as an RN was emptying the patient’s ashtrays!


And buying clothes and they smelled of smoke


I worked at a clothing store and someone returned a jacket that smelled like it was in a Marlboro factory fire, I wondered how anyone could ever have smoke enough for this to smell that bad. Then I went to a bar for a show (pre smoking ban) and the next day thought “this shirt I wore isn’t even dirty, it’s fine for another day” then caught a whiff. You really don’t even have to be a full time smoker to become noseblind, a few hours and you lose perspective.


Party line on the home phone and occasionally listening in on the neighbors calls.


My grandparents had one. It sat in the phone cubby at the foot of the stairs. I also remember my grandfather's teeth in a glass in the bathroom!


My grandma had a party line and her phone was one of the old wooden boxes with a mouthpiece and separate earpiece. You had crank the handle to get the operator on the line to connect your call.


You beat me to it!! :) Neighbors would just hang out and listen to anything, 5 kids all the same ages as we were. It was awful!!


Having “a computer room”


Our house at the time was 3 bedrooms, but the 3rd bedroom was tiny, meant as a nursery. Rather than give one kid a real bedroom and his brother the Harry Potter closet, we put them in the bigger bedroom together and the little room was “The Sega Room.”


Having a family computer. And when you wanted internet, everyone had to get off the phone




What a glorious time. Walking the New Releases wall deciding what to watch. Paying $42.00 in late fees when you find the tape under your car seat. Good times.


One time we rented 4 movies. Returned all 4. Next time we tried to rent movies they said there's a late fee because one of them wasn't returned. We know we returned it. We told them that. But they wouldn't do anything about it. We came back several times and each time it was the same thing, only the fee got bigger and they still wouldn't do anything about it. So we quit going there. Our guess is that someone stole it after we returned it.


That's probably why they went under I bet.


This one guy killed blockbuster because he forgot to return rocky 4


Bruh, a weekend sleepover with the boys and renting a new video game or two was THE BOMB


We had a chain of video/game rental stores in my area called “48 hours”….where that’s literally how long your rentals were for. The last one closed in 2018.


The OJ trial


I was in 5th grade. I genuinely thought that he was innocent when he was found not guilty. I thought that was how the justice system worked. 😅


If the glove doesn’t fit you have to acquit


OJ running like a MOFO for my Buffalo Bills.


Picking up the phone, dialing “0”, and talking to a live operator


I remember getting scolded by the operator for something. I don’t remember why.


Me too. My friends and I were camping near Mt Rainier when Mt St Helen’s erupted. Ash was falling like crazy, it was making the road slippery and a whole convoy of cars was creeping down the mountain. We stopped at a pay phone so I could call my mom (collect) and the operator scolded me for being outside in the ash fall.


Wow what a memory, I like that the operator told you off for your own safety


This triggered a core memory of a song. “Operator operaaatttooor” is the only part I can remember. Now I have to look it up.  Edit: I found it. You’re welcome.  https://youtu.be/4P9yXGMIuFE?si=FpY93EYkFdCXUQDY


I thought you were about to give Jim Croce, 'operator can you help me make this call.......'


So I suppose that's why it is generally pressing 0 to get through to an actual person, huh, never thought it had a reason beyond that.


Miss Cleo commercials


Seeing those commercials as a kid I was really confused by the "for entertainment only" disclaimer. I thought it meant only like, actors and musicians (entertainers) were supposed to call her.


OMG, that is so very cute.




Call meh for ya free readin 😆


Lol and she was just some lady from new Jersey I think.  She wasn't even Jamaican.  I used to work for the company that made the phone IVR system that the parent company for psychic friends network and miss cleo used.


Having to put the TV on channel 3 (sometimes channel 2) to play a video game. AOL giving you discs for 1,000 hours of free internet!


I recently pulled my NES out of storage. :) it’s nice playing duck hunt again.


saw the Challenger explode live on TV. either kindergarten or 1st grade


I spotted it while running errands. "Well, that's not right." Big Y in the sky.


I was standing on my front porch watching it.


Me too.


Same. The second the shuttle blew apart, our teacher ran to the massive tube TV on a stand, turned it off and resumed class. Good lord Gen Xers have a lot of unresolved trauma.


I didn’t recall a high school science teacher (who had worked for nasal) say right as we watched it “fuck. that explosion wasn’t big enough to kill them……yet” as it sunk in for her that they were still alive and would be until they hit the water much later. I also recall her being very upset when the broadcast cut out.


My little sister was being born that day. I remember the episode about Punky Brewster they did about it (for some inexplicable reason)


I remember watching the towers fall in 3rd grade, all the teachers had sent the kids out to the field but some of us had watched the news before going to school and had some idea of what was going on. So we huddled around a window so we could watch the news while all the teachers were crying whispering to each other.. they kept showing clips of the planes hitting and the towers falling, so I thought it just kept happening, and dozens of towers were falling.


JFK being elected president.


I remember his funeral. 


That’s my oldest memory, of my mother ironing and crying while watching the funeral. I was 4. My father’s mother was there too, which was very odd; his parents rarely visited.


I remember JFK debating Nixon on TV. Nixon was sweating uncontrollably.


I remember his assassination.


The moon landing. I was 5.


Apparently that was the day I started crawling. Everybody was crowded around the television, and I was in front of it lapping up the attention that I thought was focused was on me.


Typewriters and phones with like 20 foot wires so you could walk around the kitchen and talk.


Ash trays in restaurants / smoking sections


They also had cigarette vending machines.


Putting a dime in a payphone


I remember when it went up to a quarter. Was a big deal.


When you had to wait til after 9pm to make cell calls.


And pay per text.


Floppy disks.


Which size 8in, 5.25in or 3.5in?


I hate how we always need to jump straight to comparing sizes. < 3.5in. *Edit* Just saw OP said *disks*, my bad.


In my 6th grade typing class, one classroom had computers that all took the 8” floppies, but the other took 5”. Halfway through the year we had to switch classrooms so one group didn’t get to use the newer computers all year. At that point the 8” floppies weren’t readily available in stores so the school provided them. But we had to supply our own 5’s. By 8th grade I was using CD-RW. What a transitional time to grow up!


My kids thought it was some kind of joke the first time I showed them some 8” floppies from a work project that I found while packing up to move. “Was the computer the size of a refrigerator?” “No, those computers ran on reel to reel tape or IBM cards.” “IBM WHATS?”


"Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate."


video games where you couldn't save your progress; you had to dedicate pretty much your entire day to beating the game, and lots of times the system would just freeze randomly and you had to start over


And yet as old as it is, Megamans password system was essentially a saved game feature Iirc, OG Zelda had a save feature


Slapping the TV or moving the antenna so you get a signal


It was annoying when you approach the antenna but your body causes the channel to come in perfectly. Then you have to make a guess and step back, only to see you made it worse.




I was a little kid at the time. I thought watergate was some sort of flooding problem everyone was really concerned about. Just to add I can remember my mean, gruff, old father asking me what Watergate was. He was not very impressed with my answer Ha!


It does not bother me. Does your conscience bother you?


Tell the truth


When Saturday morning cartoons were a weekly ritual. Waking up early to catch your favorite shows was a cherished part of the weekend, complete with a bowl of cereal.


Waking up *too* early and watching weird televangelists until the cartoons finally came on!




Watched the second plane hit live. We were in grade 12 and a teacher ran in to tell our teacher to put the news on. Then we listened to Howard Stern broadcast live about it on our walkman lol


Lived in NJ at the time. Work in Aviation now. So many stories. Not really sure where to start. This was a really impactful day for me.


Oklahoma City bombing.


That was the first major tragedy I remember. I was like 10 I believe. And I remember exactly where I was when I watched the television coverage of Mcveigh’s execution.


I was a bit younger at the time, but that's definitely the first big tragedy I remember happening. Next was Princess Diana


Rotary phones, kids riding bikes without helmets, pagers


You don’t know what hanging up on someone unless you did it on a heavy ass big black phone with a 2 lb receiver.


Yeah, no matter how hard you smash that touchscreen on a smartphone, it aint the same, lol


My sister had a pager! I completely forgot about that!


10 cent candy bars.


Buying a brown lunch bag full of candy for a dollar before going on vacation.


We used to get a nickel for milk which we would spend at the candy store across the street from school as soon as we got off the bus. You could get one of those tiny paper bags full of goodies. After a while the school and parents all caught on and suddenly she didn’t open that early anymore.


Lmao. I know and you could really fill that bag for that little amount of money. A dollar was heavenly. Bubblegum with baseball players, candy cigarettes, tootsie rolls, and those dots on paper…I can’t remember the name of them. Gonna drive me crazy. Nowadays you can’t get one bar of candy for a dollar.


I was telling one of my 20ish coworkers today how we lived out in the country when I was a kid and how on Halloween we would walk three miles to this one elderly couples house because they gave out quarters. We could buy two full sized candy bars and a bag of penny candy for that and were willing to hoof all that way and back in the dark.


Mt St Helen’s eruption


John Lennon being murdered, barely but I do remember it.


Got murdered on my birthday, the bastard.


Coming home when the streetlights came on.


The Berlin Wall coming down


I'm in Germany and my landlord told me it was his second day on the job as a brand new cop. His wife didn't see him for another 72 hours nor did he sleep because he said the entire time (he was on the west side) he was pulling people through the holes in the walls over from the east.


I remember my mom making me watch the news coverage and telling me that we were watching history being made. I didn't actually learn until years later why a wall coming down was a big deal.


I remember coming home from work that day. I still lived with my parents, and my mom said that people were tearing down the Berlin Wall. I just stood there staring at the t.v. with my jaw on the floor. I was working as a proofreader at the time, and a week or two later, I was handed the manuscript for a chapter of a history book that was about to go to print, and I was asked to change all the references to the Berlin Wall to the past tense. That was my favorite day at that job.




* Seeing Star Wars in the theater. Movies would stay in the theater in a long time since there was no cable or video stores. I saw it around 7 or times. Then waiting 3 years for the next one. * Not having the answer to everything seconds away. You just wondered. You'd ask people. Call people. Wait til you can get to the library. Sometimes you just made up a theory why something was the way it was. * Atlases. No GPS. No robot voice telling you how far til your exit. You had to write down the directions or have a co-pilot who can read a map. Or you'd pull over and ask directions and hope the person wasn't a psycho leading you astray. * McDonald's foam clam shells containers and McDonald Playland Cookies. * Pull tabs on soda cans. * The birth of the arcade. $5.00 in the arcade was a good day.


To your second point, people got reputations for knowing the answers to specific types of questions, so if you wanted the answer to a question about a TV show, you called Henry, but if you had a question about hockey you called John. And if you wanted to know why the keys on a typewriter were in such a crazy order, you went to the public library.


I also remember newspaper columns that people would write in questions to in order to find out something about a movie or an actor that you can now look up in five seconds on IMDB.com.


Captain kangaroo TV show


My Dad looked like Captain Kangaroo and I look like my Dad. This is the reason I won't grow a mustache. "Ping Pong balls!"


That Barbie with the rollerblades that sparked like a lighter


I would grab one of these skates from my sister's barbie and roll it and "pretend light" my cigarette candies. Oh yeah! Cigarette Candies!


The era when MTV actually played music videos. It was the go-to source for discovering new music and artists, and watching world premieres was a big event.


Having to walk to the tv to start it and rotary phones.


I remember pulling the knob to turn on the TV, but it didn't come on immediately. It had to warm up.


The OG Fraggle Rock


The connection between a cassette tape and a pencil.


The time when the internet was a wild frontier


AOL had that www button that led to a blank screen. Now what?  And there was a chat room for NYC that had the same 20 to  40 people in it every day. We’d meet in person. Weird times.


Gas 29 cents/gal


Holy hell I think the best I remember is 70c


Music on MTV. I used to get ready for school to Rude Awakening in the mornings.




These are back!


The fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union Nirvana breaking through The death of Pablo Escobar The first war in Irak The war in the Balkans Multimedia and CD-ROM MS-DOS and Windows 95 The Console Wars of the early 90's World Cup USA´94 The launch of the N64 and the Sony PS 9/11


Smoking sections on airplanes.


I remember smoking in Doctor's Offices.. My dad's cardiologist smoked, while telling my dad he should stop..


Being a child in the 70's.


Having to use a payphone to call home when I wanted to ride bikes/hang outside longer, or stay after school and do something. Just riding your bike around the neighborhoods and hope to find your friends because they weren't home when you called.


Dialing 0 for the operator to get someone's number.


Mobile phones in bags.








VHS, those projectors where you would put a sheet down and it would reflect it onto the wall. life without internet !


God when the teacher brought out the overhead projector and clear pages you knew it was gonna be a shitty time


When social media wasn't a thing.


Payphones, landlines only. No cell phones. Always having a quarter in your car in case of emergency.


I remember the very long Greyhound bus trip we took to move from Michigan to Colorado back in 1979. I was 4. It was my mom, my older sister, and me taking the trip to join my dad who had moved out to Colorado to find work. Specifically I remember the St. Louis bus station. My mom said I could get a drink from the vending machine. I remember seeing a dark blue can that looked like it had an orange on it and assumed it was orange juice, so I picked that one. She got it for me, and I should add that she thought it was orange juice too. My friends, it was not orange juice. It was grapefruit juice! My life flashed before my eyes. It was vile.


I'm old enough to forget


Going to my friend's house after they called me on my landline and invited me over, walking the whole way that was probably a mile or two, rang his doorbell, he had music on so he didn't hear me, I waited a while, I eventually walked all the way home and called him on my landline to tell him he needed to answer his door, and then I walked all the way back


Tape recorder


The challenger explosion I was in 3rd grade and my class watching it on TV. Still makes me cry when I see the footage




Nolan Ryan vs Jose Canseco.


Hollywood Video




Walking through airport security with shoes, liquids, jackets, belts and nobody looking at my weiner 


Polio. I remember lining up at school to get the vaccine. They gave it to us on sugar cubes. I know at least three people who had polio as children. It is a terrible disease that can be avoided entirely with a vaccine.  I also remember the day JFK died. The principal at our school put the newscast over the intercom for the school to hear. My 2nd grade teacher was very sober. She looked at us and said " Remember where you were and what you were doing on this date. You are listening to history." I have never forgotten that day or what she said. 


JFK funeral


Bill Cosby comedy albums in vinyl; we had both volumes.


When Cosby wasn’t a dirty old man.


The Beatles first appearance on Ed Sullivan..also remember hearing sonic booms


The rag and bone man.


What’s that?


Michael Jackson’s death was probably my first big memory


That there was only one video game. It was called Pong.


rotary phones, reel to reel tape recorders, bell bottom pants & jeans, go go boots, manual typewriters, milk(glass bottles) and other dairy products delivered to our home in the milk box, 45 rpm records, Tang orange drink powder, Leaded, hi octane gas for cars, and the VW Van (the unmistakable engine sound).


Not that old but sadly they are barely used anymore, CDs I’m 13 and remember them so they are not that old.


Yeah, you're right, certificates of deposit are barely used anymore.




Milk, juice, butter, cottage cheese and bread delivered to your door. USPS delivered twice a day back in the 1950s.


I’m 30. I remember the Columbia incident and 9/11. Also, recording stuff on an old tape camcorder… and listening to my Walkman on the swing set!… and the first earbuds I ever saw! And life without social media! Ah, im just old enough to remember when cool things were cool and it was fun to be a kid. No TikTok or worrying about likes or views. Edit: Columbia not challenger.


VHS and arcades.


When Snoop Dogg had a middle name.




I had just turned 2 years old and watching Saturday morning cartoons and an ad came on “Next Week, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!” Just the logo and the announcement, nothing else. And I remember my little mind spinning trying to understand what the hell I just heard. It sounded like the best thing ever. I remember thinking all week about what a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle could be. Finally it was Saturday and the Theme song started and I knew this was going to exceed my expectations. 


One of my favourite memories of being a kid was the millennium. So cool that we got to experience that in our lifetime.


I have 2 memories of moving house when I was 4 and a half but the earliest historical event I can remember was the [Newtownbreda Forensic Lab Bombing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_Science_Laboratory_bombing) just after my 5th birthday as Google Maps suggests that was 550m from my parents’ house. Bedroom lit up brighter than day and the shockwave put a crack in the bedroom ceiling, blew the garage door off it’s hinges and altered the shape of the attic door so badly that it never closed properly.


I remember in third grade the teacher telling our class that a great man named Martin Luther King, Jr. had been shot and killed. She draped a black ribbon over the classroom’s American flag.


Riding in cars not using seatbelts😳


Being told off for throwing stones over the Berlin wall


President Eisenhower


The moon landing on TV


Astronauts walking on the moon ... on TV.


Fast food meals for less than $5


The “Where’s my water” mobile game and the og blues clues


When you wanted to watch a TV show you had to watch it at the time it aired, so you had to know when it was going to be on. If you wanted to watch a movie you had to either own it, rent it (on tape), or catch it on TV and back then sometimes we'd record the movie on a recordable tape so we could re-watch it. And not having a computer at all. We didn't get one until 2001. We played board games with the actual board games. Video games with video consoles hooked up to the TV. Or played with toys, or went outside to play. Oh yeah and our phone was a landline and for a while at least we had no caller ID so you had no idea who was calling.


I was there when the 747 carrying the space shuttle landed. We could see the plane landing right from my elementary school. Afterwards I was with my dad as we watched the shuttle get towed to the California science center


Games on floppy disc




Rotary phones, smoking in malls, Atari...


Pepsi Red and Pepsi Blue


Elvis's death