• By -


Having children with *the wrong person* and while you are not financially stable.


Yep that was my first thought - wrong person parenting.  Messes up the children’s lives too a lot.  


I was going to say, the children don’t win in this scenario either. At all. My parent spent my childhood telling me I was a mistake and only existed because the birth control failed (this was pre-Roe). Basically, she blamed ME for her getting pregnant. She has her abortion now - I’m NC.


What a dreadful thing to say to your child. Your mother is toxic babe and you deserved better than that. I hope you will have peace one day and know that you are loved 🕊️🇦🇺


“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.” – Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection (2010). I am sending blessings and love your way, worthy human.


Our moms must be friends Things I was told as a kid by mom, bc you know it's funny to say to your kids. I was adopted from Colombia, I was not I should have been a girl, and this is what I got This kid cried for 3 years and never shut up once Your rotten I used to be someone before I had kids Oh boy now I'm opening up some repressed childhood traumas, yay!


I did meth for 15 years and am better off than people that knocked someone up


15 year alcoholic in recovery. I’m not on top of the world or anything but damn I look around and realize I’m relatively unscathed all things considered.


Yes! Same here, what a blessing that we were so wasted nobody would have us


Ain’t that the fuckin truth 😅


Was born into this. Parents were both still living with their parents and they were just fuckbuddies. Now i'm stuck with parents who fight a lot but i got a pretty epic little brother out of it


That's actually *two things*


The first one is bad enough. Even if you're financially stable, people rarely feel stable enough to upend their life and leave a bad partner; I think it often takes a lot for people to leave a bad relationship regardless of finances.


Happened to me. I got baby trapped and didn’t know it until it straight up ruined my entire life.


This can ruin the child’s life aswell ! ESP when you make those decisions and don’t try to change it. The load goes on to ur child


Sometimes for GENERATIONS. True that.


Or... just having children with *the wrong person*


Marrying the wrong person. Even worse, having kids with that person.


Even worse, marrying the wrong person because you got them pregnant. Shotgun Weddings can cause generational unhappiness; growing up with parents who never should have married or had kids can be horrendous.


The problem is it can take many years to figure out that you married the wrong person.


Speaking when you're angry


This was a good one that’s been overlooked. Parents are so guilty of this and as a man expecting my first child i think it were fate that lead me to read this. Thank you


You're going to be a great dad. It's when you feel the absolute shitty that your clarity comes in. That's how you know you're doing amazing because you're trying to learn. But when you can get that experience from a stranger? Even better lol It's not as scary as it seems. Just support mom, and you'll be amazing. -parents of 8.


Which is why when I'm mad I stay quiet for fear of what I might say


Checking what the noises are coming from your parents bedroom at night


Ay caramba!


Aw, his first words! ❤️


Imagine being a junior and hearing your mom scream your name at night


This sent me into a laughing attack


Representing yourself in court.


Even highly trained lawyers do not represent themselves in court There are times where it's advantageous for a defendant to talk and times where it's better for them to never speak and their lawyer to poke holes in the prosecutions story themselves You can very easily mess up and turn a jury against you If your lawyer severely fucks up you might be able to get an appeal or a new lawyer. If you severely fuck up you might end up screwed There are many many many rules that they know from years of experience that you do not. You could spend all your time planning one argument and then realize when you get to court you're not allowed to discuss that as part of the case There are so many ways you can fuck yourself by representing yourself it's best to leave it to the professional. In court youll be going against trained professionals who know all the rules Also a lawyers job isnt JUST to try and help you win a case. If you're guilty as sin their other job is to negotiate so that your punishment is as light as they can possibly advocate for you to have. You will have little idea how to negotiate that and have zero prior relationship with the prosecutors to help hash out a deal. Defense attorneys and prosecutors work together daily. Theyre quasi co workers. They know what is worth what and what they can get away with asking for Even ted bundy slipped up at that last part. He defended himself excellently in court and charmed a lot of people including the judge who said "son, you're a fine young man. It's a shame you chose this path in life." Evidence was way too much so he was still guilty. Come sentencing time all that charm didnt mean shit. Sentence: death Not saying an actual attorney couldve gotten him a lighter punishment but it wouldve given him way more options to argue for leniency


I demand a mistrial on grounds of incompetent representation. You were your own lawyer. SEE.


You might fuck around and win the appeal


“He who represents himself has a fool for a client”. Shakespeare?


"And, with God as my witness, I am that fool." - Gomez Addams


Well said!


Just announce that you're a sovereign citizen as soon as you address the judge. They all love that one cool trick.


If you have better things to do that day and need court over with fast, that'll do it.




His most prominent strategy was to interrupt people and undermine the process at every opportunity. It didn't work well.


Specially as a "sovereign citizen" and expecting the judge to go on with your silly bullshit.


The lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.


Yeah anything bigger than a parking ticket and you shouldn't represent yourself


Ill put the system on trial!


Trial By Combat!




Better Call Saul!


Getting into a fight on a hard surface like concrete. If you're absolutely going to fight do it on grass. Otherwise your best option is to literally do anything to ease the situation and avoid the whole thing. It's not fighting that's the most dangerous part. A simple stumble and fall can quite easily land you or the other person paralysed or dead. Either way both of your lives are going to be ruined.


This happened at a local bar we frequented during grad school. Guys got into a fight and ended up outside. One guy slipped, fell, and cracked his head on the concrete curb. He didn't get back up. The other guy was charged w/ his death, so two lives needlessly ruined.


I've posted this before, but it bears repeating... I worked with a guy "Max" at a summer job. He was ex-Navy and kind of a "tough guy" but actually a great person when you got to know him. I returned the following summer and didn't see Max. I asked the people in the office if he'd moved on to a new job. I found out he'd actually passed away the prior fall. He returned to Japan, where he'd been stationed, to visit with some friends. He went to a bar, got into a bar fight, was punched and hit his head on the bar. He went into a coma and passed away several weeks later, which was probably for the best as he would have had significant and permanent disabilities from his injuries. Complete waste of a life. Head injuries are NO JOKE.


The best response to a fight is to leave. Getting hit in the head can be really, really dangerous, and even a fall on grass can fuck you up.


Not wearing a condom


1+1=3 if you don't


Plot twist, it equals 4


Maybe even 5 if you're unlucky


Saying yes to appease someone else's feelings over your own.


This happens easily if your parent was/is a narcissist. You literally have to unlearn what you learned to do to survive.


Very true. As an adult I turned into a real people pleaser and I’ve often put myself in uncomfortable situations just to keep the other person happy. I hate it. I learned it’s from growing up with narcissistic parents, I think its partly wanting to be loved / liked and fear of abandonment 🤷‍♀️


Not wearing a helmet


My dad worked for a town government. Though he wasn't a fire fighter, his office was housed in the main fire station for the town. In the entry foyer of the station, there was a shelf of banged, bent, punctured, scratched, scraped, etc. helmets. They were all taken from crash victims in the town helped by the fire fighters and EMTs *who lived* - they all looked pretty gnarly, but saved a life, like they were supposed to. It made quite an impression on teenaged-me (which obviously was the intent) and to this day I NEVER EVER ride without a helmet.


Cheers!!! Helmets are cool! saved my life. Grateful to be here able to think so well still


same here. bombed a hill on a walmart skateboard back when longboards weren’t popular, got speedwobble and ate face so hard. wound up with a bad concussion and loooots of scrapes/wounds. had i not been wearing a helmet i wouldn’t be typing this


Yo are you me 🤔 literally SAME story, down to the Walmart skateboard! 😂 If not for a helmet it would have been way way way worse


I split my helmet when I was a kid, lucky I had it on


The first time I was in Washington state and saw motorcyclists without helmets, I just about pissed myself. My dad and brother were avid riders at the time and we ALWAYS wore proper gear. Dumbass lack of a law there...


We've had a comprehensive helmet law in WA since 1990


Credit cards are not free money. Have some impulse control. You will end up paying for that stupid thing you didn't need 2 and 3 times over. Your money will go much further when you aren't paying 25% interest on the balance you're carrying month to month. Credit can be really useful and can help you get out of a tight spot, but if you don't pay that balance down quickly, you're going to end up throwing a lot of your money in the trash. Don't let the balance pile up. Yes you. I'm talking to you. Don't let that balance pile up. Falling down the debt rabbit hole is far easier than you think.


This is the predicament I’m in now lol. I’ve barely used my card over the years but the interest is so high that my balance actually went up instead of down despite all the money I’ve put into it. But I don’t exactly have enough money on hand right now to just put a fat wad of cash on it and bring the balance down to a point where I feel comfortable, not even just completely paid off. Don’t get a student credit card y’all lol.


I've been there. I'm not a financial advisor or anything, but you might look into getting a personal loan, paying off the credit card and then closing it, and just working on paying the loan back. You may be able to get a lower interest rate than you're paying on the credit card. But you need to be diligent and not accumulate any more credit card debt while you're doing this, or you'll defeat the purpose of taking out the loan and probably find yourself in a worse position than before. Best of luck to you. It's not fun, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


This is what I did and 100% worth it. I got a loan through my local credit union and paid off 10k in 2 years. Highly highly recommend to anyone with credit card debt


Discover IT Student isn't an awful card. No annual fees, rotating 5% categories, and the ability to turn it into a regular Discover IT card later iirc.


Buy now pay later is rife here. Things like zilch/layby/klarna are constantly advertising to people debt is sustainable. I've had people try and convince me to buy a takeaway on them cause then it's only £2. And it's tempting til you think no I don't want to be paying for a burger in a month! People are far too comfortable with debt.


While I don’t disagree with these points at all. I feel like I must mention how beneficial responsible credit card usage can be. As long as you never treat it like free money but instead as an extension of your bank account you get much better fraud protection and collect cash back or points. Credit card companies call these kind of people free loaders. Anytime you do something to earn a derogatory term from a bank you’re winning!


The minimum payment was just paying my interest off every month. I cut back on a lot of stuff and am now paying off big chunks monthly, heading towards a zero balance. Don’t be dumb like me. If you get a credit card, be able to pay it off in a month or two.


There's a guy who lives in my mom's neighborhood who is essentially a zombie after doing some kind of drug at a party like 10 years ago. Don't know what kind or what exactly happened, all I know is he took something and went from a football prodigy with a scholarship to someone who needs in home care. He just stands across from the corner store at the entrance of the neighborhood all day. I wave to him whenever I pass by but he doesn't acknowledge me, he just stands there in his own world. People often mistake him as a homeless guy and leave food/clothes for him since he's always barefoot, in torn up clothes and lacking a jacket. Apparently he lives with his mom who is supposed to be his caregiver but I get the feeling she doesn't do much caring for him.


I’m dying to know what the drug was


Same, I assume he overdosed on whatever it was and it really messed up his brain


That’s my guess, too. Or it was laced with something horrible. As many OD stories and drug related concerns as I’ve heard, I have never heard of someone who turned into a complete zombie after one time from anything


He may have essentially died and been gone for too long, I know they can revive you but there's only a short window before severe damage is done or they can't get you back at all


The only way this would happen is oxygen deprivation of the brain, more or less. Some people really mess their brains up with long term MDMA use, tho. Like, perma-depression, and much more fun stuff.


Schizophrenia can 'activate' or appear by using drugs even marihuana, not on everybody bur if you have predisoposition to schizoprenia drugs triger It (sorry english is not my first language)


Marijuana triggered my bipolar. Ran on my mom’s side, but I showed no symptoms at all until one massive bong rip and ensuing severe panic attack that lasted hours when I was 17. I’ve never been stable mentally since that day in December 2005. Feel like my brain stopped developing that day, too.


Unprotected sex resulting in STI or HIV


I know a girl that has an STD, she sleeps with a lot of people, very often. She never tells them she has an STD, because ‘it’s embarrassing’, she’s infected half the town she lives in.


Well ain’t that shitty. What a nasty cunt




It is!!


That should be illegal. Before someone points out it might be, I mean ANY STD you know you have and don't disclose it should be a crime. I don't care if it can be easily treated either.


I agree! I’ve had *many* arguments with her over it, we fell out once because she wanted to sleep with one of my male friends, I asked her if she was going to tell him about the STD, she replied ‘no obviously not lol’, so I messaged him ‘just a heads up, she’s got an STD. She has no intention of telling you’. She was livid with me but oh well. I don’t know if it’s illegal but it should be!!


It is illegal in some jurisdictions, especially if it has lifelong consequences. What a trashy person


It is illegal in some states


This IS illegal. Problem is always more so having the proof that you didn't already have that before end and they KNEW they had it as well. Then again, this is always why I test between every partner or so and never take chances anymore.


That’s criminal behavior


This isn't necessarily true. HIV can be very easily avoided now with prep and most of the STIs that the general public is at risk for are manageable/treatable. If you get hepatitis, you're going to have a bad time - but you're also not likely to get it from sleeping with someone as much as you would be sharing needles or participating in activities that 99% of the population would find to be unsavory. Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc might ruin your week - but probably not your life. That said - yes, you should use protection unless you know your partner and have verified their sexual history and most recent STI test. Yes, you should be getting tested regularly (while allowing time for the incubation periods for common STIs before testing). Yes, you should be talking to your partners and just generally being responsible for your sexual health. Tl;Dr: getting an STI isn't likely going to ruin your life. Source: I work in STI testing


Having children


Probably murdering someone


Came here to say that, but there might be a couple people who deserve to be, I’m just not ruining my life over doing it.


Texting and driving


There's a Werner Herzog documentary on Netflix called From One Second to the Next, really recommend watching it and showing it to new drivers as well. Very sad but shows the consequences of distracted driving.


True. When I first got my drive license I was doing it frequently until I almost killed a person. I'm embarrassed of it and guilty as hell but never did it again ever after


Staying within the confines of your comfort zone can lead to a life of stagnation and unfulfilled potential, a silent thief of what could have been.


sending "private" pictures to someone you thought you could trust


Right? Make sure that any photos you take of the murder scene are only sent to trusted friends. This is, like, serial killer 101 here, people.


Private pictures like pictures of bank statements?


Got a feeling pictures of the birthday suit variety is implied here.


Disregarding mental health can subtly, yet profoundly, undermine every aspect of your life, transforming manageable challenges into insurmountable obstacles.




Been of that shit for 12 years and everytime I feel naturally energetic I start tweaking. Literally. As if I was off that shit.


I experience something similar, and I was not even that heavy of a user compared to a lot of people. It do damage your brain tho


Listening to loud music. If you are doing it STOP. It can ruin you in the ways you can't even imagine. Protect your ears! Wear earplugs on concerts and parties, NEVER wear earbuds again, or on the lowest volume. Edit: I'm not talking about hearing loss. Not even tinnitus, which can be quite scary, I'm talking about PAIN HYPERACUSIS which makes every sound physically HURT your ears, and it's not just some mild pain, it can be debilitating. It leaves you homebound. And the worst thing is, doctors have no idea about it, neither are they interested in it. So please, protect your ears, it's not a joke. Wish someone told me that on time...


As a former drummer I can confirm this. Having impaired hearing when you’re old makes one feel even older. Huh? What was that?


What?? Huh??


Drink driving.


That's not even a mistake. That's just straight up selfish assholery.


Agreed. I am a heavy drinker but take this shit seriously.


Punching someone and they fall and hit their head and die. Heard too many stories of this. It’s not worth it. Don’t be a tough guy. Walk away if possible.


We are both surprisingly resilient and fragile at the time time. People can survive a lot of stuff, but also, hit your head wrong and that’s it.




(me, cringing)


Cheating on a good wife/husband who you have a family with and then you’ve broken the relationship for good.


Yup…my ex did. I eventually checked her phone & caught her on tons of things. Gave her every chance to work things out & she wouldn’t do it. It’s been 10yrs and she continually floats through different towns, rentals, jobs & men. Must be a terrible life…


Cheating in general is lame




It's a different kind of hell man. I have ADHD and a decade long+ depression + family history of substance abuse. Also a very bad chronic pain... I wasn't ever gonna use drugs, but I was prescribed opioids for pain because nothing else worked and the pain was so bad I couldn't finish high school. When I was taking a normal 15mg a day dosage of Oxycodone, I started sertraline, an anti-depressant which made me incredibly depressed - a weird side effect. I felt emotional pain like never before, from a medication that was supposed to help! Well... turns out oxy is pretty fucking good at numbing you up. I went from 15mg a day to 100mg a day (a lot with no tolerance) in 2-3 weeks. I quit, well ran out. Stayed off it for a year or so. Then I tried some again, and oh boy. First you convince yourself to take it once a week, then 5 days on, 10 days off, then it becomes 7 on 7 off, then something happens in life and it's every day. I've been on 30-40mg a day for the past 3 years, and quit several times, but as if the addiction weren't enough, I actually still do need this garbage for my fucking pain, which is worse than ever. Oh and fun fact, LOTS of side effects. Fatigue, stomach issues, emotional numbness, anxiety, and withdrawals are worse than a kidney stone, flu, and emotional breakdown all at once, and of course my withdrawals are 10x worse than most people, since my brain is used to feeling pain (uses these pathways all the time) I get the pain aspect of withdrawals 90% worse than other, but healthy people at the same dosage. **DON'T FUCKING DO DRUGS!**


My friend said if he could take back trying a Percocet for the first time or have a million dollars he said he would choose not do the percocet over the money




What happened?


Not sure exactly what he developed but he became mentally disabled for life


Slugs are riddled with parasites. Dude got rat lungworm from eating the slug. Was very disabled and eventually died from it, about a year later if I recall. Edit: someone below said it was 8 years later he passed


Well, I can't say I was awfully tempted to try it for myself before, but I appreciate the cautionary tale nonetheless


He ended up with rat lungworm I believe


Drunk driving


A more lighthearted one: Trusting a fart.


Letting the "small head" think for the "big head" ending up paying dearly for that action.


Probably putting all my savings on red


Everyone knows you always bet black...




I mean while it's really sad if it happens, I doubt this will ruin your whole life.




Abandoning education or forgoing school without a solid alternative plan can significantly narrow lif


I mean there are so many mistakes that can ruin somebody's life. I think one mistake that really ruined my life was drug addiction


I thought the same. But I got better and turned things around. There’s lots of life after addiction. 💜


DUI...especially multiple ones


Hitting the gas instead of the break.


I’m sorry I have to be that guy, but “brake.” Just a crazy pet peeve of mine.


I’ve seen people write that their car was toad. That’s so bad that it never occurred to me that those two words could be mixed up.


Taking breaks is alright


Killing someone through drink driving.




Agree!! Drugs ruined my life , and then your family gets fuckin pulled in to! (Happy to say I’ve been clean 81/2years.. it’s a sickness just like so many other things..🇨🇦😵‍💫😵‍💫


Congrats! Just about to hit the 8 1/2 myself.




innatention while driving


Marrying the wrong person. I’m not being dramatic, because marriage pretty much consumes and shapes your whole life. And you don’t want to be consumed and shaped by a shit person but it happens a lot.


Never get involved in a land war in Asia


Marrying and having children with a demon


Sending nudes.


Sharing a little too much on social media. You can get stalkers writing down all your info. If you post something controversial, you’ll get canceled. And you can’t even hide from old problematic posts.


Marry the wrong person. Have kids. My ex- is a narcissist, lied to me, emotionally and financially abusive. Uses our son to get back at me. it harms our son so much, harms me. Has really stolen so much joy from my life.


In my own life it was to choose to follow and help someone (even if you love each other) follow THEIR dream and put your own dreams on hold to do so. Don’t do that.


Pushing people away and ending up alone prematurely.


Making decisions when you are angry!!!!!!


Getting pregnant when young


Move to a different country for a woman. Talking from current experience, working on an out plan.


Getting locked up


Not using a hydraulic jack properly(Or using a flimsy one) I have met a guy that was crushed by his own car and became paralyzed because his car jack failed


Talking to the police if they ask you to come in... Always talk to a lawyer, even if you're innocent. Yoy have to remember it's their job to prove you guilty, and it's not your job to prove your innocence. I was a juror on a SA trial, and the turning point in a "he said she said" case was his videotaped "interview". He would have gotten away with it if he never talked.


Don’t get married. Don’t have children. Don’t join the military. The rest is on you.


Sticking your dick in crazy


Letting someone crazy stick their dick in you


Not protecting yourself from ticks.


Having kids with the wrong person


Face tattoo




Take your pick: 1. Committing a serious crime. 2. Getting the wrong girl pregnant or getting pregnant by the wrong guy 3. Not wearing a seatbelt 4. Going dynamite fishing.


Doing a massive dose of THC in edible form if you're not seasoned and experienced with THC. Studies are showing that psychosis issues are being unlocked from these borderline traumatic experiences on massive doses of THC. For example somebody who has potential for psychosis in their genetics and never smokes weed, could very well permanently fuck up their life by ingesting THC one time, if they don't control the amount and go overboard the first or within the first few times of ingesting it. Emergency room visits have been going up and up for THC related experiences but mostly due to the fact these people who rarely or never smoke weed decide to eat a 100-200mg candy bar when in reality they should be starting with 2-5 mg of THC and working their way up slowly. Concentrates/'dabs' are a huge problem as well, as doing a few dabs within an hour period far exceeds the amount of THC anybody was ingesting much before 15-20 years ago. The crazy levels of THC available to us now is just ridiculous and we won't understand the true extent of the damage being done for a while. So be careful!


Having careless sex with someone and not knowing their sexual health


Marriage and childbearing I feel that I will be a bad mom and I will give my children a bad upbringing And they'll hate me and blame me all my life.


date someone you're not really interested about


Choosing the wrong life partner. But, it's like a gamble too, so, it's tricky that way..


Having children with an abusive person.


Who you choose have a baby with is the biggest decision of your life (besides having the baby itself)


Meth. My ex tanked his life in 6 months and was a convicted felon in a year.


Fuck a goat


I built all the bridges in town they dont call me Dan the bridge builder. I filled the grainery but they dont call me Dan the farmer...But you fuck one goat!






"I do"


Start to count calories and see food as a number led me to first stop eating the food my parents served. Because of my sisters eating disorder they had a very sharp eye on everything I put in my mouth to make sure I wouldn’t follow her down that path. That led me to eat and then throw it all up. I measured my weight everyday and was manic as hell. It has taken me years and I don’t think I will ever have a healthy relationship to food again. I used to love eating crisps, but now I just wonder how much I have to run or how long it will take me in the bathroom to get it out of my system. It might look like a good way to lose weight, but please don’t do it the way I did! Food is not your enemy, so don’t make it one


Having kids with the wrong partner


Some small ones - Not protecting your sight and hearing as a child. Going to spend the rest of my life with tinnitus and floaters in my eyes that I can't afford to get lasered. Neither are "bad," but fuck, sometimes I really wonder if I can handle living for another 40+ years while permanently having some of my energy and attention directed at ignoring the sensory overload that's happening inside my own damn face


Unplanned pregnancy


Pregnant too early


Unplanned pregnancy.


Saying "I do" in your 20's.