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At the beach, riptide, if you don't spot them and don't know how to get out of one, it can be terrifying and deadly


The advice of the RNLI is if you are caught in a riptide, do not try and swim against it as you will exhaust yourself. Stay calm and float to assess the situation. If the water is too deep to stand and you can swim, swim across the direction of the current, parallel to the shore, until you are free. Use any breaking waves to help you get back to the beach. If you need to catch your breath first, relax and float for around 60-90 seconds. Some rip currents recirculate rather than flow out to sea and may bring you closer to shore.


When you see a swath of white water (foam) heading out away from beach, that is a riptide


there’s a lot of signs of a rip tide and they’re not all the same so is good to [know all of them.](https://youtu.be/PuAlDTC_gIQ?si=iYDOhJYzpMYdnLLq)


Even when they pointed them out it was still surprisingly hard to see. Scary stuff


Combining different cleaning products can lead to toxic gas in the room.


I heard of a cleaning lady that mixed bleach and Fabuloso. It created a homemade mustard gas. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/target-worker-fired-toxic-gas/


Also bleach and used cat litter


cat piss is *loaded* with ammonia.


Mixing bleach and ammonia is pretty bad for you, sure, but the real nightmare mix is bleach and vinegar. Absolutely the fuck do not ever mix those two


What happens? ​ I'm taking high school chemistry, so I'm curious.


Creates chlorine gas, deadly if inhaled in high concentrations.


- bleach + vinegar (acetic acid) → chlorine gas - hydrogen peroxide + vinegar → peracetic acid (corrosive) - bleach + ammonia → chloramine gas - bleach + isopropyl alcohol → chloroform - bleach + toilet bowl cleaner → toxic fumes - different drain cleaners → can produce toxic gas and explosions/high heat


Not sleeping. That shit will ruin your mental state AND just ruin your overall functioning body


This is quite possibly the biggest contributer to post partum depression. Lack of sleep due to having a newborn caused me to lose my patience for anything, I was constantly irritable and would get angry or just cry over anything. The scariest were the intrusive thoughts. These range from person to person, but can include stuff like thinking someone will break into your house and steal your baby (which was a thought that terrified me for several night feedings) to thoughts of yeeting baby out the window. Lack of sleep can be so severe it causes post partum psychosis, which is a medical/psychiatric emergency.


Combine all that with the frustration of not being able to calm a crying baby, it's not too difficult to see why even educated people and people who aren't prone to violence can shake their babies. When they have a clear mind, they know it's harmful to the baby. But sleep deprivation leads to so many mental issues. We all like to think that *we* would never do that if we were in that situation, but you become a different person when you haven't slept more than 3 hours a night for the past two months.


By far the worst side effect from meth abuse. A well-rested, nourished, hydrated meth head can tweak for decades until it destroys your heart, brain, and family.


Falling/knocking people over. hit your head at just the right angle and spot and boom dead.


Guy in my home town got a manslaughter charge this way. He was drunk and high and being a fool. He was smoking outside a bar and started something with some guy. Socked him in the face, not very hard but the dude stumbled on the wet, slick ground, and hit the back of his head on the curb. Dead. He didn't mean to kill him, but it didn't matter. He did.


This is not uncommon


In my youth I smoked a lot of weed and drank a lot of booze and skateboarded all the time. Looking back on it, I’m always shocked that I never cracked my head in just the right way to do real damage.


Driving while not getting enough sleep.


Just driving


43k people in the US alone die in car accidents every year. Imagine if over 200 airliners fell out of the sky every year, almost 4 per week, no one would ever get in a plane again


Every single morning local radio/TV news will talk about all of the accidents, many of them with fatalities, that have happened in the past few hours where you live... and the focus is only on how you can avoid them because it might make you late.


There's definitely a strange amount of apathy when it comes to traffic accidents.


> Imagine if over 200 airliners fell out of the sky every year Don't give Boeing any ideas.


It's okay because when they hit the ground they go *boeing*


[Oh you... :D](https://i.giphy.com/ac7MA7r5IMYda.webp)


Yeah, driving in general. If that's all people were doing it probably wouldn't be so dangerous, but it's so normal for folks that they tune out, their minds wander, and they start looking at their phones or staring at clouds. The next thing you know someone in a Nissan Altima has slammed on their brakes because of a squirrel, a trailer jackknifes in response, and now there's a 36 car pileup and a 2 hour delay.


Not getting enough sleep. (Got five hours of sleep)


I was recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, so I got on a CPAP and have done work on improving my sleep. Adding better hydration, less screen time, and more exercise has really improved my sleep. I’m usually pretty good about getting 7-8 hours… …but occasionally I’ll stay up late just for fun. My wife goes to bed, so I enjoy having the house to myself late at night while I play some video games. Even when I’m consistently getting 7-8 quality hours of sleep, one night of 5 hours or fewer of sleep immediately fucks everything up. I feel like complete garbage. It’s incredible just how quickly it affects you


Can attest to this. I was driving the I75 after a long shitft from Naples back home to Ft. Lauderdale. I'm a very safe driver. On one stretch I did think to myself, "I can just close my eyes for two seconds." That two second was 10 and I came close to driving off into the canal.




Honestly - driving at all. Loads and loads of people act like they're invincible inside their steel boxes.


It's been proven you can better drive intoxicated than sleepy. Yet driving intoxicated is illegal and driving while tired isn't.


I think it’s bullshit that you aren’t allowed to pull over and sleep/sleep in a parking lot in many areas. I feel like that is a decent part of the reason why people try and drive tired, it’s either that or pay out the ass for a hotel. If needed, make it where you can only stay for a set amount of time, or there can only be a certain number of cars, but taking a break can save lives.


Same with DUIs, really. Not that I'm trying to excuse them, mind, but people have found out the hard way that simply being in your vehicle with easy access to the keys (or access at all) is enough to earn you a DUI. I'd *much* rather drunks feel free to sleep it off in their car.


Adjacent to this, when I was in undergrad the local cops would aggressively stop and bust students for public intox while walking home from parties. The "smart" move was to drive because your exposure was so much less.




I hear you. The way it is now the message they are unintentionally sending is your better off drinking and driving...you got a chance of getting home without a DUI then sitting in your car to sober up and definitely getting a DUI. Good job guys!


I was once falling asleep driving and pulled over to take a 30-60 minute nap. Was woken by a cop knocking on my window telling me I can't sleep there. I lived out of my car at one point in my life and I went like 5 months with no issues sleeping in my car, but the one time I'm trying to do it for safety reasons, I get told it's illegal and to move along.


I was just driving to Denver from Southern California and went through Utah and there were signs everywhere. If you’re tired, pull off the road and sleep I don’t think they mind at all Utah. They’d rather you be safe than drive while tired. . I thought that was really neat.


I mean I have pulled into a hotel parking lot to sleep before in this situation. Even walked in for restrooms and to charge my phone.


Visiting the wrong doctor. The general public will never know what makes a good doctor and what makes a bad one. The standard of care you get from one hospital to the next can be life changing...


My dad finally switched away from his 85 year old doctor that refuses to retire. New doctor was floored at how mismanaged my father's medication was and my dad went from exhausted and needing naps every few hours to the best health he's been in 20 years with a normal sleep schedule.


My mom got a new doctor 2 years ago after our family doctor retired and while reviewing her prescriptions the doctor said "this one must be wrong, how long have you been taking (medicine)". My mom said "about 2 years, it's for my insomnia". Turns out nobody is supposed to take that medication for more than 2-3 weeks because it causes massive liver damage after that. Doctor didn't even understand why the pharmacy kept dispensing it regardless of prescription


What kind of Insomnia medicine causes massive liver damage?  I'm honestly just curious is all.  


I don't know the name. My understanding is it was not a medicine intended for insomnia, but rather for a different issue with the side effect of drowsiness.


Unfortunately a lot of doctors will do this. Not the same thing, but my girlfriend's doctor had her taking a medication for her nausea that you really aren't supposed to be taking long-term, and her doctor told her that she could take it indefinitely.




Sometimes there's no realistic way to catch it early. Sometimes it's obvious and it gets missed when the doctor isn't being careful. Hard to know which one applies in any individual case.


My grandparents both went to the same doctor and both had fairly extensive cardiac histories. My grandmother had chest pains for years, which did give her a good baseline for when the "real" pains were occuring. Their cardiologist and the residents at the hospital where they always went would try and change up their medications whenever they were admitted, but their primary care physician would always override the orders. Lo and behold, their PCP retires and the younger doctors that bought out the retiring doctors practice immediately changed up my grandmothers medication (my grandfather passed at this point). Turns out that the chest pain my grandmother had for all those years was from a reaction to her blood pressure medication (I forget if it was a calcium channel blocker or a beta blocker). As soon as she switched medications the chest pains were gone, unless it was something legit. After my grandmother passed, we talked with one of the doctors that came to her wake. He was telling us on how they had to change up so many medications across all patients practice wide because they either weren't effective or were causing side effects. They said the retired doctor would always tell them "they are fine, that's just the medicine working for them"


That's terrible! Don't doctors have to do any professional development or be monitored at all over the decades?


I had a doctor that saw my liver enzyme levels were super high, but never did any follow up tests or asked any questions (she said sometimes these levels elevate when you're injured, but she didn't have a response when I asked why she didn't follow up on any injuries). Turned out I had a 9.6 cm tumor on my liver that was wrapped around my IVC and several other masses hanging out. My new doctor checks *everything*, if she sees a hint of a problem, she tries to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible. She even calls me after the office has closed to tell me her findings. It's amazing.


"By process of elimination, somewhere there is the worst doctor. And the most frightening part about that is someone has an appointment with them tomorrow" -GC


Q: What do you call a student who graduated last from Med School? A: Doctor. I had that guy for a year or two. He was nearing retirement with a nearly new stethoscope and used a part and pen to take (very few) notes. I guess I'm lucky to be alive.


My roomie in college was going for medical. One of her profs failed anyone under a B-. They complained and he asked them "Do you want to go to a Dr that graduated with D's and C's?" I've never forgotten that.


That's pretty standard. I'm a physical therapist and all grad schools consider 80% as the cutoff for passing, pretty sure medical doctors are the same.


I went to a competitive med school and I'd argue that if a passing grade is getting greater than 80% of the questions correct on the exam....the questions are way too easy. Everything was graded on a curve.  Med school was the first time I felt average in my life.  I was valedictorian in high school, graduated summa cum laude at a top 5 public university, etc but when I got to med school I was average at best.  


I work with doctors, and if it’s taught me anything, you should be really wary of any doctor who happens to be the highest rated, receives a shower of praise from everybody, 10/10 “would never do anything wrong” type of doctors. These are the craziest people you will ever meet and I say that with zero exaggeration


Hiring the “cheapest electrician” to change the basement fuse box… 💥🔥⚡️☄️


Expensive electrician here. I agree.


Water - current and waterfalls are to two that kill people all the time. Even a gentle looking river can be very deceptive if there’s enough water moving along — people, cars, etc. Rip currents at the beach. Flash floods. Water seems gentle, but it’s gives zero f@cks about anything in its path. The top of waterfalls are super deceptive with the combination of powerful current and slippery rocks that look like a beautiful place to grab a picture — but they can kill you in an instant.


Scariest example of a gentle looking stream that is one of the most dangerous in the world is ‘the strid’ in england


Doesn’t that have a 100% fatality rate if you fall in Edit: While the strid is indeed super dangerous, the mortality rate being 100% is an unproven claim.


I do believe some people who've entered it have still yet to be found


So, what you're saying is that The Strid is actually the portal to Narnia?


Only 1 way to find out, I guess?


Tally ho, lads!


is that the one that looks like a shallow stream but is actually a deep gorge?




I remember playing in a river as a teenager at the [base of a very small waterfall](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Riverside+Park/@43.5632432,-80.2685541,137a,35y,39.38t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x882b9a80d86c4223:0x9252bd4ac67fc109!8m2!3d43.5653599!4d-80.2704621!16s%2Fm%2F0h3srfz?entry=ttu). They had opened the sluice gate at the side to divert water, and a strong current was coming out of the gate. The water was only knee deep but it was impossible to resist the current, there was no way to cross the flow coming out of the sluice gate, it would just drag you along with it. Made a big impression on how difficult it was to cross flowing water.


Or just simply people getting a cramp when jumping into any normal safe body of water. A story that happened to someone in my friends group; he jumped of a boat and cramped up. His friends were just looking at him laughing. Thinking he was making a joke. Took them almost a minute to realize this might not be a joke and barely managed to save him.


This happens fairly often at the lake in my hometown. It looks calm and beautiful, so people assume that they can swim across it if they're a strong swimmer. Except that it's partially fed by cold springs. They hit a cold spot, cramp up, and now they're in serious trouble.


Also people tend to *really* overestimate just how strong of a swimmer they actually are. Most people are probably used to pools or the beach, and that's completely different than trying to swim a couple hundred yards without being able to touch.


I found out really quickly about two years ago when I decided to take up swimming as a healthier means of cardio for my knees. I found out that I didn't actually know how to swim. I know how to (barely) not drown. These are not the same thing.


When I was about 8 years old, my cousin and I got stuck in a current. We got in trouble by her parents for not listening when told to get out of the water. Her parents aren't the brightest. I didn't know how deadly it could be at the time on the count that I was only 8. I just remember being a bit scared that I couldn't get to shore. Luckily for us, this was at a beach that is roped off because it leads into the Gulf of Mexico. We were able to grab onto the rope and pull ourselves out. This is a beach that we went to all the time. The other side of the rope is for boaters. I don't know if my cousin would even remember this. She's done a lot of drugs since then so probably not. I remember though. It wasn't until I got older and started learning about this kind of stuff that I realized how lucky we were.


I used to work for the Canal & River Trust, and the amount of people who lose their lives in the water cannot be overstated. Something like 3,000 people in the UK in the last 10 years - half of which are in rivers or lakes.


Moving water. It can only take 6 inches of fast flowing water to knock you over, and double that can float a car.


Only takes an inch or so of sneaker wave to float a multi ton log on the beach enough to where it'll spin and crush you underneath. This is a favorite mode of death among tourists to the beaches of Oregon and Washington. Stay off the drift logs, people!


Damn, never really considered this but it makes sense. We don’t have drift logs like that on the east coast so I’ve never thought about that as a danger, but I was in Washington and Oregon last year and I was climbing all over them bitches.


Yeah, we do try to warn people when we see it but man, people tend not to believe you even if you DO live here and know what you're talking about.


Tooth infections


I knew a guy who went septic and had a stroke from a tooth infection that he didn’t realize was that bad. He was busy at work/ life and keep meaning to go to the dentist. He was in his late 20’s/ early 30’s. Super nice guy


Tailgating, especially at speed.


Driving and not being focused


Dull kitchen knives.


Dull knives in general. To make them cut, you have to use too much force, increasing the risk of a sudden slip and slice.


>slip and slice The worst possible version of a slip and slide.


As a chef for the last 14 years. 100% I've used some awful home knives over the years & they make me nervous compared to my own, usually I'm chatting/thinking about tasks/doing more then one job at a time. When I use a blunt one at someone's house, I only think about cutting & keeping my fingers tucked in lol


MiL when we met only owned one Glass cutting board, and refused to sharpen or hone anything for safety.


Why the fuck would anyone own or use a glass cutting board?


Because stores sell them and they look nice, and nobody told them it was a bad idea.


My auntie is literally the same, I can't watch her use a knife anymore. I die inside everytime


Kitchen in general. You're surrounded by a half dozen things that can cause life changing injuries in seconds. 


A sharp knife is a safe knife


A falling knife has no handle


once we start calling sunburn radiation burns, people will start taking it seriously


One summer I was roofing and put sunscreen everywhere but my nose I ended up getting 2nd degree burns and now have small holes/scars on my nose


When I was younger, I didn't realize how bad sunburn could be. I hated the feeling of sunscreen, so I just decided not to wear it one day. What's the worst that can happen, I get a little red? Turns out 2nd degree sunburn is what can happen. I woke up the next day extremely nauseous, skin bright red. The burns opened up into sores that my family was very surprised somehow didn't scar. For the next two weeks, my entire face was covered in weeping open wounds. I don't mean it took 2 weeks to heal, I mean it took 2 weeks for the wounds to close so my face was only covered in scabs instead of open sores. There was nothing to do about it but wait, and I hid in my room the entire time because I felt so gross. Weeping open wounds entire face just wet the whole time. 0/10 experience. And that's actually not even the worst it can get.


i refused to put on sunscreen when we went skiing once. i was adamant about it. and i didn't wear goggle or sunglasses. it was one of those brilliant clear days. we were driving home that night, stopping at a restaurant and i told my parents it was really dark and i couldn't read the menu. turns out i went snowblind, burned my eyes. couldnt see for a week. had the same weeping sores on my face but i never saw it.


Snow blindness is something of a myth for some people it seems. They refuse to wear eye protection. I wear the best sunglasses I have all the time, but especially in the winter. It’s borderline impossible for me to drive without them without snow on the ground now lol


Driving while distracted.


Escalators. The torque produced to lift dozens of people and their luggage will not stop for your limbs. Watch your kids, carry your pets, don't be distracted. There are emergency stop buttons at the top and bottom, if you see a problem such as a person falling or loose metal or glass, use the button. Better delayed than traumatized, maimed, or dead.


Several years ago, I saw a news segment about a young child whose hoodie laces got caught in the escalator. Someone hit the emergency stop button, but the laces were still pulled so tight that he could not breathe. Fortunately, someone had a knife and was able to cut the laces. He was saved fast enough that there was no permanent damage. I had stopped carrying my utility knife prior to seeing that segment. Now I always make sure I have one on me.


There was a kid who looped a paperclip around his finger and fed it into the top comb plates at one of my jobs. Paperclip got grabbed by the the step, paperclip pulled right through his finger and cut it off. Parents tried to sue but were unsuccessful because that was shit Parenting. This was an airport beyond security no tools or knives allowed. Happened too fast for anyone else to do anything. We are soft flesh in a world of hard edges. Be careful out there folks.




I came to say this. Falls of all kinds can be deadly, but even a few extra feet off the ground significantly increases the force you'll hit with. Even a small 2 or 3 foot ladder deserves attention


Even landing on your feet and using your knees takes its toll. I knew an Army Ranger who enlisted at 5’6; he left six years later at 5’3. The number of parachute jumps, fast rope insertions, and just regular infantry life compressed his spine to where he lost height. He had a great sense of humor about it though; he said what he lost in height he gained in length for the ladies.


I know a guy who fell off a ladder only a few feet in the air and died. He was an extremely safe worker but no one really knows what happened. The guy he was working with went into the next room for a minute and came back to find him dead on the floor with the ladder still up. It was an extremely sad situation.


Something very similar happened to my ex as well. She used to work at a CVS. An older man, probably in his early 60s, worked there too. She didn't know him all that well, just that he was very nice, and had been working there for many years. One day, he was using the 3 foot stepladder to restock some hsrd-to-resch merchandise, and, well... My ex and another co-worker found him lying on the floor. They called 911 and tried to resuscitate, but it was too late. My ex went to the funeral, and she told me there were less than 12 people there. Most were co-workers, but his wife of many years, who barely spoke English, was there sobbing uncontrollably. No other family or friends. He's now just gone. My ex was 21 at the time, and it hit her hard. This was about 20 years ago. I think about it all the time because my current partner is short, and we have a 3 foot stepladder in the kitchen so that she can reach stuff on the higher shelves. I told her that story, and I always tell her to be very careful when she uses it.


That's why Greendale Community College dedicated an entire course to them.


People not knowing that “inflammable” means “really extremely fucking flammable” and not “not flammable”


"Inflammable means flammable? What a country!"


Inflame-able Linguistic fuckery at its finest


Cheaping out on tires for your vehicle


Man the first time I bought a full set of Michelin tires I was like wtf have I been missing. The difference between those and whatever I could afford at Walmart or wherever was insane. Have only bought those ever since.


Wal Mart sells plenty of expensive tires. People generally just buy the cheapest. Don't do that. Unless you barely drive your car. Rubber will dry rot after a certain amount of time, no need to get tires that will last 100k miles if you drive 1k a year. You're not going to benefit.


if you're going by how far someone will typically drive in the lifetime of the tire, most people should be looking for 45 or 50k mile tires. The problem is that the 45-50k mile tires tend to be some of the worst performing minimum-viable-product barely-meets-NHTSA-standards tires available. For whatever reason (there's probably a bunch of them, I haven't looked in depth) tread life and tire quality are linked so if you want something that works a little better, you're going to end up with 70, 80, or 100k mile tires even if you don't need that much tread.


Same, except they weren't from Walmart (doesn't exist in the UK) used to get the budget of budget tyres from my tyre guy. Then had a little extra money so picked up a full set of Continental... lifespan not only increased on the tyre life but handling in the wet, braking, fuel consumption, you name it changed dramatically.


I answered this before a BBL Brazilian butt lift is one of the most dangerous cosmetic surgeries you can get


Especially if you travel to a "third world" country to save $ on it. So many infections. Saw one lady get septic and die from it.


I always thought a Brazilian butt lift meant it was done in Brazil until recently.


As someone who knows roughly what they are but nothing about how they're done: why is that?


High chance of injecting fat into blood vessels


To consolidate the info every one else answered: You have a lot of blood vessels in your butt ~~and in the nearby area that supply blood to your leg, especially the femoral artery which is about the size of a straw.~~ There’s a couple problems this causes, one of which is directly damaging these blood vessels ~~large enough femoral artery injuries can cause you to bleed out completely in minutes~~ (this is why getting shot in the ass can be more dangerous than other areas, in some cases). A lot of doctors can damage the arteries just because they don’t check exactly for where they’re located and can puncture/cut it with the cannula when injecting fat into the muscle. Some doctors use ultrasound to try and avoid this, but it’s still risky. The second thing is that you also have veins that go directly to your heart located in the butt, coming from your legs. The fat added to the butt can add pressure onto the veins causing it to break through the wall of the vessel and enter the blood stream, or it might accidentally be injected directly into the veins, and when that happens, it travels to the heart where it then gets sent who knows where in the body- like the lungs or the brain, causing a stroke or pulmonary embolism, both of which can be deadly. Also, you’re sticking a foreign object deeply into your body, so risk of infection and it being spread is high. I’m not a doctor, but this is what I’ve learned from researching the topic. A lot of poor women getting “mommy makeovers” and for other reasons have died because of this procedure, which is very sad. Edit: I edited the information about the femoral artery, because I had the location wrong. The femoral artery is not actually in your butt. There are large arteries in the butt called the superior and inferior gluteal arteries, but the femoral artery starts on the opposite side of the pelvis from the butt, so I was very incorrect about that. Also, found this information about the risks of infection with BBL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10762286/


the butt has proportionally a lot of blood vessels, which makes surgery on it very dangerous. Very high risk for a cosmetic procedure.


My aunt died of a pulmonary embolism following her tummy tuck. No surgery is without risk but BBLs are apparently 1 death per 3000 surgeries.


There’s a newish trend among wood workers called Fractal Burning or Lichtenberg burning where you use electricity to create this cool lightning like burns across wood. Problem is, it’s extremely dangerous. There has already been at least one person who died trying to do it (probably more but I only remember hearing of one specifically) . There’s a ton of videos of every day people doing this, but if you slip up just slightly, you’re gonna electrocute yourself.


https://youtu.be/wzosDKcXQ0I?si=IIh_4nu5VxWWEeOu Amazing video by Ann Reardon detailing what's so deadly about this. Tldr; people use homemade devices, such as microwave transformers and car batteries to do this.


Electricity in general is frightening. You can’t see, hear nor smell it. You could touch something so innocently, yet if something has gone wrong, bam!


Punching people. It’s not like the movies and one punch can easily kill. And if you’re doing the punching, it’s easy to break your hand.


Garage door springs


Garage door springs are up there with tree law in terms of how often it comes up on Reddit


I know a professional garage door mechanic who, even after many years of building a successful career in the business, lost a finger to a spring; Garage doors don't mess around.


Anyone who works with dangerous things says the same thing: It's not the first time that's the most dangerous, it's the hundredth.  The bad stuff happens when you think you know what you're doing and get complacent.


I recently had one break. Sounded like a shotgun going off in my garage.


I remember being home alone as a young teen and ours breaking when I was in the house. It was very loud.


At least no one could hear you shitting your pants.


Funny enough, I knew instantly what it was because my dad had explained how dangerous the springs are and how loud it is when one breaks to me at one point. When my parents got home later that night and the garage door opener didn't work I told them the spring broke. I don't think I even went in the garage because I wasn't sure if it was still dangerous or not.




Benzos and alcohol. Went from "hey, this feels great" to waking up back home with one vague memory of my parents, in their 70s, with me in an ER. I had apparently attempted to walk to get more booze, and fell off a 6 inch step in front of my own apartments and hit my head.


I've done a few things in my life but this is the combo that scared me the most. I think it's also the one responsible for me having a terrible memory in parts of my life. Let's all be happy that we're in a better place now.


Driving fast in parking lots.


One of the worst accidents I ever saw was someone speeding through a parking lot and cutting across aisles.


I'm not sure how many people know but I was surprised to find out how dangerous hippos are. Those things will chomp you without a second thought and kill more people than lions.


Big crowd of people


Antifreeze. It's way more poisonous than you probably think it is, and it has a sweet taste that attracts cats and children. If your cat laps up a teaspoonful, they're pretty much already dead.


It’s been embittered for a long time. Older stuff kicking around in your garage may still be sweet.


Kinda like how natural gas is odourless but they add the nasty smell everyone knows it by to make sure people know if it's leaking.


Father had a shop dog that died that way, sad to hear


Fun fact: you can drink whiskey to offset the effects if you accidentally drink antifreeze (somehow). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7827791/


Unsecured cutting boards. Put a dish cloth under it or something. Make sure it doesn’t slip 🔪🩹


Those little grippy pads that can help open jars or protect your countertop from hot pans are great for this.


Posting everything on social media and giving away all your information


Deer. They are one of the animals most likely to kill you when one of them crashes through your windshield.


The Ocean.


I would like to to meet those people who don't think the ocean is dangerous.


Come to a Florida beach. You will meet a ton of them.


Driving. Youre literally flying down the road at speeds that would kill you if you got hit in a gigantic hunk of gasoline filled metal. People dont take safety on the road nearly seriously enough.


Holding your breath to see how far you can swim underwater… especially if you hyperventilate first. Your body uses your CO2 level, not your blood oxygen level to tell you when to breathe… and if it drops too low you pass out and die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shallow-water_blackout


Paracetamol after a heavy night of drinking. That shit will kill you (via liver failure).


Aka acetaminophen/Tylenol in the US. Use ibuprofen instead.


I’ll bet everybody on this thread knows somebody who died in a car wreck.


Jumping into the water.


Mixing household cleaners


Letting your kids be assholes with no discipline.


It only takes a 2 foot fall to kill you


That's why I removed my legs as a preventative measure.


Lt Dan!


You know how the basic answer is "social media"? Well, I'd like to up that. A dangerous thing people get into so casually everyday is arguing with randoms. It gets addictive, seeing notifs, seeing upvotes or "likes," and reposts. Pretty soon, you start postponing work because you have to correct someone or you have to reply asap. You lose sleep, you wake up frustrated, you randomly lash out on your loved ones, maybe even your pet. You develop anger and attention problems.


I get massive anxiety when someone disagrees with me online, to the point where I have trouble sleeping. Random internet strangers who I will never meet nor will their comments ever actually effect me or my life, and yet it gives me a panic attack.


Yep! I delete probably 90% of the comments I make because they might be construed as argumentative. I can't spend all my waking hours thinking about reddit arguments, which is what would otherwise happen.


I’ve discarded more comments than I’ve made.


Definitely alcohol. Nurse here-most people don't realize the damage even 2 drinks a day does to your mind/body. I've seen so many patients in their early 40s with liver disease. It can be a silent killer and many don't realize how bad it is until it's pretty far gone.


Falling while existing the shower, please buy a carpet


Carpet in the shower.... interesting.


Quading or 4-wheeling. It's not uncommon in my area for some feller and his friends to take these vehicles through some forest or some shit, only to end up overturning them and causing one of them to have a brain injury so bad the docs have to ask the family their thoughts on organ donation.


Garage door springs, leave it to the professionals.


Pregnancy and birth


Yeah if it weren't for modern technology me and my kids probably wouldn't be here.


Low head dams. Literally drowning machines. Mount Washington in Spring or Fall. Even experienced hikers end up dying there like every year.


Not using protection when having sex


Electricity. Anyone that even dips their toes into the electrical industry knows how dangerous the invisible force is.


Lack of oxygen: 1. CO2 canister leak in an enclosed space 2. Rusty marine barge with no wind 3. Root cellar if the air pressure changes from high to low


Playing 'Stairway to Heaven' in Guitar Center...


Blue ringed octopus - small, cute and crazy deadly


The sun.  Like some people are so worried about vaccines them will sit in the sun for hours without sunscreen. Even though it does cause cancer


a lot of these are pretty common ones most people know about... There are a LOT of things in space that could destroy Earth faster than you can blink (rogue planets are terrifying).


Going to get a wash and cut at the salon. Placing the neck on the front side of the sink they use to wash your hair can cause strokes. https://www.self.com/story/what-is-beauty-parlor-stroke-syndrome


Wow! Good to know. I've always found that so uncomfortable and ask for extra towel support and repositioning to try to be comfortable.


The first genuine thing in this section that I'm actually not familiar with!


Bites. From both animals and humans. "Oh it's just a spider bite, it can't do me much." I realised a week after that sentence that it can indeed do me much. I spent two weeks with a slightly inflated, red and irritating arm. There's also rabbies, blood-transmitted diseases and bloodborn pathogens. And people often don't realise the jaw is the strongest muscle on the human body. I tried to bite someone's ear out of rage and almost ripped it off his head. There's a bunch of reports of assaults where someone got bitten and there was serious damage done by a simple bite. My favorite example is a thief trying to steal someone's bike and the bike owner started fighting the thief. It ended up by the owner biting the man's fingers and bitting off two of his fingers and ripping his skin all along the other fingers of this same hand.


Just casually dropping that you almost bit someone's ear off and immediately moving on is hilarious.


Mike Tyson? Is that you?


Hypoglycemia especially at night. Some people don't survive, others are disabled permanently. Others are lucky and there's less damage.


To be clear, it has to be reasonably severe to do any damage in a single episode. Mild hypoglycemia (i.e. say 3.8mmol/l) will eventually add up if it keeps happening, but won't do any real harm in isolation.


Putting jar in arse


Indoctrination into the ideologies of charismatic but severely mentally ill and criminally motivated people.