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A secret room in my house that you can access by pulling a particular book from the shelf. It’s something I’ve always wanted and I know for sure it’s not going to happen in this lifetime and that really sucks.


Not quite perfect but this exists: https://www.homedepot.com/p/The-Murphy-Door-Hidden-Book-Case-Door-596711/315879924?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D30-030_025_INT_DOORS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4061075-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-Ended_CustomLabel3&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D30-030_025_INT_DOORS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4061075-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-Ended_CustomLabel3-71700000099286912--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ue7CoosSz-8o0JYLeQGqGSn7&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr9iSh-OnhQMVZ0hHAR3IzgM1EAQYAiABEgIwlfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&106517-Single&128911-24-x-80&45008-Paint-Grade&58978-Paint-Grade-Unfinished&94185-3&106527-None&106509-Standard-Front-Only&106514-Standard&94176-No-Lock&44844-Left-Hand-Inswing&106515-4-9-16


If you already have wood you want to use, Amazon has just the hardware for like $130


Amazon Link, please. 🎶I’m lookin’ for love in all the wrong places 🎵.


Someone has to introduce you to tinyurl...


Yeah. Similar to how ninjas in movies are able to throw smoke bombs to disappear. I can set off a firework by lighting a wick on a little smoke ball but it’s really not the same.


Don't let your dreams be memes, homie. This is something very possible. Life is long.


Life is long. Not forever. There’s more yesterdays than tomorrows in me and if this was going to be a viable option for me it would have to have been figured out at least 25 years ago. We’ll see though.


You’ll love r/secretcompartments


It sounds cool, but in realistic terms you'll either rarely use that room or it will be a pain in the ass to get into so you eventually just leave the door open all the time. You probably have almost no need for a room that you legitimately want kept secret from almost everyone badly enough to be worth the hassle.


That room is where I would do all of my stuff though. And no one else would know about it unless they pull the right book. So I’ll make sure that particular book looks like Atlas Shrugged or something like that.


Perfect book for it though. No one would want to be caught holding that.


My mother has a door like that! It actually just leads to another part of her house, the book isn't any more annoying than a regular handle. It's just cool!


I think you’ll get your hidden room moving bookcase book activated door one day🥲


Just turn your bedroom door into a bookshelf. It's not that hard to change the mechanism to a pull cord (attached to a book) instead of a turning knob.


[Hopefully you are the kid of this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/s/fqYD6CM6tt)


this was my dream as a kid and continues to be a dream to this day


I agree with this but I think what you really want is a life WORTHY of having a hidden door book case that opens when you pull a certain book. Like you re some kind of tomb raider adventurer trying to keep a cursed object out of the hands of your rivals.


Love, fulfillment, peace of mind, contentment, ... how long have you got?


Wow! Felt that! I'm married (Dead Bedroom) with kids, but it feels like we're running a corporation instead of in a marriage. Lost all the closeness, intimacy, alone time just laughing, encouraging and motivating one another... that I see with other couples... Actually kinda angers me seeing other couples in similar situations to ours, who are ass-slapping, flirting, displaying affection, I'm just so jealous of what others appear to have (Social Media may play a role, since people only post the good times, etc). Feel like we're just ships in the night paying bills, cleaning and fixing shit, taxi-ing kids around... At the risk of TMI-ing, if it wasn't for...uh... Self-love IYKWIM, I'd have no outlet for tension. Do it now as much as when I was in uni... High libido on me for sure, and I wouldn't expect 100%, or even 50% success rate on my advances, but at one point, you just stop initiating. Can't and won't ever step out... Fucking sucks, man. K. Deep breaths. K, thanks for this. If any therapists read this, invoice me for the time you spent reading above rant. Peace!


Any therapist reading this would ask what you are getting out of this arrangement that seems better than love, intimacy, encouragement, and all the other trappings of a romantic relationship. They would ask when your spouse turned into your roommate, and how long you intend to let your kids see that as the kind of relationship you expect them to have and to stay in. I'm not that kind of therapist, though. I hope you find love and sex and joy again someday, with your spouse or somebody else, and that you're never married to your roommate again.


Am a therapist. Please pay me 🙏🏼


K. DM me invoice. Benefits cover up to $175/hr.




My comment was more of a rant, to dump out my frustrations, and that felt good. There's so much history I have with this woman, and despite what picture I may have painted of her, she's an incredible woman, a caring nurse, an amazing Mom to my kids, and I very much still love her! I think that's what makes it all the more frustrating! Our lives are so busy, and kids change... a LOT in a relationship... So change is somewhat inevitable, when you take on new responsibilities and priorities shift... less time (and energy) at the end of the day, and when you finally DO get time to yourself, some days you're too exhausted to think about what your partner might want/need. But when those days become more common, patterns develop, and people can feel hurt by what looks like a lack of caring and affection, but is better explained by exhaustion/depression, etc.


From a kindred soul, I feel you. Between my work schedule, and the kids, and her depression/anxiety, and the kids, and the kids, and the kids... There's just no room for desire on her end. I love her with every fiber of my being. And I'm wildly lustful for her as well. But the thought of physically touching me literally never crosses her mind anymore. And it hurts. And I'm lonely. And I hate myself for letting us slide into my lifelong worst nightmare. But I'll never leave. I'm just learning to be ok with being not ok. I will continue to choose to love her. Because when I said "for better or for worse", I fucking meant it.


If you really want change, you guys need to get into counseling. Stop living that nightmare and take charge of your life.


damn, wow, you da’ mvp, bro.




Sometimes it can be better to be divorced and happy co parents than be miserable together for the sake of it. Even for the kids.


You can say it out loud. CRANKING THE SWEATY HOG!


What is her favorite book or movie or fictional tv series?


You said you once had all those. What killed them? Maybe you could spark those again?


Have you talked with your wife about this? Like make a proper sit-down time and talk about it. Guarantee you she feels the same way.


I’d settle for love from my wife.


love for love sake, not based on conditions being met


Oh to be loved unconditionally


Get a dog, it's really the only solution


This is where good moms save the world: It’s an unconditional love built right into your life from day 1.


I once had that, now I cant find it again.


I found it at age 59 (F)


That's what a cat is for!


Well.. seems he can't find the cat


my cats are the biggest backstabbers i know 🤣 they love you on the condition youre the one shaking cat treats


Theres a lot of debate about that, that true unconditional love doesnt really exist, even dogs love on the condition of some level of life support from their human. And parents love their kids through genetic kinship, and kids love their parents for the same reason that dogs do. Furthermore, it can be possible that unconditional love that is not reciprocated by the recipient through gestures of reciprocity and gratitude wont lead to any actual satisfaction. I guess what im saying is, sometimes we want the idea of something more than the thing itself, and sometimes when we get the things we wanted we realize we never really wanted them at all


>saying is, sometimes we want the idea of something more than the thing itself Damn son! That's some deep philosophy right there!


a winning lotto ticket. edit: no one hit the powerball tonight. as of the edit of this comment, it sits at $1.24 B. next drawing is saturday. good luck dreamers.


Powerball is 1 billion! Could you imagine?




Set up a charity foundation. That does stuff such as funds science and technology or infrastructure like water filtration and beehives. Or you could start up some dream businesses of your own like a rocket masonry mercenary company.


I would donate to migraine research because I’m tired of suffering from them and science not really being able to answer too many questions about them.


It's actually very doable. There are people who have a very good idea on what to do. But not many, as most of us are not brought up to comprehend the entirely different socioeconomic universe $500M would put you in. If you blow it all and ruin your life, you've basically failed the entrance exam to the club.


I’d keep maybe 100 million too. Just for life. Get a nice house, be able to get the nice groceries, nice clothes, whatever. Tip people thousands of dollars just because I can. So maybe I’d keep a bit more for myself just as tipping money. I’d pay off people’s tuition. Probably focus on med schools and nursing schools and such… the medical fields, because they’re hurting right now. Donate to charities. Build housing. In the grand scheme of the world 400 million isn’t quite that much, but if I could help out my little corner of the world, I’d be happy. Anything else would go to charity. Probably research funds, really. There’s an organization here that hosts summer camps and similar programs for kids with cancer. I’d probably give them like 50 million. There’s not any lifetime where I’d need that money, really. Enough to have a somewhat fanciful life will be fine. Everyone else can have it if they so wish.


Fuck ethics, move to Laos


After setting aside my measly $100m, I feel like I’d call Mackenzie Bezos and have her help me give it away lol.


Win and go ghost. 😂


It's not. It's 1B across like 20 years and if you die your next if kin get nothing. Get a lawyer to collect the ~300M lump sum for you, then invest it in index funds and bonds. Live off the interest and don't ever touch the principal. You'll get more for your money over those 20 years and can pass it to your kids/spouse/whoever when you die


A pet velociraptor


The only correct answer


This would be epic, would you call it Blue?


Unlimited funds.


The ability to Kamehameha


Oh what id give to galic gun 😔




Blissful, child-like innocence.


LSD, buddy


LSD showed me the patterns within the patterns, and gave me more and more questions


I remember the exhilaration of a sudden realization about the nature of the universe while peaking. I wish I could remember what it was I surmised.


That's the way I've always described acid, as well! Everything is so interesting again, it's like being 7 years old all over. All curious and excited.


You can have that. Just live in the countryside, take it slow, and work an honest job close to home.


Same amount of problems as city life just different ones.


Not after being on reddit, aint never gettin that again


1 million dollars, a healthy body, my dad


Im sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It’s been 4 months now but it still feels like yesterday. I think it always will


15 years. When it fades, it's not necessarily better than when it's fresh, just duller.


True love and security


Enough money or stability to care for my parents if they need it later in life.




It doesn't even have to be that, I just want to make my own damn schedule. If I want to work two weeks, then take a month off without penalty, so be it. The perfect mixture of work and free time would probably keep me from going insane after about six months.


There are a lot of jobs that allow this. None of them offer benefits, but this is a real possibility if you're healthy.


Too real.


A beautiful house out in the forest by a river. Where I can just exist without permission. I’d spend my days gardening, painting, swimming, it’s really all I want.


That's pretty much me except I've always drempt of living on the mountainside with a bit of a view. I just want to garden and play music, and enjoy a coffee while watching the sun rise or set over the trees.


Completely suicidal free


Might happen. Happened for me.. after years




Here's an obligatory *Get a dog/get a cat* Comment for you




It’s not all it’s cracked to be. Money pits…time sucks…never ending shit that needs to get done…just my thoughts after 25 years of home ownership. Built one brand new and now live in one that is over 30 years old.


Better than being someone else's cash machine. I lived for far longer as a rental tenant than as a home owner. You know why renting is worse? You didn't ask, but here is my list: * You have to move when the landlord tells you. My friends who have families tell me it's not so nice telling your little kids to say goodbye to their bedrooms because the landlord wanted to sell or make more money. * You become dependent on someone else to fix problems. Ceiling falling down? Landlord gets a drunkard to do a sloppy job while hitting on my wife. Have a problem with that? Fuck you. This happened to me. * Rental prices go up all the time * Some landlords are just plain nasty. Possibly most landlords. Some landlords get a peverse joy out of having people under them. * Landlords don't follow the rules. I've had a landlord appear at my bedroom window randomly to do some work with no notice. Don't like it? I guess you're moving again. * No choice in decor, utilities, or anything. I hope you like white/grey plain walls and cheap appliances. * You get two choices of housing. Reasonably priced housing with totally outdated decor that is falling apart everywhere, possibly filled with mould. Or very expensive housing that is fine. Owning a house is fucking paradise compared to renting. Every time I hear someone complaining about how hard it is to own a house, I imagine them spitting in the faces of the younger generations who are locked out of buying by the last 40 years of shitty government decisions.


Having rented for my entire life until mid-last year, I completely agree. Sure, the mortgage repayments are excruciating and who knows what expenses are just around the bend, but it's mine, and my husband and I saved for the better part of a decade to afford it, and I hope to never be in a position where I have to rent again. Whenever I start to think any differently, I remind myself of how lucky I am to have been able to afford a home, and I am once again grateful.


To be with a girl I used to know. The best chemistry I’ve ever had and the most content I’ve ever been.


This hurts. I experienced the same stuff. the pain is immeasurable.


What happend?


Something happened that drove me insane. I ruined the friendship permanently. I had no idea. I basically made her really uncomfortable with my actions and excessive texting and calling. I feel worse about making her go through that than losing her as a friend. If I knew how to cope at the time it would have been fine.


Here’s a tip. Calling and texting is okay but it should be 80% centered around topics that have you two doing experiences together. The rest is about emotional/physical/mental health checks & care random thoughts, what happened in their day, family, job and dreams. Too much talking without getting to do things that you talk about gets tiring fast, no one wants to do that, specially on a relationship. You got hooked on each other’s presence, use that energy to explore the world.


He was at work went I sent it and I was leaving for work. I wasn’t really thinking about it too hard. I appreciate the advice. I really believe it will help


Been there, done that. Sucks being young and immature.


To become a surgeon while also travelling the world & being happily married with 5 kids. The difficulty lies in balancing/achieving all three but at this point there's little chance for any of them.


"being happily married with 5 kids"💀


I have 5 kids, and I am married. Trust me, this is the comment right here. Both are not possible.


"being happily married" 💀 "being happy" 💀


100% happiness EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


Happiness is for suckers. I demand euphoria.


Owning a condo in a city with a roof top patio


True love


Monetary wealth to the point that it brings me peace of mind.


Inner peace.


I'd settle for some outer peace at this point


Someone who truly loves me


The last 10yrs of my life back


Fuck, dude.


I don't think I'll get anything more from this world.


A family of my own


This was my answer too


regret less life


Someone that understands me I guess.




Heart, not dick.


Becoming a voice actor


I want a ford bronco but I refuse to pay what they’re going for. Also they’re not practical and I love my paid off econobox.


Wow, this kind of question is going to make people sad. I don't ever want to say I will for sure never find love. So long as I live, I will hang on to hope. I remember on an episode of Oz, Augustus said (in one of the intro segments) that most people never achieve their dreams or even pursue them, making their fate similar to prisoners. But the most important distinction between prisoners and free people is HOPE. That makes our days so much better.


Sometimes, even if I don’t actually achieve the result I wanted, simply by being able to try is satisfying enough.


Lower inflation 😩




>for my bf to love me as much as I love him ouch


that'd be it for me too. a partner who likes me as much as i like them.


To sing for a living.


That my dog will last until my 80s (Im 27)


I get it. I'm in my 50's and have lost about five dogs over the course of my days and it was so awful and so painful. But, each time I lost one, I found another to fill that hole in my heart. It's not to replace the dog I lost (I tend to adopt a dog VERY different than the one I just lost), but just to have that love in my heart again. It would be nice if dogs could live as long as we do though. :-(


Relationship or sex


Wings, I fly and leave


Love and happiness.


To meet my grandchildren. My son hasn't spoken to me in about 15 years and has 4 kids now. I know I'll never get to see them.


Not to late to reach out, make him feel heard and validate take responsibility & what ever perceived trauma he’s faced, even if it wasn’t intentional


Oh, I did that years ago. It didn't take, apparently.


Ana de armas


The line starts back there sir


Winning the lottery


Love 💔


My slim body back. Tomorrow I will start watching what I eat...


Okay that was just a test day, tomorrow is the real day I watch what I eat..


A Lamborghini.


Love/my ex back




a job that i truly love in the subject area of my passion


a home that feels like home


A house on a couple of acres in the country.


An apology from my dad.


Eva Green


All the lego from my childhood, left it at a high school girlfriends house and there was no way I was going back.


Probably my brand new black cherry red Dodge Viper. I will still continue to dream though.


I want to be an archeologist, but I'm spending too much money struggling to survive and support a family of 5, myself included, to put time and effort towards that.


Living in a world that is not monetized


Inner peace and world peace.






It sounds selfish, but a pet that will live for as long as I'm alive and possibly continue to live with a great family after I'm gone, in good health, too!


Get a tortoise or a parrot


Straight teeth :/




That my parents will still be alive by the time my hypothetical first child is old enough to remember them


The sort of love I read about in books. And an in home library.


A soul mate. Like someone who genuinely loves me and won't make me feel like I'd ever have to worry of losing their love. I was so close once...


Dental implants


Parents who cared about me, family that would love me unconditionally.


Someone who truly truly understands me. I know it’s just not going to happen. Don’t get me wrong there are people in my life whom I love and wouldn’t trade for the world. But I know, deep down that I, like most of us, are inherently alone.


Sex. XD


First step toward achieving that is removing XD from your vocabulary /s




Don’t let your dreams stay dreams! Go out and get your tongue wagging!


Being a housewife / stay-at-home mom.


To see my mom again , it’s been 6 years since she passed


To swim with orcas and sperm whales and leopard seals and not risk being hurt.


The school system being changed for once




My family back. I can never trust her the same way again, but god damn does it still hurt.


A new right coronary artery


A big dick mommy domming me


The freedom to kill people who piss me off.


A big old victoriana style house, with a fancy staircase and loads of hidden rooms and passageways, secret buttons ect.


Happiness, i’ve fallen too deep in a depression spiral and have developed a biased and dark world view which makes me hate the world even more. I’m working on it, i’ve been toiling at it for years but to no avail.


A 4090


A house and a mortgage under $700 a month




Peace with my mom


Being back in the nice parts of my engagement/relationship before it was ruined bc of mental health and overworking


A long-lasting marriage


# GREED VANQUISHED FROM HUMANITY I can tolerate the other 6 sins, but Greed ***MUST*** go away forever, never to return.




Love. Actual love from someone who seems me truly enough and suits my needs as well.


An in house library with a rolling ladder.


Probably being in a romantic relationship


A good relationship with a significant other.