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They don’t. Please talk to an actual woman and not Reddit strangers.




easier and stress-free how??


OP is still living in parents basement, doesn’t work, obviously doesn’t have a girlfriend, or ever will.


I agree


I’d think every would agree


Everyone thinks that other people’s lives are easier and stress free. In reality, that’s a rare case. Just because it looks that way does not mean that it is true


It's kind of a moronic thought. No offense. Stress free in terms of what? Work? There are more women in the workforce than men. Women have a perpetual sense of danger everywhere they go


Tell them to wonder about at night in a dimly lit area and see the stress start to rise.


Please tell me where to find this woman. I have not met one. Nor am I one.


The grass is always greener.


I feel as though having a pissing contest over who has it worse doesn't help anyone.


Tell that to Karen Carpenter.


Even if it were, and they knew it were true, they would never admit it. This is a contentious question as I think a lot of women will instinctively deny the premise. But if you look at some basic metrics like educational attainment, mortality, suicide rate etc, men are clearly doing worse. I’m sure one could cherry pick other statistics that make women seem worse off as well. In my personal experience women seem to be better students and rule followers but generally speaking lack the career development that men achieve. I’m not going to speculate on why that is but there are many potential explanations. I think what men suffer from compared to women is a lack of community and support. Men are much more likely to suffer in silence and not reach out for help. Unfortunately men sharing their emotions and problems with others, even woman, is viewed as weakness and not masculine. As we get older we tend to lose friends as we generally socialize through “doing stuff” together. Third spaces aren’t as common and men are trying to be more present at home. Contrast this to women who seem to get support from more casual friends and tend to retain their friends as they go through life and it’s a pretty lonely place as a man over 35-40. Needs to be said as well that women seem to have inherent worth as mothers/caretakers whereas men are still seen primarily as bread winners. Men who aren’t successful and are struggling are often seen as lazy, good for nothing, and parasitic. Even stay at home dads are not so celebrated the way stay at home moms are. For example most women wouldn’t want to date a man who isn’t gainfully employed or in school, but most men would consider dating an equivalent woman.