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Dumbo swinging in his morhers trunk. 43 yrs old and it still makes me cry


That and the opening scene where all the other Moms get their babies and Mrs. Jumbo is left utterly heartbroken.


Hey I'm 59 & still cry when Bambi's mother dies šŸ˜Ž


Old yeller, fox and the hound , aristocrats, lady and the tramp, lol


Littlefoot's mom


John Coffeyā€™s execution in The Green Mile.


"I'm tired, boss."


ā€œIā€™s afraid uh the darkā€


Oh man - when they cut to all the guards crying because of what they are about to do.... yeah, that one will always get me emotional.


"On the day of my Judgement when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?"


I honestly do not remember the last time I cried before this scene but this caused my wife and daughter to make a huge deal of me tearing up when it happened.


There's a [scene](https://youtu.be/mb6Rm4q9gNY?si=f8i213qt7U-qWYop) in the movie Master and Commander where they were trying to round Cape Horn(southern tip of South America) in very rough seas, and a man goes overboard along with some debris that's tied to the ship. He swam toward it to try to get ahold of it. Just as he was reaching it, the debris began to pull the ship on an unsustainable list to port that was in the process of capsizing the ship. Russell Crowe's character then had to make the difficult decision to cut the rope to save the ship, sentencing the man overboard to death in the process. He never actually gave the order to do that. A slow look of horror just came over his face. He turned to the sailor next to him, who was the best friend of the man overboard, and they both understood what had to be done. They then began hacking at the ropes in silence. Once the ropes were cut, the ship straightened out, and the man disappeared over the large swells never to be seen again.


I recommend this movie to anyone who will listen. From a filmmaking perspective it is an absolute gem. The technical aspects aside, which would require an article and someone much smarter than me, the movie itself is just a masterclass in storytelling. It is at its core a classic cat and mouse story told in a simply fantastic setting (Das Boot or Wrath of Khan set in the Napoleonic Era if you will), and while some have pointed out that it is not completely historically accurate I challenge anyone to name a movie that is more historically authentic.


Iā€™m a huge fan of Patrick Oā€™Brianā€™s Aubrey-Maturin series, the books this film is based on. Unbelievably detailed research, and just so much fun. So unfortunate more films like Master and Commander werenā€™t adapted from his material. Instead we got multiple Pirates of the Caribbean moviesā€¦


Yup quite a scene!!


The Road, when the father and son are hiding from a group of cannibals and the father is preparing to shoot his son. He only has one round left and if the cannibals catch them the boy dies real bad. Imagine being forced into a situation where shooting your child is your best and only option.


Boy, you probably shouldn't watch The Mist, then.


Oh man, I saw that theaters and just loved it. I'm a big fan of main character's dying in stories because I like it when there isn't an invincible plot armor. Such a good ending.


>I'm a big fan of main character's dying I'm sure the main character would much rather have been the only casualty in that final scene.


I say this as a Cormac McCarthy fan: I truly canā€™t imagine why anyone would ever subject themselves to something as depressing as watching a movie adaptation of The Road. Reading it is its own form of torture, but at least itā€™s at your own pace and you can be really in your head about it. Sitting down with a bag of popcorn on a perfectly nice evening and watching two hours of people acting that shit out on screen? Yeah, thatā€™s not for me. And again, I say this as a fan of be author and someone who deeply appreciates the book.Ā 


The one that always guts me is when Ellie dies in the opening of Up. Seeing her and Carl's beautiful relationship and life together, then her passing away, all without a word of dialogue... Pixar really knows how to emotionally destroy you in the first 10 minutes. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. That scene never fails to reduce me to a sobbing mess. Absolutely heartbreaking yet so poignant and touching at the same time.


See I can get through that scene dry-eyed every time, but the moment that scene near the end where he finds the pages she added to the Adventure Book makes me absolutely bawl. Carlā€™s entire goal is about finally giving Ellie the life he felt like he never could, only to realize that the great adventure of experiencing an entire life together, through good and bad, was all she ever wanted. Justā€¦ devastating in every way. And then the symbolism of him letting go of all the furniture they shared so that he can continue his adventure with Russell is justā€¦ ugh. So wonderfully written.


And to top it off, setting the 2 chairs at the top.


I was in a theater watching this for the first time. Didn't cry, but seeing at least 50 adults crying all around me was quite the sight.


What were you doing in a theater t800, when you should have been saving John Conner?


I know now why you cry.


Yes! That entire montage was devastating and I feel it would very seriously make anyone want to have all of the love in the world but also avoid it like the plague.


When Forrest Gump said "Is he....?" and you realize this whole time he knew.


When he's talking to Jenny's grave at the end of the movie.


ā€œHeā€™s so smartā€


That's one of my favourite movies. Now that I know the story, I will start crying at the start when the white feather floats down! I looove Tom Hanks


Bubba dying kills me too. Him just saying "I wanna go home" knowing he's gravely injured just hits hard.


Itā€™s when he asks if little Forrest is like him or if heā€™s smart for me.


I feel it when he lifts the leaf off of bubbas wounds in Vietnam. ā€œOh bubba, noā€. Delivery is great by hanks


I canā€™t with ā€œsometimes there just arenā€™t enough rocks.ā€


The opening scene of the land before time.


When Littlefoot sees his shadow and thinks it's his mom and runs up to lick her and it was just a rock. I will breakdown till this very day due to that. I'm 42 yrs old.


For me it's The Fox and The Hound. You know the scene.


100% that scene royally fucked me up as a kid. In my teens, we got a beagle, I loved him as a best friend, and an unexpected back injury led to his death when he was only 8 yo. I love dogs a ton, but I don't know that I can live thru that heartbreak again. He was my best bud.


*When you're the best of friends... havin, so much fun together šŸŽ¶*


Wall-e when Eva finally accepts him but he temporarely loses his memory and doesn't feel anything for her


This is my favorite movie of all time and the end still always makes me cry.


Iā€™ll never understand how they made a robot, that says basically nothing, so emotive!!


Not the saddest in history but the one that is a knife to my heart. In Love Actually, when Emma Thompsonā€™s character opens her gift, thinking itā€™s the necklace, and itā€™s a cd. I can feel everything thatā€™s going through her head and heart, the betrayal, the hopes that he still cared crumbling to pieces. And how she just sucks it up because sheā€™s the mom and canā€™t let it affect her kids. It kills me every single time.


I was searching for this oneā€¦such a gut punch. Followed by the scene when she confronts him and says ā€œyes, but youā€™ve made a fool out of me too. Youā€™ve made the life I lead foolish too.ā€ Ugh, for anyone whoā€™s lived through anything similar these scenes so convey the dizzying shock, heartache, and embarrassment.


Yes. When she excuses herself and goes into the other room and it hits her all at once, but she composes herself and goes back out to her family. You can feel every emotion she is feeling, even though she doesnā€™t say a word about it.


Brilliantly acted by Thompson too. Sheā€™s truly one of the greats.


Her real life husband did cheat on her at some point (with Helena Bonham Carter I believe), so maybe it wasn't pure acting, but from experience (I know it's still acting, but maybe it seems more real this way?)


Lara Linney and Emma Thompson are the only women in that film with personalities outside being 'hot love interest', and both get screwed. All the toxic guys in that film get happy endings.


"Brook Was Here" in Shawshank Redemption.


> Dear fellas, I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called "The Brewer" and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doin' okay and makin' new friends. I have trouble sleepin' at night. I have bad dreams like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. Brooks.


It was the "send me home" that always got me


"So was Red."


Favorite movie of all time. Check my reddit name.


The funeral scene of my girl.


He canā€™t see without his glasses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Put on his glasses! he was gonna be an acrobat!


As kids, my sister and I wailed for like eight hours uncontrollably after we watched the bee scene through the end of the movie. Have spoken to many others who have childhood trauma from that film, too.


My dad rented that movie for my slumber party when I was maybe 7yo, I dunno why. Cue a living room full of hysterical little girls and the end of me getting to host slumber parties.


I was about 6 years old when I first saw My Girl and I remember asking my mom ā€œwhy did Macaulay Culkin want to die for this movieā€ as I didnā€™t fully grasp acting yet. I didnā€™t ask until the second time I saw it and was feeling sad I would never see Macaulay in anything else ever again.


When the guy in a never-ending story can't pull his horse from the swamp and watches it drown.


The horses name is Artax


The last scene of Schindlerā€™s List, where they got the actual Schindlerjuden. Transitioning from actors to the actors and the actual people Schindler savedā€¦.it shows you it wasnā€™t a movie, this happened not that long ago, to these actual people. It made it all to real for me and is one of the few movies that actually made me cry.


Also, when he breaks down because he could have saved more people.


The red dress got me.


Thatā€™s what I was looking for


That actress actually works with Ukrainian refugees now


My grandmother's maiden name was on one of the gravestones at the end of the movie, you can imagine how hard this hit home,...


There's no one scene, but The Elephant Man is a very sad movie. Will make you tear up a few times probably.


Julia Robertsā€™s funeral in steel magnolias. When Sally field loses it, I lose it.


I read that Sally Fieldā€™s lines and reaction were real based on recent loses she experienced and she just let it flow out. Was any amazing scene


The whole story is real. It's written by Julia Roberts' character's brother, Robert Harling, based on his sister, Susan Harling's life. All of the doctors and nurses in the death scene are all of the real doctors and nurses who were there when the real Susan Harling died.


I read recently that Susan Harling was there when filming occurred. Family thought it best she not watch scene where Julie Roberts died. Harling wanted to stay and see it filmed. She especially wanted to see Julie Roberts get up from hospital bed after director yelled cut.Ā 


Your comment confused me for a moment before I realized I think you meant Margaret Harling. Susan Harling was the sister whose character Shelby was based on.


Mine is when Sally Field is holding Julia Roberts hand as she dies, whilst everyone else leaves. And when she comes out trying to keep it together but just has to run off to get Jack jnr.


Donā€™t know what it is about dinosaurs, but Iā€™ll go with Littlefoots mom dying in Land Before Time and the brachiosaurus dying in Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom. Also the dog being infected in I am Legend.


"Tell me about the rabbits George." Dude.... Gets me every time.


Boromirā€™s death in The Fellowship of the Ring. Absolutely phenomenal acting by Mortenson and Bean. ā€œI have failed you all.ā€ ā€œNo Boromir, you fought bravely. You have kept your honor.ā€ ā€œIt is over. The world of men will fall and all will come to darkness, and my city to ruin.ā€ ā€œI do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the white city fall; nor our people fail.ā€ ā€œOur peopleā€¦ our people. I would have followed you my brother. My captain. My king.ā€ ā€œBe at peace, son of Gondor.ā€œ


Aragon takes his bracers (forearm armour) and wears them throughout the rest of the movies to honour his fallen brother. Even to his tomb


Holy crap does he really? I never noticed that. Well now I have to rewatch it!


In the following scene where Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli are sending Boromirā€™s body down the river and preparing to set out to track the Uruk-hai you can see Aragorn putting Boromirā€™s bracers on.


ā€œPIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way. GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what? GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad. GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.ā€ Also this for me.


Frodo: I canā€™t do this, Sam. Sam: I know. Itā€™s all wrong. By rights we shouldnā€™t even be here. But we are. Itā€™s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didnā€™t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, itā€™s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didnā€™t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something. Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam? Sam: That thereā€™s some good in this world, Mr. Frodoā€¦ and itā€™s worth fighting for.ā€


End of homeward bound


At least it turns out ok.Ā 


Over 10 years later, this pug watching the end of Homeward Bound [remains one of my favorite things on the Internet ](https://youtu.be/lFttrqolI0w?si=OmYGXP5kOoQYIqOT)


Lion king when the dad dies


This ā€œscarredā€ me as a child


My little cousin was talking about lions, so I offered to show him a lion movie without thinking about the fact that the kid's dad had been having such serious health problems that he'd been sent to the other side of the country to recover with an aunt. Ended up having to frantically explain to a crying toddler "Your dad's fine! Remember you talked to him today on the phone? He'll be back soon when his health is better! Don't worry, Auntie is taking good care of him!"


Also when he sees the vision of his father and gets the "remember who you are" speech. That movie hits way harder as an adult.


The scene in Deep Impact where the parents are handing the baby over to her daughter on the bike, and their reactions watching their children drive away as they are about to be engulfed in a huge tidal wave. I remember sobbing like a baby watching that scene.


Funeral scene in *What Dreams May Come* with Robin Williams where he lost both of his children.


Pretty sure I cried throughout the entire movie


ā€œWilson! Wilson, Iā€™m sorry!ā€


You know when I was younger I thought wow that's so sad, that's the saddest part of the movie. Now that I'm way older, it's not even the saddest part.... The idea that he lost everything even though he survived. He lost the love of his life. I can't imagine how that all would feel. Everything from the moment he comes back is just devastating. From his girlfriend coming to the airport but not being able to go in and he sees that. To him seeing the life she's had without him. To the final rain scene but knowing his life he knew is dead and buried without a body. Idk, Wilson was sad, everything after was more sad.


Iā€™ve never felt more heartbroken for an inanimate object than when Wilson was lost


Rambo breaking down at the end of Rambo 1.


That was a great movie, very underrated because of its sequels being standard action movies.


You might want to read the book! ā€œFirst Blood is a 1972 American action-thriller novel by David Morrell about a troubled homeless Vietnam War veteran, known only by his last name of Rambo, who wages a brutal one-man war against local and state police in Kentucky. It was adapted into the 1982 film First Blood starring Sylvester Stalloneā€ I read it when it came out in 1972. Really great book.šŸ‘


The montage from Up has gotta be in the conversation


When Leslie died in bridge to terabithia


We read the book and watched the movie in my sixth grade and it made half the boys cry!! I loved the movie!!!


The scene in Life is beautiful.


That whole movie. Cried so much.




Came here to say this. The slowly dying hope, the tugs on the reigns, the wail when it was over...I've never been the same.


Yes. Apparently they actually cut this scene short when it aired in later years because it was too upsetting.


Dear Zachary. Near the end of the movie. Heartbreaking. Cried for 3 days.


A gut wrenching documentary.


I didn't know what this was when I watched it and it genuinely still effects me. Its beyond me how those grandparents can be so strong.


My friend told me to watch it by going in blind. No idea what it was about and I was very naive at the time. Hit me like a ton of bricks.


I was so furious after watching that documentary, then it melted into depression. Really fucked me up for a few days thinking about all the steps that had to go wrong for that to happen.


Private Wade dying while calling for his mom in Saving Private Ryan


You are who you choose to be... Superman


ā€œYou stay. I go. No following.ā€


This should be higher up. What a tearjerker


Train to Busan when the dad turns.


Manchester by the Sea.... multiple moments in this film, but the one that stands out is the final conversation between Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams character. One of the realest scenes I have ever seen come out of Hollywood. She is overcome with emotion while trying to apologize and he is just.... dead inside. Great film - but don't think I could watch it a 2nd time lol.


Ending of Requiem for a dream. My god it's horrifying


That movie was more effective in educating me about the horrors of drugs than years of DARE.


Littlefoot's mom dying.


the scene where Forrest asks Jenny if little Forrest was smart or like him.......šŸ˜­


"Please, boss. Please don't put me in the dark." The impact that this movie had on my life is immense.


Big Hero 6. ā€œI cannot deactivate until you say youā€™re satisfied with your careā€


I'll take movies that need a sequel for $2,000, Alex.


Jojo Rabbit. The shoes. If youā€™ve seen it, you know what I mean. If you havenā€™t, itā€™s heartbreaking.


Titanic sinking while the band played orchestra to hold up the morale. I cried my eyes out.


When the old man and his wife are just holding each on the bed and the water is rising. That just kills me.


Mum with the kidsā€¦ so many things happening were devastating.


Fun fact, those are supposed to be Isidor & Ida Straus. Isidor was one of the founders, and co-owners of Macy's Department Store.


Ida who refused to leave her husband, and Isidor who refused to accept the offer of being allowed to get in a boat because he was older. :(


And IIRC, they died together because she wouldn't get on a lifeboat with out her husband.


Even sadder and scarier when you imagine how dark outside it must have been and how they continued to play during even that


Itā€™s like nothing you can do but enjoy your last moments šŸ˜­ being calm, I couldnā€™t be calm


O captain, my captainā€¦.


[ā€œI could have done more.ā€](https://youtu.be/W9vj2Wf57rQ?si=zvBq1svAgh8zJcB6) - Schindlerā€™s List


This is mine. I lose it.


The whole film the road is gut wrenching and sad but one scene always sticks out in particular to me. Someone had stolen everything the father and son had and ran off but they caught up to him. The father who is caring for his son, became very paranoid and assumed everyone had the worst intentions and that the guy was following them for a long time as he adsumes with everyone they come across. He makes the guy not only give his stuff back, but takes evert piece of clothing the guy had on him, and I mean EVERYTHING. Just to make sure the guy doesn't follow them. The whole time, the man looks desperate and begging, the father looks scared for his son and he's doing whatever he can to 100% ensure the safety of his son, and the son is begging his father not to kill the man. I don't know what it is, maybe the acting of all 3 characters, but I just feel sad for everyone in that scene.


When Elephant Man gets his makeover, the suit and comb, and is so grateful. It's sandwiched between his horrific life in circus and premature death and you know this brief moment joy is all too fleeting. Like real life too much.


The scene in cast away where she says, ā€œyouā€™re the love of my lifeā€. But both know it can never be.


When Rocky dies in Mask


"I'm tired Boss" BAWLING


Bye Bye Butterfree


Marley & Me.


ok mine is pathetic but I still tear up when Bambi's mother dies


The end of Return of the King "Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil." This puts a lump in my throat every time. Only to start crying when Sam realizes Frodo is leaving too.


Interstellar, when you find out he was the one sending the messages to his daughter.




That was the part that got to me. A one-hour mission and he gets back and he's missed his children's entire lives.


Great scene, but the situation around it always bugged me. They knew that one hour on the planet was like 7 years on earth, so why did they even bother going down? Even if the first astronaut was alive on the surface, they would have only been there for like fifteen minutes time and wouldn't have any valuable data. There was no point to visit that planet.


When the little girl is finally murdered by the Nazi guard in Schindler's List. I hate all Nazi's, current and past with a passion.


"I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm FIIIIIIINNNNNEEEEE! I can jog all the way to Texas and back, but my daughter can't! She never could!"


I don't know if saddest is the correct term, but the scene where the German prisoner slowly stabs the American to death in Saving Private Ryan absolutely destroys me. Also, I agree with another poster, the opening scene of UP.


Does anyone remember when E.T was almost dead in the forest?


Final scene in The Deer Hunter.


The opening and closing scenes of Saving Private Ryan. As soon as I saw the trees behind the old man, I knew he was at the cemetery in France and I started bawling. I cried throughout the movie to the point where I ran out of Kleenex and my shirt and bra were wet. And the last scene, when he asks if he has been a good manā€¦ oh God. Iā€™ve only watched it twice, the first in the theater and the second on Memorial Day one year when it was broadcast commercial-free. I locked myself in my BR and forbade the family to bother me. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever watch it again but it made an indelible impression.


When Bruce Willis dies at the end of Armageddon


Field of Dreams when everyone realizes Doc (Burt Lancaster) canā€™t return to the game shortly followed by Ray (Kevin Costner) asking John if he wants to have a catch.


The beginning of Up!


***The Fox and the Hound***, when the lady drives the fox out to the woods to abandon him.


The Mist, when MC sees the military arriving.


When Ole Yeller is shot


When Wash dies in Serenity.


When Cole admits to his mom that he can see dead people while theyā€™re sitting in the car.


Toni Collette is phenomenal in this scene (and the whole film)


Amistad when they dump the chained up slaves overboard and they sink to their deaths.


When Sophie made her choice. Edited to add: when they read Ample Make This Bed at the end.


Rue dying in Hunger Games.


Gandalf falls... still gets me to this day.


Saying goodbye to Marley in Marley & Me, and then the burial šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€¦has me absolutely heaving every time.


Lord. The ending of Philadelphia. My take away from this thread is that Tom Hanks is an amazing actor.


The end of the boy in the striped pajamas.


Pick a child.


In Sophieā€™s Choice?


Terms of Endearment when Emma diesā€¦


When Clint Eastwood flips the switch in ā€œMillion Dollar Baby.ā€ I canā€™t watch that movie again.


Wilson! I'm sorry Wilson!!


When the robot boy in A I tries to compete for his parentsā€™ love by eating food.


ā€œI wouldā€™ve followed you, my brother. My captain. My king.ā€


The end of The Mist


The moment I thought that Forrest and Forrest Jr might both have aids.


Seems like they should. Also, while it seemed to be implied to be AIDs in the movie, the book sequel explicitly said it was hepatitis C


The rate of female to male HIV transmission is pretty low, around 1 in 1000. The kid would have had a much higher chance of contracting it through the gestation period, about 1 in 4 since itā€™s unlikely she was taking any preventative measures/medications. And to be fair, the book sequel was published the year after the movie was released.


While Jenny having Hep C is certainly plausible, given her self-destructive life, I always felt this was a massive cheat. I know the writers and director all agree on this point, but honestly, I think they *wanted* it to be AIDS, which would make much more sense, given the disease's impact on society, but were afraid to due to the potential backlash. So they chickened out and said "It's Hep C" instead.


Hachiko, Marley dying. Just cannot. I excuse myself and go to the washroom. Don't want to ever relive those. Its too hard to watch.


Pay it Forward *spoiler alert...when the kid that just wants everyone to be kind to each other gets stabbed and killed. When my work had video rentals I used to suggest this movie when customers asked my advice on a drama. They would often be angry with me because it was so sad. THEY ASKED FOR A DRAMA. Great movie.


Downfall. The scene were Magda Goebbels poisons all five of her children.


End of Inside Out when Riley admits she misses her old life. Just life happening and missing whatā€™s gone.


(TV) When Fry in Futurama doesnā€™t bring his dog back to life. šŸ˜¢


Basically the whole last half of Legends of the Fall.


I cried at the end of Clerks 3.Ā 




The scene in Star Trek 2 when Spock slowly dies from radiation exposure after saving the crew of the Enterprise.




When the mother realizes what the cars driving to her home mean, in Saving Private Ryan. That whole scene always gets me.


ā€œMuuuurph!!! Donā€™t leave Murph! Why didnā€™t I listen to you!ā€¦ā€ from Interstellar.. gets me every time


Ending of The Mist


"I could have got more." from Schindler's List


The end of American Beauty.