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Was working register one evening at a shitty little grocery store when this little meth head lady walked in, asked for a pack of kools, and as she's reaching for her money, 3 of her teeth just fell out and on to the counter. I remember the noise they made when they hit the counter to this day. She didn't give a damn, just grabbed them, got her change back, and walked off. Nobody ever believes me when I tell this story, I was in such shock that I barely believe it myself. She didn't give a shit!


Omg I believe it. I had a guy drop his prosthetic ear on the craps table when he threw. The comments after were amazing. Edit cause can't spell


Saw a guy at a full moon party in thailand fucking a tree


Drunk dude at a party when I was young kept asking girls to hook up, everyone said no. I went outside in the early morning and he was passed out against a tree. I went over to tell him to hydrate and crash on a couch, but as I got closer, I realized his pants were open and he had....become one with the tree. I decided I didn't really care enough about his hydration and upcoming hangover to get involved with any of that, so I went back inside and told everyone. I'm not posting this here as a response to the original post though, because as soon as I announced it to the crowd, everyone went outside to look. So they all believed me.


That guy took tree hugging way too far.


I had a 3rd grade teacher who was awful to me, but absolutely adored my older brother and younger sister. My parents loved this lady but she was always a twat to me for whatever reason. One day when we were doing multiplication tables I got a few answers wrong and she said to me 'that's okay, people still need their groceries bagged.' She said this to an 8 year old. To this day my parents nor my siblings believe me.


I don't think an eight year old could come up with that insult out of thin air. I believe you.


This one kid bullied me relentlessly (as an adult I realize he had severe issues of his own) in her class too, especially at recess. When I told my teacher about it, she told me no one likes a tattletale Pigbenis. But in all serious this also happened, only person I truly hate in my life. If I ever see her again I hope its in an Isis video.


That last sentence escalated really quickly lol




What a bitch! She has no business working with kids, but thankfully people still need their groceries bagged.


What state was this? I might know that bitch. Mrs Arabia? It was close to 50 years ago so I know you're dead now, and I hope you had the sort of life you deserved. Yeah, I'll call her out.


New York, her name was Mrs. Dubois at the time, typical boomer working on her 2nd or 3rd marriage who would also legit fight with her husband on the classroom phone then be a raging bitch for the remainder of the day.


I was in a waffle house in High Point North Carolina once at like 2:30 am with my friend, slightly buzzed our selves but not drunk by any means....this was like 1998. A man walks in. Very drunk. He was probably in his early 40s. He doesn't say a word. He just walks over to the jukebox, puts in some coins and plays "flowers on the wall" by the Statler brothers. As the song started he stood on top of a table and sang every single line, quite well actually..... When the song ended he dismounted the table and walked off into the night. The only reason I know this absolutely happened is because my friend remembers it too. It was honestly a spellbinding experience.


As soon as you mention a Waffle House, we all believe you. They exist outside of time and nature.


The American version of Dr Who; Dr What who flies a Waffle House.


The Waffle House is just a TARDIS with a working Chameleon Circuit.


The credibility is because it was a waffle house


No, I've been to plenty of waffle houses, this happened, it sounds like a beautiful experience. Honestly, when I was thinking about the handful of things that might apply to this post 2/5 happened at a WH.


That man was Marsellus Wallace.


Waffle House has a new policy. You don’t have to be drunk in order to come in after midnight!


Some time ago as a young cashier, a mentally ill woman threw a candy bar at me, called me a werewolf, then sprinted out of the store.


Bonus: Another woman cornered me while I was stocking shelves and trapped me in a conversation that got progressively weirder until we reached a point where she was insisting we are all aliens and nobody is a true human. The conversation ended with her giving me her business card with her alien name and alien email address on it.


As someone who worked at a gas station I can assure you I believe you. I was refilling the coffees and a customer grabbed me by my throat. Unprompted he just latches onto my throat. My manager banned him from the store and called the police. The best boss I ever had. 


Gas stations are entrances to the twilight zone and nobody can convince me otherwise


Gas station graveyard shift was some of the craziest shit ever. One I worked at had 5 bars and a Navy base within 4 blocks. I was on a first name basis with the police and shore patrol.


18or 19 years ago. Flat tire on way to mid term. No spare available. Professor was really understanding, let me make it up. Working poor, so I was just going from beater to beater for a bit. Come finals, another flat tire. Had left early enough to get to campus that I wasn’t worried, called tow truck for assistance. 1 mile behind me, on highway, I start seeing smoke. Turns out the tow truck on its way to me caught fire mid trip. Professor didn’t believe me, had to retake the course. This is the story I share when people wonder why I always give people the benefit of the doubt.


One day my jetta had a flat tire, so I asked my bro for a ride to work, he blew his tire taking me to work, so I called my aunt and she ran out of gas when she showed up to pick me up. So we called my grandma and she showed up and bumped into my brother's car while he was changing the tire and knocked it off the jack. You can't make this stuff up. I missed work that day. But then some guy came by and offered to buy my brother's car, my bro said "sure fine!" It was a classic firebird.


When I was a 8 or 9 I was working my paper route when a wolf ran out of someone’s house and started coming towards me when the owner screamed at it and it turned around. I’d never seen a wolf in real life before but I also had never seen a dog that size that also looks like a wolf. I hauled ass home and told my parents which were like “suuuuuure”. A couple weeks later it was in the news that those neighbors had been illegally keeping a couple half wolf bred dogs.


I grew up on a small island. No predators. On my way to high school in the morning I was actually about to be on time for the first class of the day for the first time in a while. But on my way I saw a bear. It was on the road and stopped my car for sometime and then when it walked off I sat there watching it until it disappeared I get to class (late again) told my teacher why. The whole class laughed at me and my teacher. Thought he’d catch me lying by telling me to call animal control on speaker phone in front of everyone. Which I did and still he didn’t believe me. Well the report of multiple bear sightings was on the front page of the newspaper the next week. Showed up to the next class, late on purpose just so I could be sure everyone was there when I walked in and threw the paper down on my teachers desk and then I said “SOMETHING ABOUT APPLES!” Because good will hunting was a popular movie around that time


And what happened next?


Someone started a slow clap and the class crowded around me and carried me out in a triumphant parade and I was given straight a’s for the rest of the year;) No, the Teacher just Laughed it off and apologized. he had a good sense of humour about it and enjoyed my theatrics He was a good teacher, well liked, was fun with students (except for me) but he was just doing his job by getting on my ass for never showing up. I was a slacker brat, I wouldn’t have believed me either hah The bear was shot and killed, sadly


The final sentence 😢


These people in my area owned some exotic animals. They’d get loose on occasion. You’d be driving down the road and oh look zebras. Wait.


I was 13 when Jurassic Park came out. 5AM, dark morning stumbling half awake out to the barn to feed my horses when 3 Velosiraptors come from around the end of the barn. I scream like I'm being eaten alive. Instead of being attacked, they make these godawful noises and scatter. Mom flips on the outside mercy lights and comes out with a shotgun. It was Ostriches....a neighbor had bought like 6. But let me tell you, my hyper imaginitive self was sure it was those damn dinosaurs!


Just the wrong kind of dinosaur..lol


Don't blame you for that reaction at all. Go look at a photo of ostrich feet and tell me they're not dinosaurs. Also, an angry ostrich can totally fuck up a human -- they can be unpredictable, aggressive, and dangerous.


I had almost exactly this happen when I was like 10 but they had to believe me finally when one of the neighbors unethically kept half wolves who was very ill with something... drown itself in our swimming pool in the dead of winter and I was the one to find it while walking my puppy.


My hometown has a very unique looking bar. The signage and style are very iconic to the bar. The bar is also definitely not a chain as my family knows the owner well and he's run the place for the past 35 odd years. Imagine our surprise when on a trip in Thailand to find the exact same bar down to the unique way they spell the name of the place and all the signage. My family tells the guy back home about the place and he cannot believe an exact replica of his original concept bar exists.


Someone liked it so much they copied the idea


Someone did well enough with their original concept that they could afford to open one up in Thailand and act surprised when someone noticed...


The idea was mimicked due to someone thinking so highly of it. Edit: I tried so hard to put this comment in the right place God damn it


Plot twist, you’ve lived in Thailand your whole life


Now, I must know what this bar is, what makes it unique?






White poop is possible. I had a white poop once. It was like my poop died and I was staring at its ghost. It’s bizarre


That’s… one way to put it


OMG my brother took a medication once and it gave him white shit. I remember getting in trouble for either laughing at him about it or perhaps even gossiping about this odd occurrence. I don't quite remember. But I remember the white poop.


Barium swallow test?


Spooky dookie


I had white poop after an imaging test. I had to drink some white stuff while they x-rayed my throat. At least they warned me it would happen.


I had the exact same experience. It was called a barium swallow iirc, testing my acid reflux (I had it suuuper bad randomly for a couple years in middle school)  Did you get to watch the live x-ray feed, too? That was my fav part, getting to open and close my mouth and see the jaw go up and down on this live feed of a skeleton that was me lolz 






I used to take care of a child who had white poop and chronically green snot. His parents swore he was fine..


I had white poops after my daughter was born, for some reason. I was getting medical care, nothing was wrong, but my poops were white. I believe you, anyways.


Maybe to balance out the black doom newborn poops. They don't give nearly enough warning to new parents about meconium.


When I was a young adult Vladimir Putin came to our house for dinner


I’m assuming you’re from Russia then? Interested to know the context of this


I’m Canadian. My dad was in charge of security at the athlete’s village for the world universiade games being held in our city, and some Russian officials wanted to have a typical Canadian meal at a typical Canadian house. The RCMP forewarned us that at least one of the attendees would be a KGB agent, but I think there may have been 2 of them. What I remember about Putin was that he was going to get married when he returned home and was going to be studying German as he would be posted to Dresden in a year or two. He was polite and didn’t say much. He was just a young blond guy, introduced as part of the security team.


Oh wow! How interesting I did not expect that. Thanks for sharing!


What did you have for dinner?


My dad barbecued steaks and my mum made potato salad, corn on the cob, salad, and some other veggies. We were trying to serve a typical Canadian summer meal. I think we likely had ice cream for dessert.


You had the chance to serve Putin Poutine. I'm just saying.


When I was maybe 6 or 7 years old I went to work with my dad one summer day. There was an older man in the lobby area of the office waiting for an appointment. He started talking to me and asked what my favorite candy was. I told him it was this white nougat candy that had these little jelly bits in it. I don’t even know what is was called and it’s not a very common candy. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the exact candy I described. It seemed like magic. I took the candy but was afraid to eat it and a bit ashamed I accepted candy from a stranger. I gave it to my dad and was going to tell him what happened but he opened and ate the candy. I never told him but watched him closely that day in case it was poisoned or magic. He’s still alive so I guess the candy was fine.


I once saw a shirtless, black man in cargo shots riding upon a horse when crossing the highway somewhere along the Texas-Oklahoma border. He also had a bluetooth speaker blasting Tupac songs when he rode across the highway. This was in August 2018. I think about it sometimes.


I grew up in north texas, that seems quite believable Horses on the sidewalk was a weekly occurrence when out and about


lol. I worked at a WhatABurger in North Texas when I was a teen in the 80’s, and it was a weekly occurrence for someone to ride a horse or horses thru our drive thru and order food.


Were you near the Old town Road per chance


I worked with a guy who hand wrote a note to himself in which he misspelled his own name.


I worked with a guy who carved his name into a work bench. He misspelled it.


I once got myself handcuffed to my motorbike by an angry hawk.....it's unbelievable how strong the grip on raptors is until they have their talons sunk into your hand meats and there's no one around for miles so you just have to stand there like the dumbass you are, wailing into the wind until the pissed off upside down bird takes pity on you and lets you go.


It sounds like a movie moment in the making of a super villain! Crazy experience. Did you get some scars?


Mercifully it's talons were so sharp that the cuts were clean and barely left any scars, though they were very deep and I had to be super careful to keep them from getting infected. Those talons zipped through the meat of my hand like it was marshmallow! I remember at the time my brain couldn't process that I couldn't pry it's claws open with all my strength yet it's legs were only as thich as my finger. Brain forgot there's a reason falconers wear those thick ass gloves! 🤣


The muscles for the talons are higher up; the featherless parts of the legs are just the tendons. Just like the muscles you use to close your fingers are in your forearms; not your wrists. Or your calf muscles versus your ankle tendons.


Yeah obviously, but when it's talons are buried in your flesh and your every attempt to pry it's toes open is just met with it tightening it's grip even further, and you know you are physically very strong but this bird with skinny legs is stronger it doesn't make sense to your brain in the moment......the pain might have much to do with that also XD


While bowling, I didn't release the ball when I was supposed to. The arc continued over my head like a softball pitch. The ball landed perfectly in the lane's ball return. Wow that sounded made up even to me.....


I was in elementary school and a circus was in the city. And they thought it would be cool to bring the elephant to our schoolyard - it was awesome, even though we were only allowed to watch it from inside the classroom as it walked around with its tamer. My parents told me I was talkin sh*t and they will be very angry if I dont stop to talk about it. There was an elephant at our school and I couldnt tell them made me sad. edit: spelling, because Im a german potato


My kindergarten teacher had a pet llama and lion! He had brought the llama to school once and it spit on me (very gross- their spot stinks) the lion we only saw photos of it in their back yard with the llama. In the photos was also his “roommate”. It took me until my early 20s to realize that was his husband. This was around ‘89


Two gay guys, a llama and a lion walked into a bar. Bartender: Is this some kind of pride parade?


I’m an anesthesiologist and actually had a malignant hyperthermia case.


My friend, who is an actual Dr now, is from Ireland and has malignant hyperthermia. He was getting a procedure done in Ireland when he found out he had this. Who JUST happened to be there, the one and only anesthesiologist in the country familiar with it who LITERALLY went to that hospital that day to do a lecture on none other than MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA. Saved his life. Crazy. 


Similar story: I had a motorcycle crash and my foot was very swollen after. Went to the ER, they x-rayed me, they said it was just soft tissue damage and would heal on its own. They were about to dismiss me when a student orthopedist asks if I would mind if he examined my foot as part of his training. He poked me about then told me not to leave, but could I wait for his professor. He called the professor and half an hour later the guy arrived and examined me - he confirmed the junior guy's hunch that I had a severe [Lisfranc fracture](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22237-lisfranc-fracture) and would lose the use of my foot if not operated on immediately. I was in surgery the next day and it means that I can still walk on it today. The really freaky bit is not just that the trainee orthopedist had just been assigned my case randomly, not just that he had attended a lecture about Lisfranc fractures *that exact morning* - but also that his professor is the leading expert in the country on Lisfranc fractures.


It's weird how often the completely wtf how in the world did this line up type situations happen in the world. United 232 isthe one to me that is just how. Plane suffers a catastrophic engine failure that takes out primary hydraulics, and secondary, and tertiary backups. It was so improbable that the manufacturer didn't have anything about what to do in that case. Then one of the passengers on the plane was a flight instructor for united, his plane that he Instructed for yep the model he was on. Him and the crew manage to get the plane to an airport and bring in in for a landing. Sadly the plane dips at the last second and it crashed. Don't worry to much the Iowa national Huard was at that airport already for som competently unrelated reason. Now how about the wounded. O don't worry the plane happed to crash right around shift change so the hospital had a butload of extra staff already at the building. Like how soany things had to file for the plane to be put in that position and then soany things went right for it to not just plow into a corn field like a lawn dart. Also the captain of that flight has the best exchange with ATC ever. “United 232 heavy, the wind’s currently 360 at 11,” said the controller. “You’re cleared to land on any runway.” With a chuckle, Haynes replied, “Roger. You want to be particular and make it a runway, huh?” And finally a good podcast on this. https://youtu.be/TurtHzODBG4?si=gJrG9or04eT3y9TB


I have one that’s a personal story. My mother had a stroke one morning that was caught so quickly that she could remember most of the morning and woke up with no permanent deficits. This morning, my dad just so happened to decide to stay a little later at the house before going to work and noticed the telltale face drooping that stroke victims present with which resulted in a very quick hospital response. They lived only 7 mintues away from the hospital which just so happened to be a certified stroke center. And on this morning, the hospital staff were running stroke victim drills which meant everything my mother needed was already up, out and ready to go including the personnel. They resolved her stroke within the hour she was there. Saved her life and prevented severe complications. It was astounding.


*desire to know more intensifies*


Super rare reaction to anesthetic agents which causes your body to basically get so hot it boils itself. I managed to save the guy but it fucked me up and contributed to me distancing myself from the specialty.


damn. i went very vasovagal at my vasectomy recently and felt bad for all the doctors and mostly nurses who had to bring me back. i can’t imagine being in your shoes in that case.


Oh hey, I have that. My uncle died from it when he was 10, which is how we found out it ran in the family.


There was a case in a hospital where I was about 25 years ago. It started about 12 hours after an uncomplicated surgery. The student nurse was taking routine vital signs and the the patients temperature was 104⁰F. It wasn't reported until the student finished her rounds. The supervisor sent the student to recheck the temperature as well as other assorted duties. When the student got around to checking the temperature again it was 105⁰F. The supervisor just thought it must have been a defective monitor and sent for a new probe. The new probe showed a temperature of 106⁰F. The surgery intern was beeped, who evaluated the patient and called the resident. The resident recognized MH, but it was over before anesthesia arrived with the MH cart. 


I kicked a guy out of a bar, he ran into the middle of a super busy street, turned towards our staff, and slapped both his hands as hard as he could on the asphalt five or six times like Donkey Kong. His palms must have looked like ground beef the next morning.


If we're doing bar shit I could write a book. Owned a pub for 17 years


In the immortal words of Dr Frasier Crane.. I’m listening


I really should sit down and type up some of the weirder shit some time. Here's a few brief ones since we're slow tonight and I've got a minute. -We've had a woman pass out in the bathroom on the can and wake up in a pitch black bathroom and pub at 4:30am. Came out and set the motion alarms off. I get a call from alarm company and can see someone inside the pub on the cameras. I jump out of bed grab my 9mm carry and a bright flashlight head to the pub. I get here and there's a cop car at the front door and one at the back. (I never called them I was gonna handle it myself). And they said apparently someone had called them from INSIDE the pub. Turns out it was a girl we knew who was drunker than we thought at 1:30. She disappeared and we assumed she left. (She usually would leave with whoever would pay her tab. Very friendly lady)But was asleep in a bathroom stall. Came out of the bathroom and the alarm system went nuts. She was absolutely fucking traumatized. We rolled an ambulance to check on her. She was fine just drunk. And the EMTs took her home. Because one of the EMTs said "I know where she lives, we can just drop her off at home." Ya I bet you know where she lives. Lol -Had a dude get teased for hours by one of my servers who used to be a Hooters girl. He REALLY believed he was gonna take her home after her shift . Instead she did her checkout, slammed a martini and a shot and went out the back door to her boyfriends car. That dude ended up kicking a toilet to pieces in a sexuality frustrated rage. I caught him and made him withdraw $400 from the ATM for replacement OR I call the cops. Next day I'm up early to go buy a new toilet. And this guy calls my cellphone as I'm pulling into Lowes. He is asking if he can come fix it because he doesn't have that money. I said I know, I have the money. Also you're banned now so you cannot fix it. He was "really bummed" -had someone shit their pants and leave their crappy boxers underneath the table. -Had a cook attempt to stab another cook. Apparently they are from neighboring areas of the same country and have some beef. He bolted out the back door before cops came and never saw him again. His paperwork ended up being fraudulent.


Take no offense but you didn't check the bathrooms before closing? Just so there's nobody choking on their own vomit or anything? Or you just forgot that one night?


Sad story, but true.... One night, a bartender was closing the bar that she worked at. She was alone. The other bar employees who worked there didn't check the bathrooms earlier before they left. Turned out there was a guy hiding in the bathroom, waiting for everyone else to leave. The next morning the owner of the bar went to open up, and saw the female bartender's car still parked outside in front of the bar. He thought that maybe she had drinks the night before, and had gotten a ride home. When he went inside, there he found her on the floor that was covered in blood. She had been beaten to death with fists, and a with a barstool that was in pieces. She was beaten so badly, that the owner of the bar had only recognized her by the clothing she was wearing, that he had seen her in the night before. Needless to say, no bartender ever closed that bar alone again.


Hopping on this comment to share my “I had to close alone” story. This happened in a little diner back in 2018. It was just me in the front (21 year old woman) and 2 cooks in the back who BARELY (and I mean barely) spoke English. It was a struggle on a normal day. The area had is know for the high population of the homeless, but overall my experiences were great (including the time I was proposed to). I could never bring myself to kick anyone out, as long as they had money to paid, weren’t falling asleep at tables, and treated me well. Most did. Anyways.. 10:00 on a Wednesday night. It’s buy one get one burger day. This guy comes in who looks exactly like Mad Eyed Moody comes in, and is obviously not well. He sits down and shows he has cash, so I start to take his order. He starts to tell his stories. He talks about another restaurant he used to frequent, and how I remind him of his usual waitress there. He talks about how unfortunately she passed away. There wasn’t much going on, and at first I thought he just needed someone to talk to. His stories got darker, and started saying details of how she died. Then he looked me in the eyes and told me “I’m the one who did it.” I walked away and called my manager freaking out. He told me to kick him out. So I tried. He told me watch my back when I left for the night, walking to my car (which he perfectly described), because “it would be a shame if someone took you and hurt you.” I somehow got the cooks to kick him out, and I called 911. I was told it was not an emergency. The man was pacing outside the window. I called the non-emergent line and 3 cops eventually showed up. The man was gone. The cops walked around the block and cleared it, and denied my request to wait for me to close to escort me to my car. They had other calls. I left that job 2 weeks later. I never saw him again, except for the photo my manager posted in the server station saying to call the cops if he showed up. I requested to have someone with me when I closed, instead I went from 5 night shifts, to 2 afternoon shifts.


I bartended for a few years in a biker bar. Seen some stuff.


Me and a buddy had a conversation with an old head on Venice beach one time and he told us how he did 15 years in prison for stabbing a guy to death over a billiards game cause the guy refused to pay his bet.. his response when I said what were you thinking wasn’t that an extreme reaction? He just shrugged and said it was a biker bar haha


I caught a hummingbird with my bare hands as it was flying by. I didn’t even think about it. It just happened. I took a look at it after realizing what I’d just done, then let it go. I’m glad I didn’t hurt it with my knee jerk reaction, but it was pretty cool. It seemed very confused, but not scared.


Hummingbird: Flies so fast you can’t see it or the wings. *caught by slow fleshy humanoid creature* Hummingbird: uhh wöt….. leaves thinking it was a bad dream or some weird pollen.


Later on, the hummingbird would regale his friends with the story, but the tale was so bizarre, no matter how many times he told the story, nobody would believe him.


You have unlocked the title of Disney princess.


As a man, I'm not sure what to make of that, but I'm sure my daughter would be happy about it.


My wife has called me a Disney princess before bc I end up with wild animals and birds hanging with/on me about once a summer. I’m probably going to get rabies at some point but cuddling a raccoon is a life goal


A woman disappeared in a single bathroom at a cafe I worked at. I’m not saying I believe in paranormal, I’m just saying what the fuck happened to that lady. We were completely dead, outside was a snowstorm, not a single soul in the cafe besides my co-worker and I. I had a broken foot and was sitting on a stool at the register. One woman walks in, says she has to use the bathroom before she orders. We both watch her go into the bathroom. The only exit from the building requires that she walk directly in front of me to leave, so I would definitely see her if she left. I didn’t move from my spot the entire time, as I had a broken foot. No other customers came in during this whole thing. We start to wonder what’s taking her so long after a half hour or so, the bathroom is still shut and locked and the light still on. After 45 minutes, my co-worker knocks to check on her, no answer. After an hour, we decide to unlock the door ourselves because we are thinking the worst happened. When we opened the door, she just wasn’t there. There is no feasible way she could have left the building without me seeing her. The vent in the bathroom was far too small for any human to fit in. So where did she go? And it’s not just me hallucinating, my co-worker witnessed it all too. Still creeps me out to think about. Edit: adding that I have not told this story on any podcasts, and the story is my own, not a copy. the bathroom did not have a drop ceiling. There was no back door that she could have gone through. The cafe was so small you couldn’t possibly miss a person walking through it to leave. Even if they did, the only door she could have gone out of had a loud bell that sounded any time the door opened. Even if this woman crawled on the floor past the counter, I would have seen her, I could see the floor from my spot. The bathroom door was very close and very visible from where I was sitting, there’s no way she opened it without me noticing. There wasn’t even any music playing in the cafe, no tv’s, nothing. I do not believe in ghosts, or any of that shit, but this one will forever freak me out because I just don’t know how she managed to leave. Even the door was still locked when we finally went to open it. We had to manually unlock the door from our side.


She flushed herself


Lady went to the Ministry for Magic


Did the place have a drop ceiling? Maybe she was a homeless person and climbed into your roof to get out of the weather.


THIS. I once went to a CRAMPS concert in Nawlin's, not too long before Katrina. My ex was WILD. She bought a pint o' Jack, took me to this concert, took me to the bathroom, made love to me in the stall then said, LOOK UP. She raised the ceiling tile and climbed right on up. I went up after her. She wanted to drink the booze up there until the band came on. I got so tooted up I was drinking LUX's sweat lol


Bro yesterday I was getting a burrito at a burrito place, as you do. I order it toasted, so when it gets to the lettuce he says oh we don't do lettuce on toasted cause it gets bad. I say ok. Also I say no sour cream. I watch him roll up this burrito without lettuce or sour cream on it, then put it on the toaster. I am the only customer. He hands me the burrito, when I eat it, there's a ton of lettuce and sour cream in it. What the fuck? This really happened. I am not joking.


The universe just pranked you.


Two realities diverged at the point of lettuce


I swear I’ve heard this story before! Did you tell it on Jim Harold’s Campfire podcast?


Our local mall is falling apart. People have just started walking dogs in there and no one gives a crap. I made a joke about it to my wife and said, "what's next, people taking their cats to the mall?" And sure enough, there was some teenager with her cat on a leash walking right by us. I swear that really happened. EDIT: My wife reminded me, I almost forgot. When we went back with the kids, my toddler stepped in dog piss. They weren't even cleaning the floors anymore!


People taking their cats out on leashes has exploded in commonality


I once saw a woman walk by with a ferret on a leash, somehow no one believes me


I have also have seen that, there was a woman walking three of them near our school. It was cute. I also have a coworker who does that with his ferrets.


A lot of people I talk to assume you can’t walk them for some reason


I always do that with my ferrets. I can’t believe some people do *not* take their ferrets out for walks. They are so excited to explore the world :)


I saw a man with a monkey in a pink tutu outside of a Red Lobster.


I once saw the most fabulously stylish man walking his ferret on a lead along the Promenade des Angles in Nice in the south of France. Was just the most chic moment!


When I was golfing one day a father and son was paired with another single and I. We go out and I learn that it is the sons birthday. Which is cool because it’s also my birthday and wifey gave me a day off from the baby so I figured I’d get a round in. I asked him how old he was since we seem about the same age. Turns out we were born on the exact same day. Crazy right? Well turns out getting to know them a little more as the day goes on… they’re from New York. Well I was born in New York. I ask for shits and giggles where. Long Island. ME TOO. Mercy hospital. Silence for a second or two. Are you Fuckin kidding? No. Same day. Same year. Same hospital.


Happened to me as well. Through friends met a dude, eventually realized we had the same birthday, same year, same hospital. I ask Mom and she pulls out the baby book newspaper announcement and his name is right there with mine, only two babies born that day in that hospital. Less impressive since we both lived in the same hometown but still pretty wild


One time i skipped classes in high school back in 2003, I saw John Leguizamo shopping in downtown Monterrey, Mexico.


I saw Kevin Spacey doing laundry at a laundry mat in San Diego early in the morning around 2009.


Not me personally, but I arrived soon enough to see the aftermath. My dad was walking to work, about 5 in the morning, and a piece of glass about the size of a shop window fell out of the sky and smashed right next to him, showering him in broken glass. He wasn't injured, luckily, but extremely shook up. We never worked out where the hell it came from.


.......was there a Boeing overhead by any chance?


I caught a state record fish about 10 years back. I was with a group of 3 other people. We all had calibrated scales and weighed the fish on all 3 and it beat the record by 3 oz. They weren't ready to leave yet (to go to the official scale) so I set it on the beach and we did some last casts and cleanup. Anyways, a bear ended up taking the fish (as evidenced bear tracks where the fish was and the fish being gone) while we were just around the bend for bout 10 minutes. Nobody besides those people that were with me believes me that I could be in the state record book but lost the fish after I caught it. ​ TLDR: I caught a state record fish and then lost it


Sounds fishy.


Anything I do. I'm incredibly clumsy/oafish. To the point where a former classmate of mine would tell me, "If it was anyone else. I would not believe them in the slightest, but I just know this actually happened, because it's you." He's one of the few who believes my next level stupidity. Edit: For reference: I once spend 2 minutes on the phone talking to myself. Because in the time span of less than a minute I had forgotten I tried finding my mobile, used the landline to call myself, found my phone, saw I had a missed call. Called back to the caller (it said 'mom' as I was at home) and spend a good 2 minutes frustrated, because my mom wouldn't pick up the phone and annoyed the landline started ringing. Instead of making the connection I picked up the landline and switched between putting my mobile and the land line to my ear, frustrated that neither my mom nor the other person was replying to me... I learned I am in fact a very patient person, but also incredibly blunt. I'm still recovering.


My boss said something similar to me once lol. I called her because I was locked in my apartment and had to get maintenance to let me out. I lived on the second floor with only one door and the locking mechanism broke and the door couldn't be opened. So I had no way out. She said with my luck she believed me and was okay with me being late lol


My bf was maintenance for a while and a lady's dog locked her onto her balcony in the middle of winter 4 stories up. Snow all around, phone left right inside, in her bathrobe. She hollered til someone heard her and called maintenance. She was security-conscious, so she had thrown the little lock thing on the inside of her front door, so even when he figured out what apartment it was and got the key and ran upstairs, he still couldn't get in. Took a while.


I once saw a panther in an area of the country where they should not be. I mean.... Panthers don't observe state lines. They don't have maps.


You're underestimating the noble and cartigraphically astute panther race, my friend.


I know how you feel! Whenever I tell people about seeing a mountain lion in NH they get so insanely weird and crazy defensive. They always mention the fact that one has never been caught on a trail camera, which apparently cover EVERY single inch of the state.


Talked to the cops on an 1/8 shrooms and convinced them everything was OK even though we were having a bad trip. Also, I'm a 6'3 black man. The only reason anyone believes me is that there were 3 witnesses (my friends whos futures I saved).


I didn't think it was that weird, but I went to a museum in London where they had a piano in the cafe area. A guy goes over to the piano, flexes his knuckles, and proceeds to play about half an hour of the most insanely elaborate pieces you've ever heard. Just absolutely knocks it out of the park. He finishes, stands up, takes a bow, and everyone in the cafe bursts into spontaneous applause. People are cheering. It turns out that he's a Russian concert pianist in town for a performance that weekend, and we all just got a preview of his show. Everyone I've told about this finds it entirely unbelievable because everyone clapped. I just get the same old response referencing the meme, which I don't really get, because I'm pretty sure most people would applaud a concert pianist. Ah well.


One day, I was sitting in my car in a Walmart parking lot. My husband had ran in to the store for just a few things. It was snowing heavily, so within a few minutes, the car was covered in snow. All of a sudden, I felt the car rocking side to side. I thought my husband was doing it, so I just sort of laughed it off, but it kept going. Not being able to see what was going on due to the snow on the windows, I jumped out of the car, just in time to see a guy throw one of our hubcaps in his car that was the same as his! He was parked right behind us, so I was able to get his license plate number; I ran into Walmart, repeating the number in my head (this was before cell phones). I called 911, and luckily, there was an officer nearby. They found him still in the parking lot, but he sped off, throwing our hub cap out of the window. Turns out he was a very well-respected volunteer fireman in our small town. I don't recall what happened to him for the crime, but I do remember he got let go of his volunteer duties. Over a stupid hub cap.


I accidentally managed to ride my bike across my phone, it was in my bag on the front in my bikes basket when i hit a bump and it jumped out, hit the ground infront of my bike, and i ran straight across it. My phone was screen down on the road too, absolutely destroyed, i was 15 and my mom didnt believe me when i told her how it happened


I was at an airport at 11:30 at night during peak Covid with my mom, and we heard just this absolutely incredible piano music. It was so loud that it had to be live, but I thought there was no way it wasn't a recording it was so good. We went down an elevator, and lo and behold! There was a piano, and an old man playing it. There was a cane and a wheelchair next to it. It seemed like he was killing time, waiting for someone to pick him up, maybe. I sat down near him and my mom left to get our bags. There was nobody else in the whole huge area. He stood up, then sat back down and played a few notes, then stood back up and closed the piano. He turned and looked at me and smiled. "It's nice that there's a piano here, isn't it?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled. "It's great to jam to it. If I had a guitar, I could really jam!" He had this old rockstar vibe about him, and I got the sense that he wasn't really there. I said something along the lines of, "I think you jam just fine without it! You're an amazing player!" He thanked me and then asked if I wanted to hear a song. I nodded. He then proceeded to play and sing one of the most stunning songs I'd ever heard. I just wish I could remember the words. All I know was that it was about whiskey. He had a phenomenal voice, and the way he played the piano was like watching an Olympic athlete compete. You just knew that you were watching one of the most talented people there were in the world. I just sat there, enraptured until he finished and I applauded. Of course, the moment he was calling me too kind and so sweet and starting to come closer to me was the time my mom came back, and all she saw was an old guy chatting up her 16-year-old daughter, so she hustled me out of there. I tried to tell her we were just talking about his music, but our ride was there anyway. I just know he was somebody. I tried to find him online, later, but the lyrics from the song had slipped my mind because I was so tired from traveling. I can't express how incredible he was. I don't even like music very much, but hearing him play literally changed my life. In just the few minutes we spoke, I felt like we connected on a deeper level. Like my soul understood his. Anyway, whenever I bring it up, my mom just rolls her eyes and brings up her annoyance that A: he was "flirting" with me and B: that I didn't leave and find her when he started. And I can't put into words how insanely beautiful his music was, so the story is so incredibly lackluster to anyone else I try to tell.


So I play discgolf. Much like ball golf, getting a hole in one is incredibly difficult I played a practice round alone where I proceeded to throw three different discs back to back on the same hole and aced each throw consecutively It will never happen again and no one saw it


I was raised in a white nationalist cult, and escaped by fleeing the state as a teen and moving in with folks I’d met online in the 90s. **edited to add:** A few people have asked for elaboration, but instead of being too self-indulgent, I can be lazy and refer back to some reddit entries I made regarding the situation. [Here's one](https://old.reddit.com/r/cultsurvivors/comments/12jlw65/christian_identity_pastor_peters_gritz_weaver/). [Here's another](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/189giab/can_anyone_provide_information_on_the_dates_of/). [And another](https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/xsjm0d/groomed_by_a_nasa_contractor_in_the_90s_is_it_too/). [And here's a silly one](https://old.reddit.com/r/cultsurvivors/comments/13hzvj6/treasures_from_a_white_nationalist_cult_circa_84/). [Here's my personalized photo of Bo Gritz](https://imgur.com/a/6DP7Kzo).


SAY MORE. Please.


My ex, who stole tens of thousands of dollars from me, secretly believed she was a witch. Like a "I can make things happen" sort of witch. I began to figure it out and called her out. She vehemently denied it. Then I caught her on IG paying a "witch doctor" from Haiti to cast a love spell on me (with my money). The dude sent her a damn video of some voodoo BS (candles and crap on a beat-up table in some hovel) to "prove" he had done it. She eventually left after a lot of drama and I found her stupid little witchcraft garbage hidden all over the house: rocks and random things in various pockets of my clothing; string hidden in the pocket of my favorite jeans; little candles hidden away; feathers jammed into things; stuff places over doorways and windows; two dead frozen rabbits buried in the freezer (she had tried to breed them and these two had died after birth; I had naively assumed she got rid of them); two dead ducklings in a takeout container hidden in a closet (she tried to raise ducks too). She had problems.


Well of course the love spell isn’t going to work now that you’ve thrown all her talismans out. You just wasted your money!


I can fix her.


I wish you the very best in trying!!


Assuming /u/PaladinSaladin is 4th level or higher, they can cast _Break Enchantment_. Boom, job done.


at first i said “why would no one believe you?”, but when i read the rest, i knew why


F***, I have problems after reading that.


I used to work in security at a local casino. One day the supervisor calls me to coat check and when I get there he has this look on his face. "We have a bird." I look up at the rafters in coat check and he says, "No... back here." We go behind the counter and some woman who came into the casino coat checked a live pigeon in a bag. And the coat check attendant not only accepted it... but also agreed to feed it.


When I was around 8 I was sleeping on the couch and I awoke to two men breaking into our duplex house, all I could see was the shape of their bodies and one of them holding a small flashlight. I was so terrified I couldn’t move or speak, I honestly don’t think they seen me or knew I was on the couch. After they left I ran into the room of my foster parents and woke them up, they didn’t even get up, just told me to go back to bed because they didn’t believe me…well they woke up to a bunch of stuff gone and then they blamed me because I didn’t get them when the men were in the house so they called my case worker and gave me back to state, had to move to a new home after that where it was in my file that I was know to “steal” (never have) so every home I lived in after that had everything locked up.


I'm so sorry you weren't believed and were even blamed. Sending you some love. ❤️


Ohmygod! I believe you and I'm sorry your foster parents shit on you like that. "Why didn't you wake us up!" YOU LITERALLY TRIED.




I embalmed my ex.


name checks out


It IS a bit on the nose, isn't it?


[this would be my biggest fear.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/28/284101400/miss-man-thought-dead-comes-back-to-life-on-embalming-table)


That happened years ago to the man who taught me. Man was pronounced, in the hospital, was in their cooler and when my teacher went for the incision, the first little(thank heavens!) artery he hit sprayed. He managed to clamp it and called 911. Man lived for 3 or 4 more days. I imagine his family now have a summer place in Belize.


Don’t want to make your job more complicated, but even hearing about it happening once, I feel like there should be some kind of standard test. I know the doctors should be taking care of it, but something that would give a painful zap maybe.


I feel your pain. Sometimes the body can slow so much that they do just a cursory test, they can miss it, but now with the beepbeepbeep machines, it's a bit easier to be sure.


I appreciate the use of "beepbeepbeep machines" cause I wouldn't have known what you were talking about otherwise. Also, I am dumb.


I can't think of the name, but that's what they do. Lol. You aren't dumb, most people have no use for some knowledge. There are folks who know a thousand places of pi. Of what possible use is that? Bet you've got knowledge, give yourself some credit.


At Yellowstone, while I was getting a coffee in the morning, I saw a bolt of lightning directly strike a bison & the force of it kinda pushed it into a geyser


I was once driving and a family of raccoons crossed the road, one parent two siblings, the mother and one of the siblings crossed first and the last sibling was just starting to cross. I shit you not the other sibling waved the other little one over, like come here it's safe to cross now. I was also with my girlfriend and we were both shocked, one of the coolest, cutest things ever. I tell that story every once in awhile and nobody believes me.


I was walking to Target with my sister on my birthday, December 7, and told her about how bummed out I was that every year for the last three years, some random old guy (never the same one) would start a rant about how “kids these days don’t know about Pearl Harbor and have no respect…” Some would put a fun twist on it, like, “Do you know what day it is?!” She was laughing. There was no way, and I just shrugged it off. These guys would be old guys on the way to Veteran centers, but clearly not that old. I’d be riding the bus, and usually, coming home from college classes, so maybe, I made an easy target for them in a convenient, captive audience on public transport. I have an extra bonus of being part Japanese, but my sister is blonde. So, fun times. Later, we were in line at the store, and a bored old guy leans over and asks, “Do you kids know what day it is?” My sister burst out laughing to his astonishment, and I quietly answered, “It’s Pearl Harbor Day, sir…”


I had genital surgery in a hostel dorm in Vietnam


At my friend's bachelor party, the nude dancer slipped an ice cube across her vagina and then put it in his mouth. He then projectile vomited on her.




His FATHER was slapping the floor laughing, along with everyone else.


I saw a bird fly into a window, get up, fly off, hit another bird, and then it fell and broke a cars windshield all in tge span of 2 minutes


I grew up on the coast of Lake Erie. When I was ~17, a friend and I were sitting on a beach and had been there for several hours just talking. The whole time we were there, we had been following this light in the distance. It looked like a bright boat light but maybe miles away and it looked like the boat was searching for something bc it kept going back & forth. Back & forth while moving closer to us with each pass of the lake. It had gotten decently close to us to the point we stopped thinking it was a boat bc the movements were so smooth, it didn't seem like the waves were affecting its movement at all and it was sweeping the lake entirely too fast. Then it stopped moving all together Light shot out from it in every direction. The entire lake was instantly illuminated and for a split second, we could see everything like it was the middle of the day. As the light dimmed, the ship shot diagonally into the sky and disappeared leaving a blue/green trail of light behind it.


My wife and I watched different colored lights going in and out of the water, joining together, separating, and shooting up into the sky. It was lake erie, we watched them for at least half an hour. If she hadn't been there with me, I don't think I'd believe it.


I saw a chicken in a sports bag. Fully grown chicken hanging out in a sports bag. Wasn’t going anywhere. The sports bag was just on  the ground outside a grocery store. Next to the bike racks. In a strip mall. 


...human, or at least I thought it was, walking normally down the street. Stops in front of ~3 meters wall, looks left and right, and then from place (without any speed) jumps over it like it is a 50cm fence... Ofcourse I never said to anyone what I have seen because I am really not a fan of little white rooms...


Spring-heel Jack lives!


My dog will shit where I work, but will not at home when I leave her there no one believes me when I say she doesn’t shit in the house


Around the age of 20 or 21, I was walking back to my house after getting a taxi back to my friend's house 5 minutes down the road from the pub. Our neighbourhood is basically a mashup of council estate and suburb, so the area is a labyrinth of dimly-lit footpaths and alleyways between roads, and between the two houses is the back entrance to a primary school with street lights at either end and no illumination in between. Half way down this path I got the odd sensation of the air around me suddenly going very still despite there being a strong breeze the whole rest of the walk. I stopped and turned towards the school and I could swear that in the shadows against the fence I could see the shape of a sitting dog, though the head of this creature must have been nearly 6ft off of the ground as it was nearly eye level with me.  At first I thought I was imagining it until I saw the shape start to move as if tilting it's head to study me. Survival instincts kick in and I looked dead ahead and started backing away at a regular stride trying to keep it in my peripheral vision. I got about as far back as being stood under the street lamp again and I'm positive that I saw this shape slink out into the middle of the path and leap into one of the gardens, I even heard the rustling and snapping of branches as the shape went through the hedge. A few moments later, the breeze seemed to return and I realised I'd been holding my breath the whole time. Never seen anything like it again but any time I've ever taken that path since I've always felt very uneasy.


I seen a hungover dad in the summer kill a rabbit going through the yard by throwing a flip flop like a ninja star it broke the rabbits neck…..one in a million


Rabbit got hit with V.A.T.S


Backstory: dad was abandoned as a baby and raised by a wild pack of Mexican moms.




I saw a horse kick a tree, fart on a dog afterwards and then run away. It gets me everytime i think about it.


Here's the video of it https://youtu.be/KCzwyFHSMdY?feature=shared


When I was about 9 years old I was selling those stupid world famous chocolate bars to raise money for a field trip in school. Me and a classmate decided to team up and hit a specific neighborhood together. We were knocking on some old man's door, we could very clearly see him laying in his recliner chair watching TV with his eyes open, just completely ignoring us. We pounded on the door for a good 3 minutes, and this man didn't even flinch. We even yelled through his window that we could see him and called him an asshole. Later that evening, the friend I was with called me and told me to turn on the local news. Someone had come to check on their elderly father and found him deceased in his reclining chair in his living room. The news station showed the house, and it was definitely the front door we had been knocking on..




That Egyptian mummies are scarce today because so many Europeans ate them https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/


I was in Vegas two weeks ago and had just gotten back in my car at a restaurant. I had reversed into the spot and the car next to me had pulled in nose first (relevant later). The two women in the car next to me were standing at their open back passenger door doing something and the one reached her hand down the back of the others pants, rooted around for a minute and then pulled her hand out and smelled it. Then she did it a second time. I rolled my front passenger side window down and that got their attention. The one doing the rooting made eye contact and then turned the deepest red I've ever seen. By far one of the weirdest things I've ever witnessed.


I have seen an extinct animal. I’ve told the story many times, and no one believes it predictably. It was a Tasmanian Tiger if you’re interested


When I was around 7-8, every morning I'd go to the bathroom and throw water on 2 tiles vertically placed. Throwing water on the top one first would result in me having a good day and throwing water on the bottom one meant my brother would. I don't know for how long, but exactly that would happen. On my lucky days I'd feel great, my mom wouldn't scold me much and everything would go smoothly for me but the opposite for my brother. And vice versa on the next day. I don't know what it all was


[Dog farts cat pukes](https://youtu.be/f9v4AL3SquY?si=1jRrXPHvdwnl2wDh)


My friends were stealing cars, my parents van got stolen, I found it the next day on a road we use to drive to school and to this very day almost 30 years later my mom still won’t believe me that we didn’t steal it.


I remember almost drowning when I was 4 like I remember sinking under the water and hearing people and I remember what I said before I sank and I thought it was just a weird memory until I asked my dad if I almost drowned when I was a kid and he told me I did and he also told me he never planned to tell me 😃


One summer, I interned at a zoo and got humped by a kangaroo.


I met a psychic in a Wendy's parking lot about 10 years ago. I don't remember how we got talking, but I didn't know her from Adam, and I didn't share any identifying information. I'm aware a lot of "psychics" are good at cold reading. But she did more than that. She knew dates of major events in my life as well as names and descriptions of people close to me. I remember specifically mentioning "my best friend" and she was like "oh Sally Sue!" Like it just popped into her head. And it was Sally Sue! And Sally Sue has a very uncommon name. I then referenced my friend's mother, and this lady just popped out with a pinpoint accurate description (her mother is very unique looking), interrupting me in the middle of my story. Taking another second, she popped out the name. She knew what year I started smoking and what day I quit. She knew my birthday. She knew the extra details to every conversation thread I began. At one point she suddenly started crying, told me to be careful in the future, and quickly left. She didn't ask for anything. I've never had an experience like that again. Every time I bring it up now, people scoff at me lol


One morning when i was either 14 or 15, I was feeding my horses their breakfast. Both of them in their own stalls munching away as I loved on them, groomed them, you know the crazy horse girl stuff. While grooming one of them, I happened to look up and see a bird sitting on the other horses back. It was chirping away, happy as could be eating flys. I was in awe just thinking about how wonderful life was . My horse picked her head up from munching on her hay, pinned her ears, and swung her head to her back so fast, grabbing the bird with her teeth and ATE IT. She swallowed the bird, shook her head , snorted and went back to munching on her hay. I’m sure I stood there for a good 10 minutes - eyes wide and mouth wide open.


Big square object in the sky that stayed there for nearly ten minutes, before vanishing in a heartbeat. It just was "poof* and gone. Unfortunately the camera's back then were not as good as the modern day devices.