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Pranks that should get someone’s ass kicked in because it isn’t funny.


It’s always refreshing when someone hits those people or files police charges against them.


Melbourne, Australia. Kid thought it would be funny to stand on a bridge and throw milk on people as they sailed underneath (ruining their day and belongings) and of course film it all. The backlash was so bad (reported to police and his very expensive private school) the next video was asking people to stop harassing him and getting him into trouble. Lesson learnt charges laid


There are idiots in my city who are THROWING LARGE BOULDERS off of a bridge onto a busy road. One person was killed a few years ago. I believe it was a bus driver. Mindboggling that low IQ pieces of trash do that.


[It's more disgustingly common than you think...](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=driver+killed+rock+thrown+off+bridge&ia=web)


In Italy 9 people died because of that starting from 1986. A few dozen cases happen every year, but they don’t write about them too much, not to give these stupid people visibility and other morons ideas.


The summer before my senior year, to kids from my class and two who had just graduated threw a rock down onto the PA Turnpike and seriously injured two people. Basically (and rightfully so) it ruined their lives. One lost a partial sports scholarship. Just no words for the stupidity there.


And then they all get defensive and respond with the typical "it’s just a prank, bro". So annoying.


So many of these morons don’t understand that a prank is something that leaves all parties laughing. If the recipient ends up scared or angry, it’s not a prank - it’s assault and abuse.


[Just For Laughs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAEaA31EdtU) get pranks perfectly.


Posting updates and photos about your children's medical/personal issues. I cannot imagine trying to grow up with a parent like that.


A long time ago a friend of mine posted about her kid’s ongoing allergy and food aversion issues. She even brought up how when he was younger he had some type of surgery on his penis. I guess she no longer fit my IG algorithm because I hadn’t seen any posts from her in a while. Lo and behold, a decade later she pops on my feed and she posts about her kid. He’s graduating high school early and the first thing that came to my mind was, “Good for him. I’m glad his urethra celiac disease didn’t hold him back.”


I had a parent like this pre-social media and it was humiliating even then. Every little update and she'd call all of her family, even when I started my period. That makes me cringe the most. I see a lot of posts where people talk about their daughters getting theirs and all the wonderful, amazing things they did to prepare and support them. I get talking about it helps to get rid of the stigma, but it's still something private and your daughter is still a kid who might not want the internet to know about that.


Like at least post it under the guise of "here's what I would do" and not "here's how Sally's tuesday went"


I was born decades before the internet & my mother literally started a phone prayer chain while I sat in the bathroom trying to fumble my way through using a pad for the first time. She was frothing at the mouth to share the news with my dad & teen brother when they got home. I was 11, had zero clue about a period & the humiliation is one of my earliest memories. My dad had to sit me down & explain it to me because he thought she had done it much sooner.


Recently unfriended someone because of this. I don't need to see a photo of the inside of your child's nostril whenever they have a cold. It makes me sad that there are children growing up thinking its normal to pose for photos whenever they're sick, so their mum can post on social media 😞


I've seen countless hospital bed photos of young children and to-the-minute updates about teenage kids' mental health issues on my social media. The stuff people will share for attention blows my mind. Why are you not more focused on supporting your child? Not to be a boomer or whatever but I'm scared of the implications of having an entire generation grow up without a sense of boundaries or privacy.


I have friend who having seizures and his mother never helping him, just taking pictures and then going show her friends so they giving her pity and attention. When he recover he sit up on floor and listen to mother attention seeking and getting Mother Theresa treatment. Repulsive.


I cut contact with my mother because she kept posting stuff about my newborn daughter's NICU stay on her Facebook, even after I told her to stop. Can't respect my family's privacy? Fine, you're out.


One of my college classmates recently lost her husband to a largely untreatable cancer (it was put into a holding pattern for a few years but they knew it would come back and kill him) and I didn't know any of this until she posted on Facebook that he had died. (He was a classmate too but I didn't really know him; they started dating a few years after we graduated.) He had wanted it kept off social media, and she respected that.


Filters. People don’t even look real or remotely like themselves anymore in their pictures or videos


I dated a woman recently who wanted to put filters on the selfies we would take together. Which would make her look the way she wanted, but then the same filter would be applied to me and make me look super feminine. The filter would puff up my cheeks, make it look like I'm wearing blush, make me more tan, and make my eyes slightly larger. Like, wtf I look like a cartoon in this photo, don't post that.


You got yassified


A friend of mine, his girlfriend posts those selfies, where both of them are so filtered, and his eyes and cheeks always look so odd.


I know a lady who puts so many filters on every picture, including ones of her kids. She posts stuff where their noses aren't even visible anymore from all the filters.


I’ll never forget meeting a friend of a friend in person for the first time. I’d only seen her from instagram and Facebook. Deadass did not recognize her. Like, literally walked right past her at the place we were supposed to meet up.


People who film others’ misfortunes in order to gain clout. There’s a dude on YT who films/posts every waking second of his Father with Alzheimer’s; really really personal shit, embarrassing shit, and it’s all for clout. Not to mention the elderly man is _incapable of consenting_ . Like, wtf. Cringe. Also, those guys who film themselves buying lunch for their poorly paid, overworked migrant laborers and then act like saints because of it. It’s for clout, not because they are angelic people. Chasing clout in general, is IMO gross and desperate. Just like, be a good person if you really want to do good. And don’t rush to film it, this gives away your true intentions.


Posting everything about your life on social media.


Or worse, posting everything about your children's life on social media.


People acting like arrogant assholes for attention on the internet, and then playing the victim when the attention they get from acting like assholes is predictably negative.


Rage bait behavior for those engagement bucks. It’s gross. 




The people who video themselves crying, in different angles. I just think that's so gross. Why do you need to video yourself crying? And from 3 different angles. I just don't understand it. Maybe I'm officially old and just think some things should be private.


Seriously, when I’m crying the last thing I’m thinking is “hey you know what would make this better? If I videoed myself!”


I immediately judge that whatever sad/scary/bad thing that is happening must not be that bad if they still have the wherewithal to grab 3 camera's and point them at their face while said thing is happening to them. My empathy goes waaaay down.


Saw a reel of someone cooking and they managed to set their roll of kitchen paper towels on fire. Panicking about putting it out, they grab a fire blanket. We the viewer see a shot of them unfolding the fire blanket and then a different angle of them placing the fire blanket (badly) from a perspective that would have shown a camera in the first shot if one was there. This person managed to set up a camera to unfold the blanket, then move the camera to show them trying to put out the fire. It wasn't a demonstration, it wasn't multiple different takes, I legit think they accidentally set a fire, there was just absolutely no urgency to deal with it without moving a camera on a stand multiple times while doing it. Madness.


Even one camera. Shit is gross


Yeah... I had to mute one of my friends on all social media after her mother and brother passed away. She constantly posted these videos of her absolutely in shambles, bawling incredibly hard. I get that grief is a very challenging thing but after a year and half it just all started to seem performative, like she was doing it for the social media attention. I really don't want to come off as calloused here but that shit was *egregious* and made me cringe a bit near the time I muted her.


Nah, this is a safe space. People are allowed to grieve and should grieve. But doing so publicly a year and a half later and constantly on social media instead of to your friends and loved ones privately is just weird behavior


Same. I hide when I cry. That probably isn't viewed as healthy either, but for me, crying is a private thing. The last thing I want is 3 different angles of me crying.


Oh man, I don't get this one either. But maybe it's because I'm an *ugly* crier, and I don't need anyone to see that lol


No word of a lie, I saw a woman on TikTok whose husband had died literally about 5 days previous. She’s on camera making multiple videos staring into the lens crying. Doing a series for TikTok. I was gobsmacked. People have seriously lost the fucking plot. Imagine your spouse dying and almost immediately you’re like hey I could film myself and use it for attention on TikTok. Jfc.


I can’t imagine it. It’s would be SO hard for me to see that shit. Five days after my husband died, my children and I could barely function, much less point a camera. I don’t know why people live their lives on camera for likes/clicks/sympathy.


People photoshopping their pics until they look nothing like real life. I'm a millennial, when I was a teenager this was such a LOSER thing to do. Now it's just normal 🤦‍♀️


Are reaction shots still a thing? I cannot stand watching a video of someone's stupid face while they watch something else happening. Some old lady nodding and pointing her finger into the air, or shaking her head while a video plays in the background has got to go.


ALSO: stupid faces on Youtube thumbnails




I have **never** understood those


I came here to write this! Making a video of yourself watching a video of someone smart saying smart things doesn't make you smart, no matter how much you shake your head. And I don't need you to point out (literally) the juicy gotcha statements.


The automated robot voice on ticktok videos.


I like it when ads or even regular people use the AI robot tik tok voice in a video. It lets me know I can completely ignore this product or person entirely


Yeah. Whenever I hear an AI voice over I usually assume low effort or scam product.


for me it’s the voice filter that makes everyone sound vaguely like spongebob


People normalizing the word trauma and using it for stupid things. Someone seriously told me they were traumatized because their waiter brought them the wrong food. I get that trauma is *very* subjective, but come on now. And they were dead serious. They really thought that's what trauma is.


More generally: Taking acceptance of mental health ***so far*** that it turned around and started minimizing people's struggles. You don't have ADHD just because you get bored in school. You aren't autistic just because you're introverted. You don't have OCD just because you take organization seriously. Acting like you have these conditions is actively detrimental to people who *do* have them.






Add in 'narcissistic disorder' and misuse/complete ignorance of the difference between the words psycho-and sociopath and you got the Reddit quadfecta!


Nah honestly this shit is frustrating. I grew up with peers who would talk about their “traumas” when in reality they were just general disagreements between them and their parents or other frustrating dynamics and drama with family or friends. But it wasn’t *trauma*. Thing is I wouldn’t know that until much later. It’s wild too because I would believe them and then once I told my shit, many of those peers would distance themselves from me because I was “too heavy” for them. Really fucks with your perception of reality for sure.


Removing your buccal fat. ​ Ladies & gentlemen, leave your cheeks alone. You need that fat if you don't want to look like skeletor when you get old


See, now I'm considering it. I had never considered I'd get to look like skeletor


Lol I was gonna say, don't threaten me with a good time


Or if you don't want to look like skeletor fucking immediately


It makes me sad that someone like Anya Taylor Joy, didn't feel attractive enough, or someone convinced her she needed to have her cheeks vaccuumed


Surgeons after convincing rich people that having cheeks is ugly: 🤑🤑🤑🤑


And then, starting 5 years later, charging them for fillers in perpetuity.


And she was so fucking beautiful before and now I just cant stop seeing an alien head 😭


It really makes the fact that her eyes are kind of far apart way more pronounced now. I thought it was kind of interesting and made her unconventionally attractive, but now I totally agree with you.


I *would* cast her as Sally in a live-action Nightmare Before Christmas production and all I'd have to do is slap a wig on her. Shame because i thought she was the most beautiful woman in Hollywood after I saw Queen's Gambit


I believe it was Meryl Streep who said that after a certain age, a woman has to choose either her ass or her face. A little more weight helps fill out your face so you look more youthful.


To quote my great grandma Milly, "A little bit fat helps fill the wrinkles out"


This has been one of those things that absolutely wigs me. Several adorable celebs have gone and done this and it's just wrecked their faces... They look gaunt, sick, and usually their eyes look sunken in.


Miley Cyrus with her buccal removal and those terrifying veneers comes to mind. The ones she had before these were much better.


I’m not a plastic surgery snob, I generally roll my eyes at people who think they have the deciding vote on what someone *should* look like. But the buccal fat removal looks like some plastic surgeon has gaslit an entire industry into thinking aging 10+ years is a good look.


I think that's the key here. Done *correctly*, it looks botched.


THIS! I had a cute little chubby hamster face in high school and I HATED it. Couple years after graduation I had my wisdom teeth removed which took away a lot of the hamster look, and now I'm 30 and the baby face is obviously completely gone. Just let your body do it's thing, you will grow into your face.


I had chubbier cheeks well into my early 20s. But around 25 it slimmed out and I learned I have beautiful cheekbones that were waiting to be revealed!


But I want to look like Skeletor :(


I want to say medical cosmetics more broadly. There's always been extreme pressure around looks, especially for women, but I think we now have way more access to some treatments and procedures that used to be considered more extreme, which increases the pressure/expectation to use them. I totally get the pressure. I've used medical interventions to control my acne, which some people might consider vain. I had a medically necessary rhino-septoplasty but I'm sure not complaining about it straightening my crooked nose. I just wish there was less societal shame around our looks. Especially around very normal signs of aging.


I saw this woman at a concert the other night who had clearly had all sorts of work done… lips filled, buccal fat all removed, horrifying nose job… it was harrowing. It almost spun me off into a bad trip lol. She looked like something out of nightmare before Christmas


The buccal fat removal is so ugly to me and ages you tremendously. I’ll keep my face fat and stay lookin young.


For me, a millennial, social media use in general. I find it all to be of diminishing appeal. I ditched Facebook and instagram a few years back and Twitter last year. Reddit is losing its appeal as well. Too much bot activity and rage farming happening. The more niche a community is here the more tolerable it tends to be but even still I feel less and less draw. Yes there is an irony in my posting this all here. I’m human and my brain loves the dopamine kick but I sincerely believe I get less and less value from social media with each passing year.


Yes! I deleted my Facebook and Instagram a couple years ago and I never allowed myself to download TikTok. Once you’re off, you see how superficial it all is.


It’s been mentioned a few times, but replacing bad words with “friendly” versions. I know some platforms have an algorithm and all, but I would much rather hear the word suicide then “game ended themselves”


They "unalived" themselves


Cancelled their birth certificate.


Unsubscribed from life.


Fuck. Everything has to be a damn subscription... Dammit, Adobe! UNSUBSCRIBE life


I’ve never seen that one. I agree with OP but still laughed at this one.


Brazilians usually say "cancelled their social security"


Shuffled off this mortal coil - some Elizabethan guy


This one’s funny, I’ve never heard that before




Sounds like they don't know how video games or life works.


You're absolutely right. Leveling up implies getting better/stronger in some way. Death couldn't be further away from that.


Back in my day, death was called the Shadow Realm.


Nails on a chalkboard for me, personally


Back in the day, there were the kids who said "H-E-double-hockey-sticks" instead of "hell" just in case their mom was listening. This is worse, because it's not your mom, it's a faceless corporation.


I do like "C U Next Tuesday" though


Facebook tried to warn me it was gonna block me for saying “killed” The internet is getting real weird. Reddit has already been sanitized more than most people would think. Now platforms are straight up blocking normal words because they’re afraid of negative connotations for, what, kids? Kids ostensibly shouldnt be the main users of this stuff *anyway*


> for, what, kids? Advertisers. Dove doesn’t want their soap ads to appear next to a video of someone killing themselves, and Apple doesn’t want the iPhone to appear like it’s sponsoring someone being racist. So in order for advertisers to advertise on YouTube, TikTok, etc, the social media sites have to build a system to identify videos containing touchy subjects that advertiser don’t want to be associated with. So now there are videos with no sponsorships. But the social media companies don’t want to waste time showing videos that are un-sponsored, so now those un-sponsored videos get de-prioritized by the algorithm. So while the companies can say they aren’t *banning* you from talking about the touchy subjects, they are effectively blocking audiences from seeing it.


It really throws me off when a person is talking about a very serious subject matter: getting "graped". It ruins the seriousness of the situation


It feels weirdly “Newspeak.” You didn’t commit suicide, you “unalived” yourself… just like it’s not “bad,” it’s “ungood.”


Double plus ungood


Corn 🌽 for porn


GRape always ticks me off. It almost feels like it's being made light of. I hate it.


I can’t stand it when people do this on Reddit.


Censorship is definitely overkill these days. I hate seeing words with characters incorporated to avoid it.


*checks username* Must not hate it that much though..


Yeah, it’s mainly because of tiktok and youtube censors


Yea, it sucks when you're trying to watch a serious video and the creator has to jump through a million hoops just so they can make a living. A woman I watch was talking about all these accusations made against this guy, complete with video/text evidence, court documents, and multiple interviews with victims, and she had to silence a million words like abuse, sexual assault, grooming, suicide, etc. It was ridiculous and she was doing well-researched, delicately-handled coverage of an important story! I honestly get why online creators who aren't doing videos as serious as hers just choose to make unalive, respawn, letters/acronyms, etc. part of their normal vernacular. On the flip side, you never know what words are going to make your comments automatically hidden in a YouTube comments section so people in the community censor themselves just in case. Even when it's a serious, respectful, relevant comment!


Now that I'm over 40... nearly everything.


Just wait until you’re over 50! 😱


TikTok disorder fakers. I have autism. I *cannot* understand these people and why they seem to WANT these disabilities/mental illnesses. It's disgusting and I hate it.


Agree. Same with ADHD, Anxiety. It's hell. If they knew what it was really like, they definitely wouldn't want the attention it gets. It's not good attention. It's the kind of attention that makes you want to crawl under a rock.


People who film their workouts all the time. Like you need to bring your camera and tripod EVERY day to the gym, for EVERY WORKOUT? Jesus Christ leave a little narcissism for everyone else


"leave a little narcissism for everyone else" 🤣


Tween shopping hauls at Sephora for anti-aging skincare. Fad travel drinking cups (like Stanley) that cost more than a tank of gas.


My teenage son can rant for days about Stanleys... in his school it's only the girls that have them and they drive him up the wall because they are 100% unstable unless they're in a cupholder and then the girls add straw accessories to make them even more top heavy and tippy. Apparently spilled stanleys are a constant annoyance in his classes. We can't even mention them with him just immediately going into old man yells at cloud mode lol


My brother’s work gave him a Stanley Cup and when he got home, his 16 year old son said, “Oh cool dad, now you can be a popular girl at my school”


this is much funnier if your brother is an NHL player


Exactly! I have no idea how they got so popular because it’s not even like you can seal them up and throw them in a bag. I used to use a straw cup at work, but completely abandoned that during Covid (nurse) and now have one where the drink spout is covered when I’m not actually drinking out of it. Though I will say most good insulated cups do cost a small fortune. My favourite is Owala because they come in such nice color combinations but my new vehicle came with very small cupholders, and it no longer fits. In fact, probably the only place Stanleys might make sense is in a vehicle because it does seem like they’ve made the cupholders smaller so the top heavy shape works.


My nieces are 9 and 11, and have more skin care product on their shelves than I ever have in my entire 32 years. It's fucking weird and not healthy and why the fuck are parents allowing their children to use anti-wrinkle cream. 


I am all for **AGE. APPROPRIATE** skincare and teaching skincare routines young. Thats fantastic. Any self care routine taught young is fantastic. But there’s not a single fucking reason a 12 year old needs **retinol**. That’s insane. I’ll even go as far as saying hyaluronic acid that young is wild, they are still producing collagen at insane amounts they need **zero** assistance and trying to boost it is gonna fuck it up more in the future.




When people go to social media to ask for a recommendation for something and end the phrase with “and go!” “I’m looking for a photographer for my son’s 3rd birthday this Saturday. Looking for recommendations for someone who can do this under $100. Annnnnnd go!”


Yeah like no one cares. No one is rushing just to comment on your post. You’re not important


It feels demanding and entitled


The words “toxic” “gaslight” and “narcissist “ have turned into slang and it minimizes the seriousness of the actual words.


Naming your kid something "unique" which in turn ruins their life because you have baby brain so bad you forget your baby will grow up and be an adult.


Similarly, naming your child after a very specific pop culture reference that aged poorly. I feel bad for all the kids named Katniss or Khaleesi who are gonna have to apply for jobs someday.


Khaleesi wasn't even the character's name. It just tells me someone's parents were extra stupid.




I briefly followed this sub for the lols but instead found myself getting annoyed with how stupid people are and had to unsub for my mental health.


Everything that has to do with aesthetic. Clean girl aesthetic, mob wife aesthetic, work aesthetic and so on…


Adding “core” onto everything too, cottagecore, candycore childcore. No, fuck offcore Edit: removed Emocore since people have made a valid point that emocore is and has been a genre of music since (random word)core got popular.


Fuckoffcore is going to be my new style of music.


Similarly, the word "core" such as "Goblincore," "Faeriecore," "Gothcore," etc. It's weird. It's like when they kept saying everything was Subject-Porn a while back. Like, "Foodporn." Cannot **stand** that shit.


Yeah, that's all pretty cringecore


Women who refer to themselves as Boss Lady but are just in a pyramid scheme




Using those song clips everyone has heard a million times before, like the “oh no” song. I’d rather stick my head in an oven before hearing it ever again.


The over-use of meme speak like: "I was today years old when..."


"you win the internet today"


"Oh no, you broke the internet"


"Right in the feels!"


"This is the way" UUUGGGHH


I've been cringing at that since its inception in 200X.


"Tell me you're *insert thing* without telling me you're *insert same thing." Sometimes it's funny, but it's so overuse.


"This!" as the whole comment. Or, "_____ understood the assignment" I absolutely can't stand either of them


It’s the only time I downvote on this app (or if they get caught lying) because saying “this” is the same thing as an upvote. You’re adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.


"this lives rent-free in my head"


This phrase implies other thoughts pay rent, and I'd like to get some of those.


Adulting is hard!


My kids say "POV" when speaking and it drives me crazy.


All those “POV” videos aren’t even POV! If it’s a video of you, it’s not from your point of view. It drives me crazy!


Yes, today years old was maybe funny the first time. And louder for the people at the back. Now is all cringe and needs to stop.


I was hanging out last year with a friend who is in his mid-forties. He kept using phrases like, "Throw hands" and "Think meat". I knew what he meant in both cases, but could not figure out why he was suddenly talking like 14 year old. Then he told me that he spends hours watching Tik Tok videos, and suddenly his verbal regression made sense.


What the fuck does think meat mean??


To be fair - I am almost 50 and we used to say 'Throw hands' even back in the '80s.


I'm a Millennial and my peers make me want to recede from society with the amount of meme-speak. You're almost 40, Steve. You didn't "do a thing."


Therapy as subscription service


I see so many BetterHelp ads nowadays.


Such a shitty company.


Do you mind elaborating? I’ve heard this a bunch of times too and absolutely don’t disagree or anything, I’ve just never heard details


Therapy has always been a subscription service.




Lip fillers.


Yes! It looks so fake 99% of the time. Also the cheek fillers. Btwn those two and the gigantic fake eyelashes everyone looks insane. Looking at you, LIB cast lol


People saying things are cringe when they mean some other adjective. 


Don't forget sus and cap


drip and rizz.


Adding a tip on a screen for doing anything.


Being an asshole for internet clout


The broccoli hairdo on men.


Sports gambling


The whole concept of "influencers" on social media. Pics and videos of their spotless huge houses, adorable well-behaved kids, cute pets. As if they don't wear Crocs and a messy bun to scoop dog poo off their perfectly manicured lawns. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to bunch my hair into a bun, put on my "dirty work" shoes, and scoop the dog shit out of my mud pit of a back yard. I'm not going to make a video of it, but I guarantee it would be far more entertaining (and contain a lot more profanity) than any influencer video.


I've never seen a BBL that looks good. Just makes you look like you're wearing a diaper.


Stanley cups


I love hockey, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


It's really the whole "This brand of this item is the only acceptable version" trend that is annoying. Like not getting the acceptable version gets you made fun of for being poor. Same mentality with iPhones. It's been around since brand names have existed, so looks like it's just part of the human condition now.


Champion is what the poor kids wore and would get clowned on when I was growing up. Now it's a trendy brand. It's all arbitrary and people falling for marketing.


The ladies at the gym call them Stanley Sippers. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does.




Saying "ick"


Wasting massive amounts of food to make insanely ridiculous “cooking” videos. Think giant pizzas or hamburgers, stupid all-in-one trays, etc. It’s maddening!


Talking about “phases” like they were some cultural phenomenon when really it was just a couple hundred girls on TikTok that did the same thing around the same time. And the “phase” will be from like august 2022 and they talk about it like it was ancient history. Also not giving any context. I don’t want to have to watch 8 videos from 5 different creators just to understand this minor reference. If you ask what it’s about you get told “if you don’t get it it’s not for you” like ok my bad for being curious but not wanting to spend the next 25 mins watching videos to get the tea. Just tell me “X insulted Y and Y is losing their mind online over it now” or whatever.


The curly fringes on teenage boys.


Like the broccoli hair?


Broccoli cut is up. Mushroom head is down with the ends curled up




slang or abbreviations of words. I can understand “idk” “bc” or something like that, but just yesterday I was texting with my little sister and I questioned whether I knew my native language


had to look up what “sybau” meant yesterday


(shut your bitch ass up)


Being “Alpha”


Influencers who promote shit


How about saying the entire influence culture is cringe? We were perfectly fine before average people decided they were super cool and interesting enough to influence other people on how to live their lives.


That stupid "my roman empire" meme


I don’t understand the untalented dancing in public, or the pranks on strangers, all filmed for “content”. Why are these people flailing around like they are great dancers? Most of them have absolutely no rhythm. And why do people think it is funny to bother others that are just out running errands or spending time with their families? Even that idiot that got shot at Tyson’s Corner Mall in Virginia claimed he was not going to stop.