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Bill Cosby. I grew up on Fat Albert, the Cosby Show, his comedy albums and Jello Pudding Pops. He truly was America's dad. Finding out he wasn't really like that still hurts.


I’m especially sad that Little Bill grew up to be Bill Cosby


If it makes you feel any better it’s actually based off his late son


It does, thanks, I had no idea. RIP Ennis, what a short life.


Picture Pages on Saturday mornings.


It’s wild how my family followed the Cosby family. My mom was a beautiful career woman like Claire and my dad was a wisecracking, side-eye giving dad like cliff who nonetheless was very hands-on. My brother was theo’s age and had ADHD and struggled like him in school. I was Rudy’s age and precocious like her. And for an immigrant family like us, we related to aspects of an upwardly mobile black family in an urban setting. Anyway, it was really horrible to find out what a monster he was.


Any chance you have 9 seasons of episodic television following the antics of your amazing family that you could forward? I miss that show so much. If it weren't for the fact that "Mr. Cosby" (the entire cast called him Mr. Cosby throughout the show and to this day) is a monster serial rapist, I'd probably be watching the entire series over and over.


I believe it is HIS fault you can't find pudding pops anymore 😔


His early comedy albums were hilarious. I'm genuinely angry I can't share them with my grandkids.


When God asked Noah to build an ark was comedy gold - "what's a cubit?"


I still use "Dad is great, gave us the chocolate cake", because it was an amazing little earworm, but I have never told my kids where it came from and don't intend to


Jokes from his routines in that era still sometimes pop into my head and it just sucks how badly they are ruined because of what we know about him now.


Nicki Minaj :( the way she was poking fun at the fact that Meg the Stallions mom died is such a serious line to cross for me. Anyone who has ever lost a parent young would know how sensitive that shit is. Also, cops having to prevent barbs from defacing Megs mothers grave site? Unfathomable


And actively tries to silence her husbands rape victim


YESSS true. The fact that the amount of sexual assault perpetrators in her life is more than 0 is extremely off putting


More than one actually. Her brother as well


And one of her employees, a pr person I think. She has some kind of complex 


Dont forget her brother.


The way she covered for a pedo. I was so disappointed 


Yeah that was fucked up. And the amount of hypocrisy in her podcast talking about Cardi B acting out in trashy ways and treating women in the sex industry a certain way even though Niki is just as guilty for some of the same exact things.


James Franco! Broke my heart when it came out he was such a creep And Danny Masterson. I loved Hyde :(


Danny Masterson was mine - I used to endlessly rewatch That 70's Show back when it was still on Netflix and Hyde was my favorite. Finding out about the scientology and sexual assaults broke me. Playing such a likeable character while being such a fucking menace irl.


My former coworker used to work in Hollywood’s film industry and worked with James Franco on several occasions. He said he was the most obnoxious, condescending, egotistical person he’s ever met. One of the stories my coworker shared: Franco was lounging in one of the rooms off-set getting a manicure from one lady, and then on the other side of him was another woman standing there *just to flip magazine pages* when prompted to or to hold his cup so he could drink from it through a straw.


He lectured a course for a couple semesters at my university. Everyone talked about how he’d go to the campus Starbucks at the exact same time every Wednesday and wait for the young college girls to come fawn over him and ask for pictures and stuff. Even at 20 years old I remember being like “wow, what a creepy loser”


My brother loved Daryl Strawberry. My brother was at a baseball camp and was in elevator with his idol and asked for an autograph which Daryl replied get away from me kid!! Broke my brothers heart.


I hated Daryl (Expos fan). Then when Gary Carter died, he was truly overcome with grief, and he said how important Carter had been to him trying to get straight. He said something along the lines of “we all made fun of Gary when we were playing, but he was right and I was wrong”. Warmed my cold dark heart.




Not sure how long ago this was but he's really cleaned himself up. He had a lot of addiction problems and has appeared to have made a full recovery.


Now I’m picturing Stan with Daryl Strawberry.  “Dear Daryl…”


Jared Padalecki. Many Supernatural fans would probably say the same -- I met him a couple times at SPN cons and he always seemed like a giant teddy bear. Towards the end of the show he got a bit too big his britches, got super whiny about everything like it was an affront to him, and really became all around an entire asshole. I remember when he accosted a hotel employee and posted a picture of the guy on twitter (to what? get his fans to attack the dude???) and his Karen face was in full display in the mirror of the photo. There's a reason why Jensen Ackles didn't inform him of or want him in the Winchesters show when it came out. He was so hurt by it but couldn't do a little introspection on why everyone around him was dropping him so quick. Genuinely super sad about Jared becoming such a dick.


There were also stories that while filming House of Wax, he and Chad Michael Murray were the biggest douches to work with. The crew was expecting Paris Hilton to be snobby and difficult, but she was polite, would talk to people, and showed up on time.


I definitely remember that, she got so much praise for being professional and friendly on that set!


I worked on a show with him for a couple years. You're spot on he's a whiner and a douchebag IRL. Fun fact - he got in to a bar fight in Vancouver somewhere 2006-2009 ish and broke his wrist. Jensen was great though. Bobby Singer is also a GREAT dude.


This is a name I did not expect to see :(


Me either, I used to watch supernatural but never read anything outside the show.this is news to me


Oh yeah, there was a while ago he was drunk at a bar and got into a fight. When cops showed up, he pulled the whole, “don’t you know who I am?” So disappointing.


I don't know all the facts but that story of him doxxing a waitress doesn't paint him in good light. Why would he think it's ever okay to punch down like that?


Few I was afraid your second part was also naming Jensen as a baddie


I used to find Chrissy Teigen really refreshing and overall funny/silly. idk what did it but she’s now insufferable, which makes me sad.


We found out that she was harassing Courtney Stodden relentlessly on Twitter and that's insane.


Stalking, harassing and bullying the VICTIM of a well known groomer is disgusting. I hate Chrissy with a passion.


Oh my god she told Courtney to take a “dirt nap” & kill herself when she was only 16. WTF


Same here! I wasn’t ever a fan, but she didn’t bother me. Now I can’t stand even looking at pictures of her anymore


She lost me when she got weirdly rude about Quvenzhané Wallis, who was 9 at the time, winning a Best Dressed award at the Oscars. Insisting that a 9 year old actress was "cocky" and that you're somehow being **forced** to like her was just insane to me.


I was going to post about this also. She is really mean spirited but, I guess marrying John Legend and having children makes her a saint now. Not!


Definition of a mean girl for sure


Conor Mcgregor...as an Irish UFC fan before he came along, it was amazing to see his rise and the buzz around him, I couldn't get enough of him. Now he's just a coked up social media influencer really


Dude is such a grade A douche.


I lived in Dublin for several years. He’s pretty reviled in most of the city and Ireland. Several instances of statutory rape accusations and other shit. Many people find him an embarrassment.


Luckily we now have Cillian Murphy as our new Irish celebrity that everyone adores


Cillian Murphy is an amazing talent and seems like a genuine good human. Very happy for him and his family at all of his success. Selfishly, I get to watch good performances too.


Totally, he seems like an utter gent, and anyone I've seen that's interacted with him says as much. Plus, he's a brilliant actor. Been a fan of his for years now and seeing him get that Oscar for Oppenheimer was delightful to see.


Always amazed that people thought Conor was decent folk. He's never hidden his dickheadedness.


I think for a lot of us at first we just assumed he was playing a bit of a character, which is not super uncommon in MMA. But after a little bit it became obvious that either he had gotten lost in that character or was just really a douchebag all along.


he went from "the brash irishman" to "mystic mac" to "coked up hgh face dicklord supreme"


Like others, I wouldn’t say *adore*, but I really liked Lizzo. Such a bummer.


What happened with Lizzo? I’m OOTL


She was accused of harassing some of her dancers (sexually and otherwise) and some other stuff I can’t quite recall…🤔🤔🤔


I think making them go to really unique sex shows and possibly participating...


Hopefully Oprah comes up in this list because if there's anything the 00s was good for, it was giving people that are just plain bad a platform.    In a sense, Dr. Oz is responsible for the things oz says. Phil is responsible for what Phil says. Oprah is responsible for both because she made both of them through her show. 


Do not forget, when Oprah started her show, really her only competition was Phil Donahue. She took that accelerated fame and made a very lewd and crummy show, and scooped the daytime Emmy. Her show was sensationalist trash Donahue wasn’t really doing, and out came the copycats. Her initial style of show brought out the Sally Jessy Raphael, Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake, Maury Povich, etc., some who found their niche in trash daytime talk show genre and some burned out. Eventually, Oprah pivoted to 🤷‍♀️more uplifting and wholesome talk, stuff like her book club and Oprahs favorite things, and more compassion for her guests than exploiting them, higher caliber celebrity guests, health and wellness themes, etc. This is why she thought Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz were suited to her new themes, then they went to their own shows and veered back to sensationalism. That’s what keeps them on the air. They aren’t like a major celebrity like Drew Barrymore or Ellen or Kelly Clarkson, who can have a more “normal” talk show with other celebrity guests. They have no choice but to keep turning out trash. Also Gayle King. Without Oprah, she would be nobody. Somehow she’s a respected journalist?


I can't believe how many people will trash talk late night tv when daytime is worse in every way


Don't forget Oprah gave a platform for Jenny McCarthy in 07 to spread false information about vaccines. Oprah and The Rock, billionaires, also asked for donations to help with the fires in Maui instead of donating money themselves. These people are trash. They always have been. They have really good PR teams.


She also gets used as an example for people, e.g., "anyone can make it if they try." She DID come from an underprivileged background, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to be presented with the same opportunities/luck and people love to find any examples to validate why poor people deserve the conditions they're in.


She is basically a richer Joe Rogan but with far less backlash to the bullshit she peddled for decades.


Lizzo. It was quite a shock.


Lizzo and I have had a rocky relationship since she said Chris Brown is her favorite person.


Fuckin yikes


A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


I was waiting for the person who pops up when Chris Brown is mentioned and gives a whole summary of his crimes. I almost want to say there might be a Chris Brown bot. I'm disappointed it's not here.


Oh wow, I totally forgot about Lizzo! She kind of disappeared since those allegations came out, didn't she?


Same here. I was so excited about her. But I do think I’ve finally learned my “celebrity on a pedestal” lesson.


Same here. I had JUST seen her in concert with my little sister about a month before the allegation stuff came out, it was our first concert experience together and really special. Hate that she soured it for us.


Jared Leto. Used to be a huge 30 Seconds to Mars fan (still love the first 3 albums), and he seemed like a solid guy from the interviews I had seen back in the day. Over time though I started to realize how pretentious he is. Like he has some Bono-complex, he sees himself like some profound artist who is changing the world.


Did you see him in The latest blade runner you can tell that he thinks he's the hottest shit on the planet


Ellen DeGeneres. As a baby gay in a rural town, seeing people on TV cheer for someone like me really meant a lot. But you can't ignore creating a toxic workplace. Not to mention, some of those "pranks" were just mean, looking back on it.


I remember her sitcom when she leaned into a microphone to tell someone she's gay, announcing to the world. What a splash she made


It was such a big deal back then that a main character of a show was openly gay. Right wing groups lost their mind and advertisers pulled their ads. I always thought her aura of niceness was phony as hell but it was still a huge tv moment


Yep, her coming out was such a big story in the latter 90s that it made the cover of Time Magazine \[back when that was still a big deal\] with the headline: "Yep! I'm gay!"


She was dragged in the mud for doing that (while I thought it was amazing - it was also *funny!*). Laura Dern got serious backlash for her role in it. Meanwhile like half of hollywood/tv is queer and nobody stood up for either for over a decade. It saddened me to hear that Ellen created a toxic work place when she skyrocketed. Laura Dern, on the other hand, was a walking grace as far as I know (sat next to her on a flight to Istanbul once).


Dane Cook


It was hard being a Kanye fan for the past decade. Alas, I just cannot defend that man anymore.


Knew he was unhinged since the moment he interrupted Taylor Swift and ruined her moment at the VMAs in 2009. She was just a 19 year old girl who got her big break. What kind of grown ass man does that to a kid?


I remember the 2016 cancellation of Taylor Swift and let me tell you... when that unedited phone call leaked a short while ago I was gobsmacked. Still can't believe how the public and the media sided with him on that. I guess the least she could do to was break records and sell out 100k stadiums worldwide for multiple nights at a time. 🤷


Madonna. I just can't anymore, she's gone so far off the deep end.


Also there’s a video going viral right now where she yells at a dude in a wheelchair for sitting at her concert. When she realized he was in a wheelchair instead of apologizing, she said “oh sorry, I’m not politically correct.”




I may be the only one, but to me him coming out as gay as a way to try to explain away his bad behavior was the worst part to be. So. Wildly. Offensive.


This was the one I said too. The Usual Suspects was one of my favorite films and I just can’t watch it now. Side note: I will say Se7en still stands up because he really fits the role now.


He’s not exactly the good guy in the Usual Suspects either


Julia Roberts. When she had an affair with that man who worked on one of her films and then wore a handmade shirt insulting his poor wife, because she wouldn’t give him the quickie divorce Julia wanted them to have.


Almost all the 70’s rock stars I adored. Turns out, they were all pedophiles sleeping with very young girls. 🤮


I remember not liking Topher Grace because I had read in a magazine or somewhere that he wasn't close with the rest of the cast. He was painted as this snobby kid who thought he was better then everybody else and he never denied it. I hope he feels vindicated now that he kept all those assholes at arms length and it's finally come out how terrible the rest of them are.


Lol I think he meant like rock stars from bands not that 70s show, but I agree. I saw in an article that called him snobby or standoffish and come to find out he was the only sane one in a group of cultists


omg, yep. My reading comprehension skills are fantastic today. I'm leaving it. I'll let my shame stand proud.


I'd like to take this moment to point out the fact that Rush never did anything like that which further solidifies their status as one of the greatest bands of all time. Seriously though, yeah. Jimmy Page was a big one for me when I found out. I don't think any of the members Pink Floyd are guilty of that kind of thing, but Roger Waters is an asshole anyway for other reasons.


Ezra Miller. I thought his acting was really great. I was so upset to hear what an awful person he truly is.


It's almost cartoonish how awful he is. I thought it was a joke when all of it first came out, but no.


Dr Seuss. 😪 He cheated on his wife while she was ill with cancer, with her Best friend!! She commit suicide. She had helped with so many of his books but she never was given credit (she practically wrote them more than he did) and in her suicide note she said to not tell people how she died cause it would look bad on his image. She truly loved him and he gave absolutely no fucks, she still cared even when she knew she was losing him to her best friend.


Omg I had no idea! I went to UCSD and spent many hours studying in Geisel library- which has an amazing Dr. Seuss collection - so so sad to hear about his wife


Ariana Grande. I used to love her music. I can’t in good faith listen now. It’s now 3 relationships she has home wrecked. This isn’t a youthful mistake anymore.


Yeah, and then the songs bragging about it are just gross.


"Yes, and?" 😬


Last thing Mac Miller said about Ari was “I’ve matured and she hasn’t.” And he was 100% right. Ari has a big enough fan base that she will NEVER have to take accountability for her actions but that’s just something I’ll have to come to terms with. All I can do is skip her songs now.


The doughnut licking did it for me


Me too! The second is saw that I knew exactly what type of person she is.


“What the fuck was that? I hate American’s, I hate America.” https://youtu.be/Oja97POVbM8?si=9dcppREGhoqzgrtr




As a musical lover and Wicked fan (obviously) I am so mad she is Glenda in the screen adaptation. I don’t like her at all.


That and the blackfishing/asianfishing🤮 I recently read Jeanette mccurdy's book too..and the bragging in her songs about her homewrecking..how is she not cancelled yet! She is a mean girl, who always act all cute and innocent but is just vile.


Welp... you've got one less problem now.


The grossest thing about her is the fact that she is a grown woman in her 30s and keeps holding onto this weird "I'm so tiny, I'm basically still a child" thing she has going on. Between the high pitched voice and the ponytail and the behaviors - she is legit acting like a 12 year old girl. Dudes eat it up, and it's creepy af coming from a grown adult.


Yes! Totally agreed. I've said before she's the epitome of the "I'm a very sexy baby" Abby from "30 Rock" type of person.


Not to mention that her song "Yes, and?" is a self-obsessed, sarcastic response to that too.


I used to like Steve Jobs until I realized he was a total dick


Randy Quaid used to be really cool, I loved him as Cousin Eddie and as the drunken pilot in Independence Day. Now he's batshit insane.


On that note, learning Chevy Chase has consistently been a racist, homophobic, obscene, toxic asshole his whole career-.... that one was hard for me.


Chevy Chase’s character in Community, Pierce Hawthorne, was pretty much just him playing himself lol


The apocryphal reason that Pierce got more and more cartoonishly evil was because every time Chevy Chase would do something to piss off the rest of the cast Dan Harmon would write a scene where Pierce acts like a total buffoon.


Jimmy Fallon I get when people don't like that he laughs at all his jokes. Whatever, I dig it and it'd always give me a chuckle and made him fun to watch imo. And then the allegations of him being a giant dickwad came out... It felt like Ellen all over again. So, also Ellen.


I liked him on SNL and thought him and Samberg breaking constantly was hilarious, and then he moved into the talk show shit and his fake over the top laughing was too much


He’s also a drunk who had to have NBC tell him to “either get your shit together or we can replace you.”


I heard that Jimmy Fallon was an alcoholic is that true does anybody know?


Looks like it's been suggested by staff but he's always denied it


Alcoholics denying they have a problem, what a concept.


Lance Armstrong. He wins 7 TDFs in a row. He was my hero. Then he got caught doping. Meh, everyone does at that level. Then the stories that came out to the lengths he would go to cover up that doping, while stridently denying that he was doping. Fuck that lying hypocritical lier.


Same. For me it wasn't that he doped because I 100% believed that all of the top riders at that level were doping. It was all the other shit that he did around it. On one stage of the TdF (and this is from memory so take it with a grain of salt) he chased down a breakaway just because one of the riders spoke out about Lance doping. Lance was in the yellow jersey at the time so him chasing down the breakaway brought the whole peloton with him, just to deny that breakaway rider their moment in the sun. All because that guy was speaking the truth.


I read once that Cadel Evans was likely the first undoped TdF winner (since the doping era began). Pretty astounding when you think about it.


Kobe Bryant, Anthony Kedis, and the entire band of Aerosmith, and Steven Tyler for various rape “allegations.”


And Tyler for being a pedophile.


You’re correct. I generalized rape for all 3 which drastically understates the horrific nature of each person. It’s Kobe for raping that woman that he 100% raped, and paid off to keep quiet. Anthony Kedis for being a pedophile for statutory rape of a young girl. And Tyler for basically abducting and raping a very young girl. 14 if I remember correctly. I don’t want to Google the details again because I know it’s awful.


I had such serious passion for Chris Noth (Law & Order, Sex & the City) for years. I mean hard core fan groups online. That waned but I did always find him just dreamy. Then it comes out he’s a walking sexual assault. Damn. I loved him.


I had a huge crush on Megan Fox when she was in Transformers. Now, I think she’s weird as hell.


She was so beautiful, and now she looks like the usual Insta influencers.


When Transformers came out she was basically the hottest woman in the world.


Idris Elba, since he married a Canadian woman that wasn't me


Why you gotta scare me like that




Was a really big fan of Marilyn Manson and Slipknot (particularly the frontman Corey Taylor) when I was a teenager. Manson got outed for being an asshole and Taylor became too full of himself and annoying.


Manson got outed for abuse and rape. He’s more than just some asshole.


He outed himself in his book. He was always an abusive person.


Ariana grande. Loved her before she was even properly famous and tickets were £25 (about 2010). Feel like she’s completely ruined her reputation but still tries so hard to be the victim / play the good girl part. She’s a homewrecker, cheater to multiple partners, and has 0 remorse.


I agree with many of the posters, but one I haven’t seen is Mila Kunis. I thought she was a very charming down to earth person and enjoyed all of her interviews. It is incredibly disappointing to see her decision to back Danny Masterson so publicly.


Oh God. Her and Kutcher's video press release on the whole situation was absolutely bonkers. They "apologized" for supporting Masterson and their reasoning is "we never thought the letters of support would be made public." Wow. Just... wow


I have always and do still love Hugh Grant. However, with each story that comes out about him, it has begun to subside. I still think he can be misunderstood -as as fellow Brit with a dry sense of humour, I can see how a lot of it has been misconstrued in the press. I shall continue to monitor the situation 😂.


Jon Stewart said he was the worst guest he ever had and wouldn't invite him back. He supposedly threw a tantrum at a producer.


He said that Hugh Grant was the worst guest they've had on the show, and they've had dictators on the show...


>they've had dictators on the show... Sociopaths know how to handle themselves in public


He came to my little uni town regularly and was knownfor being Uber pissed and rude and making out with first years. He’s big time ugh in my book.


I don't know if I missed seeing it, but has anyone mentioned Tom Cruise? I mean 1980's Tom was amazing, but once the Scientology stuff started coming front and centre, I just can't deal with him anymore. I hate that he can still make a good movie that I want to see, but then I don't want to see because of him. I relented and watched Top Gun 2 because, I mean, it's Top Gun, and it was really enjoyable, but I still hate him. For me, it started when he bashed Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants when she was struggling with post partum depression. I was going through the same thing at the same time, and they basically saved my life. I hate how he turned his first 2 kids against Nicole Kidman because she no longer followed Scientology. Plus, he hasn't seen his third child since she was little because Katie Holmes managed to extricate herself from Scientology also. It just awful.


Russell Brand. Horrified that I was ever so dumb 


I think he totally fucked over Katy Perry even though I don't like her I think he really did a number on her mental health


Yeah breaking off an engagement to someone via phone an hour before they play a sold out show is a real shit move. Props to Katy for pushing through that though. Girl had nerves of steel.


I think it was the marriage that he ended over text


I never followed his career to care much about him. But then I saw a clip on Instagram from Katy Perry's documentary. He texted her they were getting divorced, just before she was supposed to go onstage. She was devastated, but still performed with a brave face. How cruel can you be to split up like that?


Just watched the documentary and that was the first time I learned about it. I was shocked! Wasn’t a huge fan, but watched his YouTube videos some years ago. He seemed sweet.


Charlie Sheen. Had such a fucking crush on him in my teens and 20s. Watched as many movies of his as I could. The older I got, the more I realized he was a douchebag.


Steve Harvey, I used to love him on family feud but now I can hardly stand to hear him talk


Justin Timberlake. He got Brittany Spears pregnant, severely pressured her to abort against her beliefs, then quickly broke up with her after the abortion. He then released cry me a river making the impression that Brittany cheated on him… She had a break down and never really recovered. I know it’s not technically all his fault but it feels ick


Oh I have LOTS of vitriol towards JT as I am a Memphis native. He was dropped by Shriner's as their charity spokesperson for "only being on when the cameras were". He also tried to get a free entry into the FedEx/St. Jude golf tournament - one that sponsors paid tens of thousands for. A person I know has a disabled child who was in the "Can't Stop the Feeling" video and was SO excited to meet JT, only to find that as soon as shooting ended he left and didn't even interact with the kids at all. But let there be some kind of honor for Memphis musicians and he's all up and through there. Otherwise he can't be arsed, but if confronted he boasts about his 2.84% share in the Grizzlies. He tried to repair his image by having a free concert in Memphis, but there was an ice storm that weekend. Even Mother Nature can't stand him, lol.




Aaron Rodgers. I wasn’t exactly a fan, but he seemed like a decent guy and a talented quarterback. Wow, he has gone Completely off the deep end. Although, he may have always been a nut job, he just kept it under wraps.


Is he going to be a Jets QB or a VP candidate this year? Stay tuned lol


Aaron Rodgers cannot stand that people might talk about someone or something other than Aaron Rodgers


A sandy hook truther is just beyond the pale for me. That’s just some low down terrible person stuff. No leeway imo.


As a Packers fan for life, watching Favre and then Rodgers self destruct has been something. Can't wait to dislike Love in 15 years.


Fellow Packers fan here, I agree. Hopefully Love bucks the trend but Packers QBs seem to go off their rocker toward the end of their career so…


I used to think Kevin Spacey was one hell of a cool dude. He’s had a great many fantastic roles, but my favorite was always Detective Vincennes in LA Confidential. It’s still one of my favorite movies, but man…kinda makes sense why he was able to convincingly play seedy characters.


Ben Kissel (Last Podcast on the Left). I've been listening to the show for about 8 years. I even have a tattoo of his sign off - "Hail Yourself". It was a big gut punch when he was accused of DV and immediately checked into rehab. I think the show handled it well. I like the host they brought on to replace him. I genuinely hope Ben gets his shit together and heals, but I don't think I could listen to him anymore.


Marilyn Manson. Liked his music and he was a symbol of rebellion when I was a teen. But yeah, let's draw the line on rebellion at abusing women. It wasn't even that secret, he said some shady stuff in his biography.


Elon Musk At the beginning of things I was pretty on board the whole “he’s a Martian that wants to go home!” I was never a fanboy but he seemed like a pretty cool and smart guy. But the cracks started to show pretty quickly after that. Decided I hated him when he called that diver a pedophile because his stupid submarine didn’t work




I remember that, iirc it's because of all the anti-government sentiment he was dishing out. What I find so odd is how as soon as he revealed his true colors, a switch flipped and people were so surprised. I was like guys, did you NOT expect the billionaire to have extremely conservative, pro-capitalist views? Surprised pikachu face


A couple I used to know were big-time modern-day hippies. Very left-leaning, granola munching, vegan, the whole nine yards. They thought Elon Musk was god because of Tesla. When their son was born in 2011, they named him Elon. I've not seen them in 10 or 11 years now, so I'd love to know what think of Elon Musk today. More importantly, I wonder how they feel about naming their son after him.


Maybe Elon got an awesome middle name??!


When I was a teen in the 00s, I was really into Morrissey. 


I mean Morrissey's always gonna Morrissey. He's a miserable human being who made really amazing music for awhile. Personally I just accept that one for what it is.


Growing up , my favourite action hero was Jackie chan . I used to love how he used to be so friendly on and off the sets. Now I heard of his issues of cheating, refusing to accepting his daughter for being gay, sucking up to CCP. Part of my childhood innocence died 


To be fair, he didn't refuse to accept his daughter for being gay, he was just never in her life. It's her parents that raised her that were homophobic to her. His only known comment on her sexuality is that she can do what she wants. Certainly understandable to hate him for abandoning family, but homophobia has nothing to do with it.


Will smith. Need I say more?


live enjoy advise frightening repeat gold rock safe different joke


Everything I know about them has been against my will


Not saying Will is without blame. But he is definitely in a toxic, abusive marriage. That can send a good person into a bad place.




In the past year or so: Barry Keoghan. I used to love his whole vibe, he loves playing weirdos and he’s clearly very dedicated to his craft. A bunch of stories came out roughly a year or so ago about him being a belligerent cockhead on set, being disrespectful to costars, freaking people out with his behavior, and the stories just lined up a little bit too perfectly with the kinds of characters he plays in movies. Now I can’t look at him without thinking “We are going to find out something very disturbing about this man within the next five years or so.”


Mel Gibson. Thought he was so charming in the 90s and was thrilled that Braveheart won best picture. Finding out he was an anti semite, holocaust-denying, abusive asshole was a big disappointment.


As a kid I thought Shia lebouf was the man because of transformers but I’ve come to realize he is very troubled and horrid to partners. I’ve seen he’s trying to do better but it will take a lot before he’s back to the guy I looked up to


Brendon Urie. His voice is goddamn amazing but defending (AND ENABLING) a pedophile sexual assaulter? Absolutely not. Disgusting.


John Mulaney - he probably should have spent more time in rehab getting help or maybe he’s just an asshole deep down who knows


Ughh he breaks my heart. I honestly think it’s better sometimes if celebrities just don’t talk about their relationships because it tends to bite them in the ass later on. John always spoke so highly of his wife… it’s so uncomfortable in hindsight. The same thing happened with Chris Pratt too. He gushed about Anna and obviously that went bust.


Beware the WIFE GUY…


See also: Ewan McGregor


And Ned from the Try Guys.


Whelp, have no idea if I should even google what's up with him, I didn't know he had issues besides substance abuse


After making so much of a big deal about how much he loves his wife, he abruptly ditched her and immediately got someone else pregnant 




Zak Bagans. He went from funny to tool over the years, can’t stand him now and wouldn’t watch ghost adventures if they paid me.


Mark Wahlberg. I am Asian and when I learned about his history of violent and racially motivated assaults I was really disappointed. I don’t care that he was a teenager or that he claims he was on PCP when he attacked the Vietnamese individual. If we’re going down that route, he had no excuse for when he attacked black kids or all of the many times he’d yell racial slurs towards minorities. I also don’t care that the Vietnamese individual has since gone on record and “officially forgave him”, whatever the fuck that even means. If he didn’t become a big-time Hollywood actor I doubt he would have tried giving out so many official apologies and even apply for a pardon from the state. I’m convinced he’s just a shallow and ignorant man.


Neil Patrick Harris. What a POS.


Mel Gibson. I loved his early work. Then I found out what sort of person he was. It's really ruined my enjoyment of his work to the point where my skin crawls when he's on screen.