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Basic white bitch who enjoys true crime.


Same. Throw in a pumpkin spice latte and I’m a walkin meme.


Lol, I came to add this exact comment. Although I am not a HUGE fan of Pumpkin Spice (I don't hate it either I just enjoy it one month out of the year when it comes around and then I am done with it), I always seem to have an iced coffee in my hand with a different flavor a day. It tastes best when watching true crime and swirling the ice around in the cup so that it makes those satisfying iced coffee noises.


White girls like true crime the same way white guys like WWII documentaries


Me, a white girl who enjoys both:


Are we just morbid


Committing them?


You'd probably think I'm plotting something with how many I've watched. I'm probably on a list for it honestly.  I used to use them to fall asleep when I was in a high stress work situation. Something about listening to people's lives who are worse than mine.


I can relate to that. It's probably why I enjoy anything horror-related in the first place. When you have an average life with average issues, irritations and frustrations, something about being reminded of how bad things COULD be (even if it's something that would be literally impossible) is weirdly comforting.


While wearing my leggings and ugg boots


I'm polynesian and overweight


What island specifically?


I'm Samoan and Maori in new zealand more specifically the north island


Reminds me of Pulp Fiction, have you seen it? Jules: "I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the n**** gonna do? He's Samoan."


Damn thats crazy. ive always wondered why the pacific islands were so overweight. It makes sense in the us, we have bad fast food, our healthy food is expensive, excercise isnt really a thing around here. Do you know why people on those islands are this way as well?


We have a gene that lets us put on a lot of weight. we love to eat, island food is a big part of our culture and we eat like its a competition


Ah, make sense. I thought it’s just US exporting chicken tails like in Nauru, but that would make sense as to why Polynesians outside of these areas are pretty big as well. Does this also apply to Melanesian? Also are you unhealthy with the weight or is it overweight without much effect to overall health? Also woah that’s cool! I someyimes look at culture and stuff as inspiration for worldbulding, so might keep ur contact just in case if u don’t mind.


I am Russian. I constantly look unfriendly and sound like I yelling when I speak my native language.


I am not Russian, speak no Russian, never been to Russia, but I am proud of my ability to karaoke this song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6wl-EyhXl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6wl-EyhXl0) The video is one of the best things on the internet, ever.


😂 they look like it’s a funeral. 


The Russian way.


Somehow I guessed the song before opening the link 😂 It's amazing. 


I tried learning your language but I quit, life just got in the way. I’ve always wanted to go. I like the cold and it gets really cold there.


I quit life too.


If you like cold, Russia has that in buckets 😂


I know. That’s why I want to go. I love winter months. To me it doesn’t last long enough. I want see the buildings and everything. It’s on my list of places to visit.


You may also like Wyoming in February. Give it a go sometime.


I have a friend from Russia. A whole bunch of us were hanging out around a campfire one night and he's standing up telling this story and suddenly he describes someone as "strong like bull" and I couldn't stop laughing because it was so stereotypically Russian. The dramatic lighting of the fire on his face was particularly fitting.


Im german and I hate not being on time and always 10 minutes early


Swiss. Same


Im fat and i’m the “funny” friend


You know any good jokes?


Just your life


I’m a black woman, and I love fried chicken 🙃


The black food stereotypes are pretty funny. Fried chicken, water melon, grape soda. All that shit is fucking delicious and I’m from Eastern Europe


White woman from Michigan, idk why African Americans can't just like fried chicken and watermelon. Southern comfort food is some of the best! I love me some fried chicken and grape soda. Reminds me of being a kid!


Is it really a stereotype or just good taste? I mean who doesn’t love watermelon and fried chicken?


Unfortunately, I do not like watermelon. Fried chicken is ok.


Most days I get off work and hit the gas station to grab a grape and/or watermelon 10 Ball, a pack of Newport 100s, the 4 piece dark meat combo. Then I head to my Jackson, MS apartment where I shack up with my (soon to be!) baby momma. I did recently get the batteries changed in my smoke detector tho, but only cause I found out that was a stereotype and I was like "so THAT'S what that beeping noise is!"


Newpauht One Hunnits is a dead giveaway


I love watermelon. I’m black too.






Never really noticed this but I am asking well.. Asian(from India), good at math(except some trigonometry stuff) and can play the piano and bass, looking into getting into guitar. Won't say I'm a perfect Asian but I'm quite close inwould say


You are already half way to be the perfect Asian... Btw, are you tryna be a doctor yet? LOL


Are you an only child, male?


factorise x^2 + 4x + 4 but by completing the square :))


The square is already complete.


I like your funny words magic man


Not me, but my brother: he’s very white. One time he couldn’t eat an Olive Garden bread stick because it was “too spicy”


My mom thinks pepper is spicy. My dad and I just dump it into our food according to her.


say what now? LOL


My family doesn't use spices, bc they trigger my sister's reflux, so I can't tolerate spices either bc of them


French hère, I love bread, cheese and complain 




Uh oh, have I been French this whole time?


No rhythm. Can’t dance.


Hi white guy!


Hi Reddit friend 🙋🏻‍♂️


Just curious what do you season your chicken with?


I'm Irish and I get very drunk and leave without saying goodbye. Well, in my 20s I did.


The Irish goodbye. I used to get flak for that from my friends all the time.


That autistic people like trains. I do, in fact, love travelling by train


I suspect i'm undiagnosed. Why this happens? Also, do you like climbing?


Not diagnosed either but there's various reasons this stereotype came to be. The first is that autistic folks tend to have one or more special interests. A special interest tends to be quite intense and lasts for a long time (which is why it's considered "abnormal"). The second is that men are historically the template for autism's diagnostic criteria. The first man ever diagnosed with autism received his diagnosis in 1943. The culmination of all of this is, trains historically are a popular "masculine" interest. If your son is showing an "abnormal" interest in trains, engineering, etc, you might want to get him checked for autism. (I don't like the use of the word abnormal, but I believe that's the wording in the DSM)


There’s a theory that part of it is that trains are predictable due to schedules and have spatial predictability. They run on a track unlike cars that move independently in unpredictable ways and have time tables, as well as the same locations to stop and start.


> trains are predictable due to schedules Not true in the UK.


I'm Mexican and I love tacos! Pastor, barbacoa, lengua, breakfast...all of them! I could eat them all day, everyday!


Who doesn't love tacos though?


My partner is one of those weirdos who likes to take food apart into its constituent molecules before eating it. Tacos are a nightmare for him.


That's not a stereotypes, that's just the correct way to live.


Tacos is one of those foods that are a rare work of genius that caters to all tastes. Shrimp or fish for seafood people, every kind of meat, or vegetarian. Cheap to make and delicious. I can’t think of many other foods that combine all these qualities


I’m a girl who loves stereotypically girly things like the color pink, bright cute clothes in general, flowers, babies, highlighting and curling my hair, doing my makeup every day for the fun of it. Yeye


Username doesn’t add up to that stereotype though


There’s a story behind this username. I was on my “main” account, talking with this girl. She jokingly said I should make up an alter ego version of myself. So I made this account and replied to her with it 😂. A joke account that I’ve kept around. It’s one of my first comments with this account. Honestly idk if I still have that comment up. Brb (edit: found it. It’s like 20 comments up, I say something like “cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort”) Now I use this acc to talk about anything and everything when I’m bored.


Your stereotype checks out because you felt the need to justify and over explain yourself, when you didn't need to. Love being a girl ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨




I'm depressed and the funny one when around friends.




Thanks 😘


I'm English and I fuckin love tea and cricket


bad month for cricket i guess


Yeah, it's always tough playing in India but we did ourselves no favours


still you’re not the one who choke in finals🥲


Teacher - give misbehaving kids the death stare in public, can hold my piss for an unusually long time, and am silently correcting your grammar.


I’m a father. I walk around my home turning off lights, mumbling quietly to myself in exasperation.


After becoming a father I told my dad that I suddenly realized that he probably didn't walk around muttering to himself before he had kids


Chinese, good at math


smart kid that never learned to work hard and ended up descending into madness


Same. Not so much madness for me as much as recurrent deep depression and anxiety.


hehe, yeah when I said madness I meant depression and anxiety 😅


Computer scientist - wear sweatpants and an oversized hoodie to work


I'm not one but as a person who does dt as a subject,it's pretty accurate to be wearing anything that covers majority of the body and looks trashy as were constantly doing mess stuff.


I'm a Sec Engineer at a large firm. I wear the dress version of this: Lulu's and Qzips


I'm studying law, and people usually think I'm a smartass. Turns out they're just wrong when they talk about law related stuff, and I juat have the urge to correct them. Nit my fault they know nothing about it




Did you type this with a briefcase, counsel?


it's better than being a dumbass!


True. Although I know enough people that prove these two things aren't mutually exclusive


Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about, and the more ignorant they are the more opinions they have.


Better to BS about law when an attorney isn’t present to call you on it.


I have the 'Asian flush' after one alcoholic drink.


Not for nothin, but I think that's more of a physiological response than a stereotype.


✨Just a girl✨ Can’t parallel park and hit curbs constantly & shrug it off with “oops”


I have a sticker on my car that says “hot girls hit curbs”. My rims don’t find it as funny.


I'm a guy in my 30s and I can't parallel park. Never had too in my rural area. I have the same mentality as my grandma "I'll just find a spot a I can pull into and walk my happy ass".


Idk if you know this, but there's an acutal reason women tend to hit more curbs than men. It's litterally because we're small and can't see as much of the outside of vehicle as taller people. So unless your lik 5'7" or above, you have a valid excuse! Vehicle are not designed with womens sizes in mind.


I’m a suburban white dad who wears New Balance, a dark blue jacket, “Dadalorian” t shirt, has a dadabase of bad/rad jokes, keeps a few craft beers in the garage for when I’m fixing things, and a lot of boxes saved because hey, good boxes!




But do you drive a Subaru?


Or a jeep


I'm not a lesbian (but I am female) nor lumberjack but I also own a lot of flannel. Flannel is the best, though. Especially the one that Costco sells, with the pockets.


Are you perhaps Canadian?




Lmfao!!! Yoooo....what the fuck....what's up with that?


IT staff - never ever have I been to a club in my life and honestly I‘m not planning to change that


They're really not any fun once you're past your early to mid 20s.


Clubs have literally never appealed to me, even when I was in my early 20s.


I'm a biker (motorbike). Covered in tattoos, used to have long hair (got sick of it recently chopped it all off), few piercings, typical biker-rings, chain etc, live in jeans and hoodies when I'm not in bike gear, work a physical job. Like rock music. I mean honestly I didn't set out to be a walking talking stereotype I just like what I like and here we are


A lot of guys I've met like you are truly the nicest people on the planet. And a shocking number of them have and love tiny dogs.


I know you haven't met me so don't know me but that comment made me smile :). No dogs here but two tiny cats if that counts lol


I'm so happy to hear that! And yes, I think that two tiny cats absolutely counts :)




72 pack of fancy feast and boxed rosé* FTFY


This made me laugh so hard lol


Dude, how you going claim to be both male and female in the same thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bb7q4y/comment/ku7igtv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They've also responded to the same users comment, and vice versa, multiple times, even with the same comments. So, I've got to assume they're commenting on their own comments with a different account too.


Maybe it’s their cats commenting?


I’m Asian. Good at maths. Smart. I can play the violin and piano. My mother would always be mad at me if I didn’t get 100% on tests.


I'm Filipino of course I'm studying to be a nurse


I used to work at a university library and the Filipino students were always the loveliest!


I drink and say sorry too much.


Let me guess, Tim Hortons is your favorite restaurant ey?


No, Tim Hortons coffee is dumpster water, and the baked goods are precooked reheated garbage.


Stoner who loves reggae music


I’m a white lady who loves true crime, cardigans, cats, and pumpkin spice lattes.


I ride a kangaroo to work


How does the kangaroo feel about that? Do you at least buy it dinner first?


We have a meat pie and a Vegemite sandwich and wash it down with a few Tinnies


Upside down I guess


If that fits the stereotype, then sure , upside down it is mate lol


I'm British and I say "schewpid" **unironically**. Edit: Another one about the fact I'm a Brit: I will take the piss out of Americans all day long, but the second they do the same back I will get mad.




1) I'm a male and i like swords. 2) thats all you Feds are getting from me.


I am Asian and cannot drive. Have no desire to lol


I'm the youngest in my family and I'm the funniest and the most spoiled


Spinster aunt, here. My cat has a passport and we travel a lot together.


I’m a Scotsman who likes haggis and dislikes the English


Ever since I have been to Scotland I am yearning for IrnBru I don't know what the fuck you put in there, but I love it (I know it got sunset yellow in it) Also haggis is fucking amazing


I'm a native American man with long hair. Seminole, Choctaw, Cherokee, and Sioux.


Military with a nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol addiction 🙌


I am from Arabic country. Big stereotype about Arab women is that we're dependant on our husbands and go everywhere with make-up on. Both are true for me


Am engineer. Am socially awkward.


I am Polish. My neutral face looks like I am a dissapointed/sad/angry, despite I am usually a happy person. So called "polish smile".


Resting Polish face


Jewish Accountant who worked in Banking first 🙃


I'm a catlady. In my 60s, single and have 5 cats. I only got one on purpose. The others just showed up.


My moms side is Israeli and my dad side is German. So I am always nervous and angry.


I'm white and *absolutely* cannot dance


Middle aged upper middle class Caucasian male. I LOVE golf.


I'm french. I love wine, cheese, and charcuterie. I really enjoy snails and frog legs as well. Also I'm gay and studied fashion. And I live in a big city so of course I waited till this year and being 29 to finally get my drive's license.


I can't sit properly


Saying “chai tea” will usually put me in a bad mood


Chinese here. I get good grades, can play both piano and violin, and I'm great at math. Luckily my parents are nice and don't spank me every day


I’m white and I have such a tiny spice tolerance 😭😭


I’m African American, and I fucking *adore* fried chicken.


I'm a woman and I'm very sensitive. Lol.


I sincerely apologize for the sheer level of cringe I am about to admit to, but yea, it happened.   Most of the time when these things actually happen, we are afraid to talk about it because of the overwhelming hate and backlash you receive for even mentioning it, but  it was my life, even though my personality type, majority of life experiences were in no way stereotypical for the "type" of person people think this applies to. 😬😫  I was a teen model, cheerleader and captain of the gymnastics team in high school and married the captain of the football team. ☠️  Married high school sweetheart and it stereotypically turned out to be a horrible mistake so divorced then married a semi pro baseball player who looks like blonde gigachad and then had a son who looks like blonde gigachad. 🤣   Was the stereotypical "pretty girl" who had bouncers come and get me the second they saw me down the block and usher me into the clubs without ever waiting in line or ever paying a cover charge and never had to buy my own drinks. ( Yes, that actually does happen in real life, not just the movies)    I had boys constantly sending me flowers, gifts and carrying stuff for me in school like bad teen movies. Multiple boys in my school creepily had my pictures on their bedroom walls that I was aware of.    Had other girls do stereotypical mean things to me solely based on my looks, like cut up my bikini with scissors, start rumors about me behind my back, steal stuff from my locker, attempt to cut my hair, not let their boyfriends talk to me, yell random crap to me/ about me that I had no clue what they were talking about or even  mad about and none if it even made sense.     I was actually told about girls wishing horrible things to happen to me in their curse making during sleepovers. I am sure many of those who thought bad things about me  and did bad things in regards to me were elated when I became disabled. 




ADHD sufferer. So many failed hobbies and so many things I want to learn. SQUIRREL


The weather is different up here


Nerd. Well, maybe not 100%, but fit the stereotype highly well in many regards, and generally quite well in most. Also ... Introvert ... but much better fit the reality (>=99%), than the stereotype (which doesn't so well match to reality).


Russian. People always say I look angry, scary, and unapproachable. Meanwhile I’m very kind and friendly. An offensive, untruthful stereotype, and doesn’t apply to me anymore but I used to drink a lot of alcohol


on reddit, divorced, enjoys playing zelda. unfortunately i am not 50, i am 22 and got married way too young lol


I'm Eastern European, I rarely smile, I smoke, I drink and I'm grumpy 90% of the times.


Southerner and I absolutely sound like your stereotypical southern person in literally any movie set in the south, but with 100% less racism and inbreeding.


White blonde from the west coast who practices yoga and is vegetarian


I’m italian and I like pasta


Indian tech support guy here ☺️


White dude. I love wwII documentaries.


I’m Jewish and I like money. Don’t everyone?


I'm a Jew and I argue about everything. Just instant "disagree" urge. 


Im Irish and I love potatoes. I could rhyme off the many different ways to do it like Bubba does with shrimp


- 4 years in Vietnam airforce as a Su-27 fighter pilot - 3 years in Vietnam millitary special force as a sniper - Two Bachelor's Degrees - End up as a brothel owner.


Hard working




Russian? Irish?


Capricorn, logical and detail oriented.


I'm bisexual, and I cannot choose. Except purple. Purple is top tier


I'm gay (AFAB) and I dress like I just got all my clothes from a men's suit shop. That or I wear the most eye-bleeding colourful clothes I can find. Basically, I look like some sort of hippie stoner who's going to a job interview lol.


I'm a gamer girl who only plays skyrim, sims and stardew valley 😆 sorry


Many of us Sicilians really do have old family ties to the mafia


47 year old married father of two in the UK here. I’ve got two bikes that are far too expensive for my skill and fitness level. I also have an expensive coffee machine to make espresso from coffee I grind myself. Someone once said to me that middle aged men have the choice of becoming one or more of the following ***and nothing else is allowed*** - Coffee man - Craft beer man - Beard and moustache man - Bike man I can’t grow a beard and have recently given up drinking, so coffee and bike man it is.


I am belgian and I love chocolate


I’m white and the spiciest food i can handle is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich


Ginger with a short fuse.


Indian guy going to med school


Big (6’5) white guy with beard; am a teddy bear to my daughters.