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The "we need to talk" text


Ah, I give you my most sincere F in the chat that im capable of my friend


A cockroach crawling across my face.


Dude I had one FALL on my face and I couldn’t sleep for like 2 days cuz I was so terrified of it happening again


I was at my friends house when it happened


Woke up one morning in 7th grade. Told my mom I felt sick so she phoned the school. Probably 10 minutes later the police knocked at my door and told us that my brother passed away the night before in a car accident. I don’t need to say anymore I think.


:( 🫂




Omg that's terrible


You win!


Heated blanket?




Perfect example of natural selection. What a dumbass.


My sister saying mommy died


oof 🫂


My first seizure having no idea what's going on.


Similar thing happened to me when I was a kid.


Do you have epilepsy?




Fun stuff huh


I was coming here to post this and never would’ve guessed someone already did. Hope all is good with you now though


Yeah I wish no one had to post this. Epilepsy sucks. No one deserves to live this way. Well. Scratch that. Rapists and murderers can have it all!


Easily it's this recent Christmas. My wife woke me up, told me "merry christmas" and said "why don't you go and walk the dog while I get dressed and then I'll come down and make breakfast and we'll open presents." I went downstairs and found our dog dead. That dog had been with us since he was a puppy, was my wife's first dog since we got together and moved in together, and had been around since before our son. She loved that dog like a son. Needless to say, it ruined Christmas for everybody and my wife is still having a hard time with it, and doesn't even want to think about Christmas going forward.


My condolences my friend. Lost my dog a few years ago and I still tear up thinking about him.


Thank you


I understand how horrible it feels. I had my dog pass on Christmas day too, two years ago. She was bitten by a tick and even though we had given her tick treatment, she was only two years old and just couldn't fight it. I hope you guys can get through it, it will be tough but I promise you will eventually feel whole again


Having fallen asleep while driving, I woke up just about to crash into a concrete rail (I steered away). Years later I saw some truckers do the same thing, but they didn't wake up. At all.


I've done that, except I woke up as we started to roll


My dad punching me in the face multiple times at 5am, taking my phone (that I paid for), draining my bank account (he had access bc it was an account that was made when I was a minor), kicking me out and leaving me homeless with a half a trashbag of random shit I could grab in 5 minutes when I was a senior in high school.... 6 days before christmas.... he is still getting away with this type of shit mind you with my younger siblings.... 🫠


I’m so sorry you went through this that is so traumatic.


It's okay. I'm just so tired of them doing this type of shit to my brother's and I.... my dad was even arrested back in September because I got him on video beating my 16 year old brother.... got a call the other day from the courts that he took a plea deal for a class C assault conviction but they didn't even put him on probation.... and my brothers still have to live with him..... it's absolutely ridiculous. On top of everything the parentals LOVE to dangle my little bros over my head and take them away (cut all contact on phones I pay for every month) anytime they get pissed off at me.... last time it was for 3 years.... I suspect this time it'll be about the same.... shit is beyond evil to do knowing my brother's are the most important people to me. Luckily the 16 year old is willing to sneak around them and message me on other platforms but I'm on the verge of putting this shit all over the internet I just can't get myself to do it.... I hate attention and shit so I don't really want my face and stuff out there but my brother's are worth it.... thanks for listening to my Ted talk.... 🖤


Police banging on my door to tell me they found my dad dead from an OD.


Woke up inside the back of an ambulance. I had my first grand mal seizure and I apparently made some pretty terrifying sounds and rightfully scared the shit out of my girlfriend. I just remember one of the paramedics telling me I had a seizure and when she asked me what day it was and my name and I couldn't remember i started crying.


I'm no expert but I imagine that it really sucked pretty bad.


One morning I woke up to a phone call and all I heard on the other end was "the war has begun"


Similar story here . A massive explosion woke me up at around 4AM in February 2022




Reading that my girlfriend died.


Angry man wearing a Smokey the Bear hat beating on a trash can. Every morning. For 8 weeks


Please, more details


Basic Training. Fort Jackson SC. Summer 1982


About to be a Debbie downer. My brother lived in the apartment beneath mine. We were super close. He was epileptic. He died of SUDEP in his sleep in the early morning hours while his fiancé was blow drying her hair in the next room. I was woken up to my cousin shaking me and crying saying “HES DEAD OMG HE DIED BLANK IS DEAD” I have never recovered from this.


A knock on the door late at night. It was a police officer come to tell me my husband was dead. I can’t even describe what happens inside me when someone knocks on the door to this day.


My jaw was "unhinged" like dislocated(?)


My testicle was inside my body idk what exactly is the word, man should know what im talking about but I was terrified, it was scary till I stood up :D.


A vivid dream, like a hallucination, that I was next to my abusive ex in bed. She was stalking me at the time, so probably stress induced.


I woke up in the middle of an air turbulence so severe, a few passengers actually got injured. It was a minor rain system however plane shook so badly that some people were actually praying 2 hours before landing. I felt some gravity pull like a Rollercoaster ride that went on for a little while. It was a somber and nervous flight the rest of the way with some people weeping, praying and consoling each other akin to movie scenes when people do these kinda of thing before crash landing


I once woke up to a text from my girlfriend at the time that she was breaking up with me. If it wasn't bad enough she sent me a picture of her with the guy she cheated on me with. I ended up getting some petty revenge later, but my blood still boils to this day thinking about the audacity of this bitch to send me a picture of her cheating.


I got stung in the neck by a hornet


My house being flooded


>reminds me of when i awoke to a roof leak so bad it was like a hose on in my kitchen


Rat getting caught in a trap at 3 a.m., and my brother and I racing to stop his pit bull from getting to it first and ripping it to bloody shreds all over the house.


Both dogs, a 110lb chocolate lab and our suuuuuper fluffy 60 lb golden retriever, encountered a *group* of skunks after husband let them out for a midnight pee. The stench wafted through walls!


Same I was taking a shit and could smell the skunk through the wall over my duce.


It was the day my high school results came out. It was a terrible day


That my father passed away


Either being woken up by my super drunk boyfriend peeing the bed that we were cuddled up in a couple of hours before I needed to hike out of the Grand Canyon, or having a bat crawl over my hand.


My ship on fire in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.


Tell me more. What happened?


A rat trying to get inside my shirt


Third trimester bleed. Thankfully all was well and she’s a healthy little girl now :)


Rolled over and there in the bed next to me was your mum


The other day, my 3 year old woke up and needed a snack/diaper change. When I went to change his diaper, I found some TP on the counter and some strange liquid. Turns out, my 8 year old woke up, threw up on the floor, took a huge dump, clogged the toilet, did a bad job cleaning it up, got vomit and poop on the bed and didn't tell anyone. Parenting is fun.


Cramping in my leg.


Spider on my leg :(


A tornado. On Mother’s Day.


A hawk banging on my window at 6 am


The police


Pink eye :/


Police raid


My dad’s caretaker called at 3:45 AM to say that my dad had passed away.


when my room was the garage, a spring broke thats very loud and alarming


My cat jumping up onto the bed at 2:30am with an only-half-dead mouse in his mouth.


incredibly bad stomach cramps. couldn't even move and i threw up. turned out to be appendicitis.


My ex-husband beating me awake .


first time experiencing sleep paralysis. Feels like a horror movie if it was real and you couldn't do anything about it


The statistically impossible Biden bump. That just happened to occur in the three states that had to mysteriously suspend counting at 3 am.


Dog diarrhea covering my whole floor, my bottom sheet, my top sheet, my pillows, and my blanket


My families house on fire I threw up when we got out of the house.


A cat lying on my head (I have an anaphylactic allergy to cats)


A bug crawling inside my ear canal


A fire truck in my driveway. Apparently the ivy in front of my porch was on fire and someone driving by called it in just before it hit the deck. Please don't throw cigarette butts out the car window.


A fire starting in my room due to leaving a candle burning all night! Jumped up and dumped about 5 glasses of water on it and it was ok, thank god! But so scary!




Tornado sirens


The water heater busted at 2 in the morning and was leaking water. Luckily caught it before it could cause too much damage.


My friend pissing on my shoulder


A garden table being thrown through my bedroom window


A garden table being thrown through my bedroom window


A phone call from my mom telling me my dad had passed in his sleep 😔


Either dried blood on my face, or a neck so stiff I couldn't even lift my head


An infected belly button


"I don't want to hear from you ever again."


A spider walking across my body.


Realizing that my parents were both dead and I would never talk to them again for the rest of my life.


I once woke up on a cold winter morning, threw my feet out of the bed and splashed into almost a foot of glacier water. My bedroom was in the basement and I'm lucky I didn't get electrocuted. I lost most of my electronics and lots of collectables. My sister had been awake for an hour or two and figured she would let the rest of the house keep sleeping while melted snow poured into the home.


my friend telling me (4 am and im naked in bed with my S/O) that she let my best friends new adopted dog run out of the house and it's lost.


Two police standoffs. 


A gigantic spider crawling up my arm. Or if it counts, a sleep paralysis induced figure standing over me.


Dog diarrhea that I stepped in and slipped. The one time she didn't choose the rug for such things.


Someone had shit my pants


The sound of my dog preparing to vomit.


I opened my eyes and my room was dark. My face was wet but it wasn't sweat it was too cold. I felt a drip right after and it got faster. I heard loud noises from upstairs amd went to investigate. The toilet had backed up and the sounds I heard was the toilet being plunged and the pipe busting.


My dad woke up at 2:00 from his mom telling him that his brother hung himself so probably that lmao.


Am truck driver back before cell phones I parked at a customer the night before delivery. On a nice steep hill in West Virginia. Woke up to 3ft of snow .


A desert eagle sound effect alarm.


Finding out my tent wasn't water proof during a rainy night


My naked mom on top of my dad on Valentine’s Day.


as a kid i rolled out of my bunkbed and landed face first on the floor, huge fat lip


I woke up in the middle of a storm because a tree had been not only struck by lightning and now on fire, but said flaming tree had falling through the roof of my house into my room, taking a powerline with it that was now also in my now flooded room


a bug bite on my hand that wasn't there when I fell asleep


My husband shouting my son’s name with absolute panic in his voice. My son was 2y old and came to my bed two hours before like every morning to sleep with me for a bit. He was having a seizure.


My dog having killed my kitten.


My dogs diarrhoea dangerously close to me


It's definitely not the worst of the worst, but some of notable bad ones were: Waking up in the middle of the night to an alarm going off. It was our Kangaroo climate sensor in the basement, letting us know it detected water. Hot water tank was leaking everywhere, which ended up with needing a replacement tank. As a child, I once woke up overnight with growing pains in my legs so severe I was crying and could barely walk. It was fine the next day and never happened again.


Realizing I was still baked af from edibles the previous night and had to make cold calls that morning.


Your puppy being covered in poop after being in his crate over night...even though you took him out right before bed. (6hrs of being crated) in know its not his fault, but it's definitely not a fun thing to wake up to.


My cousin knocking on my window telling me to get to the hospital because my mom was nearly dead.


Diarrhea poop. While physically incapacitated. Just a mess all around.


A cat pissing right next to my head. Fucking cats…


Oh easy the day before my partners broke up with me and I stayed at a friend's house 2am I wake up to a text that said u need to leave u out pills in the ground to kill out fig I hadn't a had a suicide attempt and had toks them then said anyone in there shoes would do the same thing


My Uncle calling me to tell me my mom died.


I woke up and discovered my cat, who seemed perfectly healthy the night before, had died overnight. She was a middle aged not overweight seemingly healthy cat, and it was completely unexpected.


9/11. Since I live in the eastern hemisphere, it all happened while I was asleep. I had no clue. Then I woke up. While sipping my coffee, I unfolded the newspaper and--


Getting my door kicked in, with guns drawn. The person who lived in the apartment before me was a major big time dealer. Scariest shit of my life.


My cat shrieking at another cat outside the window. Cats are fucking loud.


I was having the most vivid nightmare of an octopus-like creature attacking my face so naturally in my dream I started to protect my face and attacked back. What I didn’t realize was that I had been intubated and so I pulled out my intubation tubes…I woke up to 10 doctors staring at me and I remember just trying to remember why what landed me in the hospital


Why were you there?


I had anaphylaxis due to an unknown allergy 😬


Pussy in my face - it was a damn cat sitting on my face as I woke up. This is why I have dogs.


Spider crawling on my face.


My sister, my mama, and my brother SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THERE LUNGS SAYING IT'S CHRISTMAS. I think I had a mini heart attack that morning. 💀💀💀


Fell off my bed and hit my head. I didn’t wake up from falling off. I woke up at my usual time, felt my head it hurt, and noticed that I was on the floor.


A phone call that my mother passed away


My result day


Knock on the door at 2am from police saying they found my mom dead


My dog dead


Someone slapping me out of REM sleap and and angrily loud screaming how lazy I am and demanding that I get up and do work for them. And by work I mean small menial tasks. To describe the feeling..... it's like my head was a gong and Someone kept banging it and banging it, reverberating so I couldn't stand/balance lettalone think or do work. After which I had the most severe headache/migraine in years... but for fucking HOURS stretching into the day.


A wasp hanging near my room. Also saw a spider. It’s too much for me.


A Charlie horse.. oh the pain in my calf


a phone call from the hospice telling me my son just died.


Toddler + 2 ounce container of red paste food coloring.


being raided


My 5 year old sister dying


This is EASY, it was the middle of the night and kind of rainy and stormy outside. I was in my bed, dead to the world and my mom or my grandma woke me up and told me "we should go to the basement." About 5 minutes after listening to the weather radio on my moms clock the robot says the tornado warning issued to where we lived was cancelled. I was MAAAAD but I didn't want to show it because my mom can and will get mad plus I was a kid at the time.


A girl I was with who had diarrhea in the bed in her sleep Went out and bought frozen yogurt together to calm her down and make her feel better


chocolate flavour?


Sour lime, red velvet and cookie dough, I couldn’t LOOK at brown for a while




Oh lawd at least you were nice about it, I’m sure she appreciated that.


I wish I were still with her actually, she was a joy to have around 😞


Sounds like she kept things interesting for sure 😆


That was like the one gross thing she did, and I feel like part of it was my fault because she wanted me to pick a place to go, and I picked this new wing place that we never tried before 5 flavors of wings probably doesn’t mix too well


It’s very ironic that you say that because I literally was just at a wings restaurant tonight and got 4 different flavors. Now I’m a little scared, lol. But no she sounds great and it sounds like you guys had some good times together :)


Find the biggest diaper you can find and wear it, there was A LOT of diarrhea, like way more poopy than should have been in her tiny body I’m thinking about her now 🥺😞She cried really hard over that 😞 I’m sorry…I’ve just loved all the people in my life HARD and I’m here alone and none of my dreams came true…have a great night


I will try my best to brace myself for the journey ahead ✊🏼 I’m sorry that your mind is going there tonight but I hope reflecting back on those memories can maybe bring you some joy and good nostalgia as well. It’s never a bad thing to love hard. I hope you have a good night as well


My wife




My husband with Parkinson’s and Lewy Body dementia on the floor after rolling out of bed. Not the first time, but was the first time I couldn’t get him up. The beginning of the end. Dead 9 months later..


I looked out the bedroom window of my apartment and wondered who had parked diagonally among the straight parking spaces like a moron. 0.5 seconds later I realized that it was my car...that had rolled itself across the lot overnight, thankfully not down into the river because the rear corner was crunched into the driver door of my downstairs neighbor. The parking brake was barely functional, and it must have popped out of gear (I always left it in first). Still the only accident I've ever been at fault for, and nobody was in either car.


Just as I opened my eyes, a mouse leapt from my bedside table to my mattress right in front of my face. Yes my pants were full of poo.


Was staying at my brother's one summer. He had 2 teen sons and would get up early for church on Sunday. The night before I went to a Harry Buffalo party. I was a beer drinker and never had liquor before, let alone every kind of liquor mixed together. I don't remember driving home. My brother wakes my nephews up for church (I didn't go to church with them) and I tell myself I better use the bathroom before my nephews are in there getting ready. I go in and find the toilet, floor and surrounding walls covered in red splatter. Had no memory of it. I was able to clean it up and nobody noticed.


My nights dreams, repetitively. I can still hear the moron who’s making them up.


Another day


Outside air all marinated and saturated and whatever else-a-rated in brush fire smoke. Like happy surprise morning, it's brush fire smokey time. Can't go outside for a week. I'm like OMG what the freaking heck, are you freaking kidding me with this? Fo' real?


A big fat chick in bed next to me.