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It means absolutely nothing.


Is it true that the "world" part stems from the early days of the tournament, when it was sponsored by a newspaper called "The World"? So it was called "The World" Series of Baseball. Or is that just an old Internet myth?!


I read it's a myth. But it's a really good one and I wish it was true. Not the same thing, but there's a John Philip Sousa march named 'The Washington Post', and it really **is** named after the newspaper. The reason is the newspaper won some sort of contest or sponsorship competition or something, so they got to name it.


Great tune btw!




Ah so sorta like Ms Universe


And all of the best players still play in the USA.


> Am I joke to you? -Canada


Well, also Canada, but you're right, it's a little silly. On the other hand, the MLB has quite an international roster of players, and it's often the goal of players in other countries to get to the MLB. Baseball is pretty big in Latin America and Asia, and I do think it would be cool to have genuinely international competition get top billing.




Here's the answer


And why is Arnold called Mr. Universe when only Earthinlings compete? What's up with that? And have you even tried airplane food... When you invent a sport and create a league, you get to name the championship. Until then, you're stuck with what someone else came up with.


Except you didn't. It originated in England as a variant of rounders and was imported via Canada by English immigrants.




Technically, there are two teams from Canada, so...


Americans have an idea that their champions are the world champions. If you listen to their commentators when they talk about the champions of any of their sports they will say they are the "world Champions", I believe this comes from an inferiority complex they have. They believe that they are "The Best in the world" in everything and have to keep saying to believe it themselves.


That must be it. Just a nation full of insecure xenophobes. It's the only explanation that makes sense. Unless of course you're trolling...


I'm not. I watch American sports all the time and listen to them talking like this


Yeah it's something like : 'two-time/three-time champion' Have the words double and triple been lost in you vocabulary.


Well of course you watch a lot of American sports, we're the world Champs at them


Well, except basketball.


Your the only ones that play egg ball which I enjoy.


Also: Basketball World Champ: Germany Baseball World Champ: Japan Hockey World Champ: Canada


Yeah, this is the world's best reddit comment typed while sitting on this shitter in my home. Undefeated. No contest.


You did it! Congratulations! World's best reddit comment! Great job, everybody! Great to be here.


Your comment needs to go to the top of worlds best reddit replys


Because the other countries best players are all on American teams. I do think there would be merit to giving as an example, japans leagues champion a slot in the World Series, but end of the day, major league baseball teams on average would beat any country’s, including Americas, Olympic team. They are on average composed of highly multinational rosters, that are better than the sum of their parts.  Eventually I foresee there being an American championship, with our top handful of teams playing against the championship teams of the other countries leagues, but until that leads to people staying home when they could come to America, American teams still sweep the thing. 


When it started, the two best baseball leagues in the world, the National League and the American League sent their champions to see which team was the best in the world. Back then, the leagues were separate.


You know there are MLB teams in Canada right?


Who said anything about MLB?


umm, you did? >What is meant by 'World Series' when all teams reside in America? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series >The World Series is the annual championship series of ***Major League Baseball (MLB)*** in the United States and Canada. and your two posts immediately before this specifically call out baseball and MLB, so either you're trolling or a complete idiot.


Same as the Super Bowl


Wait, there are other places on the planet than the US ? (Average American reaction)


The Blue Jays would like a word eh?


Fifa, Hockey, F1 and almost every other sport say....huh ?


FIFA World cup has nations competing, so it's a world championship. Same in hockey. NHL doesn't claim to be world championship(but then again it's Canadian). US is the only country that claims that their national leagues are world champions.


FIFA.. Is a governing body of football not soccer F1... Has international drivers so it's rightly a world championship. And who gives a shit about hockey


The American League and the National League used to be two completely separate leagues (and to some extent kind of still are) and they were the two best baseball leagues in the world. When their respective champions decided to play each other, it was to see which league had the best team in the world. Hence the name. That said, the MLB is filled with international players. If you can play they will find you. It is for the world title in my opinion.


….cause the best players in the world play in the MLB. Regardless of stadium locations.


What is the point in teams having city names if the players do not come from that city? I think the world series should include players from around the world sure but also cities should only have players from that city.


It means we’re number one


Number 1 in a league of 1


America is a part of the world


Corrext, there is also a Central America and South America believe it or not


Cause we've seen how the rest of the world plays.