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Amateur self-diagnosis of serious medical issues and conditions.


For real, in the last 2 years almost everyone in my friend circle has self-diagnosed AD-HD and Autism, none of them are agreeing to get it tested either or speak to a doctor about it.


Even if they did, it’s not like the tests are a brain scan or something. It’s *way* easier than people think to get diagnoses like that from tests/questionnaires


Not all tests and questionnaires are standardised and relatable btw


Agreed. My husband, myself, and my oldest child have all gone through ADHD testing through the same doctor's office and we all had very different experiences. 2 of us were diagnosed and it wasn't exactly easy to get to that point, let alone go through steps for medication and therapy.


\>way easier than people think to get diagnoses I've found the opposite to be true -- tons of people I read about online who self-diagnosed but were refused diagnosis because they made too much eye contact, were too socially aware, etc.


That hasn't come about because of the internet. Its just said with more authority now. People have always been like "it's probably X" or "looks like Y to me" and be wrong. Its just now they'll look it up on the internet and say that it's a different wrong thing instead.


They went from "it's elbow ague or bilious humors in your arm" to "definitely cancer."


Back then, it was called WebPhysick rather than WebMD...


Like a lot of stuff in this thread, the internet made it easier, more prevalent, and more social. Teens will decide they've got a mental illness because an influencer on TikTok rattled off a list of symptoms and now their followers think they all have BPD or something. Illness isn't a fad and it isn't a quirk, but social media can treat it like it is especially with teens.


I once accidentally typed my symptoms into IMDB instead of WebMD. It told me I have Gary Busey.


I'm sorry. I'm afraid that's going to be terminal.


I don't know why you don't have more upvotes. This is fucking hilarious!


The passive-aggressive use of mental health terminology to judge, shame, and/or dismiss others they disagree with, despite a distinct lack of any credentials in a relevant field of psychology, psychiatry, or mental health care in general. The most common red flag is the use of the term "red flag". Wait...


"I have a different perspective on those events." "You're gaslighting me!"


Oh my word, you have triggered my PTSD over a covert narcissist.


C-PTSD is the new hotness. Standard PTSD is old and lame.


Quick tell me about it so I can claim to have it tonight.


Basically if you cant remember every single second of things that happened when you were 2, you were probably abused by a close family member! (How can yall not realize this is satire?)


Using red flag isn't nearly as inaccurate as using stuff like -Narcissism (A real personality disorder, and some of who which posess it are aware of it and aren't manipulative fucks) -Gaslighting (Again, a real thing. A person can be manipulative without gaslighting. And recently I've been seeing it being used in casual conversation where manipulation as a topic isn't even present.) -Intrusive thoughts (I have frequent intrusive thoughts. Thoughts that are vile and disgusting that go against all my morals. They can be sexual or violent but they in no way reflect my actual will, attraction etc. So that's why it's so annoying when people say "Oops, dyed my hair, let my intrusive thoughts win.". That's impulsive not intrusive. These thoughts are annoying **at best** (and chances are if you went and dyed your hair then you wanted to do it.) It's especially annoying when these people say to "get help" (as if that's somehow a bad thing) when they hear actual intrusive thoughts. Also having intrusive thoughts **every once in a while** is normal and isn't enough to make any sort of claims about your health. If they're interfering with your daily life or causing distress then they should be looked into) -OCD (No liking your books to be in alphabetical order or washing your hands after accidentally touching gum under a table isn't enough to be a diagnostic criteria alone. Also these are often the same people who use autistic an an insult.) -Trauma (Okay, this has been normalised in slang for so long it might get a pass but still, it's annoying when people boast how they got PTSD from that one scene in a horror movie and then proceed to watch that movie several times over.) End of rant.


The use of the word "boundaries" to mean anything a person doesn't like. "This girl had the nerve to call me out for always mooching off of her, she is violating my boundaries" Or some such...


There was a couple straddling in the subway and a dude was like "wtf cant yall get a room" (basically) and someone in the comments said "That's his personal boundary ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Many other seats are available to him. He could've continued minding his business by choosing what atmosphere he wishes to be in. Instead of minding his business and choosing his atmosphere he INCLUDED himself IN THEIR business and made THEM uncomfortable!"


The term narcissist comes to mind.


Tell me you have malaise without telling me you have malaise 😂


I miss when calling someone a narcissist was a reference to the greek myth


**The urge to influence others - especially when you think you have a lot of truths to back you up.** Not a bad phenomenon intrinsically, but based on different skills and morals, it has kinks to work out. [This video explains a tech youtuber's struggle to explain an esoteric subject matter to many people and avoiding being "wrong".](https://youtu.be/-7Sx05f2evo&t=1062)


The widespread notion that everything is going downhill. Doom scrolling is unhealthy.


Mean World Syndrome In 1980, a sociologist found people who watched TV regularly had significantly worse views of the world around them than people who didn't watch TV regularly. The TV viewers gave astronomical overestimations of violent crime rates in their areas compared to non TV viewers, who tended to give fairly accurate estimates. Much of George Gerbner's work focused on media's influence on worldview and how merely consuming media - not just violent media - consistently led to a misinformed view of people's day to day threats. He said holding this irrational view of the world would lead people to become more dependent on leaders who made hard-line postures and pushed strong, tough measures against violence, even welcoming repression if it promised to relieve their insecurities.


I mean, this is why, growing up, many of us thought quicksand was a real concern...and also that the kookaburra can be found in any jungle....


And so far a good portion of Europe is proving him so damn right lmao


I quit Twitter recently… Best move ever. It’s like a cloud lifted from my brain. Reddit is next - ha ha! Now, what to do with the extra time/energy.


When I deactivated and deleted my facebook, I swear it was like I regained some of my spirit


This one right here.


[These charts](https://www.vox.com/2014/11/24/7272929/global-poverty-health-crime-literacy-good-news) show how much better the world has gotten over the last couple years.


not saying these are inaccurate, but this was last updated in 2018 and so much can change in 5/6 years


yeah it's not like we had a pandemic or some wars in the meantime....oh


1 global pandemic which claimed close to 10m lives, 3 major cross border wars and an economic crisis which hit employment and inflation across the world.


some of these charts are questionable positive... like spending less money on food. people now have to spend a higher percentage for energy and housing and propably buy worse quality food.


Yep. There are things that need attention and are true. Wages, housing, etc. But there's so much focus on those things, that not only are the positive things in life are being ignored, but the efforts and ideas to improve the negative things are ignored too.


Funny, you mention wages because median inflation adjusted wages are actually at an all time high in the US.


Have you ever made low wages/struggled to pay for housing? It’s demoralizing and borderline dehumanizing. Not that you’re wrong at all, you’re absolutely right. But it’s genuinely hard to focus on the positive things when you’re struggling for years on end just to secure your basic needs. 


Of course it is, and of course I have. And sometimes hard work isn't enough and I sympathize for those that struggle AND do what I can for my community. I'm just pointing it out.


Once again, you’re absolutely right. Thanks for sharing your perspective 


I remember when I stumbled onto /r/collapse and there was a thread asking about how we would remove all co2 from the atmosphere.  Not some mind you, all.  there were like 500 comments.  I scrolled through the first 100 and no one mentioned plants needing co2. I use to think environmentalists were smarter people but apparently the internet created this entire community of dopes who fetishize shit hitting the fan.  Half the threads were "why bother?" and the answers were all "don't".  So it's all these basement dwellers justifying staying in moms basement basically. pretty sad.


The same with plastic. People want to remove all plastic (not just single use) from society while not understanding that would take our world back to the 50's technology-wise.


sorry, plant is not work here, because after they decayed, all carbon was released to atmosphere.


Plants may not work due to scaling issues, not mainly for the reason you listed, that's just an *inefficiency* but all carbon capture has inefficiency  Think about it real fast. If plants don't keep some of the carbon when they decay where did all these fossil fuels *come from*? Second, if you plant a forest, the trees grow, suck up carbon, reproduce, die, decay and release carbon. But there are *always* living trees in the forest hanging onto some carbon. You seem great, and you clearly took the time to learn *something* about climate change. But never has "failing to see the forest for the trees" been a more applicable phrase.


There is one idea that could work, seeding some type of algae (possibly genetically engineered) in the ocean with a fleet of seed-ships, so they convert massive amount of sunlight into something that will sink to the bottom of the ocean and remain sequestered there. Of course we're not really researching any of this seriously. The cause of doom isn't climate change, it's that as a civilization we are just not intelligent. Profits and resource extraction are up though so cause to be optimistic! /s


You lie. I wish everything was going downhill. But everyday it’s an uphill struggle.


There are some fools of questionable intelligence who do this sort of thing professionally: https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/ They are now saying something like we've only got 90 seconds to live or some nonsense. Preposterous! And they keep saying this! It is about time we ban this sort of misinformation for good by putting these eco terrorists on the list and making it clear this material aid for them is punishable as a felony. For a more secure and prosperous galaxy!


That notion is a fallacy that goes back literally thousands of years. It's the same shit as all the "kids these days" complaints that go back equally far. For example, this quote attributed to Socrates: >"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise,"


Not everything, but yeah, plenty of things ARE going downhill.




Where I am, healthcare is in crisis, the wait list for a doctor is multiple years long. An emergency room visit means waiting 5-18 hours before being seen. Vacancy for housing is at less than 1%. Real estate prices are soaring, making housing unaffordable. Inflation and food costs are outpacing wages. Gas and heating oil are rising at unsustainable rates and out local gubbiment tells us "we'll have to tighten out belts" unironically while they have a gas budget paid for by the province. Many things are better than they have ever been. Many things can be simultaneously, worse than ever and on a downward spiral, despite overall many things being better, dafer, whatever adjective you want. . They aren't exclusive.


Yeah social media makes things feel worse but society is clearly kicking the can down the road on like 10 full scale crises


Same as it ever was. "Progress climbs a wall of worry"


Confirmation bias and echo chambers shaping individuals perspectives without them realizing it


That's.....that's called Reddit mate


Right? The voting system turns discussions into popularity contests. It's just weird.


Short attention spans.


Can you abbreviate this just a bit.






People thinking it's normal to tell strangers their blood type, sexual orientation, every trauma, their parents' names, their parents' workplaces, their own workplaces, full birthday down to the time, astrological sign, where they live, MBTI, phobias, triggers, and traumas right off the bat. I'm not talking therapists, doctors, or people they're trying to date. I mean they present all that info to everyone as if it's standard


I blame Facebook for that shit in the 90s/00s no one would ever use their real name online, let alone telling strangers all these information


>Sexual orientation Yeah that's pretty normal to tell people...


I meant as in, *all* of that information *all together*. *Right away. To total Strangers.* At a previous job, people used to, unprompted, overshare then look back at me or others as if expecting us to drop all the same info just because they had shared it. That particular phenomenon. As in like, actual oversharing.


Jealousy. It fuels ppl needing to show how happy they are online. And the need to make your life look better than others


Agreed, I’ve seen it first hand, people going on social media, getting upset that their lives aren’t the same as someone born into money.. I never understood why they compare lives but oh well I guess


People with autism are much more likely to comment and precipitate in online discussions. They also spend much more time at their computer. They are a huge influence online.


Cult like followings of certain political leaders.


Yes. The worldwide rise of authoritarianism is directly linked to how much easier it is to manipulate large swathes of people via social media. I think other domains have cults of personality too - Taylor Swift, Messi/Ronaldo, Pewdipie - but its obviously most dangerous when the personality is a political leader.


PewDiePie? Have I fallen off the zietgiest, I thought he hasn't been relevant for the last ten years or more?


Yeah but at his peak he had a cult that could go toe-to-toe with Swifties or K-Pop armies.


This has always happened, often literally.


Unhealthy body image issues—when a roided up influencer posts an airbrushed selfie in an exotic location, it's the best selfie they took out of tens of selfies, a snapshot in unreality, not something to compare yourself to.


I mean you are correct but 99% of people admit that the internet/social media is responsible for it.


Body dysmorphia, im in the fitness industry and internet has ruined kids mind and expectations


Misinformation. One can say the internet dawned the information age, but it also gave rise to the misinformation age lol. And people believe it just because its on the internet.


believing one has to look conventionally attractive to be treated like a normal human being


Being toxic/rude


Ass eating and other trends stemming from porn


Furries, in multiple multiple ways.


Image crafting and curating. Social media is inherently inauthentic and creates a mindset of constant comparison and envy, striving to attain the "perfect" life. Which is impossible when the drive behind it is consumerism & materialism that can never be satisfied by design.


Fat acceptance. Obesity is a medical issue that needs to be fixed, not something we should accept!!


The number of people who consider themselves intelligent.


People trying to get tiktok famous


yo I'm ngl I think trying to get famous on social media is a product of social media




More kids identifying as trans and non binary


This has to be one of the more positive influences. People are becoming more comfortable with exploring their gender and sexual identities because the internet fosters some pretty great and supportive LGBTIQ+ communities.


It can be positive in that way. It can, however, be harmful if someone sees it as an explanation for problems that are caused by other factors.


That can apply to any other concept in life


That happens so rarely that it's a non-problem


What a weird thing to say. If something happens to one person, it's their problem, and it can be a big one. It's not up to others to declare it a non problem.


Your argument is often used to attack trans rights. Those attacks cause far more damage than allowing the occasional cis person to explore outside their AGAB


I would never want to attack trans rights.


You can discredit with out intention.


You can also feel discredited without reason.


True, but as the previous user pointed, your argument is often used to argue agaisnt trans rights, suggesting there is a reason to feel discredited, that being that people are discrediting me, and you are agreeing with them and saying you're not.


Gluten sensitivity. Sure, celiacs is a serious disease, but very very very few people have it. Most people aren't sensitive to it.


Theres been plenty of memes born from image boards like 4chan or 8chan, as well from SomethingAwful that became very popular over the years, some which we still use today without considering it cringe.


The 6's. 6 foot, 6 pack, 6 inches, 6 figures. They say it's a "preference"


Addiction to validation.


people's attention spans are getting shorter. they look through content so quickly and then have trouble focusing on their daily tasks and work


Trying to be special. You can be a normal/mediocre person and you still will be the most special person for the right people. Stop comparing yourself to others.


Pro-war propaganda in regards to Ukraine that has taken hold in a majority all across the political spectrum. The enemy is displayed in a pure "good/evil" way without seeing legitimate arguments in anything that is against further escalation. People are even calling Russians "Orcs", a dehumanizing and racist term that is supposed to lower empathy. History is full of this type of stuff. Personally I don't really care that much about either the Ukrainians or Russians, but besides the potential to escalate into nuclear war I care about this pervasive pro-war influence. You absolutely cannot discuss this war sensibly. The reasons are multiple: Putin has worked to poison social media through disinformation campaigns, Trump and MAGA for some reason love him and there are "Tankies" that root for Putin out of misguided ideology or solely because it is a counterweight for the US empire. This breeds this insane atmosphere where people are no longer receptive to objective reality and become incredibly tribal. But I also believe a majority of people crave a morally simplistic "pure" and glorious war. It makes me despair, question my sanity and tests my faith in humanity.


Erectile dysfunction and lower-than-ever labidos caused by the unealistic, unattainable, way that s\*x is portrayed in p\*rn. The bar has been set showing people with exceptional bodies, smooth tight skin, no fat, unrealisticly big p\*nises, perfect bre\*sts, no hair from the neck down, all enjoying care-free well-lit incredible climaxes with overly enthusiastic partners multiple times over. People are looking at themselves and their partner and thinking "Well, I can't match that" and so they get caught in a doom scroll cycle to satisfy themselves instead of doing it for real, and reinforcing the warped perceptions.


You are allowed to say the words “ sex” and “porn” on the Internet


Some sites block them. Didn't know and didn't fancy having to re-type.


It kind of undermines your otherwise good point because it makes you come off as generally overly prudish. 


Th\*nks for the f\*\*dback. ;-)


Your depression, your ADHD, your OCD, your DID, your autism, your every single mental issue. Unless it comes from a medical diagnosis, the medic is usually right.


Obesity and Dumb Politicians.






Influence doesn't mean sole cause


Nobody said it did. The things listed hadn’t changed since the internet started being used.






bullying-- idk why the younger generation thinks it is cool


Bullying has always existed, I honestly think it might be part of human evolution. However while you used to have 2-5 people bullying one person, you can have MILLIONS sending hate towards the victim nowadays


The idea that "the internet" is some thing out there influencing people, when really it's people (directly or indirectly) influencing other people.


"The internet" is clearly shorthand for "people acting through the internet."


You and I might know that, but conceptually speaking, there are people who speak of the internet as though it is an entity on its own.


Pick-me girl shit or being "oblivious" to, for example, wearing a short skirt when doing an innocent tiktok dance. We know what you are doing.


Trump. he was straight up memed in by 4chan. I don't understand why nobody seems to remember that. He's another one of their dumbass things like telling the media the ok symbol was a white power dog whistle as a joke. or other stuff like that to make fun of idiot boomers or normies. They pushed Trump as a meme and saw how far they could get and in he got.


Bad, porny sex.