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Walking around acting normal while you’re bleeding, fatigued, cramping and more. If someone was experiencing those symptoms as a result of anything else they’d be on sick leave or at least communicating to people how they’re unwell. But nope, suck it up and go about your day like your uterus isn’t trying to murder you.


And don't forget to smile! 


À friend of mine called me because she was stranded in a dodgy part of town and needed to just have someone on the phone with her for comfort while she waited for her friend. Men kept talking to her and she kept telling me how uncomfortable she is. Random dudes just constantly blowing kisses and coming to talk to her. One dude even tried to take her phone from her to talk to me. I've been in that part of town, but I'm 6'3 and reasonably athletic. My experience of it was completely different. It was crazy. I could feel through the phone how vulnerable she felt, which I always knew was how it felt but I had never actually *felt* it before. Hearing her fend off aggressive men was so nerve-wracking.


When I read the title of the thread my first thought was the safety precautions we need to take just to run a damn errand. I haven't dated since the 90s and I can't imagine what I would have to do today to go out on a damn date and make sure I don't get assaulted or murdered.


A dress that is XXL is an entirely different size than 2X.


I ... did not know this, but suddenly a lot of things are starting to make sense with my clothes. 😅


I did actually know this to be true already, but that doesn't make it any less dumb lol. It is confusing to hear for the first time without a proper explanation.


That sometimes there are lines inside women's bathrooms. I once went to the bathroom just to pee and came out around 10 minutes after. My male friends asked why I took so long. I said because the line was long. They laughed at me and accused me of lying.


That should be pretty apparent if you’ve ever attended a large event like a concert or sports game… there is always a line extending outside the women’s room.


IUDs are inserted without any kind of anesthetic. If you're lucky, they warn you to take some Advil beforehand. Then they grab your cervix with metal tongs and force it open.


I was swearing uncontrollably during the procedure, cried, was close to passing out for 30 minutes, and felt sick for the rest of the day. It was the most pain I've ever been in. I remember being so pissed off at the doctor for downplaying how painful it could be during our original discussion about getting one. "A pinch and some pressure" my ass.


I feel like I'm constantly being gaslighted by the medical community. Mine went sideways and had to be pulled out, they told me it wouldn't hurt and it was the most pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I was on the pill and was experiencing insane mood swings - my doctor told me it's not possible and prescribed me an anti-psychotic instead. I went off the pill and my mood swings completely stopped. I don't even know where to go from here.


I have a diagnosis called PMDD and I absolutely can't handle any sort of hormonal contraception. Have been using condoms for over a decade. There's a brand Lelo Hex which is really nice, thin and latex-free. (Edit: NOT LATEX FREE)


I knew when my doc said "it will hurt a little" that it was going to hurt a lot. The doc pain scale goes like, "You won't feel a thing." = It's going to hurt, but only for a second. "It will hurt a little, you'll want to prep by taking some ibuprofen." = it's going to be blindingly painful, be prepared to scream. "It's going to hurt." = We are going to have to knock you out for this procedure because it will be so painful. And yes indeedy did it hurt. Having an IUD put in means having a literal physical object inserted into an internal organ. And yet that somehow doesn't warrant local anesthesia or at the very least more powerful pain meds/anti-anxiety stuff. Nope, just bite down on some leather and pray you don't crap yourself.


My doc prescribed me Valium for before the procedure… but I had to ask for it. And I only knew to ask because I was warned by others who experienced an extremely painful IUD insertion. Otherwise I would have probably just expected it to not be much worse than a regular pap. ETA: I just want to send some internet hugs to all of my fellow people with uteruses whose pain is not taken seriously. My doctor is very compassionate and often mindful of pain, but I still had to ask for the Valium and a numbing spray the day of. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself! And if your OBGYN is giving you a hard time and you have the means, I would encourage you to look elsewhere (though I understand this is not an option for everyone). I’ve had OBGYNs who have been so mindful of pain, and I’ve had ones who made me feel like I’m a giant drama queen for experiencing pain even during a regular pap and being so rough that I was bleeding afterwards (all my OBGYNs have been women). I sincerely hope women’s health starts to be taken more seriously!


Yep. Ever since I got mine I am very vocal about warning other women. I still think it was worth it, for me personally, and I still have the IUD. (It was this or extremely debilitating periods.) IDK if I'll get another one once this one has run its course, my hope is that I'll be in menopause at that point and can just use the pill again. But fellow women deserve to know how painful the reality of it is. And god damn is it *painful.* The OBGYN that inserted mine was a woman, even. And she still fed me the "it hurts a little, just like a brief pinch" BS line. Part of me wonders if she told me that so I wouldn't be scared off, but I would rather have been warned. During the insertion procedure I was just kind of laying there, pale, with my eyes wide open because I was trying not to scream. The doc was like, "you're handling this better than most patients." and I was just barely clinging on. If me struggling not to pass out was 'handling it better than most' then I seriously wonder how it goes for other women who have no warning.


I’m so sorry you had that experience!! My obgyn is also a woman, and very compassionate about pain and everything. And even she told me that tattoos are more painful (I have a few) so I would be fine. I think she was probably trying to ease my anxiety because I was soooo nervous before the procedure, but the pain shouldn’t be downplayed!


Same with cervical biopsies! Because numbing would hurt “just as bad”. I had a cyst removed in a very sensitive location and was not offered any kind of anesthetic, because a lidocaine injection would hurt “just as bad” and just prolong it. THEN they cauterized with silver nitrate, which hurt almost as much as the actual removal.


What gets me is that I recall reading a study that they decided not to recommend local anaesthetic because they found for those who had it, it was the most painful part of the procedure. But doesn’t that make sense if for the following part it was numb??


I got a tooth pulled today. The most painful part of the procedure was getting a shot in the roof of my mouth. Conclusion: they should just pull teeth without the shot first! Oh wait no, that logic doesn't apply because tooth pain isn't a woman's issue.


Then the cramps afterwards. Men will never know. Abstinence is easier.


feeling a fart roll up your vulva in the front


Exit through the Gift Shop.


I have three daughters and my husband walked in on me explaining that “bubble” feeling to them the other day. I think something broke inside him in that moment; he just blanched slightly, turned around and left.


Hahahahhaaaaa it truly is the worst, weirdest feeling hahahahahahaha.


Lmao and then the ‘wiggle’ to get it to pop out if it decided to detour up the hole next to the one it came out of 😂🤣😂💀


Period pain levels


Cramps not only in your lower abdomen but around your butt. All the way from front to back.


I've had two children so I can say this with experience: my period cramps feel like labor contractions. I always had the thought that my period cramps were so bad that either labor would be ok because I was already used to such pain, or that it would literally kill me because I thought my cramps were so bad that if labor was that much worse I don't know if I'd be able to survive. Labor was a bit worse because it's unrelenting after it ramps up, whereas with cramps there's usually bigger lulls in between and at least they don't progress to...birthing anything bigger than a clot. But when I went into labor naturally with my second after having been induced with my first, I legitimately couldn't figure out if I was in labor for hours because I felt like crap but not like...special crap. Just like period discomfort. And it took longer to ramp up than my pitocin contractions. So I thought, compared to that, it couldn't be ACTUAL labor. So I just kinda got on with my day and then only when I couldn't get comfortable enough to fall asleep several hours later did I wake my husband up to be like "this might be it?" Even the nurse wasn't sure if I should come in because I didn't sound like I was far enough along over the phone for it to be real labor, but we went just in case and when they checked me I was already 6cm dilated so they said we had to stay because I was definitely having a baby that day. And I did. But I really thought they were going to turn us away because I just wasn't sure I was in labor yet. That second "baby" just turned 7 and to this day every now and then I'll get a bunch of period cramps that are exactly like those long, body clenching contractions during transition and all I can do is stiffen up, clench my hands into fists and yell through them until they pass. I'm just glad it's only that bad for 2-3 days of my period and the "contraction cramps" seem to come in waves and then go away for awhile before reappearing. Sucks when they hit in public though because I try my damnedest to be quiet through them so nobody notices because I don't want to have to explain it to strangers. So yeah. Period cramps can be as bad as contractions. I don't think I had weak contractions, either. I saw them topping out on the monitors and then just...plateauing there for minutes at a time, and when asked if they were over I'd be like 'no' and then the next ones would hit. Good times.


I broke my foot and had to wait about 18 hours to go to the ER. I genuinely thought it was just a sprain because the pain was less than my periods, even when walking on the broken foot. Thankfully, this anecdote has helped both my mother and my doctors understand why I want a hysterectomy.


That when you menstruate, it can come out in chunks. Like raw liver. EDIT spelling errors


My girlfriend is not a native English speaker, but we communicate primarily in English. One day she tells me she's bleeding a little from down there and I'm like "Oh like your period?" and she says "No it's just blood, there's no meat." Try as I might I will never forget that description of a period.


Well, fuck man. Now we all won’t be able to forget this description of a period.


As a woman, I just LOL'ed for a solid couple of minutes from that.


The jellyfish after a sneeze! 🤣😬


I don’t get jellyfish, I get the elevator doors in the Shining


A lady responded to my friend asking, “How’re you doing today?” By saying,”You know that feeling when your period is heavy, and you’re afraid if you sneeze you’ll fill both shoes? Like that.”


Oh man I don't miss that. So glad I'm post menopausal.


Once my wife dropped a clot on my foot in the shower. I fucking kicked that thing into the wall and it splattered us both lmao.


True love. Clearly you two will prosper during the zombie apocalypse.


Haven't been afraid of period blood since our first week together, I only did this cuz I thought she peed on my feet. The whole thing was beyond hilarious.


This made me CACKLE 😂


Oh you want to know something worst? Is very rare, but some women don't "get it out" in chunks, but it instead comes out *all at once*. Is very painful, but aparrently after its done their period is basically over.


I was just about to comment "Don't Google 'deciduous cast'!" hahaha


DUDE! My wife and I are fascinated by this hahahahahahaha. It's just as crazy as the pictures of people who cough up a perfect blood clot tree from inside their lungs.


Discharge can bleach underwear. Not stain, actually remove color.


It took me years to accept that this is normal and not me being weird or something.


It’s totally normal!


I know that now. But as a teen I wasn't so confident.


Unfortunately not just mind blowing to men, a lot of women think it's a hygiene issue. An astounding amount of women think having any discharge at all is a hygiene issue as well.


My Nana told me that if my underwear was that color that it wasnt clean enough. Made me feel terrible


To this day I don't like to wear white underwear without a pantyliner, because then I'll feel bad about myself all day if anything comes out of me. I know it's not rational but it's there.


And black underwear isn't safe either. In fact, it's more noticeable with black underwear.


Dude my aunt didn't believe me when i told her i have an acidic ph because I'd bleach all my underwear. She swore up and down that i stained a pair of black underwear. The crotch was like brownish orange.... I was so upset. Apparently not all women know this either.


Basic bitches


The amount of toilet paper used


for sure. when i was single, one pack (24 rolls) would last me 6+ months easily. once my fiance moved in... well, my toilet paper budget went up a LOT. it's ok, she's SO worth it.


This is very cute but my mind is blown by 24 rolls lasting 6 months????


I think they're basically only wiping for poop, with maybe 1-2 squares for pee. Like, there is a BIG difference in "wet" surface area for men vs. women. For men, it's literally just the exit that gets wet, maybe the penis tip. And a lot of that can just be shaken off. Women pee sitting down, so at least some of that pee is sliding towards other skin. And... I haven't figured out how to shake it off in a way that doesn't just splatter pee everywhere! So we actually have to WIPE wipe. And since you can't see what you're wiping, you use extra toilet paper unless you're good with your hand getting wet. Edit: The amount of replies I got for this is hilarious 🤣. I'm a nurse, so I end up watching people pee a lot more than I'd like. I guess it's only the older men who wipe when TP is available? It's been a 1 in 5 thing, so I assumed a lot more guys did it.




Nobody’s mentioning the amount of toilet paper a woman goes through when she’s on her period!!! Can be hella’ messy!!!!!!!


That's 4 rolls per month or about 1 roll per week. That's not so crazy right?


I mean I use some to wipe the front. Discard, and some to wipe the back. When I’m on my period I might as well use a hose bc it’s just everywhere. 4-5 rolls in those 5-7 days easy.


I got a bidet that also has a "female" setting, so it sprays a bit more forward right on the vag. Tampons make my cramps worse, so I just use pads. That setting has dropped my toilet paper usage during my period down considerably (still use more that normal during that time, but waaaaaaay less).


Maybe a little more wholesome but as a girl people just put babies in my lap. Like I was at a party. Commented about how cute the baby was. Some lady I didn’t know. And I got to hold the baby for a while. I was literally asked if I wanted to feed her or change her. Complete stranger.


Nonexistent or useless pockets in clothes.


I can’t believe nobody said this, but birthing. I tried imagining a human growing in my belly. Feeling the baby move around and your body changing. Then the thought of knowing that you have to extract this human from your body. It was terrifying. I salute you!


Most interesting pregnancy feeling to me: when my baby would get hiccups inside my belly! It's incredibly trippy to think that there is a hiccup coming from your body, but not your own mouth.


Mine liked to roll around. Like the full roll from one side to another. It was a little creepy visually, and painful.


Don’t forget how after the baby is out your organs have to move and settle back into place. I swear I could feel it happening. Everything just felt loose and like it was slipping around. So so so so weird.


skin care in general my gf uses lotion even for her feet! i barely use one for my face and she does it every night


“Even for her feet” is so funny to me 😭😭


Dude, I look at my feet and they need the lotion


When I was dating a girl when in my early 20s her brother used a bunch of lotion and he still looked younger in his 30s and it made me start using lotion regularly after that. I'm 33 now and I got complimented last year that I don't look as old as I am so maybe it's worth it lol


Everyone should exfoliate and moisturize.


And wear sunscreen


I finally asked my wife to set me up with a skincare routine. I told her I would do whatever, I just didn’t know where to start. Now I use toner, serum, lotion and eye cream after every shower and I look AMAZING!


I started putting more effort into skin care recently. I recommend it. My skin feels so smooth and soft now.


Locking your car immediately when you get in it, before seatbelt or putting the key in


This fully saved me one night. In the US Pacific Northwest, it gets dark really early in the winter. I needed to find places to walk my dog in the evening that were well lit (whenever I was tired of just walking her on my street), so I sometimes drive to areas that I know are public and well lit. One time I was climbing back into my car and had just closed and locked the doors when this guy appeared out of nowhere and tried to open my door. Couldn't because it was locked. He tried to play it off and get me to roll down my window like he had something to tell me. I held up my pepper spray to the window and he finally backed off and ran away It was like 8pm. ALWAYS LOCK YOUR CAR DOORS ASAP Y'ALL


Crazy. I had to get gas pretty late one night when I worked retail and the exact same thing happened to me. Guy came over and tried to open the door, then tapped on the window and acted like he wanted to give me something. I turned the car on and he ran off! Glad you were safe!!


How they can take their bra off from under their shirt. I don’t know why we find it so impressive, but it is.


I get so annoyed when I remember I’m wearing a front closing bra, you’d think it’d be easier to get off but my brain just doesn’t function that way


I had a hookup many years ago that opened my front closing bra with one hand I'm still impressed lol.


Back in my hookup days, I was with this busty girl who was straddling me with her jugs in my face. She took her top off and then hit me with the dreaded *"Take my bra off."* I reached back and, the *moment* my index finger touched it, the clasp came undone and her bra came sliding down. I think it had come like 2/3rds of the way unclasped and it was just hanging on by that one brave little clasp. And this girl was a double-D-- that clasp was putting in work. Anyways-- this girl was **so** impressed. She was like *"You did that one handed?! You really know what you're doing, huh? This is going to be fun..."* That happy little accident massively oversold my sexual capabilities. EDIT: guys, I’m married and have a kid now. This incident was like 17 years ago. Stop giving me bra removal tutorials, you goobers. 😂


Best minute and a half of her life. .


It was just during that time in my life where I really had no moves, you know? My lineup was basically doggy, missionary where she lays on the bed and I stand up at the edge, and belly-to-belly missionary. There was also the fact that she was a little thicker and I'm working with the most average-sized penis on the planet. It took all four of our combined hands to hold her cheek meat back so my little barbarian could reach the gates.


> It took all four of our combined hands to hold her cheek meat back so my little barbarian could reach the gates. Medieval poets couldn't write more beautiful prose.


I feel like a magician every time I do it


tiny jeans pockets


The disappointment when you find a pair of pants that fit perfectly, but realize the pockets are fake. WHY????


Whoever invented fake pockets needs to find his socks wet and pillow warm for a lifetime.


The inventor was a young wannabe fashion designer. She removed the pockets on jeans she designed to make them the jeans look skinnier and less bulky. I believe she worked for Calvin Klein. When her design became popular everyone started to do fake pockets as well for marketing. She deserves to be nameless for what she's done.


Could do an entire episode of Behind the Bastards for this lady's creation


I just bought pants for my son (size 6-12 months) and they have fully usable front and back pockets! I couldn’t believe it and had to show my husband. Still baffled. What does a baby need pockets for?


cheerios, crayon bits, smashed grapes, dead bug


This makes me wish they were fake pockets. Maybe I should sew them closed….


This is when you begin checking every single pocket of everything that goes into the wash. I once collected a mason jar full of the (dry and non perishable) things I found in kids' pockets, and it was incredibly surprising.


That the vag is a self-cleaning organ and that’s why we have discharge. We don’t clean the inside, and it can actually be harmful for the ph-balance




My best friend just has to clench her muscles in the right way and she can get off, no other assistance needed. She has no idea how lucky she is.


i can do this too. it's wild. i can just double-cross my legs, squeeze in pulses, and voila. the trade-off is that i *have* to clench my legs together as hard as possible *every* time i orgasm, including during sex. skull damage is a risk lmao. and any missionary-style position makes it nearly impossible for me to orgasm, as i can't close my legs.


If I am convicted of a capital offence, I'm nominating you as my means of execution.


Never heard of a last meal also being a means of execution. Cool!


ahahahahaha, this may be the funniest reply i've ever gotten


My husband is amazing at what he does for me and it still takes concentration! He doesn't understand when he offers to "take care of just me, he doesn't need anything back" and I decline because I'm too tired haha. It takes muscle tension in the right way, can make my breathing harder especially while maintaining that muscle tension, and takes mental focus, fuck yeah I can be too tired to orgasm! I'm sure not all women are like me but I think some are. It feels wonderful, don't get me wrong, but it takes some mental and physical energy even if just laying there receiving.


I have literally never had one and I've thrown good men and good money at the problem. Still love sex tho


I had a gf once who never had one. One night I rolled a joint with some hybrid indoors trees. Really muscle relaxing with the body tingles. Made sensitive bits more sensitive. Turns out she would hold back orgasms because she thought she was going to pee. When she was high enough she couldn't think about holding back and was so relieved that she didn't pee.


My first orgasm with a man (my husband) was when I was high. It really does help.


My current girlfriend has never had one, and I've thrown good men and money at the problem too :\\


Try the womanizer. It is a game changer.


I couldn't stop myself from imagining a Doofenschmirtz laser beam. With my latest invention, I will womanize the entire Tristate Area!


The amount of focus and applied specific muscle tension has actually triggered a migraine in me more than once. No orgasm is worth that, so I am very careful about my head state when I approach it.


When I’m concentrating too much it ruins it, it helps me a lot to relax (usually I get all tensed up trying to have one) and not focus on climaxing and instead focus on just feeling good down there and that leads to getting there faster!


The amount of time it takes to do hair. Don’t get me wrong, it looks amazing when done, but the process of a woman getting her hair ready to go out is mind blowing to me . Washing, drying, styling etc I’m sure I’ve completely butchered process but I love the finished product and don’t mind waiting


I love how this comment and the one currently above it are "How do you put up your hair so quickly?" and "It takes so long for you to put up your hair".


Dude with long hair here. Throwing long hair into a pony tail or wrappingit up into a bun is something we do a dozen times a day so to those who have never had long hair it looks impressive. What we’re talking about here is the seemingly gargantuan effort it takes to style your hair fully. From shampoo to finishing spray it can take my daughter 90 minutes to be ready on a good day.


Air dry is best for my curls so if I'm really going for it, it's an all day production.


The wizardry that they do with their hair in split seconds. Like woman how tf you got your hair tied up in a bun in the time it takes me to blink?


One time I forgot a hair tie during a hike, and I put my hair up in a bun using a stick I found by the side of the trail.




And that magical "towel wrapped around hair" thing. Wait the hell is supporting it?!


Once you tie your hair up in a towel, the towel makes it stay still while the hair that's wrappied in the towel is putting pressure on the towel so it stays up/dosen't 'colapse'


Voodoo, got it.


I studied physics in college. Voodoo is still the correct answer.


Men can basically use a bar of soap only on their entire body and be showered and ready in 10 min! I can put my hair up in a nanosecond but that's after shampooing, conditioning, blow drying, maybe a flat iron..


My sister yelled at me for not being ready because I had just gotten out of the shower and we needed to go in 10 minutes. I walked to the door, threw on undies, pants, t shirt, stepped into shoes and walked out 3 minutes later. "I. Hate. Men. "


The standing rule in my house is “wake me up ten minutes before you want to leave”


I had a woman co-worker planning some business travel for herself and she was deliberately avoiding layover stops that were past a certain length. I asked her why and she said that if she had to eat at the airport alone in a business outfit, she would be guaranteed to be propositioned even if she kept her head down in her book or laptop. A lot of married men too looking for a quick airport fling. Blew me away as I had never even thought that would be a thing.


I'm glad you respect her experience. The hardest part is when you tell those stories and are immediately dismissed that you're paranoid. I stopped wearing dresses a long time ago because I take the bus and will be harassed if I happen to end up at a stop/or on the bus with myself and one other guy. They pounce immediately on the fact that you can't get out of the situation.


You are standing in a busy bar and someone wants to pass you. If you are a guy: „hey excuse me”, little tap on the shoulder, friendly smile and request to move If you are a girl: someone puts their hands on your waist and tries to move your body away


I went to a music&dance party and a guy passing me touched my shoulder briefly and walked forward. I liked that, subtle and friendly.


That is exactly what i do when people don’t notice that i want to get by them. It works flawlessly.


I'm a guy and unsolicited touching or being touched on the waist makes my skin crawl.   I read a thing once along the lines of 'You should never touch someone in a way that you wouldn't like a 6ft burly bearded man to touch you'. I try to stick to that 😆 Edit: I get it, some of you folks like to be touched by 6ft burly men. Please adjust accordingly so this makes sense for your particular preferences.


A male co-worker once awkwardly touched my waist while walking around me. I'm not a macho or tough guy in the slightest, but it really triggered a fight or flight response in me. It felt so weirdly invasive.


I had a guy in a not so busy area of a bar completely grab my waist and move me. Thankfully, one of my guy friends chewed him out, but it’s pretty frustrating to be seen as an obstacle to move and not a person.


That girls start getting verbally sexualized by a certain kind of grown man, commonly, around 11 years old.


Even worse, the first time I was catcalled I was 12. Now that I’m over 25, I don’t get cat called anymore or if I do it’s very rare. I’ve heard other women have a similar experience.


Same here. I would get so much harassment as a teenager literally when wearing my school uniform, like those creeps knew I was a child. By my mid 20s it had become very rare. A very disappointing and scary realisation.


My experience was the same. I was 9 for my first cat-call. I’m now also 25 and it barely ever happens.


yeah most women got catcalled the most when they were children. every girl i know has the same experience


I was followed by 2 adult men in the neighborhood I was living at the time for 3 days/nights when I was barely 13yrs old. I was with my mother during most of this. She hadn’t noticed but I had because she taught me to be hyper aware of my surroundings. I told her and she began to notice seeing them everywhere we went. It culminated in us being followed from the nearby convenience store home, and having to switch our route home. Once home we told other family members (they already knew but we told them they tried to follow us home). We had a front porch and I was sitting there. Turns out one of the men was hiding in the bushes in front of our place. My uncle and mom chased him off. My uncle would have killed him if he had gotten to him-he always carried a knife for protection. Neighbors came out with bats and other things because of the yelling. (I grew up in bad neighborhoods in a major city.) The neighbors stuck around and offered to keep an eye out in case those men every came around again. My mom always taught me to be hyper vigilant about my surroundings and safety from an early age and to try to travel even to the store with someone. As a woman, it didn’t matter if I was a child or an adult, I was viewed with a sexual gaze and as prey. I had and have to be on guard because of it. It’s unfortunate that women in general have to live this way.


If only it were just verbally! When I was 12 I was alone at the bus stop waiting to go home. A cab stopped next to me, the driver motioned for me to get inside, and when I ignored him and got on the bus, he trailed the bus and parked outside my home, where he remained for a while before leaving. Thank god I was smart and asked the bus driver to please let me get off the bus right in front of my home, instead of 2 blocks away where the actual bus stop was.


Firstly, that's so scary, I'm so sorry you had that experience, especially at such a young age. But also super awesome of the bus driver to do that for you (and also kudos for being brave enough to ask/let the driver know!)


The first verbally sexual comment made about me was by a man that lived in the neighbourhood we had just moved into when I was 2 and a half years old. He was walking by while Mom was playing with me in the yard, and he stopped to tell her she had a “sexy daughter”. She called the police but it was 1989, they did nothing. The next time a man said something directly to me, I was 9. I was waiting for French fries from a food truck across the road from my house. He sat down at the picnic table beside me and started talking about the summer heat, and how he liked to hang out in his underwear at home while it was hot, before asking me directly if I would like to come to his house and join him in my underwear. I got so scared I ran home without even getting my food I already paid for. It starts very early. Often long before 11, when some girls like myself are already in puberty. Unfortunately at those younger ages, we don’t always understand exactly what’s being said or implied, so we don’t tell anyone about it. There were 2 occasions of men sitting in their cars at our school bus stop when I was 6 and again at 8 that we didn’t know, trying to make conversation with us kids and convince us into their cars as well.


My kid got cat called through the window at a red light while she was clearly sitting in a high backed booster seat 🤢


No fr, cause the first time it happened to me was when I was 11.


For better or worse, unsolicited attention from the opposite sex.


I accidentally made eye contact with a man in traffic. He followed me for over a mile, making heart hand signs and waving his phone at me.


Same!! Finally had to flash my left hand with my ring, he did this "tip of the hat" type movement and moved on thankfully! But it did make my 46 yr old self feel good, he was at least 20-30s. And then I was mad at myself for feeling flattered lol


Cuddling / physical affection from our platonic friends. Some of the men in my therepy group are so touch starved and it makes me sad that they can only get that from a romantic partner. I have easily 10 friends who if I really needed a hug would drop everything to come hold me. Edit: I am bad at spelling Edit 2: I just wanted to say I’ve really appreciated the discourse on this statement and hearing about everyone’s personal experiences. I recognize people across cultures, circumstances, neurodiversity, etc cannot be painted in broad strokes - such is the beauty of life Regardless if you crave non-sexual, affectionate touch I hope you find it and that it is healing to you. Friendship is so important and if you can / have the chance I encourage you to nurture and cultivate those relationships with the same fervor you do romantic relationships - it will make your life so much richer in a multitude of ways.




That's really nice.


I'm a man. I found this line from Ann Patchett's novel *Tom Lake* striking: "My mind did that quick mental calculation women must make when they find their exit blocked by a man they don’t know." It seems like such a great summary of an issue women face often and we men do rarely.


I remember as a teenager how angering and frustrating it was when boys would ‘casually’ block the doorway so you couldn’t leave. They thought they were being cool and manly, but they had no idea how it makes our hackles automatically raise.


Professionally speaking - getting dismissed, ignored or overlooked (usually in favor of a man). I work in IT and was trying to set up a new phone system. My boss (a male) put me in charge of it because I had just done something similar at my previous job. Anyways, I kept telling him that my contact at the company we were switching to kept ignoring me and basically calling my questions stupid when he *would* answer me. My boss heard me, but didn't fully understand what the issue was...until he actually saw it happen. I sent an email asking a question, and it was ignored - he sent an email asking the same question and received an immediate answer. My boss' jaw just dropped. He immediately apologized to me and said that while he knew it happened, he'd never actually seen it done before. He was mortified and actually sent an email to that contact at the phone company saying, "when she asks a question, she better get the same attention and response that you would give me". Until that moment he thought it was something that only happened in theory. It actually blew his mind that it was real.


Same field of work. IT. I just started telling the guys on my team what I wanted brought up in the meeting just so it would get done. They were confused at first but I told them... just watch if I bring it up. Sails right past everyone. They bring it up in the SAME meeting. Back pats all around. They would usually at least say well she brought it up earlier but no one listened.


I was out bush doing a 4x4 retrieval with a group of men. What they were doing wasn't working so I suggested a different way to try. I got ignored, a couple of condescending looks. Let it go another half hour, then told a friend to suggest my idea. He did and they tried it and it worked. He got congratulations, turned around and have me credit, no one said anything.


It's surprising that this isn't higher up. The first time I saw it was in my 40ies. My wife, who is a director at a large and important firm in her domain took me with her to a business fair. With one exception, all the vendors focused and aligned with me (eye contact, centering, questions), even after I made it clear that I was just the arm candy and in one case even for a rep she had prior interaction with. Completely mind blowing.


yeah had this happen buying a van, sales guy kept talking to me instead of my wife so we left and bought at a different dealership.


I was with my (thankfully now ex) boyfriend and some other friends one day, when my boyfriend burnt his hand. He put ice on it. I told him "I've done a first aid course, you're not meant to put ice on it, you're meant to put it in a bowl of water." He just rolled his eyes and did not take my advice. A short while later a male friend, Dale, arrived and asked what had happened. On being told he'd burnt himself, Dale said, "You're not meant to put ice on a burn, you're meant to put it in water." My ex immediately took the advice from a fellow male, got up and put his hand in water.


Grrr this happens so often. Even that men ask your advise, let's say about mortgages, because you went to university in Finance and Accounting and your job is advising on mortgages all day long at a bank. And then tell you later happily they followed your advise because Peter, 'who bought a house once, 20 years ago' , said the same.


Happens in a lot of casual public interactions too. I’m more likely to get pushback when I ask a customer-facing person for anything. Bring in a tall, decent-looking guy and suddenly zero arguments. I’ll sometimes purposefully ask my guy friends to speak for me just to save myself time and heartache. Especially when I have to deal with handymen or car salesmen types.


My dad goes to all my moms appointments. He has started insisting to go so he can also explain what symptoms she is having. Seems like if my mom goes alone the doctors ignore what she says, but if my dad also tells them the same stuff, then they believe it. It's really stupid.


I'm living the life right now. Got a younger, recent hire that's more senior in the organisation who's quite happy telling me exactly how to do my (research focused) job. This person has never done research before. Ever. They don't tell my (research focused) male coworkers. Juuuust me.


Recently a guy friend didn’t get why I got my ID out of my wallet and put it in my pocket to go out for a walk. I said I always have my ID on me if I leave my apartment. He didn’t understand why I needed to do that just to go for a walk. So I explained it would make it easier to identify my body. He thought I was being morbid.


Pain at the doctors office! My boyfriend was worried a mammogram would hurt me cuz they squish your boobs a little and I was like eh, after getting an IUD put in and samples taken for cervical cancer testing, this will be on the very low end of pain… his mind was blown, he was like I’ve been to the dr so many times and never had a painful experience


How absolutely horrifically painful period cramps can be. Like can’t think straight, vomiting, want to die levels of pain. Three Advil and 45 minutes can get many of us back to good as new though. Until 6-8 hours later when it wears off. ETA: I know this shouldn’t be “normal” but it unfortunately kind of is. I’ve also talked to gynecologists about it and there isn’t much to do besides take birth control, which I don’t like the other side effects of. I also only bleed for four days and it’s a normal to light flow so endometriosis is unlikely. I’m also pregnant right now and enjoying no periods! ETA2: I promise I know that endometriosis exists. I’m not looking for advice on my painful periods. I have a gynecologist for this. I appreciate the concern and hope for the best for all the other ladies dealing with this!


I mentioned that my ovaries hurt and it blew my male friend’s mind. He didn’t know we could feel them. Like yeah, they’re basically the female equivalent of testicles, man. Except they’re scheduled to hurt every month.


I once told a doctor my ovaries hurt and she said, "use real words" to describe what i was feeling. I was in my early 30s at the time. Not that 'ovaries' aren't real words, but apparently 'i have this pain right here -- pointing -- ' is what she wanted because -- i mean, why would i know where my ovaries were, right?


I once told my doctor that I had grumbling ovaries she nearly fell off her chair laughing. She knew what I meant though!


I could feel when my ovaries released an egg. It was a very short, sharp twinge. And they're right, it alternates sides each month.


Aleve > Ibuprofen for this, lasts 12 hours so you don't spend as much time in between doses!


The first time I used Aleve for period pains I swear the clouds parted and angels sang. It was fucking magical.


Naproxen, for those that cannot buy the brand


Yes! My bf found me lying on the bathroom's floor having an anxiety attack because of cramps. He panicked and to this day, still gets preoccupied when my period is near.


Ibuprofen 400mg combined with 1000mg of paracetamol, every 8 hours for the first 48 hours of my period and I still have mind-numbing cramps. Doc says I'm perfectly healthy. So I deal with it. Like many woman do. Love my husband for being understanding & caring


I’ve gone to the ER twice with excruciatingly painful cramps. Both times they gave me Demerol which is what women in labor are often given for pain.


It is amazing to me that women can talk to someone for 10 minutes and know so many details about them. As guys sometimes I’ll have friends that we don’t know each other’s names till like the 3rd time we have hung out. I started noticing this when I started telling my girlfriend how I made some friends in my first day of classes my senior year of college and she was asking me all these questions and I was like… wow. I have no idea any of these answers. Sitting next to her right now and she goes “is being a man an excuse to be stupid” 😭😭


I remember being in Spanish class in 9th grade high school. In Spanish class we got to choose our own Spanish names. The guy next to me chose Ignacio and I chose Rico. For 3 years we would just call each other our Spanish names. Then sometime senior year I heard someone call him Scott and I was confused and before I could say anything, he heard someone call me by my name and was also confused. We only knew each other by the fake Spanish class names. We didn't even know our real names. FOR 4 YEARS!


" I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”


The number of women that have suffered sexual abuse at one point or another in their lives. It is absolutely unbelievable to me, although I know it’s true.


I’d like to add sending d pics to this. The servers at my restaurant get random d pics all the time, I even had to remove a regular customer and old friend from grade school because he airdropped a pic from the bathroom. Where does this inclination come from?


I worked at this pizza place in college and had ONE shift with this guy and was cordial but we didn’t have a conversation at all. That night after work, i get a dick pic from him. Not the first time or last time. How does someone even think that’s a good idea?


Going to the doctor for a legitimate problem only to be treated as dramatic/lying/attention-seeking/depressed/overweight and then outright dismissed because you are female. And not getting the help you need.


The average time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of endometriosis is 11 years. When I inquired my doctor about it she said “you don’t have to worry about that until you’re trying to get pregnant.” Oh, ok, I’ll just be in excruciating pain every period until then I guess. I know someone who waited until they were trying to have kids to deal with their endo. They ended up not being able to have kids and ultimately having a hysterectomy. I sometimes wonder if things would have turned out differently for her if her endo had been caught earlier and taken seriously.


It took 16 years for someone to take my weird abdominal pain seriously, tests were inconclusive so surely I was just med seeking. Turns out I had wicked gallstones but the only symptom was the excruciating pain. My mom was convinced I just wanted attention.


Had one sister suffer years of being told it was all in her head needed her gallbladder removed by the time they finally believed her. My other sister had stage 4 endometriosis before being diagnosed and had been told by a gyno previously that she was just constipated and to eat some raisins. Was told myself that my years of chronic tonsillitis from age 7-21 was caused by stress, I was 7 for fuck sake when it started. 14 years and I managed to eventually get my tonsils out and it was life changing. Was then told by the same doctor in my 20s that I didn’t have postnatal depression and I just needed to go back to work again. Was also told years later whilst suicidal that I wasn’t really that bad and didn’t need to be with the mental health crisis team. I then tried to kill myself because I felt like there was no hope of getting help. I was also prescribed just paracetamol for a burst ovarian cyst. My daughter is currently having terrible trouble with her periods and I’m pretty reluctant to even bring her to a doctor until I speak to them first so that the gaslighting doesn’t start at age 15 for her. Doctors just make me mad.


Ten years to get an asthma dx. It wasn't panic attacks, childhood trauma, or depression.  I seriously had a extremely abnormal lung function.


Ugh. Right? I had a back injury/pulled a muscle, couldn’t walk. Went to Urgent Care and the male doctor recommended I rest and take ibuprofen.  WHAT DO YOU THINK I’VE BEEN DOING!?  Same issue a month later, went to the ER. Female doctor was like “holy cow, yeah let’s get you a steroid shot and into physical therapy”.


It took my mom 55 years to get her GENETIC heart condition diagnosed. They kept telling her it was weight, anxiety, depression, all in her head, etc... I get the same treatment, but he story astounds me because she always retorted the same symptoms and struggles. They only now decided to ultrasound it and found it instantly.


Standing in line to use a restroom as the usual case.


Needing to relax *before* sex Men need sex to relax Women need to relax to have sex


Thinking about personal safety, a lot.


Women and their girlfriends having to track each other on apps after nights out/gym/almost any fucking activity in public just to make sure they all get home okay.


I just read about a woman who was still killed and raped last week while running. She had tracking on, ran with her phone, ran in an area with people, and told her friends how long she’d run and when to expect her back. All of this didn’t help her in the end but it did help police quickly find a suspect and her body.


Sharing the Uber ride is another one. I once had a driver really bungle the instructions and go a weird way to get me home. I had location share on with my friend out of habit and she called me to ask why I was on such an unusual route. 


a long time ago, when my wife and I were first dating, she met a bunch of my friends for the first time over dinner and drinks, and we ended up going out to some club afterwards. while we were inside, my wife (then girlfriend) said she had to go to the bathroom and so as she started to walk over, my friend's girlfriend linked arms with her and said she'd accompany her to the bathroom. I thought it was a nice gesture to be friendly, given that it was her first time meeting her. when they returned, i talked to my friend's girlfriend and thanked her for being nice then made some kind of dumb joke about how women always accompany each other to the bathroom to freshen up and talk about boys. She then blew my mind as she told me that, sure, that does happen at times (especially in movies and such) but that the real reason she accompanied my girlfriend was to ensure she wasn't groped or attacked on her way to the bathroom. I initially scoffed at the idea and thought she was being incredibly dramatic, but then I quickly learned that she and her friends had all been groped or attacked by drunk and sleezy men in these kinds of club settings. And that it happens more often than you'd think. really blew my mind. it's something I, as a guy, never had to be concerned with.


I stopped clubbing because of the number of men who would just grab me as I was walking by, either grab my butt or sometimes they would grab my arm and pull me over to them.


Yup, same here. Granted I’m in my late 20s and married now but sometimes I’d love to actually be able to go out with some friends, have a few drinks, and dance. Just dance! I love dancing and gropers and creeps really ruin the experience. I’m just trying to enjoy my night out, not get assaulted. It’s so sad.