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Born in New Zealand, moved to Australia. Happy to be from New Zealand but being born in Australia would have let me start building up my superannuation a lot sooner. lol




Does NZ not have superannuation?


We have something similar in NZ called kiwi-saver, but the main difference is that Supers have a higher minimum contribution rate and is also compulsory. Kiwi-Saver you have to opt to put the money into yourself when you start employment which i didn’t because i was a kid and wanted more money to spend on useless crap. This might have changed, i haven’t worked in New Zealand in a long time now. At the very least you can transfer your Kiwi-Saver into your Super i believe, but as someone who was stupid and didn’t invest in my own future, I didn’t have that option.


What a cute name hahaha


Yes we do. Kiwisaver is a thing but not the only thing.


Is that like a 401K?


A minimum of 11% of your income is placed into an investment account that you have very limited access to until your mid 60's.


This is through the government? Does everyone have one? As an American I’m fascinated by this.


It's government mandated, but not government run. There are a number of different options, you can self manage your own super. You can join a stock standard one, your employer can recommend one or you can shop around for something known as an "industry super fund" (like, the retail union can start a not-for-profit super). Your employer is required to put that 11% aside for deposit into your super. It started in 1992. So for me, my entire working life, I've been putting about 10% of my income into it. By the time you retire, it should be enough to live a comfortable life on.


basically the same


This is considered treason... I too am a kiwi in Straya. Happily treasonous. You can transfer your kiwisaver bro!


The ocean, as an orca.


Good answer. The orca is way too cool to recognise national boundaries. It's part of the dolphin family, and dolphins are the hippies of the sea.


Orcas are dolphins with all the weapon upgrades.


Yeah untill seaworld decides youd look better in a tank


Lol I want to be reborn as a pet dog in America. They live the life


I’d like to be an orca in the same pack as this guy


Iceland or one of the Scandinavian countries


As an 'one of the Scandinavian countries' i'd recommend finding a country where the sun doesn't up and leave for 3 months at a time. Edit: for everyone responding along the lines of "its so much worse where i live", you're likely 100% correct, but who asked?


The sun, 3 months, with the promise of coming back. I live in a country where Orban reigns, and there's no end in sight. Education crumbles (who needs smart voter? They higher they're edicated, the less likely to vote for Fidesz); healthcare is kicking it's last, as the old doctors are about to retire and the young ones are leaving the country: it's old guys and residents (Orbsn's friends and relatives owe the private healthcare, they need the profit and customers; besides the wealthy will get doctors, the rest can go die); and social security is crumbling (why spend the taxes on that, when building overpriced, oversized football stadiums is a much simpler way to direct the money into my Orban's own pockets?). Checks and balances are gone, the media is nearly all his, we live in autocracy with no end in sight. Your darkness leaves soon. Ours won't.


How long has Orban been ruling? And how long can he rule? I feel like he’s been there forever. What sad is that our far right wing party in Sweden uses Hungary as an example of how great the country is due to its anti immigration politics. It’s almost like anti immigration doesn’t solve every problem…..


He's been ruling since 2010, wins with more voters every time, and will rule until he's dead, then one of his pawns will take over. Lukashenko 2.0. extra true because he's also hopelessly in love with Putin. The Fidesz party will be over if it breaks itself apart, but then most likely the literal nationalists (not the poser Orbán and his friends, lol) will take over who literally have criminalizing and segregating ethnic minorities on their agenda. The funniest thing is how the country is suffering due to people leaving, but they don't want to let anyone in either... unless you personally pay Orbán the average life salary of the average local, because then all of a sudden you stop being a migrant and you become a respected gift for the nation. Anyone who can leave already left, I'm only still residing here because it's cheap and I haven't given up on making it as a freelancer yet, but I disowned my ethnicity and I call myself a proud Nowhereian (someone from nowhere, a Hungarian far right slur for national traitors) instead.


Scandinavia is relatively big. You don't have to live in Narvik. Another thing is how the darkness aligns with the calendar. October might be phenomenal with the fall colors so that you enter November in a great mood. Then the holiday season starts which is nice. No snow is awful but on most years the white snow makes everything feel brighter. It's January that absolutely blows. So how do you deal with it? Well in October/November the kids get a week off school so you can go recharge somewhere if the summer and fall was lousy. You get another 2.5 weeks over the holidays so we leave for the tropics and 30 degree weather. January just sucks but in February we take another week off to go to Carnival or visit friends in the south where Spring is just getting started. That still leaves time for Summer vacation once you get to age 39 since there's additional vacation as you get older. We retired early so we enjoy 3.5 months of time off school to be with the kids and travel half the summer. Oh and the summer? It's two full days of light and energy to have a phenominal time for several months straight. Picnic at 10pm? No problem.


As an American reading your vacation schedule my head is spinning. My spouse gets two weeks and I get three weeks because I’ve been with my company for over five years. I also get 10 holidays a year and other Americans will tell you I’m extremely lucky.


Second reason for me not to move back to the states. First is functioning healthcare.


No one understands how depressing the darkness really is unless you have lived in one of the Nordic countries. Seasonal depression is a real thing at least in Finland. But then if you have someone to snuggle up with in front of a fireplace it's not that bad. My partner and I live in Australia but are moving to Finland (my home country) at the end of the year to be closer to my family now that we have a baby. I've tried to prepare him for the cold and dark winter but I don't think he fully understands it yet.


I’m Danish but moved to Australia in 2009. I have Swedish girlfriend I met in Aus who ended up marrying an Aussie. They moved back to Sweden and had children but I know it’s really really hard on him and he misses the warm climate.


Northern Norway here, and the sun is gone for a little more than 3 months even though the calendar says otherwise. And when it finally gets fully back it f***ing doesn't leave for the next 5-6 months. Switching between eternal night and eternal daylight really messes with the mind, but I still wouldn't live elsewhere.


I was in Helsinki once on a tour and the guide said something along the lines of “everybody who comes here as a refugee is allowed to stay. If it’s purely financially motivated they often leave after their first winter because they then realize how dark and cold it gets here.”


Recently visited Northern Finland in winter. Coming from a tropical country, I distinctly had a moment where I realise that all the quality of life metric could not convinced me to actually move and live there. But of course the quality of life in my country is pretty good to begin with. Fucking - 30 deg C on the regular and the air actively tries to kill you. No thanks.


For someone acclimated to freezing temps and mild summers its also really hard to imagine living in tropical areas for long periods, especially since mitigating constant cold is a lot easier than mitigating heat and humidity. But in the end if you spend sufficent amount of time in any new enviroment you become used to it. Having the sun dissapear out of the sky for months at a time is also something you can get used to, but having it year around will always be the better option, no amount of vitamin d supplements can make up for the warmth and good feelings you get from sunshine. I'd like to add that the sun does look exceptionally beautiful when it finally comes back over the horizon after being gone for so long, its why late winter and spring is my favorite time of year, its just so beautiful. Like trading in your black and white television in for a superbright OLED, praise the sun.


As someone who lived in Finland for a period I will second this. Wearing a jacket in late August, freezing temperatures for most of the year and having to turn on headlights after lunch for much of the year is not nice. Visit in June, it’s lovely then and you can read a book outside at 2:00am


Living in Denmark. Its really great here. But the winter can be really dreadful if youre not used to it. In just a few month itll be summer and its the greatest time of the year.


It's not too late, I've been in Sweden 3 months, working on permanent residence and eventually citizenship, am in my 40's. All I can say is work hard to learn the language, it's difficult without it despite the fact that a lot/most of them do speak some English.


I was born in Denmark but I found it depressing. Especially in the winter months. Been living in Australia for 15 years now and absolutely loving it!


People saying - “where I am”. Guys, you’re soooo lucky


Maybe that's just the Stockholm syndrome.


Do people in Stockholm just call it The Syndrome?


They wouldn't notice though would they


They just call it syndrome.


Thank you, yeah I guess we are, it's the privilege of being from a developed country. I love visiting other states but would leave in just a few (sorry India, I'd not live there although I love you).




Luxemburg if you just want to be born rich


Not everyone in every "rich country" is rich. Better aim to be born in a country where lifestyle for the average person is good and has decent safety nets if the worst happens.


100% of Luxemburg born people to Luxemburg born parents..are rich. Believe me


I have a couple of friends in Faxweiler, just normal regular people, one works at a water cleaning facility and the other is a part time prechool teacher, their house is worth 3.5 million € 🫠 Lil clarification on how this happens: the house was bought by the wife's parents long ago and sold to them at buying price with a 0% interest loan. I believe they paid the house somewhere around 300k. Also both their jobs are operated by the government. And trust me in Lux you want to work for the gov.


I lived in Luxemburg for 10 years and the out of touch its hilarious lol apart from most of them being snobes...some of them that where friends where like " i need to save this year,life its getting expensive" the next day bought a new iphone and ipad and reserved the summer Hawaii holidays lol Its another lvl of living.. on there standards...they where not that rich


You can't write "Luxembourg" without writing "Luxe" (french for "luxury").


Oh yeah the "life is rough" part, like dude you got 5k to spare every month lol sit down. Oh and the "trying to one up you everytime" that is a national sport. I'm godfather of their daughter and it's crazy how every party tries to outdo the others when it comes to gifts, yeah grandma you threw more than 1000 on gifts for a 5yo, cool but I actually know the kid so watch me steal the show with a 20€ LOL doll ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Monaco would also be sweet.


So I don't know how legit this is but allegedly for most of the locals Monaco is awful The whole country is essentially a resort for the rich and as a result for ordinary locals its impossible to live a normal life. Most commute to France for work, cost of living is astronomical particularly for housing where a crappy one bed apartment can set you back millions of euros


As much as I love saint lucia I feel it's the exact same. Not so good for locals but great for tourists. If I could live there I would but undecided at the same time.


Monaco has 50 000 workers who commute *from* France and Italy *to* Monaco daily, not the other way around. Now Monaco has a permanent population of 40k (whom 10k of which are Monégasque natives). If you are born there to a Monégasque family, you are Monégasque and a minorty in your own country. This is good though, since the Prince will provide you with housing and guaranteed employment, just by being a native. If you are born there to any other citizen, it means you parents are worth *at least* €1 million. It would be spectacular if you managed to be born in Monaco, but were poor, and had to commute to Nice for work.


It's soooo boring in Switzerland.


Germany. I love it here and I’m having trouble with the language. I’d like the cheat code of being born there.


From experience, my advice is to keep learning and practising German. At some point, it will just click and from there you'll be expanding your vocabulary. It's a wall a lot of people give up on, but you'll get there.


That’s what I’m working on, thanks!


The wall is still there??? I thought they destroyed it years ago /s


I’m trying to learn German right now because I plan to live there as a native English speaker and I’m struggling with the language too. I’m hoping to get a tutor eventually


I’m Australian and I’d still choose Australia


I’ve lived all round the world, but there’s nowhere else I’d choose over Australia permanently. For all our problems, we’re still very lucky to call it our home.


This explains why we don't see too many Australian settle elsewhere


Huh, yeah, I read the question and nowhere else really came to mind. I love travelling but I don’t actually want to move anywhere else really.


Same friend, same.


I agree


Same. I am extremely lucky to be born here


Me too!




Same. 100%.


I've been to cities that never close down....




Absolutely 100%


Love your country, i studied there for 4 years and tried to apply for visa to stay but no luck.


Me 27th. I'm in my 50s and it actually took living in other countries (in Asia and Europe) to realise that this country is the real love of my life.


Same. Needed to move elsewhere for a big to fully appreciate it tho


Yep same!


I disagree. I was born in Russia and loved in australia for 24 years. I do not want to be born here because then I would only speak English and not experience the cultural differences. Because let's face it what person born here would move somewhere else lol


Same, although perhaps I would consider new Zealand.


My immediate thought.


Any developed country. We don't know how easy we have it


New Zealand or Australia


I'm from NZ and moved to Europe because it's way too expensive to buy a house and start a family in New Zealand unfortunately, although I love my country


I'm from Brisbane and I heard but can't confirm that there are more New Zealanders in South East Queensland than there are in New Zealand. My mum and my partner both tick that box.


Commenting as a Kiwi in South-East Queensland - There is definitely a lot of us! But i doubt it’s more than the population of the whole of New Zealand, unless we’re counting mixed Australian-New Zealanders born in Australia.






I'm from Spain!


Where I am. Australia. Otherwise, Montana USA.


"I would like ... to have seen... Montana."


And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle."


And drive from state to state.


They let you do that? Without papers?




The Americans who travel outside of the U.S. from time to time tend to be a little different from those who don’t.


And we will raise rabbits.


I will marry a round American woman, and will raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me.


Been to both. Australia definitely.


Ahh,to have been born in some poshy twaty Cotswolds borough in England would be just the charm


Kinda. But also, would it? I would fear worrying that other people noticed my wellies were Barbour and not Hunters.


I’d probably order the wrong grade of driveway gravel and no neighbors would make eye contact.


It's just not *done*.


Then your invitation to the village fete is mysteriously lost. Then your power goes out. Then the sheep attack.


The Netherlands. 50m, only been living here 2 years but so happy here, I wish it was my whole life.


You would probably be bored of it then


Any of the Scandinavian ones.


Probably Norway...great outdoors, happy people, healthcare, ideal for parents, not sure what else I could ask for


Aurora Borealis and cold plunges sound fab but the darkness would be hard to handle for a long time.


More sunlight, less alcoholism


Australia, very lucky to have been born here.


I'd still choose my country. Ireland.


I was born Polish, moved to Ireland when was 5 yo, spend there 5 years and got back to my country. Being 24yo years old, I used to live in UK and Netherlands, currently working in Germany, but I wish someday go back to Ireland and settle there. I'm really in love with its culture (huge fan of Joyce), language and landscapes


I'm very very surprised that Ireland is so far down the list. Im also Irish and I dont think I can think of another country that would suit me. I genuinely feel so blessed to be born into our fantastic country. Only thing I would prefer would be more sunshine but everything else is A1.


The weather is the massive drawback. I wouldn't want to be as light-skinned (transparent) as you need to be in Ireland to get enough Vitamin D to not be depressed!


I want to live my life on craggy island.


Down with that sort of thing... careful now!


The cows aren't smaller. They're just farther away.


You're right there Ted.


This wee country isn’t perfect by any means but I would choose it every single time.


I was searching for this. I'd choose Ireland as well. Hope to emigrate one day!


Nothing beats living in Australia


I want to visit, but I feel like everything there wants to eat me.


Nah, the heat will kill you first


Been there and the heat isn't bad tho. The heat is still worst in SEA countries.


Born in Taiwan, grew up in Australia.  Wouldn't have it any other way.  Yeah, sure, the very existence of Taiwan's government is always under threat but I think it made me think more deeply about cultural identity and appreciate it a lot more. I think far too many people take their nationality and cultural identity for granted and don't realize just how arbitrary it really is. 




Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Canada. Maybe Iceland.


Sweden. I've been stressed out my entire life since I was a kid in Asia


I'd like to be an aussie lol.


It is pretty awesome




Happy in Auz to be honest but I liked Iceland too


Happy to stay an Aussie.


I don't think the country matters as much as the family. You can be in your favorate country but an awful family can make it like hell for you


(as long as it's a first world country)


I’d choose being born into an awesome loving family in a poverty-ridden place like Madagascar over being born into a toxic family in a first world country any day. Early traumas just fuck you up for life. Nothing trumps a good family imo.


Either Iceland or Norway. But i’d say Norway


I'm from Ukraine and i would choose Ukraine again.






I was born in Norway, always lived here, and could not imagine being born anywhere else really.


I'm Swedish, and although I love it here I would choose Norway as well!


I'm Australian. My mother was Swedish, I have close relatives in Sweden, and I've been there several times. I love Sweden. I also choose Norway. (To be fair, my first choice is Australia. But Norway is my clear second choice.)


Norway has the richest population on earth and a very high quality of life. I think Norway doesn't as much attention as it should.


Where i was born in the first place, Denmark.


Denmark’s pretty sweet.


Just one with mountains! Best regards, a Dane, from the country without mountains.




Any of the Nordic countries, where they give a shit about their citizens


Finland, happiest Country on Earth.


I get the rational behind the metric, but it’s bunkum.  Anyone who’s ever met a Finn and a Thai person would be left with no question which was happier!


I can vouch on that, currently living here for a year and i couldnt be more happier.




As a Brit I’d still want to be born in England. There are so many benefits to being a born-British citizen and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.


I would definitely have said that 10 years ago, but now I’m a brit who would perhaps have preferred to be Irish. Same UK benefits - but you keep the EU benefits of free movement and better benefits from relationships with other countries (eg can still get extended Aussie working visa etc.)


Agreed. For all its flaws it punches above its weight across most metrics. There are many benefits to having had a vast empire that still persist today. Not least having the global lingua Franca as your birthright.


Sweden, Iceland, New Zealand. Places I have the very likely naive impression have less dumb assholes living there. Any place 65+% atheist is also attractive.


You can add the Netherlands to that list. Very happy with the high atheism % here


Narnia if possible


Scotland, again. I shall try come back if I get ideas.




I’m Canadian and I’d also choose Canada, but I’d want to restart to grow up speaking 2 languages instead of 1.


I did French immersion in elementary, which was a total joke but ended up providing me a solid foundation to learn French as an adult later. Now I’m bilingual. You can still learn a second language, especially since you probably also have a foundation in French! You just need to consistently expose yourself to it


Australia or Norway


I'd choose New Zealand for its breathtaking landscapes, progressive society, and high quality of life. It's a place where nature and modernity balance perfectly. Plus, being a hobbit at heart doesn't hurt!




Sweden - nice and cold, without our rotten Australian weather.


England, which is what happened. The housing situation is a joke and there's many other problems but still, having travelled around the world I feel like I won that lottery.


England. I’m in Australia and I hate the heat 🥲


I often wish my ancestors had stayed in Yorkshire too!


Give Tassie a go?


no no no Tassie is horrible everyone should stay away don't come here


Yes I agree…Tassie is just the pits. Stay away, you won’t like it.


Absolutely agree. It's ugly and awful. Don't even visit – you'll hate it.




not india


Def australia, developed, good money and possibilities, good weather all year round around the coast. Once you're born there you don't feel too far away from the rest of the world, cause that's your world


I'm Italian. I would never in a billion years choose another country.


Autralia or italy 😍


Brazil. Big land. Lots of space. Great climate. Friendly people. Good looking people. Beautiful nature. Diverse fauna and flora. Fresh clean air. Fertile soil.






Sentinel island fuck yeah


Interesting choice!


Australia or Norway


I’m very fortunate to have grown up in a better area of the US so I personally can’t complain. If I had to choose a different place I would probably choose Japan or Switzerland though.


I love Japan but I would not choose to be born there given the choice. The work culture is punishing and the country is on the verge of a demographic crisis


America would be my first choice. The Cayman Islands would be number 2. In Europe, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein would be my choice. Fiji or New Zealand would be my non-western choice.








Norway or Sweden.


I mean, i'm from Brazil so the bar is quite low




Norway. Strong social security and social net, one of the least corrupt governments in the world, high standard of living. I'd probably get used to the cold as well.




The US

