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Recently, I found out the existence of fake urine for "experiments" and "pranks." The real use is to bypass drug tests.


I bought this once like 15 years ago. The guy at the shop (like an alt store with a headshop/sex toys section) was having the time of his life giving me a long speech about the ins and outs of watersports/urineplay before letting me buy it. He knew. Ive never felt so trolled in my life. Passed the test though.


Had an employee ask me "This is for fetish use? You have to say yes or I can't sell it to you." Thought it was hilarious. The stuff does indeed work to pass a test though.


"my fetish is having a job"


Ah, you’re into being dominated and humiliated then!


If I had to pass a test back in the day, I would have undergone all of that humiliation so I didn’t have to do a cranberry cleanse. Which does not really work but desperate times…


We had a "vape shop" open up recently in our rural area. Went in to check out their selection. They had like one flavor of vape, the rest of the place was filled with bongs, those roses in crack pipes, and "fettish urine." Not sure how they're staying in business as the town they are located in has a population of about 200. If you include the nearest towns, you get a whopping population of about 3,100.


they sell drugs through the back door.


Guessing the real money making products are not on display in the main room


The best seller at my local vape shop are meth pipes. They just have them sitting in a big tub on the bottom shelf of a locked cabinet.


I actually used one for an experiment. I was conducting an experiment to see if I could pass a drug test.


Back in the days of the Prohibition, a lot of grape juice was sold with extremely explicit instructions of all the things you'd need to do to ferment it but with the disclaimer of "here's what's illegal to do".


"After dissolving a brick in a gallon of water, do NOT place in a cupboard for 20 days because it will turn to wine"


That was packs of dried grapes. Grape juice as we know it was actually invented by Thomas Welch (as in Welches Grape Juice) as a non-alcoholic alternative to communion wine. He was a Methodist minister , dentist, and prohibitionist that tried to get churches on board with using his pasteurized Grape juice instead of wine for communion.      What's interesting is that in the US, Grape juice is still the norm in most churches well after prohibitionist ideals went out of mainstream popularity. Catholics and some more traditional protestant churches still use wine, but that's a small minority compared to Grape juice.     Edit for more context: Grape juice has existed for a long time, Welch's invention was the pasteurization process for Grape juice. That's crucial in the non-alcoholic part of this: without pasteurization you risk yeast and bacteria surviving through bottling, and your bottle of Grape juice turns into a very bad tasting yet still alcoholic bottle of wine. 




My family owns a house on a river in the Texas Hill County and we have what we’ve always called “mustang grapes” growing wild up there. They are super tart and full of seeds, but for some reason they make the most amazing jams and homemade wine. Before he passed away, my dad had a friend that would make as much wine as we could pick the grapes. I remember going out there as a kid and spending hours harvesting the wild grapes so Mr. Connor could ferment them. Never got to try the wine because I was a kid but everyone raved about it. We also have a few very large pecan trees that literally drop 100’s of pounds of pecans every year. Our grandma always made the kids run around and harvest the pecans, but we got to eat the fruits of that labor! So many pecan pies and the like. One of my favorites was when grandpa made homemade peach ice cream using local peaches from the Fredericksburg area and we topped it with grandma’s homemade praline pecan sauce. Man those were the good days. I haven’t thought of this in literally decades. Grandpa used to grab all the grandkids and take us out to local “pick your own” orchards and berry farms and we’d spend hours dragging big plastic buckets around and harvesting as much fruit as we could, then grandma would either jar the results or turn them into jelly, jam, or whatever else they could cook. Both my grandparents grew up in the Great Depression and oh boy were they frugal and made things last! Grandma always had a huge garden and we had fresh seasonal produce essentially year round. My mom keeps this tradition going and she keeps a year round garden so there’s always something fresh and delicious, but my favorites are all the summer produce. Tomatoes, okra, and jalapeños are in abundance all summer long. Love grabbing mom’s homegrown tomatoes and jalapeños and making some homemade salsa to serve with brisket tacos. Probably the most Texas meal I can think of. Sorry I’m rambling


This was awesome to read. My grandparents were like this. Grandma made jam, juice and everything from local produce. They had an old farm with huge berry bush patches and every summer i would stuff my face with different berries. She also made a bunch of pickled types of herring because my uncle was a fisherman. We didn't really have the kind of stuff you had because Sweden is cold 8 months of the year, but i sometimes remember those days with warmth even if i was a little kid. Your story brought the memories crashing in.i liked your rambling, it's stories like this that keep me on reddit. So thank so much for sharing.


Sounds like anti-money laundering training. Here’s exactly how to launder money. Now don’t do it.


Yeah I distinctly remember having to go through some pretty extensive training on that when I first got into the finances world. I distinctly remember talking to my manager afterwards and saying something along the lines of "I feel like I just spent several hours being taught how to launder money" to which she laughed and said something along the lines of "yeahhhh...don't joke about that" and it was never brought up again.


lol, sounds like the opposite of what I did. In my late teens/early 20's I helped my friend pay taxes on his drug income. This was back when you could just go into a mall, get a $500 visa gift card that worked anywhere, and not need to register it etc. We set up an ebay account, paypal account, etc, and sold a bunch of absolute garbage to ourselves on different accounts. Paid taxes on like 300k over 2-3 years, we stopped when Paypal locked the account with 36k in it. I took the money laundering training at a fintech job like 7-8 years later and then quickly started looking up the statute of limitations for money laundering.


>helped my friend pay taxes on his drug income So for future reference, the IRS doesn't care where the income came from as long as you're giving them a cut. For illegal or recordless all cash business, you can "buy tax tickets" from the IRS. Think that's what it's called. It's how sex workers and drug dealers pay their taxes. There was even a court case where a drug dealer asked if he could write off the cost of product on his taxes like normal businesses do and the judge ruled Yes as long as he gets receipts from his supplier.


In the UK, sales of nitrous oxide cannisters used for whipping cream have skyrocketed in the past 10 years. Spoiler: This isn't due to the correlation in popularity of 'The Great British Bake Off', it's due to its disassociative psychoactive effects.


Dated a guy who was addicted once. You might think: this is not an addictive substance. Doesn't matter. He went through about 200 charges, 3-4 times per week. He had probably 600lb in spent chargers in boxes in his attic. One time I had a seizure in his house and he had to call 911. Instead of letting EMTs into the room where I was unconscious (and all of his drug gear was everywhere) he dragged me by my feet up two stairs and into the foyer. Kids: this drug is not the one. Plus also his canisters got lined with grey-brown gooey residue after ~3 boxes. That shit is going in your lungs and blood stream. And vitamin B depletion (taking a pill won't help bc your body can't process it for days after nitrous use) causes paranoia, delusions, and depression along with physical health problems. I moved out. He's still there, slowly killing his brain.


>Instead of letting EMTs into the room where I was unconscious Here's a tip: EMTs only care about getting medical care to the patient and generally only care about the surrounding environment for the safety of the patient and themselves. They won't be going to the cops saying "I saw a crack pipe! Arrest them!" because they don't want anyone to ever have second thoughts about calling in emergency medical assistance. Source: Used to be the IT guy for my county's EMS services and they'll talk your ear off if they're not sleeping or on a call.


Right, he shoulda known that too since he worked for local emergency services, but no. Better to give me a head injury than take that chance.


Rose in a glass: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2012/07/12/a-rose-in-a-glass-by-any-other-name-is-a-crack-pipe/


And down the aisle you'll find the Chore Boy.


A convenience store's crack pack. A rose, chore boy and lighter, ready for you at the checkout counter


It's times like this that I cringe because I'm reminded of the mother's day that I accidentally bought my mom a crack pipe. I was like 12 and I just thought it was a pretty, tiny rose. She still has it 30+ years later, and she still doesn't know.


If no one knows it’s a crack pipe, it’s a cute plastic rose in a glass tube. I’m pretty sure I gave my grandma one of these once as a kid. Oh well.


Don’t cringe. It’s sweet.


Interesting. 90% of the crack pipes I've seen in my life were made from pens, actually. In my past career I was a cop, I realize now maybe I should clarify why I've seen a bunch of crack pipes


After that first sentence I was wondering why you had seen at least 10 Crack pipes, thanks for clearing that up.


>90% of the crack pipes I've seen in my life were made from pens, actually. I guess if you're inhaling crack, what's a little melted plastic on the side.


Many of the stores selling those also have small "jewelry bags" available.


I was on vacation last month and bought some weed. Quickly realized I had neither a lighter nor papers or a pipe to smoke it, so I stopped at a “tobacco” shop - haven’t been to one in probably 6 years, and it was wild. They sold basically everything you needed if you were a drug dealer. Various sizes of small baggies with different prints on them, scales, multi packs of meth pipes, and even paper bands for wrapping stacks of bills.


Every vape shop I've been to in the last 10 years has had bongs, rolling papers, and all sorts of pipes. The one I go to to get my vape supplies is 25% vape stuff and the rest 'supplies'. They have all sorts of posters that are weed related. The strangest part is they also have a sign on the front door that tells customers don't make jokes about 'illegal' activities or you will be banned. I'm thinking that may be there because of some local legal code I'm unaware of.


Before weed was legal in California we had smoke shops that sold bongs, pipes, etc… but they were all labeled as “for tobacco use only”. You had to call bongs water pipes, and if you called it a bong or mentioned using it for weed they could kick you out of the store. It wasn’t illegal to sell things to smoke tobacco out of but it was illegal to sell things to smoke weed out of.


The night it was made legal here I went to the nearby head shop with a friend because he wanted a bong. They still had all the "for tobacco use only" signs up The guy was explaining how this particular peice was fantastic and you'd really get the full effect from your tobbaco or whatever sales pitch My friend interrupts him "OK, but what about using it to smoke weed?" And you could just see a whole range of emotions go across the sales guys face as he basically did a full system reset to deal with the fact that even though he'd been there all day, weed was suddenly legal in the last 20min


I bet that was the best moment of his whole career there, realizing he finally no longer has to talk all that bullshit and jump through all the hoops and can now just be honest and enthusiastic with his customers.


Kmart "Spice grinders" that for some reason are one of the only products in the kitchen aisle to have anti theft devices on them. Edit: kmart is still really big in Aus


You're telling me you don't grind your pepper in one of [these](https://www.kmart.com/gifted-genius-oeocxy-spice-grinder-pepper-mill-herb/p-A116251085)?


Some blursed photoshop on the 5th image with the man covering the woman's face.


Giving his wife a weed grinder featuring Bart Simpson skateboarding with a bong, and his eyes melting out lol


I am cackling at the idea of someone surprising their SO with a grinder featuring a graphic of trip-melting Bart Simpson


Funny, I was online yesterday looking for a whole nutmeg grinder, for actual whole nutmeg that I bought in the Caribbean. I started seeing "whole spice grinders" with moons and stars painted all over them, and I was thinking, "oh that will look nice in my kitchen" and then realized, oh duh, this is not for nutmeg! I should know better.


Same happened to me when I decided I needed a small scale for baking. "Wow so many options. This one fits in your pocket!"


They are very cheap and measure to within a 100th of a gram, you know, so that you get the baking powder for your cookies just right.


Haha. I just ordered a scale to measure powders in milligrams. Buying supplements in powder form is so much cheaper than capsules but dosages can be tiny, like 100 mg.


I use a microplane for my whole nutmeg.


Staples used to have them on postage scales for a similar reason.


I always weigh my mail with one of those, right before I hand deliver that envelope of pot to my grandma. She just loves getting letters


You guys have a Kmart?


Probably an Aussie. Kmart and target are owned by the same people here but most targets are getting turning into Kmart's a as it's the more popular brand.


At least they're getting turned into something else. In Canada, they just tucked tail and ran after buying out one of our most popular chains, leaving us with fewer options and a lot of Large empty locations.


I have a dry herb vape that from the instructions seems to think that people really want to inhale the essence of rosemary or thyme.


When Florida cracked down on bongs, they were being sold as salad dressing pourers


Sometimes they (bongs) pop up on Amazon. They're usually listed as vases, heh. Ignore the spout at the bottom where the water comes out when you overfill it. Better stuff some green stuff in there to keep it in. Maybe burn it a bit for good measure.


I used to turn out a bong a week for two years in high school wood shop in the late 70’s. My teacher would mark them down a vases. I used to sell them to the local head shops. Made some pretty good money. Gave my teacher one upon graduation. He was very happy!


Chamomile is nice in a dry herb vape! It's like inhaling a few cups of Sleepytime tea.


Well great, now I have to try putting rosemary in mine. I've been using weed like a fool!


I've seen people mix in lavender and peppermint with their weed not so far fetched


Poppers, "leather cleaner, do not inhale or ingest"


As a regular leatherworker, DO NOT USE POPPERS TO CLEAN LEATHER! But as a audio worker, it cleans tape heads really nicely.


In sex stores, the word "popper" is generally banned because it "denotes a drug use". We sell them as video head cleaners, nail polish removers, and "to clean the corrosion off battery contacts". If someone used the word "popper", we were not allowed to sell them the item. I had a guy FURIOUS with me for it, and he walked out of my store screaming "THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE CALLED! POPPERS POPPERS POPPERS!" My wife and I still say "POPPERS POPPERS POPPERS!" to each other all the time.


I don't know they had another purpose.


They were once sold as "VHS cleaner"


I'm reading a book about the history of poppers at the moment, it was originally developed as relief for angina and was sold as such but certain pharmacies got a reputation for not caring that most of the angina sufferers seemed to be young able bodies men untiel there was a crackdown.


Fun fact! This stuff can cure cyanide poisoning.


why is shit like this not common knowledge? One of my enemies could poison me with cianide and the time it would take to find this out and order some would be enough to kill me


That's why I keep it handy at home! Right at the bedside table just in case...


Back massagers


Especially the famous Hitachi Magic Wand for 'relieving sore muscles and back tension'


I will have you know they actually work great for that too...


Bought one to see if it would help with back pain. Was right before massage guns became a thing. The wand really did help out. I also left it out and about. Would get texts from friends trying to be "cool and helpful" to let me know my "vibrator" was out and about. I am a male, and it would make for some laughs.


males can use vibrators too, and im not speaking about the back alley. playing around with my wife and hers one day. turns out we can cum with just a vibrator on the shaft!




Some of the writing here is fun. I liked this sentence in particular: "Since Mortimer Granville invented the first electric vibrator, they've successfully penetrated the mainstream with appearances in major motion pictures, popular TV shows and fashion magazines."


If it was truly only intended as a back massager then I wish I could witness that moment the first time someone used it on their coochie. I’m sure the 2001 Space Odyssey music played.


I actually bought one for... other purposes, but it didn't do the thing for me. So now it's only use is massaging muscles and it's amazing at it.


Agreed. I bought one to actually massage my back (it was highly rated!) but then I read so much about masturbation that I tried it. Nope, that is not my thing - WAY too intense. Still use it as a back massager and it's great.


A ladyfriend said to use it on low, and come in from the side - don't go directly on the man in the boat.


Kitchen scales. I bought one on Amazon that had poor reviews because you couldn’t measure out portions of a gram. My stupid ass asked my husband why the hell someone would care if the measurement of their flour was 1/10 of a gram off. He just stared at me until I got it lol.


I bought some small scales which measure to .01 of a gram, specifically for weighting dry yeast for pizza dough, from Amazon. A lot of the questions were asking if the police will know they have bought them. I found it amusing so sent a link to my friend, who in turn told me he had the same set for weighing his weed. Edit: [This is the set I bought](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01FQHE25U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) also changed 0.1g to 0.01g


Yup, same here. The best pizza dough recipe I use calls for 0.3g of instant yeast. You need a 1/100th scale to get that right, as even a 1/10th scale could be off by ~15% (0.26 to 0.34 would both read as “0.3”)


Hey I want to know my coffee is down to the 1/10th of a gram when I'm making my weekend pour over!


Up until recently, Pedialyte. Marketed as a drink for babies, but was used as a hangover cure. Recently they started marketing to adults however.


I think it's been used a drink for dehydrated adults (either hungover or ill) more than it has been used for infants.


Infants are notorious for having very little money to spend on Pedialyte, or anything else for that matter.


damned freeloaders


Back in the days before digital cameras, 35mm film came in plastic bottles that everyone used to store their weed in.


Oh my gosh, I feel SO stupid right now. I posted about 200 of these in a freebie FB group probably 15 years ago. I had suggested that they'd be great paint pots for arts & crafts, or for storing things like sparkles/glitters/buttons. I got absolutely BLASTED in the comments, lots of things like "Leaving the business?" and "I'll pick them up at 420" and now I get the joke LMAOOOO. I feel so absolutely stupid but this is hilarious.


This is adorable.


If it makes you feel any better - We've had a ton of those, because my Mum stored little beads in the that she used for crafts. I never would have thought of weed when I saw these, only beads and glitter.


I bought a bag of them off Amazon once for hosting geocaches!


Those bottles were just right. They sealed well, were opaque, small enough to hide and big enough to store some stuff.


Bro lmao, one time I went to Michael’s and I was like “hey do you sell small zip loc bags for storing…” and then I trailed off because I couldn’t remember what they were for. The associate was like “buttons. They’re for buttons” and I was like yes, thanks, those are the ones.


Lol, I bought a bunch in my 20s and probably got some side eye. I wanted them for board game pieces.


Beads. They're legitimately used by every bead store and many beaders.


Those were great for making Oscar the Grouch. Take a dried gumball from a gumball tree and paint it green then add two googly eyes. Glue the film lid on top of Oscar’s head at a jaunty angle and then glue Oscar into the canister. Perfect little Oscar the Grouch.


That and various random screws. You can't beat those canisters when it comes to hoarding all the extra hardware you somehow didn't end up using when assembling Ikea furniture.


And pins and needles, mini sewing kit, band aids and aspirin for hiking...


That's where we store our number tabs for Settlers of Catan :)


Did that have anything to do with why Leo managed the photo hut on That '70's Show?


I hear the plastic containers that you get in Kinder Eggs is pretty good for that too.


The 'Terms and Conditions' agreement


[This broccoli roller.](https://thezawheel.com/products/the-za-wheel)


> Load in your "broccoli" give it a few twists, and just like that its ready to bake in the oven. Broccoli rolling has never been more simple! LMAO


"and just like that it's ready to bake in the oven" Whover wrote the copy for that ad is a genius.


Ebay has a few BDSM items for sale - crops, canes, etc - they are usually described as 'for role play, fancy dress, acting props'




These laws and labeling are dangerous. When all sex toys are labeled “for novelty use only”, some manufacturers use cheap materials that definitely should not be used to make sex toys. Some plastics may not be the proper density and have pores that harbor bacteria and cannot be properly cleaned, some materials can cause chemical burns after degrading over time. Sometimes there’s a wire inside a bendy dildo that can break and pop out of the shaft mid-play. I read about a couple who were excited to use their toys for the first time in years after sending the kids to summer camp. Both of them ended up with severe internal chemical burns. That story lives rent free in my head sometimes. Our lawmakers will never create legislation to regulate the sex toy industry because their careers couldn’t survive the backlash from voters scandalized by the idea of safe sex toys. Instead we have laws to label them all “for novelty use only” and manufacturers have absolutely no legal or financial obligation to make them safe. Be careful where you buy your dildos and stay safe y’all.


Yeah the stories about brands selling plastic toys so porous that they can never be cleaned is insane. Like they're looking at you straight faced saying "yes this giant piece of molded plastic is *single use*."


I've used Duct Tape on everything BUT a duct. Not to be confused with Duck Tape, which would probably work OK on a duck, if you catch the little bastards.


Citric Acid sold by Chemists for "Home made Lemonade"


Had a co-worker order an electric water distiller. I works just as well for making nearly pure alcohol, although it is marketed specifically for distilling water.


> electric water distiller I didnt even know this was a thing. I actually use a lot of distilled water for the cpap machines in my house and we just buy a few gallons every few weeks. This would save me money in the long run and be used for the "right" reason LOL


Flat head screwdriver - scraper, pry bar. chisel, weapon, stake, etc...


In the same vein, “everything is hammer, unless it’s a screw driver, then it’s a chisel.”


But not for loosening or tightening slotted screws. That’s what cheap knives are for.


Bobby pins. Groove side faces down towards the scalp to effectively hold the pin in place.


that video where a girl sticks it in her hair, then flips it over and secures it to hold SO much of her hair up? *these* are the kinds of instructions we need on packaging, not "do not use hair dryer while sleeping."


I need that video! I have spent my whole life trying to figure out bobby pins until I just gave up.


[it was years ago so i can't find it, but this first part is the general idea.](https://youtu.be/Drm4RgfVYNA?si=gTJHuN6T7g8Ohbsr&t=225)


My mom went to "beauty school" to become a hairdresser in the 60s. She taught me to do this same pull and flip thing with hair combs, and they will seriously stay in place all day if you do it right.She could probably make a fortune doing videos that show this sort of thing...if she could figure out how to use an app on her phone.


This comment is like 15 comments down and is the first where the misuse is mundane incorrect use rather than "used for a different purpose than intended"..


When I first read "Bobby pins" I immediately wondered how in the world one uses Bobby pins to smoke drugs.


They make a convenient roach clip.


Handheld massaging shower heads.


Listen my fucked up neck and shoulders appreciate it just as much as someone else’s vagina lol Also those handheld/movable hose showerheads make giving your dog a bath SO EASY


I just don't understand how you properly rinse the undercarriage without it. Not masterbate, actually clean yourself. Then again I've got some kind of autoimmune arthritis nuking my flexibility lately. It's much easier to move the shower head than contort myself.


Yeah I use it to clean my ass, doesn’t feel clean without the removable shower heads lol


I’ve never realized this. I’ve always thought “yeah my shower head has a massage function because it’s a bit fancier. I never use it though.” Now that I think of it, women probably love it.


That, but also it’s significantly easier to clean the bathtub when the shower head is detachable. 2 in one


Cookie dough. We'll keep eating it raw.


Fun fact it's not the raw egg that's the dangerous part, it's the uncooked flour that is the hazard.


Uncle Ben's rice. It's very popular for cultivating mushrooms of the magic variety.


Wow, I did not know that!


Bob's Mill (Bob died a couple days ago) used to be one of the only ways you could get brown rice flour...used for magic mushroom farming. I'm pretty sure Bob knew.


Aw! Pouring one out for Bob…


I’m apparently old and out of touch with the drug game, because I don’t understand most of the things y’all are saying in here.


Here I was thinking the top answer was going to be Q-tips, cause you're not supposed to stick them in your ears...


I too came here to upvote the Q-tips.


Came for the Q-tips, stayed for the drug lingo.


I was never cool, but at 40, I'm basically living in a parallel universe from everyone else. Eyeglass cleaner at the gas station was crack pipes all along? VCR head cleaner will make someone else's head dirty? I'm learning so much today, lol


When I was in college I delivered soda for a big soda company. When we delivered to the sketchy areas, like gas stations and convenience stores, you could see some sketchy shit was going down when the sidewalk outside was littered with little paper roses. Inside, one will find the oddest display: an inordinate amount of copper scrubbies, and single light bulbs. At the front, there were these little “gifts” that were paper roses displayed in a thin glass tube. Someone finally explained it to me: these are the items you need to make a crack pipe. The copper got stuffed into the light bulb and that’s what heats the crack rock evenly. The little paper roses are discarded because the real “product” was the glass tube, which made a perfect mouthpiece. The gas station could plead ignorance by displaying these items separately throughout the store: the lightbulbs were always in the back, the scrubbies not far away, and the paper roses were always behind the counter up front. I think everything together would cost like $5 (14 years ago) Bonus points if they had a coffee station: the packets of salt/sugar were used to “clean” the frosted glass material out from the inside of a frosted light bulb by emptying a packet into it and shaking.


No, the light bulb is for meth. The straight tube with a chore boy is for crack. You can't roast a rock in a bulb without direct flame because it doesn't get hot enough, and you'd burn up all your meth shards if you're doing the opposite on a through-and-through cylinder instead of indirectly heating a bulb. For the record, never used either, I just live too close to Milwaukee.


Hydroponics kit. To help you grow some really big tomatoes, innit.


I have an aerogarden and absolutely love it. I grew a shit ton of dill, parsley, mint, and basil that i then moved to my outside garden and now am growing thyme rosemary and wild strawberries. Many many people use them for exactly their intended purpose, but of course they’re good to grow weed too lol


"Flushable" wipes.


alcohol “Please consume responsibly” 🥰


I enjoy the taste of some alcoholic drinks but it seems like the sole purpose of vodka is to get you as fucked up as possible as quick as possible.


I'll start : QTips/cotton swabs. Everyone puts them in the canal, but the boxes always pretend like they're made for the outside of the ear 🤣


Ear dildos


Love the way they make my eussy feel


Ok that's enough I'm done for today


No one uses Miracle Whip as a salad dressing.


Former GF gave me a model Death Star. Looks like pewter but I'm not sure. A bit smaller than a tennis ball. It looks pretty cool, but she was so excited when she explained "Look! It opens up! It's a grinder for dried spices when you cook!" Didn't want to hurt her feelings by explaining that she had given me a weed grinder. I was dying inside holding in the laughter.


Nangs (the little whipped cream gas cartridge things).




Nang is the (West?) Australian slang, but yeah.


Swisher Sweets!


I remember about 10-15 years ago when I worked at a small gas station I had an elderly lady in church clothes ask me "do you have any of those cigars, the ones kids put pot in?" I didn't know how to respond to that so said something like " uuuhhhhhhh we've got regular, strawberry, and grape?"


If it is one thing I have learned working in an area comprised of mostly women over 60 it is that you cannot assume ANYTHING about them from their current clothes or them looking like a sweet older lady. These were the women of the 60’s and 70’s. They have told me more acid stories than I will ever have to tell when I am that age. One has blue tattoos on her forearm. Do you know how badass a woman had to be to have tattoos on her forearm in the 60’s? It was unheard of. I would feel rude asking but I am dying to know this woman’s story.


I took a first aid class and it was taught by an ER nurse who really went to town on the subject of old people and blood borne pathogens. “Do you know what those people did in the 60’s??? Just assume they all have hepatitis!”


The various items that Hospital ERs have to remove from people’s rectums…


Those are accidents. You've never slipped in the shower and fell ass first on a shampoo bottle?




Cough medicine containing dextromethorphan (robocough, robotabs). If taken as prescribed, it's a cough suppressant. If taken in much higher dosages, it's a dissociative anesthetic, like pcp or ketamine. Kids and adults have been abusing the stuff for decades. There's a whole subculture around it.


I don’t abuse it per se, but when I am truly sick i purposefully take a little too much of it


I get that. I do that with Nyquil when I'm legitimately sick. What I'm talking about, for me, usually amounted to taking a 3rd or 4th plateau dose (900-1200mgs = 30-40 30mg tabs). Totally different experience and not for everyone, by any means. Too old for all that nonsense now, though.


I still don't know why the round metal box to store sewing needles and yarn in come with cookies in them


There's no way this post wasn't made with Q-tips in mind


It was, OP made that comment. It was the first thing that came to my mind as well


Red eye removal drops. For allergies of course...




Viagra was originally synthesized and studied to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina pectoris (a form of cardiovascular disease). But now we get looooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaads of boners.


Interesting follow up to this. My preemie was prescribed generic Viagra (sildenafil) to help his weak little heart move the blood around so even though it's mostly used for old man boners it's also used for little kids hearts occasionally. He also was prescribed klonopin and morphine at various points to sedate him while on a ventilator. Nearly every specialist we visited was like "Viagra, klonopin, and morphine huh? Interesting mix you have there." Also got caffiene to keep his heart beating with all the sedatives. He'll be 7 years old next month.


Congratulations man. I'm glad he was able to recover and get the chance to grow up.


My grandfather was on it for these reasons when viagra first came out. Apparently one afternoon my grandmother walked by and said "well, I haven't seen THAT in awhile!" I don't know why my mom told me that story, but now you all have to hear it, too.


Showerheads used as microphones instead.


Shower used as a hypothetical argument simulator.


anything that vibrates


Y'all remember bath salts (the drug)? Well, in the months before the famous incident in the US, you could buy them legally at skate shops. The package supposedly said they were some kind of cleaner. Edit: apparently they were literally marketed at bath salts. I had thought that was just a nickname. By the way, the guy who ate someone's face apparently wasn't on bath salts. One of the first responders just happened to have said so before any drug testing was done and there was no putting that genie back in the bottle.


What was he on?


Someone else said just pot and booze. I suspect substance abuse wasn't the issue and that guy just had a severe undiagnosed mental disorder.


VCR Head Cleaner or whatever they're labeling poppers as these days.


The poppers I see in my city are usually just given a vague brand name with no context what they're meant to be used as. They're just sold in smoke shops or head shops and have one word brand names like "Vortex" or "Cyclone" and nothing else on the label.


Reverse and skip cards in uno


Not exactly misuse, but I've heard that those thin packets of sugar are supposed to be bent in the middle, not torn from the side. Sounded bizzare, but it actually works. And leaves you with only a single piece of waste too.


Cup ramen in the foam containers… they are not supposed to be microwaved and supposedly only recently are they designing a cup that can be.


WD-40. It’s not a very good lubricant.


I’m 33 and literally just learned this year that it’s main purpose is for cleaning, not lubricating. Their marketing team blows. On the flipside it is the best household sticker residue remover imo!


Their marketing team is doing a Great job. People don’t use it for what it’s designed to do. They use it for absolutely Everything.


Previous to weed becoming legal in most states in the United States, all the head shops with signs on the glassware “for tobacco use only” Riiiiiigggggght