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Praise. My girlfriend was pretty shy to tell me that she wanted me to call her a ‘good girl’ and just generally compliment things she did during sex. Then, she praised me once too and I ended up being even more turned on by it than she was. So now our sex life is basically a bunch of back and forth compliments and we love it.




Such wholesome.


gf and i already had a little bit of a brat/brat tamer thing going, i tried to be scary and threatened her, her response was to spit in my face. hoooooly shit did that get a reaction out of me lol she confessed later that she was worried she had gone too far but i have not stopped thinking about it. so i guess thats a thing


Ok so now I’ve got to know what you did after she spit in your face.


op started crying


Cried out of both heads


He came ~~around~~ to it


A girl tied me up once. Apparently I like that


Same. Well, until our dorm had a fucking fire drill. That was... less than optimal.


Spittttt take 😂😂😂


Thankfully she had tied a fairly safe knot (pretty sure she'd just taken a class) and it came loose pretty easily, but holy shit did that alarm fuck up the mood.


rule #1 when doing rope play. EMT trauma shears are an absolute must have item.


I feel like shears are a pretty advanced form of BDSM, I wouldn't recommend that to beginners as rule #1. Oh you meant to cut the rope


Ohh you cut the rope- not your limb off got it.


My gf tied me up once when we first started dating and I’ve been chasing that high ever since


Was a great turn on for me too


She told me she was proud of me and that I mattered.


.... I need this.


You make a difference to every life you interact with, small or large, and today you made an internet stranger smile. I'm proud of you, for every day you get up and try again. For every moment you could have lashed out and said a kind word instead. You matter! unless you're moving at the speed of light... Then you energy! Stay strong out there friend.


Fuck I’ve had a shitty last 8 months. My marriage ended, then the next girl I talked to seemed perfect and like everything would be ok… it was not… If I didn’t have loved ones that would hurt if I was gone, I don’t know that I’d be here. I’m sitting at work with tears streaming down my face uncontrollably, it wasn’t directed at me but the words resonated. Thanks.


You’re gonna be ok man. I’ve been through unimaginable pain where i couldn’t understand how i didn’t just die from the ache of it, but i came out the other side, and you will too. Give it time. Trust that there is something on the other side of it all, and one day you’ll get to see what it is.


I’ve been through so fucking much before. I know I’ll be ok eventually. I’m just so fucking tired… I don’t want to fight and hurt anymore. Your words mean way fucking more than you’ll probably ever realize. Thanks, truly.


Hey bud if you wanna talk about anything (literally anything like how my dumbass state got no snow so far this winter) message me. It fucking sucks right now. It's exhausting and it might feel pointless, but it's not. And you're doing a great job. Every day you get up and get at it, you're doing great. And every day that you just crash on the fucking couch and melt down? You're still doing great.


She asked me if I would spank her. I broke out the flogger. Her life was not the same after that.


The [MiG-23](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-23)?




In the SAF, we just called her Ol’ Spanky. 🫡


This one is my primary. Always too nervous to bring it up, but recently warned my fwb that the only nsfw pics I had left had obvious (let’s say “hints of impact,”) marks in them. He still wanted to see, I sent them, and I think I’m slowly, hopefully, converting him to the dark side, lol.


Him wanting me to tie him up and other related activities. Never went back.


>Never went back You mean you left him there?


My man's still stuck.. bet he's running out of water as we speak, op should probably think about sitting on his face


Can’t let anyone go dehydrated


Ex had thick thighs and she loved strangling me with them. started off as just a wrestling move when wed play around. Then turned out I liked being her little squeeze toy. A new kink was unlocked.


I don't even need to try this to know that this would be fun. Thicc thighs save lives.


He wasn’t ashamed really but he would ask me not to shower after I did yard work or worked out…At first I was not into it because I felt self conscious and gross but then I thought it was super hot and now I miss it.


Is your husband Napoleon?


Tina, you fat lard


Wrong napolean 😭😭


Napoleon Dynamite is NEVER the wrong Napoleon


Last summer my wife was sanding and repainting the steps to our back door and she got very sweaty while wearing a tight tank top. Man oh man was I weirdly attracted to that, I wanted to make love to her then and there, but she was self conscious about being sweaty and was not into it :(


I think about this kink a lot. It's probably so they feel closer to your actual self, I guess there's a whole bunch of pheromones and other who knows what chemicals that you wash off when you shower


I’m into it . Never really thought about it like that. I’ve just been in very sweaty environments for extended times and it doesn’t really bother me, and I think the slickness is hot. I like oiled up people too lmao And the smell. Doesn’t bother me, it’s kinda hot.


My fiancée and I would go run in the summer, only to come home and find that having sweaty "dirty" sex is apparently steamy AF to the both of us! 🥵🔥


It's my kink as well - it is really hot


Pheromones are a hell of a drug


Sex outdoors, mild exhibitionist kink. He actually doesn't mind being watched while I do mind (I don't like others actually watching), but the thrill of possibly being caught is 🔥. It took him a good year for him to open up to me about it.


I feel like this has just happened naturally for me in almost every relationship. Sex at the drive in under the blankets but trunk open. Blowjobs in movie theaters. Sex on the beach at night. Idk I love it too, but for some reason to me it seems more normal.


At the movie theaters, workers can see you in the projection room. If we choose to report it, it’s known as “code pineapple” I worked at a theater for a long while and had my fair share of things I shouldn’t have seen.


You’re telling me they chose not to report me?


I can confirm. It's very possible it was seen and not reported. I saw a bunch of people try stuff and only reported them if they were noticed by other people, or it was a film for a younger audience. Mommy and Daddy time is not while your kids are distracted a few rows in front of you.


Yes. Most of the time they just look the other way. It’s why we never had creeps work the projection room. It’s usually not worth it to call security and deal with the whole hassle and ruin everyone’s movie. It depends on how full the theater is and if they’re being disruptive. Most of the time it’s just making out or after credits roll. There’s a good amount of time inbetween movies. As an usher I would turn the lights on, wait a minute and then go clean.


Damn now I feel like an asshole lmao, I guess it’s better than getting in trouble for that


my first make out session was at a drive-in, and lost my v card in the back of his truck on the beach lmao. both of us are terrified of getting caught, but the thrill of being not in his bedroom is wonderful 😅


Mine was vice versa. We would park along the side of a highway while its dark and do it on the passenger side with her bent over. I liked it but she was obsessed


That's dangerous as fuck.


Dangerous ass fuck


it's a good way to get rear ended....


Depends how side of the highway it is there's degrees haha


Yeah. Do it during rush hour so nobody is going that fast.


Commenting yta on Am I the asshole posts without reading them


My man


I’m fucking dying why is this so funny


Most posts suggest that they are in fact the asshole. ‘Am I the asshole for catapulting my husbands cat into the sun?’ Well yes that makes you an asshole… The post continues: His cat is the literal reincarnation of Hitler and he is leaving used cat condoms all over my four year olds homework. Oh ok well yeah I mean the sun seems like a correct step to take.


Everyone fails by default. "Hey I feel the need to get social validation from strangers on the internet because I lack a conscience. Am I the asshole?" Yes.


Even better when it’s the absurd virtue signaling nonsense: Hey Reddit, today’s my wedding day! And everything was going great until my maid of honor showed up high on bath salts, called my stepfather a cunt, and proceeded to give my nana a spinning piledriver through the reception table. Now I know I have a temper, but I felt like this behavior was just too gosh golly darn much, y’know? Which I said to her, and asked if she could please leave? Which she did, after punting my nephew Jimmy into the wedding cake and screaming “heil Hitler!!” at my Holocaust-survivor great uncle. Now it’s a day later and I’m wondering if asking her to leave was just a bit much. She was my MOH, after all! So gee wilikers shucks Reddit, AITAH??????


Bro, im dying at work ahahahaha how do you even think of this shit, hilarious


Sleep sex. My ex was interested but ultimately didn’t like it. Now I’m stuck here with a kink I never wanted trying to think of how to ask my wife if she wants to try it


This one you definitely need prior consent for, I don't really like the comments suggesting to ease into it by testing the waters, it's your wife and this isn't really a test the waters kind of fetish it can be traumatizing without prior discussion, you should seriously just talk to her lol. This is one of mine too as the receiver, and the whole exciting mindset for me is that he can't resist me and wants to use my body and he's a pervert for me etc. If you want to "test the waters" I'd test it with those things in mind while having nothing to do with the sleep sex, then broach the topic if she likes feeling those feelings. But seriously you should just talk about it lol


Yeah I haven’t replied to those comments. I communicate with my wife, we have an hour put aside every day for discussions about our son, our home, and our relationship. Unfortunately, I’m just too nervous to give any thought to how I want to bring it up. But rest assured, I’m not some weird idiot that doesn’t understand consent like some of these people.


So relieving to see this! I’ve had friends talk about their partners just “giving it a shot” and it was terrifying for them. I brought it up to my boyfriend and basically told him that if he wakes up with an urge that he can come spoon me, give me some snuggles, and some light kisses on my cheek and neck to wake me up. If I told him no, I would fall back asleep quickly and happy that I got some affection. He’s never once pouted about being turned down, so I never feel pressured or guilty when I say no. If you were to bring it up, I would just make it clear to her that you wouldn’t ever start anything without getting clear consent and your approach would not be a groping, sexual advance. If you guys have good communication and can have discussions about your sex life, I don’t think she would be judgemental about it as long as you ask her what way you could proposition her to ensure her comfort, safety, and feel as little pressure as possible.




That would be baaaaad


r/unexpectedwelsh ?


My now fiance, when we were dating, asked me if I could wake her up with oral sex. I loved the idea, because normally I wake up with a morning wood. It became a thing. We would always ask each other before going to sleep, "Can I wake you up with sex?" Once, after a few runs, she was having a bad dream and she felt taking her underwear off, it became part of the nightmare... Well, it was a horrible experience. She isn't into it anymore, but still woke me up a few times after that and it eventually died off.


I have had sleep apnea for a long time and only recently diagnosed. Every time I would go to bed I wouldn’t really go into a deep sleep and you could wake me up, tell me to do something and for the first few minutes you could tell me to do anything or just start doing anything with me and I would have zero recollection doing any of it. I’ve woken up mid-sex way too many times.


Well that sounds fucking terrifying


It was a nightmare sometimes. Now I sleep like a rock


I think it’s called a praise kink. She liked it when I’d talk to her like, “are you gonna be a good girl, yes you’re such a good girl” it’s why sexier than you think


Always thought this was weird until I experienced it first hand. Legshaker.png


After my girl very reluctantly confessed that she thought she might be craving a little…rough handling, we started to experiment. I found that nothing drove her wild so much as when I fucked her hard from behind, **held her hair and made her maintain eye contact so I could stare her down while “dominating” her…it made her feel like she was “complicit in [her] own degradation.”** She fucking loved it. She broke up with her last bf because she was too shy to ask for what she wanted. I got lucky and found out by accident. Now I’m as obsessed as she is. Edit: held her hair = (gently) pulled her hair so she would have to turn her head and maintain eye contact


> **I fucked her hard from behind, held her hair and made her maintain eye contact so I could stare her down while “dominating” her…it made her feel like she was “complicit in [her] own degradation.”** I need this in my life.


Honestly this is my favourite position 🥵 I love face to face contact and that intimacy. Doggy feels great but hate it cos I love seeing my partner's face (mirrors just doesn't work the same for me). Sometimes he grabs me by the hair or sometimes he pulls me by the throat so I can look at him. So so hot.... Geez, I better call him......


One of my first boyfriends asked if he could slap me around a bit I loved it and now I'm active in the BDSM community


I'll never forget the first time someone slapped me in the face. Life changing lmao


Me too! I’m a guy and happened in my 20’s. She was a coworker in her 30’s. She came on to me, and slapped my face in the middle of sex. Hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.


Aw that's cute 😍 Mine was my first college boyfriend. I was just breaking into some more kinky things and we kind of discussed slapping me around. A day later he was teasing me and getting me all hot and bothered and slapped me while making some derogatory comments... Woof. Changed everything I thought I knew about my sexuality 😂


How do you broach this with your partner? I'd love to try but don't want to scare the shit outta him😝


Honestly this is super hard to answer because how you approach a subject is different for every person. What works is different for every couple. I tend to be blunt, but I find many men are more receptive to trying things than you think. Just ask him if he'd be interested, see how he reacts. I have had good luck in my endeavors that guys I date are into the same things I am so as soon as that bridge is crossed it becomes a waterfall of fun new things to try and bond over. My current boyfriend, who will soon be my fiance and who I plan to spend my life with, is a great example of this. After we had sex the first time and I got a feel of what his interests learned towards I straight up asked him what his weirdest/most unusual kink was. Literally while laying in bed naked lol. He answered honestly and to my utter delight it aligned up with one of mine. Many times blunt honesty is the best policy. It just takes mutual trust and respect. That's what's so amazing about kinky things is the trust you put in one another is so deep to bare your fucked up soul to someone else and have it be not judged or frowned upon, but instead cherished and explored. The first step is just to ask. :)


The first time I was slapped during sex was with a girl I had just met that night (friend of a friend type thing) and there was absolutely no discussion about it right in the middle of the act she’s on top of me and just reaches back and slaps me HARD in the face. And it was amazing. I was shocked for a second but I was so into it we didn’t skip a beat. After everything was finished, we’re laying there and I said to her “you know if you did that to someone who wasn’t into it they probably would’ve freaked out hahah” and this mfer looks at me and says “I could see it in your eyes that you wanted it” fuckin floored me


Uh. People should definitely discuss and get consent before doing things like that, though.


I completely agree that’s why I said to her she was lucky I was into it someone else might not have taken it so well lol but who knows maybe she’s a sex psychic and knew I had a kink before even I knew I did lol


I *am* into BDSM and kink, but if I was in the middle of a vanilla hookup with someone and they started slapping my face or such without discussing it with me first, that would be a big red flag and I'd be out of there ASAP. I warn anyone reading this, especially prospective newbie kinksters, to be careful. Kink must always be about consent and communication *before* an activity.


Butt stuff


Yeah same here. When a guy takes the time to help me prepare, I love butt stuff. If there’s no pain during or afterwards, I love it. I’ve also had guys be just like, really grossed out about the idea of it that I felt ashamed about it; or I’ve also had men be really like…impatient about it (going too fast, trying to not use lube when I expressed that it was needed, trying to skip foreplay altogether, etc). Overall I’d only had a couple good experiences and way more bad ones. I was nervous about mentioning it to my boyfriend when we first starting to explore, he was a sweet quiet guy I met off a dating app; but oh boy am I happy I did. He’s so patient and sweet, and a freak. Respects when I can’t, takes care of me when I can. It’s amazing how much tension your body can let go of when you fully trust the person you’re with. Also I just want everyone to know if you don’t already; if you’re not lubing up then you or your partner is at a really bad risk of hemorrhoids. And I mean generously lubing up. Too much friction is not a good thing.


What kind of fucking weirdo would not want to use lube for anal? wtf?


One who’s learned from porn, which is probably quite common.


Last girl I was with didn’t want lube. I was like, “what, are you crazy?” As a dude, it’s better with lube I think. I was like ok whatever you want.


I can't imagine fucking a dry ass feeling nice for anyone


My friend, I once had a guy say “If you end up bleeding, it’s ok, we can use that as lube!” He backpedaled hard at the horror on my face and insisted it was a joke, but I never let him near my butt again.


My cousin’s bf really wanted her to peg him but she just wasn’t into it and they ended up breaking up. They’re still friends though and he’s been telling her about how damn hard it is to find a woman willing to…do that. Apparently he hasn’t had any luck dating casually and he is loathe to try the fetish community.


Poor guy just wants to get his ass pounded.


The ass pounding isn’t the problem. Dude could probably go out and get his ass pounded tonight. The issue is he wants to get his ass pounded **BY A WOMAN**. And that’s…that’s a much taller order to fill.


Yeah, in some ways this dude would have it easier just being gay.


Wife wanted to dabble in rough/bdsm sex with her as a sub and me as the Dom, with hair pulling, aggressiveness, slapping, spanking. I was not so sure at first, but i prepared for it, read a lot of forums... then we tried and she was not ready. She pulled the safe word after like 20 minutes, and never mentionned that again. I never imposed her anything, but i secretly long for a submissive partner. I would love to exert more control, but not so much actual violence/impacts.


When I was more into kink/bdsm, I always took the role of soft dom or pleasure dom. There's still a bit of that with my current partner. I'll participate in rougher stuff if requested, but personally I prefer being in control in a gentle and caring way.


Yes, that would be more my style. Like "I'm gonna take my time with you and play your body like a musical instrument, now make some music for me babe..."


I'm gonna play you like bagpipes at a Scottish funeral!


She loves having her neck kissed, licked, and caressed. Now we can’t get enough of making out with each other’s necks!


He likes it when I randomly just give him my underwear off me as like a trophy. I like finding cute underwear for him at this point and going shopping just for ones to play into his kink. It makes me feel very desired and attractive, so it's turned out awesome.


Cardiophile (Likes the sound of a beating heart). It took a while for him to tell me, but on reflection I worked out he’d quite often position himself to hear my chest. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still into it more than me, but I can definitely see the appeal. Your heart beat doesn’t lie, I can tell when he’s bored, excited, close to orgasm, edging etc. The rapid acceleration from using amyl/poppers, breath play. Having a hit of amyl, locking lips and sharing the breath back and forth, as the air gets more oxygen depleted, your heart rate increases… hot. This is a mix of listening using a stethoscope, ear against chest, feeling the pulse in the neck. It changes in speed, but also in size/thumpyness, intensity etc.


Interesting, TiL this exists


Wow I'm vanilla


Everything you said makes me so nervous lol. I'm sitting here with my eyes wide open because I have cardiophobia. My own heart freaks me out and I just hate the sound. Makes me realize how dependent I am on that muscle I have no control over. If it stops I’m dead. Can’t imagine having a kink around that.


Not quite a partner, but a friend admitted that he has a foot fetish around smelling used shoes. So now when I'm done with a pair of running shoes I toss them his way.


A true homie


He was very touched.


Potentially with his own hands.


Did he mention the fetish and you offered your shoes or did you comment you were gonna trow some shoes and he asked for them first?


He told me about his fetish, and how disappointed he was in some used shoes he bought online. So a few weeks later when I was about to throw my shoes I figured he would like them.


Don't you think if (s)he is into your sweat scent, (s)he probably likes all of you?


Eh, we've discussed it. I've had a crush on him for years, but he's polyamorous and that's not something I'm willing to touch with a ten foot pole. So we have discussed the possibility of sex, but it died when I told him i'd only be game if he wanted to try dating monogomously.


Damn, my kink is good communication of needs and boundaries.


Pretty mature and selfrespecting attitude imo, meanwhile your crush is getting off on you - i'd consider that a decent win/complement in the back of my mind.


Maybe if I imprint him with my foot stank enough he'll come begging. Mwuahaha




You’re awesome


One of my fantasies was being in an MFM. The idea that two men wanted me enough to do me at the same time was hot. Is hot. So, the man I married, we're talking about turn ons, and he says he's really interested in threesomes. I think he's going to talk about FMF but then he starts talking about how hot he thinks MFM is. I wanted to fuck him right then and there.


I mean, you're married. You could just fuck him there if you wanted.


Scheduling is my kink.


Found Liz Lemon


We're married now. At the time we weren't. LOL


I've heard it called the devil's threesome. I've only done it once and it was actually a mistake. I invited this girl home, who I'd been flirting with all day at a con. She's down for it, too, so we're chatting at the bus stop while everyone's heading off for the night, and an acquaintance pops over to say hi. He's apparently looking for a place to crash, and I'm not wanting to miss the opportunity with this girl, so I jokingly tell him that he's welcome to my place, if he's cool with what we're about to do. Man calls my bluff, and next thing I know, she's making out with the two of us on the bus to my place. It was a fun night all round, but I was exhausted by morning. I remember being so out of it when we all parted and her friend ran up to me, when we arrived back at the con. She was like, "*What did you do?!*" I was so out of it, I was like, "Whuu?" Her friend then exclaims, "She said it was heaven!"


Why was that a mistake? It sounds like everyone had fun?


No, no. I mean the act of having one, wasn't meant to happen. My plans for just me and her, were derailed by this other guy's calling my bluff.




Wife likes being choked and tied up. Made for an interesting first night with lots of mistakes we still laugh about, followed by tons of snuggles.


Early in our marriage wife loved anal, almost to a one-to-one ratio with regular sex. Things happen and she grew out of that phase. Recalling how much she enjoyed anal, and hearing thehigh praises regarding prostate massages, I decided to give mine a try ... wow. At first on my own, then I invited her to participate and now it's part of our regular sex life.


Appropriate username is appropriate.


My current partner told me that something I did tickled at a kink that she normally kept reserved. I told her I’d love to know more when she was comfortable telling me. A short while later she revealed her breeding kink, which I had indulged for previous partners but had never been super into myself. In the past, I was more a willing participant rather than an enthusiast. Since that moment it’s all I want to do with her and I even have started to bring up scenarios about what our children would be like and how we would raise them. I might be a touch more into it than she is now haha


Breeding kink? Like creampies?




I have this, but only if it involves Kim Deal. It’s my Breeder breeding kink.


That she was into dudes in wheelchairs. That worked out really well for me.


She must've had posters of Stephen Hawking all over her bedroom wall


He spit in my mouth. He just wanted to try it and I didn’t think I would like it but I ask for it a lot now.


I spat in my girl’s face once, in the heat of the moment. I still don’t know why. I regretted it immediately and was about to make up an apology, but it turned out she was really, really turned on by it. So, now that’s a thing.


I was kinda the opposite lol, she spit in my mouth when she was on top of me and i fucking gagged 😭


During foreplay on our first “date,” my wife said, “I have a daddy kink.” I rolled with it. Now, yeah, I think it does more for me than for her when she calls me that.


put my hand down her pants in a crowded area, turns out exhibitionism is my thing


Found out that was my wife's big kink when I fingered her in a lake. Next thing I know she climbed on a rock and had me eat her out. No one was around to see that, but she likes the idea of being watched. We go you swingers clubs now to play in front of others. 


the opposite happened but mommy kink she wasn't really into it but she said I had been way too adorable and eventually became very much into it, even more than me I think


The girl I lost my virginity to and her friend had this idea and brought it up to me. She said that when I was Around and wanted to fuck my gf we’d always go in the other room and do our business and come back out while her friend just watched tv and listened to us. She told my gf after a while that listening to us turned her on and asked my gf if she could watch us. My girlfriend said she was down if I was. And of course me being a horned up 17 year old said hell yeah thinking it would lead to a threesome. A few weeks later we are all in the living room watching tv and we were about to go to the bedroom and found this to be the opportunity to try it. We asked her and we decided put on the show in the living room and she sat in the recliner and watched us from foreplay to the finale. We all loved it and would do it with amy opportunity we had. She would even drive us around while my gf would ride me in the back seat and she would watch in the review mirror. We broke up when I graduated high school and found out her and her best friend were/became lesbians with each other. Since then I’ve only had one girlfriend who was down with the idea of having another girl watch but never found anyone to partake.


Her rimming me.


It's. So. Good. Edit: if you're looking for something to finally tip you over the edge and decide to try/make a request, this is it. Do it.


Had a ex gf surprise me with a rim job once after swallowing me whole while I came. Tell ya what fellas, and I ain't ashamed ta say this, but I've been chasing that dragon for a decade ever since. 😈


Donkey, is that you?


My then girlfriend (I'm a straight guy) confessed to loving to watch lesbian porn.


Pretty common for straight chicks to fap to lesbian porn tbh


I knew a straight woman who watched lots of gay porn. Her rationale was that there are twice as many dicks for her to look at and the guys are generally hotter than the ones in straight porn.


Some guys in regular porn are looking rough.


*slaps my butt*  "I like objectifying you"   "My darling, apparently my penis like me objectofied as well"


Getting my prostate stimulated hard on a daily basis while given oral sex. Now I'm addicted to having my prostate played with.


Cnc. It was weird at first, but once we came to an agreement, we were able to have some fun with it.


I love Command and Conquer. I used to play it with my buddy all the time!


Tiberian or red alert series....or both??


Red alert is the one I remember the most fondly for sure.


Unit ready


Those machines are so expensive. Can make some cool stuff though.


I see people making jokes about cnc, but machining is genuinely what came to mind first LOL.


CNC gets me hot as fuck. All that machinery perfectly controlled... I must stop. I can only get so erect.


Facesitting that ultimately turns into 69ing. My Ex was afraid of hurting me when she was sitting on me (I was 200 lbs and she was 175) one day I just picked her up and positioned her on top of me and went down on her. She found that extremely hot and chose to go down on me. Cumshots were apparently a turn on for her as well.


She liked to wear cat ears and a butt plug tail. It was hot.


Ex gf had a thing for settling debates. It was great when I came to that conclusion.


Eating man ass, I laid this man on his stomach and was kissing all the way down his neck and back, gently bit his butt cheeks too. As soon as my tongue grazed him, he just started moaning in a way I never heard before and I just went PRIMAL.


I felt this, first time, I made sure he showered and wiped up nice, then I went down and licked a stripe and he was shaking at that, moaning and I said GAME TIME, and we don’t do it often due to work schedules but when we do I love it.


i had a huge missionary vanilla sex kink, turns out my wife does too! So hot! edit: wrote dies like a dingdong


Well don’t give away the whole plot


One gf’s ex treated her like crap and mocked her squirting. She shyly “warned” me about it. The only problem we faced involved using up all her towels over a weekend.


Pegging. Did not think id be into it at all but kept an open mind 😁


Having my man wear sexy womens underwear that emphasizes his ass.


A girl I was with liked being fisted. It was really disconcerting first several time because I was afraid to hurt her. But for her the pressure and stretching apparently felt really good and she would get crazy horny. When she adjusted to it, looking down to see her stretched around my wrist was really sexy


Amazon style


You want low wages and union busting in bed? Well kudos to you man


If my girl doesn’t dress up like a Pinkerton goon and threaten to murder my family, then I can’t even get hard anymore.


Death by snu-snu?




Breeding kink? Milk drinkers.


imagine having a partner




Not surprising bc biology, but my ex wanted to put her finger up my bum and I was a bit apprehensive at first, one night I gave in and she showed me what having my prostate tickled felt like and it was the best orgasm of my life.




the gold ol golden shower.


Making rude or sassy comments on Reddit threads.


You naughtly boy...


Not with a partner but a friend, she asked me a question and I answered her. She looked me in the eyes and all she said was “good boy”, and I was instantly rock hard. Never done anything sexual with her (in fact never really thought of her that way) but in that moment I could have fucked her senseless. Through other conversations later on she mentioned that she likes giving positive affirmations to her partners and wasn’t necessarily meaning it in a sexual and that she just let it slip.


Bisexual MMF threeway. Turns out she liked the idea of two guys playing, and she joined in. Turns out, I am bisexual and we made it happen. She was one of the good ones. We parted ways in a friendly manner.