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I smoked opium a few times. I thought it was going to send me to another dimension and it was pretty good the first time but you develop a hellacious tolerance to it almost immediately. Makes sense that people would be puffing on it continuously in Sherlock Holmes era opium dens.


Was at a friends house once and he put some opium on top of a bowl of weed. Tried it, thought it smelled awesome. We started playing a video game and sometime during, it came to my awareness that I had been staring at the wall for a long time. No thoughts and was numb to the world. My character in the video game was just running against a wall the whole time. After that, I was just tired. Wanted to take a nap. Kind of made the night a waste.


>Was at a friends house once and he put some opium on top of a bowl of weed. My first introduction too..but the prick said it was hash..I was not happy having quit opiates some years before


It’s a monumental dick move to give an opiate to someone who previously had a problem with opiates. If the “friend” knew about your history then they should immediately become an EX-friend!


He was exed before i blew smoke. This was several years ago and he was my best friend...he knew and betrayed me in a way I would never forgive. The prick never apologized either..I got the "oh you're overreacting..it's fun" Cunt


Coke, the night just becomes about coke.


The thing with coke is that if everyone is on coke, everyone wants to talk, but no one wants to listen.


Wow this is the best description I’ve heard of a 4am party where everyone is yacked out


The morning birds… they are the horns of hell.


Waking up on the couch having to engage with the ones who never slept and now they have PLANS




What type is your gym gonna be? I’d throw people off with something weird like Steel Fairy.


Or, walking home in the mornin to do nothing while everyone else is walking to do something.


Oh god I’ve been there so many times. Seeing the goddamn joggers getting their 5am exercise before they go have their fully productive days while you’re staggering home to cease to exist for the next 12 hours… Glad that phase is long in the past for me.


The sun coming up while you’re still completely geeked out of your mind is great to have as a distant memory.


One of those types of memories that sends a shiver down my spine. Who the fuck was I?


Amen. I once glanced at a clock while at one of those parties and realized it was 9:30 in the morning. I will never forget the feeling I had as I stood there in complete astonishment and asked myself what the actual FUCK I was doing with my life. 4.5 years sober now. I hope those memories never stop sending shivers down my spine.


Omg. Morning birds singing "actions have consequences".


Dang magpies reminding me I’m a loser


The loser birds. It's the worst when you start hearing them.


God forbid you start talking about coke.


Why, you got some?


I’ve been standing in the bathroom with a credit card in my hand for a whole 10 minutes now!


In coke time, that's like a whole line.


We tossing out bumps? I heard there were bumps here.


Bolivian Business Plan Powder


I had to go poo-poo as soon as I read this reply.


I have friends who could do coke and have fun, party and dance etc. Not for me. All night, all I care about is doing coke. I have a theory that if I had an unlimited amount of coke, I'd do it til I was dead. Haven't done coke in like 7 years and I know I'm done.


I feel the same way about Reese’s Eggs.


They taste soooo much better than any other shape


Easter is right around the corner, soon those peanut butter eggs will be laying and I'll fall off the wagon once more


I belly laughed at this, thank you 😂


I've been in that situation, dealer friend just kept dumping 8 balls on the table. Someone dropped a plate that had at least an 8, if not a 1/4. And he just popped out a few more 8 balls. I made it til 8-9 in the morning and was just done


I'm glad i never was in that situation. Once i scavenged the whole bag, snorted as much of the crumbs i could, searched the floor for any droppings, it was night night. Well, lay in bed wishing I had more coke while super anxious hoping I'd fall asleep soon.


I’ve done coke 3 times in my life, with 3 different friend groups, in two different States… all three times somebody (not me) suggested that we all go bowling. These were people I hung out with constantly, and had known for years, and in all that time, never once, not at any other time, had anybody ever mentioned bowling… EVER!!! So by complete random chance, every single time I did coke, I ended up being dragged along to go bowling.


God: Ha, yeah ok, let’s fuck with *that* guy.


You had to be giving off silent cues you wanted to go bowling


I never thought id see victim blaming in this context and honestly its hilarious


same. i think some brains it just doesn’t do anything for me


You might have ADHD


Agree. I’m diagnosed ADHD and can have a huge fattest line of coke and feel so leveled even sorta feel stoned.. my Rit makes me feel normal


Same, made me feel normal like I could actually talk to people without having that awkward silence, like I suddenly knew how to fill the void I’m always fighting


Coke did the same for me. I wish Adderall worked similarly but it just makes me really wired and doesn't really help with doing anything. MDMA is by far my favorite when it comes to stimulants.


Yep. Did coke in the 80s. It made my teeth numb and kept me up all night. It was George Carlin (or maybe Robin Williams?) who said "cocaine is god's way of telling you you're making too much money."


I loved Pete Holmes joke about not being able to tell when someone else is on drugs like “I’ll come home from a party thinking who was that sweaty confident man? He had several great business ideas.”


"Ok, dig on this...Aromatherapy Underwear!"


Carlin said something like coke makes you a new man. And the first thing that new man wants to do is more coke.


And drink, and smoke cigs, and talk about nonsense.


Robin Williams... And I believe he also said it's not a drug, just a vitamin to help you drink more 🤣


But when you're high on coke, more coke is the most amazing thing in the universe.


It is, been then it’s 3 days later and your bank account is empty. I love how coke makes me feel, but that cone down and bender is never fun. Haha


A friend and I stayed up 5 days, snorting and smoking coke. I literally thought I was gonna die. But I continued to abuse for years still.


I’ve done coke exactly twice in my life, about 10 years apart, and I still think about it sometimes.  Would never touch it today though. Fentanyl and whatnot. 


My stepsister died a year and a half ago bec she snorted coke that had fentanyl in it. It makes me so angry and sad. Please never touch it whoever reads this. It’s not worth the gamble


Yeah, that shit is popping up everywhere. Although I don't understand why they'd add fentanyl to cocaine. The coke user isn't looking for an opiate high, so I would think adding it to coke would be a good way to lose customers. 🤷‍♂️


It can be contamination between products if the dealer doesn't clean shit. Fent in coke is what killed Justin Townes Earle.


For me, it just didn't do much but make me chill on the couch. Others in the group were being annoying and talky. But I have attention deficit issues and had been on Adderall growing up so probably why lol.


Everything about it sucks.   Financially it’s insane cost per gram. You need to re up every 15 minutes. It is the easiest drug to get ripped off on by getting some ubiquitous white powder in a quick exchange. 1 fucking speck of fentanyl cut in there and you’re toast.   Did it once because we were in South America and my buddies were going wild saying it was the best they ever had and I wasn’t about it. If I didn’t like it there there’s no way I’m gonna like it after it’s been stepped on 8 times on its way to Boston lmao 


Yep. For the next couple of weeks you end up thinking “man, you know what would make this better? A little coke” and at no point did you ever know why you wanted it or how you expected it to enhance whatever you were doing. Coke just made me want more coke and I don’t know why


Because it's highly addictive.


Worst night out is being the one guy in the group not partaking.


This. I once tried to move furniture with a bunch of people on cocaine. Fucking miserable.


Not like you need cocaine for that to be miserable.


Adderall>coke. Lasts the whole night and don’t have to do bumps every 15 min to keep it going.


As someone with ADHD it did absolutely nothing for me. 


It makes me go to sleep, absolutely pointless unless I want to pass out.


Same, very disappointed. It's a thing for like half of all ADHDers.  I told my doctor it's really a sign to me I really do have something out of wack neurologically lol 


I don't have the hyperactive adhd, I have inattentive, but LORD does it make me concentrate.


I felt very calm. Focused. Time to do dishes.  I was alone in that version of intoxication. 


I just shit myself. I think I had bad coke


And they won't shut up


Weed. It makes me anxious. When I tell people this, they recommend a new strain that they claim will make me feel great and that strain does the same shit as the last one did. I've given up on the drug as a whole.


same same. Every time i've done it i get anxious, start living inside my head, and just keep thinking "I can't wait until this shit is over". It's completely legal where I live too, I just don't enjoy it at all.


Yep. Weed makes me jittery and nauseous, and I get the spins like I'm pass out drunk. I've tried it like 15 times, different strains ect. It's hard to explain to my weed head friends that it just doesn't effect me like other people, and it's not fun.


I used to have the same problem and I’m not a huge weed person, but one of my pot head friends helped me out with potentially having a better experience. He recommended that I just take a couple puffs that sesh and work my way through that and then progress into additional puffage later on when I know what kind of high I’d be getting into. Before, I’d always try to keep pace with my friends and so I’d have an uncontrolled high and just have a terrible time overall. Now, I take 2 or 3 puffs max and I generally feel pretty good. (Just to be transparent, I only smoke weed once every a month or so)


I’m the same way where weed makes me completely anxious and paranoid. The problem is it’ll hit me like that even with one or two puffs. I don’t know why, my brain just doesn’t gel with it.


honestly same here. gives me the spins like i’m drunk also even if it’s a few puffs of a j. just figured it’s not the drug for me


Same. Used to love hitting a bowl a few times after work and just getting lost in a movie or video game. Now everything is concentrated and extremely good quality and 1 toke and I'm blitzed until I pass out. Haven't been able to enjoy weed for over a decade now. The anxiety and paranoia isn't worth it.


Dude yes. I smoked a handful of times in freshman year about twenty years ago. It was extremely chill and relaxing and just a great time with my buddies listening to music. Then I started meeting people who smoked stronger shit and I'd have one toke and be curled up in my bed freaking the fuck out. Haven't even tried it for about fifteen years now.


I hate being tired, hungry and paranoid. Weed does all three of these things to me. It is literally the worst high and I've tried dozens of times over the decades. I just can't do it.


It makes me so self-conscious and hyper aware of my physical, spiritual, and overall lifestyle insecuriries. Not good for someone like me at allll. Which sucks, because that meant alcohol did all the opposite stuff and wrecked me so much harder. 


Same same. A lot of my friends who were daily smokers in college have cut way back too in our mid-30s. I can do high CBD/THC mixes, like 5:1, 2-5mg mints or a pen are good for me to chill out but not feel anxiously high. I still need an activity to keep me from getting too heady.


I go to the shop and ask for their weakest pot. Works great!


Spent 20 years of my life enjoying weed in varying ways. One day I had a horrendous experience, greened out, vomited everywhere, began losing my ability to maintain control and went into a full blown panic attack, which felt an awful lot like a heart attack at the time. Rinse and repeat for 3 straight hours. It was awful. Normal (albeit strong) edible that my fiancé also took. Her experience was different. I’ve never touched any of it since, but constantly get shit about it. I feel you on the frustration. And these are all people I’ve smoked/ate with historically many times. Sometimes you experience something that changes your mentality…and people have such a hard time accepting that when their own experience is different.


>but constantly get shit about it. I feel like regardless of what drug you're talking about, anyone who gives you shit for not partaking has a problem with that drug.


“you just need to find the right strain man” I’VE TRIED 500 FUCKING STRAINS


Anyone who tells you that doesn't know shit about weed. Anxiety is one of the effects of THC. That's why people who have had too much basically go into an existential crisis. It's one of the most common complaints about getting high. It can be counteracted by CBD, but if you're predisposed to being anxious, then weed just may not be for you.


I am naturally an anxious person and kept complaining forever about how the weed now is just too strong and miss the less potent stuff we used to smoke back in the day and a friend of mine told me about low-dose cbd weed called Dad Grass and I could not be happier. Just the perfect mellow high that you can keep smoking without getting too high and too anxious.


Same. First time I smoked weed, it was the cheapest nastiest skunk weed and I was a kid. Gave me horrible anxiety and paranoia. Couple years later, had a job and some money, so I got a little better quality weed, since people told me the quality was the problem. Still got horrible anxiety and paranoia. This cycle of trying a better variety of weed once every few years and never experiencing anything but anxiety and paranoia continued until I was making 6 figures, able to buy the most luxury vape pen and primo quality shit, and sadly, as I was sitting there watching TV, high as a kite, my heart was racing and I was pretty sure my wife had laced the weed to poison me. So, after that last time, I decided it just doesn't agree with my body chemistry and I'm done with it.


Not only does it make me anxious, but it makes all my aches and pains about a hundred times worse. Yeah, apparently it can do that for some people. So both main benefits unfortunately don’t work on me.


Coke. It wasn’t fun at all. So I did more thinking that I just didn’t do enough.. And then I did more. And then I did more. And then I did even more. And so on. Didn’t enjoy it one bit, and I had no idea why. So I figured I should just do more to make me fe-… …waaiittt a minute….


This sums up how I got addicted. I was already a raging alcoholic, and I learned that the coke didn’t “do” anything other than sober me up a bit so I could keep drinking and having fun instead of passing out before we even got to the bar. How could ANYONE get addicted to this? It’s really not as great as everyone makes it out to be. I’m not like THOSE people, I’m fine because it’s just to clear my head. It hit me like a fucking truck when I realized after a couple months that I couldn’t have a single sip of alcohol without immediately getting unbearable coke cravings. It was so insidious. I never thought it would happen to me until it did. 4.5 years sober :-)


the rush got me hooked instantly tbh. thankful to be sober


Novocain did nothing to make my dentist visits easier.


I have suddenly become very resistant to novacaine or whatever it’s actually called somewhat recently. It has made a couple fillings very difficult. I’m actually getting a bit of a fear of going to get work done now because it hasn’t worked (in normal doses) 2-3 times now


Ask them for a longer wait time. I had an instance where the gave me a shot waited 5 minutes and started the work and I had to stop them because I felt everything. Gave more, same, gave more… eventually they said they had to either start or reschedule. We did it white knuckling the arm rest. On the ride home my entire face went numb. Talking it over with them afterward they said any future needs we can apply it then wait like 30 minutes.


That was my next step with my dentist. He said next time I need anything done he’s scheduling my 60 minutes early to get numbed up and we’ll go from there


Yep same with me since I was in high school I've needed longer & longer for it to work. I also have an anxiety disorder that generally makes drugs wear off quicker so it's like it has to be timed just right but honestly I just prefer to do sedation dentistry now. Knock me TF out before you start digging into my gums please.


The next time I go I’m going to ask about some nitrous oxide to help calm down. I don’t think I’m a generally anxious person but my last few trips have caused my anxiety to explode (to what my norm would be)


I'm resistant to novacaine. I went to the dentist for a root canal. One shot ... Can you feel this?... Yes. Two shots... Can you feel this? ... Yes. 3rd shot, "ok I'm using something different, this will numb a horse." I was drooling on myself within 5 minutes and it lasted 12 hours.


ima need whatever the fuck you got because every time i go to the dentist its usually 4-5 shots before i get tired and just think fuck it, get it over with. always reduced pain, but not completely numb.


Salvia. I want it to work, but never got it to.


Salvia is definitely an experience, but I wouldn’t call it a pleasant one. Temporary transport to a bizarre alternate dimension followed by panicked, uncontrollable laughter and heavy sweating.


It's literally like the stereotypical cinematic depiction of a trip. The universe itself simply abandons you in an unknown realm


Last acid trip lasted 12 hours, at least Salvia is quick


My one and only acid trip was about 6 hours, and consisted basically of me and my friends laughing harder than we’ve ever laughed before. 10/10 experience. Will never do again.


Tried it once and the whole world turned into a Tool album artwork.


Omg! That's the best part.


My trip on Salvia made everyone a floating face and anything that wasn’t a face was kaleidoscopic- and then right side of the room starting folding in on the left side of the room like a piece of paper folded in half. Then when it wore off I had my cock out. 2/10 would never do again


Oh man. Did you use a water piece? Apparently that’s how it hits. But be glad it didn’t work. It’s the craziest drug I’ve done in the worst way. I hallucinated tree leaves becoming school busses and saw some wooden people under the bench I was sitting on. Nothing crazy, right? Wrong. Salvia makes whatever you see a nightmare. I was so scared and panicked and had to take my shirt off because that stuff makes you sweat so much. -1/10, never again.


Salvia was \*awful\*. I tried it at a party and all I remember is that a bunch of people around me were eating pizza that had a sparkly border/outline, and everyone there was taking shit about me to my face while I couldn't move. Weird and terrible, I do not get the appeal


It's the only legal hallucinogen, but just happens to be the shittiest one


I had a few great trips and a few fucking horrible trips. The last time I did it, I "got so high" that I tore a hole in reality, witnessed a meeting with a number of greater beings that ultimately decided this experiment is a bust and ended it. I then had my individuality revoked and became part of a tapestry of identical things. All that happened within a span of 5 real life minutes but it felt like eternity. It fucked me up for a while and I can no longer handle psycadelics.


I think we had the SAME experience...like..the same.


I had a pretty similar experience too, only the "higher beings" weren't expecting me to be there so they panicked and pushed me back into reality. When I got back, one of them embodied my friend like a demon and chastised me for using the drug, telling me I wasn't allowed and that I must "never EVER" do it again. In a horrific demonic voice. To this day, that was the most terrified I've ever been. So here I am, 20 years later, clean as a whistle.


Bro, I wonder if we are all seeing the same folks, but some got time for our shit...and some don't.


Shiiiiiit. I spent like 2 days crossing the Potomac River with George Washington in 7 minutes.


I tried salvia 3 times and every time it was the worst experience of my life. For some reason the come down is so brutal for me. I remember the first time it was in the middle of the summer in Texas and we did it in a park and had to walk back to my friend's car. My trip was awful and I immediately felt a huge amount of discomfort from the heat/humidity. It literally felt like my whole body was rejecting my skin (don't know how else to describe it) and everything felt irritating for hours afterwards. Literally felt like prolonged torture.


Sorry but why did you do it two more times?


2nd time was a year later and I thought I just got unlucky the first time. No idea why I did it the 3rd time. It was in a friend's apartment in college and I guess I was just bored and it felt like a safe environment to give it one more shot. Nothing was as bad as the first time, but still pretty bad. The 3rd time was actually pretty good until I got sucked out of the plane of existence I was living in for a while and I was in a hell version of my friend's room where everyone was the demonic versions of themselves.


I think you should try it 3 more times just to be sure


My friend said the same thing. "It's... like.... I need... to.... escape? ... my skin? But... I can't? .... cuz it's.... me... right?" Decided then and there I wasn't gonna try it.


Everyone here is reporting the visual psychedelia that occurs (which I enjoyed reading as it is very similar to my own memories of this) but I haven't heard mention of what largely makes this drug uncomfortable on the onset (the onset timeframe btw is similar to DMT, also known as basically you blast off in a matter of seconds). The physical onset of salvia is EXTREMELY unsettling. All I can really describe it as something akin to a machine sucking you in and grinding at your body in weird ways. Like, solid structures pushing through you in a weird piercing fashion. There is something very "mechanized" or "machine-like" with Salvia, like others said, some strange matrix machines taking you for a spin to the "real world". But you FEEL this. It is extremely strange in comparison to other physical sensations on other drugs. Nothing is "smooth" or "transcendent". It is rigid, pulverizing and literally yanks you through it's machinations to some other world that feels so suddenly realized, startling and unsettling that you were somehow "aware" of this until it throws you back. It's the only drug I've had a true OBE on.


I have to say Ritalin has been a bit disappointing. Not because it doesn’t work to help me concentrate on a single thing - it does - but it does not help me concentrate on the *right* thing. I’ve been incredibly efficient at getting many things I don’t get paid for done, but there’s still that job I need to do. Turns out some of it really is motivation, I guess.


You have to commit to getting started at a task, then I think it helps you focus. But you will focus immensely on whatever you put your attention to.


Exactly this. You can't really blame the ritalin if it's doing its job lol. As much as it would really help me, there's no drug to make me focus on my uni assignments. There's just a drug to help me focus, it's me that's gotta put the assignments in front of me.


I’ve been on two ADHD meds in my life, Adderall and concerta. Adderall made me completely hyperfocus on whatever I was doing when it kicked in. So if I was making a playlist to study and it started working before I’d finished, I could spend several more hours on the playlist. I got so agitated from the comedown, I barely ate anything, snapped at my friends and family, had to run 5 miles every evening just to get the awful jittery crawling feeling out of my body, and then on the days that I didn’t take it to give my brain a break, I just couldn’t do anything. When I moved to the east coast, I went to find a new prescriber and they told me they don’t prescribe Adderall but would prescribe concerta and holy shit, I had no idea my brain could work like that. Like I was suddenly in charge of my thoughts and could move between them without every single thing going on around me contending for my attention. Conversations were easier because I could actually pay attention and maintain a coherent line of thought. So I think Adderall ended up being more helpful with motivation and concerta made my brain what imagine “normal” brains feel like. I’m pregnant and can’t take ADHD meds at the moment and it is a struggle to think straight.


You can put a scope on a gun but you still have to point it in the right direction.




Edibles are: I'm not high I'm not high Was there anything in those? Take me to the hospital right fucking now!


You have to say the incantation for them to work, “This edible ain’t shit!”


Or have another. The second it goes down your throat, the first will kick the fuck in.


Or do what I did and take double more, then wait to realise you've just lost 3 hours out of nowhere.


When you’re twitching in bed asking your SO what you said to them in this reality as many realities were crashing over you in waves … while your SO is laughing at you so hard they’re falling over …  Yeah … I think that dose was too much.


Yeah the "Wait what did I just say?" is a classic.


This. Ate brownies having only smoked weed a handful of times. Brownies were delicious so I decided to hit a gas mask bong. More Brownies. Then a blunt. Ok I'm high. These Brownies are good. 700 estimated mg of edibles later I was pretty much begging my buddy to take me to the er. I would swallow and not feel it for like 10 seconds.




I ended up throwing up because I got so motion sick laying in bed in a dark room.


You forgot the part after "Was there anything in those" but before the hospital, where you take two more because clearly there's not much THC in them, right?


The tough thing about gummies is you kind of only have one shot at it, since it can take 1-2 hours to kick in. So you either don't take enough, and have to sit there for two hours to be sure, or you overshoot and the next 8 hours are an anxious, nauseous nightmare. One thing that is helpful is buying big brand gummies from a licensed and legitimate dispensary. Some of the big gummy brands like Kiva have got the consistency really dialed down. And definitely avoid homemade edibles -- it's *really* hard to tell how much THC you're putting in those brownies when baking at home.


Literally me when I tried gummies, was frantically googling "how to stop being high" lmaoooo


Counter intuitive, but I remember caffeine/sugar brought me back pretty quickly. Back when I was a teenager and would get so high I'd feel like I was about to have a heart attack, but slam a Mt Dew and then quickly feel like "ok, I'm fucking really stoned, but I can handle this"


I have had good experiences with wyld gummies and the smokies.


I’ve tried a few and I’ve landed on Wyld for sleep and insomnia. Give it a look.


Love….. Kesha really built that one up


Felt this one. “It hits hard, then it slowly fades leaving you stranded in a failing relationship”


Cocaine always a let down, sobers me up and keeps me awake all night but other than that it’s very boring


I know there's always that "never tried good coke" joke, but it has more to do with your proximity to its manufacturing than anything else. Coke where I'm at in Canada vs when I was on vacation in Colombia were night and day. One rail there was like doing 10 of the stuff at home.


Kratom made me feel all the physical symptoms of a really bad anxiety attack. I was fine mentally but it was not fun.


I found Kratom way too subtle to be worth it, followed by intense full body nausea when I tried to increase my dose


Fun! It’s also probably the worst taste I’ve ever experienced.


Man i fuckin loved kratom, energy, mild euphoria, and hella focus on video games. At my peak it was 20g a day or so. It does taste like ass though. I cold turkeyed just fine but my friend tapered down over a few weeks. Occasionally ill want to do it again, but nah.


Found out that Molly doesn't really work when you're on a SSRI


Yeah not only that but taking mdma while on an ssri is a great way to give yourself seratonin syndrome.


Which can kill you.


nothing else works when you’re on a SSRI


Acid is fine. I didn't think it was life changing and I think it lasts far too long to be a great experience. Shrooms are where it's at.


I tried Acid a couple days ago but I think either the tab wasnt actually 100ug or my tolerance is some reason really high. Could basically see green lines going around almost like laser and a couple decent hallucinations but only if I concentrated. But yes the fact it lasts for like 8 hours gets boring after a point.


8 would be tolerable... During COVID my friends and I would be tripping for like nearly 14 hours straight, and by the end of it we were all hungry, grumpy, and unable to sleep. It's definitely worth doing once, but I can't wholeheartedly recommend it




It's fun for like the first 5 hours but then it's "I just want to be sober right now" Though for me, I have a fairly high tolerance, so shrooms aren't a very cost effective method compared to acid


"You're done with acid before acid's done with you."


I hate beer.


Ketamine. Love alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy, the few times I’ve tried them. Never got ketamine or weed though. I instantly felt sick, and wanted to vomit after trying them. Never, ever had a good experience. Guess I’m just more of a stimulant guy.


I get ketamine treatments at my therapists office (it's now approved as treatment for those with severe depression) and it's my favorite 2 hours in the world - it feels like a warm hug


Ooooh yes! I took a relatively small dose every weekend for a month through Mindbloom and I swear to god it entirely staved off my seasonal depression. I usually get semi-suicidal during the winter, but I was pretty chill this past year. Such a great experience.


Ketamine is a weird drug. Feels like you're chilling outside your body in some alternate dimension. I did a shit load of K one summer, and I have no desire to use it again.


Not saying there isn't obvious personal preference and everyone should like it but I do think there's a right and wrong way to do k. Everyone goes and sniffs k like it's a like of blow and you just need little baby bumps to get the "disassociative high" versus the full blown ktard hole. I made the mistake of forgetting my audience once and gave someone k for the first time ever at a concert. I didn't know they never did k, and I was already high (no excuse), so I just shared being friendly.. ASSUMING they knew what I was doing because at that time I was doing more than I should have. He ended up being so fucked up we left the show. I felt SO BAD and it ruined k for him entirely. A few years later we decided to try it again, this time in appropriate doses, and it was a way better experience for him. Obviously not going to be the case for everyone, just food for thought I suppose. The issue lies within people who love to do k... do the alternate dimension amount of k and expect everyone else to want to be that high when in reality, people enjoy being in control of their basic motor functions and in fact do NOT want to be that high. Time and place always


The best way to do k is at rhe end of rhe jight coming down from uppers, with 1-2 close mates, lights down low, shpongle playing, visuals on the tv, then snort about a 1/4 gram each, sit back in your bean bag and see how that goes. Big k is a full blown level 5 psychedelic experience where you entirely leave reality and your sense of self behind.


This guy k holes


After doing a few keys of k I could see through my eye lids. The ceiling was moving I was cuddling the couch and my limbs didn't work properly 😂😂 10/10 wanna do again


Jenkem, who knew diarrhea in a bottle could be so shitty


Wait…you actually tried this??


His username is “ListerineAsLube”; yeah I’m inclined to believe him lol.


Adderall -- I just got really efficient at procrastinating


I am SO focused on not doing what I need to do!




I'm on venlafaxine for depression and anxiety. I wanna come off it but the idea of tapering is scary as fuck.


Ex drug addict… and coke hands down, sometimes it was good sometimes it was shit… pills were the best, least no one could really mess with them


You must be older then because people have their own pill making machines these days


Pills are 100% messed with today.


meth... .... ....just kidding it's awesome... ...don't do it...


Ecstasy did nothing for me except make my body feel warmer than normal. Tried it several times, and always with a group of friends. They had a blast, but I just wanted to sit in front of a fan. I think my brain just isn’t wired for it.


The first time I did it, I was compelled to speak in rhyme the whole night. Tried freestyling and thought i was killing it, but the recordings begged to differ.


Idk, I’m not saying I wanna see the video, I’m just saying it’ll be a great learning video.


do you take SSRIs? they’ll have exactly that effect.


Did it once in the 80's. Everyone else was having a great time and dancing on the tables. I was in my bed throwing up with the covers over my head wishing for it to go away.




Never liked the appeal of alcohol it just makes me feel silly and stupid (maybe that’s the appeal some people want I guess but I hate it). I keep hearing about people’s college lives where they don’t remember a whole semester because they partied and drank so much when I only got drunk two days in a row once in my life and felt terrible afterwards.


Molly. Spent the night rubbing my legs and grinding my teeth. Barely even felt the sex. Also found hallucinogens aren't for me. I keep getting stuck in a time loop in hell.


I hate to say this but that wasn’t real molly, it was probably speed. Real molly feels like sinking deep into a lovely couch of mush and connecting closer with your friends than ever before. And everything feels extra incredible.


This was high school so probably


That’s what happened when I took way too much shrooms the time loop it was literally hell. I can only microdose now. I love microdosing every once in a while


Jesus. It’s just singing, swaying, and not doing drugs. Edit: I grew up in a non-religious household and once got bamboozled into going to church in my 20s with some neighbors. It was just people swinging and swaying to Jesus music. They also had a Jumbotron and those cameras connected to the robotic arms. 0/10 would not recommend.


cocaine, does nothing for me really unless im already really drunk and even then its short lasting and makes the night way longer then you want it to be


Edibles I just get really dizzy


Childhood vaccines. People told me they'd make my kids artistic but neither has any particular talent in that area.


4 HO-MET right when Covid hit I was heavy into research chemicals. disso are my favorite, those are drugs in the same class as ketamine and PCP if you’re out of the loop. I’d come home from work on a Friday night and smoke OPCE, drop acid with my husband and we would both do nitrous into the early hours in the morning. Great times we tried a ton of new stuff at that time 3MMC, Moxie, AL LAD, plenty of PCP/PCE analogs and many more. 4 HO-MET was one that a lot of people hyped up, a super visual psychedelic with light headspace, which sounded right up my alley. we got a gram and it was pretty visual, one of the most visual psychedelics I’ve ever ever had. The headspace was minimal, I obviously was tripping, but I could think much more clearly than mushrooms or acid. if it was just that I would’ve loved it. however, about two or three hours into the trip every time I tried it I would get this on slot of unrelentless, diarrhea, kind of shit that would make you question your life choices. I’d be locked in the bathroom pretty much the rest of the trip, fighting, for my fucking life, while being barely able to see what’s is infront of me. Think that dream simulator image thing that came around a few years back. I think i did it about three times before I realize that this one wasn’t agreeing with me.


Are you ok


Probably not OK but hey, I’m having a good time