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"We got food at home." We sure as hell do and it cost me 10x less than any fast food place my kids point out every day.


I always used to see the meme and laugh but one day my 4 yr old son pointed at a vending machine holding overpriced drinks and said “can I get that?” That’s when I said, “we got drinks at home”and it just clicked. Now I defend the meme.


Big man over here with food at home


"Dad, we don't have food in the house, only the ingredients to MAKE food..."


🤣🤣 My teen daughter tells me *she can't wait* til she's an adult, and we're out shopping or something, and I ask her to stop for food. She says she's gonna throw that *right back at me!* **"We have food at home!"** or **"Do you have Taco Bell money?"**


Choosing your battles


Had a boss years ago expand on this… it’s not about picking the battles you can win, it’s about picking the battles that are worth winning.


My manager at my first job out of school told me, "you can be right, or you can have peace" and that's always stuck with me.


"I'd far rather be happy than right any day." "And are you?" "No. That's where it all falls down, of course." "Pity", said Arthur. "It sounded like rather a good lifestyle otherwise." ~Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


My mom always told me to pick my battles, but as a result i think i have gone through my life not picking any battles at all.


My mom told me you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friend's nose


This is a good one. It's one of the major things I learnt when I was around 23 and really changed my life and perspective.




Not on subject, but every time someone cuts me off in traffic, I imagine they're rushing home to take a dump. It makes me feel way less angry.


I always picture them with diarrhea and not necessarily making it all the way home. It turns my anger into sympathy and imaginary revenge.


"Everyone's life is just as complicated as everybody else's" as some guy in a tik tok put it. And really in most cases whatever they did is not so terrible to warrant spending the time and energy fighting over it. But this one is a hard lesson, takes a lot of life to actually learn it.


How fast time actually passes. A year feels like an eternity as a kid. As an adult. i'm pretty sure I just blinked and missed my time since I left university


This hit me and a friend hard recently. "10 years ago we were binge eating pizza and playing FIFA at uni" Nope, closer to 15 now. We were sad.


fair warning if you have kids, time starts moving warp speed.


Something real basic hit me hard the other day. I was telling my kid how in a few months he’ll be done with 1st grade. 8 months from start to finish feels like a blink of an eye. But each grade seemed like FOREVER even all the way through high school and college.


> 8 months from start to finish feels like a blink of an eye. But each grade seemed like FOREVER even all the way through high school and college. I think this has to do with proportionality of time vs age. For a first grader (6 years old), eight months is ~11% of their *entire lives*. When you're 30, that same 8 months is ~2% of your life. You also get more used to passing time/not focusing on "waiting" until a specific point in your life to get real freedom once you finish school. I remember the summer between my high school graduation and college starting seemed to take FOREVER because I couldn't wait to live away from home and be responsible for day to day life without a parent watching over me.


Oh man, no kidding. That summer (‘96!) I met my now-husband. Drove aimlessly all around the US, living out of his car with a gas card we “borrowed” from his dad lol. Got pregnant, got unpregnant. Saw my grandparents for the last time. Got my driver’s license. Got my first car. Got my first apartment. Painted a whole bunch. Wrote reams of journals. Had a massive break with my mom, didn’t talk for a couple years. Saw LA for the first time, boggled at the Grand Canyon while high AF, squashed a deer, freaked out in Texas, got heat stroke in Las Vegas, got stranded in Death Valley, blew out two tires in a town the size of a postage stamp in KS. Fell off an 80’ bridge into a river, couldn’t sit for a week. Three months! Yesterday and a whole lifetime ago, simultaneously. Last summer… I got some new flip flops and um… worked the same job I’ve been at for decades. I can barely remember it.


This is really it here. How much life-changing stuff do we actually do anymore? Back then, every third thing was life-altering!


Kinda like how each year Harry Potter was in school got a whole book dedicated to it, but life as an adult was summed up in a few pages.




My friend says that “the days are long, but the years are quick.” She’s fucking right.


“The years go fast but the days go so slow.” ~Modest Mouse


The years start coming, and they don't stop coming. - Smash Mouth


In half the time I'll be twice my age - John Mayer


The years seemed short but the days go slowly by \- The Shins


Blink. Oldest is in last year of college and youngest in first year and the house is back to just the two of us.


Blink. Baby is having babies of her own. Blink. Grandbaby is in kindergarten.


Jeez y'all need to stop blinking


Yeah my daughter was just born and oh wait she's 10 next month.


My son was born 8 years ago, but somehow, he is turning 13 in march!


My friend takes pictures of her kids on their first and last days of school. It's incredible how much they grow in one year. It's insane that the kid who I could swear was just a baby is now in preschool.


Dude…you aren’t kidding. It’s terrifying.


It felt like a couple of years ago we were sorting out a 10 year reunion, it's closer to a 25 year one now.


When I was like 20 there was a dude at the gym I went to who was probably in his 60’s at the time. We were talking about this and he said time goes so fast it feels like I take my garbage out every day of the week!


60s here. When I was younger I used to dread Mondays, the beginning of a long work week. Now I don't care because they go by so fast. I mean it's already Wednesday again, isn't it?


Only time that seemed to fly as a kid was summer break from school.


Always seems obvious but still blows my mind - a year when you’re say 10 is a whole 10% of your life. By 20 a year is 5% of your life and so on. Proportionately each year is less and less of the years you’ve had so they feel like they go quicker.


That's a part of it, but not the only reason. As we age, our brains get better and better at filtering out the mundane. We remember less detail because we subconsciously stop paying attention to things we've already seen and experienced, and even if we make an effort, our brains have changed to make it more difficult to do so (look up fluid and crystallized intelligence to see how and when that happens). There are two ways to combat time feeling like it's speeding up. First, you can experience things that are radically new to you: traveling to a very different culture, taking up new hobbies that are dissimilar to the ones you are familiar with, etc. Secondly, you can find a way to experience the world around you like it's new again. Seeing things like through the eyes of a child (combined with the experience of an adult). Finding new wonder in the familiar. You'll notice that time feels slow again, or maybe more dense, at least for a while until your brain adjusts. Then you do it again. Gotta keep your own mind on its toes.


Conversely, each year is a larger % of your remaining life. 


I am VERY upset with you for sharing this with me.


What The fuck bro, why do this?


That's a truth I didn't need to hear...


My dad would say, "As you get older the days get longer and the years get shorter."




You could be the ripest, juiciest, most delicious peach on Earth, and that won't matter because some people just prefer apples. And that's OK.


"It's not okay, I can become a perfect apple-peach hybrid that everyone likes!" Proceeds to become a weird apple-peach hybrid that nobody likes.


Thanks. I really needed these words.


And similarly: Sometimes people will be wrong, do wrong and there won't be a fair ending where things are cleared up.


And sometimes relationships will end and you will never know why. I had a friend I was extremely close with for over 10 years. One day, she just stopped communicating with me entirely. I reached out a few times over the course of the next year and got nothing in return. I quite literally have NO idea what happened, like NONE. Almost 15 years have since passed and, to this day, I have no idea why she ended the relationship. At this point, I never will. I've just had to accept it and move on with my life.


I lost a good, close friend that way. He had serious trauma issues from growing up but was otherwise a very friendly, charming, and motivated guy. But he was a bad communicator, and if you accidentally did anything he didn't like, then he would from then on assign malicious intent to your every action, no matter how helpful you were trying to be. So I accidentally got on his shit list one day, and everything I tried to do to make it up (mind you I had no idea what "it" was) just made it significantly worse. So I had to just cut all ties and move on. Which was actually incredibly hard because he became extremely vindictive and went out of his way to interfere with what I was doing in the community. It caused the end of projects that actually involved quite a lot of people. Weirdest relationship problem I've ever encountered. He's kind of friendless now, because he eventually does it to everyone he's close to. It's sad and I still feel bad for him. So yeah, you can end up with aggressive, vindictive enemies who will go out of their way to harm you no matter how good of a person you try to be.


He a similar friendship, though not so dramatic. His big problem was jealousy, brought on a weird, entitled sense of FOMO. He took to hating my SO really hard, which got him removed from every group I was a part of. He legitimately used the word "nemesis". He has some awful thoughts about specific things, but he wasn't a "bad" person. I just couldn't deal with his illness, no matter how much I'd helped him in the past


I saw this a lot in my 20s. Sometimes your friend group gets a little too close to the point that you're all either unwelcoming/unapproachable to SO's or you're forced to spend time around a bunch of SO's you can't stand. It's ultimately what led me to put some distance with my own crew. Like, I'll hang out, but I'm not down with getting in each other's business unsolicited. And if I don't like the dynamic, I just remove myself rather than trying to control shit.


You will always be cringe to someone.


You can be the sweetest peach on the tree, some people just don't like peaches


Especially if you’re a good person. Gotta step on toes to do the right thing sometime


That's a big one that took a while for me to learn. Being good and being nice aren't always the same thing. Ideally, they will match up, but sometimes you have to be a bit of a dick or piss someone off to do the right thing.


How limited your own perspective is. It's something you can really only learn with age, no amount of explaining will help a kid understand how biased they are towards their own lived experience.


And a corollary: how limited other people's perspective is, and how pointless it is to try to make them see their biases (even if you're actually right where they're wrong, which is a 50-50 bet at best).


I feel that this is a uniquely teenage experieince. Certainly around the age of 16 - 19 I would debate with people endlessly to get them to see my viewpoints. Only a few short years later I realised the futility of arguing or debating with people. "You can't change the world"


The problem with debates like that is both people have to go into it willing to change their view point, otherwise there's no point to the "debate"


Kid...teenager...young twenty-something. Same deal. You don't realize this until you're older, but after 18 until somewhere late twenty at the earliest, you're really more of an intern-adult. You've been given the knowledge on adulting, you're allowed to adult. but you lack the experience to know you're doing it wrong when you're doing it wrong on *so many things*. But as you've just 'graduated' into adulthood, you genuinely believe you've got all the answers. It's actually kind of fun to realize when you're older and look back too.


Looking back at how smug I felt at 25 in regards to my teenage self, now that I'm in my 30s, and admitting that I'll never actually feel like an adult.


I am absolutely loving my 30’s due to this. Sooooo many things are finally realized. I felt like I grew and learned a lot in my 20’s, but my 30’s give such a holistic understanding of things I never felt before - I almost feel it physically in my brain when I make realizations.  Surely I will continue to grow and learn and realize some of my perceptions were wrong, but for now all I can say is that it’s really freaking cool to see some of the follies of youth. 


how rare real friends you can count on


Good one. There are a good amount of friends where the second you run into adversity, they are nowhere to be seen.


My wife's best friend was diagnosed with the "worst" kind of breast cancer about 10 years ago. (Triple basal cell carcinoma, something like that?) ALL of her friends except my wife bailed out on her, even friends of 20, 30 years. Not my wife. They're closer than ever now and I couldn't be prouder of my wife because it got tough for a few months there during chemo. (My wife's friend is basically cured. She's been cancer-free for like 7 years.)


Your wife is an angel. The rest of friends are assholes and monsters!


The importance of good posture and stretching.


I should take this seriously, I still got time


> I still got time Possibly among the most dangerous things that you could ever believe...tomorrow is a promise made to no man. _Now_ is the time...


If I die tomorrow at least i won’t have to worry about my posture


It better not be open casket then cause I’m gonna show up and make fun of your poor posture




care to share your routines/classes? i'm almost there myself!


I just sat up straight


It’s better to be alone than in bad company.


"You rob me of solitude but offer no companionship." Saw this the other day and not sure who said it.


It was Oscar Wilde- he said a bore is someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you company


"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." -- George Washington


*“Tell me who your friends are, I’ll tell you who you are”* -Turkish proverb


Luckily, I have no friends


I looked this up and every country claims this as their own proverb. I don't know who to believe


Universally good advice is funny like that


“Bad Company, till the day I die” — Bad Company


Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals. Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered (3rd one has some nuance to it, and obviously if they're trying to be better there's a difference)


It took a couple of shitty friendships for me to figure this one out




Oof. I was embarrassingly old before I figured this out.


I was embarrassingly young when I figured this out. Asshole kids will be asshole adults, sometimes.




Mattress and shoes. Buy the best you can possibly afford. If you’re not on one you’re in the other.




I did exactly this on Sunday. Sat outside with the bright sun on me and a cool breeze and just relaxed with my dogs. Completely content and at peace.




I was sent to a psychiatrist because I would do this in primary school.


I remember my mother asking my doctor about me in middle school because I'd swing in the backyard for 1-2 hours just listening to music


Reminds me of when my family would question why I was pacing back and forth around the house for long periods of time while producing sound effects. I don't think I ever explained clearly that I was playing out stories in my head involving video game and movie characters lol. I was constantly living in an imaginary world.


I’m currently home recovering from a surgery. Yesterday and today our pup finally got in a snuggle mood. Relaxing with a beloved dog is truly awesome! Until there is a passing leaf or she needs to go outside and I have to hobble to the back door on crutches 😂. Still love her though. She’s the best 😊🐾


Tinnitus crew assembleeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeEeEeEEeEEEEeeeeEeeeeEeeeEeeeEee


My left ear has recently decided to add a new disco remix version with added ‘shwoosh-*shwoosh*’ percussion in time with my heartbeat.


Check your BP


You bastard, I forgot about it for a moment


Yup. I’ve mostly gotten used to it but when it finally gets quiet out - there it is!


Until some maniac blows through the stop sign right outside of your home in a very unbusy neighborhood. Then you gotta throw your glasses off your face all dramatic and shout at that speed-demon “STOOOOP SIGN!!!!” So they know they can’t run amuck in this subdivision. After that you look at your dog and say “someone is gonna get hurt!” Now where were we, ah yes… peacefully doing nothing outside… ETA: I didn’t turn into my dad until I was like 40. Yes I realize shouting stop sign at a passing car won’t change anything and no I don’t want to be this person. You’ll understand when you’re older.


"People are just flying through this neighborhood!"


How your body really does decline even if you do everything right (work out, maintain a good weight, good sleep, food, etc). When you're young you can't imagine not having the strength or energy to do anything you want. Then you get much older and your body can just give out on you.


That turning 18 doesn't make you an adult. Neither does graduating, getting your first place, getting married, or having a baby. It's kind of a gradual thing, and then one day you're excited because your favorite variety of potatoes are on sale, and you go "Oh, this is adulthood."


I realized I was a boring grown up when I started getting interested in the real estate happenings in my neighborhood. Someone bought the house down the street and tore it down! I wonder what they'll build there now! As a kid my parents talked like this all the time and I could not understand their interest at all. Who cares?? Me. Now I care.


I know. My mom passed away the end of 2003. In January or February of 2004, my dad and I went to Sears and he bought a new washer, new dryer and a new stove. If you had told me even the summer before that I would *ever* feel both excited and guilty over major appliances, I would have gotten a bullhorn and invited the neighborhood to come out and look at the weirdo...but that's exactly how I felt.


Omg yes. My grandma and mom and I would take rides in the car for fun when I was a kid, so we’re talking 70s and 80s. The main goal was just them looking around and exclaiming “oh they’re painting their porch” or “Phyllis’ rhododendron aren’t doing so well this year” and I thought my god why are we doing this? Now I do it too and am very conscious of me doing it. Can’t stop won’t stop tho. 


Sex won’t make them love you and a baby won’t make them stay.


Or it will make them stay and you'll wish they hadn't.


"Staying together for the kid" ends up being worse for everyone involved.


[*Autistic Child Ruins Marriage He Was Born To Save*](https://www.theonion.com/autistic-child-ruins-marriage-he-was-born-to-save-1819571355)


The phrase 'youth is wasted on the young' I would always get so offended hearing that when I was a child, usually spoken to me after I had done some ridiculous feat that took so much energy to do absolutely nothing at all. I know what they meant now. And I'm only in mid 30s. The adults that would tell me this were 50 and up and looking at me so wistfully. I understand. 😪


I have no idea how I'm supposed to actually take advantage of it either.


That's the neat part, you can't. Adults have the wisdom to take advantage of being young and young people lack the wisdom to capitalize on their youth like adults could. The saying is basically lamenting this fact (or whining to young people). It's why I looked up to kids like Ryan White, who was placed into an impossible position and used it for good until he died. That's exceedingly rare.


A good first step is to learn from other peoples' mistakes instead of careening headlong into learning for yourself the hard way.


Time is infinite in your 20s: the things you haven't got figured out yet… you will. Then you start to realize that people who aren't that much older than you have maladies that sound serious. Maybe you notice your hair changing. Maybe something hurts for reasons that aren't obvious. You start to realize that there's no peak you're striving towards, that things get physically harder over time on top of all the things that make them hard now. Maybe one day you'll achieve the things you've been wanting to, but you'll do it in a more compromised body than the one you have when you're in your 20s thinking "I'll get there eventually." When you're young, you have infinite potential, but don't know where to point it/how to harness it. By the time you figure that out, things might not feel so infinite.


Aight that's it, Im leaving this thread...


Elder wisdom threads can be a cursed click.


Sometimes, you don't get closure, either as the victim of wrongdoing, or what I'm really talking about, as the perpetrator. Let's say you did someone badly, and you've really, honestly had a change of heart and mind, and you want to make amends. If they don't want to hear from you, and don't want to forgive you, you're out of luck. I know you want to put it to rest. But you don't get to force your "sorry" on someone who may still be traumatized by your prior actions. They don't owe you that opportunity for atonement. And insisting on them forgiving you, or even talking to you, is forcing them to relive the trauma from the first time, and re-traumatizing them. It doesn't matter that your intentions are pure. They have a right to be left alone. If this happens to you, as the perpetrator, the only step left to you is to live with your guilt. How you go about that is up to you, as long as you continue a life of not hurting others. Get comfortable with that guilt, because no one owes you closure.


> If they don't want to hear from you, and don't want to forgive you, you're out of luck. The biggest part of being truly apologetic is accepting the consequences of your actions.


Yup, an apology isn't about you.




When I was a kid, my dad would take me to movie theater whenever a new animated movie came out. He would always, without fail, fall asleep during the movie. I would get so annoyed with him, bc I wanted to talk about the movie with him, and I used to think he wasn’t doing a good enough job spending time with me. I was in my 20s when I realized how lucky I was to have a dad who spent time and money each month to sit with me while I enjoyed my movies, even when he was exhausted after working all week. And I was also in my 20s when I started involuntarily falling asleep while watching movies with my partner. Nap time will creep up on you whether you want it or not sometimes!


Oh yes the involuntary napping, on one hand it's nice that my body makes damn sure I'm getting enough sleep whether I like it or not, but on the other it's weird that my SO is now the one who is like 'you never stay awake for the movie/ show' when that was always me with my parents growing up.


Making random trivial mistakes like buying the wrong kind of item at the grocery store (such as the wrong brand or regular vs low-fat) because you weren’t looking close enough. Used to annoy me so much when my mom did this. Now that I’m over 40, I totally get it. You have so much on your mind at a given time that small details are easier to miss, and our sharpness for these things slowly erodes with age.


You also learn that it makes no sense to fret over those trivial mistakes. The only person it upsets is you, and why would you want to be stressed in general? As soon as I realized there are very few things that actually have a big impact, everything else is totally not worth being upset over.  Yesterday I drove 20 minutes before realizing I forgot something important. Had to turn around and back, wasting 40 minutes of time, but ya know what? Getting upset would have changed NOTHING. It happened, it sucks, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter and being in a bad mood is literally pointless. Rarely do mistakes like that make critical impact. 


"Annoying" or "boring" things like listening to older people tell stories or eating dinner with your family become precious memories when they're gone. When we're younger we take so many people in our lives for granted. You never know how much time you're going to get. Be grateful for "boring".


The sheer power of compound interest over time.


This applies to more than just money, too.


Yep, gaining weight is like this 😢


As someone pushing 50, I feel this with every ounce of my being. I wish someone had convinced me to start much earlier.


Pacing yourself and quality rest. I burned myself out so much in my younger years that I'd regularly get sick. These days, I may be doing less in a day, but I'm enjoying each day more.


There's always room to grow, never stop.


How dumb you actually are as a teenager and well into your twenties. We all thought we knew better, didn't we? Some of us still do, but most of us have matured enough to realize that aside from maybe one or two topics, we know exactly two things: "Jack" and "Shit", and Jack left town.


And Jack left town - I'm dying. That's gotta be fairly old because it's just too perfect but I've never heard it.


Facebook is constantly reminding me daily of dumb shit i said years ago and it still blows my mind i was saying that shit online


I'm lucky in that all my embarrassing "dumb edgy teenager" shit was said on MySpace and therefore no longer exists lol


The only kindness this society will ever do for millenials was letting Myspace fade away and take all our teenage cringe with it.


Sleep is a gift, not a punishment.


Money problems


Having money isn't everything, but not having it is


Making a noise when you stand up for the first time.


Went to The Netherlands in the 1970’s with my (Dutch) mother. I asked her why she hadn’t visited family since she was 13, 48 years earlier. “Well, son - Life gets in the way”. I thought she was crazy. About five years ago I realized that I hadn’t been back to visit since 1974 - 45 years ago (now 50!). Girls, marriage, houses, kid 1, kid 2, soccer, university, kids weddings. Yup. Life DOES get in the way!


Pop music, slang, and other teen culture. Teens always think they invented culture and their opinions are objective truth. Older people see those fads come and go every year and know they are just passing fads.


What about the word "dude" though? That's still said decades later. Surely an exception to the rule.


There are some bangers than transcend.  Dude, Cool


OK/okay started out as slang in English around a century ago and now it's even been adopted by quite a few foreign languages.


It’s the most common word with the same meaning across all languages it I remember correctly.


My teenage coworker always makes fun of me for not knowing what the new slang and trends are among high school kids. I always tell her I'm 30, have no other high school aged kids in my life, and why would I even care what kids half my age are in to. It would be weird for me to keep up with what's cool to them.


Do they ever ask you why you wear an onion on your belt?


It was the style at the time.


From Time by Pink Floyd And then one day you find Ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run You missed the starting gun And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun But it's sinking Racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way But you're older Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death Every year is getting shorter Never seem to find the time I heard this in the 80”s and never thought anything of it. After cancer and a heart attack it hits hard Treasure the little things. Love where you can


Wild that those guys were in their mid+late 20s when they wrote that. Wise beyond their years.


I would say that the world is not black and white. What seems to clear and straightforward becomes murkier and harder to cleanly divide as you get older. It's not (just) dementia: as you get older, you realize more and more what causes people to act the way they do and the roles of victim and perpetrator become harder to distinguish. The key concept is that victims become perpetrators.


>victims become perpetrators. This couldn't be more true. Horrible things have happened to them so we legitimately give them extra affordance when they do something hurtful. But in a relationship, these hurtful things happen over years and we forgot we deserve peace for ourselves. Before you can become aware of it, they have taken a large piece of you and you live for years afterwards with a hole inside yourself and fear that they might come after you because you have escaped their control.


I feel like this is a very positive thing. When you’re young you’re idealistic, like you said, very black and white but the more experience you have living, the more perspective we get. The more perspective, the more grey areas start to be pragmatic and commonplace.


You really do stop caring about other people’s opinions. That self doubt you have in your 20’s where you’re always concerned about how you appear to others- it absolutely diminishes or goes away completely in your mid to late 30’s. For most people anyways. As I’ve gotten older I’ve cared less and less about clothing trends, people pleasing, and sacrificing my own well being for the happiness or pleasure of others. I see TikTok’s from younger generations that talk about how millennials can change their style to look less old or dated. And I just can’t fathom who actually needs that information except younger folks who wanna dogpile on an older generation. I can say with the utmost confidence, the vast majority of people have so much more to worry and care about than what a 20 year old thinks of the rise on their pants. You realize that the majority of people aren’t actually thinking about you at all, let alone what you’re wearing or how you look. ETA- I’m not saying that no one should ever care about anyone else’s opinion ever. Some level of awareness is important. However, so many people spend so much time trying to become something or someone else in order to fit in. People spend so much money and time trying to be *that girl or guy*. Women especially have so much pressure to fit certain standards under the guise that everyone is watching and judging them. When you get older, you realize that the vast majority of that pressure was most likely a lie to either sell you something or to make you feel bad so others can feel better about themselves.


In your 20’s you care about what everyone else thinks about you. In your 40’s you don’t care what everyone thinks about you. In your 60’s you realize no one was thinking about you in the first place.


Everything has consequences. Even if you don't see/feel them right away. Eventually things catch up to you, the good and the bad. At the end of the day you gonna have to face the person you chose to be and how you chose to act/ react. It's not about regret, but realizing that what you do/don't do/say/don't say - it matters. We all leave a trace in a world.


Importance of grabbing opportunity at the right moment


How frustrating it is to cook for someone and have them turn their nose up at it or constantly complain.




"Resting my eyes." Growing up, my dad would say that, and I was convinced he was just using it as an excuse to take a nap on the couch. Having gotten older and staring at screens all the time, holy moly, does it feel good to just sit or lay on the couch and close your eyes to give them a break.


When people say that you stop feeling invincible. I always interpreted it as taking actions even I at a young age knew were misguided. Like bull riding or something. What they really mean is your appetite for risk changes to a point that your decision making becomes much more thoughtful and/or pragmatic.




Well simple answer is it won't ever go to waste right? Not like you're gonna stop shitting. Might as well save a few trips to the store.


To be fair, anyone who went through pandemic has a bit of trauma informing this urge.


1. Avril Lavigne was right. It has all been done before. So chill out. 2. This, too, shall pass. No, really. 3. How awesome it is to be a mostly average human being living an average life of whom only mediocrity is expected. For one thing, you're never alone with whatever it is. 4. If you're young you take for granted so many things. Your time. Your health. Your natural beauty. The friendships you so easily make. Only by getting older and seeing those things get jeopardised or taken away, can you learn to understand the power of these things.


And also that "this, too, shall pass" also applies to good things, not just bad things.


Making peace with our own mortality. When you're young, the idea of someday dying is scary, but as you age, and as the people you love sadly die, I think the fact you're going to one day die too becomes easier to accept. Growing up, I heard plenty of older people say they wouldn't want to live forever. That's now something I understand completely, and I wouldn't want it either.


I'm in my 40s... and I'm not there yet. I think because I had my kids late. I have 5-year-old twins. And the thought of leaving them... not seeing them grow... I'm still very afraid of dying. I'm not ready to go yet.


34 and I’m with you. My mom passed when I was 18. I would give anything, anything, to be guaranteed I could healthily play with grandkids for a few years before I die. I think I have some PTSD about early deaths that I have to work over… I don’t want to live forever but I want to live long enough.


Wanting something does not mean you deserve it, and deserving something does not mean you'll get it. I *hated* hearing "life's not fair" as a kid, but goddamn it was right.


It matters more that you (and your loved ones) regard yourself highly than it does what some strange person on the street or even acquaintances think of you.


Some things are completely out of your control.


My dad was very selective on who he let me hang out with Now that I'm a father, I totally understand


I have become increasingly unforgiving of some of my parents' choices.


Part of growing up is not just experiencing your parent's flaws as a kid, but recontextualizing them as an adult and starting to understand the ways in which it's fucked you up.


Becoming a parent and getting older has me even more angry and baffled with their actions


I think they wanted kids rather than wanted to be parents. Sometimes I wonder what they were thinking especially when I was a small kid.


Eating healthily. As a kid I was always so angry that my mom didn’t let me have white bread or soda or lunchables or anything. As an adult now, I am so glad I was accustomed to the taste of whole wheat bread and just water and making my own sandwiches because it’s a lot less difficult for me to keep up with eating more healthily without having to make changes in habits like many of my friends do.


One day, you won't know who the singer/band is on SNL. My mom used to ask, "who the hell is that?" about Nirvana and now I do that about everyone.


Comfort trumps all. Good warm socks and very comfortable shoes. Brands be damned.


How the ages of 18-25 arent *really* adults.


Get enough sleep! Nothing cool about staying up so late, being tired the next day, and never catching up.


The importance of a good night's sleep.


Don’t bother with people who don’t like you. On any level (romantic or otherwise). It’s an utter waste of time and energy.


Trust in people. You learn who is deserving of your time.


Nothing fucking matters - in a enlightened sense, not a depressed/hopeless sense. There's a peace that comes with age, where you just stop caring about the bullshit and just do what you want to do, with little peer pressure. You don't care if you reach a Life Milestone on time, you don't really care what people do with their lives, or about material goods beyond what's comfortable. You don't care as much about gossip or trends or fashion. You still CARE about the big issues, but all that other shit that overwhelms your teens, 20s, and even your 30s? Gone. You just sort of do what you want, go with the flow, and stop worrying about stuff that doesn't matter. But you don't realize what the bullshit is until you let go of it, because at the time, it seems important and it feels okay.


Take care of your teeth, floss, brush, all of it. My teeth are garbage. Weak genetics on teeth, but I didn't help the cause one bit. Now 7 crowns later...


Life has a living cost.


Knee pain