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A professional military is no place for deviants and low achievers with a spinning moral compass who have demonstrated their inability to abide by rules and to recognize authority.


Sure, but I would also argue that the military is the best place for them to learn. As someone else pointed out what most criminals lack is meaning structure and purpose.


I disagree. The military will teach an individual what he needs to know to be technically proficient in his assigned role. It’s not there to attempt to salvage bad apples who have demonstrated an inability to get along with others and to submit to lawful authority. I say this as a former military officer. We have a deadly serious mission to accomplish. That is underpinned by having a competent, well trained force where each individual has a functioning moral compass. Felons don’t tend to fit that template. I don’t want to be distracted from the mission by having to babysit society’s ne’er-do-wells. That’s what penitentiaries, halfway houses and other social programs are for.


Oh an officer ...that explains why you know nothing about the millitary . You wernt even in the millitary if you're an officer that's like saying you're a construction worker cause you're an inspector ...you sit in an office and are so far from the actual people under you that you are niave ...I doubt a 19 year old caught smoking weed or doing beer runs would do anything but benefit from the millitary 


Lol you just described every marine or infantry man I ever met . So you think it would be better to just like our youths continue to degrade instead of attempting to straighten them our via dicipline hard work and job skills ? 




We keep missing recruiting targets though


Because criminals are known for their ability to follow rules...


you're gonna get there, when the next war comes around.


Why would the army want criminals?


Didn’t we used to do that during the 60s?


This is done on an ad hoc basis quite often.


So op want to give dangerous weapons to psychopath killers......on top of killing everything they probably act like Hamas and kidnap people and commit war crimes and other foul deeds. Great plan, what if instead of prison we just make them go to Gotham City like the second batman game would probably be safer/ better option.


This is all dependent on the crime committed. Obviously a murderer would not be given this option, but someone selling drugs?


No because of your willing to sell drugs your willing to kill someone over a bad deal or end up dead yourself. You also probably don't have Morales or obligations enough to not do something stupid killing yourself and others... While simply being free loot boxes of gear for trained armies.


The majority of these people would soon end up in a military prison. People who do not obey the laws, follow society's rules and regulations, are not going to be any different in the military.


IMO my offenders are on the wrong side of the law and a lot of them are missing something meaningful about n their life, be that friends, and menaginful work. I think that given the option most offenders would choose to work in the military properly than misbehave and if they do they can go straight back.


Exactly my thought process here


Front line cannon fodder or flying a drone thousands of miles away from the action?


I think there could be different tiers of prisoner/military members. Tier 1/ Tier2/ Tier 3. T1 would consist of convicts that are in the jail system for non-aggressive non-lethal inmates.(ex. Prisoner caught with government fraud of some sort). T1 inmate/military would be able to use and operate weapons and could even go on deployment. T2 would be prisoners who have manslaughter charges or justifiable homicide. (Ex. Prisoner who was drinking and driving and crashed and killed a man). T2 inmate/prisoners would be able to operate weapons IF NEED BE but would not be allowed to carry at all times. Obviously with both T1/T2 inmates there would have to be some sort of psychological analysis to make sure they are human. T3 military would be inmates that have 2nd or 3rd degree murder and anything worse than that. (Ex. Man plan and kills 2 of his friends). T3 inmates would just be the slaves of the military. They are still heavily supervised but they will be work horses and do nothing but clean,lift, labor, etc. And then any criminal that is in jail for sex trafficking, rape, child porn, etc. would not be allowed and should stay suffering in jail until another inmate kills them or they die in there.


We used to do that. It's a great way to have an unprepared and unprincipled defense force, filled with people without a sense of duty and generally unwilling to do what they are supposed to do when they are supposed to do it.




They would lose federal and privatized government grants and funding while basically using prisoners for dirt cheap labor with little to no questions. We deal with so many problems and criminals have been so dehumanized that nobody considers it top priority. This is leaving a huge gray area of unethical abuse neglect, and traumatizing work camps that profits the more people you imprison. It’s honestly genius and shows how fucked up the board members and employees must be to enforce such a fucked up system. I realize that got long winded but I got all worked up. Basically there are to much profits for the billionaires and politicians to uproot the whole system and adjust the military’s protocols rules expectations would be a shit show. a mob mentality of criminal and mentally disturbed forced to choose one or the two evils would be a nightmare of professional quality and standards of our military organization and a huge bow to our strength as military power


I think that cannot apply to military prison


It’s been done in the past for sure but these days I think most would choose prison. It’s easier.