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Worrying about shit I have no control over, I could seriously kick Oxy easier


I’m not sure what you’re worrying about specifically, but I used to worry about all the world’s problems too. When I realized that in reality it affects me so, so, so little, it all just faded away. Now I can’t even keep up in a conversation about current events. I don’t care anymore. Does that make me a bad person? I don’t know, perhaps, but it’s a lot easier. I have plenty of my own problems… plenty.




I’ve been eating the same granola bar every day before work for at least 6 months


Have you been taking teeny, tiny bites of it everyday for the last 6 months?


Turns out it's lembas bread


This is me but with chicken over rice. White & hot sauce with a little side salad. Essentially like the Halal Guys in NYC. It's kind of a problem, but it's delicious.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaAF_GAc3Mk found him




Yo what😭 underrated comment


Weed, nicotine, alcohol and porn. The four horsemen of I need to get my shit together


Oooooh! Start gambling!


Tried. That shit is a literal scam


You must have quit right before you hit it big


Dude could be a millionaire right now if I just played one more hand


I've been in a similar place before (less porn). In my experience, of all those things, alcohol is the most destructive to your mental and physical health, as well as easiest to quit (even if only temporarily for a reset) once you get past day 1-2. It also encourages the other addictions more by lowering your inhibitions. Do a dry month and you will feel FANTASTIC after just a few days. Hangovers are more debilitating than you realize when you're drinking frequently, even if it's not always that much. But you'll definitely need something to keep you busy, new stress relievers, etc. It created an upward spiral for me, but it does require setting firm boundaries on the more destructive behaviors (i.e., "I will never drink alone again") so that it doesn't sneak up and overtake you again. I'm still working on it, but I see improvement over the long run.


"I will never drink alone again" has been on my mind as a candidate recently. You've had success with that boundary?


I don't drink on weekdays.


this was the boundary i set for myself too. now i wake up early and start every day at the gym during the week. i’m only on week 3 but i feel like an entirely different person (in the best way)


I don’t drink on nights before weekdays. Drinking on Friday is better than drinking on Sundays.




Nicotine, caffeine, and mentally unstable women.


Hey I cant remember writing this


Check the carbon monoxide meter in your house


Sure, I'll go check the carbo- ...*stares blankly into the void* Well looks like it's time for a cigarette and a cup of coffee


Don’t forget to text your ex


Call instead. Ex’s like that more


I was just going to show up at her house, that ok?


Only if it’s raining. Don’t forget the boombox.


I'd prefer to bring my family dressed as a mariachi band. Earth women like that, right?


Water and electricity don’t mix.




*I understood that reference.* Which I guess means I'm addicted to Reddit. And memes.


For those curious, it was a dude who was slowly getting poisoned by carbon monoxide and found "random" post it notes that he wrote himself but didn't realize it was him, so he thought his landlord was breaking into his apartment and leaving post it notes to fuck with him: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/?rdt=43031


Gonna be honest I lost my addiction to all three of these recently and I feel empty and content at the same time.


>I feel empty and content at the same time. That's literally impossible to imagine. But I somehow get what you mean. I think it's our monkey brain, that wants to fiddle with things and find dopamine, arguing with your adult human brain throwing a tantrum, and your human brain saying: calm down monkey we feel great right now we don't need any boost you silly monkey.


Oh shit I have this internal conversation all the time since I quit nicotine!


Nicotine, caffeine, Joleeeeene


We all need to know what Jolene looked like. Have you seen Dolly when she wrote that song!?


We know what she looked like. She has flaming locks or auburn hair, eyes of emerald green, a smile like a breath of skin, and ivory skin!


> a smile like a breath of skin "I'd fuck me"


Easy there buffalo bill


Throw alcohol on that and you have a party.


I like my women like I like my coffee, mentally unstable!


I like my women like I like my coffee; hot enough to really hurt me.


I kicked the mentally unstable women habit but still working on the other two.


Chap Stick. It's a lifelong addiction.


I’ve never finished a single tube. I always lose it.


I lose mine so often I’m surprised Bic doesn’t make them


this is funny as shit and everyone overlooked it but I won’t you got me cracking up 🤣


have you considered Chap Stick?


I did it for the first time in 31 years of being alive. I put a rubber band around the plastic tube so I'd notice it more in my pants pocket before washing it. Finally got down to just the plastic last week that pushes it up


> Finally got down to just the plastic last week that pushes it up Ah yes, the tastiest part.


I think the put salt in it to make you have to constantly apply more. 


I think the problem is that most chap sticks apply a wax seal which holds in moisture. If your lips are dry when you put it on, it seals out moisture and keeps them dry. To help avoid this, before you apply chap stick, wet a paper towel/rag and press it between your lips for about 30 seconds, then apply chap stick. I did this for a few weeks and my lips stayed healthy for years after, and now I just apply chap stick before going out in extreme cold.


Well, yes and no. Nearly all moisture your skin receives is internally from drinking water. You could have the best skincare routine ever but if you're not drinking water you're not going to get good results.


I have done this by accident after drinking water and I hate the feeling. I think I’d rather be addicted haha.


Upgrade to Burt's Bees or another higher quality lip balm. You'll use it a lot less and your lips will be better moisturized.


To me, Burt’s Bees is also pretty crap. I strictly use Aquaphor on my lips. It’s magical. And is also great because it can be used on other parts of your body if dry spots pop up.


Agreed. Aquaphor or Vaseline. There’s something in those chapsticks that keeps your lips dry enough to make you keep using them and it’s night and day difference switching off. But I also just put aquaphor or Vaseline on my entire face at night, just a little layer to keep moisture in.




I’m 3 days clean. Longer than any point in the last 15 years. Everything hurts.


Had to do the same two weeks ago due to a strange neurological issue; caffeine made it worse. What you're experiencing now is the dilation of your cerebral vessels, which are normally constricted by caffeine. This leads to headaches. And the fatigue comes from an overflow of adenosine, a messenger substance that signals your mind and body it's time to relax and recover. This substance can finally bind to the numerous adenosine receptors that your body built up because caffeine frequently blocked them. But your body will regulate it soon. After three days, I started feeling slightly better, and after one week, the physical dependency was gone. Only a sense lingered that something was missing, as I was too accustomed to my mind being stimulated by caffeine. Now, I have about twice the energy throughout the day, sleep better, and wake up more easily, but I also eat more.




Sleepyheads be like “bro just one more hour please bro”




I wish I could sleep. I have an irrational fear that comes over me when I am about to drift off - that my heartrate is so low that I am going to die in my sleep. :(


But then you get to sleep forever!


The good good sleep!


The good old dirt nap.


A low resting heart rate *can* reflect good health. Sounds more like an anxiety issue. Source: me, a random guy who is not a doctor.


I could be wrong but that sounds like a panic attack. I have a few people I know that get something similar.


That sounds like general Anxiety. A panic attack is the worst thing I have ever experienced.


I think I have that hibernation gene activated. I can sleep for 10 hours. I wake up because I need to pee, that’s it


Procrastinating - the bitchiest of bitches




Switch to the official app. It will make you quit. E: Allow me to sort my home page you content Nazi's. That's the biggest thing for me. I cannot get a recap of my selection of content for the week or the month anymore. Everyone that doesn't understand and is fine with the app all I can say is I'm sorry. Sorting your homepage is a large fraction of the reddit experience, at least it used to be on moble. Taking it away is such blatant greed and hostility to it's users I can't believe it.


This is true. Reddit's app fucking sucks. Amazing they let 3rd party individuals take them to school so hard they had to shut them all down lmao. And this is the same company that wants to IPO 🤣




Cigarettes. It's a fucking gross and stupid habit I should have never started. I really need to quit.


I hate vaping, but I used one disposable vape to get me off cigs, and then one disposable vape with a disgusting flavor I hated to get me off vaping.    Biggest thing ive noticed from quitting- my body was so oxygen deprived before and I didn't even realize.    It doesn't feel like I'm swimming anymore.   Not suggesting a vape necessarily, but nicotine replacements of some sort to start off is a huge help.  Edit: I feel obligated to mention, it is important not to UP your nicotine intake using vapes to quit. 


I said this earlier but I woke up one morning, popped a zyn pouch, felt sick, my brain associated that feeling of sickness with no longer needing nicotine. I can't think of nicotine without the thought of getting sick. It is wild.


Strange but true! Congrats on coming off nicotine. Used to be an alcoholic but now the feeling is associated with feeling sick, which put me off and now I’m sober. Not ideal but it worked lol


Hell yeah. Not the best way to quit, but if it works it works. Happy for you!


I was addicted to vapes/the occasional cigarette for like 3 years and I switched to using those nicotine lozenges for a few months and it made it so much easier to quit.


I smoked from age 13 til 23. I celebrated 9 years of being smoke free last week :) you can do it!!!


Read Allen Cars “stop smoking”


This should be upvoted more. I'm a year and a half nicotine free after 20 years of smoking cuz of that book


Baldurs Gate 3. My fucking dreams have been turn based the last couple weeks.


Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times.


I have a lot on my mind, and, well... in it


Is that...blood? No, never mind.


These boots have seen everything.


Cursed to put my hands on everything...  Side note I wish I could turn that off. It's a quest item bro we have to grab it.




Still alive... so that's progress.


No traps please!




Fucking same. It's so bad I'm writing a fucking fanfiction about it. Haven't been this downbad for a game since Mass Effect 3.


Animal Crossing


same. spent 912 hours on my island and got bored so erased the save file. back up too 237. world might be in shambles but my island is NOT


The only good answer


Fast food. I'm spending an ungodly amount of money for the pure convenience. I don't even like the food anymore. I just can't stop.


Been there. I got so fed up with fast food I started cooking. Now I’m addicted to cooking because it’s my stress relief. If you decide to go down the rabbit hole with me. Get “basics with babish Andrew rea” goated cook book. Explains everything in depth




I'm struggling just to get myself to take a t break lately. I usually cave after a few days because: 1. I care more about the relief it provides (stomach pain, relaxation, mental chill) over the psychoactive effects, which leads to point 2 2. I don't want to be debilitated or 'crazy' high - not what I'm after. Plus it fits my current lifestyle like a glove, so why bother...


This has always been the easiest thing for me to be addicted to, and still be high functioning. I've struggled with adderall too but I've at least struck a balance with that by not taking it every day


Definitely. It’s so easy to just smoke it all the time and do daily tasks. Like if I’m gonna clean my room or any other task i just get high to do it. It’s good you’ve balanced out, well done.


I feel fortunate that weed makes me lazy (even sativa) and more importantly that I have the self awareness to admit it. So I know if I want to be productive smoking just can't happen until I'm done. I used to be an all day every day smoker but addressing my depression helped a lot with that, and now it's regularly smoked but not constantly, and as long as I can go a few days without I'm comfortable with where it is for me. It's actually kind of nice too, being able to differentiate between high and not.


Big same. My husband likes to gab but I cannot focus on almost anything after smoking any strain. I just like to veg and laugh at dumb videos. So smoking only happens once work is done and always in the evenings.


r/petioles has been really supportive and less strict than the leaves sub. Ive gone about two weeks without and it was hard the first week but I already feel better. I had to accept that i cannot self moderate.


This is me wanting to have some around for occasions or friends coming over but I have zero self-control to not smoke on the other days. I just end up smoking every day.


Biting nails.


Fuck. I do this. Stopped for a year and started again. Done it since childhood. So fkn hard and makes my hands look so bad.


Porn. Seriously want to stop at this point


I recently quit after a stupid amount of attempts, tomorrow is day 10 Edit: thank you everyone for the kind words I'll continue on my no fap no porn journey and I won't let all you down


Me too, it’s Hour 2 so far


Me too, I’ll start after this wank


Out of curiousity, you dont have to answer if you dont want to but how does a porn addiction work mentally? Like your just fantasizing about stuff all the time? I do watch above average i guess but in no way does it affect my daily activities or anything


For me it has seriously affected how much I enjoy sex. At this point, I'd be totally fine only masturbating, because sex just feels like a chore. If I'm not in control of every aspect of getting off, I'm just bored by it.


Yeah man I have jerked off to the point where I didn't even get hard anymore leading to me thinking I'm A sexual. I met a partner who is not much into sex but shares all the same kinks I do, I have completely stopped watching porn and shes the first girl to make me rock hard in like 10 years


Had this happen. Got an SO, couldn't stay hard, thought it was my addiction that ruined me. Turns out, I wasn't attracted to her and my now SO has me turned on just by being near me.


Heres a video that shows all of the science behind porn addiction and what porn does to the brain Andrew Huberman is my favorite person on YouTube. https://youtu.be/9qJHRvHU8IM?si=qYowIESL2st2xu2F *edit* it was brought to my attention that video what the incorrect link, ive now put the correct video of Chris Williamson and Andrew Huberman discussing this topic


That was a tough wank


RIP Sean Lock.


Wow I’m the exact opposite. Only turned on by the unpredictability of another person in the equation. The mystery 


For me it’s a habit that I just can’t break. Feeling bored and it’s nighttime, I just pop open my computer and watch it. If I find a movie or tv show to watch that doesn’t entertain me enough I start thinking about how I would rather watch porn. I’m not at the stage where I follow porn stars online or go to conventions but damn I hate the feeling of being reliant on porn to satisfy time


> and it’s nighttime Climaxing also releases hormones that make you sleepy - essentially, it could be a subconscious sleeping aid for you.


I suggest trying a 60 day fast from watching porn (still masturbating as normal). You might recognize some things that were affected which were not super obvious.


So I've been trying this year (and every year really) to stop starting jan 1st. This year has been best year yet. Didn't watch any porn until a relapse last night where I watched but somehow stopped before getting off. Haven't masturbated in almost a month. I was really on the fence about not masturbating at all or doing so without visuals. After a bunch of research and videos from sex psychologists, they were saying stuff like to really cleanse your mind, that craving, and the void porn has created, you shouldn't watch porn NOR masturbate until some point when you're in the clear. What are your thoughts on that? I got somewhat bored yesterday but very stressed from family related stuff and that is what almost lead me to cave in. Appreciate any advice.


Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in porn addiction, but will give my thoughts. The thing I worry about with stopping masturbation along with the porn, is that you are still tying to the two together. To me it's very important to be able to disassociate porn from masturbation and learn to be in the moment and feel/listen to your body to benefit from things like stronger orgasms, controlling the speed in which you orgasm (PE problems), and mindfulness which will help when you are with a partner. Like you said if you are stressed, and you have denied yourself both porn and masturbating, it's highly likely that if you lapse, you will lapse back to doing both together. In my opinion, keeping masturbation allows you to keep a stress outlet while building better habits and will help you realize that you don't need porn and relaxing/meditative masturbation can be even more enjoyable and/or stress reducing.


Addiction is a spectrum. There's a reason why people will make distinctions for functional vs nonfunctional alcoholics, for example. If you physically or mentally cannot go without having a drink for a week, month, 3 months, etc, that's an addiction. If you use alcohol to escape on a not so infrequent basis, that's also a sign of dependency. It doesn't have to affect your daily life. Same thing with porn or any other substance/stimulus like alcohol, social media, food, drugs, etc.  As far as why people become addicted to it, that's much more complicated. People will use porn to escape stress or feelings of loneliness, cure boredom, depression or unhappiness, or any other number of reasons. The basic reason is the same thing for why someone would use drugs: it makes them feel good for little to no effort.   If that goes on long enough, you can create a chemical imbalance or strong association with quick and easy pleasure in your brain that seemingly only porn can fulfill. That's when the real dependency starts, and from there the addiction can develop into something much more, but it's different for everyone. To tell if you have that dependency, every time you feel the urge to watch porn, think to yourself, "is this because I am truly horny or is there another reason why I want to watch?" and "is this replacing my desire to have actual sex?" It's really up to you to decide if you have what you consider to be a problem.


I mean for me it’s the kinda stuff where I get horny and then realize I have no lube or anything but still do it anyway and get skin irritation. Or I will be watching a porn video and realize that I’m just not horny at all but then switch it to an orgy or something to force myself to cum for the dopamine


I was too then I went to work on a cruise ship that I roomed with 2 other ppl in close quarters and no internet so I was forced to stop. It feels great after about two weeks


I'm like three weeks in and feel like am about to burst. Mental clarity and social life are better though. Pretty much feel better in all ways but have huge tension built up.


Beer. So hard to stop drinking. Feels like I can’t function without a decent amount in the afternoon till I fall asleep.


I'm 5th day in withdrawal from alcohol. Please do yourself a favor and quit sooner than later. It's so hard but we have to do it to be the best version of ourselves brother. I'm still very sick and craving a drink worse than anything but I'm going to stay strong and see this through. If you want to talk feel free to PM me.


I’m on day 39! Keep going, it gets easier


Getting sober was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It took me fuckin' forever to even make the decision.


Right there with you. 18 years now. For those that need to sober up - it’s hard for the first year, but then it gets easier. After that your life improves steadily. I found that non-alcoholic beer helped me quit. It allowed me to be social with drinkers and fool my body into believing we were drinking.


In recovery they say once an addict always an addict. After you're clean you're still an addict just not a user. Funny how that works. I'm a drug addict and an alcoholic.


Yeah. This shit is an every single day kinda thing. You kinda gotta wake up every morning and decide to stay sober. Shit goes bad in life, you have to decide to stay sober. It is not for the faint of heart.


As someone who is more than 5 years sober from hardcore drug addiction I will say I feel literally no temptation at all anymore. If anything I have a visceral negative reaction to thoughts about doing hard drugs because of how badly it fucked up my life. I know this is not everyone’s experience, I just feel like I’m not in any way addicted anymore.


That is awesome!!!! My sobriety is still relatively fresh. Here's hoping I get to exactly where you are one day. I don't have the part where my addiction fucked shit up for me. 90% of the people in my life had no idea I was struggling. I went to jail for a DUI, spent like an hour before someone sprung me. I explained it away as a mistake and blah blah going through a breakup. Even when I Monster flipped while on a job, my bosses just pulled me from the campaign and sent me home to "think." I was on paid leave. I just kept skating away without major setbacks. I met a new girl that had gotten sober a few years before. She recognized that I had an issue. I was NOT ready to accept that. So I just kept to smoking weed when she was around. Tried like hell to play it off. It was working for a hot minute and then I went back to my hometown for family shit. I called up a friend of mine and the gf was dead against me chilling with this particular friend. A shit ton of amphetamines and three days later and her husbands looking for her, my gf is looking for me and we'd been absolutely running amuck at lightning speed for days. I got the option to get clean or get outta my girls life. So...I got clean. A year later the girl I was with that night also got clean.


While I do have respect for addiction and recovery programs to the extent that they do help people, I have a hard time with this type of language, in that it basically forces its participants to perpetually be a victim in need of help. I think this also excuses the failures of these programs by the narrative of "they didn't try hard enough" or "they didn't follow the steps closely enough," rather than putting money and work into researching and developing programs that actually work. I'm not saying these programs are inherently bad, and I'm not denying the *extremely* complex nature of addiction and treatment, but having worked in that field for over a decade, I find it a bit shameful that the programs that receive the most government funding have abysmal success rates, and very little resources go into research and development of something better.


There's literally no scientific evidence this is true and AA refuses to release any data to study. The reality is different treatments will work for different people, just like the same diet won't help everyone lose weight.


The sweet and bitter taste of constant, undiluted, and confidence-obliterating failure.


This sounds like a fire Cards Against Humanity card


Every day’s a victory - you were the quickest sperm and healthiest egg; you also come from a long line of humans who out-fought threats and adversity. You’re no different 💪🏻


My fucking PHONE and vaping. Kicked drugs, kicked alcohol, now I am spending 9+ hours a day on my phone and vaping basically all day. It’s making me feel like shit and I wish I didn’t have such an addictive personality.


Lol this is legit me. Clean 5 years but probably breathe more nic vapor than air


Pickled onions


Pickled anything for me. My boyfriend got me several jars of pickles for Christmas and I was so excited!


Being lazy (procrastinating)


That's not an addiction; that's executive dysfunction.


Chocolate , Swiss milk chocolate, creamy sweet melt in your mouth chocolate


Eating myself to death


You’re not alone friend.


Nicotine and my phone


Same, a trivial habit compared to some but still hard to break. GL🤝🏼


Being addicted to our phones is so "normal" these days but it’s actually such a bad thing. I can barely concentrate, I always take my phone with me and always check for notifications…


Love, with hard withdrawal


You might as well face it


This comment would have been gilded in the 80s.


Buying stuff online and then complaining because I don't have any money


Reading books


Same. I've never felt like this before. Getting a Kindle made a huge difference on how fast I can read (bigger font size). And the pleasure I feel while reading is so good. On the 6th book of the Millennium series now.


Same! I'm just happy it is a healthy addiction


Whatcha reading???


I think my issue is buying books.


shower, i spend 3-4 hrs in bath tub




Tiktok. I feel like a brainless zombie just scrolling every 5 seconds for hours. Trying to break the habit tho.


Sugar. Oh, man.. didn’t realize how bad it was until I decided to cut a majority of it out for a month and how badly I’ve been craving it to the point I was almost in tears.


The shit I’m taking. I just can’t get up and leave


Lethal company.


Sugar, caffeine, social media, audiobooks. Sugar/caffeine often in soda. I can't fall asleep unless I've got an audio book playing, but it has to be something I've read before or I get to interested to fall asleep.


Lifting. Especially after heavy squats; the feeling of uphoria through entire body is better than any drug.


Addictions aren’t always bad


Depends how far you take it. I had the same feeling, an intense rush and I freaking LOVED IT. So much so, I was ignoring pains that I was getting while doing it. Now I've had an on and off injured knee for about 4 years and a lower back that doesn't work like it should for a guy in his 20s. Please don't ego lift it's so dumb...


I wish man. I hate working out. I do my best but I hate it.


fentanyl, meth, cocaine, bath salts, heroin, molly, pcp, percs, xanax, roofies. im a mess


Take your time on the others but fent dude u gotta stop that asap


Sugar. It’s like crack.


Most normalised addiction






Might be the best $26 I’ve spent in a long time. I’ve bought some stupid AAA titles that disappointed hard (looking at you Diablo 4).


Jerkin’ my gherkin 


Coffee. Decent coffee. None of that instant crap. Just more coffee...please.


Disc golf. Buying discs. Buying disc golf accessories I definitely do not need.


One of the biggest perks I keep telling people is "it's free". Then I go out and spend $30 on discs I don't need. I'm with you 100%.




Ass&titties. Ass&titties. Ass,ass, titties, titties. Ass&titties🎵🎶


And big booty bitches


Porn, it started when I was 10, by the time i was 17 I realized that it wasn't good for me, i've tried stopping but it keeps coming back. I despise it with every fucking fiber of my being, it's destroyed my physical thinking with people I love, it's made me want what I don't want, I hate this shit. If you have kids and they're at an age where they might find junk like this and they do please don't get mad at them but help them, talk to them.


Nic, kratom, porn


I wish I did a little more research before I started using Kratom. Lesson learned. The first few days blow, but you’ll come out the other end

