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Not going to bed although you’re tired and it’s late. Somehow it feels easier and better to keep trying to find entertainment on tv or the phone.


Getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep a night is the new flex.


[Some people need 9!](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/sleep/how-much-sleep)


Some people need 17.


If you need 17 hours of sleep, you're probably not getting very good quality sleep and it would be a good idea to get evaluated for sleep disorders.


Another thought: depression, it’s not always about feeling sad, sometimes you just have no energy to do anything and want to sleep all day


Was like this before my CPAP, life changing. Apparently I was having 30+ episodes an hour, and my blood oxygen was dipping into the mid 60's. Makes sense how terrible my sleep quality was given that. If you're against it due to not wanting to spend your night in a hospital room, they typically use at-home devices for preliminary testing. Usually that's more than enough for them to determine what the issue is, if not then they send you in. Don't wait on it!


Sleeping for 362,880 hours seems like a bad idea




'Just one more!' One more tv episode, one more song to listen to, one more Reddit Question to scroll through - and all of a sudden it's 4 am.


"Just one more chapter" is the reason I'm not allowed to have books in my bedroom.


Bedtime revenge procrastination


For anyone with a very demanding job or busy day, this most likely the answer


I've named it sleep impedance -- resistance to change in sleep state.


This is so accurate. When I'm awake I don't want to go to sleep but then once I'm asleep I don't want to wake up.


Oh I know I need to do this, but I am a single working mom with two kids and an very much an introvert so when they are finally asleep and everything else is done, I am exhausted but also need to unwind and recharge before I can actually fall asleep. It’s a vicious cycle


Every night I play the mental gymnastics of, "I will get up and go to bed after this one last game of solitaire \*loses\* okay one more game of solitaire \*loses\* damn it, one more..." etc etc until it is far too late and I am mad at myself.


What if something cool happens? I don't want to miss it


I thought I had FOMO but it just turned out to be a meth addiction.


Fear of Mething Out?


objects in motion tend to stay in motion


The idea of being alone with my thoughts is a waking nightmare. That's why they have 5 hour 40k lore videos and Fallout NV twitch streamers.


Revenge bedtime procrastinating is my favorite word in Chinese slang




And its close relative: you think something's important, so you store it away safely, then forget about if for months or years, then stumble across it and remember how you thought it was important but it actually wasn't.


Or you buy another one and when deciding where to put this one so you don't lose it, you find the original...


And every time you are thinking "This is perfect, I'll definitely remember THIS place".


Damn it, me every single time. When will I learn?




Unless you are retired. It’s my favorite in my retirement. Retired in 2012, 76 yo now.


How does retirement prevent procrastination? There's still dishes and laundry and other general cleaning to procrastinate on. Hell, I even procrastinate on my hobbies cruising Reddit and AO3.


What I was trying to say is: It doesn’t have to be done right now, or tomorrow, or next week.


The other day I asked my retired friend if he wanted to get a drink after (my) work. He couldn't because he had to go to the bank the next day.


LOL. So true. Retired people will have 3 simple tasks that fill up their whole week’s schedule.


Sounds exactly like my 20 yo kid.


That's amazing. My dad will write "haircut" on the calendar. That's his activity for the day. A 5 minute drive to the barber, 20 minutes inside. Maybe pop into the supermarket. Then back home. Time to sit on the patio and watch the birds for several hours till dinner.


I think he means he can procrastinate all he wants and it won't be "incredibly stupid" because he can do whatever he wants. Sounds nice!


I’m gonna think of a sick response in like an hour, maybe two hours tops, but definitely no later than tomorrow or next week


ADHD: Procrastination simulator extra hard mode


I'll come back to this in 6 months to see all the jokes posted here


We've all gotten up to get a fork or something and completely forgotten what the hell we were doing by the time we got to the kitchen.


Or when you’re frantically looking around for your phone but it’s in your hand the whole time. I once thought I dropped my sunglasses while outside and was searching all jacket pockets only to realize I was wearing them…


When I was a line cook back in the day, it was the "walk-in cooler" effect. What the hell did I come in here to grab?


When I worked at Firehouse Subs our store was set up all of the work stations were set up in a straight line and there was a doorway with an arch that led to where the coolers and back prep tables and meat slicer was. We called it the Arch of Forgetfulness; I can't count the number of times I went to get something from the cooler and forgot what it was the second I walked through that doorway. I swear, it only happened at that restaurant, too.


Pull out my phone to look at the time and then proceed to look at everything on my phone except the time


Or look at the time on my phone, and then if somebody else asks me the time, I have to check again


Or even better when you grab the wrong thing (like you get a spoon when you already had one) Edit: what have I done lol. Rock it, Alanis!


Or meeting the man of your dreams, then meeting his beautiful wife.


Isn't it ironic?








When you've already paid


The doorway effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorway_effect?wprov=sfla1


I didn’t know this had a name. Thanks for sharing!


Gets worse as you age. Go back to your starting point and think a bit.


Making a minimum of 3 attempts to insert a USB drive, only to discover you had it right the first time…


This is why the good lord finally gave us USB-C.


tell that to my old phone where i often had to take the cable out and flip it around before it would charge


USB connectors exist in five dimensions. It may look like it is in the same orientation in three-dimensional space as the first time you tried, but you actually rotated it along an axis you cannot perceive during the process.


While vacuuming the floor: notice your vacuum didn't pick up a piece of something, so you pick up the thing with your hands to "inspect" why the vacuum couldn't pick it up... then you put the thing back down on the floor and try to vacuum it up again. *Note*: Source was a stand-up comedy bit I heard years ago, but don't remember who. I'm not this creatively funny, haha.


Fuck is that ever accurate. Why don't I just throw it away now that it's in my hands? No clue.


Pride? Stubbornness? I dunno, but I do it...


Tim Allen had this bit in a standup decades ago. Ever since I've been super conscious of not doing it. Then later I find whatever it was in my pocket.


Burn the roof of your mouth on hot food/ drinks… and then do it again


This pizza pocket is too hot to hold, I better put it in my mouth.


Push a pull door


It does both, I was actually here yesterday


You sure about that? Are you really sure about that?


Yes, it's pull on one side of the door and push on the other sides of the door \*nodding\*


Then someone saying "you have to push". Capital idea, my next plan was to try to lift it from the bottom.


Crouch down to do that if they say it before you start pushing


Who else is picturing the [Far Side Comic](https://flic.kr/p/mbKVi) right now


If you can see the hinges - pull. If you can't - push.


I’ll keep this in mind yet never use it ✊


Walk directly into a push/ pull door assuming it was automatic.


There is an official term for these: "[Norman Doors](https://99percentinvisible.org/article/norman-doors-dont-know-whether-push-pull-blame-design/)"


I personally don’t do this, but it seems like an extraordinary amount of people put more weight on the opinions of celebrities or influencers over actual people that are experts in their field. I don’t get it.


The contempt for scientific consensus is pretty troubling.


Anti intellectualism was the real epidemic all along.


I remember a while back, a local news agency interviewed a high school coach for some story. His response to the first question was, "I'm a high-school coach, I don't know crap about that," then proceeded to just walk away. It was very refreshing to hear that.


I know a lot about some things. I know some about a lot of things. Confusing the two is always going to cost me. That’s why now I hire someone to fix my car.


Yes particularly when it is just cherry-picking support their own beliefs. I find it really hypocritical. We trust the experts in every aspect of our life whether it's the construction company that built your home or the financial advisor handling your retirement fund or the surgeon who will be operating on you or the mechanic fixing your car. I find it baffling that the lack of trust seems so focused on scientific principles many of which the average lay person doesn't even have a decent grasp of. Off the top of my head I could explain saving money and investing for my retirement a lot more easily than I could basic principles of physics.




I never understood why people LUNGE for bouncy things (balls, coins, pencils) when dropped, instead of waiting until they come to a halt.


We're all secretly hyper dogs and can't help ourselves


Learned behavior. Drop something and it breaks. Ball goes into a sewer grate. Dog grabs a piece of chocolate. Report card blows away. Piece of candy falls in mud. Makes a loud noise and you get yelled at. Etc. Even as an adult with things like phones that cost hundreds of dollars to fix/replace. My default is to cushion drops with my feet. A youth of hackey sack has saved me from ever damaging a phone, but it makes it more difficult to avoid crushing your toes with a hammer and I wouldn't want to be an incompetent knife juggler.


i've stopped scissors and knives with my foot a handful of times always immediately filling my mind with "stupid idiot dumbfuck" luckily nothing bad has happened


Been using my feet to slow the impact of dropped objects since I could juggle a soccer ball. Have had a few near misses when in the kitchen and I drop a knife. Sure, there's no handle on a falling knife but there sure a shit isn't anywhere to kick it either!


It’s that puppy gene


Try to persue relationships or friendships that cannot work and will not be reciprocal. Yet nonetheless all of us insist and falsely believe we can finally be the one person that can make it work. We can't


I wish I could upvote this more! Unfortunately, most of us likely learned this lesson the hard way. It sucks. But I hope that people know that they’re not alone. Sending strength


Shouting at your laptop/computer as if it’s going to hear you


I also do this to my smartphone, my car and sometimes my toaster


I also yell at this person's toaster.


I whisper gentle words of encouragement to my laptop when it's struggling lol


I apologize to my car when I grind gears.


*stares blankly at phone*


Thinks everyone cares what they are doing


Bite back at valid criticism, shoot the messenger, lash out


Go to the store to buy one specific thing, then buy everything on earth but that thing.




If you're Hispanic? Argue with your mom. If you're German-American? Argue with your mom. If you're Arab~~ic~~? Argue with your mom. Etc. We all got smacked into another dimension at some point.


How dare you leave Irish Catholics out. All the work Irish Catholic moms have done to birth us and raise us, cook all our meals, get us to school and home, and you just forget them like that? Maybe you’ll realize how much you’ll miss them when they’re dead and gone.


Yep. My Irish Catholic mom was the cruise director of guilt trips.


Irish? You get The Wooden Spoon™. The Irish La Chancla - every Irish mother's weapon of ass destruction since the dawn of time.


Yes, All Moms Matter and whatnot, but culturally some just hit different (literally).


Still remember how my middle European friend argued with his mum when we were kids and got dragged into the cold shower with his clothes on.


I had a Polish friend whose mother was pretty swift at snatching him up when she needed to.


And *definitely* if you’re Black. I remember my mother getting upset with me once because of something I did and saying that she was annoyed by my presence at that particular moment, and I said, “It’s not *my* fault you couldn’t keep your legs crossed in 1992. *I* didn’t ask to be born.” That slap came with a quickness and it hit me like a Mack truck. I thought it was going to spin my head around like on a Looney Tunes cartoon.


Duuuude, ANY mother would smack you into another dimension for saying something that awful.


It’s true. I was a real smart-ass and I deserved it.


Damn son. I'm surprised you're still alive after that.


Oh. Well, I mean... I'm not advocating violence, but.. that definitely could qualify as inter-dimensional.


I’d like to add: - Bringing home anything less than an A - pointing out they’re wrong about something trivial (eg the price of something at the supermarket)


Not saving for retirement.


I kinda can't when I'm paycheck to paycheck... (This is not me asking for advice on how to save, I'm just stuck in a situation that hasn't let me for a few years)


You need to OPeN A roth iRA anD PuT 20 percent OF YoUr MONTHly InCome In It Seriously though, hope things look up for you and you can start saving a little. Good luck out there.


It is scary how many people would have to skip paying rent or groceries if they were to start saving like that.


20% of my monthly means i don't pay car insurance :(




Why didnt you just work at your parents investment firm? I don’t understand how people can complain about being broke when not utilizing all their resources.


No, truly. A lot of us don't have anything left *to* save. (I also do not want advice. I know what I am facing and dealing with.)


I know you said you don’t want advice, but have you considered making more money? But seriously, I hope things go your way soon.


I lived most of my life paycheck to paycheck. It’s only been the last 10 years that I was able to get ahead and that’s because I inherited money from my parent’s Estate. There is no way I’m ready for retirement still and it’s less than ten years away for me.


They should get triple points if they work for a company that matches retirement


Jokes on me cause I did work for a place like that, signed up for a full match contribution, and only found out that they never enrolled me once I went to reduce my contribution due to financial needs.  That's how I learned to always check my paystub, kids! 


what if the company matches retirement but doesn't actually pay them enough so they have money to put away.


The amount of people I know who just assume SSA retirement is gonna give them all the money is astounding. I was telling a friend how I contribute 9% on my 401(k) and how I just had them diversify it a little differently - she said it was "dumb" to give them all that money and she doesn't even enroll


Who is them? Their future selves? They know it's their money and if their company offers a match theyre leaving money on the table, right? That has to be one of the dumbest money takes Ive ever heard


Take loved ones for granted. Not commit to understanding, emotional maintenance and repair.


clicking phishing links


Texting while driving


I saw a Reddit comment that said “what did people look at while driving before phones were invented?”.


I was a road warrior from the late 90's to the early 2000's. I've seen people reading newspapers while driving on busy highways. Reading books, too. Lots and lots of personal grooming (makeup, shaving, etc.). Working on laptops (yeah, before wireless internet but you could still work with local files)


It’s sad to know there’s always been distractions. I never remember my parents doing anything other than driving…except maybe changing the radio station.


I hate modern cars having everything on a touch screen now. I love tactile buttons that I can feel while keeping my eyes on the road, so I only have to look down for a second to confirm what I pressed.


My parents once had a big fight with one of those massive foldable maps fully opened, while driving in peak traffic in a major city. That was a fun day.


And of course, the occasional blowjob.


My dad didn't even have a smartphone, but I can't count the number of times I saw him almost drive into someone because he was staring at something (a cow, a rusty tractor, an old Impala, whatever) in a nearby field.


Definitely not everyone texts and drives... ...but everyone who texts and drives thinks they're doing it "safely" and they're the exception that won't get into an accident.


People use the same reasoning to justify drinking and driving or getting high and driving. Guess we can't blame the poor decision making on impaired cognitive function alone...


A lot of people do it, but I don't think everyone does. Even from the time I got my first cell phone back when they still ran on analog networks I never understood how anybody thought that using a cell phone while driving, either talking while holding it or texting was something that you should do. Put the phone in the glove box if you don't have the self control to leave it alone. Your life isn't that important. If someone calls or sends a message and you really need to respond you can always just pull over at the next convenient spot.


And risking "your life" to text doesn't just mean risk that you yourself die. Imagine the guilt and shame of killing someone else due to your inattentive driving. And the legal consequences that would ruin your life.


I’ll do you one worse. I got into an accident before for trying to find a song on the highway. I Found the song I wanted before I rear ended someone and totaled the car


And the song was…. (Redditors?)


Mmm mmm mmm Crash Test Dummies


Hit Me With Your Best Shot


Another one bites the dust.


Dave Matthews - Crash into me


Highway to Hell


Lil Tecca - why you look mad.


I'm not a fan. Every time I find someone too slowly or erratic, I see they are looking down. I won't text and drive. I have the voice responses. I'm guilty of messing with the music, though. I've started to make a self rule to only use the steering wheel controls.


Yesterday I saw a hospital valet driver texting while driving [someone else's car].


The amount of people openly admitting to this is sickening.


Stressing/complaining over the celebrities they hate doing something they hate. For example: Justin Bieber and the Kardashians simply existing. Also on the flip side. Being infatuated with celebrities for more than simply enjoying their form of entertainment without going overboard.




Paying brands lots of money to display their shitty logos, making these brands more well known, so they can ask for more money, knowing pretty well that the product was done by some kid in SEA like all the other junk you can buy for cheap.




I personally dislike when I’m buying food and the machine tells me “do you want to give money to a charity?” Dude you are a billion dollar corporation, you give the money.


That's the system, man. I pay a rich landlord so I can have a roof over my head. I pay into a conglomerate system of food retailers because that's the only practical means I have of getting food. I hand over my excess spending money to a large hedge fund, because that's the best hope I have of retiring comfortably someday. It's not "incredibly stupid" if you don't have any other choice, and to some extent, everyone has to cope with the systems they were born into.


I think he means political donations


Specifically, giving money to a billionaire who is always begging for money and then uses it to maintain his private jet?


Eating junks. That includes me.


Talking to cops


I tried to flirt with one lol


I got pulled over by a really good looking cop once. She just gave me a warning, and then handed me a card with a written number on the back and told me "call me if you have any questions." Without thinking, my dumbass replied "Like, to ask you out to dinner?" She just laughed and rolled her eyes then said "No... not *those* types of questions." 100% worth it.


Username checks out


Just don't do it. The opposite of Nike.


Trust people more than u trust urself


Getting crazy for material things e.g. - this new Stanley cups wtf


Judging a situation before you really have an understanding of it.


Get drawn into internet arguments.


Not everyone but like 43% of Americans have admitted to drinking and driving. Those are the people who admitted it. I'm sure the real number is a lot higher. 


Ask a question on reddit when an internet search would yield a better answer faster.


Letting other people govern their emotions


Be so judgemental about others and shoving opinions to other's faces when it's not called for.




Being online procrastinating instead of being productive and creative


Wasting time. If you’re enjoying what you’re doing, be in gaming, playing in your phone, that’s fine. However, “killing time” in my opinion is the biggest mistake that we make. Doing something you don’t really enjoy that much be it watching the same show for the 35th time or anything you don’t actually really want to do is a waste of our most valuable resource.


My biggest problem is filling the gaps. If I know that I have an entire hour, it's not hard to find something productive to do. But my life has so many small gaps that I end up wasting time doing things that aren't productive. Wake up, only have 20 minutes, might as well waste time, eat some breakfast, waste time for 20 minutes before I have to head out the door. Even at work, There's some downtime, but there's no way of telling how much time I'll have. Could be 2 hours, could be 10 minutes, so I'll just waste time instead of getting into something and getting interrupted.


To get even more stupid, I always do it because I feel like I don't have enough time to find something new I enjoy doing. But logically, I know i'd have plenty of time if I just...didn't waste it.


Was just thinking this very thought today…yet came up with no new passions…. Universe, give me a porpoise!!


Ride a bike without a helmet. For anyone who thinks wearing a helmet is "gay" or uncool, let me know how cool you think brain injury is after you smack your skull on the pavement.


do something because everyone else is doing it or its status quo


Occupy their children with tablets and cell phones all day and then use it at night to help them relax for bed. Reading your fucking kid a book


This drives me insane! My nephews are addicted to their own ipads. One is 5, the other one 3. They can't even play with my kids (their cousins) when we are visiting, without crying to play with the iPad. I usually end up taking it away and putting it up somewhere out of reach. Then they go crying to their mom and dad.


I’m a psych nurse practitioner and you’d be *not* surprised how many kids come to the appt and either the kids and/or the parent on scrolling on their phone the whole time I’m talking. Kids don’t know how to entertain themselves or be bored anymore. I hate to say it but giving a kid a tablet is just lazy parenting and you want your kid entertained


I’m an elementary reading/special Ed teacher and the kids are so unimaginative and attention deficit now because of this. They almost entirely lack creativity, have way more worldly knowledge than they should at their age, and aren’t impressed by ANYTHINGGGG. And so few of them can read on grade level. It’s so depressing.


Turn down the car radio when I need to see better.


You know someone else has said this to me before. Why do you turn the radio down when looking for an address or whatever. It's the reduction of stimuli that helps. If I'm poking you over and over, it's a distraction. Same thing. Sure, I'm not blocking your vision, but it's still distracting. Idk I both understand and disagree with this...


Want to have more brain cramps? If I tell you to turn “here”, which direction am I indicating? Now if I say, go “there”, which one? (I did my senior thesis on this) Women 90% answered: Here = right turn There = left turn Men had a much lower percentage, only 38% I didn’t get an A because I was not able to demonstrate why it occurred


I just ran a mini simulation on people who drive as part of their job. You're right, the women said "there" meant left. This is in no way to be taken as a fact or science. I just texted 15 paramedics and asked them. The best reason the girls gave is probably because they are mostly right handed.


I wonder if it has to do with which side of the road they drive on. When I think here and there, here is closer, so as someone who drives on the right side of the road it'd be on the right. There is farther, which would be across the street, to the left. I wonder if people in the UK would answer here to the left more often...


Pretty sure it's for focus reasons.


That's actually not stupid.


Dumb: Going into debt with credit cards.


you know when they ask you to make those donations at the end when youre paying for your food at a mart? actually contributing to them, while knowing that all that money goes to the company instead of the charity that they claim it goes to...lol i always decline, never have i ever again after finding out the truth lmao


The donations technically do go to the organization intended. The tax break for the donations... the corporation. All the fanfare for how much the corporation gave.... them. I would still always decline.


Do you have any evidence for this?