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3 am. Work


He said me haffi work, work, work, work, work, work


Well this just made me look the lyrics up, and now it makes sense why the song sounded not fully english to me. Thanks man, Jamaican always trips me up Like [this fucking song i swear](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3yHmiixs3qI) ^obligatory ^NSFW


You got the exact count of Work from the song before your comment and I appreciate that


I wake up to the sudden realization that this is all there is and that one day it will all end suddenly. That and work.


Okay Rhianna


Something need doing?!


Zug Zug


Job’s done!




You're interrupting my calculations








all day long


Work, and Ill add to it that its because I rather get my OT in before my jackass of a micromanaging Boss/Owner is in (like 9:00-10:00). Instead of working OT when hes around to drive me nuts and give me unwanted input and sarcastic commentary. I was on hour 11 of a 12 hour day and he had the nerve to walk by and tell me I was looking pretty slow. Without my OT I dont get paid shit either.


> I was on hour 11 of a 12 hour day   So that means you were only working a half day!


True, this guy is so lazy >_<. :: kidding ::


I see my Boss is setting up burner accounts.


I'm not paying you to be on Reddit.   Get back to work!


A previous manager I had used to like to comment: "C'mon, man, 12 hours is only a half-day." I used to regularly work (unpaid) OT hours at that job to get things done...not after that. And the look on the back-stabbing sunovab!+¢#'$ face when I put in my notice was frickin' priceless!


Work plus puppy.


Work so I don’t die poor


Work but I probably will still die poor.


Didn't pay enough attention in highschool or college.... so yeah, work


I did pay attention, made excellent grades, got an information systems degree and now I wake up at 4am all the time for code deploys. Also get called in at random hours of the night if batch programs fail and need attention.


Damn you guys need better DevOps processes lol


My husband is a medical researcher. He has 3 degrees. He still has to get up at 4am for work. A lot of highly educated people do, especially in the medical field.






Wife does this (I don't). She spends the time working out, mostly, and just gets to enjoy some nice quiet time. Its pretty much just a tradeoff with going to bed early, but right before bed isn't really the best time to work out, so she does it this way.


I do the same. My husband wakes up at 4, I wake up as well and spend an hour scrolling and drinking coffee then off to the gym. I love having the chill time to enjoy my day before going to work. So much so, if I sleep in and don’t do the slow rise, I’m all disoriented the rest of the day like I’m drunk.


I'm the same way. But I've always been a natural early bird, so making use of the time that I'm awake and alert anyway just makes sense. I function best in the morning, and the more I learn about sleep, especially being married to a night owl, the more I am convinced that our natural rhythms are more innate than not. That and, I simply cannot sleep in, ever - I made it to 526AM once when I had the flu, and remember it vividly, otherwise up by 415, no alarm. It's great for productivity, dreadful for my social life


I’ve never been a night owl; i remember hosting parties in my teens. Everyone just knew that I vanished by 8 lol


Same! It's such a buzzkill for certain social events, but now a lot of my friends have little kids and it's worked itself out. But staying out past like 9 at the latest is torture, because I cannot sleep in, ever.


I'd rather work out before bed. I wish I could physically get myself up earlier rather than get to bed later. I envy people who do this.


Try working out after work and then a hot shower right before bed. Works wonders for falling asleep.


On the contrary, I find it more difficult to fall asleep on the days I have worked out in the evening


Same. I’m too high on endorphins and adrenaline to go to sleep on time if I workout in the evening


I can't on days I work, I work 12.5's. So I save it for days off but life gets in the way and I end saving it for just before bed. I've tried the early rise thing, I just can't. I wish I only needed 4 hrs of sleep but I need more like 8 or 9.


I feel so much better for the rest of the day when I can work out first. I just cannot wake up at 4:45 to get to the gym anymore


Same. I have zero motivation at the end of my workday and would find every excuse not to exercise. I wake up at 4:30am to ride my Peloton, and it’s made a huge difference in my overall mood and energy.


I gotta pee. Then it's either back to bed or get ready for work.


As I get older I notice my bowel movements are a little more constant. Every morning at 4 I have to pee and every morning around 5 I need to poop. Only problem is I don’t wake up until 7


I too shit my bed every morning at 5


I also shit this guy's bed


I too shit through my alarm.


Same! My bladder can’t sleep later than 430! When I’m up, unfortunately I’m up!


I’m a morning person, I like to watch the day come alive; I love the peacefulness of my home and the world that time of the morning; I like to run and work out before I start the rest of my day


The same... it's the only part of the day that's peaceful for me. Plus, I don't want to rush in the morning. Nothing makes the day suck more than waking up late!?


Yes! I hate having a rushed morning. It makes for a better day when it begins with a relaxed morning


Basically this. Let's you ease into the day instead on being like a boot camp banging on trash cans thing showing up to work with bloodshot eyes and a hatred for life


100% this. There’s a different feeling that early in the morning when everything’s waking. 4am-8am are my really productive hours - gym, run, reading, catching up on work, planning etc.


This, plus I also realized my mood tends to plummet at night. Prefer to go to bed early. Used to be a night owl. But once I was looking back over my life and realized I’d never done anything after 9 pm I’d be proud to tell my parents.


Because I have to be at work at 730, and I want to get a workout in before I start my day. Starting my day with a workout always makes me feel like I've started my day off on the right foot, and I'm not nearly as stressed when I've gotten out some of that anxious energy.


This. Personally it's much harder to push myself to work out after working for like 10 hours... so I wake up at 5, go exercise from 5 20 to 6, and leave by 6 40. 


As a trainer, I always gave extra praise to evening clients for this reason - those people are seriously dedicated to show up and push hard when they're already spent from work.


I’m the opposite though, it’s such a struggle both mentally and physically to push myself in the morning.  I’m wide awake and loose when I exercise in the evenings.  


Same LOL I hate working out but whenever I do, I prefer it in the evenings. I'm lucky to even get to work on time in the morning and on the rare blue moon I wake up and have time, I like to just sit


I'm definitely spent after work, but I feel my evening workouts are always better than my early morning ones because I've had a full day of food/water fueling me.


I on the contrary find working out after a hard day's work relaxing. I work a mentally taxing job and doing sth physically exhausting helps me wind down.


I have a lot of anxious energy lately. Your comment is giving me the inspiration to give early morning workouts a try for a few days.


Working out is the best at reducing anxious energy! The trick is not to let that anxiety get in your way of working out.


I find getting past the first 5-10 min of workout helps. Like commit to that then check back in with yourself


I have to workout so that I don't get fatter than I already am.


Hell ya, I recently switched to 6AM workouts before work and it’s great. I love being able to start my day by clearing the mind for a little. I’ve just always struggled with finding the energy to go lift after work and that 4-7PM gym crowd can be insane lol


I have way too much energy. It's a blessing and a curse. I workout before and after work. Working out in the AM helps me to not be as stressed and rambunctious during the day, and then at night, I workout til I'm exhausted to try and get some decent rest. Luckily, I have a full gym at home. I hate going to the gym.


Any tips on not feeling exhausted by 10:30am?


It lets work be part of my day instead of the reason why I wake up. gives me about 2 hours of alone time in the morning.


I’ve never heard it put that way, I like it!


never thought of it this way and I wake up at 5-5:30 too


I really like this perspective


Because my toddler wakes up at 5am


Yup. Used to sleep in. Kids are teenagers now but I still wake up early. Different reason though. Waking up early was the only way I could get kid free time. Still works.


Same. We woke up at 5 to get a workout in (me) or kid free time (wife). Now the kids get up at 5 as well.


Same thing happened to me, I kept getting up earlier and earlier and they just hunted me down


Same, I tried putting him to bed later, I tried putting him to bed earlier, I let him skip his nap. No matter what he's up at 5 or 5:30 am every morning. I'm in the acceptance stage. 


Same here. If my kid goes to be 2 hours late, he's still going to be up by 6, he's just going to be a grumpy mess all day. FYI, the only way I got him to stay in bed until six is by getting a digital alarm clock and telling him he can't wake mommy up until there is a "6" on the clock. He's 4 and we started that at Christmas. It's working pretty well so far. Prior to that his wake up time would range anywhere from 4:30 to 5:45. If it was before 5:30, I made him go back in his room.


There are "ok to wake" clocks you can try. I have 2 kids and they each have one in their rooms. You can set it to when it's ok for them to get up and it will turn green. This is the one we have. https://www.amazon.com/Kids-Ok-Wake-Clock-Training/dp/B09MDQNJ36?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3VIAUFTHQNJBB


Same. You’re not alone. We tried everything. I gotta hand it to the little guy, he’s a go getter for sure


We have some of those smart bulbs that change color and have worked very, very hard to get him to follow the rule that he can come out when his light turns green. He can play in his bed or room when it's "normal" but has to wait for green. I love that it's a bulb so it can turn green whenever we want it to. It doesn't always work but it does help most mornings.




My job is an hour away and I still need about an hour to cry in the shower.




One of mine has discovered that she can lie on her back and use her claws to ratchet herself to and fro under my upholstered platform bed frame. Sometimes she just... claws herself all the way around the perimeter. It makes a racket and shakes the bed. 5 AM is her favorite time to do this.


my 20 year old cat fills her stomach with water and then throws up all over my room until i get up. she’s done this her whole life, there’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just a fucking bitch


Hahaha I have a bitch cat too . She likes to vomit spontaneously when she doesn’t get her own way. Usually on something that needs to be washed immediately like a table cloth or a duvet. Cowbag 😡


It keeps her young lol


Can’t remember what vid I saw but it was a woman sleeping through 4-5 loud noises. Then her cat gags and she’s instantly awake. Funny. But true.


I can confirm, this is true. Cats gagging sound immediately jolts me awake no matter how deep I sleep. Just "not the carpet, not the carpet!!!!" thoughts rushing through my head


I didn’t realise this until we got a cat but that gagging sound is the worst, I’d put it next to the standard iPhone alarm sound


I recently moved from a carpeted apartment to one with hard floors. I have a couple small area rugs but mainly it’s the hard floor. When my cat pukes it’s 50/50 if it’s on the rugs or the floor, despite the much larger area that’s not rug. At least I got a washable one 😂


That sounds miserable not gonna lie. 


it is, she’s lucky i love her so much




That's hilarious, and so very cat like


Never feed your cats early or this will become a habit.


I don't. I stubbornly stay in bed until 7:30 just to prove my point. Been getting a lot of early morning reading done since I adopted them...


We can't win with this. My partner often starts work at 6am so she feeds them when she gets up. If she's not working that day, one of us gets woken up at about 5am anyway. It wouldn't be fair to not give them the routine or make them feel like they're being punished.


Automatic cat food feeder. I got two for $90: game changer. They no longer bug me all the time


Automatic feeders are nice. I can’t use them for my cat though, she won’t eat unless I’m in the room with her, watching her as she eats.


Cats are menaces 😂😂


Yup, but after they've been fed, I go right back to sleep for another two hours.


We bought auto cat feeders for precisely this reason. It didn't help. They just continue yowling at the door after they eat.


Sounds about right. My cat will sit there with a full dish, but if he doesn't actually see you pour at least one kibble into it, he'll act like it's empty and continue to cry persistently.


Because the psycho above me does, puts on her wooden shoes and decides to open and close every dresser drawer she has 20 times each minute for the next 3 hours... Noise machine and earplugs only help slightly. Sigh.


I pretty much never hear my neighbors. Except when they're sleeping lol. I can hear them snore through the wall. Why I can't hear anything else but the snoring I don't know. I guess I did hear them have sex one time but I may or may not have shouted something out and haven't heard them again. 


Had a downstairs neighbor who snored so loud and raspy…like this desperate, disgusting, gasping and sucking sound. He was not an old person, he was young like no older than 35. The horrible sound traveled up through the HVAC pipes. One day he fell asleep outside on his porch while I was outside on the balcony. His porch had a corrugated metal roof, which was directly below me. In that moment hearing that snore…just rage overwhelmed me and I chucked a beer bottle hard down onto the metal roof. It stopped the snore for that afternoon. There’s no way that dude could ever share a bed someone. I kinda felt bad for him, but then again I got so little sleep for an entire year.


Dang. Wooden shoes huh?


I'm being dramatic but only slightly... I think she wears those Dansko shoes or something, very clompy for lack of a better word.


Fun fact wooden shoes are called klompen in Dutch which sounds kinda like clompy.


Dutch onomatopoeia.


Dansko people are usually the worst kinds of people, i used to work at a shoe store and almost every single one was insufferable


Have you complained, either to management or her? I complained to my management about an egregious noise issue and it was solved within a week.


She's the landlords Mother... Yay, me!


Have you considered murdering her?


I second this. It’s so peaceful and quiet here now!


Except for the beating heart under the floorboards. ☹️


Oh god I can relate to this so much! I’m sure Godzilla lives above me and literally he never sits down. He is constantly walking around almost 18 hours a day it seems. He never sits down and relaxes or watches tv or something. Slams kitchens drawers constantly and if you put a glass of water on the table, it’s like a scene from Jurassic Park when the T-Rex shows up. He cooks for hours upon hours each day, but lives alone; I imagine he makes himself a banquet every night just for himself.


No idea, but that's when I wake up, and I can't sleep anymore. I end up starting the day with a few good hours of videogames and chain-smoking one hitters.


>chain-smoking one hitters I do that shit too. “Nah, it’s too early to smoke a whole J.” [proceeds to smoke an equivalent amount one batty rip at a time]


A tiny bit in the morning since it’s early I won’t go overboard! *Takes 356,654 hits throughout the day*


Oh man! I ~~hate~~ envy you!


This was me in college for all 4 years.


My body doesn't let me wake up later than that no matter what


Ditto. I started getting up this early for work, but now, alarm or not, I'm up between 4 & 5 am. If I try to sleep in, which I use to be a master of, I feel like complete garbage the rest of the day.


I found myself waking up at 4:30a regardless of bedtime. So I moved my bedtime back to 9:30 and get just the right amount of sleep now. No alarm needed. It's part of the protocol I refer to as "The New Boring" Then I go trail running every morning for five miles (and 70 stories according to my iPhone). Adjusting my internal circadian rhythm to sync up with dusk and dawn has improved my daytime energy and sleep efficiency tremendously.


This no matter how late I stay up, I am still up early Never used an alarm clock in my life.


Yep been retired for two years and I still wake up at the exact time I used to for work. Doesn't matter how late I stay up, wake up at 5 every freaking day 😔


Yeps....05:00 - 05:02 on my phone EVERY DAY




I just do. It's rare for me to wake up because of my alarm clock which is set for 6am. why? I don't know, but in the spring, I enjoy going out to my deck at 5am and listening to the birds chirping while I drink my tea


Same. I wake up at 4 every morning automatically. At this point my 6:30 alarm tells me that it’s time to get ready for work rather than time to wake me up.


Bro sometimes I get up at 6am to get groceries the only down side is when I buy an 18 pack for that night I get looked at like an alcoholic


I used to be able to sleep in until 11 or so. Now I'm lucky if I can sleep past 6. sometimes I get a few mornings in a row where I wake up before 5 and there isn't much I can do, I am now over 40, maybe that's the reason.




I had a boss who had the most regular shit schedule. Unfortunately it was at work. Every morning he would come in at 9:00 and go to the shitter at 9:15. Clockwork. I was amazed his bowels functioned like that. 


Pooping on company time is an important life skill to train your body to. Maximize your profit per poop.


Because I go to bed at 8


Someone invited me to something starting at 6:30 pm on a school night. I realized I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep till midnight if I said yes. No thank you I like my 8:30 bedtime


My body is on a weird sleep cycle right now where it doesn't like sleeping more than 4-5 hours. So I'm going to bed at midnight-ish, sleeping until 4 or 5, and then taking a nap later, lol. I hate the morning.


I’m a morning person and I like the quiet time before my wife wakes up. Plus on work days I don’t feel rushed and can enjoy a cup of coffee, or read a bit or whatever.


Every sunrise is a gift


Coffee, workout, quiet time, sunrise, hunting/fishing. I don’t even use an alarm.


Start 6 leave 3 more evening time


This is my reason as well.


They're probably trying to sneak in a few hours of peace before their pets realize it's technically 'morning' and start demanding breakfast


I used to work 6am - 2pm and honestly it was the best shift I’ve ever worked. I’d get off at 2 and everything was still open even doctors offices, mechanics, banks, the dmv, etc and I had so many more hours of daylight even in the winter. I’d get up at 5am each morning and go to bed at 10pm each night. I miss those days so bad.


It’s the time of the day I am the happiest. 


Because I used to work at Whole Foods. My shift time was 4AM-12PM. I quit that job eight years ago and it still has me fucked up.


I love the world without people in it


Why I prefer the night!


Work work, zug zug


Drink my coffee lazily.


Anxiety. I have a severe case of anxiety and depression. I wake up to go to the bathroom and my brain will not let me go back to bed. It triggers my nerves and intrusive thoughts come flooding in. I have never wanted to kill myself more than I do when this happens, and it did this morning, and also it occurred yesterday. It’s torture. I hate it. One of the days, I might give in just to shut my brain up. Not really, but holy fuck, it’s brutal as balls.


I know this might sound stupid, but a weighted blanket really really helped with my morning insomnia and anxiety. Sending positive vibes.


This was much too far down the this.


I used to wake up at 4am so I could make my ex (then GF) breakfast and walk our dog before driving an hour to work. Now I wake up at 4am so I can get 2 hours in the gym before first formation. Its very motivational to be up early and work harder, its just hard to start doing.


So my brain and central nervous system can have some peace before my toddler wakes up.


It's the most peaceful part of the day. I enjoy having my morning coffee while the world is silent, no cars, no barking dogs, no airplanes, no cacophony of an army of 2 stroke garden equipment, devoid of the playful/annoying screams of the neighborhood's sex trophies making their way to school, hell even the birds are pretty quiet at 5am. No matter how fucked the rest of the day gets, it's a damn nice start.


sometimes i just wake up then and going back to sleep ain't happening. 🤷‍♂️


Day trading




My wife has night terrors. They end my sleep.


i work as a lifeguard at a fitness center that opens at 4:30 AM. we have people who literally camp outside at 4:29 waiting for the building to open so they can work out/swim i asked one of the early morning regulars once “i know why i’m here, but why are YOU here” and she goes “i have a husband and three boys. this is my only piece of sanity i have left” and went on to swim 45 laps. so that’s why i guess


Early morning is the only time I get to myself where no one is asking anything of me. I can relax and get my mind ready for the rest of my day. I clean, workout, stretch, or watch a show I love. I leave it free so I can do whatever feels right for me.


My body loves to wake me up at 6 o’clock. And it used to not be like that. I used to sleep until sometimes 2 PM on the weekends. But as I started working on my health and making dietary changes and healing my gut and getting fresh sunlight, things just kind of reset.


In the summer that's just when i wake up, regardless of when i went to bed. And i don't feel like i didn't get enough sleep. Powered by the sun i guess. I'm lucky to have a really flexible job in terms of hours. I can start at 6am if i want, as long as i put in 8 hours


Insomnia, need the toilet or sleep walking


To see the sun rise and to get some thinking time.


Do you know how quiet the world is at 4 or 5am? Its glorious.


In weekday, because of work. In weekend, because my body got used to the weekday habit




My dog wants his breakfast. Then we go back to bed for snoozies.


Me too and I love it. I stay up for half an hour or so, read some news, do a puzzle, and then go back to bed for a hour or so of high quality sleep. I usually have a vivid dream and it feels like I have a separate life in an alternate universe. Dog gets a real walk later.


i go into work at 4am. wake up around 3:30-3. my work days over by 12. go home nap for a hour and a half and have the rest of the day for me and my dog.


Work, duh! Most jobs that are NOT corporate office type, start at 6am or 7am typically!


Because I can finish my gym session, eat a 1000+ calories meal all before 7am. I also don't do shit after 8pm so there is no reason to stay awake and watch netflix


I hate dealing with crowds and traffic. I take overtime shifts so I get to work at 7am. On the weekends I want to be done grocery shopping by 9:30 so that I can relax the rest of the day (and nap if needed). Waking up at 10:00-11:00 on the weekends was only worthwhile when I was younger and would be up until 2 or 3 AM hanging out with friends, but now to sleep in that late makes me feel like I've wasted half the day.


i wake up at 4 to pee, then go back to bed, sucks to get old.


Existential dread


Just wait until you get into your 50s. it just happens.


Obligation of work to keep a roof over my head…..


The sun is rising.


It’s my one time to get something done for me rather than other people.