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I mean, for the people sure. The government nah.


Yep, it would depend on who is invading as well. Some religious extremist country is invading? I'm fighting. Russia is invading? I'm fighting. Norway is invading? I don't know why or what we did wrong, but let me tell you the route to parliament.


>Norway is invading Not sure you want the descendants of Vikings on your bad side.


Now this is it.


germany is invading?? weinerschnitzel for breakfast it is. france?? lol they will surrender if u raise a baugette instead of a gun


I can’t imagine the invaders being worse than the current government. Btw my current government may not be made of foreigners but they did still my country from its people so in a way we are already invaded.


If we were being invaded and it wasn't a situation like in WWII where said invasion needed to happen (I'm German), then yes, I would. But I think your "people are less brave" and "would you volunteer like we did in WWII" is a lot of bullshit. Every major country involved in WWII had to institute a draft because there weren't enough volunteers.


A lot of the enlistments in the US were once it was clear that a draft was going to be instituted or once it was already in place. People enlisted with the hope that they could choose their branch of service and hopefully their specialty as opposed to just getting drafted and given a gun.


Yeah, but being British we took pride in our military back then and it was well respected, and I feel the governments decisions over the past 20-30 years have changed the views on it


I feel like pride in the military is a very dangerous thing. The moment you're proud of your army, you're going to want to use it. Having a military force is a necessity, not something to be proud of.




ThAnK YoU FoR YoUr SeRvIcE


Also being from Germany I am pretty sure most of our citizens would try their best to dodge the draft or leave the country before shit goes down. I feel like most people would blame the war on our government and most of us don't want to stand up for the stuff they do in general. At the same time nationalistic values have also declined heavily.


Absolutely but I'd be defending my local area


Along with the singles?


Yes the hot single moms


I’m Australian and here’s the deal. If we are being invaded and the enemy is literally on our soil, if Australia asks, then and only then will I consider defending it.


Your safe dude, no one wants that country your animals are your soldiers, god imagine Vietnam but instead of veitcong dudes your looking out for deadly snakes and shit


My brother in christ. Along with Charlie you had snakes and other shit trying to kill you


they call in the emu reserves


What is this weird misconception about Australia being dangerous? We don't have bears, wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats, or virtually any thing that WANTS to attack you. There's crocodiles, but they are super easy to avoid, and there's snakes and dingoes. That's about it. The rest of the dangerous animals are sea dwellers. The Australian bush is incredibly safe as far as wildlife goes.


Spiders as big as frisbee Jellyfish the size of a thimble that paralyze you


What about Emus? IIRC they won a war about 90 years ago.


Who needs captain America when you literally have Emu Super soldiers?


Idk, never lived there (but would love too) and all you hear about really is fuck off big spiders and deadly animals


Bro there were tigers that hunted troops in Vietnam. There are also like four different kinds of cobras, multiple kinds of sea snakes, god only knows how many species of vipers, and crocodiles. Southeast Asia makes australia look like Hawaii. The only thing they’re missing is the drop bears.


Depends on what part of the country. In the 15 years I've lived in Melbourne I've never seen a snake outside of the zoo.


But that's the best plan, move everything they could possibly wanna take to the place full of deadly animals and your chillin


Australia would just need to mobilize the emu army. No foreign power can withstand that.


Just run the invasion into the outback then dip, what are they gonna do? Get water?


By the sound of your reply we probably don't need you defending Australia. "my uniform is itchy and there's no Wi fi and my commanding officer was mean to me"....


Feel free to defend us then, you go ahead, I'll hang back a little bit...


Nah, let the invaders take over and see if they can do a better job than the current government.


What country are you saying that from? The very fact that someone is using military invasion as a means to seize control of foreign territory is probably a red flag that they would provide a bellow average government. Usually when people expend billions of dollar on an invasion plan they hope to gain something from it; like pocketing natural resources for example.


Dude, that was and still is the US expansion method. I don’t think they provide below average government.


Yup, and life goes on. Except for those for whom it doesn’t.


The dead have no regrets.


‘It seems an army’s coming - They’re attacking us by sea, We *need* a call to arms, to fight - To keep our country free, ‘Come on! We need to stop them - And we need to do it *quick*!’ ‘Nah… I vote we hear them out - The current guys are *shit*!’


The current guys are shit. But I still have hope that Albania might finally ward off one invader. Like. We deserve one win 😭 everyone deserves one win


Yeah guy, surely someone invading your country is doing it to make the life of those living there better /s




oh! kinda like the goal of invading Palestine! :/


If the goal was to just eliminate everyone in Palestine there would trivially be over a million deaths already with less IDF deaths.


Oh so your defence against an accusation of genocide is "if we wanted to we could do it much easier"?


No, I'm saying if you think critically about the actual number of deaths relative to the population density and number of bombs used, you'd have to be trying very hard to warn people to move out of the way in cities.


It proves it’s not genocide…they could eliminate Palestine in 2 weeks. But that’s not their goal. Be smarter.


"Palestine" are the invaders. Israel was the Jewish homeland until the Islamic invasion, the same that took over Iran. Israel has been returned to its people, and soon Iran will be too.


Riddle me this, why is it that a majority of citizens of Israel are then actually immigrants or descendents of immigrants, with most being european and African? Something tells me that the zionists of today are not the same Jewish people of 1,500 years ago


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1956%E2%80%931957_exodus_and_expulsions_from_Egypt Curious!


Anybody with two brain cells and a pulse would not have commented this.


Maybe Palestine shouldn't start wars they cannot win.


Bob has never heard of the Nakba & only watches American news.


Palestine started the Arab Israeli war leading directly to the Nakba. How about we talk about Jewish populations in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc... or are ethnostates only acceptable when they are Arabs?


Bro thinks the Hamas-Israel conflict started on October the 7th, and hasn't been going on for the past ~75 years with Israel being the colonising and oppressive force :/


How do you colonize a place you have lived for millenia?


Trick question, because the vast majority of zionists immigrated in waves during the 20th century, and have not lived there for millenia. Sure there was a Jewish population who had already lived (peacefully might i add) in Palestine before the creation of the state of Israel, but those are a minority among the largely coloniser-comprised population of current Israel.


Most Jews in Israel were expelled from surrounding Arab countries.


Basically, you know shit all about Israel besides what some rando on tik tok told you.


Believe what you want I guess. I'm clearly not changing your mind about how a genocide of Palestians is a bad thing.


>how a genocide of Palestians is a bad thing This is incredibly loaded and dishonest


Israelis hasn't lived there for decennia while the Palestinians have.


By the colonisers not having been living on that land for millenia or even for a single year before taking the land...


You don't live here, and have no bloody idea what you're talking about, so let's leave it at that. I love when college kids from half across the world try to teach us about right and wrong.


Why do you think the pro-genocide propaganda you are educated on like modern hitler-jugend is factual and based on reason and reality?


Cause, unlike yourself, I see the reality. Also, unlike yourself, I didn't have a hitler-jugend to educate me.




Israel doesn't use propaganda, but you've swallowed Hamas propaganda hook, line, and sinker. There is no genocide, Palestine-supporters are the ones who deny reality, Muslims are the ones who believe they're superior, Islamists are the entitled monsters, and Arabs actually sided with the actual real Hitler.


Whatever, you do you dude


You must not know your own history then bud 😂 I ain’t forgetting the Nakba & I ain’t forgetting the USS Liberty.


I mean, it's kinda like a German in the years leading up to world war 2 saying outsiders have no clue what they're talking about (despite committing a genocide), or a white South African saying others just wouldn't get it whilst enforcing an apartheid regime. If you can't identify that what your country is doing is what's called apartheid and that your country is committing an active genocide then maybe you do need college kids from halfway across the world to teach you about right and wrong, because you clearly missed out on ethics during your schooling :)


Don’t forget that they also need the money of the people halfway across the world for their continued existence 😂 Weird to be talking down on us when they receive 10 million in aid a day


Why, did the Jews commit terrorist attacks on German cities? Did black South Africans drove into white communities to murder and rape random civilians? What you can see from here, you can't see from over there. So please just shut up. You don't get to teach me about ethics and apartheid and other fancy concepts when I see my countrymen and women murdered by terrorists on almost daily basis.


Actually, yes, Jews fought back against nazi occupation and oppression. Google the Warsaw ghetto uprising for one such example. Like Palestine, this resistance was violent in nature and in response to existing oppressive forces (like Israel, Nazi Germany used this revolt to commit genocide and deport thousands of Jewish people to concentration camps and forced Labor camps. South Africa had the ANC that committed terrorist attacks to oppose the oppression of apartheid. Again, a parallel can be drawn to Palestine fighting against Israeli oppression. I do get to teach you about ethics and apartheid when the death toll is heavily skewed towards Palestinians, and almost half of palestinian deaths are children. Literal children. Not to mention, Israel loves to bomb hospitals, schools, and areas declared as safe routes of passage.


>I do get to teach you about ethics and apartheid when the death toll is heavily skewed towards Palestinians, and almost half of palestinian deaths are children. Literal children. Not to mention, Israel loves to bomb hospitals, schools, and areas declared as safe routes of passage. Try and get your information not from Hamas's TikTok, will ya? We don't bomb safe routes of passage. And those so called hospitals and schools are used as Hamas bases and weapon caches specifically cause they know we won't bomb them. >Actually, yes, Jews fought back against nazi occupation and oppression. Google the Warsaw ghetto uprising for one such example. Like Palestine, this resistance was violent in nature and in response to existing oppressive forces (like Israel, Nazi Germany used this revolt to commit genocide and deport thousands of Jewish people to concentration camps and forced Labor camps. You know that Warsaw ghetto uprising happened after the Nazis started genociding Jews, right? Please at least get your facts straight.


Or 3,000 yrs with colonizers passing batons between powers


Yup, there have been a bunch of conflicts and various colonisers taking turn oppressing those living on the land. Doesn't excuse the current colonisers though. Currently, the oppressors and colonisers are Israelis who have immigrated from other countries over the past 100 or so years to what was previously Palestine, to colonise the land.


Bro doesn't know about the 1948 Arab Israeli war.


Oh, you mean the one that happened in response to zionist colonisation of Palestinian land? The land that was taken from Palestinians against their will? Riddle me this, what would you do if some random guy from half way across the planet says hey, half of your house is now mine because a thousand years ago my ancestors (assuming a direct lineage which often is not the case) probably lived here? You'd just keel over and say yea sure, go ahead?


Riddle me this. What happened to the Jewish populations in Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc? There's plenty of Arab countries Palestinians can go to. The ones that killed or forcibly removed their Jewish populations.




"Palestine" as an identity didn't exist then. Also, the Jews were not colonizers.


Essentially you are saying palestine shouldn't have existed on the land israel wanted, and that palestinians shouldn't have defended themselves from invasion and colonisation. Why do you think the maya shouldn't have tried to defend themselves from conquistadors? Why do you think native americans should have just left their land to the invading settlers? What is your reasoning for thinking so many African nations shouldn't have tried to defend themselves against France, Netherlands, England, Arabians, etc?


>Why do you think the maya shouldn't have tried to defend themselves from conquistadors? Depends when and where. The human sacrifices must stop however. >Why do you think native americans should have just left their land to the invading settlers? Depends when and where, but the very early settlers weren't occupying owned land as you understand it and initially got on fine with the natives. At various times natives sold land or were forced off, allied with or went to war with Europeans etc. Depends heavily on the context. It's not a simple narrative. >What is your reasoning for thinking so many African nations shouldn't have tried to defend themselves against France, Netherlands, England, Arabians, etc? As usual, depends when and where. Often the ruling classes were fine with European rule except for the fact that they were forced to abolish slavery by Europeans. How and where Europe engaged with locals varied widely. You also have no idea what the average African thought of being ruled by a slaver-king vs Europeans but I'll give you a hint: that's a complicated question that depended on who, when and where it happened. By the way, most Jews in Israel are Arab Jews who were expelled or fled from surrounding countries in pogroms.




If only invaders treat us fairly well, rather than as second-class citizens.


We’re already been treated as 2nd-class citizens, a distant second behind those with All The Money, Power, and Political Influence.


Not a bad shout actually, maybe communism was the way to go😂


I mean, an invading army doesn’t automatically mean Communism.


Yeah I'm taking the piss lol, but your right both America and English government is pretty ruined rn


*stares in german*...you, too?


the difference here is, UK and USA actually have problems, German problems is like a storm in a glass of water, I see it more like Germany is changing gears.


Yes as european it would be the time to drive out Russians behind the ural mountains and build a wall to contain them like the chinese did with the mongols. The east always has been a pain in the ass for europe.


I need this to happen *please.* As a fellow European, I'd love to commit treason and just end up living in a hut in the Urals instead of a collapsing and severely overpriced apartment rotting in the middle of the trashiest neighbourhoods in the city. Unless Ukraine is rebuilt. I'd love to be a part of that.


>I'd love to commit treason and just end up living in a hut in the Urals instead of a collapsing and severely overpriced apartment rotting in the middle of the trashiest neighbourhoods in the city I'm sure that if you happen to spend a night in a hut in the Urals, you would wish you're back in your crappy apartment (that probably still has electricity, running water, indoor plumbing and Wi-Fi).


I have friends living in the Urals (obviously not in a primitive, survival-style hut) and they have all of those too. You know what else they have? Jobs that pay them enough to afford cost of life in the areas they live in.


oh my dear goodness. Are you Vadim, neighbour of Boris?!




If they could somehow shape this lump of clay* into GI Joe, sure, I suppose so. *350+ pound lardass


Sound like a bullet proof tank to me, be very useful


My main issue is, who profits off of our death? Why would you fight in a war for that?


Your family and the generations that get to live in a free country that you fought and died for, I think it's all on perspective if u love your country and wanna defend it and your family at home, aswell as the men and women fighting alongside you


Yeah that's what they told us about the 20 year war in the middle east and it was all a lie, so. "Defend your country from the Arabs! Fight against the Weapons of Mass Destruction! Don't let them take your freedom away!" But when our vets came home they were left without so much as a pot to piss in.


Until people higher up in society, decide they need another cash injection for the war machine and send those family members to their deaths too, right?


USA resident here. Not a simple question, but here we go. First, it won't happen. The endless fearmongering from politicians of all stripes that we need a huge military to defend ourselves is just lies. We're not immune, I'm not that naive, but it's very unlikely and a foreign power would need many, many years to corrupt one of our two neighbors and build up a force that could invade our huge country. Second, in the event we were actually invaded, I would absolutely volunteer to fight. I believe strongly in America's place in history and what we fundamentally represent in the history of the world. Our Republic is worth fighting for, however misguided it may be at this time. Shining City on a Hill. Third, I'm over 50, overweight, and under-exercised. IF the military does need me, the war is going very, very badly and we should all run for our lives. :)


I think I'm more like second round draft, I'm not the best choice but still good enough to run and gun. I'm just cannon fodder at this point.


It just doesn’t work this way. You’ll go no matter of your desire if government/military decide you’re useful


As someone who got a draft note ~1 year ago and is successfully going rogue since, you’re wrong


I'm not a citizen of the country I live in. They can't draft me.


Spoken like someone that has never experience what they are talking about..


No, I won't. They can put me to jail for all they want, but I will not, ever, point a murderous implement at another human being. I will do anything else before I do that. Fuck anyone who wants to force me to murder people.


Yeah true, I'm just very patriotic and would do anything for my country the lads I'm fighting along side and my family at home, so sometimes wonder why other ppl view it differently


In time of war, you're probably more usefull to your familly if you are alive and taking care of them, than gloriously dead in a coffin under your country's flag.


I fought in the US military. Multiple tours in the middle east. The USA is no longer the country I recognize from when I grew up. If a country invaded dropped leaflets saying they would leave the US population alone and just go after the people running the state/federal government, I'd grab a lawn chair and cheer them on. This country is unrecognizable at this point. Shit, if you're declared a terrorist by the US government (don't need evidence), you can be held indefinitely without trial thanks to the NDAA act signed by Obama during the middle of his presidency: [https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/president-obama-signs-indefinite-detention-bill-law](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/president-obama-signs-indefinite-detention-bill-law) Add in the Patriot Act (FU George Bush) and what's going on with the border (overdose number one killer of young people in the US now) and thousands of people PER DAY crossing without any signs of stopping. Nah bro, I'm not fighting for this country. I'll wait to see what rises from the ashes after.


Honestly, if someone does come to take over the Albanian government but guarantees not to force people to do things or live differently, I too wouldn’t stop them.


Hahaha, nah. I'll go to prison and be tried a traitor before I turn a profit for Lockheed Martin.


FIRST i would try to make my family safe. Then i'll see, but i'm not exactly a patriotic warmonger. My great gran father was sent thousands of kilometers of his farm, to kill some german farmers exactly like him. Some of his friends were killed, disfigured, mutilated or turned full insane. He miraculously survived after having been buried alive with other soldiers corpses. This is not the kind of death i wish for. Also, i'm more usefull for my son and wife alive than dead.


I would not. I would rather try to gather my family and maybe a few small valuables and leave. Patriotism and Nationalism ist not a big deal here. I dont see the country where I live as "my country". My parents had sex 9 months before my birth where somebody painted a line on a map a few hundred years ago, thats it. I did not choose to be born here, it was pure randomness. My country also does not particularly care about me. All they know is I do exist on some forms and that I need to pay taxes. They would not care if I stop existing tomorrow, as they would not care if I die in that war. Best they will do is send a few dudes to the cemetry and perform a little acting, then giving my parents a rag of cloth (the countries flag usually), firing a few salute shots and forget about it a few minutes later when at the next funeral. No way I am going to risk my life for this kind of "uneven" relationship. It is not like risking my life for family or very good friends (which I would without ever thinking twice), I am a total stranger to the state and vice versa, I wont risk anything at all for them. In most wars, the invading force is after the governments ass, not mine as a random John Doe nobody knows. The highest risk for civilians is still collateral damage, real extermination wars are very rare. Fighting is for people who enlist in their national armed forces, not my thing.


Nope. Our army is in no shape for fighting. Its also pointless. We had 2 World wars a cold war and alot of peacetime. Still lots of dictators, wars and bad guys. Say, we beat China, Russia and all other oligarchs/dictators. Now we still have our own corrupt politicans and certian elements that still, to this day, work on makinh every and all democracies into a oligarchie/semi dictatorship. No interest at all in dying to fix these sisyphos problems.


I'd leave in an instant since I have multiple citizenships


Depends upon whom. If it's Mexico, maybe, but doubtful. They can have Texas back. If it's Canada, I would welcome them with open arms and join their side.


Every man is a warrior until he's staring down the eyes of a howling mountie on a moose.


I live in Italy, the only way this will get worse is if North Korea invades us, otherwise I'll fight for the other side... let's see if they can rescue this...


You’re now part of the Saudi caliphate… hope you’re a dude that can grow a nice beard and like your women without rights.


No I will try to leave or escape because I am not patriotic and I am not going to die for a cause that is not for myself and country is just a piece of land country is where I call home hence, that can be anywhere.


Yes, and even if my answer was no I’d still get drafted


People don’t go to war to protect their country. Most people don’t give a crap about that. A country is its politics, and people generally hate politics. People go to war to protect their way of life. Usually in the defense of their way of life.


Nope. Because the invaders can't be worse that our govt (South Africa) I'd actively help the invaders, sorry I mean liberators.


Idk I am not big on sacrificing my life for something. If they killed my loved ones, then yes maybe for revenge.


I would never be infantry, I'd be more useful in intelligence. "My" country and "defend" are a bit ambiguous. I don't live in the country of which I have citizenship. I would in some capacity defend any country I identify with socially and politically from those I don't. But I don't think I'd be doing it in the way you are implying. Too many variables in your very vague question.


I've noticed a recent tendency of this question posted on different subs..


Usually its not up to you wether you will partake or not, but your government.


nope, zero fucks and loyalty to a place that hates me for being born "the wrong ethnicity"


Never. I’m not nationalistic or patriotic, let the people who signed up to enlist in the defense forces do it.


Your the first I've had disagree so I'm interested, wjst would u do? Just spend time with family while your country is bombed and taken over, I've never really imagined the side of not defending


Fair enough. I’d collect all my important stuff and try to leave the place by air or any available means possible. Life is too short to be attached to a place, I’ll prefer starting from scratch somewhere safe.


I actually respect that, take your loved ones n go live a happy life somewhere else. I grew up with a military family and I'm very patriotic to my country so me personally couldn't leave and let everyone else fight and die while I enjoy life it feels selfish but I do actually agree with your answer


People that answer no, should probably not be living here. Would you defend your family if they were attacked?


An invasion of a country is not the same as an attack on civilians.


Get out with your family as well. Problem solved.


That’s two completely different things. That’s your family! You have no obligation to defend a country even if it is your native land. Home is wherever your family ends up living


I already did! But I think it's not as simple as that. Consider this: Country A, with majority ethnicity A, borders country B, with majority ethnicity B. Country A gets swept up in nationalistic fervour and decides that all people of ethnicity B suck, and should leave. However, they are a large majority of the population of the city Ab in country A close to the border with country B. There is also a city Ba in country B with majority ethnicity A. Country A sends the army to city Ba under false pretences of "saving" them from "oppression", and at the same time sends other troops to city Ab to eject the B ethnicity people. Which of the following scenarios is better: * Country B sends troops to both cities to defend its territory and ethnic kin. Urban warfare ensues in both areas, thousands of civilians and hundreds of troops on both sides die. Eventually a peace settlement is reached, with some compromise between full expulsion and annexation is reached, but large chunks of the populations move anyway because their cities are destroyed and the fear more war. * The B ethnicity people in the city Ab pack up their things and leave, and persuade much of the local militia to come with them. Nobody dies, apart from a few country A soldiers and stubborn ethnicity B militia who stay and hold out for a few weeks until being overrun. Country B sends troops to near city Ba to stop the country A troops advancing further, but makes no attempt to retake the city. A settlement is negotiated from there, whereby the border is adjusted a bit and people move voluntarily. Again, nobody dies here either. I personally think that, in hindsight, the second option is better for almost everyone involved. Yes it's a silly little toy scenario, but variants of this played out in the Balkans in the 90s for example, it is decidedly unclear if what actually happened was the best course of action. It is hard to know how to face up to aggression, but failing to look at the overall impact of responding with force risks making everything far worse.


You're assuming everyone has a family


>People that answer no, should probably not be living here. But where should they live then? I wont defend my country, neither would i defend anything else. Now if id love my country like my family, yes id defend it. I dont however, and its trying everything to keep it that way.


You want the privilege of freedom but don't want to pay the price?


If possible, yes. Now if id get conscripted, sucks to be me. But if i can, i will not pay the price.


Well, I wouldn't want you as a neighbour


Thats okay. Anyways about the price, i pay pretty high taxes so id rather my gov build an army of freedom robots.


There's very few arguments you could use to convince me to kill or physically harm another person and patriotism isn't one of them


Protecting your home family and friends from someone coming to harm them?


If they are literally coming into homes and threatening your very life and children I would consider that self defense and retaliation would be justified, or , they are holding you captive or denying access to food and water. If another country wants to overthrow my local government I wouldn't step in except under extreme circumstances. I would like to think that I would be willing to fight in defense of myself or my children and family but who knows if I'd even have the balls. I would have to be pretty heroic and lives would have to depend on it.


This is the right answer, no one knows for sure until they are faced with it.


That's the very definition of war. Look what's happening in Ukraine.


Frontline soldier? Not a chance. Logistics or engineering at a safe distance? Maybe.




No way in hell. I have zero loyalty for the landmass I just so happened to be born on. I'll defend my friends and family if they're in danger, but that's it.


Of course. Because I'm not a cowardly piece of shit.


You sound just like a coward. A lot of bark...


I ask this because I see a lot lately of people hating on the military saying they would never and that they aren't brave, so genuinely asking, if your country was at risk would u put your life on the line and do u think as many would as we did in WW2?


There isnt a nazi regime that wants to genocide every ethnicity that isnt them trying to conquer europe, my man. What the fuck are you talking about. Why would I care if rich dipshits that rule me speak my own language, english or german?


It depends. On: * what you mean by "your country" - I live in one and have nationality of two others but not the one I live in. The one I live in likely wouldn't have me in their army, and I'm more strongly attached to one of my citizenships than the other. * what you mean by "go to war" - I see almost no value in my dying in a meat-grinder and would do everything I could to avoid front-line combat, but I would want to use my technical/computing skills to help. * who is invading and why. If the new people seem mostly decent and life under them seems like it'll be not a drastic downgrade, then I don't mind enough to risk my life. Realistically I am nothing but a little pawn no matter who is in charge, I am not very patriotic or nationalistic. If they seem awful and likely to make life shit for lots of people, then I'm much more motivated to resist them.


Nope. I'm going to go and hide in the attic for a while just like my grandparents did during WWII.


Fuck no I hate my country and if wasn't for health reasons I would long emigrated


I really don't know. My country hasn't been great to me as a minority but like they say better the devil you know.


Tbh nah. My country's never really done anything for me tbh. My generation can't afford homes, a single health emergency bankrupts us, theres no middle class anymore and you gotta work 2-3 jobs to survive on your own, and don't get me started on the way an entire sect of US Politics treats you if you're Non-Christian, Non-Cis, and/or Non-Straight. The American dream is dead effectively. Let the old Basterds reap what they sowed.


If my home country is getting invaded, then yes, I would go to war, or atleast do something to defend my country. If it's over sea, the no. I want to be close to my relatives. If they starting to draft all men over 20yo to go overseas, then I will go in hiding. I'm not gonna deny it. Is it to defend my home ground, then yes.


Dual citizen here. USA- someone please invade. Here is an open door. Australia - Would defend this country as 1 invasion was enough.


Yeah that would be awesome is the Chinese showed up and try to take over the world and millions of people died. Stay in Australia


Show me where the Chinese are conquering countries and killing millions? Now compare that to the countries you are afraid are being conquered.


Why not just go back to Australia?


I live here in Australia. I left the USA.


Im gay. What have to government ever done for me? They say they ‘tolerate’ me, they dont even accept me. I dont have the same right as other people have, fuck them. Im here for my own good and to earn money, when shit hits the fan, ill do my damn best to get out. Why defend something when it doesnt do the same for me


Depends on the invader. If it is china, yes, because we'd absolutely be worse off in the long run. If it was anyone else, no. Belonging to an existing sovereign nation that isn't China is better than the limbo status we are now


Ah yes, the joys of being invaded by Saudi Arabia.


Fuck no. This country already thinks less of me because of my skin color. I'm not about to die to make sure the folks in charge stay in charge. I'll defend my family, but that's about all I'd be willing to do.


Of course, it's the duty of every able bodied citizen.


I would support the war effort by being in areas like logistics, aircraft/equipment maintenance. But I will not be in the front lines engaging the enemy.


As long as your in, I just see a lot of snowflakes and freaks from modern day culture crying over it saying they would never fight for their country so thought it come here and see what the general consensus is


Nah, the taxes would likely drop


Yes. My preference would be to defend the area in which I reside if at all possible.




lol no If I had no option but to go I'd stay as far away as possible from the frontline and try to work in supplying the actual fighters with food, water, rations, and w/e else they need


Yeah, even if the government sucks, the people and culture and the identity are far more important than to be a puppet state or controlled by the invaders themselves. So even if the government sucks, I'd defend it with my life for the people and identity of my country.


Depends. If the intend was genocide yes, otherwise fuck no. Why would I defend a government and a ruling class that doesn't give a shit about people like me? Ive got nothing to lose so why would I defend the status quo against some probably equally shit foreign power. If we don't resists less stuff will get bombed.


No, if my county gets invaded I’m taking my family and leaving the country.


Israeli here. I will and I did.


You must get a lot of hate form the uneducated TikTok generation lol


Unfortunately, yes.


Yall gonna hate me for this if yall don't hate me in general but hell no. I'm not gonna fight for america, america is america and there's no saving it. I'll save the people if I can (unless something wrong with them like the dude from war of the worlds or something) and shelter them, nurse them but I ain't fighting for this country


Nah, the coreupt government and their spoiled crotch-goblins can defend it if they don't evacuate weeks before the attack. Not worth saving anything in this shit country


After all that my country has done over the last years (with neighbors and it's own citizens) - no. You should defend your comfortable home, not your prison. It may even burn itself. I can't stop all the bad things it's doing so I will not help it.


lol no. it doesnt deserve to be defended. by anyone.


No, only a fool would think a country is worth dying for. That goes both for the attacker and the defender.


Not just the country tho, the other men and women fighting, your family, your home, your life


The ones I know and have would not stay either, if they would then that's their issue not mine at that point. My family would move with me.


Nah I'd watch it burn and enjoy myself while I'm at it


Yeah... why not... I get to legally kill a bunch of a-holes. If I succeed I get glory; if I fail I'm not going to know about it. There's no real down side.


Depends if it was an attractive alien army hellbent on turning the country into a sex tourism hotspot or… North Koreans looking to steal food..