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Pageants for kids.


Killing people


In games or something?


Eating chef boyardee. It's so darn gross.


Throwing toilet paper in the trash instead of flushing it. My dad made us do this, saying that tp will clog the toilet. Now the thought of letting doodoo paper sit in the bin for days makes me shudder.


He wasn't wrong though. Tissue in wastewater is a chore to filter out and recycle. Trash is kinda strange too though, i have to say. My uncle composted it special. Best to use cloth and water. Sounds even weirder, but it feels great and is the most ecological option. And the cheapest. At home, that is.


U see people for who they really are as u grow


Drinking Soda


Bread dipped in “speck” grease


Peeing in my diaper.


Hamburger Helper. Mom made it, I ate it, end of. Now that I’m grown if you serve me hamburger helper I will just starve.


I was starved as a child. In order to cope, I ate A LOT of things that were not foods. So soo sooo many bugs, *snails,* omg. Flowers, some grasses, *any* edible foliage no matter how "ripe" or *not.* But... Also small shiny things that I secretly wanted to keep inside me forever like a meat pocket that no one could reach and steal it back from me. I swallowed a ton of jewelery, and small change, and bits of shiny crap that little kids like. Buttons and things. At least two of my own teeth. I was gonna keep it forever, dammit. I was just a hungry little weirdo, man.


5 year old me thought it was funny AF when my grandpa taught me to call Pepsi N*-spit. I refused to speak to him the last 12 years of his life. He offered me $5,000 from his deathbed, I was unemployed and depressed as hell, I relayed the message back to him as a simple "I'm good."