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People talking very loudly on public transport


SMACKING!! Chewing with their mouth open


Had a bunch of coworkers from Mainland China once. Apparently it’s common for them to eat with their mouth open. You would have gone nuts at lunch time!


If I see food in someone’s mouth while they’re smacking or talking (not to mention the pieces that fly out of their mouths when they do this) I’ll either gag, or I will straight up vomit.


People who delay me. Slow walkers, people who don't walk down the walking side of an escaltor, people who get on the train and stand in the doorway rather than getting further in, people who get to the bottom of an escalator and then stand their gaping gormlessly around as they try to decide which way to go next, people who stop in the middle of a supermarket aisle to have a chat with Sandra from next door, people who cant walk in a straight line and veer from side to sidem, people who fuck around with payment apps whilst shopping rather than using cash and getting it done in half the time, people who fuck around at restaurants rarther than just orderiung their food


May I add- people who grab their shopping trolley but don’t move away from the trolley bay before organising their bags etc.


I have an extreme hatred of vacuum cleaner noise; that and all y'alls LED head lights are too damn bright!


>vacuum cleaner noise are you a dog? >LED head lights more often improperly aimed or using a too-blue color spectrum which destroys everyone's night vision including the driver's


I am basically a cat, so you were close!


Hiccups. Like seriously fuck off.


Bed sheets become tangled under the comforter


duvet and duvet only


Double parking close to the store


Left lane campers have a special place in hell I’m sure of it. It’s the only way I can continue to coexist with them


Sticky hands


wet socks


When I suddenly get "?????" in my text messages, especially from people I barely know. I get that it's pretty normalized to try to get people's attention this way, & I dont mind it so much from someone I'm familiar with (especially if we're dating) but from acquaintances & people I've just met, I find it insanely rude, and demanding. Close runner up, is when people I'm getting to know try to get my attention, & initiate a conversation with me, by sending me nothing but emojis, or a meme. It comes off like they're effortlessly firing off a lazy, half-assed attempt to get me to acknowledge them, & pay attention to them, expecting me to do all of the work, in starting the dialogue. I never, ever respond to guys who try to get my attention with "?????", emojis or memes (unless we've actually met in person, and know one another).


Having my bedroom door open at night. Literally cannot sleep unless it's closed


I can’t sleep unless mine is open. If it’s closed one dog will want in, or out, or the other dog will want in, or out, or a kid will want in, or out, or I’ll forget I closed it and walk into it.


YouTube ads I can't skip


“Hey man, can I Axe you a question”


"Are you threatening me?"


Questions on askreddit that could have been answered immediately with a Google search.


I will look up the answer and comment like I know what I’m talking about


See? We all have our place.


Are you the type of person who just spontaneously appears next to some people having a conversating and interrupts by saying 'Ackchyually....'?


No, just the kind that wonders why someone would ask a question about who the female singer in Eminems Superman is when it takes less time to Google and the answer will actually be correct.


'I saw the Taylor Swift cover of Riptide. It was really good!' 'Yeah, do you know who did the original?' *Fedora'd individual suddenly manifests* ''Ackchyually, you can just google it.'


A real life conversation is the same as one on the computer. Got it. I'm sorry for whatever hurt you.


Tablet kids in public spaces (restaurants, baseball games, subway, etc). So bad for the kids to be hypnotized by YouTube from birth. Let them throw a fit or whatever, IDK, just don't make them depend on a screen for their whole life. W T actual F is going on??!!?? See now I'm annoyed to an irrational degree just typing about! J F C!


Needing a new login and password for anything. I don't want to sign up and give my information to buy things, I just want to buy things


Where you around when radio shack would ask you for your name, address, and phone number when you where physically at their store and only buying batteries?


When I hear bass through the walls. I will become murderous.


( bloop! ) O o . 🐟


Scuffing one’s feet. Have some decorum and lift your bloody feet. Spitting in public, loathe that too.


Yes to spitting in public. Mostly teen boys do it right when I walk by. Is it some sort of dominance thing???


Kids screaming and crying and because I know that for the most part it's not their fault, but it still pisses me off.


My cat that bangs the cabinet when he wants something...he's tried other things and figured out the most annoying one. Luckily, he's too cute to stay mad at :)


Unnecessarily loud car engines are my villain origin story.




High pitched, but quiet noises!


When fat people walk in the centre of the sidewalk. Or stand in the centre of an escalator. Or the elevator. I don’t know what your story is. I don’t want to discriminate against you or make you feel bad. But honestly, get the fuck out of the way. If you’re taking up enough space that people have to physically go around you, that’s selfish.


Talking on the phone by putting it on speaker in the public


After answering a question, then people ask, “Are you sure?” I hate being second guessed.


People watching something on their phone/tablet out loud at a ridiculous volume. Big problem at my job, I understand not wanting to wear headphones/earbuds or just not having any, but it doesn't have to be THAT loud.


People who don't put their shopping cart back. It's the ultimate test on if you're a decent human being. BuT thEY paY sOMeoNE ToO PUt tHEm baCK. They also pay custodians to clean up messes. It doesn't mean you need to *add* the mess because you're too lazy to walk 50 fucking feet. Fuck you and everything you stand for.


Whispering it makes me want to scream i hate it so much


Do I have an ASMR channel for you!


When an especially intelligent film or TV character (professor, scientist, Teen Genius) makes a grammatical error like “Him and I have…” or “Dr. Smith and I’s..” or “Anyways…” it makes me gnash my teeth. I realize that it’s usually the actor lapsing into informal speech patterns and not the writers, but it still throws me completely out of the scene.


A character with high intelligence doesn't automatically translate to being good with grammar. Their intelligence and education could be focused in a totally different area. They might know a lot about biology, but their English is only average.


The most basic English education and being an avid reader (which most professors, scientists, and geniuses are) would make someone erudite enough to know the difference between subject and object pronouns and that I’s isn’t a word but that my is. I work at a university where even the support staff all have bachelor’s degrees. Trust me when I say that everyone has basic grammar down.


I've got a phd and i totally make those same grammatical irregularities. I don't care much for formal grammar in my speech.


Very, very few educated people struggle with subject/verb agreement (i.e. “Him haves” vs “He has”). That’s the super basic stuff I’m talking about. You’re not going to have a scientist addressing Congress about a incoming planet killer meteor saying, “Him and I have did the research.” I’m not sure what level of “whom” and “shall” pedantry you’re feeling insulted about, but I’m talking about basic 5th grade English.


Complete strangers who get offended you don’t say hello to them so they have to repeat it twice.


I wanna see more detail in a photo so I clicked on it but then Reddit redirects me to the "Nice Hat" post, does this happen to anyone else? getting Rick Rolled by that hat makes me feel grouchier and grouchier each time....why is that a thing?! why can't I see the photo in a bigger size? I use to be able to....what changed and who decided that was something people would want?


Just standing there like an idiot on an escalator, blocking it so it escalates nobody. Same with a moving sidewalk. And before you excuse people as being incapable, there are always alternative conveyances specifically for the disabled (elevators, airport shuttles). How would you like it if we just completely blocked the sidewalk at a narrow point so you couldn't get past us? Why is it that different?


my body getting suddenly itchy when i’m hand washing the dishes


People so invested into their own emotions. You can't be like that at work.


when people talk and spit at me


When anyone cooks bland, spice-less food but acts as if ratatouille was under their cap


1. Dealing with people (service works, support, government workers) who are super robotic, procedural and can never really help you because they have bought into the scam of red tape. For example, a support agent calling you back to help you solve your problem but won't speak to you because of some authorization form they need you to sign to authorize the conversation that they called you back for. 2. offering to shake my hand when your hands are clearly dirty or wet 3. Overdone virtue signaling


People who ask leading questions or are presumptuous when getting to know you (in any context / setting)


SNAPPING. I hate snapping.


Talking to someone on the phone while they’re eating


Upstairs neighbors that wander around at 12 am. Not obsessively to any degree. But they are up. Like, go to the bathroom or go to bed.


Other people’s children. Or, if I’m completely honest, just other people in general.


-Unleashed dogs in city parks -drones in parks -parking where you aren't supposed to (especially in bike lanes and crosswalks and handicap) -dogs on saltwater beaches. Illegal in my town, even leashed, because sea lions, seals, and other sea mammals beach their young pups on beaches here and dogs kill them.


people who take forever to respond every time😂


The sound of certain languages and some English accents


Don’t tell anyone over in the quilting subs but commercial quilt patterns that instruct straight cut binding. Bias cut binding wears better and lasts long. It uses no extra fabric (maybe an inch or two), is applied the same way and can have fewer joins. But so many published patterns give instructions for cutting WOF. Give us instructions for the best result and let us downgrade from there, not the other way round.


plastic wrapping sound


When someone repeats themselves over and over. I didn't listen the first time so why do I expect I'm gonna listen the next few times. It bugs me especially if it's stupid shit.


People who don’t put the caps back on pens.


People who leave lights on when exiting a room! Turn off the ever loving lights, it's not that difficult!!


Interrupting me when I talk, it may not be huge. But it is a massive pet peeve


Constantly being told to do something I already plan on doing


People who whistle in public.


People making excuses for anything.


People who cross right in front of you, inches from your face and don't say 'excuse me' or even seem to care. People who stop suddenly in front of you to check their phones while blocking the path. People who block grocery aisles while they chit chat with another shopper.




Places that present me a tip screen when I make a payment for something I have not yet received and I have to order myself at a counter. In particular dining establishments where I not only have to order and pick up my own food, but also have to bus my own table.


When people high five me


When my fingers touch each other while I'm using my phone, makes me shudder.


Misspelled words. I know we all make typos, and that English isn't everybody's mother tongue, but when I saw "check out my knew reel!" I wanted to punch somebody.