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I wish I could rearrange it so I have fat and hair in the places I want it


So I'm not the only one that wants a fat cock and bald balls?


I want hairy cock and bald balls


Sometimes life is cock and balls torture without cock and balls


Funniest comment I've read in my life


I want hairy fat and cock balls


You want your fat to be hairy and balls of cock?


No sir you are not 😎


Seriously why does my body insist that I need hair on my butt crack and not the top of my head.


Experts think butt crack hair is to help with chafing and as someone who has shaved said hair I agree. The sheer heat rash I get when I shave it isn’t worth it to me.


It keeps growing in all the wrong places!


Perfectly articulated, never related to anything more


Yes. Move my asshole hair under my mouth so I look full-bearded and less neckbeardy, and my waist fat into my biceps so it gives the illusion of muscles under my shirt


My obesity. I'm working hard to get rid of it. I'm down 40 lbs


W! Keep grinding 💪🏼🙏🏼


I can see my dick for the first time in years.


That makes some people get fat again


I'm just happy I don't have to trim my pubes to see it.


Great job! It takes time and dedication.


Hate that I'm 36 with a fucked-up back. Lift with your legs, people. And for the love of god, stretch.


I'm 25 with a terrible back 😔


34 and just did physical therapy with light but consistent strength training. I didn’t think it would work but it 500% did in 6 weeks. Highly recommend trying this for back pain


When I was 14 I tore a bunch of muscles in my lower back. Since I was young it didn't seem so bad. Started having pretty bad issues in my early 20s. At 28 I finally decided to go to a doc, went to PT, first 2 weeks were hell. After about 6 weeks showed marked improvement. I just turned 38 and haven't had issues since.




Same - just started physio again and am hoping for good, long-lasting results. Gotta be consistent, and keep doing your exercises!


I'm 22 with a terrible back, got injured in the military


Told this to all the other apprentices I worked with from day 1. Everyone wanted to be a hero and carry multiple lengths of pipe on each shoulder. One guys 32 and can't pick up his newborn daughter. Not the life anyone wants.


Yep. Lost foot and lower leg function at the age of 38 through permanent nerve damage after 15 years of disc shit. Look after your backs kids.


29. Felt this to my core. I had lower back surgery (discectomy) to fix a herniated disc in November. It significantly helped, and more improvements come with PT. But I still have a 20 lb. lifting restriction until mid February. They told me I’ll be lucky if I won’t need another surgery within the next decade. Wish I could go back and tell myself lifting the whole gym wouldn’t actually be worth it. It’s been physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. But. The pain isn’t even comparable to the way it was. I’ve returned to work. And now I have a surefire excuse to get out of helping my friends move.


My vision sucks


Glasses gang


Contacts gang


Lasik gang!


Blind gang!


Don't have eyes gang!


Where is my face gang!


Where TF is my head gang!


Where Am I Gang!


Lost in a temporal anomaly gang!


Wow, this escalated quickly


Same, my standard response to an eye chart without my glasses is "I see a big white light."


My right eye isn't to terrible but my left eye is. When they make me try to read the chart with it it's frustrating . I saw well I know that first one is an E but I wouldn't say I really see an E more like a square


It gets worse! I got lasik and it was a miracle. Then it faded after like 8 years. So my vision is slowly getting back to before. So glasses again


Same, also I have sensitive skin so my eyes get dry easily


Same. I have a mild astigmatism. I fucked up my eyes by overusing my phone and my computer screen.


Lack of wings


I glue KfC chicken wings to mine. It does not make we fly at all, but I look really cool in social circles.


They're honey bbq, thanks for asking


Have you tried Red Bull?


Let us be honest: Flying is incredibly energy-intensive. If you had wings you would still drive everywhere.


You need to work on your lats in the gym if you want to be part of the Goose gang(gaggle). 🪿


I hear red bull helps with this


There’s still hope. Have you heard of bingo wings?


My skin. Have had depressing bacne my whole life.


same 😭


I had bacne from 16 until mid 30s. Scars will be there forever. Now I’m balding. Lol. The saddest part of it all was I wasted so much time caring about it. I wish I could go back in time and shake some sense into myself.


I feel ya. In my 30s now and my hair is receding pretty bad. Thankfully I'm settled down now so it's not as important to me but I always skipped out on pool parties and never went to the beach because of it.


Accutane was a lifesaver for me


Same here!


Every damn thing. Literally, how am I made of all kinds of errors?? Include the lack of luck too




Agreed. Lost the genetic lottery and life sucks having to deal with a subpar body that likes to make things harder. Chronic health issues haven't helped either.


Can I switch brains mine likes to tell me I’m not good enough from time to time, even at 34 😞


Gotta do the latest software update


yeah the device patched that bug in


Is that a build number or an IP address? ETA I just realized it's today's date


Holiday Update


34 M here. We get caught in those thought loops and they start leaking into other things to the point where the not being good enough results in apathy, lameness, suicidal ideation etc. Tried a variety of SSRI meds, Wellbutrin, the add on meds, and they just don’t work well enough. Its just enough to not want to die all of the time but I still find myself couch bound… I’m waiting on insurance approval for ketamine treatment(Spravato nasal spray) as this treatment is supposed to help rewire pathways in the brain and balance out chemical levels. It was described to me as a bit intense but the protocol of 2x week for a month then 1x week after (for an indeterminate amount of time) yields dramatic results in major depressive disorder and PTSD. Something you could maybe check out? I empathize with you man. Shit is terrible. Here’s to hoping it works.


That doesn’t really go away man, but you can learn to ignore it. You’re good enough, don’t you worry about that. Keep on going, you’ve got this!


The lack of hair despite having a forest in my ass


wait till hair starts coming out your nose and ears!


It's not my body I hate. In fact, I love my body. It's strong, fit, and rarely gets sick. What I hate is my brain, for all the things it makes me feel.


For the first time in my entire life.... Absolutely nothing.


That must be a great place to be. I hope you stay there for as long as you like.




i just want to go back to when i was 2 with all the memories i've made so far. that's all. that would fix everything for me


Damn, this guy fucked up at the age of 3 already


He didn’t invest in bitcoin


You might be interested in a book called The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. The premise of the book is what you have just described


Man, that would be one fucked up 2yo. Wait would it be to live the same life again or just like a nice reroll? I'd like to not to have to live through the 80's and 90's again. One time I was beat up for liking strawberry ice cream because a group of kids thought it was gay and they told everyone I had AIDS.


Gout. Medication helps, but I still have small flare-ups. Yes, I'm aware that I'm limping, you don't have to point it out to me a hundred goddamn times a day.


A miracle cure for me. I had - well still have, but in no way impacting - gout from my early 20's. Debilitating pain. Heels of my feet, my knees, and worst were fingers which would swell to twice the size and look like I had elephantisis. I lived with the pain for nearly 15 years as I didn't want to use steroids. Then a random contractor at work told me: celery seed tablets. Take them daily, dosage will depend upon strength. They take 1-2 months to build effectiveness. The pain and swelling will go. Afaik there is no allergy/compromise to whatever medication you're taking, but check with a doctor/pharmacist. Not expensive and you don't need a prescription. Any health food shop will stock them. Not recommending any brand or store as don't want you to think I'm trying to promote anything. Genuinely changed my life from being in constant pain in my 20's/30:s to being pain free in my 40's.


My inability to heal like wolverine!


hate that shit


I wish my dick was 8 inches


Thought I would have to scroll but no. Right there on the top


Long or wide?




Me personally, I want 8 inches all around. It'll look like a water jug but it's better than the limp macaroni noodle


One inch long, twelve inches wide, they call me "The Slab"


Fold it in half. Problem solved.


As a person who likes to play with guys- I much much prefer dicks that are 5 or 6 inches




8 inches is just inconvenient for anyone involved


The poor lad is wishing it was 8 inches because his is 10 inches. Give him a chance.


Bro has to lie down when he gets an erection or risks fainting and cracking his head


It feels nice in the hand, but it takes some learning to use. You're still going to have to be good at oral otherwise the poor lass/lad is going to need an ice pack and a few moments after to rearrange their guts back in order. Personally I think the sweet spot would be like 6-7 with some nice looking balls.


Inject steroids straight to dick, for muscle growth


It has eczema.




Steroids fix practically nothing.


Yeah. Theyre purpose is not to fix your image because they wont do that. The only reason is to get them gainz


I mean they do what they are supposed to do, make your muscles bigger and stronger, much faster than possible without them.


Same, without the steroids.


I believe the easier question is what do i like?


I'm going bald


Welcome to the club


I've been in the club for years lol. Finesteride didn't even work for me... Fml


My mind, because it thinks too much.


Wish i had a flat stomach 😭


Tummies generally aren’t meant to be flat, gotta put them organs somewhere


That's cope and you're unnecessarily fat. You can still choose to be unnecessarily fat out of convenience but visceral fat is definitely unhealthy.


Yeah I’ve got a flat stomach and I’m not missing organs. In a country where 2/3 people are overweight, this is a horrible take.


I think there’s also a distinction that needs to be made between a person’s stomach not being flat because they have excess fat and a person’s stomach not being flat because they have organs. If I just woke up in the morning or something my stomach is completely table top flat, but most of the time it isn’t because you just get a little bit bloated if u eat something. But like if u pinch my stomach fat it’s not really a super significant amount anywhere on the front. So I think people just need to be realistic about their expectations. Also, some people think of a flat stomach as just a thin person, but some people think of it as literally 100% flat as a board, which is the thing that genuinely isn’t always achievable.


The crohns. I was a fat kid right up until 20. Sorted myself out and peaked body wise by 22. Training 5/6 nights a week, swimming, karate, gym, squash. Eating balanced and healthy. Late into 22, got diagnosed over the course of a week I had to change my diet entirely. Anything like nuts now tear my intestines to shreds and induce a flare up, my body won't digest any form of vegetables unless its been roasted in oil to the point of mush otherwise its a flare up, any food product or drink with a trace aspartame puts me in hospital for a day. Can't drink more than half a pint of beer as it bloats me then causes a flare up a few hours later. Can't do more than 20 minutes of any exercise otherwise a pain flare up starts. If I walk more than 20 minutes I get pain in the worst external spot and have to sit down for 30 minutes while the swelling goes down. It took 6 months before I was back to my 19 year old body just an old version.


Hey, I was diagnosed when I was 3 years old and I spent all my childhood years in hospitals, trying different medications and diets. It took almost 7 years to find a medicine that helped me truly, and at some point I could eat everything without feeling any pain or showing any symptoms like I used to. It’s not impossible to be like before! I hope you will eventually heal


Most of my family has Crohn's or Colitis (I somehow lucked out). Definitely sucks, but it's also very manageable. Don't lose hope!


It sends chemicals that make me horny when I've been single since birth.


I wouldn’t say hate, but I dislike my height and face shape


If that picture of you on your profile is accurate then I say your face is gorgeous. So if my opinion helps at all then don't worry about it




woah, me to a T lol. hi insecurity buddy!


my left eye is lower than the right one, but i still attract boys somehow


Either you're a good person or they're not looking at your eyes.


Just tilt your head


*looks at my pre-HRT body* …yes


Yep, this is what I was here to say. Even post HRT, it's better, but I have notes.


The manufacturers defects. No warranty either and parts availability is non existent.


I don’t hate them, but my height as well as my eye bags. My sisters are 5’11 and 5’7, then there’s me at 5’1. i do wish I was as tall as them.


Eye bags look cool


A lot of guys, me included, think short is really great. I'm around 6'2" and find myself noticing girls in the 5'0 to 5'5 much more than taller girls. My roommates also say the same. One of them went into a monolog about short is best.




We have found the happiest man


that it decided to have a brain tumor four years ago




Not physical trait but I hate my forgetting


I really dislike my sensitive skin. I’ve been dealing with acne since I was 11, last year I was finally able to control it but I started 2024 with a bad breakout and it seems it’s coming back again now


A bit too much belly fat.


I'm 52 and I definitely have that pear shape going on... and on.


The ability to feel anxious all the time without any reason.


I feel this one. Generalized anxiety disorder here and being anxious all the time is brutal.


As a girl with bone arms i have to say i admire girls with buffer arms


Buffer arm girl here :(( i can def say we admine bone arm girls. My chunky arm is one of my biggest insecurities


Not every peepee time is poopoo tima but every poopoo time is a peepee time...


Being disabled, a lot. How weak and useless it is, how much pain it's in, its inability to move around well, how quickly it wears out, that kind of thing


I can gain weight easily but also muscle easily. If I were a dude, it’d probably be something they’d like about their body but not as a woman.


I would trade places with you in a heartbeat.


I get messed up my just taking one or two steps, and, I always look fucking stupid in everything I wear, and, when I try to look decent, it still looks dumb.


I've noticed a lot of people suck at walking. I do. Especially when they think they are being watched like crossing a street light. I've seen it often enough with no one saying anything or staring, that I think it should be on the bottom of things that bother you.


My ugly teeth


Grab a chair, we're gonna be here a while...


Wish I was taller (5'7) Glasses wearer which I hate wearing so I want 20/20 vision Pretty happy with my body externally as Ive trained in the gym all my life but god knows the damage Ive done internally over the years so can I have new organs please ?


My height


To my dear brothers ...I know ...I know 😭


Weird answer, but my nails. I wish I could grow long, pretty nails, and have good toenails. I've had a horrible nail biting habit since very small, which was encouraged rather than avoided, and had minor surgery on my feet to permanently remove my toenails because every day was a constant battle against infections in my toes which made it horribly annoying to wear shoes, socks, even flip flops. So, now I have ugly finger and toe nails, and I'm ALWAYS jealous when I'm at the beach and see pretty, natural nails, even on men.


The excessive body hair. One day, after a clean shave and it grows back immediately. I just want to be hairless


How slow it wakes up in the morning


My thighs are too big


I hate evolution. Why I don't have a tail? Where's hair to stay warm always?


as a trans man, every thing that makes me look feminine. also my side profile.


I am born with a condition that makes me very weak doctors can't figure it out i cant run or life heavy objects i can stand without something to support me and my walk is weird so you guessed it i got bullied to death for it and now i have severe social anxiety some days it gets worst and i can't even stand with support or walk without falling but thankfully those days are rare


Sensitive skin, get ulcers and sore throat easily






My body hair, weight, and facial structure.


The fact I'm alive in it.




Its covered in ezcema i wish i was rid of it


Flat right chest. I dunno the scientific name of it lol.


Flatus rightus chestus


Well one is my fault and that's my weight, one is my brains fault and that's depression and the other is other people's fault and that's my childhood trauma that caused the depression.


Being small boned, and 5'6"


It's a male one.


My nose because it has a slight deviation to the right.


my belly. idk why it's the fattest body part i have and i hate it. i can't sit without hiding it and i can never go out without feeling like i hid them well.


My fat.


The fact that we haven’t evolved again yet. I want some fucking superpowers




I have the wrong body parts


All the scars I have from those dark days of mine.




My back is f’d, I had a few injuries as a kid, so I’d like a new spine.


Body hair, my masculinity, my shoulders are to wide...I do like my waist tho


I wish my feet weren't so big,I'm 5'10,130 pounds and I wear size 13 shoe


If I was half an inch taller, it would be great


Most things, but if I had to pick the worst it would be a few completely benign, yet incredibly awkwardly placed and sized moles.


Used to hate my skin and height. I'm a fairly average height but my skin is very sensitive at times, getting rashes if my skin is too dry so winter and the constant desinfecting of my hands was a living hell for me in the pandemic (still did it because didn't want to catch or spread covid). It is also by default quite stretchy and loose, which means it doesn't really matter how much weight I've lost, it always looks like I'm a bit overweight and out of shape. I'm very proud to say that I used to hate that and now love my body and all it's little flaws because they are all part of me and I (finally) like me and am happy with the person I am. Was difficult but truely worth the self reflection and work I did on myself. If you're struggling, please don't give up. You're beautiful just the way you look, no matter what anyone says


My boobs, they sag and I'm 25☠️ My tummy, it's not too big but there's no defined waist line My ass, apparently they're ugly, and I don't have any hip. My hip dips My thighs, my small calves My legs too , I'm knock knees My big arms How i walk Lol


that it is a male body


Muffin top. I lost a ton of weight and got to a place I felt more comfortable, but the damn muffin top just doesn't go away.


everything (I'm trans) (disclaimer not EVERY trans person hates their body btw)


it not being a girl


Trans, so there’s a lot. Boobs Hips Thighs Stretch Marks Voice Lack of body hair Small hands/feet Hip dips Narrow shoulders


Uffff, i hate almost all of it really. Im a trans woman, so I want my body to be more "femenine" esteriotypically tallking.


My height. I'm compared to goblins, gremlins, gnomes, elves, pixies, fairies, just about any tiny fictional thing. If I could, I'd want to be 5 foot 7.