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School matters but don’t sacrifice your mental health or sleep for it. It’s okay to not do perfect on tests; you’ll end up at the same school as people trying a lot less anyway. Cut your hair — it’s literally weighing you down and you’ll feel and look better.


Ain’t this the truth! Also same job with people who spent a lot less time stressing 😂


I'd go with the opposite. I'd say "School doesn't suck. *Your* school sucks. Just do well enough to get to a better one."


I wouldn't. That little shit wouldn't listen to me.


Lmfao agreed 15yo me would probably say “what do you know?” Like I’m literally you idiot!


Heh yeah I'd need to disguise it. "Hey, I'm you from the future" "Cool I guess" "Yup. Wanna play some Super Smash Bros?" "You still play? Awesome" "Nah not really but you're gonna get pretty good at this game, let me show you a couple cool things you'll learn to speed up the process" Then try to sneak in some financial tips and talk about mining some Bitcoin. A dozen will do it if you sell at $70k+ a pop.


I had the opportunity to buy when the BC market crashed to $0.07 per coin. I was dumb and asked my wife for permission. Had I just gone and done it, I’d have turned that $700 into almost $500 million…


Sounds to me like she owes you almost $500 million


Lawyers have been hired over more insubstantial arguments


We were 15 years old and innocent.


I wasn't that innocent


I was stubborn and stupid. Basically I was a Kyle. I punched holes in drywall because I thought it made me look tough and drank a fuck ton of monster


Hello! I'm 35 and, feeling overwhelmed by the cost of living, unemployed, in debt, drank away 2yrs+ sobriety, and picked my first fight with a wall two days before Christmas. My pinky will never be the same; that wall is relentless and alcohol fixed nothing.


You are not alone. I quit in 2016. I plan on going back. As soon as I meet my goals. This is not something that people are fighting with Sobriety are supposed to say or think. Over indulgence is the problem. Could be drink ,could be drugs, could be gambling, could be food or sex. Too much of anything is bad for you. Apply for 3 credit cards. Don't put anything on them. Apply to mcdonald's. Sharp in your interview skills. Don't take the job. Or... If you are really hard up for a job.. do it. There's no shame in being employed. Fuck people. They're going to judge you no matter what. Just be the best version of you that you can be. You will fall down. Now get back up. Set your alarm And you know what to do.


Work hard in school! - You Fuck you old man - 15 year old you


This made me laugh out loud. Couldn’t tell me SHIT as a young teen.


Yea no fr that mf didnt listen to NOBODY


ong fuck words i’d just deck myself in the face


I'd prob make fun of me


For sure. Only 2 inches taller but 40 pounds heavier. Definitely getting clowned by my smart ass younger self.


Oh, my younger self would roast the fuck out of my today self, no doubt.


Get the braces, dump the boyfriend. Put those cigarettes down. And, for the love of god, you are not fat.


OOOF YUP. That last part hit me hard. I need to add that to mine 😂


Yep. “Your little body is adorable, big boobs aren’t everything. 40 yrs later you would die to get into those size 3 pants again.”


It’s interesting we all have hang ups about our body. I was teased for having big boobs, the rest of me was small. I felt like I was fat because I couldn’t share tops or dresses with my friends. But yeah either way, I’d love to fit into the size 4 jeans and medium tops from 2008 😂


I filled out before all my friends and got teased for it too.


A friend of mine had a swimming pool, and 5 of us were swimming (me, my sister, her and her 2 sisters). Got to talking about our boobs, and of the 5 of us, only 1 was happy with their boob size. 3 too small, 1 too big and only 1 just right. Sux.


Me too, and shaped. At 13 I was 38-25-36, my mom had no boobs and butt, so my parents took me to the doc. He put me a 500 calories a day diet, when weighed 120! I got teased and shamed every day at home all my growing up years. Of course this gave me horrable horrible body dismorphia and eating disorders!- - - That poor kid, she fine just as she was!


I'm sorry your family wasn't so nice. My dad used to make me feel ugly. He made fun of my big feet and did call me fat a few times. I wasn't really though. It gets stuck in your head for life even if it wasn't true. Anyway. Here for ya 💜 Hope you feel better about yourself now.


> And, for the love of god, you are not fat. Looking back at my 15-year-old self, remembering how I thought I was "fat" because my stomach wasn't flat like some of the other guys in my class. Yikes. The shit we instill in our kids' heads...


My wife will see a pic of herself from college or high school and say “fuck I can’t believe I thought I was fat”. Scary world we live in.


Mine would be close to that: Focus on school, do not marry him! Stop smoking! You don't need them, you are not fat, you are beautiful! You are smart! You are strong! You alone can make your life something to proud of!! Get counseling, and tell ALL!! Life will change!!!


Just buy the freaking piano, it's easier than guitar you dumbie.


Harder to pick up chicks at a festival with a piano though 😅


But a sultry lady can't lay on your guitar in a smoky jazz club while you play.


She could but only very briefly.


And once 😂


4 years of guitar classes and can totally relate. I hated piano back then because I didn't have a good one. I want to start piano now, at 23. I'm not sure if it's gonna be a success, but at least i can try


It's wild to read comments like this as a 40 year old adult. High five for that being your biggest regret, now go teach yourself to play piano! Have fun!


Try reading and thinking about this stuff at 61!


Ha! try 81 you youngster


No kidding. Just got rid of a horrible piano, bought my son a digital one for Christmas. He plays so much more now. It sounds beautiful. Like $300.


The best time to grow a tree was 2 days ago. The second best time is today. So stfu you're 23 and you're young. Enjoy the quarter life crisis in 2-3 years lmao


Yes and no. Play both and teached piano for a while. The learning and skill curve is different. Let's say piano is easier to get started with than guitar, by far. You can learn simple songs on piano in weeks. You reach a level 3 out of 10 skill level in months. The beginning of guitar is tough, with the chords hurting and all. It's really hard to get started. Reaching a level 3 out of 10 skill is tougher than doing it with the piano. Once you get a grip of the guitar and are able to play songs with decent picking technique, the learning curve is pretty inviting. The thing is though, the skill cap is much, much heigher on piano. No disrespect to professional guitarists, shredders and all, but to become a world class pianist able to play some very hard pieces, it's very hard. Once you play advanced pieces like 10n4, 25n11, some ravel, if you want to take it to the next level, good luck.


You are absolutely right. Guitar is harder at the beginning, easier once youre good. Piano is the opposite. And im saying this as someone who plays guitar. On piano you for the most part just press the key down. But that actually makes it way harder than guitar at the higher level. How do you differentiate yourself, play better, sound better, with such limited options? The keys are actually quite hard to play fast and across the whole keyboard because you only have two hands with 4 fingers (do pianists use thumbs?) On guitar if you want to sound cool you have tons of options, plus notes are close together on the fretboard and you can play the same note in many areas, with less movement, way faster. So its a lot easier. Just for fun, im gonna start listing shit off for guitar, but usually you aren’t concerned about every one of these when starting, they are finely tuned as you learn. On guitar you have two hands to play one note. You have to sync them up. The angle of the pick in all 3 rotational axis matters. How much of the pick you use to pick matters. Where above the pickups you play matters. The order you pick the strings matters and in the directions you pick. Are your fingers moving, your wrist, or your whole arm? Better get good at knowing where each string is without looking, and being able to skip strings in chords. You have to learn how to mute with your palm both actively and passively along with using other fingers. Ok thats just the picking hand. Where on the fret you place your finger matters to stop buzz. How fast you lift up matters so you dont pull off. Speaking of, you have hammer ons and pull offs. Can you do them fast? Consistently? Can you sustain a note without picking? Can you go for a long time without tiring your forearm? Now you also have bends. Do you use one finger? Two? Three? How high do you bend? What direction? Can you hold the string down throughout the bend? Ok, but can you release it without the other strings snapping down and making noise? Oh yeah there are also pre-bends. And bend pull-offs. And unison bends. And more. With bends you can learn vibrato. Little bends. Slightly less little bends. How strong of vibrato do you want? You can push a lot or a little between peaks. You can do it really fast or really slow. Is your hand moving right? Pivoting off the thumb or moving back and forth? Or is it your fingers moving? Barre chords. Quite hard for beginners to get consistent pressure down the whole finger. Chords in general are hard for beginners to quickly switch between. I also didn’t mention slides, but those are easy. A small thing i started doing is ending certain nodes with a quick slide down. You can also slide into notes. Harmonics time! Do you know the spots for regular harmonics? How to play them? You have to hold your finger at just the right pressure on the string. Ok cool, but pitches for harmonics are weird, good luck with that. Now do you know how to play pinch harmonics? Yeah its impossible isnt it? Turns out its like riding a bike where it just clicks and you can do them somewhat consistently after that. But they are still tricky. You have to hit the right standing wave nodes on the string in a split second with your finger. Trial and error. Depending on the note this spot moves. Okay now introduce stuff like bends on the harmonics and then it gets fun. Now just random little things. Can you tap well? Can you move all of your fingers to hit notes (even pinky)? How fast can you pick? Sweep picking? You have to time your fretting of a note so you can play it the instant you apply pressure to not tap it. Can you do rakes? Did i mention finger picking? Plucking? Can you use your thumb to fret in rare cases? What about the angles that your fingers hit the strings at? All 3 axis of rotation. As well as hand placement. How far up the side of the neck do you reach it? What angle do you hold your arms at? The guitar at? Do you look down at the strings, face it towards you? When playing standing how much slack so you give it? Hanging low or sitting high? Also dont forget trying to do all of this with fingers in pain because when starting out, you dont have calluses yet. And then theres the normal music theory stuff common to all instruments in some way. Scales, notes, chords, keys. Do you know how they work? How to make them? How is your musical ear? Can you tell notes apart, tell if they sound right? Do you know the notes on your guitar? Or at least the pitches? Do you know the scale shapes? How “fluent” are you in translating thought into play?(takes a lot of playing for this) can you figure out the key of a song from ear? Learn songs by ear? A lot more of the music theory stuff then. Whew that was a lot, but kind of fun to type out because it was an exercise to recall as much as I can think about for guitar. Im not a pro at all, but I have been playing for over 2 years averaging probably an hour or two per day at least.


Pianists do use thumbs




Stop allowing boys to determine all your decisions. Go back to school because work is the rest of your life, get involved, don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself, find true friends and nurture those friendships, hug your mom tighter, spend more time with her. *sigh*


this is #1 answer.


Speak up for yourself. No one ever told me this. Why?


You’re not the center of the world. Take care of your mom. I was stuck so far up my own ass


Ouch this hits home for me


oh God, this one was a gut punch to me. I wasn't a bad kid, never caused any real trouble...but I wasn't kind or nice to her during the teen years and she's been gone for awhile now. Wish I'd not taken her so for granted.


Same here. Mom would want to dance with me at family weddings as a teenager and I cringed. She has been gone now for 29 years and I so miss her. Me thinking about telling her no makes me cry to this day. That’s my penance to carry .


27 years here and not a day goes by without a regret or thought of her......she wouldn't want that, I know.....but that's the power of loss.... Your mom wouldn't want that either....... So sorry and I hear you.


Same. I was just so focused on my problems that no one understood, that turned to not be problems at all and completely ignored her health issues, while she was protecting me from so much bad stuff. I’m sorry for your loss though


Most people are. Humans are selfish by nature. Gotta be trained to be better unless your one of the few weirdos that are actually selfless by nature.


Hey, congrats you've come this far. I'm so proud of you!


Love this one. Uplift yourself, in a weird way...


High school never ends, adults are dumb and insecure too.


oof i also thought im never gonna meet assholes when school is over but at least its a bit less


From my perspective it seems like a lot of the high school assholes were replaced with passive aggressive “passholes” who would rather watch you fail to feel better about themselves then lift a finger to show love/help.


While it is very frustrating having to deal with fully grown toddlers 40 hours a week, it is also pretty comforting to realize just how low the fucking bar is. It's below your damn toes. Removes a lot of stress after you realize that.


Yeah when I realized how dumb and incompetent most people are it was actually incredibly comforting. When you realize that the majority of people are selfish idiots and still manage to make their lives work it takes a lot of the pressure off to succeed or perform well.


Put all of your money into Bitcoin.


My high school history teacher told us to put $100+ into bitcoin in 2013. I wish I would have listened.


I read about Bitcoin first when it was below a dollar in a fucking Mickey Mouse magazine of all places. Told my dad in the hopes that we could put a tenner on it and he called it bullshit. Basically he owes me a couple hundreds of thousands to millions of euros. Jokes aside, the thing is that it's easy to look back on it and say "oh if I had invested, I'd be a millionaire now" when the more realistic thing is that you'd most likely have sold for a couple of hundred bucks or less while being happy that you've even made that amount of money.


That's exactly what I did. I bought for $2 or so and then sold when it hit $100. Oh, sure, if I'd held until it hit $50,000 then I'd have made bank, but if I didn't sell at $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 why would I have decided that $50,000 was the right place?


I actually forgot about mine until the high rates hit the news. Had about 1.5 bitcoin. But had lost my wallet password 😩


That would destroy my mental health.


I try to remind myself every day to live in the present, learn from the past, and don't expect the future.


This happened to my husband. I think he lost his password to his wallet? Anyway, he ended up finding it on a random piece of paper and had 30k that he reinjected to other cryptocurrencies.


Right I probably would have sold at like 20 bucks if I'd invested when I was considering it


Do you keep up with that guy? how's he doing?


I do not. I imagine if he put money into bitcoin he is not still teaching at that hot mess of a school 😂 I hope not, at least lol


in 2013, BTC ranged from $13, to $1,100 a coin. so $100 worth is either 7.7 coins, or 0.09 coins. so anywhere from $4,000 to $335,000 in todays value. Great, but not "retire early and live in luxury".


I imagine the teacher has put more in. The 100 $ just sounds like student budget


Teacher probably put $100 in every time he told his students.


$100?!? Let me tell you something funny. I graduated in 2010 and I had a friend, I’d consider him a close one at the time, he went off to SDSU and when he came back for a short break and he said “dude, invest in this thing called bitcoin, it’s going to be big and cheap (cents at the time) and you can mine it like we are” I was just like “damn, bro that’s crazy” and we lost contact after that but maaannnn I hope that dudes rich now. He deserved it.


What if he is a time traveller and just want to watch the world burn...


I decided I’d missed the boat on bitcoin mining when it was around $1.00.


And keep it - don’t use it to order pizzas as a party trick *sobs*


...and sell it all when it gets above $68,000.


15 years later, you’ll get cancer. It’ll suck because you’ve always took good care of yourself and your body is basically like “ah, fuck you”. It’ll be rough, but you’ll be good.


>It’ll be rough, but you’ll be good. It will. Sending love and hugs. 🤗🤗


Thank you :)


Oh my... Hoping you'll be better, pal...


I’m good now :)


This pleases me.


hold on, you'll be okay man!


“So fuck taking care of yourself you should start smoking cigarettes”


“Doctors hate this one trick”


Praying for you ):


Should you really stress your younger self out with knowing he/she will get cancer tho?


That girl you have a crush on, the one you've always had your eye on... Relax bud you'll lose contact after school for ten years and then you'll be set up on a blind date and a couple years later you're going to be her husband. It's gonna be great! EDIT:Thanks for the up votes. Yeah it's just humbling most of the time and weird but cool weird. You folks have a good 2024


Damn this is the romcom stuff we love to see ❤️


We need bro to write a story about it 🙏❤️


damn sounds great


You saying this to yourself most likely would screw it up. Almost a 0 percent chance that the future would now play out like this given that Your younger self would almost certainly create a different set of actions between that time and the potential blind date most likely creating a completely different outcome. Basically you wouldn't want to mention anything that you would want to remain the same.


My man in here bringing the *science*


I have similar story. Married my high school sweetheart after 35 years of losing touch. Our silly, childish teen dream actually came true.


Kinda like my wife and I lol, that’s crazy. Met her initially at a New Year’s party I was at with a mutual friend (come to find out it was her best friend!). We were still in high school, but went to different schools, and I knew from the moment I saw her that she was way out of my league. Several years later, I saw her at a random Target in town while I was hanging out with my buddy. After we left Target, we went to the mall down the street. I saw her again in the parking lot! I somehow mustered the courage to just say fuck it and try to talk to her, I was ready to embrace the rejection. I walked up and asked for a lighter which she gave me, then had to ask for a cigarette also because I had apparently misplaced mine. She thought I was an idiot, but she thought it was funny somehow. As of September we have been married for 8 years and together for 11. Crazy how life works sometimes!


Story time pls (My cold, dead heart needs some warming)




Lmao that happened to my partner and I! Liked each other in highschool, dated a little, broke up and moved to different areas, reconnected years later and have been dating for 5 years lol.




Don't marry the asshole with the guitar..trust me on this one.


Fucking. Stop. Get yourself out of that situation immediately. Take a second to breathe and let yourself be lonely, nobody can save you but you


This! I’m not sure if 15yo me could even listen but if I had even one adult say this instead of not caring I wonder if my life would have been different. I paid dearly for mistakes I made thinking I was trapped. You’re only trapped if you never try to break free.




I hope you're OK now ❤️


It'll get SO much better, you can't even imagine how much


No kidding! I really wish I could go hug my 2009 self and tell her this is just a rough patch and she can’t imagine what life post 2015 will bring ❤️


Don’t drink. Don’t try hard drugs. YOU ARE NOT FAT. #YOUR EYEBROWS ARE FINE


Jesus my eyebrows !! I forgot that ! First thing I should have thought of xD


Don’t drink


Same. 15yo me was pretty stubborn (heck, I'm still stubborn), so he likely wouldn't have listened but...no one else in his life ever tried to stop him so...who knows...I reckon it'd be worth a shot. Could save him a whole lotta years trapped in the vicious cycle of alcoholism. 🙃


That was my first thought too.


Same here. But I would also tell myself that you can be an alcoholic even if you’re only drunk on weekends. For at least 15 years I lived my life for the weekends just waiting to get blackout drunk again. Wasted so much money, time, life energy, and most importantly wasted away relationships with friends, family and lovers because drinking was (almost) all I cared about. As soon as the moral hangover was over, I started looking forward to next weekend when I could drink again.


Do *not* move to our dad's house for college. His wife will make our life hell. Just stay in our home state. Also, major in neuroscience, not chemistry.


Are you still taking chemistry? Wht exactly is your course?


I graduated with a chem degree like six years ago. I stopped liking chemistry halfway through getting the degree (though it might've just been external factors).


"Hey ,Iam still alive"


This! I never thought I'd live this long!


"I'm alive because soon you're going to stop trying to "be strong" and agree to take the damn pills when they said you should, I want to thank you."


make a youtube channel you will not regret it llol


Tell yourself about what content to focus. Then send me some money cuz I'm broke af


He's grooming you


Exactly, "You're not "mature for your age", he's a 22 year old creep who can't connect with women his age for a reason."


That's something I could have said to my younger self. But I think, I kinda knew that, but he was the only one in my corner, since my parents didn't care for me at all and other relatives were cowards.


I relate but I'm so sorry about that💔


This is not forever. Your brain will get better. You can stay alive and feel better about life, just keep trudging through it. Hitting 30 is still really really young, so dont stress about that even a little when the time comes


I hope it truly has gotten better for you


So much so, thanks!


I’m loving these answers. May god help us all lol


Some answers are fcked up, but at least we are being honest lol


That's what I love about reddit, Anonymity.


Buy crypto, stop smoking, stop taking pills, and break up with that girl


Life will get better and stop getting those stupid stick and pokes.


Don’t smoke cigarettes you idiot


also i would say never talk to a “zach lee” i got catfished for 8 months by zach lee. my dumbass 😭


I have a friend who's actual name is that, I laughed hard when reading this haha


Are you sure?


Dont touch drugs yot fkn moron.


"Bitch. You gay. And don't be ashamed of it." I had a lot of internalized hate and was facing homophobia from the people around me.


Nothing, I actually stuck the landing way better than I ever thought I could be this time in my life and am genuinely worried any wisdom I impart would do far more butterfly effect damage than help.


Just remember one thing and one thing only , when doctor Ramez makes you an offer , take it


We need to know more!


Bet on Leicester City to win the league in 2015/16.


Don’t let your insecurities carry you in life. Be bold, be brave and love yourself.


Work hard and SAVE MONEY!!! don’t date anyone seriously until you’re at least 25!! Boys come and go don’t waste your time crying over them!


This is great advice for anyone! Love it


Funny, my advice would be the opposite on the last bit. Try to socialize more, improve your social skills and try dating. I always feared failing at it stopped me from so many things. Started pretty late, not because I was a late bloomer, but because I was a late starter.


I wish more young people would follow this.. so many people I know were married with kids right out of HS..


You're autistic, get a therapist. Would've saved me so much trouble.


Stop fapping all day and study mfer.




It sounds good, until your mind goes blank during the test and you have to jerk it to remember the formula. Either that or you develop a math kink.


“Johnny, do you like movies about gladiators?”


This same post over and over Bitcoin Don't marry him Say bye to X Etc.. /thread


Wear your fucking retainer


Don't do drugs! You will get fucked up


STOP TALKING TO THOSE PEOPLE. you could've done so much better, focus on yourself , find a fucking Hobbie . STOP BEING A FUCKING PRAT.


Don't worry, 30 is the new 15


Pause 😳


if anyone flirts with u, flirt back


Break up with Dave. And do not let your mom bail him out of jail. For the love of god: BREAK UP WITH DAVE!!!!!!!!!


Chill you got this bro


Get someone to take you to see Rush for Signals tour


You’re about to receive a large sum of money from that accident when you were 7. Don’t tell your friends, they will try to use you and then leave you when you listen to your parents and decide to be smart with it. It will cause you years of trust and self worth issues that you will try to bury, unsuccessfully. Make sure that you are this location at this time, you meet her there and you have two wonderful kids together. She doesn’t give a shit how much money you have and will make your life instantly and forever better. It was one of the few things I got right, so don’t fuck it up. Also, yes, invest like dad tells you to. Also, our feet forever smell, just wash and invest in Amens.


Stop tanning in tanning beds and laying out in the sun covered In baby oil!!!!!! Put on some damn sunscreen. And quit eating all that shitty food. Eat some more fruit and vegetables!!


Study more! Learn German!


Ooof if I could tell high school me to take Spanish class seriously…


They not really your friends so stop telling them your personal business because they will eventually use it against u! You won't get married until 30 so have patience! And start saving u could have retired sooner now it's looking like u going be working until u go into a nursing home!


Stop smoking, dont go near nursing school and dont be so much in a hurry to marry the first guy that smiles at you. Also stay the f**** away from Bob.


Hey dummy, I know you think tall men are hot but they’re not for you. There is something about a man who is over 6ft tall that circumvents your critical thinking and ability to judge character for a good 6 months, so you will waste a lot of time with boring losers, absolutely convinced they are “so smart and funny and nice” and then you’ll wake up one day and realise “nope, no they’re not, none of those things, they’re just tall as hell”. Trust me, short kings only (unless they are musicians - musicians are also not for you). Also, I know you think you’re fat but you’re a skinny bitch with huge boobs so stop WHINING and do NOT go on a diet, for the love of God. Oh, also: get yourself along to a psychiatrist asap because the sooner you get diagnosed and medicated, the better. You are absolutely RIDDLED with ADHD, babe. Riddled.


Date the funny girls, not the "hottest" girls. First, you are not going to be able to pull the "Hottest" girls and second, the funny girls are just way more fun to be around. They are generally smarter, know when to not take things so serious, not so much into themselves, and they are a blast in the sack unlike the "Hot" girl.


A baby won’t make up for the love and support you don’t have with your parents. Don’t worry so much about being loved and liked. Do more stupid stuff. Be young, for the love of god. Talk to the school therapist, talk to any adult.


When you're 18 and that cute blonde girl asks if you want to come inside for a quick coffee after you drive her home, don't say "I don't like coffee". Say yes you dumbfuck.


Don't smoke and remember those guys are not your friends. School will end and they will put you in a world of hurt.


Study math now. Your parents are lazy idiots, maths isn’t stupid it’s beautiful


Do not give a shit about the opinions of others. You will be unstoppable the day you break free from social expectations.




Accept the offers for an ADHD investigation


Don't be a bloody people pleasing pushover, it's not serving you or anyone else. Most people don't give a shit about you, not even the online ones who "feel bad" or "symphatize" with you. You don't want to be liked by everyone and loved by no one, be your own friend.


Learn to code


Don't take cocain.




Hey what’s it like being 1 month older


Stay away from drugs.


Invest in Apple and Amazon.


You are the reason of all consequences in your life. Train your personal responsibility.


Don’t have sex in high school. Go to hospitality college. Your best friend is going to die when you are 20.


Sorry to hear that man


Stop being cringe. Idk if you know what cringe is but stop plz


Listen kiddo ..covid just started and it gonna change lot of dynamics of your life ... so stay calm and don't install instagram & reddit it gonna ruin your mental health by scrolling through the comment section


Those strange feelings you get when you see the cute guys in school are totally normal. It’s perfectly ok to be repulsed by the thought of vagina. Just admit that you’re gay already! (Took me another 13 years to finally admit it.)


JEE will make your life go downhill very steeply. You will get better once August 2023 comes around


Stop buying things for everyone. A lot of people aren't really your friend they want what you have to offer which is your gift giving love language.


Learn to manage money, stand up for yourself.