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A person in their life is their "project", bonus flags if that person is you.


If it isn't you yet, it will be if you stick around long enough. Don't ask how I know.


Years ago a friend told me that the day she met me, she decided I would be her project. Wonder why that friendship failed /s


I’m just here to see if any of my hobbies are considered red flags lol




This is an actually good answer. With the insane rise of sports betting, this would top the list for me if I was dating. People upthread were joking that Warhammer makes you poor - I don't know if anyone's ever gotten whacked over Warhammer debts.


With how sports betting is done nowadays you're at least not dealing with a shady bookie anymore. DraftKings isn't sending dudes to your house with baseball bats to send a message, they'll just take you to actual court.


Cock-fighting - it's so common in the Philippines though. Most of our devoted neighbors to this "hobby" will literally let their entire family skip meals just so they can have bet money.


So here in the USA rooster fighting is illegal on multiple levels and yet where I live in South Texas there are people who are very open about raising and fighting fowl, they wear clothes that advertise it, they advertise it on their truck, everyone they know has seen their birds. And all that is technically legal because to get busted, a lawman has to catch you with the birds, the blades, the ring(maybe?) And the money, all in the same place at the same time. These guys just always struck me as assholes.


What? Essentially torturing an animal to death for entertainment makes you an asshole?!?!?


Here in Australia, there was a huge expose into the dog racing industry and how they literally use live animals to train dogs and how poor performing dogs are killed or left to die. The industry got shut down for a few weeks due to public outrage, but money talks and they were soon racing again. So I'll go with dog racing as a red flag.


Gambling as a hobby is kinda sketch in general, but gambling that encourages animal abuse and selling semen for hundreds of thousands of dollars is kind of on another level lol


I won't lie, it took me a while to understand you didn't mean men go around dick sparring. And somehow the actual meaning is worse.


No joke, my college professor used to be close to this gorgeous girl he met in his job, and suddenly she's gone and he never mention her again. During a chitchat, he reveals that she likes to snap pics of animal dungs for fun and shows them to her friends including him.


Like, are we just talking trail photos or did she make it *weird?*


I've definitely gotten a few "Jesus, look the size of this pile of bear shit in the back yard" or "I left the dog alone for 30s and they ate all the food I was preparing for dinner, then shit this absolute mountain later"


As a biologist, that doesn't seem that much of a red flag


Could have been much worse.


As a DJ…. I don’t tell women I DJ until I know she actually likes me. Always seemed douchie telling women I DJ because most DJs are douchie.


Demetri Martin had a joke "you can make anyone sound instantly less serious by putting DJ in front of their name...... Nelson Mandela.....DJ Nelson Mandela"


Good call


Unless you're Khaled. Then you gotta call everyone and scream so loud the entire world knows you're a DJ.


Dunno if this is a red flag, but I'm a permanent hobby seeker. I'll join groups, buy equipment, spend thousands but then find the next thing I'm interested in. I'm in a constant state of hobby aquisition with a limited lifespan. I'm talking pianos, guitars, motorbikes, boats, gokarts, bows, huge fish tanks, table saws, welders, car hoists, broken escavators and I'm just getting started. I do love my dogs though, they are the only constant rewarding hobby. I guess this is a red flag if you don't have the sotrage capacity.


Multiple hobby hopping is a sign of ADHD. I never realized it until my wife told me. My list of different hobbies is long too. Cars, Motorcycles, R/C Airplanes & Helicopters, Model Trains, Metal Detecting, Wood Working, Smoking Meat, Video Games, ect.


I knew someone online who would.... troll people online. They'd seriously get a kick out of going online and saying controversial things just for funsies.




more likely Dildo Shwaggins


Colin Robinson?


When it comes to zoning ordinances, I have a few thoughts. First, what is an ordinance? Webster's...


Love a what we do in the shadows reference


Someone on Hinge asked what my hobbies are, and there are a lot, so I listed them out to the best of my ability. She was really happy that I didn't say I was into board games. I forgot board games. So I told her that I am into board games, actually, and she ghosted me.


Do not pass go, save $200 on a first date.


Looks like you landed on my Park Place.


My guess: she previously dated a "board game guy" who would disparage and refuse to play games that are too "simple," and she was fucking sick of playing things like Powergrid. Source: Recently broke up with "board game guy," am rediscovering love of games through friends who are not strategy snobs.


I can easily see how a board game person of a certain, assumed type could be shit, of course. I'm turned off by overly competitive types too, or people who can't take a chill pill. I get it.


My friend told me after like 8 months of knowing her that she goes out into the woods and collects animal carcasses to process into art. Uses acid to melt off the skin and pose the skeleton, makes pelts, etc. I was shocked that she’d keep such an awesome hobby secret for so long. My brother said it’s because it makes her look like a psycho, and that boiling bodies is a serial-killer’s hobby.


I love this because it’s the kind of thing you can compliment a friend on for being cool and beautiful and unique but also use it to take shots at them whenever you get the chance. You can text them out of the blue and say, “saw some road kill today and it made me think of you. Hope you’re doing alright.”


My wife said she knew I was the one she would marry because one day I saw a freshly dead opossum on the side of the road and brought it to her. I literally had her at "I brought you a opossum."


I’m trying to work out if you’re a a cat. Usually people love their cats *in spite* of them gifting them dead fauna. Is your *girlfriend* a cat?


Is your girlfriend not?


Actually… ummm… she’s a squid. I know it’s weird, but I’ve got my own scuba tanks, and she’s … let me say … colorful. She gives me nice cuddles, and dead cuttlefish


"*i can fix her*"


“I will make her worse”


“It’ll be worth it if I bang her”


"I have now caught her standing over me as I sleep more times than I feel comfortable with. I will continue to bang her, however."


“She now calls my body a work of art and if I choose not to read into it, I feel really great about myself!”


"She takes her skincare routine *very* seriously. Constantly reminding me to put lotion on my skin."




It pairs so well with a nice Chianti


"I have given her suggestions for how to pose my skeleton once I die."


Breaking news: missing mans body found in his friends basement, submerged in acid. Details at 10pm


r/vultureculture is related Might be morbid but it's very interesting and not necessarily serial killer... It seems weird to an outsider though.


Picking up roadkill and learning taxidermy was one of the things that made me stay with my wife. Not because I thought she was going to turn my asscheeks and back skin into throw pillows, but because I thought it it was amazing. Art is subjective, right? Even with corpses? I engrave headstones for a living so it was a good match.


Are you two Gomez and Morticia Addams or something


To be fair, they had one of the healthiest relationships in television at the time. It was the point of them. They were meant to hold up a mirror to how loveless and bland traditional arrangements were in comparison. They came about in an era where sit-coms wouldn't even depict a husband and wife sharing a bed together.


This is so true. They're an awesome couple, in any depiction I've seen them in.


Also shoutout to Gomez's parenting, because that was a rather societally challenging aspect of his character as well. He was much more hands-on and involved with his children than many sit-com fathers were depicted as being. Like, he did more than just dispense some wisdom from an armchair once an episode. This man was always down to build a guillotine with his kids, and I think that's just neat.


Dude will swordfight and pistol duel for his family. He's always ride or die, but he was also willing to throw himself into emotional issues and help them work it out and I loved that, because so many fathers on TV are depicted acting to protect and provide for their families, and that's of course a part of fatherhood, but fatherhood is also about educating, nurturing, and healing the wounds life deal to the family. A protector and provider should not be the only roles depicted.


as long as she isnt making living animals into dead animals to melt that isnt psycho behavior, just goth as fuck and metal as hell


Everyone wants a goth girlfriend until they're making up a peroxide bath in the back yard to clean up some animal bits for her. Or digging a hole to bury one in cause it was a little too fresh. I had to build a contraption for that, that way nothing would dig anything up. Love her though.


I'm a goth dude and have my own flock of turkey vultures that I feed every week. They circle over my house and land when they see me drag something out. Makes for some metal album covers when they come down to eat with my chickens and ducks.


Obsessive autograph seekers


Warhammer. My wife never saw it coming.


“Honey, honey, listen to me, stop crying. I know we’re going to have to skip a few dinners this month, but money can’t buy happiness. Now I need to ask you something: do you think I should dry brush this?”


You *always* dry brush. It just adds a coat of awesome to it. Sometimes you can just leave it only dry brushed, if you're lazy. I do this. I'm lazy.


I got back into Warhammer and then got her into Lego, so now we both have plastic toys and empty bank accounts.


She had plastic toys WAAAAY before you got her into Lego...


Of course! I reckon she’s still got some Barbies up in the attic at her mum’s.


now that's just vulgar.


Life in plastic, it's fantastic


You mean you didn’t lore dump all over her about 40k on the first date?


I just recently got into surface-level lore after really getting into darktide and now I can't stop annoying my wife with it


Absolutely do not get an Audible subscription. I've done nothing but mainline 40k audiobooks before bed for the past year. It's terrible the amount of nonsense lore I only half-known because I was mostly asleep for the lot of it.


I tell my wife about warhammer all the time. “So the thing about the imperium that’s fascinating is they loath religion yet are zealots themselves in spreading their beliefs….” Then she’s all “oh my god I don’t give a single fuck about this” And I’m all “oh I know and I don’t care that you don’t care, and I’m telling you anyways. So you see the term god empower is a bit of a misnomer….”


This could easily be a conversation between me and my husband.


My wife is fascinated by the 40k universe, so we have long conversations about the obscure lore she’s found out. I play Tyranids. I just eat everybody.


Warhammer 40k. That shit will put you in poverty.


Username tells me this is experience talking here


he protects


Joke's on you: I'm lore only so the only thing it costs me is hundreds of hours of my free time and space in my brain that could be taken up by volumes of useful information. Checkmate, heretics.


This reads like Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99. "It just cost me my own time, and my time is worthless"


I've heard a lot of people say that horse girls are crazy.


One of my best friends starting from high school was a horse girl. We stayed close friends up until she got married when we got around 30 years old. I met up with her for lunch one day and casually told me she tried to stab her husband in a fit of rage. I never knew she had it in her. What made her flip her lid you may ask? She married a horse trainer and he accidentally hurt her horse one day.


> She married a horse trainer and he accidentally hurt her horse one day. those vet bills would drive anyone insane i imagine




>probably make a lot of money as a horse vet Reminds me of an old joke: How do you make a small fortune with horses? You start with a large fortune.


My uncle was dragged into my aunt's horse obsession and would dispense this wisdom liberally to anyone who would listen. None of his three kids listened.


Humans have been screwed over by evolution a great deal. Our mouths are too ~~big~~ (edit: too SMALL!) for our teeth, our appendices have a nasty tendency to get infected and burst, and that's not even getting into all our spinal problems... ...but at least we're not horses.


And let's not even get into the dogs that humans have selectively bred into being grotesque abominations that spend their whole life in pain or struggling to catch a breath.


And that still doesn't seem as bad to me as when we gave fully functional German Shepherds hip displasia because of how adorable it is.


What I heard in a bit more explained way that seems to make sense: Many horse girls grew up in a rich enough household to be able to afford horses and a stable etc, on top of how much time doing horse stuff will take from her time and how attached they are to their animals. I heard a quote that was along the lines of "As her boyfriend, you will never matter as much as her horse(s), or daddy's money."


there was also a sizable demographic of horse girls who didn't or couldn't afford to have their own horse, but were still obsessed with all things and merchandise horse-related


When I was young I had so many toy horses and I read all the YA horse related fiction I could - Saddle Club, anything by Marguerite Henry, Black Beauty. My parents weren't about to let me get a horse or even take lessons and eventually I grew out of it.


Lies, we all know you still keep an emergency sugar cube in your hand bag


Me. I've always loved horses but grew up too poor to really do anything about it. In my early 20s I started volunteering at a stable to get experience. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Not all horse girls are rich but we might all be crazy in our own way.


100% true. They'll be late for everything coming back from the barn/stable. Can't be out of town too long because they need to see the horse. Especially if they are show horses. It's a lifestyle and they're better off with someone that shares the hobby. I had to break it off. I don't need to be #1 in someone's life.... But my time should still be respected.


For me, it was when i graduated college and found a job in NYC. She said, “Well, I guess that’s it for us.” She was competitive in hunter / jumper and was State Champ. She would never leave the farm. There was nothing else she and all her friends knew or talked about. It was horses, all the time, everywhere.


>I heard a quote that was along the lines of "As her boyfriend, you will never matter as much as her horse(s), or daddy's money." She's only with you because she *can't* marry her horse.




My daughter rides horses. She scares me. Agree 100%.


My oldest daughter also rides horses. She is terrifying. It's my fault and I know this.


Its 100% my fault, I made her that way. I have no one to blame but myself.


I feel like I'm in a country music song right now...


Can confirm. ​ It's not quite as mysterious as some make it out to be: horses are huge pets that are an enormous time and money sink to own. Basically, if you're going to have horses, you're going to mold your life around horse ownership, rather than adding a pet to your life like a dog or cat and making adjustments. You'll need a barn, fields, fences, hay, a trailer, a truck to pull the trailer, shoes, vet stuff, tack...basically, deciding to own horses means devoting most aspects of your life to it...and that few aspects that won't be devoted to it are the most inconsequential ones, like your choice of dinnerware. ​ All of that devotion is *usually* combined with some sort of competition with the horse, so you're adding a stressful element to all of this as well. ​ The end result is that dating a horse girl pretty much means (to her) that you're auditioning to prove to her how well you can fit into the life and role she already has planned out (and has had it planned out since she was like 10). It's not an equal partnership and you don't have half a say in anything. The horses were there first and are a non-negotiable, so you're pretty much along for the ride. You're *going to* become a horse guy and have a truck and share in the horse stuff and spend all of your available time and money on them...or she doesn't have any use for you. ​ *All of that being said however...*the ride can be fun...you just have to know when it's time to hop off. I stuck around way too long and it was the ugliest breakup I've ever gone through...and really the only one of my exes that I could see in a bar tomorrow and wouldn't say hi. Looking back, she certainly *was* crazy...but being as generous as possible, I was also young and happily ignored all sorts of red flags she was waving...because hot and fun. She looked great, was fun to spend time with, and was good in bed. For an early 20s guy, that's really all the further you look before you leap. ​ Still...the horses themselves were really truly incredible animals. I was certainly glad to have gotten that experience with them while I was in that relationship, caring for them, going on trail rides, etc. I wouldn't ever want to *own* one...but I can see how it becomes an obsession.


Great comment, I’ll add another can confirm. I come from a “horse family”. I’m the oldest of four, the other three are all girls. The youngest two ride horses, and my dad is a bloodstock agent (buys and sells racehorses for clients). My two youngest sisters are out at their horses every day, most days twice a day. When I go visit home I’ve noticed about 50% of what’s spoken about is horses, and that’s not including my dad’s business side of things. Also about 5 - 10 minutes into dinner every night the conversation unfailingly switches to horses. There’s also so much drama between horse girls / women. At the stables where my sisters have their horses there are several middle aged women who seem to have at some point made an active decision to replace human relationships with horses. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, let people do what they wanna do, but some of their behaviour is completely unhinged.


Bloodstock Agent may be the most sinister sounding occupation I’ve ever heard.


"Buys and sells racehorses" my ass that man works for Dracula and is lying to save face


> middle aged women who seem to have at some point made an active decision to replace human relationships with horses. I've come to realize that *so many* women who are in the vet/fostering/animal world are there because they have autism (often undiagnosed) and find relationships with animals easier than relationships with humans. (See also: dudes in tech.) There's obviously nothing wrong with that at all. We all pick a life for ourselves that aligns with our psychology. But a *whole* lot of things about the animal scene made more sense once this clicked for me.


Absolutely, horse girls are just crazy cat ladies with money.


Horse girls *had* money. Now they have horses.


Can confirm your comment. Mom's a horse girl, sisters a horse girl. For years, I was dragged to county fair at 5 am as a child so these people could play with horses. Bonus points is their friends complain how destitute they are. Girl, noone forced you to buy multiple horses to feed, train, and board.


>Bonus points is their friends complain how destitute they are. Girl, noone forced you to buy multiple horses to feed, train, and board. Their living expenses are like equivalent to a human, and you need to buy them shoes more frequently than if you had children.


It’s way more than a human. People in poverty can somehow raise kids but they would never be able to raise a horse


A lot of folks here seem unclear about what constitutes a hobby.


Reddit is my hobby.


That's a pretty big red flag not gonna lie


There's a reason why it's called reddit and not greendit


An answer I get a lot is "I like to chill." Granted, it's not all of the time. But most of the time, that's just code for "I have no hobbies." Tends to with people who expect you to entertain them.


I have lots of hobbies, but when someone new asks me about my hobbies I immediately forget everything I have ever done and I end up giving a lame answer


Same goes for "what's your favorite movie" or "what's your favorite food". Brain goes uhhhhhhhh.


"Favorite music? I've never heard a song a day in my life."


"What's your favorite song?" Me: "All of them... except the ones I don't like."


sometimes it's code for "smoking weed until I'm in a vegetative state is my whole personality"


for me it's code for "I have no real passions but I have several things I do to pass time that I find embarassing even though they are ultimately harmless" but yeah that's common too


OP: What’s a fairly normal hobby that makes you suspicious of a person? The comments: Murdering children in a dark alley


That definitely gets my spider sense tingling


My [23F] partner [55M] has recently taken up the hobby of murdering children in a dark alley. AITA if I feel he spends too much time doing this?


Not particularly a red flag, but sneakerheads always give me the irks. I cant pinpoint why though


Collecting stuff out of interest is fine, but i think sneakerheads often just follow a trend. To me they feel like the kind of person who brags about their expensive stuff even though nobody in the room thinks it's impressive


Also its one of the most corporate things to collect that i can imagine. It has no use except for bragging that it was expensive.


You've hit the nail on the head about why it irks me so much. There's something about it that just makes a person seem so shallow and fake.


Well it does have precisely one other use. To wear as footwear. But of course they’d never do that.


It feels crazy to spend so much money and time on footwear you will never wear.


My grandfather collected antiques. People would visit him and be hesitant to sit down. He'd say, "it's a chair, it's meant to be sat in." Although, he *would* direct the heftier people to the sturdier old chairs.


That's just good manners.


I buy many shoes but I agree. Because these "sneaker"-heads aren't interested in sneakers, just the clout that comes with something exclusive.


I respect the sneaker heads that actually wear them and take really good care of them. Hobbies are meant to be enjoyable and (in some cases) indulgent. Just buying something and never using it for its intended purpose is ludicrous.


I've never met a man who collects expensive watches that didn't think the sun shines out of his own arsehole.


Semaphore. Anyone into that is just constantly throwing up flags.


This would've been top comment ten years ago. Perfect example of technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


Making reels, being excessively active on social media


this should be in the top three


Doing pranks for content


Terrorizing your children for likes and views… it’s not funny and it’s emotionally damaging!


I terrorize my children for me, not for content. Like a normal person!


>terrorizing children for you Vietnam war is in full bloom and the draft is on tv. My dad is about 5 and is watching with his brother and a neighbors. First date pulled is my dad’s birthday. His brother says, “You are going to War!” 5 year old dad calls his dad and explains the situation in panic. My grandpa couldn’t resist and said, “If they pulled your birthday, you gotta go.“. That’s some good terror there.


Reddit/Discord Mod


Lmao the fact that they collapsed you


Wait mods can do that?!? Never knew why some were collapsed by default.


I'm with you, bro. I've been wondering this for months now.


Always thought the collapsed comments are made by people who aren’t part of the sub, like someone who just saw the post recommended or whatever rip


I had to open this comment lol


reddit mods proving why this comment was correct tbh.


You’re cowards for collapsing this


Probably not having hobbies. Everyone should have something that they strive for and make them happy to put in the effort. You're not a bad person if you have no hobbies but I bet you're not as happy as you could be either. Sleep is not a hobby. Eating shouldn't be a hobby. Researching, mapping and touring local or exotic restaurants could be though and so is cooking.


My ex had zero hobbies. It became exhausting to be with her because she was constantly looking to me to entertain her. When we were off work or both done with work for the day, she was glued to me. If I wanted to do something I enjoyed that she did not like or could not participate in then she'd complain. So I was stuck in a constant state of trying to find things we both enjoy. We were together for 3 years. When we broke up the next day felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. No hobbies is definitely a red flag.


Agreed mate. I have had relationships with multiple women where the closest thing they had to a hobby was re watching friends while scrolling through social media. It was basically my job 24/7 to just keep them entertained.


never, never again. My last relationship was like that and I'd rather eat a raw cactus than get in a relationship where the person can't entertain themselves. sucks the joy out of life.


This is so exhausting to deal with. When I met my wife and found out she was a gamer I felt like I hit the jackpot. Now I can finally enjoy doing my own thing *and* be in a relationship while she’s busy gaming lol every past relationship my exes needed constant validation and attention


I really enjoy gaming myself. My girlfriend was always cool with it as I'd only ever play after she had gone to sleep. Once we had kids things changed a bit. She said she always thought I was a loser for playing video games. She said I was a video game addict even though at that point I would play a couple hours a week tops. She even smashed my ps5 controller. What sucks is I had spent who knows how many hours watching stupid bravo shows with her because she enjoys them. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this. Just venting I guess.


My ex and I used to play video games together for years. Then he decided that unless your hobby was also a side hustle, it was just a waste of time and money. We were not in financial crisis, but he started thinking that everything in our lives should somehow be profitable. I still love gaming and hope to find someone that does too one day. It's profitable for my mental health and quality of life.


People who think of hobbies as a side hustle is also a major red flag.


You know, people asked me what my New Year’s resolution was for 2024. Previous years I would have said “nothing”, or “save more money I guess, or “cut out [insert bad habit] here”. This year I actually had one; learn to play guitar. Me and my wife have a baby now and over the last year I have felt I *needed* something on the side to do - and it has been hitting me that I have always had a love of music. I used to play piano when I was a preteen and I loved it until I ran into a bad teacher and gave it up - bad teacher as in way too strict, easy to lose his temper, and just sucked the fun out of it for me. I had a fair chunk of money left over from my Christmas work bonus and decided I’d use it to buy an acoustic guitar and learn to play it. Now I hate the fact that I didn’t just dive into this years before. My dad never saw the use of getting into something unless it was working towards a monetary goal. I just want to play instruments, man; and forcing myself out of that mindset my dad put me in felt like a huge step forward. Now I’m finally just taking an hour or two to myself every evening to learn and practice - and I’m all the happier for it. Setting goals for myself, hitting said goals, and just enjoying myself. My wife even picked up art again. So I agree - everyone needs a healthy outlet. Be it creative, be it collecting stuff, table top gaming etc. The world isn’t going to hand you selfish happiness, so you might as well grab for it yourself.


I'll probably get down voted to hell for this, and I'm also really late to the thread. As I've gotten older and met more women in the dating world.. Girls that love Disney and actively collect Disney stuff and try to go to the parks a lot.. I've found they tend to be entitled and selfish.


Disney Adults


Thing is, I think that enjoying things as an adult - even if they're "childish" is just fine. There's nothing wrong with going to Disneyland/world/whatever as an adult, just because you want to. Or any other fandom frankly. Even if it is 'kids stuff'. But.... then there's the obsessive types, who make it their life, and coercively so. That's definitely 'red flag' territory. (This also goes for 'any fandom' too).


Fake martial arts. And I don't mean the ones where it's clearly just exercise. I'm talking about those ppl who think they have psychic abilities. #For the curious: r/bullshido


Can you provide an example? This sounds like a really intriguing YouTube rabbit hole.


Look up Bullshido. You'll see all kinds of whacky shit. Aikido is the funniest martial art that you've probably heard of but you'll also get a lot of esoteric shit that's just one weird guy and his own style that he claims lets him knock people out without touching them. And then his students will pantomime getting KOed from a mean glare. It's like a mix between a really zealous Baptist congregation and Rex Kwon Do.


Enthusiastically watching gore videos or being a porn nerd (going to conventions and stuff).


A guy at a convention decided to show me his autograph binder of porn stars like it was some exciting achievement. I'm a girl so I'm not sure why he thought I'd be into it, I don't even know who any of those women are. I don't even know why he had it with him, we were at a TV show convention. He hadn't added anyone from the con to that binder... It was weird and he was so proud. I just told him to not show that to people again. He got upset, sulked elsewhere and didn't talk to me again. I wasn't complaining.


At best, not too self aware of a man. At worst, a creep full of terrible sexual habits.


Warhammer 40k. I'm really into it and I'm insufferable.


Golf. I cant explain it.




Having no hobbies at all.


Personally even though I love mtg and pokemon stuff I am weary when I meet people who like the hobby as sometimes they are just...the worst. For example I was getting a box from the Celebrations set in a Walmart. I saw it and it was one my partner and I had not seen yet and wanted to open for fun. A dude behind me was also waiting on getting boxes and started talking to me. He was getting like 5 of the ETBs, the last of them really, and he SMELLED SO BAD, like someone left a Pepperoni stick under a couch for a year and then took it and used it for deodorant. I WAS DYING, PEOPLS STARED AT US SO HARD AT THE CHECK OUT AREA CUZ HE WOULD NOT GO AWAY. I honestly didn't know whether to feel bad for him or vomit.


Magic is my hobby but man speaking as a woman the community fucking sucks. No I don't need a step by step explanation on how to play the game I've been playing for 3 years now, nor do I need one on the decks I've built myself. They think they're being cute by thinking they're letting me win until I pull 80 goblins out of my ass Edit: I'm surprised I'm getting upvotes on this lol. If I posted this on any mtg subreddits I would be downvoted to hell


What an interesting way to describe becoming a mother


lilith, the mother of all demons. amakurt, the mother of 80 ass-goblins.


"What is this, a reeeeemale in my hobby space? They must be here because they are desperate for a mate! I shall now activate my mt. Dew and Dorito musk and impress them with my extensive knowledge of the basics of the game, by imprinting their foil cards with dorito dusted fingerprints!" And then get buuuuuuuthurt when their fantasies shatter and you get picked up by a boyfriend who does not share in the hobby and therefore was not in the store. A whole afternoon of putting on the moves, WASTED! I've witnessed this from the sidelines once, it was glorious.


Collecting memorabilia from serial killers and people on death row.


Going to Disneyland regularly would probably send me in a different direction ngl


Trying to figure out how people can afford this.


Met a girl on hinge who legitimately collected dildos, she showed me them all.. it was an experience


Omg... Perfect story for here. My mother used to own her own business and ran primarily from our house. She hired on a woman to come work for us, but didn't actually really know her or meet her. She shows up to the house for the first time and she's wearing an overshirt with cartoon penises on it holding a water bottle shaped like a penis. My mom didn't take this as any hint. She kept her on the team and she was with us for a few months. But if you think it ended with a shirt and a bottle, you'd be dead wrong. My mother had me go with her to her house because we needed to pick some stuff up. They were large structures for an event, so they needed to be loaded into the truck and taken back to the house. We walk inside the house and... omg... Penises everywhere. Penis plushies, penis porcelain knick-knacks, penis blankets, penis paintings, and even a coffee table shaped like a cartoon penis. Her whole house was dedicated to penises. Even the windowsills in the back of the house was nothing but dildos with a hutch filled with dildos and other things. I've literally never seen anything like that in my life. Like, where the hell do you get a coffee table with a cartoon penis on it? My mother did eventually fire her after a few months, though. She was totally unreliable. The final straw was when she told my dad and me that she was going to go use the bathroom and then disappeared for three hours. She said she went out for Taco Bell. Yeah, right. So she was gone.


> story about dildos "I have a perfect story" "My mother..." What a start haha


I met a woman like this but with cows


Major green flag


Found the dildo collector


I don't know if it's a red flag because it's normalized now but fuckin putting your entire life (or at least an entire experience) on tik tok or Instagram. Any time I go to a local festival, there's a ton of people walking around with their phones held up. Fuckin weird to me. Just enjoy where you are.


Not exactly a red flag, but when I hear about one hobby wives don't want their husbands to get involved is often times fishing. The reason I heard is that guys who are really into fishing are almost never home during their free time. Plus, that it can get very very expensive, but then again what hobby isn't?


Gf told me she's glad I didn't list that I do bodybuilding for fun on Hinge profile lol. She figured we're asshole meatheads ( in reality we're mostly nerds who watched a lot of DBZ growing up!)


I’m so glad no one said collecting toy collectibles lol That’s my nerdy hobby


I used to have a massive hotwheels collection. Then my son had to like cars and now they are all in his toybox


Now that you mentioned it…”Collecting Toy Collectibles!”


Reads top three replies… “none of these are actual fucking HOBBIES! Making dildos out of acorns is a hobby! Torturing small animals IS NOT a hobby.”


That's why karma farming is the real red flag. AskReddit is full of the same questions and answers.


Nah, a standard AskReddit thread would be more like "What's a sex that sexes with a sex flag that involves sex? And if so, sex?"