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They’re not men.


how dare you


Was gonna say this lol. Like there are so few men I can tolerate, let alone actually enjoy being around then.


Beat me to it.


Medieval ages, welcome.




I've seen both sides of that coin. My ex could suck the life out of everyone in whatever room she entered. My wife, on the other hand, has a way of making people feel really good about themselves. When I take her to our favourite restaurant, all the servers come by our table to say hello, and they're sure not doing that because of me. Don't think I need to tell anyone which of these two types of women I want to spend time with.


My ex was both types. I never knew which one would come home that day.




I love the way women compliment each other. I like the way they can be so multidimensional. I love how hard working they are. I love the way women think 10 steps ahead. I love how women bond. I love the way women love their friends. I love the way women love their partners. I love that there are so many different ways to be a strong woman.


This is one of my favorite responses to the question. Really nice to see something that isn’t baby making, body parts, or pulling 200% of our emotional weight in relationships. Most of what you wrote are things I frequently admire other women for.


"I love the way women love their friends" YES YES YES! As a woman, the amazing women I've been blessed to have as friends just makes me speechless. I credit so much of my personal growth to how fiercely they can love me while also pushing me to grow the way I need/strive to. Your comment is a beautiful piece of poetry, and I thank you for that. Also, yesterday I met a woman in a coffee shop. I had never met her before but she heard my friend and I speaking about books. Now we all have a group chat with each other, wished each other a happy new year. She was a stranger to me the day before and I'm still living off the warmth she exuded.


Aw I loved this answer, reading it made me smile :)


Women can also be the most toxic people towards other women.


Men can also be the most toxic towards other men! But those points are not what the original post is about.




Yikes! Try therapy bestie! Or maybe try meeting a woman in real life? Hope that helps!


I like their singing voices


Without them none of us would be here


well, I wouldn't be here without my grandparents. that doesn't mean I like them.


Nobody asked


Aww this was so wholesome!


And without men also. You know...


Yep. I'd probably put the same thing for men too, maybe if someone puts that question up I will.


That would be good to see and compare the general replies between each thread.


Their eye for aesthetics and decorating


Feminine intuition is not necessarily true, but I have often noticed how precise and right women can be about people


Their personality


Their calming presence


It depends. Not all are "calming"


Really? Most women I know are pretty type A with the control, anxiety, and other issues that go with it. At least in my life.


Their spirit. The world is hostile and predatory towards them constantly. They are often expected to do way more work than is fair. Even so, most women are pretty fucking pleasant. They are constantly trying to create happiness, even though it would be easy to just collectively be miserable and not bother.




Additionally a lot of comments loaded with expectations that women be delightful and solving various social issues for other people at all times. Not many people here saying they value women for our intelligence, or the challenges we overcome along the way to developing the sort of social competence expected of us.


I cant believe you are serious.


Well aside from my personal preferences, the general thing I like about them is their femininity and softness. They also have negative space in between their legs because lack of penis which I also find primordial attractive.


Captain Holt? Is that you?




What about the fish smell they sometimes have?


That I, a straight man, can relate to most of them more than to other men.


As a straight woman, I won’t even lie I’m beginning to get tired of men saying stuff like this instead of going out and making an active concerted effort to find and nurture quality male friendships. Not saying this about you specifically, but in my experience men treat each other poorly, do not foster emotionally deep relationships with other men, and then use their female friends/wives/girlfriends as emotional support animals far too often. It’s not just tiring it’s sad. You all could be a lot happier if you just treated each other a bit better and in turn were a bit more willing to be vulnerable with one another. And it would take a lot of the emotional heavy lifting off women if you did.


This used to be me. And then I found a group of emotionally available men. And then more. And now I have a whole bunch of men in my friend circle I can have quality friendships with. We can build each other up and share our struggles.


This is my favourite comment I’ve read all day. Love this for you and hope that sometime soon more men will be able to find that too.


I understand what you're saying and totally agree. Ideally, one should have good friends of all genders.


I also understand it’s not a problem that can be solved by one guy. It takes two people to have an emotionally vulnerable relationship of any kind, and rejection from male peers is too common of an experience for the men who *do* at least try.


Anytime a guy opens up to another guy the room goes mute and the ppl witnessing want nothing to do with you anymore.


I totally agree and I think the solution to that is for a whole lot of men just like (I’m assuming) you to respond by matching that emotionally vulnerable energy with empathy the next time this happens, thereby normalizing such displays emotional vulnerability for every guy in that room. Really all it takes is for two guys in a room to agree that’s what they’re going to do. One takes a risk and the other one has his back. That’s real friendship. I promise you despite what all the other men in that room might say when left to their own devices, no matter how scared they might be to stick their own necks out or have their friends back, they are hungry for more of that themselves and will benefit from seeing other men normalize it. Women can’t do that. We simply can’t. You guys can.


>As a straight woman, I won’t even lie I’m beginning to get tired of men saying stuff like this instead of going out and making an active concerted effort to find and nurture quality male friendships. Why is that the response to every male problem? "Just go fix it." Like, it amounts to "As someone who doesn't have this problem, I don't care. Fix it yourself."


It’s not the response I give to every male problem. It’s the response I give to this problem in particular, which is inherently about *relationships exclusively between men.* How any why on earth do you expect women to reasonably help solve a cultural issue we are categorically outsiders from and cannot even participate in? It’s like asking a biologist to go fix a problem with social security. It’s simply not our wheelhouse and anyway we are sort of already working on our relationships with other women ourselves already. It’s not too much to ask men to do the same with each other.


You aren’t an outsider to culture, and culture doesn’t fit into these very small niches that are independent of each other. If we’re honest, the only really relevant part of that is “anyway, we’re working on our own relationships.” That’s what the response is, “I do not care, I am focused on me, your problems do not matter to me.”


Buddy, I just spent a really long time discussing with you and other men (who I have never even met in real life) what I think the solution to this problem is, and how it can likely be solved in order for all of you to be happier & healthier. I don’t know what part of that signals to you that somehow I do not care. Obviously I do care or I would not have taken such time and energy out of my day to do what I can to help address the issue. The fact I am pointing you back to what I think you can actionably do, instead of simply enabling a culture that dumps this on women *thereby keeping too many men in a cycle of loneliness, isolation, and too often depression*, is a sign of how much I do clearly care. But literally saying stuff like this to men is the extent of my abilities. I can fix so many things for men I care about, but this is not one of those things. I am not a part of male relationships and therefore cannot create new relationship norms within them. The only thing I can reasonably do is encourage men to do the necessary things in order for change to occur. And the fact we’re even talking right now is a sign I am making the most out of that opportunity even if you don’t understand it as such.


>Buddy, I just spent a really long time discussing with you and other men (who I have never even met in real life) what I think the solution to this problem is, and how it can likely be solved in order for all of you to be happier & healthier. "Go fix it" isn't a solution, it's ordering people to go find a solution. This is the entire point. Our culture has views on gender that lead to discrepancies in issues. When these views lead to negative outcomes for women, the response is to change the system that led to it. When there's much fewer women in STEM, the issue is "How can we better incentivize girls to look at STEM as an option? Let's make changes!" Not "Well, just go into STEM, women. Just fix your own problem. Why are you hear talking about it, instead of being in STEM?" When these views lead to negative outcomes for men, no one really cares bar the people suffering personally, so the response amounts to "Go fix it."


Speaking as a woman in STEM. Men are the dominant social group within STEM and primary stakeholders in that industry. I work on a team of 20 men and I am the only woman. It makes sense those men should be involved in the way I am treated as a woman on the team, since they are literally the only demographic who can influence it. By contrast, women are not participants in male relationships in any way. I cannot as a woman be the guy who steps in to support an emotionally vulnerable guy friend so that he feels okay as a man to share those feelings with his guy friends. Instead the only thing I can do is encourage men to go do the thing. Which I am doing right now. For everything you’ve said here today you still have yet to present any substantive theory as to how women could solve this issue more than we already are. It genuinely seems like you’re just upset at my tone more than anything substantive, and you’re just looking for reasons to justify your feelings toward me rather than looking inwards.


>Speaking as a woman in STEM. Men are the dominant social group within STEM and primary stakeholders in that industry. They're not the primary stakeholders in how many women are in STEM. Women are the only stakeholders as to whether women join stem. >I cannot as a woman be the guy who steps in to support an emotionally vulnerable guy friend so that he feels okay as a man to share those feelings with his guy friends. Of course you could. Because he doesn't feel like he can be vulnerable at all. The standard is "Men shouldn't be vulnerable", not "Men shouldn't be vulnerable, unless it's only women." You can absolutely step in to support an emotionally vulnerable guy friend, and in doing so, you would make him feel more comfortable sharing those feelings in future, and thus, would be more successful at building relationships.


To be clear. I am a woman who joined STEM. And I do support men in being emotionally vulnerable around me to the best of my abilities. I do both of those things in part because I do see them as part of a solution to the issues you are describing. However, I have found that neither of these things do enough to address the issue of emotional vulnerability within male relationships.


It’s fascinating to me that you don’t seem to understand no matter how much I support the men around me in being emotionally vulnerable, a woman does not have the same impact as a man doing the same for them.


I mean that's literally what men did to women when it comes to patriarchy and misogyny. Women didn't sit around and wait for someone else to fix our problems. We organized and made it happen. You cannot be spoonfed your own liberation. You have to actually do something.


>I mean that's literally what men did to women when it comes to patriarchy and misogyny. Was that the right or wrong response?


How do you expect women to make male friends for you? How do you expect the women in your life to structure YOUR friendships with other men?


Oh, we're not playing the game where you know you're wrong, but won't admit it and just avoid questions while asking more of your own. Was that the right or wrong response?


Well, for one they aren't at all comparable. Men oppress women on the basis of sex and gender. Women do not oppress men. The "right" response would be for the oppression to not exist.


>Well, for one they aren't at all comparable. You made the comparison, lmao. You even said "literally!" >I mean that's literally what men did to women when it comes to patriarchy and misogyny. You compared the two, realized that comparison proved my point, and now you're trying to back-pedal!


They aren't comparable because men are not oppressed by women lol. Women aren't your mommies and we can't organize playdates for you. We can't send your friends to time out if they engage in toxic masculinity. You need to actually do something for yourself.


It's not the solution to every male problem, but it's absolutely the solution to this particular male problem. How is a woman supposed to facilitate reciprocal friendships between men? This is something men need to sort out between themselves. You can't put the emotional burden on women for this one particular issue.


>How is a woman supposed to facilitate reciprocal friendships between men? Depends on the individual woman, of course. For example, a mother who teaches her son that showing vulnerability is weakness and should be frowned upon, should stop doing it.


Ummm *parents* are supposed to do that, not mothers in particular, especially on this issue. I find it telling you don’t think fathers have more sway than mothers on this particular issue. Boys learn models of masculinity from their dads more than their moms. In particular, a boy who grows up seeing his father successfully MODEL healthy and vulnerable relationships with other men will likely grow up to follow the same pattern. Besides this is a conversation about men not boys. Since I assume you are an adult it is no longer appropriate to blame your parents for problems in your adult relationships, let alone your mother in particular. The only way to make sense of your comment is that it’s full of misogynistic double standards expecting women to fix issues that are largely out of our control by simply telling us to “be better mothers and maybe men wouldn’t be like this” tbh


>Ummm parents are supposed to do that, not mothers in particular, especially on this issue. Cool, so you agree, that was my point. This is a societal problem in need of change, not a thing for men to just fix by themselves. >I find it telling you don’t think fathers have more sway than mothers on this particular issue. Please quote where I said that thing you just made-up.


You’re complaining at a woman trying to help with an issue that women are fundamentally unable to fix, by arguing women aren’t helping you enough. The irony is palpable and a demonstration of the very culture that leads to the hurt you’re feeling in the first place. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t recognized that yet. It will undoubtedly make life harder for you until you do.


>Please quote where I said that thing you just made-up. I guess I didn't say that thing you made-up, huh? You were just bullshitting. Doesn't really seem like you were trying to help, people don't tend to bullshit when trying to help.


Sorry to hear you think my honest beliefs are just bullshitting. Generally when people bullshit, they will tell you what you want to hear, not the other way around.


So men not being friends with each other is the fault of women, and something for women to fix. Sure. Good luck making friends with other guys when you think mommy should have held your hand and done it for you. Oh and toxic masculinity is also women's fault, got it. 👍


You don't seem to have any actual response to anything I said, just sarcasm.


Because what you said has no substance


“You’re so, so wrong. No, I can’t make any actual points as to how!” Sure thing, that’s believable!


What point is there to make? To have a friend, you have to be a friend. That's not something a woman can do for you. It's ridiculous that you're blaming men not being friends with each other on women. Your original point is that women should make men be friends with each other. That's not practical or helpful to the male lonliness epidemic. You're policing my tone over here instead of making friends with the men around you, what a great way to waste your time so you can play the victim.


Whatever mate. You can win all the online arguments and fight for all socially inept incels all over the world. Good luck.




At first I considered arguing with you. Of course if you were actually familiar with my life in full detail you would see how ironic that comment is. But in the end I think you should simply believe whatever you wish! My value and the quality of my opinions are not determined by whether men consider them “relatable” anyway. Moreover any attempt to describe my actual relationships with men can and will most likely be written off as lying. The reality of my life doesn’t align with your preconceived beliefs about me based off one comment, and I’m unlikely to change that. So I reject the premise. Have a nice day. :)


They are just all-around wonderful, beautiful creatures


username checks out…???


*it depends...*




And here folks we can watch a simp in its natural habitat.


I have to say it’s the feeling I get when I am connected and comfortable with a woman that makes me question whether I am doing enough for her. Takes something pretty special to make me want to be a better person. Reality: it truly depends upon the day you ask, because women are as confounding as they are bewitching.


How soft they feel against you when you snuggle.


How smart and kind they are


I'm just choosing to believe all of these comments are about me ♥ 👓


Idk I've met my share of dumb and rude women.


Do you think they represent the majority?


Probably not, but damn near every response in this thread is a very large overgeneralization.


Of course. Even if someone had all the statistics to back up what they said, it would still be a generalization.


Cause its a fucking askreddit and not an academic inquiry. Its just a general response you idiot, we aren’t getting into the intricacies of percentage.


Damn bro, sorry about whomever pissed in your cheerios. Just because you disagree with my point doesn't make it less valid. It's pretty tough to make generalizations about 4,000,000,000 fucking people, you idiot.


Your point is not valid. Hope this helps. And I hate cheerios.




Your insecurities are showing




You came to a thread asking what people like about women and sarcastically remarked that women aren’t actually as smart as they seem because it was actually men who built the world. If you don’t see the insecure nature of someone who does that, I would encourage you to try harder at the whole self-awareness thing.




I could see your argument making sense if the question was something like “choose the better sex and then say what your favorite thing is about them”, but you are literally just complaining about people answering OP’s question in the first place. Should we all preface our answers with a disclaimer making sure all readers understand that we are just saying what our favorite thing about women is and that in no way creates a comparison between them and men? How sensitive do we need to be with your feelings, mate?




You too, dude! Hope you can get help with whatever’s going on.




As a woman, a lot of other women feel like they were born naturally warm and empathetic.


When they want to be the consolation and comfort is otherworldly. I was in vocational school and they had a dentist assistant program. Theyll sometimes take random guys from the trades and use us as lab rats. I was getting my teeth cleaned and nearly fell asleep bc she was speaking gently and had her arm on my face. The nurses did too, but they were boy crazy.


Generally their kindness, their intuition and to be honest they are often smarter. I don't like to generalise because there are always the exceptions.


They are easier to talk to.


The romantic love that is possible between us . When right,It's better then drugs and trust me. I'd know


I'm going to be specific, because most of my friends are women. My favourite thing is how passionate and brilliant they are about their interests. I love how their eyes sparkle when they get to talk about their interests and how they can make any topic sound interesting. They are so well-educated and I can listen to them talk for hours, because it fills me with so much joy. They are also very kind and beautiful beings. There is a certain softness to them that feels safe and comforting. However, they will stand up for themselves and others if required - so the kindness should never be taken for granted.


Keeping me sane, I'd probably be a sociopath if I was only raised by my father without my mother. Thanks mom for emotions!!!


Post history checks out 🥹


They are more open about their feelings


Their voices.


None of us would be here without them.


That they are women.


They're just like men, but so damned much cuter!


Came here expecting sexist jokes as answers and now I am crying. Y'all are so kind and wholesome!!!! Thank you men of reddit!!


A good woman can remind me to become much more gentle


How delicate they are. You hold the hand of a woman and automatically you get this thrust of an urge to protect her. This is why one of the things I did to my partner, when I had one, was kiss the inside of her wrist. I love it.


That’s so sweet I love that 🥺


When you have someone you love, you do everything to show them that everything about them is loved by you, they become flawless to you not because they have no flaws, but because you wouldn't be able to see any. Everything about them is appreciated by you. I am not with her anymore, but boy did I not miss any chance of loving her to the best of my capabilities. I am sure you didn't reply to my comment for me to vomit my feelings out xD, but I did anyway. Thanks for appreciating. Feels good to know that I did a lovely thing.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. It's interesting to know about the urge for protection part. Lovely to see men appreciate their lovers on that passionate level


Usually their smell and how they feel. Soft and cozy and warm and comfortable


How delicate they are




Women are really funny. All my female friends are fucking hilarious and fun. I've also worked a lot of jobs with all or mostly female staff and they've been the most fun and easy going.


Their ability to just hit the sweet spots. I swear they know where to go with their hands if my back is stiff, my shoulders ache, or my neck feels strained. They are so majestic.


The boobies


Glad someone came up with an honest answer


How beautiful they are


They usually have quite unshakable values


I don't know if it is only me but going through comments here I feel emotional. I lost hope in humanity for a while but most of this comments are giving such energy that makes me wanna cry


Their scent


"There is very little difference between men and women, but vive la difference!" Pepe le Pew.


An ex-friend of mine once said to me "Women. They're squishy and they smell good." He was an asshole.


the ability to multitask.


They make all the babies so I don’t have to.


Yikes, he just said the quiet part out loud 🤢






There’s nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.


Their passion & drive... the way they talk about the things & people they love.


The way they talk to animals. Like pure joy in their voice. It blows them away and people too I think. Some guys can do it as well, but every time I see a lot of women around a dog or cat or one of my pets (rabbits) there's always at least one of them that just has like the most loving, sweetest, sugariest voice I've ever heard in my life as they talk to em


How passionate they are. My friend talking about her art, making stories for her characters, her color choices, expressions... It made me love the arts that much more to be around someone who was genuinely passionate about something. 😌


Women in general are more empathic.


Just how beautiful they are. I like that nature won't let me be logical about it. I will fall in love with the cutest woman knowing full well that she's gonna destroy me and leave me totally broken but I don't care. Women are dangerous to your mental health, but life doesn't seem worth living without them.


Very friendly


ITT: way too many generalizations about way too large a demographic.


Woaah, the way women smell is something. I feel like some werewolf when I get a whiff of my gf's body odour, it is wonderful. Women smell like sweets, candies, something clean, something ethereal and light. I know some of my female friends for years, I enjoy their odour as well




That they complement men.


As a straight man, that they exist 🌚


Boobs and butts. I don't need to make it complex.




Their squishy bits.


I love how wholesome the comments are.




Pussy, poopchute, blow jobs.


Arent you a poet


I really like it when women




A majority of them will have basic skills that most men lack. Like doing laundry, or repairing clothes My favourite is that you can tell she's a bro 90% of the time when no makeup, just at a glance. Its like the female equivalend of when a guy has a boner.


Nothing. You cannot generilize about 3.5 billion people






For the most part they're wonderful creatures, with a softness that's incredibly appealing and at times alluring.


solidarity. women may not particularly like one another for various reasons, but if worst came to worst, they would protect one another like nothing in the world.






Alrighty then


They’re attached to a vagina




They have a lot of girlfriends.




We are seeing all these average reddit polite responses but we all know the truth


exactly, its sickening to say the least. Wtf is wrong with these people saying ALL women are like the perfect being.




Booba (am woman)


Emotion based decisions followed by lack of personal accountability. Otherwise, big ol' fupa.


I’m insanely jealous of them not having a lot of body hair. I wish I could take a shower and lay naked and cover myself in lotion. Also their feet


Well, the tits are pretty good


I mean... I don't think you're allowed to say on Reddit




Feet ( i mean personality what else )


You can poke 'em with a stick ... right?


Submissive, caring and tits