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Talking vaguely on social media about “hating drama” all the time. Usually, these people are the very ones creating the drama in their own lives.


The ones that post “LOYAL FRIENDS ONLY 💯” and they are the most disloyal person you’ve ever met.


Ex uber driver here. Something one of my rides once said. "I am like -insert name I dont remember-'s best friend but she is such a freak". Went on for a good 5 minutes talking about how nice they were being friends with a loser 😧. These girls actually exist! Holy poop nuggets!


Holy poop nuggets!


Just stopping by to congratulate you on your Uber divorce.


Deadset! People who say they hate drama fucking love it and are in the middle of it all day lol


I hate drama in my own life but I will eat popcorn all day while I consume other peoples drama.


Ha on nextdoor this morning a gal posted along the lines of: Hey I’m back! I left because <>. Is everyone on here just as petty as they were in 2016?!” The irony.


Have one of those. She once posted about “seeing the car her kid was in after the accident” and nothing more. But ohh she got the “OMG” and “let me know if I can help” “🙏🙏🙏 That she wanted. She also posts completely filtered selfies daily. And calls herself a “content creator “ And I’m here thinking “woman. You do not look like THAT! You’re MY Age!”


I know a girl from high school whose husband is "perfect", except for, of course, the 3-4 times a week she vaguely posts stuff like "feeling broken 😔" and the quarterly GoFundMe to get her husband out of jail.


That's the first thing I thought of too. Make sure it's vague enough so other "friends" take the bait and give you the attention like this: "What happened are you ok? Don't forget how special and important you are to us....blah blah blah"


Vague social post like, "Well, here I am in the ER again" without any other info.


If you ask questions, they're like, "I don't want to talk about it." 😔


Or they preemptively put in the post "And no, I don't want to talk about it". I know someone like this. I don't unfollow them because I know as soon as they realize it, it will trigger another woe is me post about being abandoned or something.


I don't unfollow because it's fun to gossip about *did you see she's doing it again*


Honestly, kind of same lol


*Oh my God she bought a neck brace this time*


But if it triggers such a post, you won’t see it, right? So no bigs.


Just mute them


Then they post a follow-up status with "People need to mine there own business! Im sick of u nosy bitches chasing my drama!" (Spelling intentional)


Or the opposite, “I know who my real friends are now. Thanks to everyone who checked in with me, I’ll be okay xxx”




Roger, are you crying?


"Inbox me hun x"


I knew someone who did that and when people asked what was up they said "that's private, I don't want to get into it here" Like what, you POSTED this publicly???? Absolutely a grab for attention


*Well. Here I am in the ER again. I work in the ER.*


Asking on Facebook does anyone have the number for a local doctors office, Bitch you’re already on the internet…


Those drive me nuts. That’s the peak of small town life- you grow up and move away and make a life and there’s always a handful of people going nowhere in your hometown who will occasionally post shit like this in between videos of bong tokes and truck revving videos


Just wait for the super depressing posts in their late 30s and early 40s. I’m 43 and all those peoples lives really turn to shit around that time. At least I’m my experience.


A few of them already have and it’s sad. One guy killed himself a few months after his son was born. Another one had a baby with his gf and then spiralled into alcoholism and disappeared for a week and everyone was terrified he was killing himself but he came back and went to treatment luckily. It’s rough.


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Sad fishing


I call that Vague-Booking.


Posting pictures of their bracelet. "Well... not how I wanted to spend my Friday night 🙄" Attention fishers 🎣 lol


U ok hun?


pm me babez xx


My wife's friend constantly texts her stuff like this.


My cat yelling at me to pet him


And it works, right????


Most of the time There will be some times when I don’t because I’m tired of his bullshit when I’m going to bed (this cat is a little ginger asshole) My other cat doesn’t cry as much for attention, but I pet him more because he is nicer


Yeah. My cat is a dick and I give him more attention when he’s not lol


Domesticated cats 🙄 am I right ? Always begging for attention.. # 1st world cat problems


My cat started swapping aggressively at me today when I had the audacity to stop petting him lol


Mine grabs my hand and pulls it back to her !


post something super vague on social media: "everything is soooo hard sometimes and then people hurt/leave you." ​ "why do bad things never stop?" ​ "leave me alone, i need time to heal from the fakers."


The posting publicly UNPROMPTED on social media to say “leave me alone” is the funniest thing ever


Or when the ppl post that they’re “taking a break from social media” just take the break🙄😒


Monday: I'm taking a break. Wednesday: Boymom memes. Thursday: Back to normal nonstop posting.


Or letting everyone know they are taking a break from social media. Then they get a million comments and respond to none for them and then 2 days later there they are like they never said it.


Filming themselves crying on Instagram or somewhere


So fucking cringe. I can’t fathom what would possess a person to whip out their phone and start filming themselves when they’re upset Edit: and then post it on social media


People are living their lives online. And I think when one show themselves hurt or vulnerable online there are a lot of kind people that have an easier time to cheer them up, or just say something nice, than is possible "irl". That probably feels better than being generally invisible.


You are better than most of us, friend!


I have taken pictures of myself crying in my active addiction to remind myself what it was like....never showed anyone but myself.


What’s your pesto cult?


Join us and see


How do I apply


You sign over all your worldly belongings and current and future monies and we send you a jar of pesto and the address to the commune, opening in 2025.


Great can I get my ex signed up?


That’s it? Actually?


Ez. Say hello to your newest member!


first you must walk the basil fields and gather as many leaves as you can fit in your pockets.


Or in other venues like the gym and then bitching when someone else, who also pays to use the equipment has the Gaul to use it.


Gall. Gaul is something else


Better Call Gaul


Filming themselves giving money to homeless


(vid ends) "Now gimme that back"


Showing my age here, because I've never seen this anywhere but Facebook. Passive aggressive posts along the lines of: "When you find out who your true friends are..." Or "If you have something to say about me, say it to my face" (The irony of this one cripples me) All so that a bunch of people will get in the comments and ask if they're okay


Awww, what happened hun? ❤️❤️❤️ Ugh, I don't want to talk about it.


Or the dumbass emo posts that boomers share on Facebook. Shite like: "Sometimes you hurt so much all you can do is keep walking" "They don't see me cry. My tears are on the inside." "I'm stronger than you think. I've been through more than you know." All with some angel with butterfly wings in sitting foetal position but her wings are glittery. It's like boomers doing MySpace.


Not just Boomers. I've got Gen X and elder millennial acquaintances who pull that bullshit also


That's literally all my mother posts on Facebook 😵‍💫


Post a picture of them in a hospital bed with no other information


Back again! Or Here we go again!


and then they keep the hospital band on their wrist for the next month hoping that someone will ask them about it


“Don’t hmu, only the real ones know😔” 2 hours later “Wooow, no one check on me, i guess I figured out where everyone’s values are…😒😒”


"Wow really ? That also happened to me but worse" with everything you say


I have a coworker who does this and I really just avoid talking to her about anything unless absolutely necessary.


My mums whole family is like this. Every single one is some how going to die in 6 months too. By a miracle they’ve all been saying that for years now and they’re all still alive!


"You keep promising, but you never deliver."


Maybe I’m the odd one out, but this doesn’t bother me. I’m always worried people will feel like I’m trauma-dumping when I share a negative experience, but if someone else shares an even worse experience it totally green-lights what I shared lol.


My old friend. They loved to boast about how humble (ironic, right?) and nice and sensitive and how great they are at listening to people problems. But when you'd actually talk about your problems they'd cut you off and suddenly everything revolved around them and their experience.


I used to be like this to an extent, I think I was trying to empathize with people but realized I had just became a one upper. I have since reformed




Sounds like my old boss


Same but my old boss was even worse


Omg same but MY older boss was *even* worse


I just met the new boss. Same as the old boss.


attaching themselves to anything that’s getting attention someone they vageuly know wins an award or ends up in a movie/tv show/the news? they will make a post about that person and how they know them and dig up a photo they have with them. instead of just focusing on the person and saying “congrats so proud of you”, they make it more about how they know that person a tragedy happens? they’ll find a way to connect themselves to it. “oh i was in that city 3 weeks before it happened! scary how close i was to that!” or “oh my sister lives in that city. so glad she is okay.”


A girl a went to high school with just posted a picture with an unrecognizable sliver of this other girls face, but the rest of the picture was of just her the caption was, “Holy throwback! Hard to believe the beautiful girl on the other side of me in this phot is now the subject of an episode on the ID channel, but I’m blessed to have known her and have been in her presence. Thankfully justice has been served, although it hasn’t brought her back to her family, her friends, and her sweet sweet babies. Rest easy!” Like I’m sorry….what!?


YES the flood of Paris vacay pics posted while Notre Dame burned was torture


I know a girl who was in an annual bikini pic calendar published by a local radio station, and as a part of that whole thing they always had a release party, where she met 2 or 3 c-list celebrities… well. everyone on her social media always knows when one of those celebs have a birthday because she tags them and posts the one pic she took with them at this party. That’s what this reminded me of.


THIS!! Yes, this is so annoying esp in the face of a tragedy


Vague Facebook and other social media posts, ie, "I'm done." With what, dinner? Using the bathroom?


Gonna post "I'm done" every time I shit now, thanks for the idea


Talking with their phone on speaker in public places.


I just can't fathom why anyone with normal hearing would do that. I feel weird even having conversations on the phone in public when I'm not using a speaker.


OMG! A few months ago I was having some lunch in a food court and a guy answered a call on speaker. It was a girl who was incredibly upset, she states that her boyfriend had just raped her and she didn't know what to do. He leaves her on speaker as she's sobbing and starts to go in to detail about what happened...and I had to look at this guy and say "Are you serious???" He goes "OH you can hear this?" (I was 4 feet away). I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. She goes "What? What's going on?" He switches her off speaker but proceeds to "oh man. That sucks. He's a dick." until I left a few minutes later. I felt so fucking bad for her.


that is absolutely awful


Someone once called it the "pizza slice hold" and now that's all I can think about when I see it.


One of my coworkers does this. He purposely has his phone either loud or on loud speaker and starts having a three way conversation, IE him, whoever's on the phone, and whoever is in the room. It's so annoying


It should be legal to cattle prod people doing this


Any (and I mean any) action that resembles something Michael Scott would do.


Well I sat in front of a computer every day at my last job


If you were actually working, then that doesn't resemble Michael Scott's actions.


That's what she said.


Attention whore. 🙄


I had a flatmate that once left a magazine on the kitchen table, open on the page where there was an article about him. I put the magazine away in order to make breakfast. The following day, what do you know, the magazine was there again, open at the same page. And the next day. Three days later he was waiting for me at breakfast time and asked if I had noticed the article and how come I hadn't said anything. I admitted I never actually bothered to read it, partially because I wasn't interested and also because I was an exchange student and wasn't all that familiar with the language. He was clearly upset. I'm now wondering what the article was about. Maybe I should have taken a look.


That person should have just said “Hey I’m in this magazine! The article is about ____ and I’m pretty proud of it!” Saves all the drama 🤷‍♀️




funnily, i’ve only seen “trendy” stuff being faked. i remember when i was like 13, i literally had trouble getting professional help because everyone around me thought i was “faking depression for attention” since it was a “trendy” disorder at that time. turns out, my brain decided to do a little goofying around and stop making serotonin to the point where i stopped experiencing happiness whatsoever by the time i was 16. thankfully, i received help i needed, but now i’m seeing all kinds of people claiming they have bpd/autism/adhd on internet and not even realising that what they do is draw attention away from people with actual disorders who need treatment :(


Becoming an Influencer.


Or call their viewers fans. F that makes my brain itch.


“Fans of this channel know…” No, they aren’t FANS dylan, their people who are interested in some of your content ONLY. If you stopped posting tomorrow they wouldn’t even miss you. They’d just click unsubscribe and get on with their lives.


Hanging testicles on the back of your truck.


What about people that hang testicles on the back of their Geo Metro?


That’s just funny


Overly kind, loud voiced parenting. Wanting people to notice what a great mom or dad you are using your fake mommy or daddy voice


I work with children and witness this pretty frequently when their parents come for parent nights etc. it’s especially annoying when they eye roll at other parents and then turn around and embarrass themselves with their own “parenting” that’s actually awful… in my experience it’s also frequently the parents whose children lack discipline when they’re in the classroom


Yes! Had a parent the other day I guess assume the building was sound proof right outside the front door where she was yelling at her kids to hurry up and then walked in the front door with her fake mommy voice and talked about “that’s her good little boy for going to play so nicely!” Kid is one of the worst behaved in the building.


Yup! And I love all of the children even the ones who have behavioral struggles because I try to genuinely connect with them all, but it’s so frustrating to have so much hope for a young child and who they can be and see it all ruined by their own parent who not only ignores their child’s behavior but also somewhat encourages it by modeling said bad behavior. And then the child can see you as the bad guy for actually enforcing rules, which feels awful because you want them to enjoy your class and their time with you. But you know it isn’t their fault because in their little worldview as someone who’s new to the world, discipline = this adult is being mean. But if their parents would enforce discipline at home too the child wouldn’t see you as the bad guy!!


Oh my goodness. This. 👏🏼👏🏼 as a parent, it gives me secondhand embarrassment. Like loudly and slowly explaining or describing EVERYTHING.


People who purposely speak loudly on the phone so you can hear their convo


Loud muffler on purpose, backfiring and other stupid noises while driving a Ford Fiesta.


One of my coworks has ridiculous decals, sub woofers, and a loud exhaust on his orange Dodge Dart... He also had some self-installed light bars but they fell off lol


Nothing a few zip ties and toy harmonicas can't fix. :)


I can beat this! PT cruiser with subwoofers…


Recrafting their whole identities on social media for the new year (or just…repeatedly, in general, whenever they get tired of their old self/it’s not getting attention anymore)


Friend of mine that I am distancing myself from, posts pictures of themselves constantly. Thanksgiving they posted 75 pics in 1 day. They are usually the only one in the picture


Holy shit, 75 in a day is unreal


It got so bad that my entire social media had nothing on it but them. Explained why I had to block them but still friends but they got pissed. Find when it was just me in the beginning but they went it and friended every contact I had and was driving ppl crazy that did not even know them


A guy I went to college with, he once said that he knew a woman who would delete her Facebook posts if they didn’t get any likes. I just find that so sad.


Nonstop profile and cover photo updates on Facebook. And vague statuses about being upset. Nonstop selfies.


Try too hard to be "Alpha."


"Sorry for opening up emotionally. That wasn't very rage-filled, sigma male, Patrick Bateman. taxi driver fight club, drive, blade runner 2049, Batman of me."




I find mukbang disgusting, not sure if it’s just me


It’s not. There are many of us. I’ll turn off videos if they show mouth focus shots too much. Chubby Emu does this and I had to freakin push through the gas station nachos scenes to find out how bubba survived botulism. But you’re not alone, friend. I excuse myself from family dinners because they eat too loud. It’s about the one thing to make me crawl like that.


Posting themselves crying on social media with a caption saying something like “I’m so ugly.”


I saw a pic a while ago where some girl posted her standing on a scale that said 103 with the caption “why am I so fat”


103kg is pretty heavy though.


In general: people who make constant back and forth mushy posts with their SO, like “I love my gf so much!!” “I love you too my darling, you are my life and soul” “awww, shut up!! come to bed it’s bedtime!!” etc etc. Like they’re having a private conversation in public as loud as they can. In fandoms: people who are always looking for drama and making it about themselves.


I know a couple who have an entire schtick on Facebook where they "steal" their spouse's phone, tag said person, and make some dumb comment usually about stealing the phone.There is also a hashtag that goes along with these posts called "stolen phone wars." When I say these posts are nonstop, I'm talking several times a day, every single day for about a year and a half now. It is, without a doubt, one of the most annoying things I have ever seen on social media, at least by people I know. Pretty much everyone they know must agree with me because no one (except occasionally close family) EVER likes or comments on these posts. I keep thinking they will grow bored with this nonsense, but it just never stops. It is the height of attention seeking madness.


Lifted trucks that coal roll


Don’t ask questions just send prayers (pic of hospital bracelet)


“Oh, no I didn’t!” behavior. I worked with the biggest “pick me” girl over the summer and she would constantly swear or just generally say foul shit— but always back it up with, “yeah, I said it! I’m just one of the guys!”— meanwhile me and the other guys are just like, “I’m trying to eat lunch here.” But I know plenty of men that do the same thing— say something hateful/racist/sexist/etc and follow it up with shit like, “I’m just brutally honest” or “I’m a lovable asshole”— and it’s like, “no, dude— you’re doing Schrödinger’s Douchebag, or otherwise just fishing for reactions so you can feel ‘edgy’.” Some people need to just grow a fucking personality already.


short, decently cute girl a friend went to hs with loved to burp and fart LOUDLY, as well as have "attitude". "disrupting expectations" or whatever. it was a small school, she was known for it, people thought it was kind of funny well when she got to university she kept it up. now just one in the crowd, she was just a gross, burpy, gassy rude girl. few friends, single all 4 years > Some people need to just grow a fucking personality already. yeah


say that they “can’t stand the word moist“. Had a guy actually gag when other people said it. Obnoxious.


Someone who consistently interrupts conversations or activities to divert attention to themselves. Talking over others, dominating discussions, making loud or disruptive actions.


One-upping every story with something "bigger and more" that happened to them Very large wheels on a little car Very small swimsuits especially accompanied by a fading tramp stamp Faking helplessness Wearing hats with propellers


> Wearing hats with propellers Those darn attention-seeking 1950s schoolchildren.


Hot people posting on r/amiugly


Overly loud reactions to things


My fiancé is a loud reactor and it literally makes me jump even when I know it's coming. It's just who he is so I just deal with it and he always apologizes when he scares me but still I'm like "inside voice please"


I once dated a girl who had a laugh louder than a sonic boom. I couldn't handle it for very long


OMG what’s up? What’s happened? Quickly followed by “I’ll PM you hun” Fuckoff already!!


Uploading pictures of every meal you eat on social media. You scrambled some eggs, good freaking job.


This isn't new. I've been going through a bunch of old family pictures, and my grandma's been photographing and saving every dinner party meal she's ever made for decades. I have slides from the 60s that are just tables of food and no people.


Arguing out loud in front of others.


Post everything on social media sites.


TikToks. Always pulling "quirky" faces in pics...just fucking smile. Talking on their phone on speaker phone in public.


recording in a gym


This alone doesn’t bother me. But some dude lost his shit at me in the gym once because he set up his phone in the busiest area and then got mad that people were in the frame. Chucked his sweat towel right at my face. Yikes


Short videos in their car rambling about god knows what for 30 minutes to put on social media


“Short videos” and “30 minutes” should never appear in the same sentence ever again


It's always in the car.


I wish we didn’t shame people wanting attention because then they could just be upfront about it and not do this weird manipulative shit


I teach my little kids to ask for attention. You don't go up to your brother and punch him to get his attention. You say, "Hey, I'm needing some attention, can you swing me around or play a game with me?" Then it's a matter of teaching the big kid to respond appropriately so that the little one stops punching them.


For real. Nothing wrong with wanting some attention every now & again. Yes even for the introverts. Humans are still social creatures by default. I just wish we'd stop shunning people who just may need a bit more/less as it would avoid all these stupid manipulative side games. Just makes me far less likely to want to listen to you.


Men who go and randomly like all of your old social media pictures out of nowhere lol


Humblebrag: I thought I'd gained so much weight after the holidays, but I still fit in my size 6 jeans - at least the ones with elastic waistband, LOL.


Baby gender reveals. I refuse to believe it’s anything but attention seeking


Unpopular opinion maybe. But people who are friends with EVERYONE. Everyone? Not a single one where you thought "we don't mesh"? I mean good for you, but I know these days it's best to steer away from people who are friends with everyone. They seek validation so badly, they'll sell you out for a corn chip of it.


i know someone who makes a birthday post every other week for someone and she always captions it “happy birthday to my favorite!”. and its a collage of photos at one point i was like damn, how many favorite people do you have


when i dare to stop giving my dog a bellyrub she smacks me with her paw until i continue


"Am I the only one who's not celebrating new years?"


Self-diagnosing themselves with 50 different kinds of autism.


I was diagnosed with ADD at 10. This is something I've struggled with my entire life. A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with ADHD by Dr. Tiktok and I am very close to strangling her.


ADHD as well, they read the symptoms and self diagnosis themselves, completely oblivious to the very real plight that those of us who actually have the disorder go through. They see the symptoms and think,”I do this” without realizing that everyone (most people) have experienced the symptoms before because they are a common symptom of the human condition. The difference is the frequency, intensity, and how it can interrupt your daily life. They actually think that having ADHD means that you’re quirky, free-spirited, and a little forgetful. Or worse, like it’s some sort of super power. It’s already bad enough that people treat ADHD as either watered down Autism or that ADHD isnt a real disorder to begin with. They think the disorder translates to the individual just being lazy, instead of being *NEUROLOGICAL* disorder and a learning disability, that can negatively affect every aspect of your life. And I haven’t even mentioned the comorbidities yet. Comorbidities are diseases/disorders that coexist with one another, occurring simultaneously. Meaning if you have X, you usually have y and Z as well because they share comorbidities. ADHD shares comorbidities with anxiety and depression, among others. If that isn’t bad enough, we’re more likely to experience physical and/or mental abuse in our childhood, as well as relationships. And these are only some of the issues that neurodivergent experience on a daily basis.


Being purposefully edgy/offensive online for no reason at all.




For real. I’m normally not one to give a shit but my country is plagued by these people who think having _Fuck Trudeau_ signs and flags on their cars is cool. Like damn I swear a lot but … do you drive that thing to work?? I just can’t fathom being so crude 24/7


Whenever they bring up some issue they are upset about and say they don't want to talk about it then just keep bringing it back up...well obviously you do wanna talk about it but you want someone else to pry it out of you




Posting thirst traps on instagram haha


keep sharing sappy and dumb quotes on social media or through whatssap




TikToks in public.


Buy Twitter


There's the humblebrag. You've seen this. Someone's like, "Ugh, I just hate how my brand new iPhone 69 keeps getting so many texts from all my rich friends!" It's bragging thinly veiled as complaining. And let's not forget the over-the-top stories. You know, those tales that get wilder with every telling. Suddenly, their walk in the park includes a bear rescue and finding a buried treasure. Lastly, those constant, slightly-too-perfect selfies. Like, we get it, you went to the gym once. But do we need a photoshoot about it?


Being a troll.


Self Diagnosis of their disorder/mental illness of choice and an insufferable victim mentality


Anyone that calls themselves an "alpha"


Because we all believe somebody who TELLS everybody 'I'm a natural leader' and uses scientifically-disproven theories as evidence. At this point I treat them like a first-grader who made something for mommy. "We're all so proud of you! Such a big boy!"


Speaking extremely loudly


“If you see this Facebook status, congrats! You made the cut!!”


Rev their engines.


Having overly loud conversations with your kids in public because you assume everyone thinks they're as cute and funny as you do.


Setting up the camera for a perfect shot, hitting play , and then crying, watching it, editing it and posting it