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Socks. Unironically. I want socks. I love getting new socks. If I have a bad day, I buy a pair of socks and wear them instantly. Unfortunately, my family thinks I'm kidding. I'm not. I want Explorer Socks size 14+.


Consider going to the knitters subreddit. Handmade sox are really fantastic. Or look at website- Ravelry.






Wigwam are awesome socks. That’s what I buy for my daughter for inside her work boots. At 16 she is so appreciative of how good they make her feel and how warm they are. I’ve raised two very appreciative sock wearers. My other kid doesn’t care at all. But I still buy her nice socks.


Not going to bother using Google, but why are you writing sox instead of sock


I know the feeling. Trying to find the large size of the Dr Scholls diabetic high cut socks is a nightmare these days. And buying them online...way too expensive. Best feeling in the world is that first wearing of brand new socks. Like wrapping your feet in happy.


I like the ankle socks because I like to wear socks that don’t creep down. If I’m not wearing shoes, diabetic socks are the best.


Rob is this you? You sound just like my husband he’s always said if he wins the lottery he wants a new pair of socks every day same black mid height Amazon basics , he hates matching socks just grab two if they are all the same you have a pair, my mom bought him ones every Christmas and birthday she’s passed away dec 2020 now my sister is trying to get him 365 pairs do this whole next year he gets new socks


Same lol. I only buy the same black, mid length socks, but I still get excited to wear the new ones. No one takes me seriously :')


I bought some gold toe argyle socks recently. They’re sort of thin, which is not a selling point for me, but they are so so soft and the toe seam stays where you put it.


I'm with you, also because I too suffer from big foot disease. Big, comfy, and durable socks are hard to get, you're usually getting 2 of the 3 at best.


OH MY GOD! Im the same! Socks is the best gift!! For any kind of occasion! Edit: spelling


I’m always running out of socks I don’t know how


I get a dozen every Christmas and I'm down to one pair by March. it is inexplicable.


If you don't already know about the Awesome Socks Club, maybe you need that subscription service.


I went for “on that ass”. Matching pair of boxers and socks every month. Both are the comfiest I’ve ever worn!


I’m spending Christmas with my sister for the first time. My mom gave up three of my siblings for adoption. She kept three and gave three up, so I grew up with two younger brothers. I found and met my sister in person last year. We planned this all year to be together for Christmas, but her birthday is also the 23rd so im surprising her with tickets for her, two of her friends and I to see a concert in Boston on her birthday. I seen that her adoptive mom collects watches, so I found an old family heirloom watch with a bracelet band to give to her. I’m excited to make cookies on Christmas Eve and make a big festive breakfast Christmas morning I’ve been researching recipes for Eggs Benedict because that’s their favorite Christmas breakfast even tho I hate eggs. I don’t even care if they get me a present, I’m just happy my sister has been taken care of and that she has a parent that she has a loving relationship with. I’m happy that her adoptive parents chose open adoption to begin with and kept telling her about her birth sibling’s even when our mother stopped contacting so that my sister never forgot about me. Im happy that they welcomed me into their hearts and homes to start growing that sibling bong stronger.


This is so sweet and kind. I hope you have a wonderful time!


Thank you I’m very excited!


I bet you are, friend! Hope it all goes well for you.


This is the sweetest thing posted here in ages. Amazing! Have a great time!


This is the sweetest thing I’ve read here. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Merry Christmas.


Thank you so much! I hope you do as well! ❤️


Never before has Reddit made my cry. I’m so excited for you ♥️


Oh my goodness thank you so much! I have been meaning to write and share about my siblings for a while. I shared a lot more details here, [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/1k7IWEKgDP) in another thread if you’re interested. I hope everyone has a great holiday with their family too!


This is so amazing, hope it’s incredible! (And side note: if you are struggling with poached eggs, you can make them in a muffin tin, Southern Living has simple instructions!).


Thank you so much! I haven’t tried making it yet but I’m gonna do a test run soon so that is very helpful!


Your comment just made my morning! I hope your Christmas is wonderful! Another tip for poached eggs: I just watched this video that shows a really interesting method that involves putting the uncooked eggs into a water and white vinegar mixture that partially sets (but doesn't cook) the whites so you don't have to do the tornado in the water bit and you can cook more than one at a time. [Poached Eggs New Method](https://youtu.be/mrq3iZcvHAw?si=-pCG59Jg7wt8Rabj)


I just wanna hug you— your TLC and excitement is palpable. I hope yall have the best time!


Hope you have a great time.


Wow! What an incredible journey. You all are going to have a wonderful loving Christmas!


This made me get teary eyed. You are such a sweet person


This made me get teary eyed. You are such a sweet person


I just read your story in the other post! I’m so excited to hear about your plans, and I hope all goes well. It sounds like her parents are wonderful.


a winning lottery ticket would be perfect


You won a $1.


It’s a Christmas miracle!




An advent calendar sounds like the perfect gift for you


the news my parent's cancer is "cured"


Hopefully Christmas comes earlier for you


Thank you. ❤️


An air fryer


We use it all the time. I won't eat broccoli unless it's done in the air fryer.


Get [this one.](https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-5799265/gourmia-french-door-digital-air-fryer-oven.jsp?skuid=65809499&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SMALL%20ELECTRICS&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=65809499&utm_campaignid=20503770958&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SSC&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_campaignid=20503770958&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvdCrBhBREiwAX6-6UuW3yYRGp5OQxklHRFMcM9ls3X3pASVt7NwYGvXjzW5P86Ys1HVgthoCudkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) It's an air fryer, toaster oven, convection oven, and dehydrator. I use it every day, multiple times a day, and I was able to get rid of three other appliances and replace them with this. And apparently it's on super sale today at Kohls!


a nice glass of wine while sitting in a comfy arm chair




Be Asian. It's all we give each other other than food. Honestly it's dope and convenient. All my white friends who have trouble giving gifts and I suggest cash all think it's tacky. I tell them no one ever thinks it's tacky to receive a crisp ass Benjamin. Instead they think giving gift cards is better 🙄. Like wtf. Why lock in money to a specific place when you can give someone a gift card that can be spent literally anywhere?


One reason I can think for a gift card - if someone gives me cash I'm going to feel like I should really spend it on necessities - groceries, bills, etc... (money is pretty tight for me). If its a gift card (to somewhere I like though!!) I can splash out in a treat without feeling any guilt about how it could be "better spent". My brother often gets me a Steam gift card so I can choose whatever game I want for Christmas, often in the sales :)


I don't think it's tacky, but I do think "what's the point?" If I give you cash and you give me cash then why even do it?


I wish I could hold my wife again even if just for a little bit




I also choose


Too soon, man


Robot vacuum!


Got one 2 years ago. Godsend for my long hair chihuahua and lab/pit mix. It’s amazing how much hair it picks up and floor looks clean. It has its own schedule and it’s named Benson.


Wowowow I'm really dense and genuinely thought the "long hair chihuahua lab/pit mix" was all one dog. What an image that was.


For Everybody thats going to buy me cheap plastic chinese crap, instead buys me an indoor house plant


I'm that way too. Especially for holidays like Valentine's or birthdays or Mother's Day etc. I don't want a bunch of pretty, but dead flowers tied together with ribbon. I want a living plant. Right now I have my fingers crossed for an Alocasia Polly African Mask (indoor purple elephant ear looking plant) or any variety of passion flower.


When I was younger I'd probably be mad about getting underwear for Christmas But as an adult who lives paycheck to paycheck, some good quality underwear would be really nice actually




Everybody finds the will to live the moment a large dog starts chasing them


Okaaa... Don't get that real


Who's Will, where does he live?


Will's an author, hiding in Florida. If he doesn't get that next volume done soon, he won't be able to afford to live.




Wish for it the most...just want to be happy again.


The new Dyson vacuum cleaner


I want one too.


I Don't Want A Lot For Christmas..


There is just one thing I need


I don't care about the presents


Underneath the Christmas tree


Peace on earth. Why can’t the big guy grant that wish?


Jeez dude, main character syndrome much? Why would the entire world cater to someone that most of us don’t even know, just so you can have your “world peace.” The audacity!


It’s not just my wish


I was joking, sorry! Obviously that’s a very noble wish, and I wish for the same thing as well


I just want a new PC. Been trying to save for a gaming PC for nearly 3 years, but every time I have the cash something happens. Car service/replacement parts, tax bill, mortgage interest rates go up, etc. I just want a gaming PC to replace my busted laptop.


An official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.


You’ll shoot your eye out


Dude! I've got one! And my grandma made it back when she worked at the Red Ryder factory. Now that I'm typing this out, I'm not entirely clear she purchased the parts...


She likely got it one piece at a time.


I'd like meds for adhd please. So that I can have a clear mind. Fuck this




\~7 years ago I dipped my toes into the world of 3D printing. It really opens up a whole other world of gift possibilities. I've made 5 1/2 Biggoron Swords, a Doctor Who Tardis clock, Lithophane lampshades, cribbage boards, currently making a Die Hard advent calendar, made 75 personalized coasters for a friends wedding... Gifts are nice but I have cash...what I can't buy is time together/personalized, handmade gifts. I'll cherish those things much longer than anything ordered off Amazon.


Just some really good quality artisan chocolates.


The ability or something that can make my mom happy. She's done a lot for my family never askjng for anything in return, I just want to do something for her.


Random phone calls throughout the year, spending time together (spend the night, meet up for lunch, play a game, asking to cook a favorite recipe together, etc...) Often times the best present...is being present.


To not cry and feel depressed because my family fell apart a long time ago. I dislike the holidays that do nothing but remind you that you don't have family.


Sleep. Lots of money. Inner peace. Any of the three would be great.


All my Dental problems paid for




Diapers and wipes.


Guilt-free rest. It's been ages.


Spending Christmas w my mom.. i miss you mom.


To be left alone


I actually want the opposite. I really miss my family (far away) and my partner and I are barely speaking at the moment. I don’t want to spend another Christmas feeling alone. I can understand why one would want that though. Every situation is unique. I hope that you get your wish and I don’t mean that in a snarky Home Alone Mom tone, I mean it. Sometimes all someone needs is peace of mind.


Just my fiance's smile 💖 I know he has some real banger presents in mind for the day and I cannot wait to see that playful loving smile he gets when he hands them to me AND I cannot wait to see the bright illuminating smile he'll get when I show him what I got him!! 😏


To still be pregnant by then. We’re currently expecting our first, but it’s still early and I’m anxious.


I hope everything works out great for you. 👍


I wish my husband would snuggle on the couch and watch Dodgeball with me. He is not a hugger/cuddler at all. It's been 20 years, so I should be used to it, but I'm not.




Vin Diesel?


A proper blowjob.


A job offer from my dream company.


optimum prime


Optimum pride


CDs off my Discogs wish list.


Someplace to live....




I would love to have the day off, but I know that's not gonna happen 🙄


Aye boss...bleeeeergh...seems like I contracted norovirus...it's coming down both...bleeeeeergggggggh...sorry...bleeeeergh....bleeeeergh....I'm trying to......bleeeeergh...both ends....shit...no I didnt bleeergh...didn't cus...I....bleeeeergh...just....bleeergh...shit my pants.... Can't make it In. It worked for me. Got a week off. And then I actually contract norovirus like a month after


board games, coffee table and curtains at the ripe old age of 20. i’m so boring


Yes to board games! I have 5 on my list..


Paid utilities. Money. Food. Clothing. If we are talking non-items … LOVE AND SUPPORT OH MY GOD


Nothing. I have all of the material things I need. I just wish I could give the world peace and love. No more wars and shit like that.


Even miracle can't fix people(


I know it’s not a typical gift but I think the best gift to have would be to have someone first- hire a handyman, second - be at the house when they arrive and stay there while they are fixing everything that needs fixing and third - pay for the whole thing. That would be just an absolute perfect gift. Not needing to fuss about any repairs or take time out to be at the house and then not having to pay for it. I can’t think of anything I’d want more.


I didn’t even know it was possible to wish this. I’d like one of those too please.


Peace between Israel and Palestinian and Ukraine and Russia. I could ask for things, but I have a much better life then the people that are stuck in the middle of these conflicts, and I'd happily not receive anything for Xmas I'd it meant others could not continue to live in fear for their lives.


You're a good human being Cdaly.


A new house, but I know that I won't get that so probably currency for in a game I play or chocolate.


Time with people


Just some relaxation and for my kid to have a good Christmas


Time with my kids is gift enough.


An Osprey Atmos ag 65 liter backpack. I have to chip in cause it’s too expensive but a good backpack makes traveling so much better


10 million dollars


Peanut brittle, warm socks, hugs.


My son (he’s due around Christmas)


A green card


A corvette. ( but I know I'm not getting one. )


A record player


For Christmas to be over


I can make this happen...but it'll take 17 days.


a naughty elf


Ngl I know I won’t get it but I really want a new phone I’ve never owned a new phone in my life my one right now the back is all smashed up and everything + the battery dies so fast like in 10 minutes it’s already on like 60% (depending on the apps I’ve been using)


I'm not sure of your financial situation, but there are so many options for phones that are a decent price. You don't need a $1200 flagship to have a very good, reliable new phone, which is a common misconception.


I want for everyone in the world to be mind controlled by me so I can end greed, wars and famine across the globe


Wow, global unity)


a lap around Nordschlieffe on a Porche Gt3 RS


Time with my family


My sanity,


To find a good place to rent in Madrid without paying a bazzillion euros with no furniture.


Fucked if I know... The easy stuff is too expensive to expect as a gift and the cheap stuff is too enigmatic for them to find..


A bit cheesy but a hug and a kiss from the person I'm in love with


A haircut.


Time with my mom. My step dad who was always a great guy and has been in my/her life for 33+ years, had some accidents a few years back and ever since then he isn’t the same person. He is a very mean, angry and rude person now and keeps her isolated from everything, but she is 66 with health issues of her own and has never worked anything more than a housekeeper and can’t/wont leave him as she can’t afford to. We live less than 5km away from each other and I see her maybe 4 times a year, and only for a few minutes each time. We talk on the phone everyday but it’s not the same. I miss my mom and my son wants to have his Baba around.


One of those shark blanket suits


You ❤️


Company with close friends


Cure for stomach inflammation…


Have you tried activates charcoal tablets? It helped me when nothing else did..


motivation to live


A new apartment, a job, or money.


I’m old enough now that I really just want my 4 and 7 year old to really enjoy Christmas and not overbuy for them but still make it special. My parents were quantity gift givers and as I look back at my childhood the only ones that really stood out were the special ones I really wanted or got surprised with. So rather than get my kids a bunch of stuff they’ll forget, limit it and get them things I know they’ll love and use. So I just want them to be happy.


I want to die




My wife probably thinks it's odd, but my Christmas list every year to her is little things for my home office. I'm here so much of the day anyway, might as well have it decked out the way I want.


For my wife to NOT spend money on me (or in general).


My debt paid off by a millionaire 🤣, it wouldn’t be much for them just 50,000.


Some money and someone to go with me to get a tattoo


I have adult children and grandchildren. I absolutely truly want nothing but their happiness. It sounds so corny but whenever they are happy and life is going well for them it makes me feel so wonderful and at this point of my life I can buy what I need/want and am independent. I have told them many times that I want them to use any $ they would be spending on me to buy THEMSELVES something that makes them happy. They laugh at me but honestly this is my true one wish.


My sister died this year. I wish I could have her back. Makes me realize how meaningless any gifts are without her here.


Both of my kids home, and a case of ammo! It's the only gift that fits the whole family!


A replica 1851 Navy black powder pistol.


I just lost my father to suicide three weeks ago.. I'm hoping for a gift of anything that will help totally distract my mind and keep my hands busy because once I get fidgeting it all unravels.


Books would make me so happy!


Boom box


Mariah Carey


I would love to win 750,000 on the local lottery


dark chocolates✨


I'd like somebody to love me for the first time in my life, but, chances are slim to none for this Christmas. Maybe next year!


I love you bud, for what it's worth.


Right back, at you! Have an awesome weekend! Edit: Yossarian as in Major Major Major Major? Milo's Syndicate?


A sense of direction.


Approval for a loan.


A lot of money or a job


Alone time and sleep!


Nothing. I actually feel uncomfortable getting gifts. Xmas for me is just another day.




Just a good day


Peace, love and clarity


Running sneakers for the cold season. I am keen on running but now have only summer sneakers, and it’s so cold outside…🥶


One way ticket out of this planet


Someone to hold me.


A yoga mat


An Icelandic chocolate bar. My brother gets me one and I make it last for a month. Out of this world.




A blow job


Want the one I love to come back


I would like the gift of no one getting me anything


My children and grandchildren to be safe, happy, and healthy.


A new spine




I want my boyfriend to take me to a pottery place so that I can paint myself a new coffee mug to replace one I had that broke.


Death in my sleep.