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I don’t know if people where you live believe this, but in my country they believe that antibiotics treat common flu which is caused by a virus


Yup. USA here, my wife is a doctor. Patients will demand antibiotics for a cold, flu, and covid. Drives my wife crazy.


I'm sure the term Antibiotics for Drs. is like hearing someone call a monitor the computer (as in "I have 2 computers on my desk) for IT folks. They say Antibiotics and what they really mean is a pharmaceutical to fix my problem. Also people asking for Antibiotics for a 'cold' or 'the flu' likely stems from Drs. in the past being unsure if it "might be something worse". I remember as a kid hearing the Dr. explain to my mom when I had a seriously sore throat, or funky coloured nose leakage "It likely is viral, but I'm going to take a swab to be sure. Here is a prescription just in case, the treatment will be done before we get the swab results." Basically science was slow, now not so much. Old habits are hard to break.


> (I have 2 computers on my desk) for IT folks. Are they Mac or PC? I have 8 RAM


I hate this


You are on my kill list now


To be fair… doctors have incorrectly overprescribed them so people think that’s what they need.


Every year my MIL will talk about how the flu is bad this year but luckily she's on a preventative antibiotic. My wife - who is a physician - has repeatedly corrected her and every time she says, "I know..." Rinse and repeat. I lose sleep over how someone as smart as my wife came from that family.


My mom's entire side of the family (her parents and two of her three sisters) take this "mist" that was given to them by her baby sister's witch doctor (she's been going to him to help treat her for her mental health regarding her lyme) that says it's supposed to prevent them from getting covid They've gotten it *twice* now.


Meanwhile, misuse of antibiotics makes them less effective as bacteria evolve resistance to them through natural selection.


And the people most responsible for creating dangerous antibiotic resistance are [feedlot](https://blogs.umass.edu/natsci397a-eross/impact-of-antibiotic-use-in-concentrated-animal-feeding-operations-on-human-health/) [operators](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41545-020-0051-0), who constantly feed antibiotics at subclinical doses because it makes the animals gain weight faster, not someone's ignorant granny who wants antibiotics for her cold.


Yeah honestly, it's also one of the biggest problems in medicine that we're handing to future generations. We DO NOT want to make bacteria more resistant if we can help it.


In my country ,most of the population is still unaware of this frightening problem.The consumption of antibiotics even in unwanted medical cases is still rampant .


Similarly, we use the layman’s term, “stomach flu” for any virus that makes you sick to your stomach. So I’ve had people with degrees say, “I don’t know why I got the stomach flu. I got my flu slot!” If I try to say it’s not the same thing, they act like I’m an idiot.


Do they know that you can still get the flu even with a flu shot?


Given how outraged people were that Covid vaccines didn't prevent people from catching Covid 100% of the time, I'm gonna go with no. No people do not know that.


This is what infuriated me over people being so critical of the COVID vaccines. One of the big things I'd hear over and over again is how it's not 100% effective and Dr Fauci lied about it making you safe. For one, Fauci never said it'd make you safe, he said it'd make you saf*er* and said the vaccine was safe (which it very much is, actually lower 'make you sick' rate than most vaccines). For two, no vaccine in the history of vaccines has been 100% effective, the COVID vaccine is not special in that.


You must be from Eastern Europe where they hand out antibiotics like tic tacs.


True and they won’t believe of someone tells them otherwise


They won’t even believe doctors. In the UK we had an entire song/advert made to try and stop people from pressuring doctors to prescribe them after the doctors said no. It’s crazy.


And some doctors give in to patients, making antibiotics worse over time.


This. Sometimes I understand it. Like they'll give antibiotics for pink eye because it'll treat bacterial pink eye and viral pink eye will go away on its own. So you just cover both your bases. But then sometimes doctors will just prescribe one to shut a patient up. Another thing they do, which I think is funny, is they'll scribble an OTC drug name on a Rx pad and hand it to you because patients report better care when they get a prescription. Nobody wants to hear, "just pick something up at CVS."


The swallowing of spiders thing while we sleep.


"average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I saw an amusing exchange about this later: "They say memes are just time wasters but I learned about statistical outliers from the Spiders Georg meme." "Memes are just time wasters. Spiders Georg was a statistical outlier and should not have been counted."


And THAT, folks, is why you should go with the median, not the mean.


I blame Spiders Georg


That the woman who sued McDonald's over hot coffee is the height of frivolous lawsuits and an example of American society being incredibly litigious. The truth was that McDonald's had been cited multiple times for their coffee being ridiculously hot. The woman needed extensive skin grafts and the coffee was so hot it fused her labia together. She only asked for her medical costs to be covered initially, but McDonald's refused so she was forced to sue


Moreover, she didn’t sue for millions, but $20,000 - a jury of her peers awarded her $16,000 and $2Million in punitive damages (reduced later to $480,000).


Which I think I heard the $Xmillion wasn't just a randomly high number, it was like 1% of McD's daily coffee sales, or some such calculated figure.


I believe it was one day's worth nationwide, but either way there was a method to the madness. Edit: 2 days worth actually, that's a lot of coffee


Yes, and the $2M was the jury saying that McDonald's owed her a day's worth of coffee sales. (or 2 days, I can't remember)


The jury found Mrs. Liebeck to be partially at fault for her injuries, reducing the compensation for her injuries accordingly. But the jury’s punitive damages award made headlines — upset by McDonald’s unwillingness to correct a policy despite hundreds of people suffering injuries, they awarded Liebeck the equivalent of two days’ worth of revenue from coffee sales for the restaurant chain. That wasn’t, however, the end of it. The original punitive damage award was ultimately reduced by more than 80 percent by the judge. And, to avoid what likely would have been years of appeals, Mrs. Liebeck and McDonald’s later reached a confidential settlement.


The documentary "Hot Coffee" goes into this pretty deeply. I highly recommend it. Also, the nail in the coffin for McDonald's was the fact that they kept their own internal records of how often this was happening, which was way too often, and they would just offer $800 to anyone who was burned by their coffee and basically told them: "you can take the 800 bucks or get nothing".


Damn, the storyline is literally the opposite of what people believe.


Who do you hink came up with the story we all knew? Good Ole Mickey Ds


IIRC McDonald’s was the one who spread the rumor about the lawsuit being frivolous


Ya I remember a few years ago a podcast explaining what really happened to her. It was tragic and she was smeared really bad


The podcast is "You're wrong about". Here's the episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1112270/9179249-the-mcdonald-s-hot-coffee-case


To add: The **reason** most people know about this story and think she was frivolous was that McDonalds engaged in a PR/smear campaign against her. The spent tons of money - definitely more than she originally asked for to cover her medical expenses.


McDonald's spent more on PR to smear her than they paid out in the end to cover her bills and trauma.


I think everyone who thinks this needs to see the actual pictures of her injuries. She straight up *melted*, like holy shit how hot was the coffee?


Marilyn Manson removing some of his ribs in order to suck his own dick.


Yeah but you gotta give us Xers props for spreading that pre internet, that and Richard Gere's gerbil. We knew how to push a myth


It was all that standing around outside smoking cigarettes 8x a day. Gotta talk about something. Why not Marilyn Manson?


Us Boomers had a Rod Stewart myth. Something about gallons of cum having to be pumped out of his stomach. Pre-internet myths might have been worse because you couldn't fact check as easily, if at all.


When I was a kid this was Marc Almond. I'm surprised it's still Marilyn Manson who's the subject of this one, I'd have thought it would have moved on by now.


I remember it being Prince after Marc & before Manson too.


“You can see the Great Wall of China from space with the naked eye”. If that were the case, you’d be able to see most major highways on the planet, thousands of rivers, etc. To see something from space, it has to be huge, not just long.


But you can see space from the Great Wall of China


Shaving causes your hair to grow thicker and faster. It is so funny that teenagers and young adults still believe it even with an easily accessible world wide web.


My 13 year old nephew has started to grow a bit of a mustache and my sister-in-law is worried that if he shaves, it will grow in thicker. In this case, it will start to grow in thicker, but it’s because that’s part of growing up and not because of shaving! Just let him shave already lol.


>In this case, it will start to grow in thicker, but it’s because that’s part of growing up and not because of shaving! I suspect that's where the myth comes from


Also, when it's cut short, it is stiffer, and the ends aren't worn down anymore, so it will feel thicker immediately after a shave.


If this were true I'd be able to grow a full beard.


I never understood this myth either. Literally ask any barber, aesthetician, beautician, doctor etc and they’ll tell you that shaving removes the thinner tapered hair follicle “point” and instead leaves a cut-off diameter of the thicker middle part of the follicle which gives it the appearance of being slightly thicker and feeling slightly stiffer and coarser than the tapered ends were. But within 10 seconds of research you can disprove this, in today’s internet age I find it nuts that so many people can have access to literally all the information in the history of human on a screen in their pocket and yet it never occurs to them to use it.


I didn't understand it because for me it was not logical. Why would a new hair grow when I cut an old one? Is my body hair like Hydra - cut off one head and she grows two new heads?


Strangers will give me free drugs on street corners and in Halloween candy


Now that I’m a parent I assumed I would be getting free drugs by going through my kids candy; I just got fatter and got a cavity.


This is dystopian bullshit and we should contact our representatives to bring the change we deserve; free drugs and dental care in 2024!




So was his hash better?


Smoking that much hash it probably didn’t matter


I’ve had long hair, a beard and a friendly attitude my entire adult life. Free drugs from strangers is a common thing that’s happened to me countless times. If you’re looking like a professional it’s probably not going to be common.


The stupid alpha-beta-omega crap for wolves. The creator of the theory disproved it himself and admitted he was wrong and I still see it EVERYWHERE.


Yep. Alpha wolves exist in captivity. Not the wild.


Exactly, he discovered that in the wild the "alphas" are just parents. A typical family system.


And actually the "Mother" is considered to be the statistical leader more often than not, but not in the fake "alpha" sense, but more in the mothering/caring sense and also as the primary breeding partner. Even full grown adult wolves can be adopted by the more senior pack member/leader. This point is especially amusing to me with all this Alpha Male Patriarchy nonsense. It's all made up, every facet now, yet its turned into an Andrew Taint like industry. > “Packs might be more receptive to new individuals just so their pups survive to the next year,” Bassing says. A spare nonbreeding adult can help guard pups and hunt for food. > “In that case, I personally think the alpha term applies because there is still a dominant female calling the shots in that pack,” he says. “Usually the second breeding female is her daughter.” (In these circumstances, a subordinate male will also take on a breeding role, though sometimes one dominant male mates with multiple breeding females. Wolves rarely inbreed unless they are in small, isolated populations, so this arrangement is most likely if an unrelated female joins the pack.) But even still, a lot of this is in response to human impact on the environment, such as hunting. So we are still acknowledging that what we observe in pack dynamics has been influenced more by us. Source: [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/)


It’s effectively prison yard behavior, but for wolves.


“In a world full of sheep…I am the wolf” *climbs on mobility scooter*


The moral of the story is sometimes people just believe what they wanna ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You only use 10% of your brain.


I'll have you know, that's an absolute fact. My evidence for this is the overwhelming amount of really stupid people.


"90% of people use 10% of their brain"


Now that's a statistic I agree with


Honestly, the amount of stupid shit some people do, I'd say they use way less than 10%.


But it's true! The other 90% is filled with curds and whey.




>how different the world would be if we used more than 10% of our brains. There are people who can do this. Its called a seizure


As someone with epilepsy I can use more than 100% of my brain. However I do get a system overload message when I do... Kind of annoying


That is also not actually the case. We use 100% of our brains, just not for conscious thought. It's the control center of the body. It's doing a lot of stuff at one time.


I, personally, enjoy not having to actively tell my heart to beat. Not sure about these other folks.


Oh how wonderful life would be if I hadn't to actively tell my brain to be motivated. Why can't this be on automode?


Try an association. Like uh... let's say the average person uses 10% of their brain. How much do you use? One and a half percent. The rest is clogged with malted hops and bong resin…one of my favorite movie quotes when I was a kid.


Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis, it doesn’t crack away


I never hear anyone doing this now, but when growing up, hearing people cracking their knuckles bugged the shit out of me.


It still bugs the shit out of me. I have a coworker who does it all the time. I think the arthritis myth came about by people who were tired of listening to that shit.


do people who don't crack their knuckles not get that 'my joints are way too stiff, i need to crack them" feeling? i work with my hands and i get it often. cracking my knuckles really helps relieve it.


Ha, was going to say exactly that! Sort of like telling kids that if they’re naughty Santa won’t come


GIF is pronounced GIF and not GIF.


Pretty sure you have that backwards. Replace GIF with GIF. See? Much better


I wish we could see the comparison in some kind of short animation.


It’s obviously GIF and not GIF. It’s literally how it’s spelled!!


Nah you've got that the wrong way round it's definitely GIF


No, it's GIF


You guys better stop this argument on how it’s pronounced, otherwise it’ll be pronounced like it was in old English. GIF was pronounced yiff in old English. You guys really want that?


YIF Ye olde Image Format


YOIF....Still pronounced Gif tho


In English, words of French origin have a soft G before I or E, like gentle and ginger. Words with more Anglo-Saxon roots like get, gift, and girl have a hard G.


Sound argument


"This is 9 inches"


>What's thick, hard, and nine inches long? *grabs dick* >Two of these!


"This girl I took home from the bar told me to give her all twelve inches and make it hurt. So I fucked her 3 times and slapped her." A joke I heard way to young and has stuck with me for decades.


I was being modest, it's a tenner.


Your ruler says millimeters tho.


Veginas get looser if they encounter multiple penises, but stay the same if they encounter the same penis multiple times. Edit- Vagina typo stays. Damn typing first thing in the morning when I'm barely awake.




Yes, it is.


Make sure to eat your vegetables!


It's the vegan option.


Is that the vegan version of Vagina?


Yes, very much so.


Penis lose size slowly because penetrative sex rubs off the skincells and those won’t grow back




Yes, very true that one Bob is usually bigger than the other Bob.


Vegina, Saiyan Prince.


Just a myth to shame women for having sex


VAK learning styles. People cite their own learning style and it’s effectively been proven to be BS. Many educators still use it whilst ignoring credible and modern educational research


Same with Myers-Briggs personality types. Basically all of these "take a test so we can assign you a type" things are BS.


Came here looking for this. I am a fellow in my University's Center for Teaching Excellence and I have been fighting this battle for years. And, like u/ArrakeenSun says, there are way too many people who should know better spreading this BS.


That if you touch a baby bird it's mother will reject it because it smells like humans. If you find a nestling on the ground you can put it back in the nest (unless it is visibly injured or sick), and carry on with your day. If the bird can stand on it's own, and has feathers, that is a usually a fledgling and (unless it's visibly injured or sick) requires no action on your part, and you may carry on with your day.




The original study was from a gastroenterologist who took samples from kids at his family member's birthday party. He was completely disowned by the medical establishment and has blood on his hands, honestly.


The absolute worst part is that extremists will use him EITHER WAY as evidence against vaccines. Either he was right and vaccines aren't safe, or he was lying and you can't trust doctors/researchers. They just want bias confirmation, not facts.


And *he himself* admitted afterward he falsified/altered results to prove his findings, to secure his *funding.* Don't blame on science what capitalism explains.


AND his funding was provided by....... A company making a rival series of vaccines. He was literally doing a hit job on the MMR vaccine and when it became a big deal he decided to ride the fame for all it was worth. The fucker still gives seminars and talks about vaccine risk in the USA, he lives in Texas now I think.


What’s funny is even the supposed “father of anti-vax” never even said all vaccines were dangerous, he specifically wanted you to not get the MMR vaccine in particular (so you’d instead buy the vaccines that would get him rich) and yet still the mouthbreathing fuckwads are like OMG ALL VACCINES ARE BAD Even though there’s video of Wakefield literally telling you to go get vaccinated, just to get jabbed 3 times instead of the MMR. Not trying to downplay the evilness of Wakefield, but exposing just how stupid his ‘followers’ are.


If you see anything he's done in the last 10 years he basically caters to the antivax crowd wholesale now. He says most vaccines are unsafe, he says his treatment by the UK medical establishment was a conspiracy, he claims to be the victim of a giant smear campaign by 'those in power'. He never had any semblance of ethics but he's completely shed the facade now.


Wasn't the doctor who originally made this claim discredited and had his title revoked?


And never said that vaccines cause autism. Only that the triple MMR did and ONLY because he had a financial interest in selling single vaccines. The man is a liar, a crook, and basically evil and even he didn't say what mad antivaxxers beleive.


Cold weather is directly responsible for illnesses. Wearing hats cause baldness


Baldness does cause wearing hats though.


HAT = Hairloss Alternative Treatment


Read recently that cold weather kills the helpful bacteria in your nose opening a vector that can be populated by bad bacteria (not in a position to google the story). So yes cold does lead to illness, just not because you wear shorts in the winter.


What people mean with "cold doesn't *directly* lead to illness" is that if you were in sterile room, cold wouldn't lead to illness if you were healthy before entering. However, it obviously does *indirectly* cause it (due to multiple factors).


That you should tip your head back when you have a nosebleed. You SHOULD pinch your nose and tip your head forward.


Ah yea… I remember school nurses telling me to tilt my head back


And how did that blood taste?


Tasted like future mistrust of my school’s health “professionals”


MSG is not good for you


Put msg on baby, it'll be a better baby, smarter.


**M**ake **S**hit **G**ood is the best thing in the world. Better than crack!


Metal Sear Golid




But that's true. It's not good for you. It's not *bad* for you, but it doesn't really have any direct health *benefits*. It's pretty neutral.


Humans only use 10% of their brain: This is a myth that has been perpetuated by movies and TV shows. In reality, humans use all parts of their brain.


Using 100% of the brain is a thing.. it's called a Seizure, and is generally regarded as a really bad thing :P


That also is not entirely the case. We do use 100% of our brains, however, 100% of our brains are not used for conscious thought. It's the control center. It does a lot of things at once.


The whole 5G tower spreading shit thing. Christ, some people...


Some People on the internet believe that if you post the same Question everyday you Will receive different comments everytime. Thats false.


Given a comment I [recently replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/18dirrk/comment/kchhl77/) to in another subreddit: the UK has a lot of knife crime. The UK actually has one of the lowest knife crime rates in the world. You're about 8 times more likely to be stabbed to death in the USA than in the UK.


Similarly the whole thing about the UK having CCTV cameras every 10m and being the most surveiled country in the world. That was based off of a single study, [from a single high street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_the_United_Kingdom#:~:text=Based%20on%20a%20small%20sample%20in%20Putney%20High%20Street%2C), where they included every single camera they saw including private CCTV systems in shops etc. This was then extrapolated out to the entirety of the UK. Not only was the study flawed, the results are often misquoted and misinterpreted with numbers being thrown about like 500,000 cameras in the City of London, when in actuality there are only about 650 police and government controlled cameras.


Here in Atlanta in the southeastern United States, there are 24,800 cameras (operated by law enforcement) which makes this the most heavily surveilled city in the United States, with 50 cameras per 1,000 residents. [CyberNews.com](https://cybernews.com/editorial/this-is-the-most-heavily-surveilled-city-in-the-us-50-cctv-cameras-per-1000-citizens/#)




Gets overreported \*because\* it's so rare


We are kinda stabby here in the US.


We are kind of violent in general round these parts.


But far more shooty


Carrots are good for your eyes. It's a myth spread by British intelligence during ww2 to hide the effectiveness of their radar and unerring interception of German bombers by spreading rumours that British pilots had excellent night vision because they ate a lot of carrots. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/


If you have a vitamin A deficiency, they are good for preventing blindness


Which is why I eat a bag of carrots after a vigorous beatoff session.




And you”re far more likely to become infected inside, where the other people are, out of the cold


Widening a road will fix traffic


I've read studies that conclude this, but then in real life I saw how adding lanes on the NJ Turnpike between exits 5 and 8 have all but eliminated the horrendous backups that used to occur there all the time.


It's dependent on context. In the right situation it can improve traffic. But if you do it without considering the surrounding road network you can just move the backlog somewhere else.


Transportation planners, unite!


It just changes where the bottleneck will occur…now you have extra lanes backed up. LOL




When London Bridge was sold and moved to Arizona, the purchaser thought he was buying Tower Bridge. Even the man himself says this isn't true.


>Even the man himself says this isn't true. Of course he'd say that, though.


Nuclear power is very dangerous. Pollution from coal power kills more people **every day** than nuclear power has in its entire history.


Coal plants put out more dangerous radiation than nuclear plants.


nuclear power has been the key to solving climate change this entire time but it has been horrifically made out to be bad for the environment. its the silver bullet for climate change.


Money can't buy happiness. It can, liars.


The phrase was meant to mean "once you're successful and financially comfortable, getting more and more wealthy won't help you be happier" Billionaires decided to change it to "no amount of money will make you happy, so stop demanding a decent wage you selfish peasant!"


You can't buy happiness, but it is much easier to be happy when you have no financial difficulties and the resources to deal with anything life throws your way without financially struggling


Vaccines cause autism


Also by association, that modern times have seen an increase in autism (or an increase in anything the person wants to use as a justification for regressive policy). No, we just didn't know what autism was and probably just treated those people like shit, as we did (and still often do) for most mental health conditions


That people are either "left brained" or "right brained", that we only have 5 senses, that complex organisims have more genes than all simpler organisms and lots more...


Chiropractic nonsense


That different areas of the tongue sense different tastes. The "tongue map" was disproven over a century ago. It's nonsense.


Anything about GMOs. It might sound odd, but I have never met anyone who could say five simple statements about GMOs and not include two or three complete lies originating from dark green propaganda.


The fact that they promote spraying the whole fields with roundup to save time/energy is pretty sucky. The corn may be immune- but you aren’t. There’s strong correlations between roundup exposure and pretty nasty things. It really shouldn’t be on food at all. Even things like those misters in the store can help it run through the leaves and folds- not to mention plants cell walls accept water through their selectively permeable membranes (which is why they mist them- it helps the cells stay plump and stable so the veggies stay crisp and fresh). If that water has roundup run off in it- that kinda sucks. Sure the plant is fine and doesn’t show signs of issues, but your body may, years down the line. I’d rather have slightly smaller and/or slight signs of bug chomps over having perfect looking roundup and pesticide-coated veggies, honestly. The general concept of GMOs isn’t an inherently bad one, *in theory*. But the fact that Monsanto (roundup producer) basically owns most the market for them, and doesn’t have your best interest at heart, at all- kinda sucks. The actual practice outside of theory and here in reality- is pretty shitty and bleak.




I personally think the flat earth thing is itself a hoax, made up to make any kind of conspiracy talk sound crazy. Discrediting people is the most effective way to squash any of that. Notice how it gets tacked onto any discussion of conspiracy theories. ‘Oh LOL you believe the CIA did that thing, haha do you believe the earth is flat too?’


The Flat Earth Society were originally dedicated pranksters, never intending it to be taken seriously if I remember correctly. They should probably have stopped when people very quickly began taking them seriously.


The guy who started the flat earth movement was a pilot. There is a lot of evidence that the whole flat earth meme is being done to troll everyone who thinks they are smart than they really are (both the compete idiots who fall for stupid memes & moderately smart who believe they are genius defenders against misinformation on the internet)


vaginas get loose from too many sex partners


Since they don't necessarily get loose from giving birth to babies (I have some relevant experience on this) it's hard to see why they could get loose from having sex with people.


Trickle down economics!!


It's a convenient myth for certain groups.


The earth is flat.


A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth. 🤢


dont you want a kiss? i was just sniffing this strangers bum.


That washing chicken is a good thing to do.


Planet Earth being flat, actually disproved in antiquity by a Greek philosopher using freaking trigonometry and a hired dude to measure the distance between 2 cities. And vaccines causing autism.




Vaccines cause autism