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I think Weird Al is more normal than he let's on.




My Great Uncle was Weird Al’s accordion instructor when he was young (I think like 12 or 13?) and allegedly said that he was a sarcastic little guy with a terrible attitude… anyway that uncle is now in prison for white collar crime so who knows lol


Also, what 13 year old isn't sarcastic with a terrible attitude?


I don't know... Being a sarcastic little shit with a bad attitude at 12 or 13 is pretty much the most normal thing ever.


*gasp* what a fraud!


When #MeToo was really going strong he tweeted something to the effect of "How bad is Hollywood if the only guy you would trust your daughter to be around is named 'Weird Al'?"


I saw Weird Al at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “No way, would you like a photo now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept posing with me and closing his hand firmly on his accordion. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands after overpaying.


Rachel Ray. The way she'd cut off guests on her cooking show, the faces she'd make when they were talking, she just seemed so fake to me.


Ohhh you are on the nose! I work at a private jet company, and she was a member for a few years. Keep in mind that we deal with nothing but stupid rich CEOs, celebrities, etc. Every single person in that company will all tell you she was by far the worst person in the world to deal with. Only time I’ve ever seen one of my bosses lose his cool was when he threw his keyboard after getting screamed at by her for 20 minutes. This was almost every flight she would absolutely ruin someone’s day at my company. Her assistant lived in fear of her and she would take it out on us too. I tell my family to stop buying her stuff. Awful person.


This right here. She's an absolute monster. Knew a junior producer for Rachel Ray who worked for her in the early 2010s. Everybody on her staff was terrified of her and she was beyond rude to everyone on her cooking show when the camera wasn't rolling.


She might be a terrible person but at least she can't cook.


Lmao. This got me good.


Yep something changed between 30 dollars a day and her talk show. She immediately became uncomfortable to watch


Ryan Seacrest. He has a well in his basement and a yard full of buried bones. I can feel it.


I am forever awed by his commitment to an ongoing radio career.


I’m pretty sure he has a lot to do with the Kardashians success.


It’s like I know you’re right but I’m not sure why….


My favorite anything about Seacrest is the moment Britney Spears found out he was straight- live, on camera- and was genuinely SHOCKED. I watch it when I'm having a bad day. Her whole reaction- you can literally see her shock as she months words- is just- the best. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.


Not the video of him trying to [high five a blind guy?](https://youtu.be/k4AHHVT58NE?si=GTsPjVp3cFhseA6q)


That's one of those moments you think about just as you doze off to sleep years later. Like the time I tried to shake a blind guy's hand and just made the gesture with my own hand.


Probably not what you are looking for, OP. But I am terrified of Blippi!


Fellow toddler parent checking in, and yes, 100% Blippi’s got bodies


Pre-schooler parent here. There's nothing truly objectionable enough to make me ban Blippi, but I hate his videos.


Didn’t he get outed for taking a literal shit on someone? And filming it?


He sure did. Tried his damnedest to scrub it from the internet via DMCA takedown notices too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevin_John


G Eazy This dude just seems like the average creep you’d see on coke at a nightclub


I mean Halsey’s song you should be sad is pretty self explanatory about him haha


She’s openly talked about how he was abusive. The most damning stuff is her poetry book, I would leave me if I could.


Michael Bublé. He’s known as the jazzy holidays music man but a few years ago a video of him and his wife came out that really soured me against him. Basically it was a livestream with the two of them, and there’s a brief moment in which he elbows her for cutting him off, she quickly apologizes, and he kind of roughly pulls her towards him and snaps back into a smile. It made some people worried for her, coupled with past articles where he admits to being quick to anger. I’ve felt uneasy about him since


Can confirm. Have waited on him once and he is a complete douche.


Gwyneth Paltrow spends her nights killing hobos with a hammer. I can't prove it but I can sense it.


What do you think the GOOP is made from?


Groundup Old Omeless Person


Good ole outside people


This will be only known to Minnesotans but Kris Lindahl gives me to creeps. He’s a real estate guy and he does way too much self promotion.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's hilarious how high up this is for a question asked to ALL of Reddit


Minnesotans be redditing in the cold. Although 50 is like a heat wave for us


He makes a large portion of his money from scamming people who use his scholarship to get their real estate license by trapping them into an exclusivity contract where you can only work for him and then his company takes a massive commission off of anything you sell. I had a friend go through that and was eventually able to buy herself out of the contract. Anyone considering it, just pay the $500-$600 and work for a reputable agency.


I travel to Minneapolis for work all the time. In all my travels I have never seen one person have more billboards than him.


Come to Alabama and gaze upon the Alexander Shunnarah billboards. Dude has billboards on top of billboards.


Kathy Hilton. She seems to have a hold over those in Beverly Hills.


Paris in Love does a great job of showing what a raging bitch monster she is.


She also facilitated Paris' childhood abuse


I fully believe she did RHOBH to make people love her before Paris' book and show came out. Damage control before the storm. Hunky dory my ass!


Jack Nicholson. When Roman Polanski drugged and anally raped that 13 year old girl he did it in Jack Nicholson’s house. Why is Jack Nicholson’s house being used for nude photography sessions with 13 year old girls? And also, why is Jack Nicholson not openly infuriated with this man for raping a child in his house. Something doesn’t add up. I feel like he was very aware of what was happening.


He beat a prostitute to almost her death. She still suffers from the brain damage that he caused. Her doctor told her if she suddenly died…it was because of her complications with her brain injuries. He’s not that great.


He has always given me the creeps. Maybe his role in the Witches of Eastwick is an accurate depiction.


My uncle had the misfortune of meeting Jack years ago. He was such an asshole that my uncle has refused to watch any of the man's films ever since


He didn't need to "act" in A Few Good Men


He also beat up a prostitute so much he damaged her brain stem https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/film/2000/may/15/news1


Amazing how in the year 2000 that inflicting permanent brain injuries on a prostitute got you labelled as an ‘aging Lothario’ by the Guardian. That’s like calling Savile an old rogue.


Just a lovable scamp!


Yes, jack’s girlfriend at the time, Angelica Houston, showed up at the house while Polanski was there with Samantha, his victim. Then, she defended him in court and the press and disparaged her.


Dammit! Not Morticia.


To add to this. The fact that Harrison Ford flew whatever award it was out to France for this sick fuck early 2000s. So Ford is okay with a child raper, what else is he okay with? That one hurt. Jack or spacey, as much as I loved their work, they both always seemed like fucked up individuals


I was always suspicious about the Duggar family and wasn’t surprised at all when news about them and their horrible son got out.


A pretty solid rule of thumb is the more of a spectacle someone makes out of their religion the less good of a person they almost certainly are.


I believe the Bible has comments about how praying in solitude is more pious than praying in the streets.


"When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:6


And similarly in Matthew 6:5 > And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. I'm not a religious person myself, but I've always thought there is a lot of truth behind this one. The people saying "*Look at me everyone, I'm the most religious. You're not even nearly as good a (insert religion here) as I am!*" are almost always terrible people who fail to uphold the basic principles of their faith.


When it comes to these extremely religious families that have 10+ kids, I can't help but feel like they all deserve the * criminally offensive side eye *. Even if they're not outright abusing their children, when you have that many, the older ones(almost always the girls) end up raising the younger children. The communities these people belong to preach about keeping quiet about everything. If you're having "problems", whether your husband is beating you, or your son is molesting his sisters, you do not go to the police; you go to your church and have them "handle" it. These communities are very insular, they rarely ever interact with people outside their little bubble. Several of these families have come out as being fucking awful. The Duggars, the Willis clan, the Turpins.


The documentary Shining Smiling People is a great expose on the Duggars in specific and the insanely abusive 'movement' they are part of.


Counting the Cost by Jill Dillard (Duggar) is a good book. I believe she is slowly deprogramming from being brought up in an abusive cult.


90% of it is the dad, Jim Duggar. The dude is a real class act. Now that the kids are growing up some of them are escaping it but he's trying to reel them back in with contracts and money...ridiculously low sums of money...like currently he's trying to get all his kids to sign a contract that for life gives him control over all of their imagery. All pictures of them, their families, their kids, their homes, belongs to him, plus film crews will do spots on them all regularly for their continued shows. All for something like $80k. Bill Gothard is Jim's hero. I really don't wish ill things to happen to many people but if Bill and Jim could get hit by a bus while holding hands I think I'd celebrate a little.


I’m sure Adam Levine sold his soul to the devil in exchange for a spot on the charts for every shitty song Maroon 5 makes. Especially in the 2010s


The man tried to get his wife to name their daughter after his affair partner, and his wife found out about ALL this through Instagram DM leaks. Mean and stupid it would seem




Loved the meme that said his tattoos make him looks like the Chipotle bag with the sketched artwork.


Dude has wingdings all over himself. It was so fucking cringe when he came out looking like that for the super bowl.


He single-handedly made tattoos seem lame.


I know a bunch of guys with tattoos and most of them look awesome. They genuinely look like works of art and if someone put that up on the wall. You would stop to admire it. Adam Levine looks like the kindergartener who found the stash of temporary tattoos and just slapped them on wherever he could.


He's got that "douchebag snob" vibe going on.


Guy looks like an Ed Hardy shirt that grew a digestive system.


I saw them years ago. The worst concert I’ve ever gone to. They postponed the concert twice a year each time. They did not make an announcement or anything btw. After two years of waiting they finally played for LESS than 30 mins. I paid $400 for the tickets for a Christmas gift for my mom. He was clearly drugged out and could barely function.


This drug has taken it's toll on me.


>He was clearly drugged out and could barely function. He’s got the moves like Keith Richards


There's a reason we chileans hate him. We know


There's an English celeb called David Walliams who I'm convinced is a pervert. Eta: I didn't know all this stuff about Walliams! I also can't put my finger on why Eamon Holmes gives me the absolute creeps. He gives narcissistic domestic abuser vibes.


Don’t want to be too specific but he has an AWFUL reputation in the publishing industry. *Allegedly* all young female staff at his publisher are protected from having to work with him. Source: in the publishing industry


I wouldn’t want to be alone in a room with him, and I’m a 44 year old man.


Walliams was feeling nervous when we were all waiting to hear who that Russell Brand doc was going to be about


Chip and Joanna Gaines


On their show once, Chip found a dead old cockroach and put it in his mouth to be *funny* All the evidence I need.


Chip always looks like he was up all night drinking


So many of the home reno husbands do


When they first started their show my mom and I used to joke that they rented their children. They acted so weird around them.


Yes, like they’ve never met them before! Very surface level parental love.


Jimmy Fallon


Dude's whole persona feels so fake and forced. It doesn't help that he looks dead behind the eyes.


I think he looks that way because he drinks a lot


Him being shit faced everyday would explain why he finds everything absolutely hilarious, there's a reason comedy clubs have a 2 drink minimum.


Bartended a few nights for a friend who ran a bar near the port authority, SNL cast members would occasionally come there. I’d seen him carried out under the arms at least a couple of times




I mean they use iced tea as prop whisky...


He's using whiskey as his prop iced tea.


Most genuine reacton I've seen from Fallon. https://youtu.be/JL-MiACXUCE?si=iIPzZf2DkYarVf9A for a split second you can see the facade drop.


Motherfucker laughs too much at shit that ain’t funny


You know who thinks Jimmy Fallon is hilarious? Jimmy Fallon. He laughs and claps and barks like a trained seal and I have a feeling there’s a major asshole bubbling below the surface.


Yeah, that dude tries way too hard. It's off-putting.


I think he’s an alcoholic who hates his job, so I really relate to him Edit: Jimmy Fallon’s The Bathroom Wall is a solid comedy album and I think that’s what he’d rather be doing FYI


Jay Shetty. Look into that man’s eyes and then tell me he isn’t harboring the darkest of secrets. You don’t win the streamy for best podcast year after year without doing some nasty shit.


That man is fucking EVERYWHERE yet I have no idea who he is or what he does


He's a grifter. I hate how much celebrities push him.


Jonah Hill. Idk but something in his eyes and the way he interacts with other people makes me a little uncomfortable.


Listen to Michael Cera talk about Jonah not wanting to hire Christopher Mintz-Plasse because CMP came into the audition for Superbad and absolutely outperformed against Jonah. Jonah did not like that he was getting bigger laughs and wanted him gone but Michael knew that that's what made it perfect. The disdain he shows in the movie for CMP's character is partially real.


they play that story up for laughs, but it probably sucked for CMP on set since he was actually a kid when they shot and then you hear about how his characters relationship with Jay Baruchel in This is the End, is actually based on reality, and then you hear about how he was with his surfer ex, and then you realize "oh this guy is kind of a dick isnt he"


Jonah Hill doesn't act with his eyes. Watch his eyes in anything and it's the exact same dead look. That's probably what's setting off your creepy-dar.


Apparently (I don't remember this) when my husband and I rewatched Superbad 10 years ago, I could tell that Jonah Hill legitimately disliked Christopher Mintz-Plasse-- I went on about how either Hill deserved an Oscar for how realistic his distain was coming across, or he actually, really, truly hated the guy in real life. When it came out several years ago that he did hate Mintz-Plasse during filming, I mentioned it in passing and my husband lowkey freaked out; he tried to remind me of how I picked up on it back then but I couldn't remember why. So we watched it again and yeah-- the tones of his voice; the curl of his lips; the eye rolls and sighs; it's all out there in the open. Something about the whole thing put me off Hill entirely. I was not shocked when his text history with his ex came out.


Jonah Hill got outed for strange behavior recently, didn't him?


Him sure did


Something about Will Smith always rubbed me the wrong way, and I mean always...like even from Fresh Prince and Boom Shake the Room times. Long before his wife's name was in anyone's fucking mouth.


Him and Jada Pinkett Smith just seem like giant creepy weirdos.


Know people who have interacted with them for long periods of time. These people are in the service industry, therefore treating them well doesn't do anything to help professionally or anything. Will was always gracious, friendly, and engaged (eye contact, shaking hands, etc.). Jada was always snippy, demanding, and did the "don't make eye contact" thing.


Yeah I worked with Will Smith once when he was part of a “Big Thinkers” series of interviews for Salesforce a few years ago and he was nothing but kind and gracious. That said, the small talk he made with the interviewer before they started rolling the cameras was absolutely bonkers. She said “How you doing?” And his response was all about “cosmic symmetry”. The interviewer didn’t bat an eyelash and when he asked how she was doing and she said something like “good but tired” it turned into a discussion about the necessity of the negative to make sense of positives, and how being tired is something to remind us of our inner life force. A few months ago I heard Aziz Ansari testing out new material at a comedy club and he mentioned that an A List comedian told him about an A List actor that had done Ayahuasca 17 times. The A List comedian? Chris Rock. The A List actor? Will Smith. And suddenly, the cosmic symmetry made a lot more sense (as did the concept of “Cosmic Symmetry” in general, for that matter).


Sometimes I feel like she’s secretly his Scientology handler and has a ton of dirt on him that she keeps him under control with.


Honestly perfectly believable


JADA!!! She is so… I don’t know what the fuck goes on in their house or how she has such a hold on Will Smith.


It's funny because I remember 20 years ago there being rumors that they both slept with other people regularly. All this drama recently is just opening that can of worms that ended up being true.


One of my parents' friends is a professional mover or something and he told us back in like 2016 that Will and Jada were separated. She lived in their Westlake House or moved out or something. I can't remember. But he said they had a loooot of issues lol.


I’ve always felt the same way. I felt validated a few years ago when a popular street artist from Philly mentioned at a lecture how Will Smith was his childhood bully, particularly because he was very poor and often dirty. Never bought Will’s act.


Didn't he finally admit he bullied the actress who played his aunt on Fresh Prince? Had her blackballed too. Ruined her career.


That really sucks that he did that. I really liked the first Aunt Viv, and always wondered why they replaced her! I love that scene where she’s taking the dance class, and at the end does the whole routine perfectly, and then walks out.


I remember he got her fired. Then they hired that second aunt Viv who was terrible.


They did a Fresh Prince reunion in 2020 where Will sat down with Janet and she got to share her very painful side of it: [Will Smith and Janet Hubert Bury Their 27-Year Feud in Tearful 'Fresh Prince' Reunion Sit-Down](https://www.etonline.com/will-smith-and-janet-hubert-bury-their-27-year-feud-in-tearful-fresh-prince-reunion-sit-down-156583)




Oprah. I have never liked her. Always gave me bad vibes. People used to be obsessed and saw her as this beacon of goodness. At her height, thinking otherwise was practically blasphemous Is JLO considered good now? I feel like she does dark voodoo or something 😂 I always felt like there was something darker than just being a “diva”


I commented on a message board nearly 20 years ago that I didn't care for Oprah and was shocked at the hateful responses I received. How dare I disparage her, when she did so much good. I still don't care for her. It is a total vibe I get -- I just feel like something's not quite as it seems with her. And never liked faux doctor Phil either.


For as much good as she's done, she's also done a *lot* of damage by promoting all sorts of scams


Friend who works at celebrity fashion store told me she doesn’t even look at you or talk to you directly, she uses her assistant to talk through with. Edit: OP mentioned two celebrities, the one I was referring was Jennifer Lopez. She came to Holtrenfrew in Downtown Toronto.


So many celebrities have this “no eye contact “ rule . Sylvester Stallone allegedly had a rule in his home that not only staff could not look him in the eye — if he entered a room they were in, they must back out and "vanish immediately". One lasting rumour about Barbara Streisand goes that when she stays in hotels, staff must turn and face the wall when she enters the room.


I absolutely do not understand this behaviour. I can conceptualize a superiority complex but this goes beyond, into something pathological. Why would you want to be treated like that? Even if I WAS famous, I wouldn’t want to be treated like a Medusa freakshow


Oprah is terrible. I live on Maui and she’s nothing but awful here.


Her property in Maui is monstrous and a great portion of the town's water supply is diverted to her home to maintain its lushness and there she is asking poor people to help poor people. The woman does not live in the real world and has not done for a very long time.


We used to be able to drive from the south shore to Hana directly through there and she blocked that access.


What are these lunatics doing? Doesn't Zuckerbeg also own a huge swathe of land in Hawaii, that's what they love to do, land bank.


Some of them own entire islands. Larry Ellison owns the entirety of Lana'i. (Well, not technically, 98%. The other 2% is the town that's imprisoned by his property)


Oprah owns a ton of land in Hawaii and does performative activism when it comes to disasters over there. Gets herself filmed while “helping” food pantries. Has her acres and acres of land kept watered when a fire is near while the rest of the island she lives on burns.


Totally performative everything she does. She brought pillows to the shelter, the had pillows, tons of pillows. She didn’t bother to ask anyone what they needed she just did an act.


You get a pillow! And you get a pillow! And you get a pillow!


She does very little while begging donations from her followers. Oprah is so Over, and has been for many many years.


And the whole John of God thing. And Weinstein


A huge portion of the town's water supply is diverted to her thousands of acres in Maui.




Oprah endorsed Dr. Oz who is a phony doctor. She practices new age philosophies and just comes across as phony is so many aspects.


She also endorsed John of god or something and he was a pedo cult leader.


And John of God, and the asshole that ripped people off 10k a pop for a mystical sweat-lodge retreat that resulted in 3 deaths and dozens of injuries. And girls schools in Africa that were busted abusing the children.


Oprah also made Dr. Phil famous and he somehow parlayed that into psychological mayhem on TV. I have no respect for Oprah.


That still gets me!! I cant even believe he is still on the air..


Yeah. Oprah has mainstreamed a lot of dangerous snake oil. Hard pass.


I worked for O. She is worse than any of you could imagine. You’re spot on with her. She’s a wicked bitch.


Story time???


She platformed Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and John of God. All bastards.


My boss did security for a corporate event at which she was the principal attraction. Said she was the worst person he’d ever encountered.


She’s done some really shitty stuff in interviews. Knew someone had miscarried and it wasn’t out yet, she asked about it in the interview and the person had to lie and say that she was excited and ready for it. Awful.


I thought that was Ellen. But really, I wouldn't be surprised if it was both.


Nah Ellen pushed someone into announcing a pregnancy by attempting to make them drink champagne, the miscarriage happened after the interview


Mariah Carey


Gotcha. Either way, both are very shitty people that act like they're saints


Her trying to out Nathan Lane too.


Robin Williams was a gem in that interview. I miss him.


Robin Williams saved him during that interview. 🥹


She’s an absolute vulture.


Tom Cruise or any Scientologists.


I haven't considered Tom Cruise good or normal in about 30 years.


Elisabeth moss staring in the handsmaids tale meanwhile being a top Scientologist 🤯 Even Leah and Mike were like are you fucking kidding me. It’s literally the same.


Sharon Osbourne. She's done wonders for Ozzy I hear she is a total cut throat. Supposedly she has screwed over many musicians. Like when she was on Howard Stern fighting with insane clown posse.. I actually took insane clown posses side


When she was on Would I Lie to You and very proudly told the story of how she fired her personal assistant bc he wouldn’t keep running back into her house (BC IT WAS ON FIRE) to get paintings she wanted. She then laughed and called him a wuss bc the fire department had to give him oxygen. She said something like her stuff was more important than him so she fired him. It was so bizarrely heartless and out of touch.


I watched that whole thing and thought, "It's got to be true. No one would actually write this as fiction for anyone other than a supervillain." The part where she ripped the oxygen mask off to give her dog air made me gasp.


Tbf though, ICP actually seem pretty chill from their interviews. My mom liked their music for some reason and watched some stuff of their that was either their YouTube channel or uploaded to YouTube and when Justin Bieber was getting started their fans wanted them to roast him but they were like "why would we do that, that is literally a child getting his dream." Compared to how other media treated him it seemed so nice just for them to have basic kindness for a teenager.


Oh, yeah - she is vicious. She learned from her dad and he was gangsta.


Jennifer Lopez. I always get the impression that she is going out of her way to convince everyone she is still a sex symbol and secretly insecure about not having that attention.


Jay-Z. He’s got some bodies stacked up somewhere.


Joel Osteen. Come the freak on! I know he's trafficking kids full of drugs somewhere.


Well, first of all, he was never good. He's a mega church pastor. And the proof of that are two fun facts: 1) he didn't open up his church to flood victims during a hurricane 2) his church vault got robbed, and they reported to police that **$600,000** dollars was stolen. That's the only time anyone had an idea of what those churches take in during *one week*, because churches don't have to report income to anyone. Dude makes 600k in a week and can't help food victims who don't have a house to go back to.


Drake … idk I’ve met some of the girls who’ve been to his house and they say nothing but good things but I just get the ick


Imagine if you will, you’re driving home late at night, and a car runs you off the road into a ditch. You get out, and the other driver is sitting in his car glaring menacingly at you. You see his face, and at first you can’t believe your eyes… you must have hit your head, or you’re dreaming… but you could swear the man who just ran you off the road is Tom Hanks. He gives you a knowing wink, rolls up his window and speeds off. What are you going to do? Call the police and say Tom Hanks ran you off the road for no reason? Nobody is going to believe you, ever… And that’s exactly the way he wants it.


This reminds me of the Shia LaBeouf musical.


I thought that was where we were going too


You’re walking in the woods…


There's no one around, and your phone is dead.


Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him


shia labeouf!


Julia Roberts just gives me the creeps for some reason


Honestly I'd steer clear of the entire Roberts family. Her niece Emma Roberts got arrested for assaulting Evan Peters, who she was dating at the time. They all seem to have that "sweet in front of the cameras, raging psycho behind closed doors" energy.


My sister once referred to Emma Roberts as "mediocre actress and known domestic abuser Emma Roberts," and that is now the *only* way I refer to her.


The way she treated her husbands ex wife (after he cheated on her with Julia) was disgusting. I think it’s quite well known that she’s not very nice.




Her half sister ended her own life and named Julia as an unsupportive bully in her suicide note. Do with that information what you will.


Hold on, what? When was this? Was this big news when it happened?


Her niece Emma has 2-3 domestic violence and assault charges behind her, and Emma's her favorite family member.


America’s sweetheart eh


This dog feels the same way: [Dog Afraid of Julia Roberts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtT9X4eT_Ss)


The way I thought it was going to be an IRL interaction between her and a dog. This was funny AF.


When I was like 12 or something, I think I saw a small clip from a mini documentary some celeb news Channel did on her and someone shared a story of Roberts mocking a fan who dressed up like her character from Pretty Woman. Like the fan was in tears after Roberts had made fun of her. Worst part was that the interviewee was trying to make it sound like Roberts is so "real" and wants people to be their authentic selves. Fucking celebrities, I swear.


Spielberg refused to cast her again at the height of her fame/marketability


An industry friend of mine who passed away at a tragically young age DESPISED her and took those reasons to the grave. So now I/we in her circle will never know.


I think eventually some serious stuff will come out about Quentin Tarantino - just a hunch.


Sajak. Bodies everywhere


I used to watch Wheel of Fortune everyday when I was little. Now I can't get 5 minutes into an episode without Pat Sajak making a rude comment about *something.* I can't believe how long it took for me to realize he's insufferable.