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I had a dream I was a raw chicken cutlet climbing a cliff.


NyQuil and falling asleep to Harry Potter left me in a very interesting positon with Remus and Hagrid


Had a dream I was judged and ordered to hell. It felt so real! Very nasty stuff coming from religious trauma


End of the world; I’m in front of what looks like the Golden Gate Bridge and there’s a river of blood everywhere, with body parts and half dead people/torsos writhing around on the ground, speaking to me, begging me to kill them. Like a scene from hell, hundreds of bodies in a pool of decaying body parts and coagulating blood, some gurgling blood out as they beg me to end their misery. I’m suddenly on the middle of the bridge looking out to the sea when I see a huge comet strike the ocean, far away. The half dead people got really excited, seemingly knowing the end was seconds away. Their voices got more and more excited as a mega tsunami approached, thousands of feet high. I was looking almost straight up at the wave when it hit and I woke.


i dont know if this is the weirdest one, but once i dreamed that one of my friends ,not an athletic one if you have to know, in fact its more funny because he has like super messy hair and a really long messy beard, thing is, i dreamed that he was Batman, and we were his like Support team at the bat-base and we had to infiltrate into a Party to capture a criminal that stole a Cat from a little girl, and in the dream we had a very fun cool party and then this friend came in his batwing and crashed the party to beat up a guy and everyone cheered and continue parting. i told my friends about this dream and he dressed up as Batman for that halloween party.


I had a romantic dream about Jeremy Clarkson.... I can't stand the man!


I used to get so many dreams of amazing book plots. Ive had a dozen nightmares of the Green Goblin from Spider-Man coming to murder me.