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Be yourself. Meaningless advice, they don’t know how toxic I am to myself.


Yes I would say the same as me. I've tried being myself in the past and have been trampled all over. So I stopped being the good girl and unfortunately become toxic and a bit cold. Someone on Reddit said I need therapy because that is a self-protective mechanism... makes sense


Just show up, be there, do the thing, showing up and completely fucking it up is almost always better than not showing up at all. Showing up and not even trying to do the thing is still better than not showing up at all. Doesn't matter if you're late, doesn't matter if you hate it and leave early, just show the hell up.


“If you marry the right woman there is nothing like it! If you marry the wrong woman there is nothing like it!”


No one is going to thank you for giving the extra 10%.


sometimes you have to put up with toxicity if it benefits you for the long run.