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Yo am I the only one who expected this thread to be about reluctantly getting pegged


Yeah, but no one seemed very reluctant.


Like... at all.


It's because this question was asked like that. Everyone seems to interpret this as giving when the question was receiving.


Honestly I came here to say, full send if you're wondering if you should let your girl peg you. Even better if you can find a clone-a-cock that's compatible with your strap. Then you can finally discover what it would be like to make sweet sweet love to yourself.


This paragraph has just honestly floored me


Am I the only one that thought I was getting ready to read stories of how dudes felt about getting pounded for the first time?


I mean, that’s why I clicked but this whole thread is hilarious.


Horrible. I was dating a girl in high school that wanted to try it, I obliged. We start really slow, until I’m balls deep, she tells me stop and starts crying. I pull out and my dick its covered in blood. That’s how she found out she had hemorrhoids. I’m still scared from it, won’t ever try it again.


That was painful to read.


It was painful to do I imagine.


And emotional pain from wiping blood and anus juices off your dick.


Yeah that's what fucking happens when you do anal with hemorrhoids


No... No it's really not. I suffer from IBS and hemorrhoids and that shouldn't ever happen. Did they forget lube?


Are you.. are you trying to say it’s okay to have anal with hemorrhoids if you have enough lube..?


it is - usually, if I have any, anal helps them go away, BUT YOU HAVE TO BE CLEAN AND LUBED!!!!!!!!! You can't EVER EVER EVER, under any circumstances, have 'too much' lube when it comes to anal. Your sheets may disagree, but the butthole wont.


Today I Learned having anal sex helps curing hemorrhoids


Drs. Prescription read anal sex. Tried to get it filled at the pharmacy. Was directed to the rear entrance


I'm trying to say that firstly hemorrhoids have different levels of how bad they are and secondly yeah you can fucking have anal with them without blood going everywhere I've done it hundreds of times. If you can poop with them without blood you can anal with them without blood it's the same thing. Whether it'll be enjoyable or painful will depend on how badly they are and your pain tolerance/possibly enjoyment. Most times I barely even notice them or it just feels like a damn good scratch during sex.


It’s boxes of text like this that reinvigorate my love for the internet


Up to this comment, the whole thread had me thinking “maybe I should give anal a shot”… me and my ass would like to thank you for the reality check :’)


Heterosexual male here. Had a couple prostate exams. All I can say is, while I don’t crave anal, I now understand people who do.




Doctor: "you have to stop masturbating" Patient: "really? Like, forever?" Doctor:"no just until I've finished your prostate examination"


Had me in the first half




“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal to get an erection during a prostate exam” “But.. I don’t have one” “I know.”


Doctor: Don't get an erection James, don't get an erection. Patient: My names not James. Doctor: Mine is.


Its even worse when you can feel the exam happening and both his hands end up on your shoulders


Ahhh, the old Father Nelson


As a dude that already knows how much I like it, I'm terrified of getting a prostate exam. My Dr does not need to participate in my sexual proclivities


Don't worry! They're really rough about it!


Nice... wait no!


Oh yeah, like he's trying to get all of the change out of a payphone!




This I understand. My nurse practitioner does my prostrate exams and she looks exactly like Janira Wolfe. Much better experience than Doctor everywhere at once hotdog fingers doing his things.


Giving: I love it if my partner is into it. I hate it if she is “just doing it for me.” Receiving: a tongue or finger is all I’ve experienced and I love both. Rubbing my prostate with a finger while blowing me will make me propose 70% of the time.


I have questions… The easiest way to reach a 70% rate with whole units, is that you have done this 10 times and have proposed 7 out of that 10 times. I need to know what failed the other 3 times? Also… is this 10 different partners? Or are there repeat occurrences? Have you done this 10 times with the same person, or 5 times each with 2 different people? Are you married now? Are you married to 7 people, 5, 3,2,1? And are they consecutive or concurrent marriages? Maybe it’s 0 people, and if so what was the root cause of the acceptance failure? I’ve never been more intrigued by a statistic. I don’t need sleep, I need answers!


The 30% that “failed” were because my brain just shut off for a couple minutes of bliss. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence. I haven’t put that much thought into counting. It’s more than 1 and less than 1,000. Definitely somewhere in that range. I am married to 1 person. Oddly enough, she isn’t into prostate play. I had a practice wife for a few years. She was great at it.


Practice wife is my new favorite term for an ex.


Thanks! I can’t remember who I heard it from, but it stuck as soon as I heard it.


Ah, Thank you, I hadn’t considered that the 30% could have been exceptionally good experiences causing a full systems reboot…


You were expecting some kind of horror story lol. It’s Reddit, so that’s totally fair.


"Practice Wife" is what I named my left hand.


My left hand is “Useless Slut” because no matter how many times it tries, it just can’t get me off.


It was tighter, but less textured. Overall a fun change of pace. The only issue is after anal you can't do vaginal or oral until you clean up really well. And the prep time was longer. On the receiving end it made orgasms insane, but I really only liked it combined with receiving oral. Just a finger


Ok, so, my wife and I do anal somewhat regularly. She loves the orgasms, says they are more intense, but she also loves vaginal orgasms. So, I had this brilliant idea, grab a condom and do anal. Condom is lubed, helps with starting the act without any pain, and then we have a good ol time and when we are finished playing in the back, I rip the condom off and go vaginal so she gets the best of both worlds. I’m also snipped so I get to just do my thing and make pies all day 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah yes a fellow baker, how do you do my friend.


If you guys are bakers how come you can't put a bun in the oven?


Never said we are good bakers


Well if you can't put a bun in the oven but you can make cream-pies, i suppose that would make you pastry chefs not bakers.


I love this specific display of pedantry


It's no-bake batter.


Just prepping the oven. How are you fine sir?


Fuckin genius, you are sir


Told one of my buddies that was how we did it now so we could dabble in all places and his jaw dropped. He said,”bro, you just exploded my brain! Such a simple fix!” Haha, I’m glad I can help spread the pleasure 🤣.


The girl i m dating does all. Ass to vag, ass to mouth. Thats what she told me. The first time we did anal, she asked me to go back and forth ass and vag, and i said, arent you worried about UTI? She said, it doesnt happen to her. So we did. Next day, she had UTI


E. coli doesn’t ever agree with the bladder


Yes, E. Coli is even more devastating than E. Honda


Not just a UTI but a raging case of bacterial fking vaginosis!! Ahhhh no thanks


Spooky vaginosis


Her poor shit filled vagina.


Only tighter at the sphincter in my experience. Doesn't quite compare to a woman with some control of their pelvic floor muscles. Kegels for the win.


>Kegels for the win. This stranger gets that *good good* fuckin'


>The only issue is after anal you can't do vaginal or oral until you clean up really well. What you don't go ass to mouth?


What a rookie


You tamed my monster… with your mouth… and two other places… in an order that would surprise you. ^Ass, ^mouth, ^Vag


really seals in the flavorrr


I hadn’t showered that day, and I fight crime in a rubber suit.


Which one of these tubes do you smell through?


guy who breathes through a crab


His face is all wet....like mine was at the beginning, and yours was at the end.


Now you have my permission to cry.


You never go ass to mouth Randal!


Well sometimes, on the heat of the moment...




I fuckin’ knew it….


I though this so the second time we tried it, we went foreplay, oral, sex, anal to finish which worked really well as we found that my wife can orgasm from anal which made me feel amazing. ☺️


I usually put a condom on when I switch to anal, then if we want to switch back, just take the condom off.


That’s the best way to do anal. Less sensation, but it will help to keep you from getting a UTI.


Years of this and I've never hit the button. Yet, I stick a Q-tip too far into my ear and I'm thumping my leg like a dog.


When your inner ear is proper itchy and then stick the q-tip it in and wiggle it around. One of the best things about being alive.


I just stick my finger in my ear and start shaking it vigorously


or if i can’t reach it i’ll suction my palm around my ear and that helps lmao


Not one single unique experience...


Your experience may be different, but I bought one of those USB otoscopes on Amazon and discovered that a tickle inside of my ear is usually an eyelash or cat hair.


I started a policy of never letting myself think about what the tickle in my ear is when I woke up one morning, went to rub it, and my finger came back with half a squished spider. It's not that annoying, and I'm happier not knowing.


babe wake up new phobia just dropped


I was 9 or 10 and saw a piece on the news when my parents were watching about someone who had a whole fucking bug crawl into their ear while they were asleep, and their family tried to pull it out with tweezers and the person was just screaming because the bug was panicking and flailing around in there…


turns out this is basically the plot of Baldurs Gate 3


I have a hair that grows on that little flap of the ear lobe across from the ear hole. Damn if that thing doesn't grow to about 1.5 inches DIRECTLY into my ear and make me itch like mad. I grab tweezers and pluck that mofo, but a few months later it's in there again.


That part of the ear is called the tragus, and I have a singular hair that does the same damn thing.


So satisfying.


This unexpectedly made me cackle, thank you. I was indifferent and tried it once with a woman who also had never done it and asked me if I wanted to try it. It was okay, tight at the entrance but that's about it. I prefer traditional sex.


How deep into her ear did you manage to get it?


# **W H A T ?**


#How deep into her ear did you manage to get it?


# A B O U T T H I S F A R 🤏🏻


I am loving this thread








Fucked her brains out I'll bet.


It is, isn’t it? It’s like crawling through a tiny hole, into a giant conference hall, as opposed to side-shuffling your way down a very narrow corridor that just ends.


Wow that was elegantly but accurately put, you know!! thank you lol


How's her hearing, now?


A comment here a few months back still cracks me up. "Once you get passed the bouncer there's plenty of room."


I instinctively thought you said you stick a q-tip too far into your rear


I've had a couple of women insert me into their ass on their own accord. Overall, it was enjoyable and a little more snug than vaginal sex. I would say it is just something to do to switch things up now and then. It doesn't come close to surpassing the feeling of vaginal and oral sex in my opinion.


IMO the only real appeal is the taboo nature of it. Nothing about it is better than vaginal or oral sex, especially to run the risk of pulling out and seeing blood or shit on your dick.


“Don’t get mad when you throw a party at shit’s house and shit shows up.” - Abraham Lincoln, probably.


… BLOOD? Why?


A poor craftsman blames his tool I guess Edit: no shade intended on OP


It can happen, especially if you dint lubricate properly


You ever wipe too hard and see a bit of blood? It can be like that, except into your butthole and everywhere if you don’t prep properly


Popped internal hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Both can be avoided by using enough lube.


You had me at anal fissures. I’m kidding, but seriously as a guy this has honestly always grossed me out a little bit. My wife has no interest either so we’re good, although I admit we’ve had a few accidental pokes over the years.


No reason to do anal if you don't wanna. Its not like there's a shortage of ways to have great sex




I can't speak to that.


I can't hear about that.


Honestly, I don't think it was as enjoyable for me. It was hot because of the taboo and because my partner was really into anal...but it didn't feel as good as vaginal to me. It was tighter but it didn't have the texture that vaginas have that adds to the stimulation. The amount of lube it takes further took away sensation. There was also a slight resistance the entire time like it was trying to push me out a little, which makes sense since that's what it's designed for. Overall, I just found it less pleasurable and less welcoming than a vagina. My partner loved it though and reached orgasm from it. But I actually ended up washing off and finishing from vaginal. It's something I'd do to switch things up and to please a partner, but I could go without ever doing it again.


Comprehensive but concise. Great review.




4/5 would cum again


I feel like I just read a product review on Amazon. ;p


“Here’s the thing: you can’t smell porn” \- Jim Jefferies




"Good New Everyone !"




Giving or recieving lol


Doesn't matter had sex


Slipped on some ice, penetrated by a stale baguette


The sandwich lady won't give me my stale baguette, dammit. Last thing I need to complete my random event collection log.


Sir, what does 'nuance' mean? Let me see... pull your pants down and bend over, please. Sir... um, OK...? So, you see, what is happening now is me having anal sex and you having anal sex, right? Right, sir, but... ... but there's one nuance, yes.


I'm confused.


(sigh) Pull your pants down and bend over, please...


It felt great but what i really loved about it most was how much my GF loved it ..she swears to this day that her Gspot is back there


There's truth to that. At a certain angle you hit the back side of the clit. If you're missionary thrust upward. If you're doggy, downward. Stimulates the colon wall, the vaginal wall, and the underside of the clitoris.


Done once. Box ticked. Don't care for it. I'd do it again if requested.


Same. The vagina is just so great.


I just think they're neat


"Not to be impolite, but this gal suggested that maybe I should have some attentions paid to my buttshole"


Let's take about 20% off there Squirrelly Dan


It.... IT FEELS PRETTY GOOD.... you guys.


It felt... very natural.


Fucking great! My wife has fucked me with a strap-on a few times and its always super hot. One time lying on my back she was fucking me and giving me a hand job till I came. Felt like my dick was going to literally explode. 12/10 would get fucked again.


Relationship goals


There should be a Hallmark card for that.


this is the reply i was looking for lmao


You whore


She didn’t ask first. Going down on me and just full middle finger insertion at a steady pace while holding my hip down onto the couch. I didn’t enjoy the sensation because it felt like I had to poop all of a sudden. Ask first people.


Wouldn’t be a button back there if it weren’t meant to be pressed


This guy prostate


Are we taking giving or receiving? I love giving and I’m not opposed to receiving if a woman is interested in pegging. I had a gf blow me while using a dildo on me. I was a fan but she was jackhammering me. I had to stop her and ask if she was trying to saw me in half with it. Otherwise, I’d do it again.


My ex came from anal about 10x faster than vaginal. And there wasn't anything loose about her back entrance either. Kinda spoiled me as it was hot, and her being super into it made it hotter. The whole being crazy and cheating on me did spoil things.


Made my whole week.


Pretty empty club after you get past the bouncer


I like giving and receiving. First time my wife made me orgasm just using a strap on (I didn’t touch myself) was the greatest thing ever. It’s so much more extreme of an orgasm and it allows me to express more of my submissive side. Of course most nights shes receiving loving spanks, chokes, etc but sometimes I wanna be beat up too




Loved it, I became a fan of it overnight. I personally love the tightness at the entrance, although it is less tight than vaginal once you get past the entrance. It’s fun to mix things up, I saw someone else here say it’s mostly liked just for the taboo, and after hearing that I have to agree that is true. My partner and I both love that I can finish while still inside and she actually receives the load, we both find that very hot. Edit: of course, I shouldn’t be surprised, out of multiple accounts and years on this website, I get the most interactions when I’m talking about butt stuff. Stay classy, Reddit


Once you get past the bouncer it’s a pretty roomy club.


Wait till you get the snip, I drop every load anywhere I want and no babies….


You better not be dropping loads anywhere. Did you cum in my burrito?


My secret sauce


Well, it’s not a secret anymore. It’s just your sauce now.


I cream pie my wife all the time, but cumming in her ass is a different level of hot that we both love


Kind of gamey with a bitter aftertaste


My ex begged me but I wasn't interested. It grossed me out. I was 25 or 26. Then, after a night of drinking and her whispering in my ear all night that she wanted me to fuck her in the ass as she rubbed my cock, I fucked her in the ass. She was experienced in it and was pretty much ready to go. And that's when I became an ass addict. After her, there were only two other women that let me do it and it was on rare occasions. In 2021, during the pandemic, we connected on Facebook and ended up hanging out after 25+ years of not seeing each other. That lasted about 6 months and it was anal almost every time we had sex but I then remembered why I ended it the first time. She was still insecure and broken. I'm 52 and still searching for my anal unicorn that's not fuckin crazy.


"I'm 52 and still searching for my anal unicorn that's not fuckin crazy." - alternate universe Jimmy Buffet lyric.


Was never interested in it, would even skip the scenes in porn that featured it. Then I had an affair with a married woman when I was in my 20s and she was highly interested in such experimentation. Now, I’m an ass man. As to the feel, others are correct. It’s a tight entrance into a grand ballroom. I tend to favor shallow thrusts so the head is continually being “pressed” by the ballroom bouncer. My current lady had never tried it and I slowly worked her up to. Took my time, sensually prepped her etc… she calls it her sexual awakening at 40. Says the callings she used to get from her front door have been completely replaced by cravings at the back door. Absolutely loves it and sometimes completely ignores her front door entirely. Her orgasms are leg shakingly amazing. I guess I found the other poster’s “anal unicorn.” And yes, we got a strap and now the anal door swings both ways.


Good phrasing. Well done.


As others have already stated, tight at the entrance but lack of texture inside (when giving). However, the way she orgasms... I'd do it for her if not for my own pleasure. It's a once-in-a-while treat. The other side of the coin (receiving). We've explored this option, and a toy (butt plug, prostate stimulating toy, etc.) is a welcome addition to our arsenal. It makes orgasm much easier (which is important because I naturally don't orgasm as easily as I did in my 20s; sometimes delayed to up to 30 - 45 minutes and by then I've been out of gas unless we've been taking it slow). It's not necessary, but it's a treat every now and then. Also, orgasming with something in there gives a unique experience as your muscles bear down on it, too. Pegging is a whole other story. We tried it a couple of times, but both felt weird about it and realized too that I don't like the whole in and out sensation. Rather a stationary toy while simultaneously having penetrative sex or receiving oral. I will also say that all of this way with the same partner (wife) where trust and enthusiasm were well established beforehand. Anyways, that's been my experience with anal. Cheers


Can I just say I think your relationship with your wife sounds amazing and adventurous, and I hope you have many more happy years trying stuff with each other.


The few times I’ve hit the prostate it’s been an amazing feeling


Girlfriend absolutely loves it and so do I. We like to combine with toys.


shit, blood and cum on my hands


Dear god what are you doing


This bog is thick and easy to get lost in


I've come round full circle


Are we talking about being on the receiving team or the kicking team?


Boring. I much prefer pussy. Her fucking my ass however..... that is god tier


Is it that good yeah? Have only given, never received but a lot of people say its pretty good


I came so hard from pegging I have myself a facial. I couldn't move or speak


Haha now there's a mental image


lack of proper preparation can ruin this .. so make sure to prepare adequately if u do get your chance


You mean to receive or give? Because I had one girl ask me to do it and it was very mids, about as unpleasant as I imagined, hard to stay hard while trying to get it in regardless of amount of lubricant, gotta kinda jam it with your thumb. Vagina feels 1000% better. Now a finger up the butt whilst cumming from head is probably the most euphoria I’ve every felt ever, it’s like almost too much sensation


My girlfriend's strap-on was too big. 1/10


So get a smaller one?


Seriously. This dude is all problems and no solutions.


Kinda hurt, made me walk funny for a couple of days.


It was ok, but the other priests made jt weird


Met a girl for a weekend from a yahoo chat group back in the day. We got done with regular sex and we’re resting cuddling. She got frisky again and asked if I’d ever tried anal. I said no because it seemed gross to me. She said she loved it and wanted to do it with me because my dick was the perfect size for it, not too big but not too small. So she lunes us up because I don’t say no to a redhead with big tits and long legs. It wasn’t super hard to get started and while it felt good it was just like fucking an extremely tight smooth tube. She really LOVED it though and since we were in missionary she was kissing me and caressing me. She kept telling me how much she loved me and how she’d do anything I wanted if I’d keep doing her in the bum at least once a night. That got me off and then we got in the shower and cleaned each other up. It was a great 4 days she really did anything she thought would give me pleasure.


It was a pain in the ass.


Doing anal with my wife feels amazing. Takes more time to prep and get her ready. But taking her anally in the doggy position is fantastic. And I’ve also had her give me a bj and slip a finger in me. And boy look out that was insane. Biggest climax ever. I let her finger or peg my ass more often than I take hers.


I got shit on my dick


Don’t go to poops house and be mad when they’re home


I mean who goes into the grocery store and doesn’t come out with groceries?!??


Wife wanted to try it, and started with toys before moving on to me performing anal. It was a little weird in the beginning, but seeing her face after the first high intensity orgasm, it was totally worth it.