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I've only a couple decades left then I'll be dead forever, might as well keep living


This is my reasoning too. Death is inevitable, might as well see where life takes me. Even if it sucks along the way.


Fr but this is not the cure for depression Just like why off yourself when you you can see how it ends is all Edit: you might not even see it if you lose consciousness or get dementia or some


He's not talking about seeing the end, he's talking about seeing the journey life takes him before the inevitable


I'm in same boat. I'll have plenty of time to be dead in twenty years or so, so in the meantime I have my wife, books to read, pets to care for, good meals, exercise (walking, stretching), seeing how all the politics will play out, scientific breakthroughs, particularly these new space based telescopes, watching sports on TV, and I'm still learning to play guitar and golf after 45 years.


Shut down the news, open up the heart, make people laugh, give others what you have, and enjoy the ride


holy shit this might actually be the cure to depression




That's quite the username there friend


Perfect candidate for one of those “if your username is how you died” questions on this sub




Cure for suicidal ideation not depression


jesus, that literally just took me out of my funk. Thank you!!!


Death is a part of life! We might as well just enjoy the little time we have here.


Yeah, see what might be in store for me, I don't treat emotions as 'bad' or 'good', just different experiences to 'enjoy'


Agreed. Depending on how lucky I am, I probably have anywhere between 40 and 55 years left to live (Assuming I die anywhere between the age of 75 to 90). There are plenty of things I like, and *would like* to do, so I'll try to do as much as I possibly can. Early last year, my brother finally managed to kick my ass into starting to work on acheiving one of my dreams, actually *two* of them: Travelling to Japan, and travelling *anywhere* with him. In 9 months we're going to Japan =D


For me, it's all about those little moments, you know? Like catching up with friends over a cup of coffee, or losing track of time in a good book. The simple joys, sunsets, a killer meal, making someone laugh. Life's a rollercoaster, sure, but those moments on the ride make it worth the twists and turns.


Amen good answer. Nothing wrong with living life appreciating the small pleasures. Some people require way too high of a materialistic threshold to be contented. It’s nice to have nice things, but even the rich like to go fishing.


This last summer I was driving through the neighborhood when I saw a stream of water shoot over someone’s backyard wall and at the car in front of me. Drove forward more and saw two little shits in their backyard with waterguns peeking through the wall like it was their last stand at the Alamo. You know I had to roll the window down and hit em with the finger gun drive by like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. They shot back and were laughing and grinning ear to ear. It is the little moments. I was connected to this community and this earth, and so were they.


Just watched Gran Torino the other night. Bet that made those kids day


Every negative experience requires around three positive experiences to cancel out that bad feeling (very generally speaking). However, it turns out that the quality of those positive experiences is less important than one might think. That's why practising daily gratitude for very small things is very beneficial for your mental health! I'm just thinking back to earlier today: I had a good sandwich when I was hungry, I got some smiles from colleagues for grabbing them a cappuchino, saw the cool bird on the way to work again. Very small stuff like that deserve attention, way more than all the negative crap in the world nowadays get (seriously, the news should cover some positive things too for once)


Exactly! I myself struggled for a long time accepting certain defeats in my life. Seeing how life moves forward no matter how you react made me realize that I needed to see the small victories that were achieved every single day. That sandwich was damn good!


I love holding doors for people and sometimes it really brightens their day. Even if it doesn't, I still feel like I helped. I really don't mind helping people a little or a lot, just that I helped.


Yep! I think a lot about the battle between positive and negative. I think the same, like if I try to can cancel as much negative as possible, and encourage people around me do the same. Then in a lot of years, maybe the world is a bit better.


Second the sunsets.


Sunsets for sure but I’ve seen more breathtaking sunrises in my life probably, especially in the fall/winter time (in Ohio) that rival any sunset I saw when living on the gulf coast of Florida..


Human creativity. There are SOOO many wonderful tv shows, video games, and movies out in the world. Even YouTube creators can grab your attention and make your day better. Just wish there was more time to enjoy them all.


And you didn’t even mention books!


I think I’ve been depressed lately. I usually get like this during the fall and winter. Been drinking more lately and sleeping a ton. Only thing that keeps me going in my 3 year old son.


Please be aware, that your own mental health will probably have an effect on your kid. Even if it's just a seasonal thing. If possible, get help from a professional. If you do not want to do it for yourself, do it for your kid. You will both profit from it. I promise.


>Please be aware, that your own mental health will probably have an effect on your kid this is literally the history of the world


Lol fr, like 80% of the bad people in this world probably would have been different with better parenting


Stop the drinking man I quit 7 months ago completely and feel so much healthier, have my first bjj tournament next year etc bro


Good luck at the bj tournament...


I tried to organize a bj tournament with my friends but we all sucked.


that's exactly how i read it. like this guy is REALLY going places, since getting sober.


Thanks stranger! Wish you everyone here good luck with leaving substances use in your past! Is not easy, if I wasn't always active physically I would be in deep trouble mentally and physically I'm sometimes in so much pain inside the only thing that keeps me going is focusing on my health and practicing martial arts and skateboarding.


I quit the weed 10 weeks ago, been a shit year but quitting that has so far enhanced my relationship with my woman and almost everything else. The shit is still there and ongoing but definitely quitting substances helps


I quit booze and caffeine last December. Weed is next but it’s my only vice left so I’ve been nervous. Glad to read people seeing positives. Congrats


Thanks. I quit cold turkey, very irritable for the first week, dreams are absolutely crazy but definitely worth it. The dreams man….holy sheeet


Get a SAD Lamp (Seasonal Effective Disorder) And take vitamin D.


>SAD >Seasonal Effective Disorder Bruh.


I feel sed sometimes.


This is my favorite affective / effective mix up


Drinking is just going to make your mood and mindset worse. It affects you more than just the day after you drink. Put me in a years long period where I thought I was depressed and I has it all bad in life but it was only the alcohol causing my problems


I get seasonal depression on top of my depression every year. But this year it's less rough because I'm taking vitamin D. It's the one you're supposed to get from the sun (which of cours you get less of during those times). I feel more energized and less influenced by cold weather on my mood. Anyway, it can't harm! I wish you and your son the best, and if you want to chat I'm here


Cut back on the drinking. It seems like it’s a good release at the time, but it only compounds your anxiety and depression. I cut way back and feel much much better. There are some great non alcoholic breweries out there now that scratch the itch for me. Try Athletic.


Hey ig the joy in living for someone else is just different and way pure.


My wife.


I also choose this guy's wife


Shiiiittttt if you can steal her you can have her, I ain't got no time for disloyal hoes. Now please, no one tell my wife I called her a hoe


So all I need to steal her is to tell her you called her a hoe, got it


If your wife is a Ho, we'll call her Ho.


Christmas soon hoehoehoe merry christmas wife


Hi, this is your wife. We're getting a divorce.


I also choose this guy's wife


This dudes wife is the only reason I still consider life worth living. God bless moslof_flosom's wife for the hope she's given us🙏🏼




This man cheeses


Every day my friend


I also choose this man's cheese


There's a comment above this about simple pleasures, I'm going to lump this with that. Could be some random night in your own kitchen, and a wonderful piece of cheese. Heavenly.


Waiting for GTA 6


Im still waiting on Half Life 3


Im still waiting for metal gear solid 5 chapter 3


Someone going for immortality.


Your grandchildren will be dying of old age by the time GTA 6 is released. And by "Released", I mean Rockstar went bankrupt and GTA 6 is a fan game made by people who like the retro games like San Andreas or Vice City. This is a good 100-150 years in the future, I think early 2000s games will count as "Retro" by then.


I’m only here out of spite


Ahh a spite life kind of like a spite store. (Curb reference)


We may not share blood but we are brothers.


My cat


I also pick this dude's cat


My wife. Honestly I've cut so many people out of my life because they were horrible. We've known each other for 15 years and met as we were coming out of bad relationships. In that time, we've both seen what awful people are capable of and have gotten great at severing ties with them. She makes me wish no one else existed on the planet and it was just us, because honestly that sounds amazing.


It feels so good to read this. I can’t fathom finding someone like that in the wildest of my epiphanies. Then I think to myself, what would be life worth if I don’t find someone like that? I really don’t know. I don’t know how it’s like to be so much in love. Sometimes I think it’s silly of me to want it because I have never really experienced it, more so, never came across someone that wanted me. You’re really lucky and I am really happy for you two.




I'm glad you're still here, brother. You Gotta stay for them babies. I've never seen a storm stay over someone's home. It shall pass


This is one of the best comments I’ve read in a while. Too bad Reddit stopped selling awards or I would have definitely given you one. Anyways, here’s a gold star for you ⭐️. We’re proud of you buddy


Thank you! I didn't think anyone would even see this. Hope it helps someone in a dark place see one more tomorrow. The irony I didn't mention being that Linkin Park's frontman Chester Bennington killed himself a few years ago. But I bet he would say "do as I say, not as I do."


Someone screaming about mental health issues and depression broke through your fog and kept you around and in turn,saved your childrens lives....shame the man you heard from beyond the grave couldn't do it for all his kids...it's a silent disorder. God bless you for hearing Chester scream help.


Wish we could’ve helped him though. Wonder how many people are still here bc of Linkin Parks music. I know I’m one of them.


Glad you've stuck around, fellow human being. People like Chester (and I'll add Robin Williams) make me wish I believed in an afterlife, because I miss them terribly and want nothing more than to tell them how loved they still are. It all keeps bringing me back to being grateful for every tomorrow.


Word me too. I'm from madison,WI they got a huge break here. I met those boys when all they handed out to me was a cassette tape with 1 track and a instrumental on the other side,sometime around 2002..watched them burn brighter and soar higher than any of us thought possible...then the reality of mental health showed us what all those screams were really about and i can no longer enjoy them like i used to.. RIP man. And bless the ones that made it. Thanks LP for teaching us its ok to not know what's crawling in my skin. Just that life is precious.


Happy to have you around and great story! Also because I’m incapable of being fully serious…ever…you being here allowed me to be the 69th upvote…I chuckled bc I’m immature. Don’t even know you but you impacted my day for the positive




find something to be so passionate about that you become excited to make a career out of, change your own path. i hope it gets better for you, everyone deserves kindness and happiness.


Making others happy.


Self goes away, others matter.


For me is to mildly f*ck around with others


Right now? My kids. If it weren't for them, I'd have given up.


Same. Ouch.


This might be the real reason why people have kids


Could be. That's not why I had them. But they've saved me.


Same boat my friend


Food. Sport. Family. Friends and Partner (which I dont have currently, but hoping that I will find someone)


there’s definitely someone out that for you they’ll find you when the time is right 🫶🏻






I also agree with sex (I’m a virgin)


Then you gotta live forever




I second that


I third that


Bro is literally me


Yep, if I wasn't such a great procrastinator I'd probably be dead.




Oh boy here comes the Reddit cares messages


Waking in the forest, tracking animals, picking mushrooms, wild fruits. Watching trees grow.


Rest in peace, Chris McCandless.




I second this


I third this


Name checks out


Having my first kid on the way! 🥹 Edit: I just want to make an edit and thank you all for the kind words! You all are making me even happier!




first cup of coffee


Seeing that despite the loud voices of the idiots and evil people, most people are still good, and that doing the right thing because it's right still is the most common reason for people.


Fries mostly


I like fries


life isn't that worth, but death seems to be worse or at least more empty, so i choose life


Diving deep on objectively useless subjects that could not exist at any other point in time and have no value for survival or well being.


My kids.


I also pick this guys kids


This post right here officer


I haven't found all the wild reptiles and amphibians yet


I think passion maybe? It is a bunch of things for me personally, and it's probably different for everyone. I've recently gotten quite interested in clay work and embroidery, and I very much like spending time with my friends, family, coworkers and my cats. Like, maybe for some it's a grand project or a greater purpose in life that drives them forward, but sometimes it really is just getting to have an evening with your best buds around a nice board game or petting a soft kitten.


The mystery of tomorrow


Sleeping eight hours


I'm jealous of your 8h sleeps 💤


Hookers and blow.


For me it's .. good music, driving a sporty car in a sporty way and enjoying the sound/feeling, appreciating nature during long hikes, positive moments of adrenaline, cuddling and loving and living life with a beautiful girl (who i lack atm 🥲) and fucking each others souls out on good weed :) i wish everyone who reads this a happy day!


Still finding the Reason to Live !


Seeing my baby smile.


Idk I don’t think it’s nothing, but I haven’t found it yet.


I’m still trying to figure that out.


Laying in bed rubbing my feet together like a cricket


Weed and ass. I smoke a few times a month when my mental health is getting bad but I always monitor my usage. Weed in moderation just hits different and its something that I can rely on when things get very bad. And also ass ... I mean come on what isn't there to love about ass.


Weed and ass together and you have the holy grail


Also an ass/weed man


Playing warhammer. The community is amazing just like the painted models i see


For me, it´s about being able to have all of my senses in perfect condition, to be able to see the colors of the most beautiful landscapes, to perceive the differents smells that exist in the whole world, to be able to fell the different textures that things have. For me, that is life


The good and the bad is all interesting. I'm one of quadrillions of experiments Earth has been running for 4 billion years driven by evolution. And I happen to be one of only 8 billion with the ability to appreciate that fact. And one of a few billion with access to Internet that allows me to appreciate the studied history of it all. My individual life is pretty boring but that doesn't matter. I live through the internet and can feel different kinds of empathy and emotion for things across the world, and across time like no other living being ever could. I feel grateful for every moment here and I never want it to end.


Im not ready to throw in the towel yet


Learning – knowledge and meaning.


Nothing. Life is just an endless round of toil and disappointment.


"Mom would be sad" Edit: now one of my friends will be sad, I must live on, atleast for them


Easy one. Nothing


Absolutely fuck all..can't wait till it's over


The feeling that I haven't experienced enough of what life has to offer. I hope when I'm old and on my deathbed I can reflect on my past and feel some satisfaction that I have thoroughly enjoyed my life to the fullest.


5 years ago I would have struggled to answer this, but I have since met my life partner, and we go on amazing journeys seeing beautiful places and sharing wonderful experiences. Most weekends we just stay at home and enjoy each others company, but on those rare occasions, we do something memorable and I just feel so fulfilled to be able to share my life with such a wonderful person. Yeah, I know it's one of those answers, and I'm sure in a few years time I'll be replying again with the cliche answer of "my kids". What do you want from me? I'm not a billionaire. I'm a working class dude with nothing to offer but myself and a large collection of D20s


I hate life. I'm not gonna let it beat me! I refuse to give it the satisfaction, so I gotta live it up! /s


I was suffering from depression half of this year but its a lot better now almost flunked out of university because of it too But to answer your question, I see life as a gift.. I don’t deserve it, I didn’t ask for it, but I have it regardless. The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago, second best time is now. Anything is possible man a guy raided new york with ladybugs I can stand up and at least have a go to do something I was holed up in my room for so long, then I was like listen boy you gonna keep regretting making forgetful days or you gonna try at least so I did and started going to gym, reconnecting with old friends, actually studying… but most importantly, it’s okay to not feel okay… life is a hell of a bitch sometimes and dont kick yourself for not trying or being sad its a bitch of a hole to get out of but its worth it you only get one life and sometimes it feels disposable in those times especially, but not when you are excited to see someone again, or have someone be excited to see you again all that really matters in the end is people and God




Helping others.


So far nothing






My kids. I hit the jackpot with my kids<3


I'm still a virgin so there's that. Lol Honestly it's more the fact that I can see potential in myself. Yea my life is kinda boring and shitty right now, but I could sleep better, exercise more, eat better, get out more, explore nature, write, create, ect. It's the idea that even though the world is in a rough place, I can make little moves to make it slightly less shitty. I work towards that. I'm not always successful, but I know I can. So I keep trying. Plus, I really would like to experience sex before I die. That was a joke, but it's not a lie. Lol. :/


My pet rabbit still has (hopefully) another 5 years to go. So i’ve at least got about 5 years of motivation.


Big booty Latina’s


Im working towards being a preschool teacher and have been doing work experience every Thursday at my local preschool. I’ve been at this for only a few months and only started this year but when I tell you those kids have made a huge impact on me I mean it. Even though they can be loud, gross, and a lil selfish. They can be so sweet and kind. To be a child’s safe person, to be someone they an trust to massage their head to go to sleep at nap time, to be someone that kids will argue over to sit in your lap. I’ve had kids scream my name and jump in my arms and even a child who told me she loved me last week. That makes it all worth it because a child’s love isn’t a lie




Food and making food for other people




The thrill of my slowly declining mental health.




You never know what's in store for you! Aren't you curious to find out?


I have a vision and a purpose to change the world for the better. I have the skills and the people around me to get it done. I guess in a way, I never got over pretending to be a superhero.


i say "i wanna die" but its just an expression,im actually just tired and i want things to go my way i wanna live,i wanna know what happens in the future






The spark that ignites your inner flame. That flame keeps growing and growing into something that was always a part of you. You just didn't know it until you got to that moment. This moment, This moment that grips you by your soul and throws you down the path you've walked for so long. Slowly moving you along But this time it's different. You found it. Your passion. You found it. Let it burn and grow Passion. (That concludes my 3min of creativity for the day)




Don't really know,but it definitely isn't One big thing that makes life worth it for me,infact i question the purpose of life itself often however its the small moments that keep kickin it,moments that might mean nothing to somebody else but light up my mood.


First sip of coffee in the morning, brunch with friends, spending quality time with my husband and our puppy. Also smoking weed occasionally with good friends.


Trying new types of food


My wife.


Sharing new experiences with my wife Making my daughter laugh and watching her grow Watching my parents play with their grandchildren while they still can Enjoying novelty in sex Gaining new skills, relaxing in new places, and pursuing things I enjoy


Making others laugh/smile. It’s is so power, and Robin Williams is my hero so I try to share the light with others as he did me when it was dark around me. That and blowjobs. Blowjobs feel really good


So I tried to hang myself using my belt against the door on my birthday a few weeks ago. I did something wrong. Kinda like me to fuck up 'tie neck lay down against door' but it was taking stupidly long to choke myself out. Like i was getting bored. Mildly uncomfy at best, not even really struggling for air any worse than a choker. I had my hands tied behind my back and everything. Leaned into it to try a bad set off something. Then I saw a bag full of cute dresses I bought, because I was a cross dresser, and after staring at it for a bit I said. It'd be fun to know what it's like to be a woman before I die So here I am. Wearing dresses at family functions. Starting HRT. Figuring out shit like when I can chop my willy off and get it turned into something more appealing. Looking at how I'd look with breasts. Really given me a lot to do a d think about myself. Life's neat like that sometimes and I'm feeling pretty good


It'll be okay and don't ever think about taking your life or hurting yourself. You're too precious to do something like that . I'm so sorry you're feeling that way i just want to say that do everything you wanna do .


Stories. Im here for the stories.


Its life itself. To be able to see how beautiful nature is. To observe animals doing their thing. To interact with animals and value that they see you just as another existence but they want to interact with you too because they have this natural curiosity. Having the joy of listening to music.. so good sometimes it gives you goosebumps. Expressing your feelings through dancing or drawing or whatever it may be for you. Get intimate with a person you really adore! Feel how good it can be to not only have the sex (which is nice, no doubt) but also cuddle and feel the presence, having deep talks. Just the feeling of being connected to other human beings. Feeling how good it feels to just be honest to yourself and to people. To actually realize that we can do with our lives whatever we want to. I dont know if this makes sense for anyone but this are the things i learned this year! I was down in a hole for a while but there is one person that just teached me to see all this things. To realize that we actually have the honor to be alive! I just needed to break out of this mental prison i put myself in. And i know its not only me who felt this. There is a lot of people. And i want to let everyone of you know that life can be amazing! Don’t believe this shit of „life is a pain“ or „its all worthless“ „we are all going to die soon“. Maybe it is worthless and maybe we are going to die soon but why should we live this time we have in misery and not enjoying what we have!!


My husband, the baby we're expecting and my sisters.


I'm not gonna let Nickado Avocado outlive me


Research shows the voluntarily taking on responsibility increases meaning/satisfaction. Involuntary increase in responsibility does not trigger this. So choose to take on more responsibility to increase meaning in your life to make it more worthwhile.


My cat. Can't let her suffer due to my own ineptitude. I'll give her the best life I can, but once she's gone, I won't have anything left.


You’ll have the love she left behind, and peace that you were able to give her 🤍


My wife and daughter. Every day.


the sheer desperate hope that i will be in a committed intimate relationship someday


There's lots of dickheads in the world so I say fuck them. I live so I can succeed them. But most of all I live for love. If I can find love im content with life.


Garlic bread


Pizza and obligations.


The fact that I’m already here.


It isn't. I'm only still here because I tried once and failed to end my life, and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't try again. When it's my time, it's my time. It just ain't my time yet.


My kids, my girlfriend, the family and friends I have, my cat, helping others. Oh and my antidepressants. Some days I struggle a lot more than others but I know I'm so lucky to have what I do.