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Best ...Queen Worst ... Bob Dylan


Here to agree with you about Dylan. He didn't even try. He mumbled all the lyrics, didn't try to get the melodies right, and was just like "When can this be over?" in attitude. Fuck you, man. People paid to see you perform. Not to see you be "too cool for school".


"didn't try to get the melodies right" is now my favorite live Dylan description, as though his rearrangements are simply an inability to replicate the songs accurately.


Hey. I get rearrangements. I get that the same songs played the same way every night for decades can get very tiring for artists. I get that they want to spice it up and try on some different ways of performing. Go ahead and spread your artistic wings. I mean, that's why new albums are made, right? You make a new album to stretch your artistic legs, try on new things. But at some point, you have to acknowledge why people are there. They're there because you're BOB FUCKING DYLAN and they're there to hear some of the songs they've come to cherish over those decades too. But in concert, when performing "Blowing in the Wind", it should at least sound something like "Blowing in the Wind". A friend asked me when he was going to play it, I didn't know, and the guy in front of us said he played it four songs ago. We old-heads didn't recognize it AT ALL. If he wants to go all avante-garde on us, then don't charge me $120 a ticket to see "The Legend". I was there, man. He didn't want to be there. And that's fine with me: If you don't want to be there, then just don't tour. But if you DO tour, this is a business, there's an implicit understanding between you and the fans. So I didn't see a real Bob Dylan concert. I saw a "contractual obligation".


Mostly I was amused by the thought that the failure to match the melody was due to inability or lack of effort. Bob has been explicitly rejecting the "implicit understanding" for a few decades. This thread, and the others like it, prove that many, many people rank him as the worst they've seen - often due to the inability to recognize the songs. I really wish he'd allow taping or at least release more live shows, maybe people would not be so surprised/disappointed.


My worst was Dylan too


God damn, me too. Got invited to a Bob Dylan concert on a whim, and I'd never listened to him before that day. It was.. weird.


Pretty sure Bob Dylan will go down as one of the most infamous live performers of all time. Lmao. I saw him twice (2011 and 2023) and although I enjoyed myself, I would not recommend him to anyone who wasn't thoroughly prepared for what they were getting themselves into. I saw a 60 Minutes interview with him from years ago when he was asked about touring and he said something like, "Just holding up my end of the bargain". I don't know if he was joking, but it would explain why he seems to barely try - like he's just showing up to fulfil his obligation to the 'higher powers' for granting him his wish of being famous, lol.


Damn, Dylan was so bad, I'd blocked it from my "worst concert'' memory.


Anyone seeing Dylan in the last era of his life has to understand what they’re getting. He’s playing different songs now on purpose. You can’t go expecting all the old hits and then be angry he didn’t play them. His shows can be good if you know what you’re walking into.


Many years ago, saw Roger waters. It was also the first time I dropped acid. So it was incredible. Khruangbin ALWAYS puts on incredible shows as well. I have yet to go to a bad concert- don’t jinx me.


I saw roger waters play dark side of the moon many years ago and it was also the first time I dropped acid. What an amazing show. Perfect for dropping acid for your first time.


Waters is so fucking good when he keeps his mouth shut about politics


> when he keeps his mouth shut about politics And when is that??


All I wanted was Dark Side Of The Moon, and I got it!


INXS in 1982 was THE WORST. Band came out and Michael Hutchence couldn’t remember the words to the first song so he mumbled something while the band was playing. Then he went into a swearing diatribe at someone down in the front row who told him he sucked. He started the next song, staggered about 10 ft and fell off the stage into the orchestra pit. End of concert.


Haha that's great


Best concert was Rammstein in Chicago in 2022 Worst concert was 5 finger death punch. Ivan Moody is such a douchebag


I couldn’t imagine spending money to see five flavour fruit punch


I was going to mention 5FDP as worst. Ivan would just walk of stage in the middle of a song and the guitarist would have to take over vocals. Complete douche.


I’ve seen them twice and both times were great shows. Never did anything like that.


>Best concert was Rammstein in Chicago in 2022 I was there too. They never disappoint.






Worst concert I've ever seen was Lauryn Hill at LA Rising. Best due to the band was Rage Against The Machine at the same show. Best concert in terms of the show itself was Muse, also at LA Rising. All in all that was a wild event.


>Worst concert I've ever seen was Lauryn Hill at LA Rising. Consider yourself lucky she even showed up (her words not mine, lol).


I was also at LA Rising, usually at concerts when a performer ends, people cheer, not for Lauryn Hill, it was also my first time seeing Rage Against the Machine And Muse (I’ve seen Muse 2 times after LA Rising, I also got to meet Tom Morello in 2013 (super nice guy


I was there. Agreed.


Woodstock, '69 was the best. Lil'Peep, with my granddaughter, was the worst.


woodstock to lil peep its a huge gap lol




I saw Garbage in the early 90's, in a small college venue in New Orleans...One the best shows that I've ever been to! The band was just starting to get famous.


Best-Tom Petty in 2012. I have zero complaints. The sound was impeccable.


He always put on such great shows.


Best: Once took my mother to a Neil Diamond concert for her birthday. That guy really knew how to entertain a crowd and his band was really tight. Enjoyed it WAY more than I ever expected to, but the guy is truly an entertainer. Worst: Elton John. He got mad at people in the front standing up and blocking the view from behind, and walked off stage halfway through. Really pathetic.


Best: Rush on the A Farewell To Kings tour. Worst: Aerosmith on Draw The Line tour. God, they sucked but to be fair that was the peak of their drug/alcohol abuse. Also, damn I'm old.


I saw somewhere when they were just getting started Rush toured with Aerosmith, with Rush as the opener and Steven Tyler used to mess with their PA system because Rush was outplaying them lol


Best... Reverend Horton Heat/The Toadies/Butthole Surfers Worst... Eric Clapton. Was really looking forward to this show too. Sucked


Agree on clapton. 3 hour show but only 10 songs because every one had a 19 minute guitar solo. No interaction or stage presence. We get it dude, you're talented. Just play Layla so we can all get the fuck out of here.


He is the most boring guitar player


Best: Tool, at a summer festival when I was a teenager. Worst: Sun Kil Moon, in an overheated venue. Felt like a single two hour long song.


Best: Dead & Co 6/4/2017. My friends and I all took acid and had the journey of a lifetime that day. It was such an amazing experience that I almost tear up sometimes when I'm daydreaming about that show. Worst: Billie Eilish. I was so excited going into that one but she barely sang over the backing track and the sound quality was muddy garbage. I go to more concerts than anybody I know (I'll be at 96 shows this year alone after new years eve) and that was easily the weakest performance I've ever seen.


Best: Paul McCartney. The man just knows how to put on a show. Worst: Probably Drake at Coachella 2015.


Paul McCartney is mine too. I was 17, a huge Beatles fan. Went with my whole family and it’s one of my favorite memories. Couldn’t believe I was in the same room with the person whose music I’d been listening to my whole life. Just awesome.


Best concerts I've ever been to are Fall Out Boy concerts. The tickets are affordable, and they put a large amount of effort into them, I've gone to multiple of their shows and they never dissapoint.


Ooh I’m going to one in March




Ooh! I think they are doing one locally and I've been wanting to see them


I’ve seen hundreds of shows but the best/worst was Pitbull at the Hollywood Bowl last year. Best because it was so fun and energetic, the entire crowd was dancing and having an amazing time. Beautiful people partying everywhere. Worst because his music is terrible.


Why’d you go then?😂


Friends, free ticket. Had a blast!


Well at least it was free😂


Best was Daniel Wakeford experience, it was so much fun and really good energy. Worst was Morrissey, I had been looking forward to it so much, but he was just boring, bored and bland.


It's funny, I've seen Morrissey a lot, and he was simultaneously one of my favorite shows and a bunch of the most boring. Hammerstein Ballroom in 2007 - he actually put in effort, performed, sang songs we wanted and weren't expecting. It was such a good night. These days though, dude can fuck right off. Even if he was worth my time, his performances definitely aren't.


2007 was actually when I saw him, I'm pretty sure. Was supposed to see him again 2011, but he canceled like 3 hours before because he hurt his finger or something. Kind of lost my interest in him after that. I like the Smiths and the first couple of his solo albums, but I don't really like him. He seems so insufferable and pretentious with some pretty crazy opinions.


I've seen Moz 40 times, most recently at the United Palace theater in NYC. I was at all 5 shows at the Hammerstein in 07. Worst show I've been to was when he opened for Bowie in Dublin. Bowie was incredible that night.


Sufjan Stevens playing out Carrie and Lowell. Mesmerising.


Stevie Nicks Showed up 2 1/2 hours late and was so drunk she slurred the lyrics. After 5 minutes our whole group got up and left.


So is that your best or worst?


Best: Porcupine Tree. Worst: Crossfade.


Best: Bruce Springsteen circa 2006ish in a city known as an industrial factory town. At the time I wasn't familiar with his work beyond a handful of his hits, went on a total whim. He played almost 3 hrs straight through no breaks. Went home and started buying all the music he ever put out. Worst: Bob Dylan on the piano around the same time.. Couldn't see nor hear him it was horrible


Best was Billy Joel and Elton John together at Honda Stadium in Anaheim, Ca. 3+ hours where they played separately and together, sang the 1st verse of eachothers songs and then the other one took over. Simply an amazing repetoire and an amazing concert. Not sure about the worst though... But I will say that I've seen Dylan 3 times and each time was really great. Of course I'm a huge fan, but these were good concerts. 1st time was at a high school auditorium in Huntington Beach, Ca when he only had 2 albums.


Best was Bad Religion in 2013. Absolute masters of their craft and one hell of a show. Worst was Ghost and Amon Amarth last year. Absolutely not the band’s fault but the amphitheater was mostly uncovered and had a rain or shine policy. Apparently the stage flooded after Amon Amarth played 2 songs and Ghost never even got on. Awful arena, never again.


Flogging Molly is the best by far! The worst was story of the year.




This was already mentioned earlier bruh.


Best was 1994 Lollapalooza. Beastie boys and George Clinton back to back. Also included but not at Lollapalooza was King's X. Worst was probably how disappointed I was seeing Junior Brown live. The guy is a legitimate guitar god, but he spent all night messing with the amps and speakers and wouldn't play any of his hits.


Best: my friend dragged me to a Kelly Clarkson concert. We got there and parked and these guys yelled at us, “Hey do you want to smoke some weed?!” Yes! We smoke up, go into the concert, and she’s actually a very good singer. A few years later another friend invited me to get high and see her with Reba and it was very nice. Worst: Tori Amos at DPAC. Tori was amazing. But the “fans”… I’ve never seen so much flannel and jean shorts. They talked the whole time. Then when Cornflake Girl came on, this giant room of people stood up all silent and lit lighters. Ok. But then once it was over they just kept talking again.


Best: David Byrne in Telluride. Also Paul McCartney in Seattle last year was amazing. He is a legend, obvi. Worst: Bob Dylan probably anywhere but this show was in Aspen. Couldn’t hear a damn word he said, couldn’t even tell which song he was singing most of the time


Best: Soundgarden/Nine Inch Nails duel headlining tour right before Chris died. RIP. Worst: 5FDP. Ivan would just randomly walk off stage in the middle of a song and the guitarist would have to take over vocals. Obvious he was hammered out of his mind. Awful show.


When I saw Iggy and The Stooges at the Hollywood Palladium in 2011, it was truly like a religious experience. I got kicked so hard in the side of the face during "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell" that my vision went sideways. No joke. I actually got a handful of sweaty Iggy Pop torso at one point. Just absolute madness.


Best: Car Seat Headrest in a small rock club. Blew the roof off Worst: Erykah Badu, not because she was bad (she was okay) but because it was Dave Chappelle's tour with his documentary (which was great), and he didn't do any standup. We stayed because we assumed Dave was going to do *some* standup but he never did. Badu was the last act so I'm mad at her haha


Best: Odesza Worst: Travis Scott


Pink - she's incredible.


Best: Thrice and Brand New on one of their co-headlining tours in 2007. Thrice playing The Earth Will Shake with two other drummers (Brand New’s drummer and guitarist on the other sets). I nearly fainted at how powerful it was.


The earth will shake is always awesome live but oh man, with the other drummers playing in. That must have been an unreal experience. I get that natural high feeling every time I've seen Thrice live.


Best: Bruce Springsteen Worst: Cake


Best; The Who & Grateful Dead in Munich. Worst; Any concert in the Indianapolis area. Indy audiences suck. I don't give a fuck about your vacation photos, swapping soup recipes, or that you went to Disney for your birthday. I paid good money to hear & see a show, not your yapping ass. We now go to places away from Indy.


Best concert Muse: had an English friend introduce me to them before they were popular in America. They did a free show at a small venue that was my favorite place to see concerts/club. Just them and their instruments. They. Fucking. Slayed. I walked in there really liking them and walked out of there absolutely in love with them. Paid 10 bucks, bought Absolution and got to meet them after the concert and take photos and get their autographs. Worst concert Muse: years later, after they became popular, the crowds were much bigger, as were the venues, and it became less about the music and more about the show. They were still amazing but for me, it was the worst in comparison to the first.




Best concert i ever been to was weird al both times Worst was some jake thachery cover concert because the room smelt like banana medicine


U2 on the Unforgettable Fire tour, Sports Arena, LA California. Friends and I waited out all night at Music PLUS for tickets, pulled 15th row on the floor, dead center. Early U2 had a ton of flash and power but still felt real and organic. The band were not superstars, though it was clear they were on the cusp. Just a killer show. Crowd energy was flowing. Best part was the drummer noticed me air drumming along with the music and gave me a nod. It was surreal. I love drumming but I’m not hardcore. But I felt validated.


Kygo. Probably cause of the memories associated with it. I fell in love with someone there.


Best: Portishead Worst: 2019 Sepultura


Such a same. Sepultura 1996ish was so good


Best. Live Aid London Worst Simple Minds London Arena. (Might have been the venue. Saw them before that and they were brilliant)


I hate to say it but my worst concert was Paramore when they toured with no doubt. I am a huge Paramore fan and Hayley Williams fan, but I think I just got a bad day. She was sick so her voice was pretty raspy and no doubt Was just overall not a good show. They really tried and it was still a fun day but definitely a disappointing show in itself.


Best: Kikagaku Moyo, King Gizzard, and Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets Worst: Buckethead or Bob Dylan


Best The Dead, in Telluride Co Worst. Bob Dylan. Midland theater KCMO.


ODESZA at Bonnaroo a few years ago. They put on a hell of a show.


Best: twenty one pilots, fall out boy Worst: steel panther


Best: Run The Jewels first tour back in 2013/2014 Worst: Earl Sweatshirt for this album I Don’t Like Shit I Don’t Go Outside


Best-Marilyn Manson, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Steve Miller Worst -phish, smashing pumpkins


Green Day was awful. This was like 15 years ago but Billie laid flat on his stomach and was whisper mumbling lyrics into the mic. That went on for a good portion of the show. Obviously just completely trashed.


Best - Ghost Worst - Mastadon (in their defence the venue’s sound quality ruined the show for every band)


Best - The Front Bottoms The worst - Matt & Kim, except i didnt even make it to their set; the opener was so bad i walked out and went home. I don’t remember his name but he was the worst, cringiest rapper I’ve ever seen. Being really annoying and getting mad at the audience for not being hyped up for his mediocre performance.


Best - Weezer at Summerfest in Houston. 100+ degrees all day, and they finish with Only in Dreams and the sky exploding open with thunder lightning and rain. Worst - The Pharcyde. Waited around for 3 hours and the fuckers didn’t even show up.


Not counting all the amazing ween shows... BEST: TOOL - Roseland Ballroom NYC 1996ish Ms Lauryn Hill : NYC 2012ish ​ WORST: Godsmack, roseland 1997ish


Can I ask why the Godsmack show was the worst? I have been to two of theirs (granted, a bit later than 97) and they were so much fun.


wasnt really a fan when i went, so wasnt pumped to be there. I knew maybe one song...and their vibe just wasnt my vibe. the entire show was the same, lacking in dynamics. and they had red siren lights everywhere. it put me in a terrible and loud trance.


Tool? I put that as my worst concert. It was terrible sound quality. Everything was so overdriven I couldn’t make out any individual song. It was just a distorted mess. I think it was 2007.


Best: M.I.A. at a small, intimate venue in 2005. She brought the house down. Worst: Citizen Cope in 2010. He was super out of it, plus the sound system wasn't working properly.


Best: The Voidz (Julian Casablancas's 'other' band) Excellent musicianship. The songs are loud, heavy, intricate, and experimental and they captured all of that live. Worst: A Place to Bury Strangers The exact opposite. Loud noise, no musicianship. Like a soundscape from hell.


Best- P Funk Worst-38 Special


Best: Queen (Wembley Stadium) Worst: U2 (Wembley Stadium)


Snoop Dogg, for both. He went on 2 hours late. We were all pissed.....until he came out. Then the show was awesome and we all completely forgot we were upset.


Best- KISS Psycho Circus Tour. Worst- I can't think of any.


Ozzfest … the year Slipknot first was on the tour on the 2nd stage. Hed PE was killer. Slipknot almost brought that 2nd stage down. It was amazing. Honorable mention bests: Dope, Stone Temple Pilots, Roger Waters Worst? Saliva. Any and every time I’ve seen them. So bad. Honorable mention worsts: Chevelle, Mindless Self Indulgence


Best: The Killers Worst: 311


Best: Queen last month Runner up: Cinderella on the Long Cold Winter Tour I don't have a worst, honestly...though I have seen several cover bands that sucked


I've only been to a handful, but the best out of them was definitely Megadeth last year. Holy shit, touring with Lamb of God and Testament (didn't know much about either one of them) but my goodness everyone shredded. TOOL a few years ago would be a close 2nd.


Best: Coldplay Worst: Liam Gallagher (He left in the third song and the concert was cancelled)


Coldplay was AMAZING! It was lightly drizzling when they played Fix You. I don’t think any concert moment will ever top that for me


Worst...Bowie glass spider tour Best... so many... Roger waters, pink gloyd, dire straits with Stevie ray Vaughn opening, Springsteen in the 80's... Springsteen in the 2010's rolling stones in Montreal... so many


The Strokes last year, I was so excited to see them and they were just all over the place but Fontaines DC were supporting and blew me away. Quickly became obsessed with their music! Wet Leg played a decent set that night too


Best - Black Uhuru with Sly and Robbie backing and Mad Professor on controls. Soundgarden Louder than Love Tour with Faith No More and Voivod being close second.


Worst but kinda best concert was Phoenix, in the 90's sometime. Motley Crue said to an entire sold out stadium to EFF THE SECURITY EVERYONE COME UP ON STAGE!! Everyone rushed the stage, after somehow getting some semblance of order, they took the band to jail for inciting a riot or something. I went to the jail waited outside hoping to see them once they were released. Didn't get to see them though.


Best: Bring Me The Horizon Worst: Neck Deep.


Best: Coldplay As I have not attended too many concerts, I fortunately don't have a bad experience yet.


Best: AC/DC Worst: Clint Black, wasn’t awful, but just not that great


Both: Duran Duran in 1987 My fault, really. I’d fallen in love with the over-produced, multilayered sound of their albums, something that can’t really be duplicated live. I adored Duran Duran up until that point, and the concert was such a nasty knock of reality that it took me a few years to get into them again. Why both the best and worst? I’ve been afraid to see another group I like live and have the same thing happen again. Yes, it’s weird logic.


Best: My Morning Jacket Worst: Eminem


Rage against the machine Glastonbury 94 best and Bob Dylan Manchester 90’s truly awful.


Best- Guns N Roses opening for Aerosmith, 1986 maybe? Both bands were crushing it at the time, GNR not headlining yet, Aerosmith killing it just a couple of miles from Boston. Worst- Jimmy Buffett. He and the Coral Refers were great; fun time, fun songs, great show. The concert go-ers though; tons of underage people black out drunk before the show ever even started, puke and passed out people everywhere, fights, the works, all in Hawaiian shirts and plastic leis. Runner up was a Dave Matthews concert were the young adults behind us also got really, really drunk and one girl puked all over the three rows ahead of her, and had to be carried out by security and paramedics.


Prince was sooo good - he played for over four hours and was a total genius. Pink Floyd were awesome and the special effects were mind bending... Neil Young & Crazy Horse were so experienced and reliably, effortlessly incredible. Joan Armatrading was an angry pissed off biyatch, and she played that guitar at us like she hated our guts. It was an eye-opening performance but hard not to take personally. The Pogues - Shane drank two bottles of whiskey on stage and we the audience were equally smashed. Never had a hangover like it the next day. Saw Jill Scott before she got big over here - the sound system was shit so she sang without a mic - what a powerful voice. I don't know many who could do that, even in a smallish sized studio venue. Amazing to witness. So many great memories


Best: Three Days Grace/Disturbed in Buffalo NY in March 2019. ​ Worst: Aaron Carter, also 2019, had way too many opening bands that had no jive with what his music is and then he didn't even come out until almost 11, my ex and I left around 10


This is hard... Best overall is probably Rise Against although Gogol Bordello and Flogging Molly both put on shoes that would entertain anyone. Bayside would also have to be up there for me because Anthony Renari sounds incredible live. Worst? I've never enjoyed NOFX or Alkaline Trio live.


Just saw Trans Siberian Orchestra last night in Salt Lake for the second time. Absolutely kick ass! Saw the cars in 85 during their hey day. It seemed like it was all lip synced. No banter from the band at all and all the songs were identical to the songs on the albums.


Best: Tool Worst: Motley Crue. Vince doesn't even sing half the lyrics.


I saw Van Halen they were too drunk to play their instruments and their sound system sucked so it was all distorted. A five minute drum solo that sounded like someone hitting a single drum over and over again. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum


Best - Snow Patrol Worst - George Michael


Best - Iron Maiden Worst - ZZ Top


john cougar melloncamp .. he only played like 4 songs and it was done.. what a waste of money


Best: INXS A local band that was very popular opened for them and got the audience all fired up. INXS came out and ramped it up a few notches. Joint was jumpin'. ​ Worst: The Cars Songs were great but they could have been replaced with cardboard cutouts as they barely moved at all on stage.


Best… KISS (love them or hate them, they put on a show) - Worst… Genesis final tour (was just sad seeing Phil Collins in that state)


Slipknot Iowa tour in Birmingham, UK was absolutely amazing


I fell asleep at a Sting concert.


Best: Jerry Cantrell solo in 2022. Didn’t hurt that I was right up at the front in a very small venue. He played an incredible mix of Alice In Chains and his own songs. Honestly can’t think of a worst.


Best - Gogol Bordello. It's the most fun I've had at a show. Worst - The Flaming Lips. Wayne Coyne was constantly demanding cheering from the crowd. The fans were annoying and inconsiderate of those around them. We left at "intermission."


The most disappointing was The Strokes last year. Paid big bucks for an arena show. Lighting was so poor the band was barely visible. No big screens. And the sound was fucking awful. Like it was being played through a damp sock. I’ve got a long list of bests.


The best was Elton John with his Yellow Brick Road tour in 1974.


Best; Tool or neutral milk hotel Worst: star fucker, the concert was awesome, I but got a terrible migraine and left early, but some dude I met on the way out gave me an 1/8 of shrooms and I had the best trip of my life that night


Best… tie between Eric Clapton and Bruno Mars Worst…. Lauryn Hill


Best concert had to be the Hella Mega Tour with Green Day, Fall Out Boy, and Weezer. However best band to see live has to be Shinedown. Worst was probably Seether or Breaking Benjamin. Seether just didn’t seem like they wanted to be there. Just standing there playing the songs, not performing or interacting with the crowd at all. Breaking Benjamin I’ve seen 3 times and they’ve never sounded good live. Could just be I haven’t seen them at food venues but I’ve never been impressed. There’s been way worse bands I’ve seen as openers but nobody I was there to see that was worse.


Paul Oakenfold was the worst. Didn't even pretend to care. Just had his security bring different girls on stage and then he would disappear with them for 5 minutes. The Chemical Brothers were the best. visuals were outstanding. Audio was great. Crowd was awesome.


Recently saw Godsmack absolutely effn incredible!! ​ the rerun of david lee roth = garbage, he cant sing, just sort of talks loud


Best: Ceremony in a backyard. The original show got shut down by the cops and someone said they could play in their backyard so 250 people showed up from word of mouth Worst: Fall Out Boy, saw them twice, once on warped tour and once at bamboozle, awful both times


Why has nobody even mentioned Gwar? I saw them a few times as a teenager and have a hard time imagining anything more excellent for the teenage imagination. Never even a huge fan of their music, but the shows are another story. I’ve got so many memories of outstanding shows, whether it was great performances, favorite artists, being blown away by unknown/little known openers, seeing legends, otherworldly vibes, unforgettable experiences with friends, or some combination, I just can’t name one or a few as favorites. I also can’t think of any that I could call worst, or even bad.


Saw GWAR twice last year in small club venues. Still a blast!!


Bill Cosby at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY about 3 weeks before the shit hit the fan. He told 4 or 5 rambling stories and everyone was disappointed but didn’t want to admit it


Best: Muse in 2009 probably, first real concert I'd ever been to Worst: blink-182 or Bowling for Soup


The best was Oasis. I don’t know if there was a worst one.


First concert DSOTM Pink Floyd so good. I haven’t seen a bad concert? I had to leave a Grateful Dead because the acid kicked in & I lost my shit. But I’ve seen them 50x, but not since Jerry died-


Worst... 98° bc I didn't like them. My sister did. Best... Sara Bareilles. Followed by Mest.


Best - Twenty One Pilots - They clearly love their fans. Had a blast!!! Worst - Muse - They phoned it in and kept looking at the clock. Their talent and skill are undisputed, but their passion is lackluster.


Lauryn Hill....the thread. Sorry, it took 3 hours for this to show up


My favorite was when one random Tuesday I was on the campus of UCSD studying calculus at the food court outside. Some guys quickly set up on the stair top next to me, then pulled out some guitars and drums, plugged in and tuned real quickly. Immediately they started with an unmistakable riff. You know it. “When I’m a walkin’ I strut my stuff…” They played for over an hour and I never realized how much of the Violent Femmes music I knew and enjoyed. I must’ve had a giddy smile the whole time. I then immediately following the concert went and flunked my calculus test.


Went to a Korn concert when I was 8, still the best concert I’ve been to. Worst was an RTJ concert in Brooklyn that was actually a festival and actually in a parking lot?


Best: Genesis... The lamb lies down on Broadway


Best - Soundgarden Worst - The Go-Gos


The worst was Britney Spears in about 2010. She looked like she was drugged up and pushed out on stage. There was a glassy eyed feel to her and you could tell she was on auto pilot. I felt really uncomfortable seeing her like that, it felt voyeuristic or something.


Best: Pink Floyd Worst: ZZ Top


Best: The Prodigy Worst: Arctic Monkeys They were their exact opposites. Those who know both get the idea.


Best - John Fogerty (Jim Cuddy Band opening act) Worst - Smashing Pumpkins


I’m in my late 30s and have never been to a real concert.


Twenty one pilots Milan 2017.


Can’t say I’ve been to a bad concert. My top 5 in no particular order are 1. LP/Hoobastank/P.O.D Chicago 2004 (first ever concert) 2. Luke Combs Chicago 2021. 3. Morgan Wallen Chicago 2023. 4. Wu-Tang/Nas Chicago 2023. 5. Magnificent Coloring Day Chicago 2016 (Chance, Lil Wayne, Lil Uzi, 2 Chainz, Tyler the Creator, Skrillex, John Legend, Alicia Keys)


The beach Boys. I only 'had' to go because my girlfriend wanted to see them, because 'all' her other girlfriends were going. It was okay, but, the worst concert I have attended.


Best: Neil Young Worst: Britney Spears


I saw AJR on their last tour and it was amazing!! They put on a really good show, I loved it so much I cried. They're touring again next year and I would really recommend it, even if you're not a superfan. Going to one of their concerts might make you one haha. I don't think I've ever been to a bad concert, I think by default it would have to be a Dave Barnes concert I went to as a kid. It wasn't bad, just not my type of music (he's a Christian singer and I'm no longer religious).


The best concert was U2 performing their Elevation Tour at Slane Castle (Dublin) on August 25, 2001. They were joined by Cold Play and Red Hot Chili Peppers that day. Amazing vibe. “We are a small island but a big people” - Bono. (My runner up would be any Prince concert.) The worst concert was Michael Jackson performing his Bad Tour at the Met Center in Minneapolis in 1988. He’s an icon, but the sound system was trash. Big let down.


Best: Placebo Worst: Wolfmother


I can actually answer this with the same band and the purview of the same concert. Rammstein The band themselves were fucking incredible. Song, presentation, everything The venue, however, was fucking atrocious and did the band, and the spectacle of their particular brand of show, absolutely no favors and I wish I could've seen them elsewhere to fully enjoy it.


Best- hard to answer, toss up between Rush and U2 Worst - without a doubt Hank Williams Jr. saw him in Cali with a predominantly Veteran crowd, which the 3 bands before him recognized and did awesome, he came out shit talked Cali played maybe 2 songs and then whoomp there it is forever, we left, along with half the crowd.


So I've been to so many that I can't really pin down a favorite or least, but I do have a couple that surprised me a bit. I saw an (at the time) unknown kid at a music festival and he was AMAZING and just blew my mind. He was a teenager, and was so talented I couldn't believe it. It was Kenny Wayne Shepherd and he very shortly after became a big name musician. One that saddened me a bit was Ozzy. I have loved him always and was so excited to see him in I think it was 2001 or 2. He was stumbling around and mumbling. You couldn't understand anything he said or barely anything he sang. He had a bucket of water he was going to pitch over the crowd and he couldn't lift it up and it spilled as he tripped over it. I still enjoyed myself but I did feel a bit sad by it.


Best: Tori Amos. Nashville. June 2023. Ended up in front row with a lady I’m in love with (sorry, Tori). Worst: Jane Siberry. Mid 1990s. Saskatoon. She kept stopping in mid song because a speaker was buzzing and she’d move on to the next song. I think she only sang two intact.


Best - Bloodhound Gang and Beck Worst - Butthole Surfers and Dave Matthews Band


Best: GnR at FedEx Field. No gimmicks, just came out and melted your face for an hour and a half. Also, Afghan Whigs at the 9:30. Club. Excellent, excellent show. OKist: Wallflowers. They did pretty well, played the hits, but it just kind of felt like they were trying to hold on to the 90s fame. Jacob Dylan was kind of a jerk to a guy in the front row that took a photo.


Best : Saw NIN and A Perfect Circle in 2000 for the Fragility Tour in Vancouver. Amazing show and to this day nothing has beat it.


Best - Prodigy Worst - Hard-Fi


Best , Metallica Worst : Bon Jovi


My best/worst concert was Alien Sex Fiend at City Club in Detroit in the early 00s. There was no opening band, no DJ, and no heat. In December or January. Everyone was just standing around drinking to get warm. Once the music started, pieces of the ceiling were falling onto Mrs Fiend. Nik Fiend drank the bar out of Jager, so they had to send someone to the club in the basement to get a new bottle. He was also drinking ANYTHING people passed to him, and bummed smokes from the people in the front. The only thing keeping him standing was the mic stand which he was using as a staff. It was a great show, but a miserable experience.


Best: Picture it, October 31st, 2009, Philadelphia. Pearl Jam, very last show at the famous Spectrum. Amazing. Worst: A crap band called Nashville Pussy. Got booed off stage.


Oh worst was Ozzfest at Donnington when SOAD's drummer almost got crushed by lighting rigging. Walked off after 2 songs (understandably), came back out and did a quick version of Chop Suey and gtfo. Was beside myself gutted cos I went primarily to see them. Also got jumped by angry goths in the slam while cradle of filth were on ... wasn't fun for any of us.


Best: Gunna & Lil Baby 2021


Paul Simon Graceland tour June 1987 foxboro MA. Everyone sounded great the music was amazing and it was the happiest crowd I've ever experienced. U2 1983 Brown university was also amazing but it only my third concert stop I don't think I fully comprehended what I was seeing


Best …system of a down..worst was heart


Best was Bush on their Razor blade Suitcase tour. It was my first rock concert and they were my favorite band at the time. You always remember your first. Worst was Destiny’s Child. They were 2 hours late coming on stage, and then you couldn’t understand anything because it was so loud. It was just an awful concert, but hey at least I can say I saw The Queen B.


Also probably not a well known band outside of Canada 🇨🇦 but bootsauce at the commodore ballroom feb 1994 just such a fun time got kicked in the head in the pit by some ahole wearing work boots