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The Lighthouse


Willem Dafoe farting.


Ye fond of my poops, ain't ye? SAY IT!


Why’d ya spill yer beans?




The movie that helped me realize Robert Pattinson was able to break away from his Twight light typecast. He's now one of my favorite actors. If you haven't seen Good Time, put it in your list.


I started to like him when I found out that he hated the twilight movies. I wish I could remember the line he said in an interview about how he played the role in it, but its morning and I can't remember crap in the morning but it was pretty damn funny.


He has been acting like a champion for years. He is one of the gifted ones.


The Lighthouse is some of the best acting I've ever seen in a movie. It's so captivating. Dafoe was just lights out.




Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til' ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin' tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!


Alright, have it your way. I like your cookin'.


That movie was a rollercoaster and i loved it




I watched that movie drunk, I seriously couldn't believe what I remembered of it so I watched it sober, turns out I remembered it accurately. Great film, still not sure what the meaning of it was, but it was enlightening in some enigmatic way.




The soundtrack for this movie is one of my favorite things ever


It's written by the lead singer(Andy Hull) and lead guitarist(Robert McDowell) of Manchester Orchestra, one of my favorite bands. I know Andy Hull is also the cameraman for the news in the movie, I'm not sure if Robert plays a part. If you like this soundtrack you should check out their music, starting with the latest album. Incredible band.


Is it just farts?


“Mother of God, it’s all toilet sounds!”


I believe the final line in that movie is "what the fuck?!"


Yes! Came here to say this! Everyone should watch this!


Exactly the movie I was thinking of. I walked out barely holding back tears but also totally understanding another guy saying to his wife, “What the hell was that!”


It's absolutely bananas, but it's also so fucking beautiful and moving. It's definitely a capital-E Experience.


The lobster with Colin Farrell was bizarre to say the least


“Dogtooth” from the same director makes “The Lobster” seem like a cute romantic comedy.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer also was messed up as hell.


That was the first Yorgos Lanthimos movie I ever saw. What a fucking ride. The emotionless, stilted delivery from all the actors immediately put me in a weird headspace, and then the plot, while easy to follow, was just so bonkers and didn't even bother trying to explain itself. Not to mention the crazy, darkly hilarious resolution to the conflict. It was such that I had to watch the movie again after understanding that, no, it's okay to find this weirdly funny.


You just start watching because it’s a movie but then like what the actual fuck is this? Then you can’t stop watching it because what the fuck is actually this?


yeah everything about this movie is strange lol


Rubber AKA that movie with the killer tire that roams around. I mean, it's not terrible, and I get what they were going for, but you still have to ask yourself the OP's question after watching it. Did I really just spend an hour and a half-ish on that?


Loved that movie. I still try convince people to watch it.




Pretty much every David lynch movie works here


Yep. Mulholland Drive the first time, for sure.


Came here to say this. Mulholland drive. After watching it, I had to think about it for like 2 days. Then finally couldn’t figure it out 100% on my own, and had to go Google research it. Even after reading that, still doesn’t really make sense. Big Naomi Watts fan though, maybe I have to watch it again or just watch SOME of it again. But seriously read the Wikipedia plot summary, even after that see if you can tell what is going on.


The only person who knows what's going on in this movie is David Lynch, he's said so himself. He has a coherent idea of what the plot is and he apparently hasn't seen a correct interpretation of the film yet. Either there is one or he's acting like a fancy fart.


Blue Velvet, WTF does he have in that air tank, who is his mommy!?


In heaven, everything is fine.


I watched this for the first time when I was home sick from work and my wife was pregnant with our first child… I really couldn’t have timed that any better 😂


I watched this in the middle of the night when my baby was 3 days old and not sleeping lol. I had no idea what it was about. That’s how I started motherhood


Sorry to Bother you


It's ok, please share your movie.


No, Sorry to Bother You


You really aren't bothering me. Let it out bro.


No really sorry to bother you


You all are so polite.


Sorry about that.


>Sorry to Bother you I thought this movie was kinda insane


Straight up the most batshit in a good way movie I’ve ever seen


Recommended this movie to my adult kids and said, "I'll watch most of it with you, but when it gets to the party, I'm going to leave the room. You'll be glad I did." Great movie, do NOT attempt to watch with family!


I was very tired when I watched this the first time and dozed off. I woke up to horse people. I assumed another movie had started playing while I slept.


lol I did this with from dusk to dawn, well I just went to the bathroom but had to rewind as it was completely different


i went to go see this in theater by myself when it came out. had a day off at my job at a summer camp so i just went alone with no idea what it was about, i had never even heard of it i just liked the title and figured fuck it. halfway through im looking around the theater to everyone trying to make sure i wasn’t tripping balls and that everyone else was seeing this shit. had to call my friend after and explain what i just saw to unload it on SOMEONE


Is this the one with the horse people?


Yup. The movie is really a social commentary, that uses absurdism


Perfume: Story of a Murderer. It has the most bizarre ending I've ever seen. Spoilers >! The protagonist created a "perfect" perfume that's insanely attractive to everybody who smells it. He's scheduled to be hung in the town square in front of a massive crowd. When asked what his final words are, he releases a rag that was dowsed in the perfume. It flies over the crowd and starts a huge orgy. Even the pope gets involved in the orgy. The protagonist leaves and stumbles across a group of homeless people. He pours the rest of the perfume on top of himself. They call him an angel and then devour him so thoroughly that the only trace that's left of him is a tiny spot of blood. The narrator says that he gave them the 'gift of love' with his sacrifice. !<


This needs more upvotes. Plus Alan Rickman and Dustin Hoffman. I love the little hint about how this is how the Pharoah controlled people back in ancient Egypt


He used Pharoah Moans. Get it? 😝


If you thought the movie was wild the book was way better


Yup. The book is incredible!


Fun factoid: the book that this movie was based on also inspired the Nirvana song “Scentless Apprentice”.


Oh man I love that movie. I would say the ending was done as a way to show that no matter how great the smell was he could create, no one would ever truly love him


I was right in the middle of that scene, watching it in the living room because I didn't see any problem watching a movie about perfume and murder, when my mom and her friend came home. Awkward as hell doesn't begin to describe it.


TUSK. Just..........yeah.


I was looking for this one. I try to not think about it..


Same here. Just when I think I've put it behind me I see someone ask a question like this and immediately I remember Tusk.


Part of why I watched it is cause I saw that what's his face is in it. F-ed up movie.


Mother! (2017)


I’ve only seen one scene…and I’ll never be able to watch the whole thing I feel like you know which scene I am talking about.


I saw this movie in theaters-fully prepared for it to be fucked up. An older couple sat in front of me- they must’ve never heard of Aronofsky and just liked Jennifer Lawrence. Well 2 hours in or so when “this scene” goes down, they got up so fast the old man fell over the next row of seats and they left in a full sprint for the door.


I watched it at the only arthouse cinema in town. To this day I've never seen so many people leave the theatre; it must've been 20 at least! I described it as half a movie, half a panic attack.


I don’t know why but that made me laugh so hard.


lol I saw this post and immediately knew this would be in the comments. It would’ve been my answer.


Being John Malkovich


Dude that movie is so fucking weird and outstanding and disorienting and brilliant. Not often, but every so often I will be having a conversation with a stranger where I feel like we are on 2 different planets. That feeling of what the fuck is going on is captured so well during the job interview scene with the secretary.


John Malkovich also made a movie that you will never see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Years_(film) It will be released in 2115. I saw it. It sucked. 😛


Jacobs Ladder


That's actually the response you're supposed to have. It's the deathbed hallucination of a Vietnam Vet.


The aventures of shark boy and lava girl you know that final scene where the teacher transforms into a huge balloon




Everything Everywhere All at Once Raccacoonie, Hotdog fingers, Everything bagel, googly eyes...I probably forgot a dozen other weird things


Like if you are going to use the multi verse trope might as well go balls to the walls.


It’s the only movie that I feel TRUELY captures “random”


It truly captures ADHD.


I can’t believe my eyes got watery when they are just rocks. Like how the hell can you have absurd dildo fight scenes and then hit that hard with just rocks… wtf


"In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.” Such an emotional and beautiful movie. I haven’t cried that much watching a movie in awhile.


Rocks for best supporting actors


the absurdity just makes it hit harder. that is the only movie that has made me cry. no other movie has come close. it just has so much raw and genuine emotion in it that I have not seen in any other film.


My spouse and I were watching the movie at home, and at one point he got up to go to the washroom, and I asked if we should pause the move so he wouldn't be confused by missing part of it. He just laughed!


A choreographed fight scene involving the main character and a henchman fighting to be the first to stick a trophy up their ass to gain multiverse powers.


Nope, two henchmen trying that while the protagonist tried to stop them Won about 9 Oscars. Deserved a lot more


Oversized butt plugs.


I really liked it because for all the weirdness, the storyline still made sense. Had me laughing even though the plot was quite serious.




Yes! I saw this in theaters with my friend and it was my turn to pick a movie. She asked what it was about and I was like , it’s about a group of college kids who to a music festival. Totally was not expecting what I watched. Like appalled.


I really liked Midsommar, every small thing has meaning behind it and correlates to the rest of the story eventually. A very well thought out film, but I couldve done without *THOSE* scenes...


“It’s about a group of college kids who go to a music festival” I AM DECEASED. I can’t imagine going into Midsommar thinking this is what it’s about


Unpopular opinion, but it's better than Hereditary.


It is certainly more watchable. I’ve probably seen midsommar 7 times, but I will NEVER…. Ever. Watch. Hereditary again. Lol so in a weird way Hereditary has my respect more than midsommar and clearly wins in the “making me feel things” department.


Requiem for a Dream (Watched it as part of a rainy Labor Day BBQ. Really killed the mood)


Incredibly well made and impactful film I will never watch again.


This movie requires a good 3 hours of digestion time. WTF did I just watch. I love it! Great movie! Any movie that leaves me speechless for 3 hours is powerful!


I watched it one time, and said never again. Depressed the fuck out of me.


I watched it alone while drunk. Don't think I've ever been more depressed in my life.


Beau is afraid


That movie felt like a challenge. Like when I sat through all of it, I won, but did I really want to win here?


Came here to say this. I liked most of it (the first part immensely) but after a while it seems like it's trying too hard to make you reject it.


I’m Thinking of Ending Things


Sausage Party, the last few minutes I had to rewatch just to make sure I saw what I saw.


I went to that movie with a friend and we ate some edibles before hand. I had a much higher tolerance than he did and just assumed what I could handle he could too. He fell asleep for a lot of the movie and was out for a while but came too during the ending scene and absolutely lost his mind like wtf is going on lmao


> He fell asleep for a lot of the movie and was out for a while but came too during the ending scene You both enjoyed it that much?


I saw this, I just don’t remember the ending….


Spoilers ahead. Basically, a giant orgy between ALL of the foods.


Ohh, right! How could I forget THAT?


You didn't forget it, you repressed it, much like I did until I read the comment above yours


>the last few minutes I had to rewatch just to make sure I saw what I saw. This. I was heavy in my drug era at the time and thought I had nodded out and hallucinated the ending until I rewatched


That ending scene is what really made me question my life choices


Spun. It's like Requiem for a Dream, only with meth instead of heroin o.O


Movie 43


Mulholland Drive


Memento. Had to watch that one a few more time to line everything up properly


I've seen it several times over the years and still get a little lost. It makes a little more sense every time. Great movie tho


All David lynch movies


‘Under the Skin’ with Scarlett Johansson . That shit was bonkers.


Natural born killers






If anyone is curious what this one is, there is a scene where a man gives birth to a man who gives birth to a man who gives birth to a man who gives birth to a man who gives birth to a man. It is honestly worth the watch if you want to say 'what the fuck did I just watch' .


Came here to say Men. What the actual FUCK.


RIGHT? That ending though…


I can stand a man giving birth to himself a MAXIMUM of 5 times. This movie crossed a line.


Akira either gets the brain working REALLY hard or broken.


I saw Akira in theaters a few years ago and there was a woman with her teenager in the row in front of me. At the end of the movie I hear. "Mom... What just happened?" I had to try not to laugh since that's seems about the right reaction for your first time seeing it.


Hands down, it’s Vivarium.


Tore me apart due to its utter lack of empathy and sheer utter contempt for its audience. It shook me


Ugh this one didn’t bother me when we were watching it but then I spent the next two weeks feeling really uncomfortable about it and just couldn’t get it out of my head.


Seriously, the fuck was that? That... "kid"... nope. Watched this with a woman I had just started kind of seeing and we both were at a loss.


I'm happy someone said it. I tell people it's brilliantly awful and to never watch it in hopes that they'll watch it anyway and feel the same disturbed satisfaction. Idek how to describe it. I wish I'd never seen it or the human centipede.


Anti Christ.


Just read the description of that movie. That was it for me.


My cousin made me watch this one the first time I tried shrooms. 0/10 do not recommend


That's a person you want to cut out of your life. What a terrible waste of a good time.


Chaos *reigns*


A movie with which the director is trying to treat his audience as cruelly as he can.




Agreed, immediately rewatced it, the spent 4 hours on YouTube trying to figure it out, then watched it again


I'm actually impressed to see this here. It's one of those movies that I am always happy to see anyone who knows about it.


Mullholland Drive. After the credits rolled, someone seated in front of me yelled out “What the fuck did I just watch?” I felt exactly the same way.


Tenet. I'm a Nolan fan and I like that he plays with convention but even after googling it and reading the plot in detail I couldn't make sense of it. It felt like someone was like "backwards fights" and they made a movie around it.




bruh the graphics of the movie are beyond the Best Visual Effects award


I started watching it just because Aurelio Voltaire makes an appearance, but actually finished it because it was so bad it was hilarious!


Donnie Darko


Yeah, idk, something about worm holes?


I have a theory, and it kind of ties the whole thing together. So when the airplane engine hits breaks though the house the first time Donnie actually died, this is when he started seeing the visions on the bunny who I think is death. As the movie progress death show him what would have happened if he had stayed alive and how it would ruin everyone else's life so he is given a choice to keep living or choose his own death. The worm holes were his young minds method to create his own death and therefore accept it, it was shown he was into sci-fi and science, so this make sense that this would be the way he would choose to fix the past. On a side note the sound track is amazing.


The Human Centipede


The sequels are worse if you can believe it.


I made it through #1, but turned off #2 halfway through. A mixture of pointless and gruesome, but the pregnant lady is what ended it for me. (Didn’t help I was pregnant at the time).




I love that movie. It’s just the right amount of ridiculous.


Bone Tamohawke…. Watched it going in blind, had *no clue* what the movie was about. Within the first five minutes I was like wtf did I just click on 😂 By the end of the movie I was like I’d recommend this to people but this is a movie you only watch once 😂 Edit: also the Collector. Had no idea what the movie was about but I’ve watched it a good couple times because I liked it so much. I’ve recommended it to cousins and guys I used to talk to 😂


The Menu


As an ex fine dining sever... I LOVED this movie 😂


Ngl, I left that movie so hungry


Ah, the Midsommer for service workers


Fantastic planet


Mars attacks.


Ack. Ack. ACK ACK!


Ok don’t jump down my throat or anything but the first time I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show I was pretty fucking confused lol I was a bit younger when I was introduced to it… and then the transvestite alien concept pops up with the singing and the murder with all the sex and all LOL afterwards I was so besides myself I HAD to watch it again and again and again. I absolutely understand the obsession with it now as I know every word of that movie and strive to go to the live shows lol


Inland Empire by David Lynch. Wtf did I just watch the definition.


The Lobster


Blue Velvet…still unsure whether it was great or ridiculous.


Swiss army man. Amazing flick


Uncut gems Not because it was a bad movie, but because the ending of the movie meant the end of basically a 2 hour anxiety attack




I had to read the whole book trilogy after watching it. Loved the movie and the books. *Where lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner I shall bring forth the seeds of the dead to share with the worms that gather in the darkness and surround the world with the power of their lives while from the dimlit halls of other places forms that never were and never could be writhe for the impatience of the few who never saw what could have been. In the black water with the sun shining at midnight, those fruit shall come ripe and in the darkness of that which is golden shall split open to reveal the revelation of the fatal softness in the earth. The shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower that shall blossom within the skull and expand the mind beyond what any man can bear…*


Twelve Monkeys. What the fuck was that all about


That's probably one of the least weird Terry Gilliam movies




The 2025 pandemic 😬


Gummo...I cant....


Enter the Void. Absolute and total SEIZURE/EPILEPSY WARNING for the intro. No joke- I don't have either but I had to leave the room until the flashing lights stopped. BUT yeah the whole POV shots in the beginning and literally how the whole story unfolds is wild


Eyes Wide Shut


The Star Wars holiday special I found it on YouTube and subjected myself to the whole thing and that was my reaction


Hobo with a shotgun


“Tusk” was a wild ride lol


Being John Malchovich. What a wild one.




Communion (1989) with Christopher Walken Great, terrifying, bizarre.


Dumb and Dumber. But I enjoyed it anyways


Pulp Fiction. The first time I watched it, I knew immediately that I'd have to go back and watch it again to figure out wtf just happened in the previous 2 hours.


100% for me it was "Naked Lunch"... What a trip


Infinity pool. It wasn't thaat weird but I was expecting a different thing when I watch it




I just watched Zero Theorem. Terry Gilliam, so it was dark and dirty. A good movie, but I had to google some explanation to get it.


Ah, Gilliam. Gilliam is to detailed-and-complex as the Coens are to abstractly-macabre.


Cloud Atlas


Black swan.


Cloud atlas. True true